Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956
Tale Ognenovski (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски) (April 27, 1922 – June 19, 2012) was a Macedonian multi-instrumentalist who played clarinet, reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), tin whistle, small bagpipezurna (“zurla”), and drums.   Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical clarinet concerto entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”... Labels: MRT ( Macedonian Radio-Television) Republic of Macedonia PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia IR, Independent Records, USA.  31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, YouTube Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian).  Risto Ognenovski (1874 – 1922; Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски; his father was Ognen and his mother was Pauna (Nationality: Macedonian) and Marija Gjorgjievska (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian). Марија Ѓорѓиевска; her father was Apostol (Nationality: Macedonian) and her mother was Petra (Nationality; Macedonian) were married in the church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Orthodox_Church_-_Ohrid_Archbishopric) of St. Demetrius in the village of Brusnik, Bitola (then part of the Ottoman state) on January 21, 1896. (Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски и Марија Ѓорѓиевска беа венчани во храмот на Македонската православна црква Свети Димитрија во село Брусник, Битола (тогаш во составот на Отоманската држава) на 21 јануари 1896 година.)
Tale Ognenovski married Nevena Daskalovska (Nationality: Macedonian) on September 12, 1947. Their only son Stevan Ognenovski (Nationality: Macedonian) was born on September 9, 1948. Nevena Ognenovska (maiden name Daskalovska)'s parents were father Vangel
(Nationality: Macedonian) and mother Marija (Nationality: Macedonian). (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски се ожени со Невена Даскаловска на 12 септември 1947 година. Единствениот нивни син Стеван Огненовски (националност Македонец) се роди на 9 септември 1948 година. Родители на Невена Огненовска (моминско презиме Даскаловска)  и беа татко и Вангел (националност Македонец) и мајка и Марија (националност Македонка)). Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska was the main source of his strength and motivation. She had supported his great music career. She died in 1972. He dedicated two of his compositions to her, and gave her name Nevena to the Macedonian folk dance “Nevenino oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski, and available on the LP and cassette entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist, plays Macedonian dances (Croatian: ”Tale Ognenovski klarinet svira ora”), with the respective reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321, and produced by Jugoton, Croatia in 1975; also, the record “Macedonian folk dances played on clarinet by Tale Ognenovski (Croatian: ”MAKEDONSKA ORA svira na klarineti Tale Ognenovski”) accompanied by his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-3851, and produced by Jugoton in 1967, and “Nevenino Lavchansko oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and recorded on magnetic tape by Macedonian Radio Television in 1983.
Tale Ognenovski music styles include Macedonian folk dances, classical music and jazz.  He was bandleader of the Tale Ognenovski Orchestra.

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003. 
Tale Ognenovski was awarded the "October 11" award, the highest state award in the Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003.
"October 11" awards were presented in the ceremonial hall of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia yesterday. This year's laureates of this highest state award are: Tale Ognenovski… in the field of culture and art. The ceremony took place in the presence of prominent representatives of political and cultural life in the country… " - Article entitled: "The highest state awards presented in the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia  October 11 is an inexhaustible source for creators", Written by N.P., newspaper “Utrinski Vesnik”, October 12, 2003, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
 (Macedonian: На Тале Огненовски му беше врачена наградата "11 Октомври", највисоко  државно признание во Република Македонија на 11 октомври 2003 година "Во свечената сала на Собранието на Република Македонија вчера беа врачени наградите "11 Октомври". Годинашните лауреати на ова највисоко државно признание се:, Тале Огненовски,  од областа на културата и уметноста …  Свеченоста се одвиваше во присуство на истакнати претставници на политичкиот и културниот живот во земјава… "  -  Напис под наслов: “Во Собранието на Македонија врачени највисоките државни признанија 11 Октомври е непресушен извор за творците”, Напишано од Н.П., 12 октомври,  2003 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).  https://web.archive.org/web/20090416033130/http://star.utrinski.com.mk/?pBroj=1294&stID=7431&pR=2

Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. For this Carnegie Hall concert The New York Times music critic John Martin for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956, wrote two articles: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill",  published on January 28, 1956, and "The Dance: Folk Art; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events", published on February 5, 1956.

The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skillhttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ( https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ) , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.  

Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and for clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) player Tale Ognenovski, " The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Artist Biography of Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503       https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503        http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

Tale Ognenovski – Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Тале Огненовски — Википедија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски

Books by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: "TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER, BIOGRAPHY AND MUSIC NOTATION OF 69 CLARINET COMPOSITIONS: MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES, JAZZ AND CLASSICAL MUSIC" by Stevan Ognenovski (Author) Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds
Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book


Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex
Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author).
Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books



Google Books Bibliographic information about this book




Tale Ognenovski on Apple Music iTunes

Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-clarinet-concerto-in/id1105858650
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed/id289186198
MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet/id192549491
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances/id4691673

Tale Ognenovski Physical Audio CD on Amazon.com: Online Shopping
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000Y8HXS/qid=1068816978/sr=8-4/ref=sr_8_4/104-9748987-8087112?v=glance&s=music&n=507846
MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski


MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 albums downloads/streaming on Amazon.com: Online Shopping
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski


Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski https://www.amazon.com/Macedonian-Clarinet-Jazz-Composed-Ognenovski/dp/B003KZCVUE/ref=sr_1_3?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1476362829&sr=1-3-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0&keywords=Tale+Ognenovski
"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos"


"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"


Tale  Ognenovski Digital MP3 Album:Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski: Online Shopping



YouTube Music


YouTube Music

Tale Ognenovski Macedonian multi-instrumentalist Available on YouTube Music     https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC_ur0LiuPwdYHz_AG8xiZZQ

Tale Ognenovski, Available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6JJRDldnQ27PAXpkyujIwS

YouTube video: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video entitledTale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski/Signed_Articles/Stevan_Ognenovski

Biography of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/User:Stevan_Ognenovski

Landing Pages for four Albums and Tracks of Tale Ognenovski with smartURL’s.  Choose your preferred music services: YouTube, Amazon Music Unlimited, iTunes, Spotify, IheartRADIO…

Album title:
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”   


Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1

(composer. Tale Ognenovski)



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 5

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Brusnichko oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Nevenino oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Bukovsko svadbarsko oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Talevo kasapsko oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Stevchevo oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Sharsko oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1

composer Tale Ognenovski)



On this CD Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla"). Accompanying him are members of his Orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski drum ("tapan") - all tracks and reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9 and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9) and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9).   Tale Ognenovski’s compositions of Macedonian folk dances is a display of imaginative power, a colourful, almost romantic emotion, and sensitive feeling. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1” is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom. This US CD-album is confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity, and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music. 
Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments, "Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." - CD Review entitled:  ”Tale OGNENOVSKI (b.1922) Musical genius: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music

http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2003/Nov03/Ognenovski.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20190817222410/http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2003/Nov03/Ognenovski.htm

Amazon.com Audio CD Customer Reviews:
World-class Jazz Compositions & Traditional Macedonian Folk, April 24, 2004 If the traditional music of the Balkans appeals to you and you like improvisational jazz ... this CD will blow you away. Music of the Balkans and Central Europe has been hidden too long ... The region has been a fertile soil for exciting, astonishing, experimental music which in modern times combines with traditional music that is creative, original and altogether very satisfying. Tale Ognenovski has over 45 years of experience creating music on the clarinet, the main instrument on which he demonstrates technical expertise and artistry. His musical innovations and improvisations shine on this magnificent CD proving great music has no borders or politics. The traditional Macedonian folk tunes and melodies, "Brusnichko Oro", "Nevenino Oro, "Bukovsko svadbarski oro", and "Talevo kasapsko oro" are my favorites because the minor scale and unusual rhythms allow for highly fluid and lyrical melodic interpretation… “ - Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2004 by Erika Borsos

Listen to the unique Macedonian folk dances, Classical and Jazz Music of one of the most innovative and important figures in the Musical World History.
2001 Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski.   Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.  CD "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) is available on Amazon.com, iTunes, …


Album title:
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski”    


Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 2 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 3 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 4



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 5



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 9 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.10



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.11



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.12



Sensational clarinet jazz music. CD “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever… Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted…”

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2009-04-27)

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist”  (Posted: September 27, 2008)   


"The new album of the Macedonian clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski, released on September 1 this year, simply titled "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski", receives excellent reviews from the foreign press, and special attention is paid to the famous website "All About Jazz". Tale Ognenovski appears as author, composer and arranger of all 12 compositions present on the album, which was released for "Independent Records "from USA produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, and distributed by "The Orchard". This third Ognenovski's CD is a sequel to his previous two albums entitled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of Mozart's clarinet concert for two clarinets). on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. On the new album Ognenovski also performs with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder) , zurla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum and his grandchildren Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. In the review of Tale Ognenovski's work, "All About Jazz" writes, among other things: "Tale Ognenovski is known in the world for his virtuoso performance. Ognenovski and his quartet offer sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian clarinet jazz composed by Tale Ognenovski will be phenomenal. Various phrases, spectacular solo performances of clarinet, which are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and admire. Every part of the album is rhythmically complex. The research of Macedonian musical traditions with jazz sensibility is extraordinary. The sound is simply phenomenal ... " "An article entitled: "The new CD of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski rated as phenomenal ", Written by Tina Ivanova, newspaper "Utrinski Vesnik", number 2803, October 4, 2008, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski (Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Personnel: Tale Ognenovski (clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, drum); Stevan Ognenovski (reed pipe, drum); Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe); Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe). 

Stevan Ognenovski and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe the  parts of tracks on this  Audio CDs (tracks - Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7).
Digital Music Audio CD entitled:Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovskiis another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world”.   

2008 Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski. Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.

CD “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  are available on Amazon.com, iTunes



Album title:
Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos”   



Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro  

(Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)



Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio  

(Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)



Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro  

(Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)



Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  

(Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski)



Performed by Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Track 1,2,3,4), Reed Pipe (Track 4), Small Bagpipe (Track 4), Zourla (Track 4) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Track 1,2,4)
Tale Ognenovski arranged the Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 for two clarinets. The clarinet in standard performance is always accompanied by the Orchestra. In CD Album entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amazon.com Release date: January 24, 2006. Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Härtel edition (Publisher’s no.: Nr. 2300). This Audio CD entitled: with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" with CD “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski performed by Tale Ognenovski” are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski). Such perfect synchronization of two clarinets by the performance of two different arrangements (performed by Tale Ognenovski) in recording concert of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” is unique in the world. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1” is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom.

Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” and Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” are another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world”. 

 New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”” (Posted: 13/11/2006)   

New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014
 2005 Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski. Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.
CD "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223),  is available on Amazon.com, iTunes,…


Album title:
"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski

CD Album available at:


Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro
Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio
Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro
Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro
Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio
Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro
Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale OgnenovskI



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro
Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio
Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro
Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski


  Performed by Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Tracks: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8). Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski – Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 

"Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska on the base of recording of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. arranged for two clarinets Musical Masterpiece “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled:
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Perhaps these two Audio CDs are unique recordings in the world where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für klarinette und orchester A dur – A major – La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, Printed in Germany. This Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" performed by Tale Ognenovski are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski). Playing the first clarinet with first arrangement and second clarinet with second arrangement that's played simultaneously – by one performer (Tale Ognenovski). In reality these three tracks were made by mixing one audio recording with clarinet performance according the arrangement for first clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) and separate audio recording (performed by Tale Ognenovski) with clarinet performance according the arrangement for second clarinet. It was possible to make a mix of two audio recording with arrangements for the first and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) thanks to the excellent synchronization of performance of the arrangement for the second clarinet by clarinetist Tale Ognenovski while he simultaneously listening to the tape of his performance on the clarinet with the arrangement for the first clarinet. Such perfect synchronization of two clarinets by the performance of two different arrangements (performed by Tale Ognenovski) in recording concert of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” is unique in the world. Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” and Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” are another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world”.  -   mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto” in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…”  
2016 Produced by Stevan Ognenovski. Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.

CD “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) is available on Amazon.com, iTunes, …


AllMusic.com title: “Credits of artist Stevan Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/artist/stevan-ognenovski-mn0002230204

AllMusic.com title: “Discography of artist Tale Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tale-ognenovski-mn0000790778

AllMusic.com title: “Track Listing Of CD: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music - Tale Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances-and-classical-music-mw0000331655

AllMusic.com title: “Track Listing Of CD: Mozart, Ognenovski: Clarinet Concertos - Tale Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet-concertos-mw0001946054

mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…” - Article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”” - mi2n (Music Industry News Network), 04-27-2017. 

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223) performed by Tale Ognenovski, one of the most important musicians of all time, titan of the clarinet and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded and which will transcends the centuries.

New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450


New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com published an article entitled,  “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463 https://web.archive.org/web/20071101093526/http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463

Musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another genius of music, Tale Ognenovski, performed as a clarinet and reed pipe (recorder - kavalche”)  soloist folk dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall. Together, he and the other members of the Ensemble ‘Tanec’ appeared at Carnegie Hall in a display of tremendous skill, which was a sheer joy to watch.

Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and
one of the greatest composers of instrumental music in history. Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. He performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…  The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall.   
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  on  TV Programme "OMNIBUS" on January 22, 1956.
Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television ‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 66 concerts in many towns throughout the United States. A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink https://lccn.loc.gov/88705799
 https://web.archive.org/web/20190712110412/https://catalog.loc.gov/vwebv/search?searchCode=LCCN&searchArg=88705799&searchType=1&permalink=y   or on the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS’ Internet Web site, http://catalog.loc.gov with Keyword = Ansambl za narodni igri i pesni Tanec is written: Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; Producer, Robert Saudek. Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22 Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance
 troupe from Macedonia (20 min.)...

During an 84-day journey (January 22, 1956 - April 12, 1956) throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble Tanec arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’.

Life magazine commented: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174.




YouTube Video
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php  (Published: 2009-04-27) https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


  ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)   https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: "TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER, BIOGRAPHY AND MUSIC NOTATION OF 69 CLARINET COMPOSITIONS: MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES, JAZZ AND CLASSICAL MUSIC" by Stevan Ognenovski (Author) Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds

Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book




Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You: My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qvqdG4eSIIA entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”

YouTube Music

Tale Ognenovski Macedonian multi-instrumentalist Available on YouTube Music     https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC_ur0LiuPwdYHz_AG8xiZZQ

Tale Ognenovski, Available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6JJRDldnQ27PAXpkyujIwS
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.
is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA 
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.

In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832),

"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223),

“Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and

"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).

Music from CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” is available on Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223,) performed by Tale Ognenovski, one of the most important musicians of all time, titan of the clarinet and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded and which will transcends the centuries.

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” is available on

Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on

Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” is available on

Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

YouTube Music
Tale Ognenovski Macedonian multi-instrumentalist Available on YouTube Music     https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC_ur0LiuPwdYHz_AG8xiZZQ

Tale Ognenovski, Available on Spotify

Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book


Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled:
by Stevan Ognenovski (Author)
Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Amazon.com eBook

Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



The impossible becomes possible: two, ‘usually non-complimentary’ parallel-existing worlds of sounds – Europe – The Orient – are, in Tale Ognenovski’s music, naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge...” - Dushko Dimitrovski, book (“За Наша Музика / “For Our Music”, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the reed pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music… Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labyrinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge.  Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика / “Za naša muzika”) ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994, pp. 114-116, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.  Bibliographic information about this Book:   https://www.worldcat.org/title/za-nasa-muzika/oclc/38905194

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski/Signed_Articles/Stevan_Ognenovski

Biography of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/User:Stevan_Ognenovski

  Important Webpages:
CD: “Jazz,  Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music” http://www.taleognenovski.mk/firstcd.html 

CD: “Jazz,  Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music”

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html

Amazon (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

Music Album: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542)
Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments, "Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." - CD Review entitled:  ”Tale OGNENOVSKI (b.1922) Musical genius: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music
Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments, "Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." - CD Review entitled:  ”Tale OGNENOVSKI (b.1922) Musical genius: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music



Amazon.com Audio CD Customer Reviews:
World-class Jazz Compositions & Traditional Macedonian Folk, April 24, 2004 If the traditional music of the Balkans appeals to you and you like improvisational jazz ... this CD will blow you away. Music of the Balkans and Central Europe has been hidden too long ... The region has been a fertile soil for exciting, astonishing, experimental music which in modern times combines with traditional music that is creative, original and altogether very satisfying. Tale Ognenovski has over 45 years of experience creating music on the clarinet, the main instrument on which he demonstrates technical expertise and artistry. His musical innovations and improvisations shine on this magnificent CD proving great music has no borders or politics. The traditional Macedonian folk tunes and melodies, "Brusnichko Oro", "Nevenino Oro, "Bukovsko svadbarski oro", and "Talevo kasapsko oro" are my favorites because the minor scale and unusual rhythms allow for highly fluid and lyrical melodic interpretation… “ - Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2004 by Erika Borsos


"Tale Ognenovski, who has been creating for more than 60 years and is well known to the Macedonian and world public for his virtuosity, released his first album in December last year, entitled "Jazz, Macedonian folk dances and classical music ". The album is recorded in the studio "Promuzika Tra-la-la" in Skopje, and published by the record company "Independent Records" from the USA… affirmation of Macedonian folklore around the world. Accompanying in some of the songs are the members of his orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski, drums, and grandchildren Nikola and Kliment, reed pipe ("kavalche"). The album contains 3 jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances – Brusnichko oro, Nevenino oro, Bukovo svadbarsko oro, Talevo kasapsko oro, Stevchevo oro and Sharsko oro - and a classic composition - "Tale Ognenovski Concert for clarinet No. 1". The author of all the melodies and dances is Ognenovski himself. The compositions abound in temperamental rhythm. but also a strong sound and present the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability for a strong solo range. Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world. He connected oriental and western music and composed more than 150 Macedonian folk dances. Some of his compositions have been recorded on 11 long play plates and cassettes. He has performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, England, Denmark, and many other countries. Everywhere he played, he made a strong impression with his virtuosity, speed of playing and incredible arrangements. With the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in 1956 he performed in the famous "Carnegie Hall" in New York City. After the performances, the newspapers were always full of positive reviews for his performance. This album is just a confirmation that Tale is the greatest clarinetist of all time in the world, who in many areas of music demonstrates unattainable technique, strong inventiveness, stunning improvisational virtuosity and accentuated musical component - "- An article entitled: Last month, the latest album of the famous Macedonian instrumentalist Tale Ognenovski was released, published by the American record label  "Independent Records", written by Sonja Stoilkovska,  Dnevnik newspaper, Jnuary 31,, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
(Macedonian "Тале Огненовски, кој твори повеќе од 60 години, и е добро познат на македонската и на светската јавност по својата виртуозност, во декември минатата година го издаде својот прв албум, насловен како "Џез, македонски ора и класична музика". Албумот е снимен во студиото "Промузика Тра-ла-ла" во Скопје, а го издава дискографската куќа "Индипендент рекордс" од САД…  Овој албум, на кој 80-годишниот Огненовски е солист на кларинет, кавалче, гајда и зурла, многу ќе придонесе за афирмација на македонскиот фолклор низ светот. Како придружба во дел од песните настапуваат членовите на неговиот оркестар: неговиот син Стеван Огненовски, на тапан, и внуците Никола и Климент, на кавалче. На албумот се наоѓаат 3 џез-композиции, 6 македонски народни ора - Брусничко, Невенино, Буково свадбарско, Талево касапско, Стевчево и Шарско оро - и една класична композиција - "Тале Огненовски, Концерт за кларинет бр.1". Автор на сите мелодии и ора е самиот Огненовски. Композициите изобилуваат со темпераментен ритам и силен звук и го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент што има можност за силен солистички опсег. Тале Огненовски спаѓа во редот на најголемите инструменталисти и композитори во светот. Тој ги поврзал ориенталната и западната музика и компонирал повеќе од 150 македонски народни ора. Некои од неговите композиции се снимени на 11 лонг-плеј плочи и касети. Настапувал во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Англија, Данска и во многу други земји. Секаде каде што свирел оставал силен впечаток со својата виртуозност, брзина во свирењето и неверојатните аранжмани. Со „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни "Танец““ во 1956 година настапил во познатата сала "Карнеџи хол" во Њујорк. По настапите, весниците секогаш биле полни со позитивни критики за неговата изведба. Овој албум е само потврда дека Тале е најголемиот кларинетист на сите времиња во светот, кој во многу области на музиката демонстрира недостижна техника, силна инвентивност, запрепастувачка импровизациска виртуозност и нагласена музичка компонентност…"-  Напис под наслов: "НОВ АЛБУМ НА ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ Микс од македонски народни ора и светски џез од стариот мајстор Во минатиот месец излезе најновиот албум на познатиот македонски инструменталист Тале Огненовски, во издание на американската дискографска куќа "Индипендент рекордс"", Напишано од Соња Стоилковска, весник Дневник“, 31 јануари, 202 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).

"The Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is one of the Greatest Instrumentalists and Composers in Word Music…In the new Audio CD, Tale Ognenovski in unique way in Word Music made the connection between Oriental and Western Music…" From an article entitled, “World Music, Fascinate fusion of Classical and Oriental Music“(Macedonian: “Светска музика, фасцинантна фузија на класичнатата и  ориенталната музика“), written by “Sekoj petok” magazine and published on January 25, 2002, Skopje, Republic of MacedoniaThis article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). His Audio CD album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" is confirmation for the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds…  …” From an article entitled, “Virtuoso for the World Books with Macedonian Sign“ (Macedonian: “Виртуоз за светски книги со Македонски предзнак”), written by Greta Odzakova and published  in the newspaper “Vecher” , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on February 2, 2002. 

““Nobody in the world can play clarinet like Tale Ognenovski. His music is incredible. His improvisations and solos are out of this world…”, says Dimce Cvetkovski, the sponsor of the  Album entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”.... Tale Ognenovski's contributions to our and world music are enormous...” From an article entitled, “New Audio CD of Tale Ognenovski – Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music with the clarinet virtuoso... “, written by Tina Ivanova. and published in the newspaper “Utrinski Vesnik ”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on February 8, 2002. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  

”The television programme 'Folk Plus' of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia on February 8, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  The journalist, Vesna Trajchevska said: “The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is Musical Genius and the best instrumentalist in the world. “ Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the clarinet his own composition “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” accompanied by ‘Folk Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television.  Tale Ognenovski said: “My performances on the small bagpipe and zourla on my composition “Sharsko oro” is confirmation that I am the best small bagpiper and zourlist for all time… My solo playing on the clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also arranged the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told me that I am the number one clarinetist…”.

The television programme 'Utrinsko ogledalo' of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia on February 10, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”) accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. The journalist, Sinolichka Dzambazova said: “You are one of the greatest Ambassadors in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms… The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is the best instrumentalist in the world… In their commentaries, the North American press gave  magnificent descriptions of your performance in Carnegie Hall…”.

The journalist and famous singer Suzana Turundzieva,  said: “Tale Ognenovski is greatest virtuoso instrumentalist of all time… He is virtuoso of the clarinet and many wind instruments… Tale Ognenovski and his orchestra demonstrate incredible virtuoso music. The music of Tale Ognenovski takes you to different worlds and different dimensions… Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"  includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski)… The drummer accompaniment of Stevan Ognenovski is appropriate of the different rhythms and sounds wonderfully…  If the God exist, the position of Tale Ognenovski is fellowship with Him….  Tale Ognenovski said: “Thank you very much to ‘Bujoto Marketing’ and to A1 Television for your invitation to me and to my son Stevan Ognenovski and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski for this television programme… My solo playing on the clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) with "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also  arranged  the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist… The New York Times commented that the reed pipe of me, Tale Ognenovski in Carnegie Hall is unforgettable… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Ensemble "Tanec", congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told  me that I am the number one clarinetist…  Thank you very much to other members, folk dancers and musicians of the Ensemble ‘Tanec’  for the magnificent performances during the three-month tour across North America…”. – From the television programme 'Dom i dizajn' of A1 Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 17, 2002, which was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. 

"World music critics have been written that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, an unapproachable technique , a wealth of invention and amazing improvisational virtuosity.” From an article entitled, ““Tale Ognenovski, virtuoso of the clarinet, kaval and zourla - Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music, as a result of 73 Years of Work“,  written by Milica Dzarovska and published in the newspaper “Vest”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on January 28, 2002. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“The  album of the legend of Macedonian music, Tale Ognenovski,   virtuoso soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla")., entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music,”  has been released by record label Independents Records from USA...  His performances on the album are phenomenally…”   From an article entitled, “Music - Tale Ognenovski – Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music“, written by  “Glas” magazine, and published on February 25, 2002 , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”. On December 1952 Tale Ognenovski as  clarinet soloist accompaniment with excellent pianist Nino Cipushev has performed the classical concert  "Concert Polka for Clarinet" by Miler Bela in "Police House" in Skopje with great success…  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце), Republic of Macedonia, on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”, which was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. 

“… remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…  (virtuoso reed pipe ("kavalche") and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski )… The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern," from an article written by John Martin entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill," and published in The New York Times, New York, on January 28, 1956. “…” From an article entitled, "And the muses sleep when Tale Ognenovski perform”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on July 30, 2003. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  

Tale Ognenovski (1922 – 2012) was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian).  Risto Ognenovski (1874 – 1922; Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски; his father was Ognen and his mother was Pauna (Nationality: Macedonian)) and Marija Gjorgjievska (1876 - 1950; Nationality: (Nationality: Macedonian). Марија Ѓорѓиевска; her father was Apostol (Nationality: Macedonian) and her mother was Petra (Nationality; Macedonian)) were married in the church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Orthodox_Church_-_Ohrid_Archbishopric) of St. Demetrius in the village of Brusnik, Bitola (then part of the Ottoman state) on January 21, 1896. (Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски и Марија Ѓорѓиевска беа венчани во храмот на Македонската православна црква Свети Димитрија во село Брусник, Битола (тогаш во составот на Отоманската држава) на 21 јануари 1896 година.)
Tale Ognenovski married Nevena Daskalovska (Nationality: Macedonian) on September 12, 1947. Their only son Stevan Ognenovski (Nationality: Macedonian) was born on September 9, 1948. Nevena Ognenovska (maiden name Daskalovska)'s parents were father Vangel
(Nationality: Macedonian) and mother Marija (Nationality: Macedonian). (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски се ожени со Невена Даскаловска на 12 септември 1947 година. Единствениот нивни син Стеван Огненовски се роди на 9 септември 1948 година. Родители на Невена Огненовска (моминско презиме Даскаловска)  и беа татко и Вангел (националност Македонец) и мајка и Марија (националност Македонка)). Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska was the main source of his strength and motivation. She had supported his great music career. She died in 1972.

http://www.taleognenovski.mk  The Official Website of Tale Ognenovski entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956”

Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian). His music styles include Macedonian folk dances, classical music and jazz.  He was bandleader of the Tale Ognenovski Orchestra.

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical clarinet concerto entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”... 

Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. For this Carnegie Hall concert The New York Times music critic John Martin for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956, wrote two articles: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill",  published on January 28, 1956
"The Dance: Folk Art; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events", published on February 5, 1956.

https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE       .   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html
Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, "The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris.    https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503


"Maestro Tale Ognenovski, especially from the international scene, was rated as one of the greatest cultural ambassadors of Macedonia, and the critics described him as one of the greatest composers in the world of music. He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian dances, a classical concert "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. His works represent the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability to express the highest range in music. Ognenovski's Macedonian dances are performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria. With the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs" Tanec"" he performed on the most famous concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success. His concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York City on January 27, 1956, stands out as the first Macedonian to perform on that stage, and has garnered rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. He has won numerous awards in Yugoslavia and Macedonia, including the October 11, 2003 state award. His album "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski" received exceptional reviews in the foreign press and ethnomusicologist Dushko Dimitrovski in the book "For Our Music" will describe Tale Ognenovski as a miracle, "The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. " - An article entitled: ""Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet, is Died"" – written by Tina Ivanova, , newspaper "Utrinski vesnik",Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 20, 2012.
(Macedonian„Маестро Тале Огненовски, особено од меѓународната сцена, беше оценуван како еден од најголемите културни амбасадори на Македонија, а критиката го опишуваше како еден од најголемите композитори во светот на музиката… Има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски ора, еден класичен концерт „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и повеќе џез-композиции. Неговите дела го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент кој има можност да го изрази највисокиот опсег во музиката… Македонските ора на Огненовски се изведувани во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Велика Британија, Данска, Австрија. Со „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни „Танец““ настапувал на најпознатите концертни сцени во Северна Америка и во Европа со фантастичен успех. Особено се издвојува неговиот концерт во престижната „Карнеги хол“ во Њујорк на 27 јануари 1956 година, како прв Македонец кој настапил на таа сцена, а се здобил и со извонредни оценки од публиката и критиката.  Добитник е на голем број награди во Југославија и во Македонија, меѓу кои и државната „11 Октомври“ во 2003 година. Неговиот албум „Македонски џез-композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“ доби исклучителни рецензии во странскиот печат… Етномузикологот Душко Димитровски во книгата „За наша музика“ ќе го опише Тале Огненовски како чудо, чии звучни светови се хоризонтални. „Европа - ориент, низ музицирањето на Тале Огненовски спонтано се ракуваат, препознаваат и љубат“.-  Напис под наслов: “ПОЧИНА ВИРТУОЗОТ НА КЛАРИНЕТ ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ”, Напишано од Тина Иванова, весник “Утрински весник“, 20 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).

"Tale Ognenovski was known as one of the world's greatest ambassadors of Macedonian music. He has composed and arranged 150 dances, jazz compositions, a classical concert, and even today young musicians learn from his rich opus. Although best known as a clarinetist, he also played bagpipes,  zurna (zurla), and drums. On January 27, 1956, he performed with the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec""  in the prestigious "Carnegie Hall" in New York City, and renowned newspapers such as the "New York Times", "Life", "Los Angeles Times" have published articles about this Macedonian musician. One of the last guardians of our sound. In 2008 he released the album "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski", which received excellent reviews from foreign music critics, including the prestigious media focused on jazz music "All About Jazz". This was his third CD, and he has released "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos". During his career, he was awarded the state award "October 11", and this year he was awarded a national pension.
  - I think that young musicians, especially those who have chosen a wind instrument, should learn from Tale's dance. His performances are an example of how Macedonian music should play on the clarinet. - says the Violinist and director of the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs" Tanec ", Zoran Dzorlev ... The vocalist of" Ljubojna ", Vera Milosevska, says that Ognenovski with all the rich opus behind him can be considered Mozart in Macedonian music. It brought a completely different view of chalgia and folk music, a real turnaround ... Such a person is born once in a lifetime. - An article entitled: "Bard of Macedonian music, is dead. Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet went into the legends" – written by Andrijana Andova, , newspaper "Dnevnik", Republic of Macedonia, June 21, 2012. (Macedonian"Тале Огненовски беше познат како еден од најголемите светски амбасадори на македонската музика. Има компонирано
и аранжирано 150 ора, џез-композиции, еден класичен концерт, а и денес младите музичари учат од неговиот богат опус Иако е најпознат како кларинетист, свирел и на гајда, зурла и на тапан.
На 27 јануари 1956 година со ансамблот на „Танец“ настапил и во престижната „Kарнеги хол“ во Њујорк, а реномирани весници како „Њујорк тајмс“, „Лајф“, „Л.А. тајмс“ имаат објавувано написи за овој македонски музичар. Еден од последните чувари на нашиот звук. Во 2008 година го објави албумот „Македонски џез-композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“, кое доби одлични оценки од странските музички критичари меѓу кои и од престижниот медиум фокусиран на џез-музиката „All About Jazz“. Ова беше негово трето цеде, а ги има издадено и „Џез, македонски народни ора и класична музика“ и „Моцарт и концертите на кларинет за Огненовски“. Во тек на кариера му беше врачена и државната награда „11 Октомври“, а годинава му беше доделена и национална пензија. - Мислам дека младите музичари, особено тие што имаат избрано дувачки инструмент, треба да учат од ората на Тале. Неговите изведби се пример за тоа како треба да свири македонска музика на кларинет. - истакнува Виолинистот и директор на „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни „Танец““, Зоран Џорлев... Вокалот на „Љубојна“, Вера Милошевска, вели дека Огненовски со целиот пребогат опус зад себе може да се смета за Моцарт во македонската музика.  Донесе едно сосема поинакво видување кон чалгијата и кон народната музика, еден вистински пресврт... Таков човек се раѓа еднаш на векови. -  Напис под наслов: “ПОЧИНА БАРДОТ НА МАKЕДОНСKАТА МУЗИKА, ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ ВИРТОУЗОТ НА КЛАРИНЕТ ЗАМИНА ВО ЛЕГЕНДИТЕ”, Напишано од Андријана Андова, весник Дневник, 21 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).


"The clarinet of the Macedonian virtuoso Tale Ognenovski, who was considered one of the greatest cultural ambassadors, of Macedonia was silenced forever. His life story, which began exactly 90 years ago in Bitola, ended after a fruitful nine decades spent in constant search of the perfect sound of the clarinet he ruled sovereignly. In fact, his works represent the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability to express the highest range in music. In addition to this instrument, Ognenovski also played Macedonian traditional instruments: bagpipe, zurla and drum, and he is the author of numerous compositions, mostly for clarinet. He has composed and arranged about 150 Macedonian dances, one classical concert "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. Ognenovski's Macedonian dances have been performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, and Austria. He performed with the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" on the most famous concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success. His concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York on January 27, 1956, stands out as the first Macedonian to perform on stage, receiving rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. As a virtuoso soloist on clarinet in the film "Rhythm and Sound", in 1955 he performed the Macedonian folk dances: "Zhensko chamche", "Beranche" and others, with the Macedonian ensemble of folk dances and songs "Tanec". His recordings for RTV Belgrade, Jugoton, MRT are unique compositions, inspired by Macedonian folk music. He is the author of the notebook collection "Macedonian Dances" published in 1989.
Tale Ognenovski has won numerous awards in the former Yugoslavia and Macedonia, including the state "October 11", which he received in 2003."  - An article entitled: "The clarinet of Tale Ognenovski was silenced forever", newspaper "Nova Makedonija",No. 22612, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 23, 2012.
Засекогаш замолкна кларинетот на македонскиот виртуоз Тале Огненовски, кој важеше за еден од најголемите културни амбасадори на Македонија. Неговата животна приказна, која почна пред точно 90 години во Битола, заврши по плодни девет децении минати во постојана потрага на совршениот звук на кларинетот со кој суверено владееше. Всушност, неговите дела го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент што има можност да го изрази највисокиот опсег во музиката. Освен на овој инструмент, Огненовски свиреше и на македонските традиционални инструменти: гајда, зурла и тапан, а е автор и на многубројни композиции, претежно за кларинет. Има компонирано и аранжирано околу 150 македонски ора, еден класичен концерт „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и повеќе џез-композиции. Македонските ора на Огненовски се изведувани во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Велика Британија, Данска, во Австрија. Со ансамблот „Танец“ настапувал на најпознатите концертни сцени во Северна Америка и во Европа со фантастичен успех. Особено се издвојува неговиот концерт во престижниот „Карнеги хол“ во Њујорк на 27 јануари во 1956 година, како прв Македонец што настапил на таа сцена, кога добил извонредни оценки од публиката и од критиката. Како виртуозен солист на кларинет во филмот „Ритам и звук“, 1955 година ги изведува македонските народни ора: „Женско чамче“, „Беранче“ и други, со македонскиот ансамбл на народни игри и песни „Танец“. Неговите снимки за РТВ Белград, „Југотон“, МРТ се уникатни композиции, инспирирани од македонската фолклорна музика. Автор е на нотната збирка „Македонски ора“ издадена во 1989 година. Тале Огненовски е добитник на голем број награди во поранешна Југославија и во Македонија, меѓу кои и на државната „11 Октомври“, која ја доби во 2003 година. "  -  Напис под наслов: “Замолкна кларинетот на Тале Огненовски”, весник Нова Македонија“, број 22612, 23 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).

Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet is dead" “…Maestro Ognenovski was considered one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia and one of the greatest composers .... He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances,  one classical concert entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. His works represent the clarinet as an instrument which has the ability to express the highest range in music.”, Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet is dead" - By Vest, June 22, 2012, Republic of Macedonia.

Macedonian Radio Television,
Republic of Macedonia Pogramme: "News", June 20, 2012; 19:30 for the death of Tale Ognenovski.
"Tale Ognenovski has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: The "Folk Music" Orchestra, The "Chalgii" Orchestra and The "Authentic Folk Instruments" Orchestra. Tale Ognenovski have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world. He was known as one of the world's ambassadors of Macedonian music and one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia..."


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Tale Ognenovski, Titan Of The Clarinet And Composer Of Clarinet Music, Dies" (June 28, 2012)


Tale Ognenovski received a Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Honors at Annual “10 Folk Biseri”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls”) Awards, sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television ,Skopje, Republic of Macedonia . He was on stage in Skopje, February 19, 2002, to personally receive his Lifetime Achievement Award   in front of the more than 700 spectators at the "Macedonian National Theater". This event was broadcast live to the millions spectators in Republic of Macedonia, Europe and Australia by Macedonian Television. The journalist, Eli Tanaskova said: “Tale Ognenovski is a great instrumentalist and composer for clarinet. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music with extraordinary technique and wealth of invention. This year is the 80th anniversary of his birthday,  73th  anniversary of his playing on the reed pipe, 65th anniversary of his playing on the clarinet and 46th anniversary of his performances at world-famous Carnegie Hall in New York City on January 27, 1956. The journalist, Boris Chorevski said: “Tale Ognenovski has composed 150 Macedonian folk dances.  His son Stevan and his grandsons Nikola and Kliment began playing his music, accompanying him as  members of his Orchestra. In this “10 Folk Biseri” Awards Ceremony, Tale Ognenovski said: “Thank you very much to you respectable audience and to Macedonian Radio Television for this Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Honors at Annual “10 Folk Biseri” Awards. These days the journalists from many Macedonian newspapers has been written “Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time in the World, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention,  amazing improvisational virtuosity, and outstanding musical competence in many areas of music…” . Special thanks to my son Stevan who wrote my biography in the book : “Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer” and he is author of my Web site. My Audio CD album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" is the best album for all time for instrumental music. My album has been released in USA. I wish you good health to all of you.” Tale Ognenovski earned rapturous applause from the audience. Annual “10 Folk Biseri”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls”) Awards, sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television were heralded as great cultural event by the Macedonian press: Vest, Nova Makedonija, Dnevnik, Vecher, Utrinski vesnik…
"The selection of "10 Folk Pearls", organized by the People's Editorial Board of the "Macedonian Radio Television", took place yesterday at the "Macedonian National Theater". The hosts of this event were Eli Tanaskova and Boris Corevski. An award for lifetime achievement was also given, and it was given to Tale Ognenovski ... ", An article entitled:" WE CHOOSE FOLK PEARLES", Written by VM, newspaper "Vest", number 487, February 21, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian: "Изборот на "10 фолк бисери", во организација на Народната редакција на "Македонската Радио Телевизија" се одржа завчера во "Македонскиот Народен Театар". Водители на оваа манифестација беа Ели Танаскова и Борис Чоревски… Беше доделена и награда за животно дело, а неа ја доби Тале Огненовски... ", Напис под наслов: "ИЗБИРАМЕ ФОЛК БИСЕРИ", Напишано од В.М., весник “Вест“, број 487, 21 февруари 2002 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).



Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia.
In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition  for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. 

Tale Ognenovski laureate for longstanding achievements in culture. Recognized as National Artist
“Tale Ognenovski is the people's favorite and unreservedly recognized national artist not only here in the country Republic of Macedonia but in the world ... Tale Ognenovski composed many folk dances in which we felt his relationship to the traditions because his dances in the true sense of the word are in continuity with the traditional folk dances. Tale Ognenovski is unsurpassed master because from the tiniest light motive can build a complete dance instrumental work that youth is a template on which to educate. Therefore the size of this folk artist is measured not only by his personality as a musician and artist but also his contribution to our entire folklore legitimacy.”  Photo published in the newspaper “Vecher”, October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article entitled: “Today in Parliament of Republic of Macedonia awarding of this year's award "October 11".

In the programme “Folklorni odblesoci” of Nacional Macedonian Radio of Macedonian Radio Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia  broadcasted on October 22, 2003, Kiril Todevski, the author of the programme said about Tale Ognenovski, “Tale Ognenovski won “11 October award” for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art… During last six decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation. He has composed and arranged 200 Macedonian folk dances… He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso  solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner… His authenticity feeling
for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent. He combines beautiful tone with unique technique… He is maestro of improvisation and creativity; he starts with a motive, a theme, and then develops a complex instrumental content…  In his performances he demonstrates fascinate invention and virtuosity…  Tale Ognenovski has demonstrate his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: “The Folk Music Orchestra”, the “Chalgii” orchestra and “The Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra”... From him, how to preserve creative perfection in folk musical reproduction learned, learn, and will learn numerous folk instrumentalists…”.

Baba Mountain with its peak Pelister (2,601 metres) in the backdrop.
View from the house of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer where he was born in 1922 in the village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. Peak Pelister was inspiration for Tale Ognenovski for composing his instrumental composition “Pelistersko oro” in 1963.

CD:  “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos        https://orcd.co/agbrnom

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html

Amazon (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html

Music Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos"
(Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223)

Amazon.com reviewer: Outstanding Musical Interpretation, April 13, 2006.
Erika Borsos: "Outstanding Musical Interpretation - This reviewer is familiar with the three B's of classical music: Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms and can distinguish their styles, one can *now* add a fourth "B" which stands for "Balkan" as played by Tale Ognenovski. Mr. Ognenovski plays Mozart with his own inimitable personal style making the classical music take on mysterious and exotic characteristics and overtones. His virtuosity possesses special qualities related to the Balkan clarinet… Ognenovski explodes with passion as he performs his own "Tale Ognenovski Concerto for Clarinet No. 1" ... The labyrinthine musical pathways he creates are enormously pleasing to the listener. The pentatonic scale and odd metered rhythms of Macedonia awaken the listener to new vistas of musical excitement and enjoyment. Anyone who loves jazz improvisation and the sounds of the clarinet will immediately recognize the superior creativity, breath control and complete mastery of this instrument as played by Mr. Ognenovski…”
Amazon.com reviewer: Exquisite, you must buy it, April 14, 2011.
Michele Zukovsky, 1st Carinet Los Angeles Philharmonic: “Exquisite, you must buy it - After hearing this great artist, I was absolutely dumbfounded.. His delicate and nuanced Mozart was so inspiring that I fell into a reverie---it was a moment of bliss .. No other clarinetist can touch him. After having bought the cd, you will not be able to listen to anything else!! …bravo mr. Ognenovski, for inspiring the world of clarinetists… ”
Amazon.com reviewer: A New Standard has Been Set, April 14, 2011.
Julia Heinen, Professor of Clarinet, California State University, Northridge: “A New Standard has Been Set - Based on the recommendation of the wonderful clarinetist, Michele Z. I have to tell you that this is now my most favorite recording of the Mozart Concerto. I can only hope all clarinetists near and far will learn from this unique interpretation. Bravo Mr.Ognenovski, you've set a new standard.”
Amazon.com reviewer: Unique Genius, April 16, 2011.
David Gilman, orchestral & solo clarinetist, Lake Forest, CA, USA: “Unique Genius - I must concur with my colleague, Michele Z., for her astute observations regarding Mr. Ognenovski's artistry. His subtle phrasing and amazing tone leave one breathless. Words cannot adequately describe the impression his recordings make. One must experience them to believe it. I can still hardly believe it myself.”


“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best  clarinet concertos in the world… no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can…”
“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best clarinet concertos  in the world. Whether it's classical, jazz, Macedonian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian or others, no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can. Many clarinetists only play one type or style of music Tale can play any style with perfection. "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" CD will go down in history as one of the best clarinet concertos ever recorded”, written by Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski (http://www.wnykarate.com Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), from Buffalo, New York, USA, March 26, 2006; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”” (Posted: 13/11/2006)    http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463


New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450


"The second CD album of the greatest Macedonian instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (kavalche}, bagpipe and zurla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in the world music history, the music genius Tale Ognenovski, is in the process of being released. The CD album, entitled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos", has already been recorded by Dimitar Dimovski in his "Promuzika Tra-la-la Studio" in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia and will be released under the label of the American record company "Independent Records, Inc." no later than December 15 this year (2005), from an article entitled:" Tale Ognenovski and Wofgang Amadeus Mozart on the same CD ", newspaper "Vecher", October 14, 2005, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
(Macedonian:Во фаза на издавање е вториот цеде албум на најголемиот македонски инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајда и зурла на сите времиња во светот и еден од најголемите композитори во светската музичка историја, музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски. CD албумот, под наслов "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos", е веќе снимен од Димитар Димовски во неговото "Промузика Тра-ла-ла Студио" во Скопје, Република Македонија а ќе биде издаден под етикета на американската дискографска куќа "Independent Records, Inc." најдоцна до 15 декември годинава (2005), “ Напис под наслов: “Тале Огненовски и Моцарт на исто CD”, весник Вечер, 14 октомври 2005 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).


"In honor of the 250th anniversary of the birth of music genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1756 - January 27, 2006), a CD album of music genius Tale Ognenovski entitled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" was released. On this day, January 27, is another great jubilee for him, and for the Macedonian culture, 50 years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski in Carnegie Hall in New York, together with the Macedonian ensemble "Tanec" where, according to the reaction of the audience and the writing of the American press, they achieved sensational success. Ognenovski consider him a musical genius, the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (recorder - kavalche”), small bagpipes and zurla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music history ... "- An article entitled:"Fifty years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble "Tanec "In Carnegie Hall in New York City", Written by Valentina Gjorgievska, newspaper "Vecher", January 28, 2006, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.  

(Macedonian:  "Во чест на јубилејот 250 годишнината од раѓањето на музичкиот гениј Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт (27 јануари 1756 - 27 јануари 2006) издадено е цеде албум на музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски насловен "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos". На овој ден 27 јануари, е уште еден голем јубилеј за него, и за македонската култура, 50- години од настапот на Тале Огненовски во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк, заедно со македонскиот ансамбл "Танец" каде, според реакцијата на публиката и пишувањето на американскиот печат, постигнале сензационален успех. Огненовски го сметаат за музички гениј, најголемиот инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка и зурла на сите времиња во светот и еден од најголемите композитори во светската музичка историја... " -  Напис под наслов: “Педесет години од настапот на Тале Огненовски и Ансамблот ”Танец” во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк”, Напишано од Валентина Ѓоргиевска, весник Вечер, 28 јануари 2006 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).         https://web.archive.org/web/20200514190924/https://vecer.mk/node/60585

Tour of North America and Carnegie Hall Concert - http://www.taleognenovski.mk/usa1956.html

Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. For this Carnegie Hall concert The New York Times music critic John Martin for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956, wrote two articles: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill",  published on January 28, 1956,
https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE) and
"The Dance: Folk Art; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events", published on February 5, 1956. (
During an 84-day journey (January 22, 1956 - April 12, 1956) throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, "The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris.
https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503    https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503


"In honor of the 250th anniversary of the birth of music genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1756 - January 27, 2006), a CD album of music genius Tale Ognenovski entitled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" was released. On this day, January 27, is another great jubilee for him, and for the Macedonian culture, 50 years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski in Carnegie Hall in New York, together with the Macedonian ensemble "Tanec" where, according to the reaction of the audience and the writing of the American press, they achieved sensational success. Ognenovski consider him a musical genius, the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (recorder - kavalche”), small bagpipes and zurla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music history ... "- An article entitled:"Fifty years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble "Tanec "In Carnegie Hall in New York City", Written by Valentina Gjorgievska, newspaper "Vecher", January 28, 2006, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.  

(Macedonian:  "Во чест на јубилејот 250 годишнината од раѓањето на музичкиот гениј Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт (27 јануари 1756 - 27 јануари 2006) издадено е цеде албум на музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски насловен "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos". На овој ден 27 јануари, е уште еден голем јубилеј за него, и за македонската култура, 50- години од настапот на Тале Огненовски во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк, заедно со македонскиот ансамбл "Танец" каде, според реакцијата на публиката и пишувањето на американскиот печат, постигнале сензационален успех. Огненовски го сметаат за музички гениј, најголемиот инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка и зурла на сите времиња во светот и еден од најголемите композитори во светската музичка историја... " -  Напис под наслов: “Педесет години од настапот на Тале Огненовски и Ансамблот ”Танец” во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк”, Напишано од Валентина Ѓоргиевска, весник Вечер, 28 јануари 2006 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).        https://web.archive.org/web/20200514190924/https://vecer.mk/node/60585

"One hundred and fifty arranged and composed Macedonian folk dances, 12 jazz compositions, several concerts of classical music, twenty gramophone records, three CDs and a general impression that he is clarinet virtuoso – this is short CV of our most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. For his music and his 87th birthday April 27, 2009 he received recognition "Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski", from editors of All About Jazz (www.allaboutjazz.com)  jazz music website  with announcement published at All About Jazz  website … http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM (https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php) “I am very joyful for this recognition, "Jazz Musician of the Day", very happy, very delighted. It is a great prize, including any that I have gained during my career, including the top for me - award "October 11", the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia” - tells us Tale Ognenovski at the meeting which we had at his home in Skopje ... Tale Ognenovski is constantly surrounded by the love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska… At the request of the Director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" Emanuel Chuchkov, the young clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, then the member of Police Wind Orchestra of Republic of Macedonia was loaned to the ensemble as strengthening his United States of America tour in 1956. Ensemble will hold 66 concerts and the tour began with show (20 minute concert) on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS" (http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799), shown on  CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. – “A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and would be good for us in Republic of Macedonia to have a copy” - says
Stevan Ognenovski… So begins and concert activity of Tale Ognenovskii with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and other companies and orchestras that allowed him to play at the most famous concert venues in the world. Until the seventies of the last century he performed with the orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television – The Folk Music Orchestra, the Authentic Orchestra of Folk Instruments, "Chalgii"  Orchestra and in “Tancov” Orchestra. Meanwhile Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra", that continues to make music ... His dances are performed in Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria ... The most famous dances composed by Tale Ognenovski are: Brusnichko Oro, Kasapsko Oro, Kumovo Oro Chochek, Talevo Svadbarsko Oro, Bitolsko Oro, Resensko Oro, Pelistersko Oro, Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro ... Two  dances devoted to his wife Nevena Ognenovska: Nevenino Oro and Nevenino Lavchansko Oro…“We had a wonderful mother Nevena Ognenovska who took care not to feel his commitment and his absences due his concerts worldwide. She was a very supportive to my father in his career” - says his son Stevan Ognenovski … With the help of his family (his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska) and the donors (Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski,Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje) who support his music Tale Ognenovski has released three CD albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) …Tale Ognenovski was happiest during the  recording sessions of  last three CD albums with accompany by his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipes) ... My jazz compositions cannot be compared with any Macedonian folk dance. Some ask me whether in my jazz compositions are recognized Macedonia, and I say yes, Macedonia  performed by Tale Ognenovski. The Jazz otherwise I practice since 1992 and my jazz is a Macedonian jazz which is different from others ... I've played all over the world. But I had played also for Josip Broz Tito, the former President of Yugoslavia every time when he visited Republic of Macedonia. Once I
played for him in Brdo Castle near Kranj in Slovenia ..." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
 July 29, 2009.

All About Jazz : The following news item is now being featured at AllAboutJazz.com:  The 51th Anniversary of Tale Ognenovski's Carnegie Hall Concert, January 27, 1956 Posted: 2007-02-04



ANTOLOGIJA NA MAKEDONSKATA NARODNA MUZIKA Svirachi - majstori MACEDONIAN RADIO TELEVIZION ANTHOLOGY OF MACEDONIAN FOLK MUSIC Players - maestros The Macedonian folk dance ‘KASAPSKO ORO’ with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with THE MACEDONIAN RADIO TELEVISION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA This cassette is produced by ‘Music and cassette production of Macedonian Radio Television’ (‘Muzichka i kasetna produkcija na MAKEDONSKATA RADIO TELEVIZIJA’), 1994 to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’.
Side A 1. KASAPSKO ORO (folk-arranger Tale Ognenovski) 

Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Tale Ognenovski – Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Тале Огненовски — Википедија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски
  https://orcd.co/qedrezd             CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html

Amazon (Download)  http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

Music Album: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski

(Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824)

Amazon.com reviewer: “Original, Artistic, Creative, Enjoyable“, Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2008
Erika Borsos:
“I am a fan of the clarinet and was absolutely blown away by the beautiful music on this CD. I have all the CDs produced by this fabulous clarinet player from Macedonia who is often called a "genius" which in my opinion is no exaggeration and this one is my favorite. Jazz music has a freedom of expression like few other musical styles. Tale Ognenovski uses the most intricate Western playing techniques and combines them with exotic Balkan stylizations creating a pure and genuine new dimensional sound. The listener's spirit soars, dances and flies with pleasure and anticipation gliding on every note and musical phrase. Besides the astonishing clarinet playing, Tale Ogenenovski is also a master player of the reed pipe, small bagpipe, zourla and drums which add more flavor and spice to the original, creative, and artistic clarinet music on this CD. His son Stevan Ogenenovski accompanies the master clarinet player on the reed pipes and drum. While his grandsons Kliment and Nikola add their accompaniment on the reed pipes. Overall, this is a an outstanding CD that is rich with Balkan flavor and has great depth. It is filled with sensational and spectacular music. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition # 1: starts out with Benny Goodman style playing with cheerful musical phrasing. The tones gradually transition into an exciting exhilarating array of Balkan music which melts into Western stylizations. The sounds are delightful as the clarinet explores new paths that are rich and very satisfying. The creativity is extravagant and the music is beautiful. This piece showcase the originality and amazing artistry of the musician…“


Новото ЦД на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски оценето како феноменално

"The new album of the Macedonian clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski, released on September 1 this year, simply titled "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski", receives excellent reviews from the foreign press, and special attention is paid to the famous website "All About Jazz". Tale Ognenovski appears as author, composer and arranger of all 12 compositions present on the album, which was released for "Independent Records "from USA produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, and distributed by "The Orchard". This third Ognenovski's CD is a sequel to his previous two albums entitled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of Mozart's clarinet concert for two clarinets). on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. On the new album Ognenovski also performs with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder) , zurla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum and his grandchildren Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. In the review of Tale Ognenovski's work, "All About Jazz" writes, among other things: "Tale Ognenovski is known in the world for his virtuoso performance. Ognenovski and his quartet offer sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian clarinet jazz composed by Tale Ognenovski will be phenomenal. Various phrases, spectacular solo performances of clarinet, which are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and admire. Every part of the album is rhythmically complex. The research of Macedonian musical traditions with jazz sensibility is extraordinary. The sound is simply phenomenal ... " "An article entitled: "The new CD of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski rated as phenomenal ", Written by Tina Ivanova, newspaper "Utrinski Vesnik", number 2803, October 4, 2008, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

(Macedonian: "Новиот албум на македонскиот кларинетист и композитор Тале Огненовски, објавен на 1 септември годинава, едноставно насловен „Македонски џез композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“, добива одлични рецензии од странскиот печат, а особено внимание му е посветено на познатата Веб-страница „All About Jazz“. Тале Огненовски се јавува како автор, композитор и аранжер на сите 12 композиции присутни на албумот, кој е издаден за „Индепендент рекордс“ во продукција на Тале Огненовски и Стеван Огненовски, а во дистрибуција на „The Orchard“. Ова трето ЦД на Огненовски е продолжение на неговите претходни два албуми под наслов „Џез, македонски народни ора и класична музика“ и „Моцарт и концертите на кларинет на Огненовски“ (Тале Огненовски аранжираше делови од концертот за кларинет на Моцарт, за два кларинета), по повод 250-годишнината од раѓањето на австрискиот композитор Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт. И на новиот албум Огненовски настапува со неговиот актуелен квартет: Тале Огненовски на кларинет, кавалче, зурла, мала гајда и тапан, неговиот син Стеван Огненовски на кавалче и тапан и неговите внуци Никола Огненовски и Климент Огненовски на кавалче. Во освртот за делото на Тале Огненовски, „All About Jazz“ меѓудругото пишува: „Тале Огненовски е познат во светот по неговите виртуозни перформанси. Огненовски и неговиот квартет нудат сензационална џез-музика на кларинет. Македонскиот џез на кларинет компониран од Тале Огненовски ќе биде феноменален. Различни фрази, спектакуларни соло-изведби на кларинет, кои се и интересни и фасцинирачки за луѓето да ги слушаат и да им се восхитуваат. Секој дел од албумот е ритмички комплексен. Истражувањето на македонските музички традиции со џез-сензибилитет е извонредно. Звукот е едноставно феноменален....“ Напис под наслов: " Новото ЦД на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски оценето како феноменално", Напишано од Тина Иванова, весник “Утрински весник“, број 2803, 4 октомври 2008 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).  https://web.archive.org/web/20081005025130/http://www.utrinski.com.mk/?ItemID=8B4959AB284C79458FE0E47327C0174A

All About Jazz Jazz News: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski - CD to Celebrate the 85th Anniversary of His Birthday, April 27, 2007

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist”  (Posted: September 27, 2008)   



Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All  About Jazz

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2009-04-27)



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist”  (Posted: September 27, 2008 )
Article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” - ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY, September 27, 2008.
“Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged all 12 tracks. The album from Independent Records is produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski and is distributed by The Orchard. This third release is the follow up to his two previous: CD Albums entitled: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music and MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Release date: January 24, 2006). Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances. New CD Album feature the Ognenovski performing with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever… Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted…”, was written in an article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” published by ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY (The website publishes reviews, interviews, and articles pertaining to jazz in the U.S. and around the world).

AllAboutJazz.com: Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Clarinetist on YouTube  Posted: 2009-04-12  

SOURCE: AllAboutJazz.com Publicity   http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/news.php?id=33817


All About Jazz Recognition: Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)     


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Macedonian Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2010 At AllAboutJazz.com  (Posted: 04-27-2010)  https://web.archive.org/web/20110821213829/http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=129695

CD: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski"

Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski"

Amazon (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html

Music Album: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski
(Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832)

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223) performed by Tale Ognenovski, one of the most important musicians of all time, titan of the clarinet and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded and which will transcends the centuries.

mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto"  in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…” - Article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”” - mi2n (Music Industry News Network), 04-27-2017.      https://web.archive.org/web/20170809044454/http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=197557
In the article was written: “Tale Ognenovski (April 27, 1922 - June 19, 2012) was a Macedonian multi-instrumentalist who played clarinet, recorder (“kavalche”), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zurna, and drums. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska on the base of recording of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. arranged for two clarinets Musical Masterpiece “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled:
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Perhaps these two Audio CDs are unique recordings in the world where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für klarinette und orchester A dur – A major – La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, Printed in Germany. This Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" performed by Tale Ognenovski are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski). When you listen these three tracks:
Track 4 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
Track 5 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
Track 6 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
of the Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” you will have impression that Tale Ognenovski uses two clarinets simultaneously with two different arrangements. In other words: use two clarinets by a single performer (Tale Ognenovski) - Playing the first clarinet with first arrangement and second clarinet with second arrangement that's played simultaneously – by one performer (Tale Ognenovski). In reality these three tracks were made by mixing one audio recording with clarinet performance according the arrangement for first clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) and separate audio recording (performed by Tale Ognenovski) with clarinet performance according the arrangement for second clarinet. It was possible to make a mix of two audio recording with arrangements for the first and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) thanks to the excellent synchronization of performance of the arrangement for the second clarinet by clarinetist Tale Ognenovski while he simultaneously listening to the tape of his performance on the clarinet with the arrangement for the first clarinet. Such perfect synchronization of two clarinets by the performance of two different arrangements (performed by Tale Ognenovski) in recording concert of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” is unique in the world. Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” is another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world…” 

Tour of Germany -

Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) virtuoso soloist with "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk
Dances and Songs "Tanec"
", toured Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956. The Ensemble performed 72 amazingly successful concerts in many towns, including Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Bonn, Gottingen, Munich and Wiesbaden, and every performance was a sell-out. The majority of the programme of Ensemble Tanec’s German tour comprised of Macedonian folk dances and songs with the rest made up of Serbian and Croatian dances and songs and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist for most of the programme, in particular in the Macedonian folk dances ‘A Bride’s Dance (Nevestinsko Oro)’, ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘The Shepherd’s Dance (Ovcharsko Oro), ‘Soborski Igri’, in Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘SHOTE’, an Albanian folk dance. As part of their tour of France in 1959, they performed two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959, playing to an audience of 7000 on each occasion.

Tour of Switzerland -  Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist with
"Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959.  The concerts were performed in Berne on July 7 and 8, 1959 and in Geneva on July 9 and 10, 1959 with tremendous success. Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television. Playing  as virtouoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bi­tolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success. “...We were presented with remarkable spectacles performed by the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’ from Macedonia... It was a rare opportunity to have a show in the open-air in Gene­va. For this occasion, Gitan installed lighting effects that vied with ingenuity... Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World... They have the rhythm of the dances of their country in their blood.... We preferred to give a general impression of this spectacle, which accentuated the originality and the qualities of this ensemble.” The above appeared in an article written  by Ed. Mt. and entitled, ‘A Port-Gitana les ballets nationaux yougoslaves’, (‘In Port-Gitana, National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet’). It appeared in the ‘Tribune de Geneve’, Geneva on July 11, 1959.

Tour of France - http://www.taleognenovski.mk/france1959.html
Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) virtuoso soloist with
"Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" during their tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They performed 83 concerts in 58 towns and cities in France. 20 million people would have seen them on the most popular programme on French Television. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs. The Manager of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s tour of France was Mr Raymond Guillier, also Director of his own compa-ny ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier’.
“What ensemble ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform. All great professional Ensembles in the world possess something special. Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance and example of this is clarinetist Tale Ognenovski…” -  The above appeared in an article entitled ‘Your dance fascinates me’ (Macedonian: ”Вашата игра ме фасцинира”)….’, written by M. Georgievski, and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on September 14, 1964.

“Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people, and the Macedonian National Ballet left a great impression in Bourges…Two dances in particular were appreciated last night on the stage of the Grand Palais, the Dance of the sabre and the Dance of the village fair (two separate photos are shown, the top one being ‘the dance of the sabre’ and the bottom being ‘the dance of village fair).’ (On the right side of the bottom photograph can be seen virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski). But the Macedonian dances, once they began, developed from a dead slow pace and quickened, becoming a festival of colours, a storm of costumes and a sports test allied to the art of folklore. It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration to play ‘Drachevka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and the exciting Serbian folk dance (the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski). The audience much liked the dance ‘Roussalies’ as well as the dance ‘Tchifte Tchamtche’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), and lastly ‘Chote’ (‘Shote’-In this Albanian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), a dance of love that is lively and colourful... Tanec is the name of this group who have won over the audience. The quality and talent of this group is admirable...This is the first time that they have performed in France... At the end of their concert, the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ remained on stage and were applauded by the Bourges audiences for more than a quarter of an hour.” The above comes from an article, entitled “Hier soir au GRAND-PALAIS BRILLANTE “PREMIERE” des Ballets de Macedoine” (“Yesterday evening in GRAND-PALAIS Brilliant first performance of National Ballet of Macedonia.”), that appeared in the newspaper ‘Le Berry Republicain’ in Bourges, France, on September 24, 1959.

“The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success” - La nouvelle republique du Centre

“The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia was a tremendous success. Everyone in the hall applauded with enthusiasm, here in the ‘Grand Palais’ in Bourges at the first perfor-mance in France of the National Ballet of Macedonia… The first performance in Bourges was a spectacle...The members of the National Ballet of Macedonia arrived four days ago in Paris and have been shown on television...” This is from an arcticle entitled “Hier soir a Bourges, La “pre-miere” nationale des Ballets de Macedoine a remporte un enorme succes” (Yesterday evening in Bourges, The first national Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success.”). It was published in the newspaper “La nouvelle republique du Centre”, Bourges, France on, September 24, 1959.

Awards and Honours    http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

1. “Diploma for a highly qualified musician” from the Association of musicians of folk and entertaining music from Macedonia (signed by the composer Stefan Gajdov), on September 3, 1961, in Skopje.

2. “Spomen plaketa” from the Parliament of the town of Skopje (signed by Blagoj Popov), in Skopje on January 20, 1969.

3. “Spomenica” from the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ (signed by Toma Leov), in Skopje on January 31, 1969.

4. “Blagodarnica” from the Cultural Artists Association ‘Kocho Racin’(signed by Blazhe Sekulovski), in Skopje on June 3, 1971.

5. “Spomen plaketa” from the Cultural House ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Petar Bogatinovski and Stanimir Andreevski), in Skopje on November 27, 1974.

6. “Priznanie” from the Cultural Education Union of Skopje (signed by Dr. Tome Sazdov), in Skopje on December 5, 1975.

7. “Diploma” from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Boris Nizamovski), in Skopje in 1977.

8. “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska, in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31, 1978.

9. “Blagodarnica” from the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov”, in Skopje on October 2, 1980.

10. “Plaketa - The July 4th” (in former Yugoslavia) for his musical works, from “Sojuz na borci na Jugoslavija”, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia on July 4, 1983.

11. “Pofalnica” from “Dom na VVI i borci od NOV-Skopje” and the Committee of the “Borec” Choir on the 10th anniversary of its founding (signed by Branko Ichokjaev and Ljubica Ivanovska), in Skopje in 1984.

12. “Estradna nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Dragan Mijalkovski), in Skopje on May 15, 1985.

13. “Blagodarnica” from the Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik (signed by Cane Skerlevski), in Brusnik, Bitola on August 8-9, 1992.

14. “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of
Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje on May 27, 1996.

15. “Blagodarnica” (This is an honorary award) for life work from the folk radio “Radio Ros”, (signed by the director Aleksandar Dimitrov), in Skopje on December 7, 2000.
  For more info please visit YouTube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu83l6g-euc

16. Tale Ognenovski received a Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Honors at Annual “10 Folk Biseri”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls”) Awards, sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television ,Skopje, Republic of Macedonia . He was on stage in Skopje, February 19, 2002,

17. Tale Ognenovski received recognition entitled "Partizanska spomenica 1941” (No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) with
a decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia, the Minister, Army General Ivan Gosnjak on June 20, 1961. Belgrade, Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia.

18. All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz
Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, with announcement published at his website. https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM

19. "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for his contributions to Macedonian culture. October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

20. Certificate for "National Pension" for his contributions to Macedonian culture. March 3, 2012. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.


21. “Gratitude” from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" for his special contribution
to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture. October 30, 2014. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. For more information please visit my website


Tale Ognenovski was awarded the "October 11" award, the highest state award in the Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003.

"October 11" awards were presented in the ceremonial hall of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia yesterday. This year's laureates of this highest state award are: the Institute for Macedonian Language "Krste Misirkov", Prof. Dr. Ljupco Ajdinski, in the field of science and education , Tale Ognenovski, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, in the field of culture and art and Boris Pop Gjorcev, in the field of journalism.
The ceremony took place in the presence of prominent representatives of political and cultural life in the country. On behalf of the Board for awarding the prize, prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board, who among other things said: "The celebration of creativity is a holiday of the soul of every one of our citizens. Today's celebration has its high and lasting symbolism in the synthesis of this bright day -  October 11. day represented and in the future will be an inexhaustible source of creators to express their top, scientific and artistic works "…" - Article entitled: "The highest state awards presented in the Parliament of
Republic of Macedonia  October 11 is an inexhaustible source for creators", Written by NP, newspaper“ Utrinski Vesnik ”, October 12, 2003, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian: На Тале Огненовски му беше врачена наградата "11 Октомври", највисоко  државно признание во Република Македонија на 11 октомври 2003 година
"Во свечената сала на Собранието на Република Македонија вчера беа врачени наградите "11 Октомври". Годинашните лауреати на ова  највисоко државно признание се: Институтот за македонски јазик "Крсте Мисирков", проф. д-р Љупчо Ајдински, од областа на науката и образованието, Тале Огненовски, Зоица Пуровска-Велевска, од областа на културата и уметноста и Борис Поп Ѓорчев, од областа на новинарството.
Свеченоста се одвиваше во присуство на истакнати претставници на политичкиот и културниот живот во земјава. Од името на Одборот за доделување на наградата, на присутните им се обрати проф. д-р Трајан Гоцевски, претседател на Одборот, кој меѓу другото рече: "Празнувањето на творештвото е празник на душата на секој наш граѓанин. Денешното наше празнување својата висока и трајна симболика ја има во синтезата  на овој светол ден - 11 Октомври. Токму денешниот ден претставуваше и во иднина ќе претставува непресушен извор на творците за да ги искажуваат своите врвни, научни и уметнички дела"…"  -  Напис под наслов: “Во Собранието на Македонија врачени највисоките државни признанија 11 Октомври е непресушен извор за творците”, Напишано од Н.П., весник “Утрински весник“, 12 октомври,  2003 година, Скопје, Република Македонија). 

Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Is Included In The Book Entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky

“In the newspaper Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014 was published an article entitled “GREAT RECOGNITION FOR OUR MUSICIAN AND COMPOSITOR TALE OGNENOVSKI BETWEEN THE GREATEST CLARINETIST OF ALL TIMES Top 100" (Macedonian:

ГОЛЕМО ПРИЗНАНИЕ ЗА НАШИОТ МУЗИЧАР И КОМПОЗИТОР - ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ МЕЃУ 100-ТЕ НАЈДОБРИ КЛАРИНЕТИСТИ НА СИТЕ ВРЕМИЊА”), written by Marina Lazarevska. In this article was written: Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski (1922-2012) is included in the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277  https://web.archive.org/web/20141223140633/http://www.dnevnik.mk/?ItemID=A5EF6F5A233FD4498AF9EAD28953883C

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex
Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author).
Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Is Included In The Book Entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky. Publisher: CreateSpace (Posted: 11-21-2014)  


Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk
Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959. Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television.   Playing as virtuoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success. 

As a clarinet soloist with Radio Television Skopje’s (now: Macedonian Radio Television) Folk Music Orchestra, he played Macedonian folk dances that were broadcast on television by “Radio Television Zagreb” (now: Croatian Radiotelevision), Zagreb, Croatia. (1966) 

As clarinet soloist, Tale Ognenovski performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances on the television programme “Yugoslavia, Good Day” (“Jugoslavijo, dobar dan”) broadcast on “Radio Television Zagreb” (now: Croatian Radiotelevision) in Croatia, February 27, 1975.
“Tale Ognenovski appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Belgrade” (1929–1989) held in the “House of the Syndicate” in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989. He played as  clarinet soloist two Macedonian folk dances, both of which he composed: Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, and Brusnichko oro. He had as accompaniment the Folk Music Orchestra of “Radio Television Belgrade” (now: Radio Television of Serbia). This concert was broadcast live on “Radio Belgrade”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 32-33).
As a member of the folk orchestra of Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television), he played  Macedonian folk dances as a clarinet soloist at the First Festival of Yugoslavian (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music that was broadcast on radio in Skopje, Macedonia (April 14-16, 1967).
During the 1960s Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet soloist in many Macedonian folk dances and songs in numerous theatrical performances at the Macedonian National Theatre.

Press releases

“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is. In the records it says of his debut, first with the pianist Nino Cipushev, and later with the famous pianist Ladislav Palfi, that the way Tale Ognenovski plays the most complicated classic music is on a par with that of the most famous clarinetists in the world. Experts of classical music have said that Tale Ognenovski’s skill with the clarinet is nowhere near that of the most famous classical music clarinetist in the world. On the contrary.” Journalist Violeta Hadzi Skerleva wrote this in her article “ Skopje. First Clarinetist of ’94 Tale Ognenovski, a portrait” published in the magazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 20, 1994.



Dear Tale and Stevan. My name is Dimce Cvetkovski.
I was born on November 7, 1957 (in the village of Arvati near Krani in Prespa). I came to the United States on February 20, 1970. I was 12 years old. But I still remember everything, even though I have not been back to Macedonia since I came to the United States. My father has been back a few times but I haven’t. Maybe one of these days when things are not so busy. Both of my parents Cvetko and Sofija are still alive and have just retired. I have a sister Stefka who is 5 years younger than me. I am 41 years old and have been married for 17 years. My wife’s name is Gerrie (Geraldine) who is American. I also have 3 sons Steven (14 years old), Jeffrey (12 years old and Scott (9 years old)... In March 1, 1993, I opened my own KARATE STUDIO WESTERN NEW YORK KARATE CENTER. This is my own business...I have listened to Tale’s music since I was a little boy in Macedonia. I remember I was very young when I first heard BRUSNICHKO ORO and TALEVO SVADBARSKO ORO. In 1983, my father went to Macedonia for a visit. He brought to me 2 records (8 Macedonian folk dances - ORA). One record has POLJANSKO ORO, NEVENINO ORO etc... The other record has BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO, RESENSKO ORO, PRILEPSKO etc... In 1986 I went to Canada for a visit and I bought a cassette that has 12 Macedonian folk dances - ORA (CHALGIITE NA TALE OGNENOVSKI, KUKUSHKO ORO, RISTEVO ORO...). Today I have about 60 Macedonian folk dances - ORA from Tale Ognenovski. His music must live forever. Tale’s music touches my HEART and SOUL. Sometimes when I listen to his music there are tears from my eyes running down my face. Nobody in the world can play the clarinet like Tale. I have listened to a lot of clarinet music from many countries but nobody comes close to Tale. He is simply the BEST. When I was a little boy in Macedonia, I also played the reed pipe (“kavalche”) with my grandfather Mitre. My grandfather was a shepherd and I used to help him on the farm. But I have always loved clarinet music. I am 41 year old. Two years ago, I bought a clarinet. I listen by ear and try to play. I do not know how to read music. Maybe one day I will try to take lessons. My middle son Jeffrey takes lessons and plays the clarinet and the saxophone in school. He is in sixth grade. He is very, very good. He is the best in his school on the clarinet and the saxophone. My oldest Steven always listens to Tale’s music. He loves it. I hope someday I can play like Tale, even a little bit. I hope someday I get to meet you and your father Tale. It would be a great honor to shake the hand of the best clarinetist in the world. Maestro Tale is the best. I hope he lives a long, long, long time...All I want is his music to live forever. People need to listen and hear this great clarinetist. With Great greetings With Great Happiness. (January 24, 1999)...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST CLARINETIST IN THE WORLD! (April 10, 1999)... As I drive in my car to and from my business and other places throughout the day, I spend 11/2 hours each day listening to Tale’s music. Tale is my hero. His music is incredible. His approach to every note is so unique. His improvisations and solos are out of this world, and no one can even come close. It is true that when listening to Tale, his music takes you to different worlds and different dimensions. I feel very special and lucky to have friends like you, and being touched so deeply by Tale’s music (December 21, 1999)... Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

Discography     http://www.taleognenovski.mk/discog.html

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, and classical concert entitled: “"Tale Ognenovski Concerto for Clarinet No. 1"” 

Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia IR, Independent Records, USA

“Union of Organization of the composers of Yugoslavia issued confirmation under number: 05-3025/2 VV/SB by 29 march 1988 in which confirms that: “Composer Tale Ognenovski authorized the “Union of Organization of the composers of Yugoslavia on June 3, 1965 to exercise his copyright on the basis on the public performance and of mechanical reproduction in Yugoslavia and abroad. To date 29 march 1988 Tale Ognenovski has reported a total of 128 compositions. Tale Ognenovski’s compositions have been performed in: Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Austria, France…” - Head Of the working unit to protect music copyright, Stanica Ruzic.

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski ("Piperkovo oro"...)

“Spomenica” (“Memorial Recognition”) from the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ (signed by Toma Leov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1969.
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Spomenica” from "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" on the occasion 20 years of the existence of Tanec” (1949 – 1969) signed by Toma Leov, Director of Ensemble “Tanec” in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1969.

“The impossible becomes possible: two, ‘usually non-complimentary’ parallel-existing worlds of sounds – Europe – The Orient – are, in Tale Ognenovski’s music, naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge...” - Dushko Dimitrovski, book (“За Наша Музика / “For Our Music” , Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the reed pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music… Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labyrinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. 
Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“
За Наша Музика / Za naša muzika”) ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994, pp. 114-116, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.  Bibliographic information about this Book:   https://www.worldcat.org/title/za-nasa-muzika/oclc/38905194


The Film "Rhythm and Sound”, 1955 -  In Vardar Film’s 1955 production of “Ритам и звук“ (Rythym and Sound), Tale Ognenovski as a virtuoso clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances “Zhensko Chamche” and “Be-ranche” with "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"". In the film, “Zhensko Chamche” begins with some technically very complicated, solo improvisations by Tale Ognenovski that do not appear in the original version of the folk dance. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/rhythmandsound.html
YouTube music video – Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Information of music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2955670/?ref_=rvi_tt



ZNACHAJNI LICHNOSTI ZA BITOLA (DISTINGUISHED PEOPLE FOR BITOLA (Macedonian: ЗНАЧАЈНИ ЛИЧНОСТИ ЗА БИТОЛА) ;  Authors: Lence Andonovska, Naume Gorgievski, Blagoj Nikolov, Trajko Ognenovski, Gordana Pesevska, Aneta Stefanovska, Svetlana Taleska, Publisher: NUUB “St. Clement Ohridski” – Bitola and Municipality of Bitola (2007), Republic of Macedonia; Language: Macedonian and  English; ISBN 978-9989-2783-0-3 - "Ognenovski, Tale (1922), Macedonian clarinetist , one of the most important Macedonian folk musicians; belong to the line of the biggest instrumentalists and composers in the world music. He made the connection between the oriental and the western music and represents one of the biggest exponents of the composing for a clarinet. He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert “Tale Ognenovski concert for clarinet number 1” and many jazz compositions. Tale is one of the best representatives in playing of a clarinet with special technique, inventiveness and amazing improvisation virtuosity..." (pp 161-162)  Bibliographic information of the book: ISBN: 998927830X, 9789989278303 https://books.google.com/books/about/Значајни_личности_за.html?id=3JuqLQAACAAJ&redir_esc=y

Британика Енциклопедиски Речник / Britannica Pocket Encyclopedia; 
2005 Encyclopedia  Britannica, Inc; Publisher: Toper and Media Print Makedonija, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Language: Macedonian; ISBN 9989-165-12-2 - "Ognenovski, Tale - Clarinetist and composer, born in village Brusnik, Bitola. As clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso he reached international success with his performances with National Ensemble "Tanec". He composed hundred folk dances... " (pp 66, book 7)

Личности од Македонија / Lichnosti od Makedonija (Distinguished People from Macedonia);  
Authors: Petar Karajanov, Hristo Andonovski, Jovan Pavlovski; Publisher: MI-AN (2002), Republic of Macedonia; Language: Macedonian; ISBN 9989-613-28-1 - "...Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances. With his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" at Carnegie Hall in New York City he received his first international success... (pp 233)   

Bibliographic information of the book: 

In the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East” edited by: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo in the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” of this book, author Kim Burton on page 203 was written:"One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernised style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music."” Information of this book: Title: World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, THE ROUGH GUIDE; Editors: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo; Publisher: Rough Guides, 1999; Length: 762 pages; ISBN: 1858286352, 9781858286358 was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database.

lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music,” wrote JazzTimes music critic Bill Shoemaker in an article entitled "Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds", appearing in the website of JazzTimes on January 3, 1998. 

Article published in the book: Shoemaker, Bill (January 1998). Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2–5- Page 43; Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds. JazzTimes.
The University of Michigan.

* Makedonska Ora Tale Ognenovski Klarinet
sa Svojim Ansamblom (1972, EPY-34461, Jugoton, Croatia)

* Makedonska Ora Svira Ansambl Chalgija pod Vodstvom Tale Ognenovskim (1972, EPY-34489, Jugoton, Croatia)

Songs with famous singers


Stevan Ognenovski YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski https://www.youtube.com/steveogn

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Brusnichko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”    


YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvuHuLswaI

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”    


YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo”    


YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    


YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    


YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”   


YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

YouTube Video: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” 

Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

NME first for music news: Online magazine TV Radio Mobile, NME YouTube music video entitled:  Tale Ognenovski Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A K.622 III. Rondo Allegro (final movt) video

Brilliant Career   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/comments.html

“It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski for every type of music has the right amount of embouchure and vibrato, especially for classic music where some circumstances require a totally level tone. It is particularly phenomenal that in a second he can change both the colour and the vibrato. The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude another colour and another kind...” – Professor Ladislav Palfi

In a programme with the title ‘Sunday afternoon’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on February 28, 1993, the journalist said about Tale Ognenovski, “One clarinet, one life; Half a century of magic with the clarinet; The clarinet as a life; These are only some of the titles of articles in the newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini... ”Besides some Macedonian folk dances, the following pieces of music were included on the pro-gramme: Mozart’s ‘Concert in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622’ and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’, both performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and Cavallini’s Concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the famous pianist and composer Professor Ladislav Palfi.

In the programme with the title ‘Good morning, good day’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on December 5, 1993, the journalist Brane Stefanovski said of Tale Ognenovski, “The living legend of the Macedonian clarinet. Tale Ognenovski can easily be recognized from older records of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. Tale Ognenovski’s music is amazing, with his melodious, clean quality of tone  and interpretations for which he has received recognition from world-famous experts of the clarinet and of Macedonian music. The journalist Elizabeta Matic commented, “Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more than that. Perhaps the reason for this is genetic disposition in his family where his father played the bagpipe (‘gajdadjija’), but the fact that his grandfather and great-grandfather had played some folk instrument suggests that talent has developed over the generations to raise the little reed pipe (‘kavalche’) player to the highest level reserved for the best. His music is always based on the  strict rules of Macedonian folklore... Tale Ognenovski is an Ambassador in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms...The best clarinetist that this country has ever had. The man from whom his followers can learn a great deal...” In this interview, Tale Ognenovski said that Macedonian folklore is the best folklore in the World, and that the inspiration he received when
composing music he got from Macedonian Folk Music. “

Tale Ognenovski translated whatever came into his head directly into the clarinet. On June 16, 1998, an interview with Tale Ognenovski was recorded for the television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ on Macedonian Television. During the interview, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska asked Tale Ognenovski to play some jazz music. He performed some jazz music that he composed right there and then without any prior planning. He demonstrated his amazing musical talent as a clarinet and reed pipe player and composer performing jazz music on this programme. The music performed by him on the programme can be heard on his Web site at the Internet address http://www.taleognenovski.mk   The television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski on the 50th anniversary of  the founding of the FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA of Macedonian Radio Television. An interview with Tale Ognenovski  “This year sees the 50th anniversary of the founding of the ‘Folk Music Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television. The most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski has for a long time performed in this Orchestra,” said Simona Ugrinovska, Manager of the programme ‘Good Day Macedonia’. She added that the interview with Tale Ognenovski had been done by her colleague Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska.  In the programme, first shown on July 1, 1998, then repeated on July 4, 1998, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska said: “Fifty years ago, at the first Macedonian Republic festival of Folk Dances and Songs held during the period October 6-10, 1948, Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist.  If you listen to  the music of Tale Ognenovski, this magnificent, unique, talented virtuoso of the clarinet and composer of Macedonian folk dances, you will imagine an exciting folklore story and sense unparalleled technique in the musical expression of this folk genius. With his maestro, solo improvisations Tale Ognenovski made performances of "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec""  the most successful they could be. The most significant debut in his rich career was in the famous Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. “The artist must adopt the artistic rules perfectly, to be able to break them afterwards.” This com-ment by Michelangelo described the talent that Tale Ognenovski possessed...In a perfect way he interpreted Mozart, Wagner and Cavallini, and jazz improvisations in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw. Tale Ognenovski has composed 150 Macedonian folk dances...”


“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe … An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” The above is from an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Folk Ballet,’ written by Walter Terry, and that appeared in the New York Herald Tribune on January 28, 1956. New York City, USA. Reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski.

“These perfect artists performed many marvelous dances, and the astonished audience greeted them with long applause. The program was filled with folk dances and songs. In the past we have had some interesting concerts from the East and West but none of them had been as successful and been so well-received by the public as the Yugoslav Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’. Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation...” wrote Robert Coleman in the New York Daily Mirror, New York City, USA on January 28, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.
Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. At this festival participated folk dance groups from the towns of Bitola, Skopje, Prilep, Tetovo, Gevgelija, Debar, Ohrid, Kichevo, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Makedonski Brod, Demir Hisar, Struga, Resen and Krushevo.
Macedonia is the country most rich in folk dances, so rich that there is no other country in Europe equal to Macedonia,”
said Olga Skovran from Belgrade, Manager for folklore in the Ministry of Culture in the Republic of Serbia (Former Yugoslavia). This came from an article entitled ‘We must keep our folk songs, dances and folk costumes’, written by Lazo Karovski and appearing in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 1947.


LP record LPY-61143 JUGOTON and Cassette CAY 321, JUGOTON , Production of gramophone records in Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, 1975

LP record LPY-61143 JUGOTON and Cassette CAY 321, JUGOTON , Production of gramophone records in Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, 1975

“TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora”

Narodni ansambl i ansambl “Chalgija”


Tale Ognenovski, clarinet, plays Macedonian Folk Dances with THE FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA and THE ‘CHALGIJA’ ORCHESTRA Conductor: Tale Ognenovski

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on
Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709


Tale Ognenovski – Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Тале Огненовски — Википедија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски
First Award at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1948

“The First Award for Clarinet was received by Tale Ognenovski from Bitola.” This comment appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ published on October 13, 1948. The report was entitled ‘Awards for folk dances and songs, solo  singers and players who participated at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’. One of the highpoints of Tale Ognenovski’s successes was his participation in a competition during the ‘Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’ during the period 6-10 October, 1948. 453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in the festival in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He was a winner, and received his First Award as the best clarinetist from Angel Saldziev, Assistant Director from the Ministry of Science and Culture in the Republic of Macedonia. The President of the commission was Zhivko Firfov, and a member of the commission was Vasil Hadzimanov. At this folk festival Tale Ognenovski participated in playing as clarinet soloist with every folk group from the Bitola region – from the villages of Brusnik (its members were Pande Metlovski, Vasko Stankovski, Rade Talevski, Sotir Ilkovski, Tome Grozdanovski, Cane Grozdanovski, Jonche Talevski, Mile Josifovski, Milica Talevska, Vera Tasevska, Vasilka Karangelevska, Danica Drskovs-ka, Vasa Altanovska, Kristina Palashovska, Cena Veleva, Fana Dushovska, Ljube Karangelevska and Dragica Apchevska), Lavci, Dihovo and Rotino and from the town of Bitola. In addition, Tale Ognenovski was the artistic instructor and coordinator of all the folk groups from the Bitola region. The Bitola Towns Union of cultural educated societies won the First Award for the best cultural region in the Republic of Macedonia…


Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Tale Ognenovski’s First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, 1951.   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/opatija1951.html

85 Folk groups performed at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, that took place during the period September 9 to 13, 1951. They came from Serbia (Sep-tember 9th, represented by 15 villages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 10th, represented by 15 villages), Montenegro (September 11th, represented by 8 villages), Slovenia (September 11th, represented by 5 villages), Macedonia (September 12th, represented by 23 villages) and Croatia (September 13th, represented by 19 villages). “Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nizhopole (Bitola) means ‘heavy’, and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64. At the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslaviia) the Folk Music Festival in Opatija, the Folk Dance group from the Bitola village of Nizhopole from Cultural - Educational society “Jonche Georgievski” from the Bitola village of Dihovo in which Tale Ognenovski was playing as a clarinet soloist, created a sensation and received First Award as the best Folk Dance group at the festival. Tale Ognenovski, with his masterly playing solo clarinet, deserved the award together with other members of the group. This was a great success because in this Festival participated 85 different folk dance groups from Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The musical part of the group had only two members: Tale Ognenovski played solo clarinet with the accompaniment of drummer Lambe Petrovski. This is a musical sensation, to receive the First Award with an orchestra consisting of only two members. The dancers and singers were Vera Cholakovska, Cveta Petrovska, Sakjime Alimovska, Nada, Marika, Menan, Sefer, Mirko, Vangel, and Dimche Talevski. There was a full house at the concert hall in the Kvarner hotel in Opatija, and the audience was fascinated by the music and the three dances performed by the Ensemble: ‘Za ramo Teshkoto’, ‘Beranche’ and ‘Vlashko za ramo’ (these folk dances involved singing by all ten members of the Ensemble). Tale Ognenovski was arranger of these folk dances, and made them more effective with his solo improvisations. Dr. Vinko Zganec wrote, under the title “Yugoslav Musical folklore at the Festival in Opatija”, “the clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski -
remark made by the Stevan Ogneno-vski) and the large drum provided a most effective combination for the folk dance
from Kozjak, as did the clarinet with the small drum for the folk dance “Teshkoto” from Nizhopole. The audience greets the debut of the group from Nidzopole with great applause... Delegates at the Conference of the International Folk Music Council in Opatia from September 8-14, 1951, were present at this concert. Many of the world’s reporters took photos of the members of the group regarding their excellent debut and their receiving First Award at this festival (Source: a letter from Mr. Mile Petrovski, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1965, and an informal interview with Mrs. Vera Cholakovska Petrovska and Mr. Mile Petrovski made by Stevan Ognenovski on May 3, 1998).


“Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall... This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years. We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet.” From an article written by William Hawkins, and that appeared in the New York World Telegram, New York City, USA on January 28, 1956.

"Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans...When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as an unfair trade for the four little swans in ''Swan Lake''… '' From an article written by Claudia Cassidy and entitled “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.” It appeared in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, USA on February 6, 1956.

Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

TV SITEL3 Programme “Jadi Burek” directed and produced by Janko Ilkovski, on November 24, 2014.

To see a preview of the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277 at Google Books,

Janko Ilkovski commented article entitled: “Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska and appeared in the newspaper Dnevnik, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014. Janko Ilkovski said: “In the newspaper Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014 was published an article entitled “Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: "Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska. In this article was written: Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski (1922-2012) is included in the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277

Janko Ilkovski said: “Listen Tale Ognenovski virtuoso performances of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro" (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski – YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovski” ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU) and "Piperkovo oro" (composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski) and we will immediately recognize the unreachable virtuosity of Tale Ognenovski in the performance of the “Mozart Concert for Clarinet” and in the performance of his composition “Piperkovo oro”, our Macedonian Gene… Tale Ognenovski is Virtuoso, Mozart of the Macedonian music, Titan of the Clarinet, Musical Genius, Bard… His legend will live forever. His music has become a large part of the lives of many people. His music has moved their souls and touched their hearts… What words to use for his achievements will not be enough to explain his musical genius and it will be insufficient to explain his greatness..."

International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey,  1977   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/istanbul.html

At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television) from
the Republic of Macedonia. He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia). He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”.

This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski. From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and
“Kumovo oro chochek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of Radio Television Skopje. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world. The Department of
Folk Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Radio Television Skopje” asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”. Source: An article entitled, “One item of music material presented in Istanbul creates great inter-est in the world about “Chalgii” music”, from the magazine “Ekran”, published on December 2, 1977 and the TV programme “Black and White”, journalist Irena Spirovska, broadcast on “Radio Television Skopje”. These two Macedonian folk dances, “Kumovo oro chochek,” composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and “Kasapsko oro,” arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski are available on the Jugoton LP record and cassette “Tale Ognenovski plays dances on the clarinet”, reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321 respectively, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1975. “Kumovo oro chochek”, composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances, Tale Ognenovski on the clarinet with his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-34461, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1972. “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances played by Ensemble “Chalgija”, conducted by Tale Ognenovski”, reference number EPY-34489, produced by Jugoton, 1972. “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and accompanied by the “Chal-gii” orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television” is available on the cassette “Anthology on Macedonian folk
music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, produced by the music and cassette department of Macedonian Radio Television”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1994.


"The world-famous and most relevant jazz music All About Jazz website https://www.allaboutjazz.com recently published an article in which it paid tribute to the Macedonian instrumentalist and musician Tale Ognenovski. The text refers to the recognition that the team gave to this site on April 27, the day of his 87th birthday, when he was named jazz musician of the day. This is a great recognition because such a recognition in the days when they were born, regardless of whether they were alive or dead at that moment, was given to the other most famous jazz musicians of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Arty Shaw, Sidney Beckett, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others…
Ognenovski is the greatest Macedonian instrumentalist, who plays the clarinet, reed pipe (kavalche}, bagpipe and zurla and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music. For his works, his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., wrote a book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer". They are both producers of Ognenovski's three albums released for the American record company The Independent Records, Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), MOZART and OGNENOVSKI ConosrtceI Clarinet. (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) as well as “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008)… Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classic concert entitled “Tale Ognenovski concert for clarinet no. 1” and 12 jazz compositions. In all the compositions of his albums, he is a solo instrumentalist on clarinet, kavalche, bagpipes, zurla and drums, and on some of the compositions, along with him, Stevan Ognenovski and his sons Nikola and Kliment also play the kavalche. Stevan is the author of eight music videos of his father, which are posted on the YouTube website, which contributes to the affirmation of Macedonian culture in the world, This article entitled: "ON THE MOST IMPORTANT SITE FOR JAZZ All About Jazz: Tale Ognenovski jazz musician of the day”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska, appeared in the newspaper "Vreme”, number 1713, July 6, 2009, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia).
(Macedonian: “Светски познатата и најрелевантна интернет-страница за џез-музика All About Jazz  https://www.allaboutjazz.com  деновиве објави статија со која му оддаде признание на македонскиот инструменталист и музичар Тале Огненовски. Текстот се однесува на признанието кое екипата на овој сајт му го додели на 27 април, на денот на неговиот 87. роденден, кога го прогласи за џез-музичар на денот.
Ова е големо признание бидејќи вакво признание во деновите кога се родиле, независно дали во тој момент биле живи или починати, го добиле и другите најславни џезери на сите времиња - Бени Гудман, Мајлс Дејвис, Арти Шо, Сидни Бекет, Дјук Елингтон, Ела Фитџералд и други…
Огненовски е најголемиот македонски инструменталист, кој свири на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка и зурла и еден од најголемите композитори на инструментална музика. За неговите дела, неговиот син м-р Стеван Огненовски напиша книга, насловена: „Тале Огненовски, виртуоз на кларинет и композитор“. Тие двајцата се продуценти на трите албуми на Огненовски издадени за американската дискографска компанија „Индипендент рекордс“, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006)
како и  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) … Тале Огненовски има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски народни ора, еден класичен концерт насловен „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и 12 џез-композиции. На сите композиции на неговите албуми тој е солист инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка, зурла и тапан, а на дел од композициите заедно со него на кавалче свират и Стеван Огненовски и неговите синови Никола и Климент. Стеван е автор на осумте музички видеа на неговиот татко, кои се ставени на интернет-страницата „јутјуб“, што придонесува за афирмација на македонската култура во светот…“, Напис под наслов: “НА НАЈПОЗНАТИОТ САЈТ ЗА ЏЕЗ Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот”, Напишано од Валентина Ѓоргиевска, весник “Време“, број 1713, 6 јули 2009 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).  https://web.archive.org/web/20110320083202/http://www.vreme.com.mk/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=6&tabid=1&EditionID=1749&ArticleID=117172

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)  

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All  About Jazz


All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2009-04-27)



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


JAZZ NEWS: Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD (Posted: April 22, 2012)     http://home.nestor.minsk.by/jazz/news/2012/04/2202.html


‘‘Until half-past eight, Carnegie Hall was full to capacity, without any of its near enough 3000 seats available... To choose which were the most successful of the program’s seventeen folk dances, when all were greeted with stormy applause, is really very difficult and risky... ‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was even repeated, and to repeat a performance on the American stage is a really rare and exclusive event…”, wrote Stjepan Pucak in his article entitled “First days in America” (Macedonian:  ““Првите денови во Америка”), published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 7, 1956.

BOOK: Ми-Анова енциклопедија: М-П Volume 3 of Ми-Анова енциклопедија: општа и македонскаЈован ПавловскиBibliographic information of the book: ISBN 9989613915, 9789989613913; Editor Јован Павловски; Publisher Книгоиздателство МИ-АН, 2006; ISBN 998961394X, 9789989613944; Length 2014 pages.  https://books.google.com/books?id=HlIUAQAAIAAJ&q=Tale+Ognenovski&dq=Tale+Ognenovski&hl=com&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwink_2J-Z3tAhUECRAIHeOPA5w4FBDoATAEegQIBBAC  

…lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music,” wrote JazzTimes music critic Bill Shoemaker in an article entitled "Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds", appearing in the website of JazzTimes on January 3, 1998.  Article published in the book: Shoemaker, Bill (January 1998). Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2–5- Page 43; Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds. JazzTimes. The University of Michigan.



The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”) ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994, pp. 114-116, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.  Bibliographic information about this Book:   



Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer is author of the book “Macedonian dances”(
“Македонски ора) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989.    http://www.taleognenovski.mk/kniga.html

The book “Macedonian  dances” by Tale Ognenovski, 1989.

Bibliographic information of the book:   OCLC Number: 780525762; Publisher: “Kulturno-prosvetna zaednica na Skopje”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1989; Lenght: 88; Edition/Format: Musical score ;Language:  Macedonian



Tale Ognenovski is the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian: “Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, in 1989. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. The harmony symbols of the Macedonian folk
dances (composer, Tale Ognenovski) were written by Blagoja Deskovski. The notographer is Vasko Petkovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. In the introduction to this book Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Radio Skopje wrote, “Besides his affirming Macedonian folk dances with magnetic tapes and gramophone records, Tale Ognenovski has written this book of Macedonian folk danc-es, the first such book in Macedonia. He has for a long time been associated with the traditional expression of the Folk Genius and an endless desire to develop the smallest element of folk music into a complex instrumental content... The name of Tale Ognenovski has for forty years performed, as much music on the Radio as he has in concert halls in our country, and in many European and non-European countries. He began to play from the earliest age with the reed pipe (‘kavalche’) in his village of Brusnik near Bitola, and he received recognition from the music profession at the First Republic Festival for Macedonian folk dances and songs in Skopje, 1948, where he won First Award for the clarinet as the best clarinetist. It was at this time, following the Festival and his first great award, that Ognenovski decided on a personal objective of developing a creative traditional style in the area of instrumental music. Year by year he developed into a real virtuoso and artist. He created his own style of interpreting folk dances (‘ora’). His particular characteristic involved his own creative improvisations called ‘maninja’. At the same time as he was performing music like this, he started composing his own folk dances. As a composer, he kept the traditional folk expression. Many years of performing with the orchestras of Radio Television Skopje, with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ and  with other folk ensembles helped him create ‘Ognenovski’s style’ when producing his own Macedonian folk dances. These are easily recognizable by their exuberant melody and rich rhythms in correlation with the traditional style. In this area, he is equally well recognized as a performer of ‘chalgiski ora’, folk dances where the melody is always the first objective. He is a composer of folk dances in the ‘new town’ tradition, which he interprets with the Folk Music Orchestra and where the melody is created in the context of a logical harmony. This book containing Macedonian folk dances as well as gramophone records represents an important piece of literature for current and future-generation instrumentalists. This book will remind us of one uniquely talented artist, Tale Ognenovski.”


 Book “Macedonian dances” from Tale Ognenovski, 1989

The introduction to the book “Macedonian Dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski is written by Kiril Todevski and Jelica Todorchevska.CIP (Cataloguing in Publication) – Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје (Cataloging in Publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17) 78.089,6)  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/kniga.html

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542). 

List of compositions performed by Tale Ognenovski, which were included in this music video:
Digital Music Album: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832; Release Date: April 27, 2016; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)
Track 5 – “Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622: Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” - Performed by Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. drum. Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.
Digital Music Album: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542; 2001, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)
Track 4 – “Brusnichko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski)
Track 6 – “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski)
Track10 – “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” (composer Tale Ognenovski)
Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla") and Stevan Oggnenovski, Mag. Scient.  on drum.
Digital Music Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223, 2005, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)
Track 1 - “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro” (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski) 
Track 3 – “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo – Allegro” (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)  
Performed by Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. drum.
Digital Music Album: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824; 2008, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)
Track 1 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1”  
Track 6 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6”
Track 7 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7”
Performed by Tale Ognenovski (clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, drum); Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  (reed pipe, drum); Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe); Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe).  Composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski (Track 1, 6, 7).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Classical Music since 1952

From November 15, 1951 till 1954, Tale Ognenovski worked with the ‘Police Wind Orchestra.’ From 1954 till 1956, he worked with the ‘Skopje Public Town Orchestra’. The repertoire for both of these Orchestras consisted of classical music. Tale Ognenovski passed the auditions to join these Orchestras with flying colours. In 1951, and just a day before the audition, the archivist Mitko gave him the music score from a composition including the opera ‘Carmen’ by Georges Bizet, the opera ‘The Troubadour’ by Guiseppe Verdi and ‘Makedonka’ by Ilija Todorovski. The Director and Conductor Ilija Todorovski was surprised at Tale Ognenovski’s extremely impressive degree of skill in interpreting classical music. He introduced him to the pianist Nino Cipushev, who today lives in Switzerland, and together they prepared the concert ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’ by Miler Bela with the rhythms Allegro, Andante and Tempo di polka. In December 1952, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist and with Cipushev as piano accompaniment, performed the same concert in the ‘Police House’ in Skopje with great success. It was with this magnificent performance that Tale Ognenovski became the first clarinet soloist who had ever performed a classical concert for the clarinet in the Republic of Macedonia. This was an exceptional event in the history of the country’s music. Present at this concert were the composer Gligor Smokvarski, Professor Ilija Nikolovski, the composer, professor and pianist Ladislav Palfi, Ilija Todorovski, Micho Kostovski, Stefan Gajdov, the composer and Director of the School of Music in Skopje, all members of the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ and other citizens. Following this very successful concert Tale Ognenovski asked Gligor Smokvarski to make arrangements for the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ to play the concert. On May 24, 1953, the classical concert ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’ by Miler Bela, with Gli-gor Smokvarski’s arrangement for the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ (comprising about 30 musicians), conducted by Micho Kostovski and with Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist, was performed in the Radio Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television) building and broadcast live to the nation via Radio Skopje. This classical concert contains some very difficult parts with many cadenzas, which are very difficult for a clarinet soloist to perform, and require great skill. Tale Ognenovski performed magnificently in this concert. In the audience were Stefan Gajdov the composer, Ladislav Palfi the composer, professor and pianist, other composers and other citizens. The concert was a great success and the audience warmly applauded the fascinating playing of Tale Ognenovski on the clarinet and all members of the Orchestra. After the concert, Professor Ladislav Palfi personally congratulated Tale Ognenovski and expressed his hope that they two could work together. (The source of the above is a letter from Professor Ladislav Palfi dated May 23, 1973, and a letter from Sime Pavlovski and Jordan Canevski, dated May, 1998). The members of this Wind orchestra were the famous musician and composer Djakonovski Dragan-Shpato, Sime Pavlovski, Jordan Canevski, Petkovski Vasko, Chkatrovski Kire, Zafirovski Metodija, Nikolovski Pero, Anton Dzaja, Asanovic Sherlo, Savo, Chedo, Pavle, Zhivko, Stanko, Domazetovski Nikola, Asanovic Miki, Ristovski Vlasto, Andrej Beljan, Dimitrovski Vlado, Kiro Stoev, Grashic, Simonovski Dzodza, Krapovski Paskal, Nikolovski Tome, Manevski Dimitar and other musicians.

This same concert, with the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ conducted by Micho Kostovski and Tale Ognenovski playing solo on clarinet, was performed also in the ‘Police House’, the ‘State Hospi­tal’, the restaurant ‘Kermes’ in Skopje and in other towns in Macedonia such as Resen and Ohrid and, everywhere, these tremendously successful events were significant ones in the musical life of Macedonia during the years 1952-1955. The programme of these concerts in addition included some parts of classical works. These included Bizet’s ‘Carmen’, ‘The Troubadour’, ‘Aida’, ‘Rigoletto’, Verdi’s ‘Nabucco’ and ‘La Traviata’, ‘Oberon’ by Carl Maria von Weber, Tchaikovsky’s ‘1812 Overture’, Puccini’s ‘Tosca’ and Rossini’s ‘The Barber of Seville’.

Miler Bela’s ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’, with the ‘Army Orchestra’ conducted by Vaso Chelebic, and Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist, was performed in the ‘Army House’ in Skopje in 1953 with great success.


Tale Ognenovski inherited his great talent and musical genius from his great-grandfather Ognen and grandfather Riste, both of whom were excellent players on the reed pipe (“kavalche”), and from his father Jovan who was an excellent player on the bagpipe (“gajda”). At every celebration in his village of Brusnik, his father Jovan invited to his home the clarinetist Sterjo, accompanied by two other musicians who played the violin and drum, or the clarinetist Lambo, together with two other musicians who played the violin and drum (Lambo’s son Tode played the drum). On these occasions Tale’s father Jovan played the bagpipe. When little Tale was six years old he began to accompany them playing the “daire” (some kind of little drum). It was during these moments that Tale began to love playing musical instruments. He began to play on the reed pipe (“kavalche”) at the age of 7 (1929) when he also made his first musical composition. These particularly happy times in Tale’s life were broken suddenly, in 1933, when his father Jovan died. By the time Tale was 15 (1937) he was an excellent player on the reed pipe. During one celebration in Brusnik he asked the clarinetist Vasil Talevski to lend him his clarinet. Tale began to play the clarinet for the first time, and all the villagers who were present, including Vasil Talevski, Mile Karangelevski and the priest Spase were amazed at how well he played. It was then that one of the most successful careers in the world of music began. Tale’s grandmother Marija (Mara) and mother Fanija (Vanka) provided some money to buy Tale his first clarinet, and the priest Spase helped them to order it from Celje, Slovenia. Tale began to play the clarinet at many celebrations and concerts in villages and the town of Bitola with many other musicians. His youngest brother Cane was also very talented musically. He was a great singer of Macedonian folk songs and also an excellent drummer.
From 1946 till 1951 he played in the Cultural-Educational Societies of “Svetlost” and “Stiv Nau-mov” in Bitola, and folk dance groups from the villages of Brusnik, Dihovo, Nizhopole, Rotino and Lavci. Always a lover of classical music, Tale Ognenovski was prepared to study alone to learn to play classical music on the clarinet. He performed many times in radio broadcasts on Radio Bitola.
He received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the first regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held on October 9-11, 1947. From November 1, 1948 till December 30, 1948, he was a member of the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje at the invitation of Mr. Vasil Hadzimanov and Mr. Nikolaj Galevski. This was after he had received the First Award Clarinet as the best clarinetist at the first Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held in Skopje in 1948. He played many times with the Radio Skopje Studio Folk Orchestra, and many of these performances were broadcast.
Tale Ognenovski lived in Skopje in the Republic of Macedonia. He died in Skopje on June 19, 2012. He was playing the clarinet professionally 75 years. His clarinet was a ‘Buf-fet- Crampon’; he used Vandoren 5RV and 5RV Lyre Clarinet Mouthpieces and Vandoren Clarinet Reeds. Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted. His virtuoso and complex compositions are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. He has made solo performances and recorded pieces with many orchestras. He has been featured in many televised concerts broadcast in Europe and United States. His unique style with the clarinet has earned him an international reputation. His genius is ably demonstrated through his musical interpretations, compositions and band leadership. His compositions and clarinet interpretations are some of the most spectacular in the world of music. His talent as a performer of folk, jazz and classical music has been recognised on audio samples on his Internet Web site, http://www.taleognenovski.mk Tale Ognenovski became a surprise sensation with his performances as a clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist at the concert with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at world-famous Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. His legend will live forever. His music has become a large part of the lives of many people. His music has moved their souls and touched their hearts. Music, which will forever be played and forever be loved, has brought tears to their eyes and smiles to their faces. His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world. He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music.

Tale on age 4        *Photos of Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his family.

Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian). His music styles include Macedonian folk dances, classical music and jazz.  He was bandleader of the Tale Ognenovski Orchestra.

The LP record “Macedonian folk dances played by Tale Ognenovski” (“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski”) reference number LP 1439 STEREO was produced by Radio Television Belgrade in Belgrade in 1979. On the back cover of this record Gjoko Georgiev, the well-known editor of music for Radio Television Skopje, wrote this article entitled “TALE IS UNIQUE” in Macedonian: “This record allows you to hear the unique, famous, music personality, the solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. When hearing the music, you will feel exhilarating folklore all around you, of the sunny, sad and bright legend of the south being transferred into music. These days Tale is a recognised poet and interpreter of Macedonian folk dances and songs. He will live on in the Macedonian folk dances contained on this record. During the last couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation, displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso. But he has taken this further, by managing to combine both classical and folk music in the same performance, while keeping their particular styles separate. He demonstrated this while performing Ernesto Cavallini’s Concert “FIORI ROSSINIANI”, Weber’s Concert in ef-mol and Mozart’s Concert in A Major accompanied by Ladislav Palfi on the piano and broadcast on Radio Television Skopje. He has performed many times in public and played jazz styles based on music by Yugoslav composers, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw... In this particular area of music, we learn that Tale Ognenovski first began to play the clarinet in Brusnik near Bitola; he then drifted through the Pelagonia plane, crossed over the Vardar and toured throughout Macedonia, thence throughout America, Canada and many European countries. As he grew up he developed his skill and become wealthy, and his clarinet became unique in the hands of a poor village boy from the mountains of Pelister. This record is only a small example of Tale’s work, but enough to make you aware of his strength and talent”   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/uniq.html



Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with

THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVIZION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA.      http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mp21037.html

This Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician” - Ilustrovana Politika, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1979.

“…Radio Television Belgrade released a LP of Macedonian folk music, on which are performances by the extraordinary clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. His music repertoire is folk dances, jazz (besides others he includes works by Benny  Goodman and Artie Shaw), concerts from Weber, Mozart and Cavallini...This is Tale Ognenovski who began to play the clarinet in the village of Brusnik near Bitola, who with this wooden instrument toured the world and received well-deserved applause wherever he performed. The names of the folk dances which Tale Ognenovski plays will not be given; this is unnecessary because this is a particularly good record that proves that this Mace­donian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician”, from the magazine “Ilustrovana Politika”, under the title, “New records - Macedonian folk dances”, published in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1979. (This commentary is a message to the reader on the release of the record RTB LP 1439 STEREO).



All About Jazz : The following news item is now being featured at AllAboutJazz.com:  The 51th Anniversary of Tale Ognenovski's Carnegie Hall Concert, January 27, 1956

Posted: 2007-02-04



Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

* Narodni Ora Tale Ognenovski so Chalgiite (1965, EP 14716, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
Gramophone record EP 14716 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965.
Folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA

Side A
1. KALAMATIJANA (folk-arranger Tale Ognenovski)

2. LAMCHE (STARSKO ORO) (folk-arranger Tale Ognenovski)

Side B

3. OHRIDSKO ZA RAKA (composer Tale Ognenovski)
4. DEMIRHISARSKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)


‘‘Until half-past eight, Carnegie Hall was full to capacity, without any of its near enough 3000 seats available... To choose which were the most successful of the program’s seventeen folk dances, when all were greeted with stormy applause, is really very difficult and risky... ‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was even repeated, and to repeat a performance on the American stage is a really rare and exclusive event…”, wrote Stjepan Pucak in his article entitled “First days in America” (Macedonian:  ““Првите денови во Америка”), published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 7, 1956.

…lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music,” wrote JazzTimes music critic Bill Shoemaker in an article entitled "Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds", appearing in the website of JazzTimes on January 3, 1998.  Article published in the book: Shoemaker, Bill (January 1998).
Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2–5- Page 43; Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds. JazzTimes.
The University of Michigan.
600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik

On August 8 and 9, 1992, Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions  of Macedonian folk dances at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the  founding of the village of Brusnik.  Mr. Kiro Gligorov, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Petar, Metropolitan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church were present at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the establishment of the village of Brusnik, near Bitola, on August 8 and 9, 1992. Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances ac-companied by the Culture and Arts Society “Ilinden” from Bitola. Tale Ognenovski amazed all those present at the celebration with his marvellous solo performance on the clarinet. The celebration was recorded and shown on “Macedonian Radio Television” in the programme “Amidst the village - 600 years of Brusnik”, 1992. The Macedonia Radio Television journalist Su-zana Trajkovska commented about the programme, “Tale Ognenovski is a virtuoso of the clarinet...”

BOOK Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. . 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85;137-138; Bibliographic information of the book: Length 146 pages; Publisher: Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola, Republic of Macedonia: Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992; Edition/Format: Print book : Macedonian OCLC Number: 441004342. 



“This was “Tanec,” the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet. “Tanec” means “dance,” but “dance” in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers... there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing... Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations…” From an article written by Samuel Singer entitled “Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”. It appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer,  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA on February 8, 1956.

”Anyone watching the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet last night in Constitution Hall could have guessed without any difficulty the major emotions and situations involved in the dancing… A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show the girls how handsome and wonderful and brilliant and exciting and sensational their man friends are. It does. The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition...” This is from an article written by Paul Hume and entitled “Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works”. It appeared in The Washington Post and Times Herald, Washington, D.C., USA on February 10, 1956.

“…includes singers and mu­sicians as well: and singing may be part of the dance, just as musicians may take an active part... Last night’s program included songs and dances from Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Dalmacia. The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... one dance, Sopska Poskocica  it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective... The music, whether for singing or dancing, had the same spontaneous folk quality and an exotic character." From an article written by John Kraglund, entitled “Music in Toronto”and appearing in The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada on February 14, 1956.

‘The Macedonian Ensemble for folk dances and songs ‘Tanec’ has already been performing in America for several weeks... All the concerts have had record audiences… immediately after the performance in Carnegie Hall, the press wrote numerous compliments. Almost all articles in the newspapers were written in superlatives. Every impression of the concert was that this concert evening would remain unforgettable. There were many reasons for this but, primarily, it was the wonderful folk music with a full range of temperament and miraculous rhythm, voluminous colour and sonority, perfect coordination between the dancers and the musicians…‘‘ - This article, written by Naum Nachevski, appeared in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 18, 1956, under the title, “TANEC receive applause in America” (Macedonian:  “Танецсобира аплаузи по Америка).

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003
Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959… Parts of the articles in the newspapers: “…some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…,” written by John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956,  Title: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,"  is related to my appearance at world-famous Carnegie Hall as reed pipe and clarinet soloist. 
“…When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica,"  which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake." They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...,” written by Claudia Cassidy, title: "On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance", and published in the newspaper Chicago Daily Tribune, on  February 6, 1956. I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in Sopska Poskocica ("Shopska potskoknuvachka") but also and arranger of music because I added my own musical phrases and improvisations in more parts of the dance. I performed with much faster rhythm than appear in the original version of this folk dance, which contribute all articles in the newspapers for this dance to be brilliants. 
“…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." Written by Walter Terry, title: 'Yugoslav Folk Ballet", New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956. 
“…This group would be hard to beat…”  written by Albert Goldeberg, title "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement",  Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1956.
“…"Macedonian Tune," which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." Written by R. H. Hagan, title "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky' ", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.
“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has never seen." Title: "Dance Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslav come to U.S.", Life, USA, April 9, 1956. 
My contribution for these wonderful articles in the newspapers was the greatest regarding the other musicians of Ensemble “Tanec”.  I was virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist in the most parts of the programme of Ensemble “Tanec.” I was Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Macedonian Radio Television.” I performed with many Cultural Artistically Societies. I recorded many gramophone records.   On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.com.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija", 
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003.

" Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije”. (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”)
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer won the “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31,1978. (No. 38).

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia).  In the text of this plaque is written: “Secretariat of Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia awarded Tale Ognenovski  with “Yugoslavian Stage Award” in the form of a plaque for the significant results achieved in the creative work of the expansion and improvement of the stage art in Yugoslavia”, President, Miljenko Prohaska, Number: 38. Zagreb, Croatia, October 31, 1978. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003.
The "11 October" Award is the highest and the most prestigious national award in the Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.
Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website
Product details
Paperback: 408 pages
 Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)
Language: English and Macedonian
ISBN-10: 1708334025ISBN-13: 978-1708334024
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds
Kindle Edition eBook
Product details
File Size: 154220 KB
Print Length: 408 pages
Publication Date: November 11, 2019
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English and Macedonian

Amazon.com eBook
Amazon.com Print Book

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019) https://web.archive.org/web/20191127204509/http://mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=207750

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” http://www.taleognenovski.mk

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski




Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.   received scientific degree of Magister of Technical Sciences in the field of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia on March 7, 1991. The diploma is issued in Croatian language and Latin language. (420 ECTS  credits - given the Bologna comparison system among academic programs). Degree: Magister of Science - mag. scient. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magister_(degree)); Latin: Magister Scientarium (MAGISTER SCIENTIARUM ad SCIENTIAS TECHNICAS - SCIENTIAS COMPUTANDI SCIENTIARUM COMPUTANDI NUCLEUM); Croatian: Magistar znanosti – mr. sc. (MAGISTAR ZNANOSTI iz oblasti TEHNICKIH ZNANOSTI, podrucja RACUNARSKIH ZNANOSTI smjer JEZGRA RACUNARSKIH ZNANOSTI) is classified in the Level 8.1 (old mr. sc.): postgraduate research Master of science studies (Croatian: poslijediplomski znanstveni magistarski studiji) at the Croatian Qualifications Framework Act (CROQF).  Act came into force on March 2, 2013. He was published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Croatia, no. 22/2013). Information about Magister’s Science Thesis of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  entitled: “Software programs for measurement of the network traffic in the local area network” (Croatian: PROGRAMSKA POMAGALA ZA MJERENJE PROMETA U LOKALNOJ MREŽI) can be found at Web site: http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_e.htm  (and http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_h.htm ) of MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia and on page 434 in the book entitled: “Hrvatska informatika: jučer, danas, sutra”; Author: Hrvatska informatička zajednica; Publisher: HIZ, 1996; Original from: the University of Michigan; ISBN: 9536129094, 9789536129096; Digitized: 7 Mar 2007; Length: 458 pages; Subjects: Information science. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. is Author of the book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer".  Publishing house is Matica Makedonska. The book is published in both Macedonian and English, on December, 2000. ISBN  9989483124 ; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz and Classical Music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski).

Library of Congress information at

http://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 and World catalog

The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply “Macedonian Tune,” which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud...” From an article written by R. H. Hagan, entitled “Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’” and appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, California, USA on March 8, 1956.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Nationality: Macedonian),, the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska was born in Brusnik, municipalitie Bitola, Socialist Republic of Macedonia (Now: Republic of Macedonia) on September 9, 1948 (Macedonian: Стеван Огненовски е роден на 9 септември, 1948 година во Брусник, општина Битола во Социјалистичка Република Македонија (денешна Република Македонија; Latin: Stevan Ognenovski Natus die IX Septembris anni MCMXLVIII in Brusnik, commune Bitola, in Socialistica Re Publica Macedonia).

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Email   steveogn@yahoo.com
CV of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Magister Scientiarum (Magister of Science in Computer Science), author of the Web site of Tale Ognenovski, Musical Genius, Clarinetist and Composer   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cvstevano.html

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page


The material in this book also appears in the print version entitled: “TALE OGNENOVSKI Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / “ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ, ВИРТУОЗ НА КЛАРИНЕТ И КОМПОЗИТОР”published by BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE “MATICA MAKEDONSKA” in Republic of Macedonia in 2001; Print ISBN 9989-48-312-4; CIP – (Cataloging in Publication) "St. Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 78.071.1/.2(497.7)(092) 788.6.089.6; The Library of Congress Control Number LCCN: 2003457521; LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521  Changes in the First eBook and Print Book publishing of this book CHAPTER: AWARDS AND HONOURS

Tale Ognenovski received recognition entitled "Partizanska spomenica 1941" (“Commemorative Partisan Medal 1941" - No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) with a decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia, the Minister, Army General Ivan Gosnjak.

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, with announcement published at his website. https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM

"11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for his contributions to Macedonian culture. October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Certificate for "National Pension" for his contribution to Macedonian culture. March 3, 2012. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

“Gratitude” from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture. October 30, 2014. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. For more information please visit my website http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html


CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542). Amazon.com Release Date: November 11, 2003. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/firstcd.html

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA). Catalog: IR38824). Amazon.com Release Date: September 1, 2008. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/jazzcd.html

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Amazon.com Release Date: January 1, 2005. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozartcd.html

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832). Amazon.com Release Date: April 27, 2016. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozart2016.html   

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska on the base of recording of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. arranged
for two clarinets Musical Masterpiece “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Perhaps these two Audio CDs are unique recordings in the world where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für klarinette und orchester A dur – A major –  La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, This Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for
Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" performed by
Tale Ognenovski are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski).

Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You: My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA   entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” I am author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA  
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.
CHAPTER: “ENSEMBLE “TANEC” IN NORTH AMERICA Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history  of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs. Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist. “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” This comes from an article written by music critic John Martin, entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" and published in the The New York Times on February 5, 1956, p. 114. (The virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Author)   


* Plesovi Naroda Jugoslavije (1971, LPYV-S-806, Jugoton, Croatia)  
Tale Ognenovski made his recording debut as composer of Macedonian folk dances with the Ga­levski-Nanchevski Orchestra in 1963, with three Macedonian folk dances: “Bitolsko svadbarsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski), “Bitolsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski), and “Pelistersko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski). The virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski. This first record EP 14700 RTB was recorded by the Production of Gramophone Records Department of Radio Television Belgrade.
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with the GA­LEVSKI-NANCHEVSKI FOLK ORCHESTRA
Side A
1. PELISTERSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
Side B
2. BITOLSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

3. BITOLSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

* Makedonska Ora (1963, EP 14700, PGP-RTB, Serbia)    


Resensko oro” performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinetist is recorded on the LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES”
The Macedonian folk dance “Resensko oro” is available on the Jugoton LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES” (“PLESOVI NARODA JUGOSLAVIJE”), reference number LPYV-S-806.  “The tracks on this record contain instrumental, musical folk-dance accompaniments arranged for the public... The aksak rhythm appears in the musical accompaniment of the Macedonian “Resensko oro” (A-4, composed and performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinettist, accompanied by his Tale Ognenovski Folk Ensemble), in a three-beat rhythm, with the extended first unit...” wrote Dr Jerko Bezic on back cover of this record.

* Tale Ognenovski Klarinet sa Svojim Ansamblom (1965, EP 14711,
PGP-RTB, Serbia)


* Makedonska Ora Svira na Klarineti  Tale Ognenovski uz Svoj Ansambl
(1967, EPY-3851, Jugoton, Croatia)

On the promotion of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – OhridBoshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovsli (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.) …
Information for the  promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, was published in newspapers: “Nova Makedonija” (Article entitled: “The 40th Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances, July 2 2001), “Vecher” (Article entitled: “Balkan gathering 600 dancers”, July 5, 2001) and the “Utrinski Vesnik” (Article entitled: “Started Balkan Festival of folk Songs and Dances, July 7, 2001).

On the beginning of the promotion, the author of the book Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  read the letter from Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and the letter of Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia.

In the letter Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer writes: "Dear Mr. Ognenovski,
Extraordinary feelings, undoubtedly evokes monographic work of your great musical opus, rarely inventive and gifted instrumentalist and composer. Numerous tours and awards in our country and in the world talking about your virtuosity in unsurpassed merger of oriental and western music. Priceless is your merit for promotion of Macedonian traditional and folk music around the world. But at the same time it should be noted and pedagogical activity with young enthusiasts - your followers. Your music and solo performances, left a mark of unsurpassed clarinetist who his perpetual inspiration finds in the  most valuable that has this country – Macedonian folklore. I think that words cannot express what is experienced in the moments of your interpretations. But I still believe in the value of this monographic work that will remain a permanent mark for one glowing personality for future generations.
Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. July 9, 2001" http://www.taleognenovski.mk/book.html
“Почитуван господине Огненовски,
Несекојдневно е чуството кое несомнено го буди монографското дело на Вашиот огромен музички опус, како ретко инвентивен и надарен инструменталист и композитор. Многубројните гостувања и награди кај нас и во светот говорат за Вашата виртуозност во ненадминливиот спој на ориенталната и западната музика. Непроценлива е Вашата заслуга за афирмација на македонската изворна и народна музика ширум светот. Но, истовремено треба да се истакне и педагошката активност со младите ентузијасти – Вашите следбеници. Вашата музика, солистичките настапи, оставија белег на ненадминлив кларинетист кој својата непресушна инспирација ја наоѓа во највредното што го има ова поднебје – македонскиот фолклор.  Мислам дека со зборови не може да се искаже се она што се доживува во миговите на Вашите интерпретации. Но, сепак верувам во вредноста на ова монографско дело кое ќе остане како траен белег за едно блескаво име на идните генерации.
Борис Трајковски, Претседател на Република Македонија
Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година”

In the letter Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and to Mr. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  writes: "Dear Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski,
Invitation to attend at the promotion of the book "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", causes me great honour and pleasure. I am glad that the promotion of the book is at the same time of maintaining the Balkan Folklore Festival and will enriches the content of this event. Of course it is important that you have managed to book issued in Macedonian and English. Congratulating you on the success and wishing you further success, expressing my regret that due to commitments I am not able to attend the promotion of your book. I wish that the promotion to relive the true moments that deserves the book. Sincerely, Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, July 9, 2001"  
“Почитувани Тале Огненовски и Стеван Огненовски,
Поканата да присуствувам на промоцијата на книгата “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, ми причини посебна чест и задоволство. Ме радува што промоцијата на книгата е во исто време со одржувањето на Балканскиот фолклорен фестивал што ја збогатува содржината и на оваа Манифестација. Секако значајно е и тоа што сте успеале книгата да ја издадете на македонски и англиски јазик.
Честитајќи Ви за успехот и посакувајќи Ви натамошни успеси, го изразувам моето жалење, што поради обврските не сум во можност да присуствувам на промоцијата на Вашата книга.
Посакувам промоцијата да ги доживее вистинските моменти што ги заслужува книгата.
Со почит, Љубчо Георгиевски, Претседател на Владата на Република Македонија, Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година” 


YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.  
Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521      Google Books Bibliographic information about this book

This monograph consists of 12 important chapters. Every chapter in its own way represents a looking glass of the artist’s profile.

In the first chapter the author, using selected material, has included biographical data and individual articles about Tale Ognenovski’s performances, as well as significant statements about his contribution towards the common proclamation of our cultural values with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ on their mammoth tours in the United States of America, Canada and Germany in 1956, followed by the tours in France and Switzerland  in 1959. Per-haps the most significant of his performances with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ was the one in the famous Carnegie Hall in America. After these particular appearances that introduced Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to the world, in the next chapter the author succeeds in presenting the most significant journalist and professional comments about this folk genius of the clarinet. These articles record the numerous awards and honours that he received for his artistic works. The author Stevan Ognenovski includes the music notation of Tale Ognenovski’s own dance compositions, in addition to the “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and the “Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1”. With all these the artist’s profile has become richer… This monograph contains valuable material for researchers in the area of folklore to use to study successfully this phenomenon called Tale Ognenovski." - Kiril Todevski, Ethnomusicologist.
"This book can be distinguished from others by the way research has been extraordinarily com-plete and scrupulously conducted.
An enormous number of richly illustrated moments in his life and the creative style of Tale Ognenovski make it possible for everyone to see the extraordinary values and dimensions of this artistic person, as one of the most important instrumental maes-tros in the world and a uniquely creative musician. Following the life history and the art of this great musician, Stevan Ognenovski M.Sc. presents the rich variety of events during these times and the creative works of the maestro. Before our very eyes appear numerous persons and manifestations as components of one treas-ured part of Macedonian spirit and cultural history. These things contribute additionally towards the value of this book…" - Dushko Dimitrovski, Ethnomusicologist.


* 50 Godini na Makedonskata Radio Televizija,
Antologija na Makedonskata Narodna Muzika,
Svirachi Majstori (1994, MP 21176 Stereo


* Muzichki Spomenar (1994, Video Tape MP31087 VHS PAL Colour, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia)

Many musicians from Macedonian Radio Television worked together with Tale Ognenovski with the recording of numerous folk dances and songs. These included Nikolaj Galevski, Angel Nanchevski, Kocho Petrovski, Ivan Terziev, Blagoja Deskovski, Aleksandar Piperkov, Ljupcho Pandilov, Stevo Teodosievski, Todor Petrovski-Tosho, Aleksandar Sarievski, Naser, Suljo, Dimitar Najdenov Taki, Hustref Said, Tosho Gjorgjevic, Metodija Zafirovski-Smolski, Hilmi Baki, Raim Baki, Apostol Gelevski, Pece Atanasovski, Dimitar Bugarski, Dragi Simonovski, Dimitar Krstevski, Risto Vasilevski, Vasil Ivanovski-Javasho, Pero Jarchev, Muarem Sakipov, Mamet, Dragi Anchevski, Angele Dimovski, Tihomir Veskovski, Mahmud Muzafer, Nikola Cvetkovski, Mile Kolarovski, Todor Pavlovski , Ljupcho Ilievski, Petar Lukic, Todor Trajchevski, Petar Petrov, Liljana Avtovska, Borche Polizovski, Slobodan Serafimovski, Vlado Dimitrovski, Mendo Dear, Kosta Smilevski, Mladen (Mladjo), Vesel Chun, Medo Chun, Moamed Chun, Amet Eminov, Aki Memedov, Mefail Sakipov, Moamer, Tome Chrchev, Redzep Pampurovski, Moarem Sali, Slobodan Nikolovski, Kurto, Borche Grujovski, Vlado Hristov and Dimitar Krcovski.

* Tale Ognenovski so Orkestarot Chalgii na RTS (1989, MP 21037 Stereo, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia

The year 1965 saw Tale Ognenovski establish his own “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra” in Skopje, and “RADIO TELEVIZIJA BEOGRAD” produce the record EP 14711. On this record, he gives solo clarinet performances of his four compositions, Prespansko oro, Kumovo oro, Deverovo oro and Dihovsko oro, accompanied by the “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra”. The members of Tale Ognenovski Orchestra were: Blagoja Deskovski, Slavcho Gjurchilov, Dragi Bogatinov, Mile Serafimovski, Kiril Zivkovski, Borche Polizovski, Sime Fonchev, Mile Serafimov, Hilmi Baki, Raim Baki, Muarem Sali, Redzep Pampurovski, Pande Kominovski, Ilija Stavrevski, Mladen Stojanovic, Dimitar Bugarski, Pancho Musev, Aki Memedov, Rushan, Mefail Sakipov, Hustref Said, Mile Brzanov, Aristid Filaktov, Moamed Chun and Vlado Dimitrovski.

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical clarinet concerto entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” including Brusnichko oro, Poljansko oro, Stevchevo oro, Sharsko oro, Talevo kasapsko oro, Kasapsko oro,Bukovsko oro,  Nevenino oro, Kumovo oro chochek, Resensko oro, Talevo svadbarsko oro, Bukovsko svadbarsko oro, Pajdushko svadbarso oro, Pajdushkata oro, Drachevsko oro, Zajachko oro, Pelistersko oro, Caparsko oro, Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, Oreovsko oro, Nevenino lavchansko oro, Fanino oro, Micino oro, Sharsko kozarsko oro, Veleshko zhensko oro, Zhensko krsteno oro, Adana oro, Bitolsko oro, Pelagonisko oro, Mominsko oro, Ohridsko oro, Beranche (Bajrache) oro, Kalamatijana oro, Mashkoto oro, Nevestinsko oro, Kavadarsko oro, Skopski chochek, Zhensko kichevsko oro, Egejsko oro, Prilepsko svadbarsko oro, Deverovo oro, Dihovsko oro, Dimchevo oro, Ristevo oro, Prespansko oro, Berovsko zhensko oro, Negotinsko mashko oro, Gevgelisko zhensko oro, Delchevsko zhensko oro, Kumanovsko oro, Galichko oro, Piperkovo oro, Kavadarsko oro, Starsko zaramo oro, Pajdushko (Talevo) oro II, Pajdushko oro III, Chamiko oro, Vlashko oro, Patruno svadbeno oro, Oroto staro Kukushko, Shapkarevo kasapsko oro, Sechena krshlama oro, Harman kjojlisko oro, Pazjansko oro, Nunkova krshlama oro, Zaharievo oro, Lagadinsko rusalisko oro, Harman kjojska krshlama oro, Ajvatovsko oro, Bukovsko oro, Talevo svadbarsko oro, Kumovo oro, Nevestinsko oro, Jeni Jol, Kjupurlika, Demirhisarski zhensko oro, , Bitolsko za ramo, Skopski vessel chochek, Skopsko zhensko oro, Germijansko oro,  Oro“Poziv dojde”, Skudrinsko oro, Brusnichko mladinsko oro, Talevo Brusnichko oro,  Lamche  (Starsko oro), Ohridsko za raka, Kavadarsko svadbarsko oro,  Gorno selsko oro.. The majority of them are his own compositions.

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

Tale Ognenovski received the “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje on May 27, 1996. 
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia. In the text of this plaque is written: “The Association of Stage Artists of Republic of Macedonia awarded Tale Ognenovski with “Honorary Macedonian Stage Award” for successful entertainer activity over 20 years”. President Bozhidar Noev. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 27, 1996. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

"For authentic folk dancing, wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style...They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe…" This comes from an article written by Albert Goldeberg, entitled “Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement” and published in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, USA on March 13, 1956.

Composer and Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was honoured with Certificate for National Pension by Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski, March 3, 2012

Photo published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia in the news titled: “Awarding of the first 40 decisions for national pensions. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski on 03.03.2012 granted the first 40 decisions for national pensions in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Culture ", published on March 15, 2012, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. http://web.archive.org/web/20120323001202/http://www.kultura.gov.mk/index.php/foto-galerii/430-dodeluvanje-na-prvite-40-resenija-za-nacionalni-penzii


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Certificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski" (Posted: 03-07-2012)  


"Musician Tale Ognenovski is part of the forty artists who will receive a national pension in the Republic of Macedonia in the future ...," from an article entitled: "National pension for Dzambazov, Ognenovski, Popovska ...",
written by D.T., newspaper "Vecher", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
, March 2, 2012. (Macedonian "Музичарот Тале Огненовски e  дел од четириесетте уметници кои во иднина ќе примаат национална пензија на Република Македонија... " -  Напис под наслов: “Национална пензија за Џамбазов, Огненовски, Поповска... ”, напишано од  Д.Т., весник Вечер, Скопје, Република Македонија, 2 март 2012 година).      https://web.archive.org/web/20200514191855/https://vecer.mk/node/185292

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Tale Ognenovski  during World War II

Tale Ognenovski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski), clarinetist and composer was a holder of the "Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941  "Partizanska spomenica 1941", No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) by decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia Minister, Army General Ivan Gošnjak (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Gošnjak) on June 20, 1961 in Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Partizanska spomenica 1941” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 (Serbo-Croatian: Partizanska Spomenica 1941. Slovene: Partizanska spomenica 1941. Macedonian: "Партизанска споменица 1941" https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизанска_споменица_од_1941) was one of the Most Excellent Order of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Социјалистичка_Федеративна_Република_Југославија) and was awarded to all solders and leaders of the National Liberation Movement (NOP), who joined the National Liberation Struggle (NOP) in Yugoslavia in 1941.  In total 27,629 of these medals were awarded by the end of its awarding period in 1963. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Категорија:Македонски_партизани  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia), officially member of the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Macedonia in many partisans units including: the National Liberation Bitola-Prespa partisan detachment "Dame Gruev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолско-преспански_партизански_одред_„Даме_Груев“), the Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолски_партизански_одред_„Гоце_Делчев“), the National Liberation "Mirce Acev Partisan Battalion" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“), the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Partisan Assault brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада), the National Liberation partisan Battalion "Strasho Pindzur" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителен_баталјон_„Страшо_Пинџур“), the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада) and the "Seventh Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада).

From September 11, 1944 to November 4, 1944, Tale Ognenovski was the commander-in-chief of the first partisan prison in the Democratic Federal Macedonia (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Демократска_Федерална_Македонија ) by decree of the Anti-Fascist Assembly of the People's Liberation of Macedonia (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Антифашистичко_собрание_на_народното_ослободување_на_Македонија https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-fascist_Assembly_for_the_National_Liberation_of_Macedonia). On September 11, 1944, the first partisan prison was located on the island of Golem Grad (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голем_Град)  on Lake Prespa (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Преспанско_Езеро  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa). On September 21, 1944, in Bitola, in the Democratic Federal Macedonia (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Демократска_Федерална_Македонија)  and in its vicinity, large German forces were concentrated (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Army_(1935–1945)  German forces retreating from Greece and Albania who fought hard with the Macedonian partisans from the "Seventh Macedonian Strike Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија) and for the security of the first partisan prison he was moved from the island of Golem Grad on Prespa Lake to another safe location in Resen (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ресен)  and later to another safe location in Bitola (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битола  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitola). Democratic Federal Macedonia was the name of Macedonia as a federal state within the newly proclaimed Democratic Federal Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Federal_Yugoslavia). This name was used in the period from 1944 to March 8, 1946, when the Presidium of the National Assembly changed the law in the People's Republic of Macedonia (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народна_Република_Македонија  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Republic_of_Macedonia).


Tale Ognenovski was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945) and he was present on 20 December 1943 in the village of Fustani (Greek: Φούστανη, Macedonian: Фуштани, translit. Fuštani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foustani) in Pella regional unit of Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella_(regional_unit)), where the Second Macedonian Assault Brigade was formed.

Tale Ognenovski was a partisan of the National Liberation partisan Battalion "Strasho Pindzur" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителен_баталјон_„Страшо_Пинџур“) and was present together with his brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski and together with the other 480 partisans on December 20, 1943 in the village of Fustani (Greek: Φούστανη, MacedonianФуштани (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фуштани), translit. Fuštani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foustani) in Pella regional unit of Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella_(regional_unit)), where the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада) was formed. The Commander of the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" was Dimche Turimandzovski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Диме_Туриманџовски) and his Deputy was Lazo Kalajdziski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Лазар_Калајџиски). The member of the Supreme Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of YugoslaviaSupreme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Headquarters_(Yugoslav_Partisans)) and delegate of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Communists_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сојуз_на_комунистите_на_Југославија) Svetozar Vukmanovic Tempo  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svetozar_Vukmanović  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Светозар_Вукмановиќ_–_Темпо) and General Mihajlo Apostolski (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihajlo_Apostolski https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Михајло_Апостолски), Commander of The People's Liberation Army of Macedonia (MacedonianНародноослободителна Војска на Македонија) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија) were present at formation of "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" on December 20, 1943. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque made of wood and metal on December 20, 1978 in town Negotino, Republic of Macedonia as Commemorative gift for 35th anniversary of foundation of Second Macedonian Assault Brigade (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада) on  December 20, 1943 in the village of Fustani (Greek: Φούστανη, MacedonianФуштани (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фуштани), translit. Fuštani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foustani) in Pella regional unit of Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella_(regional_unit)), where the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" was formed.  In front of this gift plaque were engraved the words: “Second Macedonian Assault Brigade 1943 Fuštani Tale Ognenovski“.


Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift the book titled: "People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”) in the edition of “Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” published in 1982. On the second page of this book is written as a tribute, the following words: "This book is gift to Tale Ognenovski, a member of the People's Liberation Partisan Unit of Macedonia “Goce Delchev” from Bitola as a sign of recognition on the occasion of the 50 anniversary of the foundation of the Unit" – From “Union of the Associations veterans of the People's Liberation war of Macedonia from Municipality of Bitola”, May 21, 1993.  Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945), member of The People's Liberation Army of Macedonia (Macedonian: Народноослободителна Војска на Македонија) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia) in many partisans units including: "Dame Gruev", “Jane Sandanski”, “Goce Delchev”, “Mirče Acev Battalion“, “Strasho Pindzur Battalion“, Second Macedonian Assault Brigade (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада) “… Tale Ognenovski received “Partizanska spomenica” - Partisan memorial 1941. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 (Serbo-Croatian: Partizanska Spomenica 1941. Slovene: Partizanska spomenica 1941. Macedonian: Партизанска споменица 1941), one of the Most Excellent Order of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia ). Partizanska spomenica” (Partisan memorial 1941) were awarded to all solders and leaders of the National Liberation Movement (NOP), who joined the National Liberation Struggle (NOP) in Yugoslavia in 1941. “Partizanska spomenica” (Partisan memorial 1941 No. 24198 with booklet No. 25021 and medal No. 24198) which received Tale Ognenovski on June 20, 1961 was issued by Federal Secretariat Of People’s Defense of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia and signed by country’s defense minister Ivan Gošnjak, General of the Army.


Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received “Order of Merits for the People with Silver Star” (Macedonian:Орден заслуги за народ со сребрена ѕвезда”) in 1963. Josip Broz Tito, President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, awarded the decoration “Order of Merit for the People with a Silver Star” to Tale Ognenovski in 1963 for the organization and strengthening of the national defense, security and independence of the country and her participation in People's Liberation War of Macedonia and Yugoslavia in the Second World War (1941 – 1945) and for merits in the fields of economy, science and culture.

Tale Ognenovski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski), clarinetist and composer was a holder of the "Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941  "Partizanska spomenica 1941", No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) by decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia Minister, Army General Ivan Gošnjak (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Gošnjak) on June 20, 1961 in Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. ”Partizanska spomenica 1941” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 (Serbo-Croatian: Partizanska Spomenica 1941. Slovene: Partizanska spomenica 1941. Macedonian: "Партизанска споменица 1941" https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизанска_споменица_од_1941) was one of the Most Excellent Order of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Социјалистичка_Федеративна_Република_Југославија) and was awarded to all solders and leaders of the National Liberation Movement (NOP), who joined the National Liberation Struggle (NOP) in Yugoslavia in 1941.  In total 27,629 of these medals were awarded by the end of its awarding period in 1963. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Категорија:Македонски_партизани  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia), officially member of the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Macedonia in many partisans units including: the National Liberation Bitola-Prespa partisan detachment "Dame Gruev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолско-преспански_партизански_одред_„Даме_Груев“), the Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолски_партизански_одред_„Гоце_Делчев“), the National Liberation "Mirce Acev Partisan Battalion" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“), the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Partisan Assault brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада), the National Liberation partisan Battalion "Strasho Pindzur" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителен_баталјон_„Страшо_Пинџур“), the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада) and the "Seventh Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада).


“Plaketa 4 Juli” (“Plaque July 4th”) on July 4th, 1983, Belgrade, Serbia (in former Yugoslavia) for his musical works, from Savez boraca narodnooslobodilačkog rata Jugoslavije (Macedonian: Сојуз на борците од народноослободителната војна на Југославија“ (“Alliance of Fighters of the Yugoslav People's Liberation War”) signed by Rudi Kolak.
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from “Сојузниот одбор на Сојузот на здруженијата на борците од народноослободителната војна на Југославија” on July 4, 1989. In the text of this plaque is written: "Commonwealth Committee of the Union of Associations of the veterans of the war of liberation to Yugoslavia allocating this Plaque on Tale Ognenovski for their special contribution to the operation and development of the organization "- President, Rudi Kolak, Belgrade,SFR Yugoslavia 4 July 1989.

Photo of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer with Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/tito1957.html

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received “Order of Bravery” (no. 97333, Ordinance no. 172 of 15.07.1949.) from Presidium of the National Assembly of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia) (Macedonian: Орден за храброст, бр. 97333, Указ бр. 172 од 15.07.1949 год. од  Президиум на Народното Собрание на Федеративна Народна Република Југославија) was the Recognition  of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, еstablished by Josip Broz Tito, the Supreme Commander of the Partisans on 15 August 1943 with decree of the medals in the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. The Order of Bravery was a Yugoslav gallantry medal. It was awarded to individuals who distinguished themselves by extraordinary courageousness during war. The vast majority was awarded to Yugoslav Partisans for actions during the Second World War.  Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945), member of The People's Liberation Army of Macedonia (Macedonian: Народноослободителна Војска на Македонија)
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia) in
many partisans units including: "Dame Gruev", “Jane Sandanski”, “Goce Delchev”, “Mirče Acev Battalion“,
“Strasho Pindzur Battalion“,Second
Macedonian Shock Brigade (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада) “…


Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received the "Memorial Plaque" by the Committee for the commemoration of the 40 year jubilee of the partisan detachments "Pelister", "Dame Gruev" and "Jane Sandanski" from the Municipal Conference of the socialist alliance of the working people of the Republic of Macedonia - Bitola on 12 September 1982 as a sign of recognition of belonging to the partisan detachments as member of the
People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia ) and Participation in the Yugoslav National Liberation War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia).  The People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia) was
 part of
People’s Liberation Army and partisans Detachment of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Partisans  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia). Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945), member  of The People's Liberation Army of Macedonia (Macedonian: Народноослободителна Војска на Македонија) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia) in many partisans units including: "Dame Gruev", “Goce Delchev”, “Mirče Acev Battalion“,  Strasho Pindzur Battalion“, “Second Macedonian Shock Brigade (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада) “… 


Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received ”Order of Brotherhood and Unity with a silver wreath (Macedonian:”Орден на братство и единство со сребрен венец), Ordinance no. 141 of 25.11.1966. (Belgrade, Former SFR Yugoslavia). Josip Broz Tito, President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, awarded this decoration and recognition. Tale Ognenovski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski), clarinetist and composer was a holder of the "Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941  "Partizanska spomenica 1941", No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) by decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia Minister, Army General Ivan Gošnjak (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Gošnjak) on June 20, 1961 in Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. ”Partizanska spomenica 1941” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 (Serbo-Croatian: Partizanska Spomenica 1941. Slovene: Partizanska spomenica 1941. Macedonian: "Партизанска споменица 1941" https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизанска_споменица_од_1941) was one of the Most Excellent Order of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Социјалистичка_Федеративна_Република_Југославија) and was awarded to all solders and leaders of the National Liberation Movement (NOP), who joined the National Liberation Struggle (NOP) in Yugoslavia in 1941.  In total 27,629 of these medals were awarded by the end of its awarding period in 1963. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Категорија:Македонски_партизани  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia) 


“Order of Merit for the People with a Silver Star” (Macedonian: “Орден заслуги за народ со сребрена ѕвезда”) to Vanka (Fanija) Ognenovska  – mother of Tale Ognenovski.
Josip Broz Tito, President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, awarded the decoration “Order of Merit for the People with a Silver Star” to Vanka (Fanija) Ognenovska – mother of Tale Ognenovski by Ordinance No. 197 of December 7, 1963 for the organization and strengthening of the  national defense, security and independence of the country and her participation in People's Liberation War of Macedonia and Yugoslavia in the Second World War (1941 – 1945). The People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia) was  part of People’s Liberation Army and partisans Detachment of Yugoslavia in the Second World War (1941 – 1945). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Partisans  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia). http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

* Makedonski Narodni Ora so Chalgiite na Tale Ognenovski, Staro Kukushko Oro (1979, LP 1495 Stereo, PGP-RTB, Serbia)

* Bitola, Babam Bitola, Makedonske Narodne Pjesme i Kola (1969, LPY-V 780, Jugoton, Croatia)


* Tale Ognenovski Kavadarsko Svadbarsko Oro (1977, EP 14758, PGP-RTB, Serbia) http://www.taleognenovski.mk/ep14758.html

“Estradna nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 15, 1985.
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia. In the text of this plaque is written: “The Association of Stage Artists of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia awarded Tale Ognenovski with “Macedonian Stage Award” as a sign of recognition of the fundamental merits for the expansion and improvement of the stage art in Macedonia”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1985. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

Photo of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer with Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 11, 2003.

“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Parliament of the town of Skopje (signed by Blagoj Popov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
on January 20, 1969.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, "Memorial Plaque" (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) from ”City  Assembly of the City of Skopje”. In the text of this Recognition is written: "”City Assembly of the City of Skopje” based on Article 1, 2 and 3  of the decision to grant awards, awards Tale Ognenovski with the Recognition called, "Memorial Plaque" (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) in recognition for special contributions to the city of Skopje – President, Blagoj Popov. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, January 20, 1969".
Together with this Recognition Tale Ognenovski received plaque made from metal with emblem of city of Skopje.

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)  

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All  About Jazz

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2009-04-27)



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  

Interview with Tale Ognenovski on A1 TV, July 9, 2009, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

“ The world-famous jazz music website all about jazz has recently published an article in which it paid tribute to the Macedonian instrumentalist and composer Tale Ognenovski. The text refers to the recognition that this site gave him on April 27, the day of his birthday, declaring him a jazz musician of the day. The most famous jazz names, such as Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington or Ella Fitzgerald, have received similar accolades. Uncle Tale, 87, performed at Carnegie Hall in New York City in 1956. He worked at "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, a classic concert entitled "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet No. 1" and 12 jazz compositions. “ -  An article entitled: "Tale Ognenovski - jazz musician on the day of allaboutjazz.com", written by Aleksandra Bubevska, Interview with Tale Ognenovski on A1 TV, July 9, 2009, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
(Macedonian Светски познатата интернет страница за џез музика all about jazz, деновиве објави статија со која му оддаде признание на македонскиот инструменталист и композитор Тале Огненовски. Текстот се однесува на признанието кое овој сајт му го доделило на 27 април, денот на неговиот роденден, прогласувајќи го за џез музичар на денот. Исто вакво признание имаат добиено најславните имиња на џезот како Бени Гудман, Мајлс Дејвис, Дјук Елингтон или Ела Фитџералд. 87-годишниот чичко Тале, уште во 1956 година настапувал во „Карнеги Хол“ во Њујорк, работел во „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни „Танец““ … Тале Огненовски има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски народни ора, еден класичен концерт насловен „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр.1“ и 12 џез-композиции.“ Напис под наслов: “Тале Огненовски - џез музичар на денот на allaboutjazz.com”, напишано од Александра Бубевска, Интервју со Тале Огненовски на А1 ТВ,  9 јули 2009 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).

All About Jazz Recognition: Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)      https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski.php#.Ur2fdvRDuHM   

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Macedonian Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2010 At AllAboutJazz.com  (Posted: 04-27-2010) 

Valentina Gjorgievska of the newspaper Spic wrote:
"Macedonian Music Virtuoso Tale Ognenovski received second time All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day on April 27, 2010, the day of his 88th birthday... This is great recognition and for such recognition in the days when you were born, whether at that moment they were alive or deceased, received the other the most famous jazzers of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Artie Shaw, Sidney Bechet, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others. Article: "Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician of the Day", April 30, 2010, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Jazzclub Unterfahrt from Munich, Bavaria, Germany commented: "Playing the music of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is different from imitating Michael Breckers style.” – Article entitled: “Pachora”.


…lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music,” wrote JazzTimes music critic Bill Shoemaker in an article entitled "Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds", appearing in the website of JazzTimes on January 3, 1998. 

Article published in the book: Shoemaker, Bill (January 1998). Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2–5- Page 43; Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds. JazzTimes.
The University of Michigan.



Web site JJA News insights and updates from the Jazz Journalists Association published article entitled: "Deaths in 2012", compiled by W. Royal Stokes and Ken Franckling, Nov 27th, 2012 about the top jazz musicians who died in 2012 including Tale Ognenovski


Static.echonest.com published an article entitled, "2012 Music Memoriam - Well Known Musicians We Lost in 2012". Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was included in the list of public figures that died in 2012.  http://static.echonest.com/playlist/year_end/index.html


Tale Ognenovski is No. 4 of top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries

Website Boingboing.net published article entitled: “Notable deaths in 2012, as recorded by Wikipedia”. In this article was written:
“Information designer Jess Bachman created Wikipedia Remembers 2012

(https://web.archive.org/web/20170225142318/http://visual.ly/wikipedia-remembers-2012?view=true), an interactive feature about the top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries… while others like #4, Tale Ognenovski is a lessor known Macedonian clarinetist, but for some reason has a incredibly documented wiki page! So many interesting people here…” (Published: Jan 2, 2013) https://boingboing.net/2013/01/02/notable-deaths-in-2012-as-rec.html


Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Radio Ros Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Радио Рос Благодарница) in the ceremony at the Universal Hall in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”. December 7, 2000. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/ros2000.html

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

Tale Ognenovski, received posthumously “Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"” for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture on October 30, 2014. Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (second from right), received Gratitude” from Zoran Dzorlev, Director of the Ensemble “Tanec” at the ceremony in the "Museum of the Macedonian Struggle", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

The Recognition titled “Blagodarnica” on Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (second from right), son of Tale Ognenovski gave Zoran Dzorlev (first from left), Director of the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" at  the event titled “Meeting of generations on the occasion 65 years of the existence of Tanec”  at the ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle on October 30, 2014, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photography (right) is published on the website of the Ensemble “Tanec”. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

''Dance Observer'' commented: "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group" -  Article entitled ''Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, Carnegie Recital Hall, January 27, 1956'', Robert Sabin, ''Dance Observer'', Volumes 23-24, pp. 55. New York City. USA. April, 1956. 

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

Tale Ognenovski in Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California
with members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  and with
 June Allyson, one of the screen’s most important stars in the U.S., March 14, 1956. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/metrogoldwynmayer1956.html

“The 35th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television) .
”..Tale Ognenovski who has demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three different folk music orchestras...” - LP ULS-578

In 1979, Jugoton produced the LP reference number ULS-578 (P 1979) presenting recordings of Tale Ognenovski performing for Radio Television Skopje. The LP contains 15 Macedonian folk dances and songs, one of which is the Macedonian folk dance “Veleshko zhensko oro”, composed and performed by the virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski. Some text is written on the back cover of this LP in both Macedonian and English language. A part of this text reads:


...The basic form in which it presents both songs and dances is the so-called level of improvisation which being both inspiring and inventive is relatively close to the common folk way of playing music, which in conditions of live folklore helps the song not to become petrified. This orchestra also fosters differing styles and arrangements. Besides Nikola Galevski, a number of talented instru-mentalists have contributed greatly to the qualitative growth of this ensemble. We should certainly mention the names of Angel Nanchevski, Pero Jarchev, Kocho Petrovski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Ivan Terziev, Stevo Teodosiievski, Tale Ognenovski and Blagoja Deskovski - who is in charge of this orchestra - and others.

THE “CHALGII” ORCHESTRA ...Firmly principled in its style, and adaptable to the “chalgija” sound of as many of our folklore regions as possible, the orchestra has always selected as its members the best instrumentalists from all three different “chalgija” schools, that is, from the Skopje, Veles and Bitola schools. Its rich repertoire ranges from this and last century’s old-town songs and dances to those with patriotic motives created during the Liberation war. As “chalgija” is also characteristic of the folklore of other nationalities and ethnic groups who live in Macedonia, the orchestra has produced many Turkish, Albanian, Vlach and Gypsy songs and dances working together with a number of top singers and groups that cultivate this style. However, the orchestra’s instrumentalists themselves have often successfully managed to blend their own group singing into this orchestra. To mention a few: Ordan Hristov, Emin Memedov, Bekir Hadzi Kune, Jashar, Aki Memedov-Chun, Taki Najdenov, Koce Pandilov and Tale Ognenovski who has demonstrated his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras.

THE AUTHENTIC FOLK INSTRUMENTS ORCHESTRA …Unique in its sound and very skilful in its ability to create styles and regional sound combinations, this ensemble is a truly spirited performer of our centuries-long authentic music treasure. Working together with many eminent singers and talented individuals from this area who have accurately interpreted our country songs, it has created a large repertoire. The manager of the orchestra is Pece Atanasovski, a well-known master on the bagpipe even outside of Yugoslavia. Among the other well-known instrumentalists, we should mention Todor Boshov, Mile Kolarov, Tale Ognenovski, Nikola Cvetkovski, Meophail Sakipov, and Angele Dimovski. With their numerous performances and tours both in Yugoslavia and abroad, the Radio Skopje folk music orchestras have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/uls578.html

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

*Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World  Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’ http://www.taleognenovski.mk/novazora.html

Interview: Tale Ognenovski - Shilo Magazine: "Macedonian Folk music is our greatest treasure and proof is the performance of folk music from me as a clarinet and reed pipe soloist together with other members of the orchestra and dancers of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" of 66 concerts held in prestigious concert halls in North America from January 22 - 12 April, 1956. So brilliant commentaries written by the most prominent music critics and published in the elite newspapers and magazines in North America are not written for any ensemble or an artist in any musical genre performed on tour in North America until now.” - Tale Ognenovski interview with Valentina Gjorgievska of Shilo Magazine, Australian Macedonian monthly magazine, Sydney, Australia, Issue: August 2011, No 51, Article entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, one of the best clarinet virtuoso in the world who flashed at Carnegie Hall”

Clarinet - Wikipedia

*Photos of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer in Brusnik, Bitola, Baba Mountain, Pelister National Park, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/pelisterbitola.html

*Photos of Tale Ognenovski. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/photostale.html
*Photos of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer in Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/vodnoskopje.html

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

* Makedonska Ora (1964, EP 14703, PGP-RTB, Serbia)

* Makedonska Ora (1964,

EP 14702,

PGP-RTB, Serbia)


* 35 Godini na RTV Skopje, Narodna Muzika (1979, ULS-578, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia)

Members of ‘Tanec’ who participated in the concerts in the United States and Canada from January 22 until April 12, 1956, were the following: Doncheva Todorka, Vishinova Radmila, Krstic Dushica, Stojanova Zora, Arsova Desanka, Peshic Olga, Shijakovic Vera, Markova Lenche, Stojanova Radica, Videc Blaga, Ilieva Vaska, Kolarova Ljubica, Dilevska Roska, Petrushevski Dragan, Sarievski Aleksandar, Matevski Dojchin, Dobeski Krsto, Kolarovski Atanas, Livrinski Stanko, Mihajlovski Mihajlo, Cherepovski Trpe, Eftimovski Doncho, Vishinski Stanimir, Mice-vski Cvetko, Todevski Spase, Georgievski Stevo, Atanasovski Pece, Etemov Kemal, Georgievski Dushko, Velevski Blazhe, Pavlovski Todor, Jusufov Muharem Reshat, Terziev Ivan, Galevski Nikolaj, Hristovski Jonche, Ognenovski Tale and Tasevski Slave. The Artistic Director was Prof. Asparuh Hadzi-Nikolov, and the Regisseur, Dimce Najdeski

*The New York Times articles for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments …  a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill"  , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"  written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

*Life magazine article for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.

“A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... this spring, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet is making a first, and highly successful tour of the U.S. The skilful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded to perpetuate their country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials...Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen.” These words appeared in an article in Life magazine, USA, entitled “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to U.S.” on April 9, 1956. Vol 40, No. 15. In this issue on pages 173-174,


Tale Ognenovski – Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Тале Огненовски — Википедија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски

Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

*Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  on  TV Programme "OMNIBUS" on January 22, 1956.

Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television ‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 66 concerts in many towns throughout the United States. A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink https://lccn.loc.gov/88705799
https://web.archive.org/web/20190712110412/https://catalog.loc.gov/vwebv/search?searchCode=LCCN&searchArg=88705799&searchType=1&permalink=y   or on the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS’ Internet Web site, http://catalog.loc.gov with Keyword = Ansambl za narodni igri i pesni Tanec is written: Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; Producer, Robert Saudek. Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22 Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance
 troupe from Macedonia (20 min.)...


YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski   http://www.facebook.com/TaleOgnenovskiClarinetist

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

 Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn


Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled:

Copyright © 2019 by Stevan Ognenovski (Author)
WEBSITE: http://www.taleognenovski.mk  steveogn@yahoo.com
eBook conversion by Stevan Ognenovski
Cover, internal design and page layout: Stevan Ognenovski
Languages: English and Macedonian
First eBook and Print Book publishing in the United States of America: November 2019
Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page




Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music. He has composed and arranged 300 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1” and a number of jazz compositions. Some of his compositions have been recorded on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, and one videotape (RTB, Jugoton, RTS, and MRT). Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music.









The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Ensemble Tanec
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Resensko oro” performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinetist is recorded on the LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES”

The Macedonian folk dance “Resensko oro” is available on the Jugoton LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES” (“PLESOVI NARODA JUGOSLAVIJE”), reference number LPYV-S-806.  “The tracks on this record contain instrumental, musical folk-dance accompaniments arranged for the public... The aksak rhythm appears in the musical accompaniment of the Macedonian “Resensko oro” (A-4, composed and performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinettist, accompanied by his Tale Ognenovski Folk Ensemble), in a three-beat rhythm, with the extended first unit...” wrote Dr Jerko Bezic on back cover of this record.


YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski   https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

The brother of Tale Ognenovski Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski (1925 - April 1944; was Macedonian
 partisan died in the National Liberation War in April 1944 in the village of Rudari, Greece (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рудари_(село)); Posthumously on November 29, 1950, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the Minister of Defense, Supreme Commander of the Yugoslav Army Josip Broz Tito awarded him a "Spomenica - Monument to the Eternal Remembrance and Glory of the Fallen Fighters of the People's Liberation War of Yugoslavia" (Spomenica - Monument number 234705). 

Tale Ognenovski was present on 11 November 1943 in the village of Slivovo, Republic of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovo,_Republic_of_Macedonia    https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сливово) where the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade"(https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia) was formed together with his brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski  and together with the other 800 fighters ". Fighters of the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade" were, the partisans: Fana Kochovska  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ), Mitrevski Vidan – Krste (Gospod), Naum Veslievski Ovcharot (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски),  Petar Brajović Buro (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Петар_Брајовић), Commander of "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade", Čede Filipovski Dame (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Чеде_Филиповски_-_Даме), Deputy Commander of  "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade"… The member of the Supreme Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of YugoslaviaSupreme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Headquarters_(Yugoslav_Partisans)) and delegate of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Communists_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сојуз_на_комунистите_на_Југославија) Svetozar Vukmanovic Tempo  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svetozar_Vukmanović  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Светозар_Вукмановиќ_–_Темпо), announced the formation of the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade" and gave a speech on the occasion of the formation of the brigade.

The brother of Tale Ognenovski Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski (1925 - April 1944; was Macedonian partisan died in the National Liberation War in April 1944 in the village of Rudari, Greece. (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рудари_(село)); Posthumously on September 12, 1982 in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia ("Memorial Plaque" was received by Tale Ognenovski) Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski received the "Memorial Plaque" by the Committee for the commemoration of the 40 year jubilee of the partisan detachments: "Pelister", "Dame Gruev" and "Jane Sandanski" from the Municipal Conference of the socialist alliance of the working people of the Republic of Macedonia - Bitola on 12 September 1982 as a sign of recognition of belonging to the partisan detachments as member of the People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia  and Participation in the Yugoslav National Liberation War.  The People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia ) was part of People’s Liberation Army and partisans Detachment of Yugoslavia .

Fanija (Vanka) Ognenovska
(mother of Tale Ognenovski) was a participant in the 1941 National Liberation War of Macedonia and for her merits for the freedom of Macedonia she received a national pension by Decision of the Administrative Commission of the government of Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia), number 05-4010 from 1962 and number 58-689 / 65 (P.br. 3052) from 01.01.1965. Her house in the village of Brusnik, Bitola, was used for holding meetings and connections of the communist party organization with the partisan detachment. 

The Statement by
Fana Kochovska (dated November 1980 (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ)), holder of the "Partisanska Spomenica 1941" and "People's Hero of Yugoslavia" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Орден_на_народен_херој https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_People%27s_Hero). In the statement she writes: " Tale Ognenovski is the bearer of the "Partisan Memorial 1941" ("Partisanska Spomenica 1941"). His family (brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski was Macedonian partizan and he died in the war in 1944 and his mother Fanija (Vanka) Ognenovska worked and helped the partisans throughout the war from 1941 until the liberation for the People's Liberation Struggle of Macedonia) was one of the organizers of the National Liberation War (People's Liberation Struggle of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans ) in the village of Brusnik, Bitola. Tale Ognenovski and I were together in the the Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev", the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Partisan Assault brigade" and "Seventh Macedonian Assault Brigade". Tale Ognenovski, as a hard-working fighter and possessor of the other necessary qualities of a manager, was appointed manager of the partisan prison on the island of Golem Grad ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голем_Град) of Lake Prespa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Преспанско_Езеро) in early September 1944 and remained in that position until its dissolution (until the liberation of Bitola on 4 November 1944) ".

Fanija (Vanka) Ognenovska (mother of Tale Ognenovski) was a participant in the 1941 National Liberation War of Macedonia and Josip Broz Tito (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito), President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, awarded her with the decoration "Order of Merit for the People with a Silver Star" -  by Decree no. 197 of December 7, 1963 for organizing and strengthening the national defense, security and independence of the country and its participation in the People's Liberation War of Macedonia and Yugoslavia in the Second World War (1941 - 1945). Her house in the village of Brusnik, Bitola, was used for holding meetings and connections of the communist party organization with the partisan detachment.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA


Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds
Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page


Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. has written three articles about the artistic works of his father Tale Ognenovski, the first appearing in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on November 10, 1997, the second appearing in the newsmagazine “Denes”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on October 29, 1998 and third Article entitled: "The musical genius Tale Ognenovski is not among the winners of the "October 11" award, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., published in the newsmagazine "Delo" (pages 65-66) on November 22, 2002 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Macedonian: Напис насловен: "Музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски не е меѓу добитниците на наградата "11 Октомври"", напишан од М-р Стеван Огненовски, објавен во магазинот "Дело" (страна 65-66) на 22 ноември 2002 година во Скопје, Република Македонија.)

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Biography of Tale Ognenovski at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski/Signed_Articles/Stevan_Ognenovski

Biography of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/User:Stevan_Ognenovski

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski https://www.youtube.com/steveogn

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Brusnichko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfM97pOp23M 

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvuHuLswaI

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9390xDUuPuU

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5v68GMLaCs

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkibqVfE5I

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK4wLnpPlNw  

YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

YouTube Video
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

NME first for music news: Online magazine TV Radio Mobile, NME YouTube music video entitled:  Tale Ognenovski Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A K.622 III. Rondo Allegro (final movt) video


Important Websites and Web Pages:

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music”  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/firstcd.html

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozartcd.html


                                 CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”                                  https://orcd.co/qedrezd            http://www.taleognenovski.mk/jazzcd.html

            CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”                           https://orcd.co/jejnwm           http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozart2016.html

Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



“Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор Биографија и нотографирани 69 композиции за кларинет: Македонски народни ора, џез и класична музика”   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/amzogtale.html

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer is author of the book “Macedonian dances” (“Македонски ора“) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989. The book “Macedonian  dances” by Tale Ognenovski, 1989.

Bibliographic information of the book:   “MAKEDONSKI ORA”, OCLC Number: 780525762; Language:  Macedonian 

Edition/Format:  Musical score. Publisher: “Kulturno-prosvetna zaednica na Skopje”, 1989, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. CIP (Cataloguing in Publication) – Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје (Cataloging in Publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17) 78.089,6)



Tour of North America and Carnegie Hall Concert -   Following every concert ofMacedonian Ensemble  ‘Tanec’s’ North American tour, critics in almost every newspaper commented about the Macedonian folk dance ‘Sopska Poskocica’, “...in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica, it was nothing more than a demonstration in dancing. As such it was highly effective...A dance like Sopska Poskocica is produced to demonstrate...The speed at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of the six men who dance it, makes it unique…It earned an encore...” Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but he also helped arrange the music for he added his own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where Tale Ognenovski has performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/usa1956.html

Tour of Switzerland -

Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian Ensemble ‘Tanec’ during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959.  The concerts were performed in Berne on July 7 and 8, 1959 and in Geneva on July 9 and 10, 1959 with tremendous success. “...We were presented with remarkable spectacles performed by the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’ from Macedonia... It was a rare opportunity to have a show in the open-air in Gene­va. For this occasion, Gitan installed lighting effects that vied with ingenuity... Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World... They have the rhythm of the dances of their country in their blood.... We preferred to give a general impression of this spectacle, which accentuated the originality and the qualities of this ensemble.” The above appeared in an article written by Ed. Mt. and entitled, ‘A Port-Gitana les ballets nationaux yougoslaves’, (‘In Port-Gitana, National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet’). It appeared in the ‘Tribune de Geneve’, Geneva on July 11, 1959.       http://www.taleognenovski.mk/switzerland.html




Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for “National Pension” from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. Tale Ognenovski was honoured with Certificate for "National Pension" for his contributions to Macedonian culture. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/natpen.html
Tale Ognenovski is a winner of the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and  Songs, 1947,  People's Republic of Macedonia
Tale Ognenovski’s First Award for Clarinet as a top clarinetist at the First Republic of  Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1948. “The First Award for Clarinet was received by Tale Ognenovski from Bitola.” This comment appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ published on October 13, 1948, Skopje, . The report was entitled ‘Awards for folk dances and songs, solo singers and players who participated at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’. One of the highpoints of Tale Ognenovski’s successes was his participation in a competition during the ‘Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’ during the period 6-10 October, 1948. 453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in the festival in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He was a winner, and received his First Award as the best clarinetist from Angel Saldziev, Assistant Director from the Ministry of Science and Culture in the  People's Republic of Macedonia

Republic of Macedonia.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/skopje1948.html

CV of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Magister Scientiarum (Magister of Science in Computer Science), author of the Web site of Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cvstevano.html

A photograph of Tale Ognenovski with members of Ensemble “Tanec” and with June Allyson, one of the screen’s most important stars in the U.S. in the main Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood, March 14, 1956.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/metrogoldwynmayer1956.html

Macedonian Ensemble ‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television. ‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Macedonian Ensemble Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 66 concerts in many towns throughout the United States.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cbs1956.html

The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill" , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html
Tour of Germany Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso with Macedonian Ensemble ‘Tanec’, toured Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956. The Ensemble performed 72 amazingly successful concerts in many towns, including Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Bonn, Gottingen, Munich and Wiesbaden, and every performance was a sell-out. As part of their tour of France in 1959, they performed two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959, playing to an audience of 7000 on each occasion.


Tour of FranceTale Ognenovski was clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso (“kavalche”) soloist with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ during their tour of France. “What ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform... Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you  why I think this is so. I know the clarinetist Tale...” - Raymond Guillier, ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on September 14, 1964. “The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success” - La nouvelle republique du Centre http://www.taleognenovski.mk/france1959.html
Tale Ognenovski was awarded the "October 11" award, the highest state award in the Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003.   Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003. 

The glittering ceremony on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament was attended by Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Branko Crvenkovski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia,  Mr. Nikola Popovski , President of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia , Mr. Kiro Gligorov , former First  President of Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Hari Kostov , Minister of Interior of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Members of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia… 


Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.

The Life Magazine wrote: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skilful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/life.html.

Tale Ognenovski’s First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival  in Opatija, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1951. 85 Folk groups performed at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, that took place during the period September 9 to 13, 1951. They came from Serbia (Sep-tember 9th, represented by 15 villages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 10th, represented by 15 villages), Montenegro (September 11th, represented by 8 villages), Slovenia (September 11th, represented by 5 villages), Macedonia (September 12th, represented by 23 villages) and Croatia (September 13th, represented by 19 villages). “Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nizhopole (Bitola) means ‘heavy’, and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/opatija1951.html

Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977. At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Radio Television Skopje” from the Republic of Macedonia. He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia). He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”. This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski. From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and “Kumovo oro chochek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of Radio Television Skopje. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world.   The Department of Folk Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Radio Television Skopje” (now: "Macedonian Radio Television") asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”.

A photograph of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer with Josip Broz Tito, President of Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, Skopje, People's Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957.   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/tito1957.html

A photograph of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer with Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on October 11, 2003 after awarding the October 11 Award to Tale Ognenovski  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/trajkovski2003.html

The Film "Rhythm and Sound”, 1955, Republic of Macedonia -  In Vardar Film’s 1955 production of “Ритам и звук“ (Rythym and Sound), Tale Ognenovski as a virtuoso clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances “Zhensko Chamche” and “Be-ranche” with "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"". In the film, “Zhensko Chamche” begins with some technically very complicated, solo improvisations by Tale Ognenovski that do not appear in the original version of the folk dance. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/rhythmandsound.html
YouTube music video – Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Information of music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2955670/?ref_=rvi_tt


Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical clarinet concerto entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”... Labels: MRT ( Macedonian Radio-Television) Republic of Macedonia PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia IR, Independent Records, USA. 
31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, YouTube Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.  


Feedback on this biography has been received from visitors to the Tale Ognenovski Web site.


TALE OGNENOVSKI HAS PERFORMED CLASSICAL MUSIC SINCE 1952.  On May 24, 1953, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist performed the classical concert “Concert Polka for Clarinet” by Miler Bela, with accompaniment by the “Macedonian Police Wind Orchestra” in Skopje, People's Republic of Macedonia This concert was performed in the Radio Skopje building and was broadcast live to the nation via Radio Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television). http://www.taleognenovski.mk/music.html





Gramophone record Jugoton EPY-3851 Production of gramophone records Zagreb ("Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb"), Zagreb, Croatia, 1967  Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia

"Makedonska ora svira na klarineti TALE OGNENOVSKI uz svoj ansambl"

Macedonian Folk Dances with Tale Ognenovski, playing solo clarinet, accompanied by his ORCHESTRA .


Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian).  Risto Ognenovski (1874 – 1922; Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски; his father was Ognen and his mother was Pauna (Nationality: Macedonian)) and Marija Gjorgjievska (1876 - 1950; Nationality: (Nationality: Macedonian). Марија Ѓорѓиевска; her father was Apostol (Nationality: Macedonian) and her mother was Petra (Nationality; Macedonian)) were married in the church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Orthodox_Church_-_Ohrid_Archbishopric) of St. Demetrius in the village of Brusnik, Bitola (then part of the Ottoman state) on January 21, 1896. (Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски и Марија Ѓорѓиевска беа венчани во храмот на Македонската православна црква Свети Димитрија во село Брусник, Битола (тогаш во составот на Отоманската држава) на 21 јануари 1896 година.)
Tale Ognenovski married Nevena Daskalovska (Nationality: Macedonian) on September 12, 1947. Their only son Stevan Ognenovski (Nationality: Macedonian) was born on September 9, 1948. Nevena Ognenovska (maiden name Daskalovska)'s parents were father Vangel (Nationality: Macedonian) and mother Marija (Nationality: Macedonian). (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски се ожени со Невена Даскаловска на 12 септември 1947 година. Единствениот нивни син Стеван Огненовски
(националност Македонец) се роди на 9 септември 1948 година. Родители на Невена Огненовска (моминско презиме Даскаловска)  и беа татко и Вангел (националност Македонец) и мајка и Марија (националност Македонка)). Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska was the main source of his strength and motivation. She had supported his great music career. She died in 1972.
On August 8 and 9, 1992, Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the ounding of the village of Brusnik.

Mr. Kiro Gligorov, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Petar, Metropolitan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church were present at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the establishment of the village of Brusnik, near Bitola, on August 8 and 9, 1992. Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances ac-companied by the Culture and Arts Society “Ilinden” from Bitola. Tale Ognenovski amazed all those present at the celebration with his marvellous solo performance on the clarinet. The celebration was recorded and shown on “Macedonian Radio Television” in the programme “Amidst the village - 600 years of Brusnik”, 1992. The "Macedonia Radio Television" journalist Suzana Trajkovska commented about the programme, “Tale Ognenovski is a virtuoso of the clarinet...” http://www.taleognenovski.mk/brusnika.html

Tale Ognenovski received “Blagodarnica” (This is an honorary award) for life long work from the folk radio “Radio Ros”, in Skopje on December 7, 2000. The same award has been presented to other legendary Macedonian artists such as Vaska Ilieva (singer) and Aleksandar Sarievski (singer). All these awards, which was being introduced for the first time, were presented in the ‘Universal Hall’ at the Folk Festival “Ros 2000”. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/ros2000.html

Photos of the clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski taken on the mountain Vodno, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.


This Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician” - Ilustrovana Politika, Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia.

“…Radio Television Belgrade released a LP of Macedonian folk music, on which are performances by the extraordinary clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. His music repertoire is folk dances, jazz (besides others he includes works by Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw), concerts from Weber, Mozart and Cavallini...This is Tale Ognenovski who began to play the clarinet in the village of Brusnik near Bitola, who with this wooden instrument toured the world and received well-deserved applause wherever he performed. The names of the folk dances which Tale Ognenovski plays will not be given; this is unnecessary because this is a particularly good record that proves that this Mace­donian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician”, from the magazine “Ilustrovana Politika”, under the title, “New records - Macedonian folk dances”, published in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1979. (This commentary is a message to the reader on the release of the record RTB LP 1439 STEREO). http://www.taleognenovski.mk/ipolit.html
“TALE IS UNIQUE. During the past couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated  his skill at original and superb interpretation displaying the passion of one that is in  love, and the style of a virtuoso” - a comment by Gjoko Georgiev on LP 1439 RTB, produced in 1979.  The LP record “Macedonian folk dances played by Tale Ognenovski” (“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski”) reference number LP 1439 STEREO was produced by Radio Television Belgrade in Belgrade in 1979. On the back cover of this record Gjoko Georgiev, the well-known editor of music for Radio Television Skopje, wrote this article entitled “TALE IS UNIQUE” in Macedonian: “This record allows you to hear the unique, famous, music personality, the solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. When hearing the music, you will feel exhilarating folklore all around you, of the sunny, sad and bright legend of the south being transferred into music. These days Tale is a recognised poet and interpreter of Macedonian folk dances and songs. He will live on in the Macedo-nian folk dances contained on this record. During the last couple of decades, he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation, displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso. But he has taken this further, by managing to combine both classical and folk music in the same performance, while keeping their particular styles separate. He demonstrated this while performing Ernesto Cavallini’s Concert “FIORI ROSSINIANI”, Weber’s Concert in ef-mol and Mozart’s Concert in A Major accompanied by Ladislav Palfi on the piano and broadcast on Radio Television Skopje. He has performed many times in public and played jazz styles based on music by Yugoslav composers, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw... http://www.taleognenovski.mk/uniq.html

The impossible becomes possible: two, ‘usually non-complimentary’ parallel-existing worlds of sounds – Europe – The Orient – are, in Tale Ognenovski’s music, naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge...” - Dushko Dimitrovski, book (“За Наша Музика / “For Our Music”, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the reed pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music… Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labyrinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge.  Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика / “Za naša muzika”) ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994, pp. 114-116, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.  Bibliographic information about this Book:   https://www.worldcat.org/title/za-nasa-muzika/oclc/38905194


Songs with famous singers accompanying Tale Ognenovski’s Orchestra and other Orchestras 
With his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ORCHESTRA he has recorded the following gramophone records with famous singers: EBK-0136 BEOGRAD DISK (singer Pepi Baftirovski), EPY-4364 JUGOTON (singer Enver Hamid), EPY-3923 JUGOTON (singers Risto Pulevski and Pande Kominovski), EPY-34462 JUGOTON (singer Dushka Tomich), EBK-0137 BEOGRAD DISK (singers Spasija Chamova-Nikolovska and Mile Trpevski), EBK-0135 BEOGRAD DISK (singers Jovanka Ivanovska and Mile Todorovski), EPY-3914 JUGOTON (singer Anka Gieva), EPY-3919 JUGOTON (Izet Cirkovich), EPY-3920 JUGOTON (singer Jovan Brmbevski), EDK-5194 DISKOS (singers Cveta and Petar Pavlovski), EPY-3850 JUGOTON (singers Cveta and Petar Pavlovski), EPY-3921 JUGOTON (singers Cveta and Petar Pavlovski), EPY-3849 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev), EPY-3915 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev), EPY-3851 JUGOTON, EPY-3671 JUGOTON, EPY-3672 JUGOTON, EPY-5915 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev), LPY-61049 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev), CAY-177 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev) and EPY-3922 JUGOTON (singer Resinka Taseva).
JUGOTON - Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Yugoslavia, Croatia.
BEOGRAD DISK - Production of gramophone records and music films Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha i muzichkih filmova Beograd”), Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia.
DISKOS - Production of gramophone records (“Preduzeche za proizvodnju gramofonskih plocha, Aleksandrovac-Zhupa”), Aleksandrovac-Zhupa, Serbia, Yugoslavia.

Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia IR, Independent Records, USA


LP record LPY-61143 JUGOTON and Cassette CAY 321, JUGOTON, Production of gramophone records in Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1975 “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Narodni ansambl i ansambl “Chalgija”

Tale Ognenovski, clarinet, plays Macedonian Folk Dances with THE FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA and THE ‘CHALGIJA’ ORCHESTRA Conductor: Tale Ognenovski


LP record LP1439 STEREO RTB and Cassette NK10280 RTB, Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade ((Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd), Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1979. 
“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” 
Pridruzhuvaat: Orkestar-CHALGII i Narodniot radio orkestar na Radio Televizija Skopje 
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with: THE ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA and THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVISION FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA


LP record LP1495 stereo RTB and Cassette NK 10387, Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), 1979 , Serbia, Yugoslavia
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with: THE TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA


Cassette MP 21037 STEREO, RTS MUSIC AND CASSETTE PRODUCTION OF RADIO TELEVISION SKOPJE (“RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE”, now “Macedonian Radio Television”) , Republic of Macedonia, Yugoslavia..
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVIZION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA. 


Gramophone record EP 14702 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1964. 
The Macedonian folk dance ‘Bukovsko oro’, with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with Metidija Zafirovski-Smolski on ‘tarabuka’. 


Gramophone record EP 14700 RTB, Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1963. 
Tale Ognenovski made his recording debut as composer of Macedonian folk dances with the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra in 1963, with three Macedonian folk dances: “Bitolsko svadbarsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski), “Bitolsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski), and “Pelistersko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski). The virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski. This first record EP 14700 RTB was recorded by the Production of Gramophone Records Department of Radio Television Belgrade.
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with the GALEVSKI-NANCHEVSKI FOLK ORCHESTRA


Gramophone record EP 14703 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1964. 
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with the KOCHA PETROVSKOG FOLK ORCHESTRA


Gramophone record EP 14704 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1964. 
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVISION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA (now: “Macedonian Radio Television”)


Gramophone record EP 14711 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1965. 
TALE OGNENOVSKI, clarinet, with his ‘CHALGII’ Ensemble
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI Ensemble


Gramophone record EP 14716 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1965. 
Folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA


Gramophone record EP 14758 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1977. 
Macedonian wedding folk dances played by the popular clarinet and pipe soloist Tale Ognenovski in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA


Gramophone record EPY-34461 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1972. 
“Makedonska ora svira TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet sa svojim ansamblom” 
Kompozitor i Aranzher: Tale Ognenovski 
Macedonian Folk Dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet accompanied by his orchestra. 
Composer and Arranger: Tale Ognenovski 


Gramophone record EPY-34489 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1972. 
”Makedonska ora svira ANSAMBL CHALGIJA pod vodstvom TALE OGNENOVSKIM 
Solo klarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Macedonian Folk Dances played by the ‘CHALGIJA’ ORCHESTRA, conducted by Tale Ognenovski 
Solo clarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Arranger: Tale Ognenovski 


LP record LPYV-S-806 and Cassette CAY-12 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1971. 
Strana A 
4. Resensko oro, makedonsko oro (kompozitor T. Ognenovski) 
Narodni ansambl Tale Ognenovski 
Klarinet solo: Tale Ognenovski 
Folk Ensemble Tale Ognenovski 
Clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski 
Side A
4. RESENSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski) 


LP record LPY-V 780 and cassette CAY-157 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1969. 
Makedonske narodne pjesme i kola 
Macedonian folk songs and dances
Side B
7. BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski) 
Narodni ansambl Tale Ognenovski 
Solo klarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Tale Ognenovski plays solo clarinet in the Macedonian folk dance BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI Orchestra


LP record LPY-61049 and cassette CAY-177 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1975. 
Makedonske narodne pjesme i ora 
Prate: Ansambl narodnih instrumenata P. Atanasovski, Ansambli K. Petrovski, M. Grujovski, T. Ognenovski, Trio kavali: Kolarevski-Cvetkovski-Atanasovski, Ansambl ‘CHALGIJA’ I ‘Tanec’ 
Macedonian folk songs and dances 
performed by: The P.Atanavski Ensemble for folk instruments, the Ensemble of K. Petrovski, M. Grujovski and T. Ognenovski, the ‘Trio kavali’: Kolarevski-Cvetkovski-Atanasovski, and the ‘CHALGIJA’ and ‘Tanec’ Ensembles 
Tale Ognenovski is the arranger of the Macedonian song ‘More devojchence malechko’ sung by Aleksandar Sarev 
Side B
(folk-song arranger: T. Ognenovski) 
Ensemble Tale Ognenovski


The 35th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Skopje” (now: “Macedonian Radio Television”), Republic of Macedonia, Yugoslavia.
“...Tale Ognenovski who has demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three different folk music orchestras...” - LP ULS-578
In 1979, Jugoton produced the LP reference number ULS-578 (P 1979) presenting recordings of Tale Ognenovski performing for Radio Television Skopje. The LP contains 15 Macedonian folk dances and songs, one of which is the Macedonian folk dance “Veleshko zhensko oro”, composed and performed by the virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski. 
Some text is written on the back cover of this LP in both Macedonian and English language. A part of this text reads: “THE FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA: … a number of talented instrumentalists have contributed greatly to the qualitative growth of this ensemble. We should certainly mention the names of Angel Nanchevski, Pero Jarchev, Kocho Petrovski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Ivan Terziev, Stevo Teodosiievski, Tale Ognenovski and Blagoja Deskoski … THE “CHALGII” ORCHESTRA: …However, the orchestra’s instrumentalists themselves have often successfully managed to blend their own group singing into this orchestra. To mention a few: Ordan Hristov, Emin Memedov, Bekir Hadzi Kune, Jashar, Aki Memedov-Chun, Taki Najdenov, Koce Pandilov and Tale Ognenovski who has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras … THE AUTHENTIC FOLK INSTRUMENTS ORCHESTRA: … Among the other well-known instrumentalists, we should mention Todor Boshov, Mile Kolarov, Tale Ognenovski, Nikola Cvetkovski, Meophail Sakipov, and Angele Dimovski.”


Svirachi - majstori 
Players - maestros 
The Macedonian folk dance ‘KASAPSKO ORO’ with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with THE MACEDONIAN RADIO TELEVISION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA 
This cassette is produced by ‘Music and cassette production of Macedonian Radio Television’ (‘Muzichka i kasetna produkcija na MAKEDONSKATA RADIO TELEVIZIJA’), 1994 to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. 
Side A
1. KASAPSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)


“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World Musical Legends” – ‘Nova Zora’, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”. It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.

Tale Ognenovski appears on video tape VHS MP 31087, produced in 1994 to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. 
On the tape, Tale Ognenovski plays clarinet soloist the Macedonian Folk Dance ‘Nevestinsko oro’ accompanied by the clarinetist Apostol Gelevski (Gelevski plays the first part (2 minutes, 20 seconds) of this folk dance as clarinet soloist, and Ognenovski plays the second part (2 minutes, 27 seconds) as clarinet soloist. They are accompanied by THE MACEDONIAN RADIO TELEVISION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA.
11. NEVESTINSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)

LP record LPY61294 and Cassette CAY-381, JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb), Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1977. 
Solo klarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Macedonian Folk Dance KASAPSKO ORO played by the ‘CHALGIJA’ ORCHESTRA conducted by Tale Ognenovski 
Solo clarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Arranger: Tale Ognenovski 
Side A
KASAPSKO ORO (folk-arranger Tale Ognenovski)

LP records LP 1210 and LP 1211 STEREO and Cassettes NK 10018 and NK 10027 STEREO RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd), Beograd, Serbia, Jugoslavija, 1972. 
Macedonian folk dance ADANA ORO with Tale Ognenovski playing as clarinet soloist in association with THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVIZION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA 
Side B
ADANA ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)


Photos of the clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski


Photos of the clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski taken on the Baba Mountain, Pelister National Park, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/pelisterbitola.html

In 1967 a letter, reference 'My/Mlj', was sent by Jugoton producers to Tale Ognenovski, regarding the production of  gramophone record epy-3914 (format: Vinyl with, 7”, EP) with the famous singer Anka Gieva. Jugoton was the largest record label and chain record store in the former Yugoslavia based in Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia. Ensemble which recorded this gramophone record was: “Narodni ansambl Tale Ognenovski” founded by Tale Ognenovski. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/anka.html

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski
Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski - Posts
Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page


The Official Website of Tale Ognenovski entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956”

Wikipedia Web Page of Tale Ognenovski

Tale Ognenovski – Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Тале Огненовски — Википедија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски

YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”

YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

The Official Web Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.

Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.
Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. - Posts



Instagram Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  



The Official Email of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. steveogn@yahoo.com
The Official Twitter Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.

Flickr Photos of Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  

Linkedin Profile of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.




Web Page of The book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer" / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.


Biography of Tale Ognenovski at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski/Signed_Articles/Stevan_Ognenovski

Biography of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/User:Stevan_Ognenovski

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts (“Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski recorded his 77 Folk Dances on 11 LPs (Long Play gramophone records), 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, one videotape with the Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia ,  PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski



ZNACHAJNI LICHNOSTI ZA BITOLA (DISTINGUISHED PEOPLE FOR BITOLA (Macedonian: ЗНАЧАЈНИ ЛИЧНОСТИ ЗА БИТОЛА) ;  Authors: Lence Andonovska, Naume Gorgievski, Blagoj Nikolov, Trajko Ognenovski, Gordana Pesevska, Aneta Stefanovska, Svetlana Taleska, Publisher: NUUB “St. Clement Ohridski” – Bitola and Municipality of Bitola (2007), Republic of Macedonia; Language: Macedonian and  English; ISBN 978-9989-2783-0-3 - "Ognenovski, Tale (1922), Macedonian clarinetist , one of the most important Macedonian folk musicians; belong to the line of the biggest instrumentalists and composers in the world music. He made the connection between the oriental and the western music and represents one of the biggest exponents of the composing for a clarinet. He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert “Tale Ognenovski concert for clarinet number 1” and many jazz compositions. Tale is one of the best representatives in playing of a clarinet with special technique, inventiveness and amazing improvisation virtuosity..." (pp 161-162) 

Bibliographic information of the book: ISBN: 998927830X, 9789989278303


http://nuub.hopto.org/greenstone3/library/collection/col11/document/HASHfc68faed5b76e51988cc80      https://web.archive.org/web/20190903023639/http://nuub.hopto.org/greenstone3/library/collection/col11/document/HASHfc68faed5b76e51988cc80



Bibliographic information

"Британика Енциклопедиски Речник (книга 7  Н-П)" / "Britannica  Pocket Encyclopedia";
ISBN 9989-165-12-2;   Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје (Cataloging in Publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje) 030.1=163.3; COBISS MK-ID61624074

2005 Encyclopedia  Britannica, Inc; Publisher: Toper and Media Print Makedonija, Skopje, 
Republic of Macedonia. Language: Macedonian; ISBN 9989-165-12-2 - "Ognenovski, Tale - Clarinetist and composer, born in village Brusnik, Bitola. As clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso he reached international success with his performances with National Ensemble "Tanec". He composed hundred folk dances... " (pp 66, book 7)

"Личности од Македонија" / "Lichnosti od Makedonija" "Distinguished People from Macedonia");  
Authors: Petar Karajanov, Hristo Andonovski, Jovan Pavlovski; Publisher: MI-AN (2002), 
Republic of Macedonia; Language: Macedonian; ISBN 9989-613-28-1 - "...Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances. With his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" at Carnegie Hall in New York City he received his first international success... (pp 233)

Bibliographic information of the book:  



BOOK: Ми-Анова енциклопедија: М-П Volume 3 of Ми-Анова енциклопедија: општа и македонскаЈован ПавловскиBibliographic information of the book: ISBN 9989613915, 9789989613913; Editor Јован Павловски; Publisher Книгоиздателство МИ-АН, 2006; ISBN 998961394X, 9789989613944; Length 2014 pages. 



In the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East” edited by: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo in the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” of this book, author Kim Burton on page 203 was written: “"One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernised style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music."” Information of this book: Title: World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, THE ROUGH GUIDE; Editors: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo; Publisher: Rough Guides, 1999; Length: 762 pages; ISBN: 1858286352, 9781858286358 was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database.




Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



The book "МАКЕДОНСКИ ОРА" / “Macedonian  dances” by Tale Ognenovski, 1989. 

Bibliographic information of the book:   OCLC Number: 780525762; Publisher: “Kulturno-prosvetna zaednica na Skopje”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1989; Lenght: 88; Edition/Format: Musical score ;Language:  Macedonian



Tale Ognenovski is the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian:    " МАКЕДОНСКИ ОРА" / “Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, in 1989. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. The harmony symbols of the Macedonian folk
dances (composer, Tale Ognenovski) were written by Blagoja Deskovski. The notographer is Vasko Petkovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. In the introduction to this book Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Radio Skopje wrote, “Besides his affirming Macedonian folk dances with magnetic tapes and gramophone records, Tale Ognenovski has written this book of Macedonian folk danc-es, the first such book in Macedonia. He has for a long time been associated with the traditional expression of the Folk Genius and an endless desire to develop the smallest element of folk music into a complex instrumental content... The name of Tale Ognenovski has for forty years performed, as much music on the Radio as he has in concert halls in our country, and in many European and non-European countries. He began to play from the earliest age with the reed pipe (‘kavalche’) in his village of Brusnik near Bitola, and he received recognition from the music profession at the First Republic Festival for Macedonian folk dances and songs in Skopje, 1948, where he won First Award for the clarinet as the best clarinetist. It was at this time, following the Festival and his first great award, that Ognenovski decided on a personal objective of developing a creative traditional style in the area of instrumental music. Year by year he developed into a real virtuoso and artist. He created his own style of interpreting folk dances (‘ora’). His particular characteristic involved his own creative improvisations called ‘maninja’. At the same time as he was performing music like this, he started composing his own folk dances. As a composer, he kept the traditional folk expression. Many years of performing with the orchestras of Radio Television Skopje, with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ and  with other folk ensembles helped him create ‘Ognenovski’s style’ when producing his own Macedonian folk dances. These are easily recognizable by their exuberant melody and rich rhythms in correlation with the traditional style. In this area, he is equally well recognized as a performer of ‘chalgiski ora’, folk dances where the melody is always the first objective. He is a composer of folk dances in the ‘new town’ tradition, which he interprets with the Folk Music Orchestra and where the melody is created in the context of a logical harmony. This book containing Macedonian folk dances as well as gramophone records represents an important piece of literature for current and future-generation instrumentalists. This book will remind us of one uniquely talented artist, Tale Ognenovski.”

The introduction to the book “Macedonian Dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski is written by Kiril Todevski and Jelica Todorchevska.CIP (Cataloguing in Publication) – Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје (Cataloging in Publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17) 78.089,6) 

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television


BOOK Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. . 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85;137-138;; Bibliographic information of the book: Title „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ / "Brusnik  600 godini od osnovanjeto" (Brusnik on the 600 th anniversary of establishment); Author Александар Стерјовски / Aleksandar Sterjovski ;Bibliographic information about this Book: Publisher Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola : Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Length 146 pages; OCLC Number: 441004342.  



“The impossible becomes possible: two, ‘usually non-complimentary’ parallel-existing worlds of sounds – Europe – The Orient – are, in Tale Ognenovski’s music, naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge...” - Dushko Dimitrovski, book “За Наша Музика / “For Our Music” 
The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music… Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labyrinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge.  Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“
За Наша Музика / Za naša muzika”) ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994, Bitola. Republic of Macedonia.  Bibliographic information about this Book: ISBN: 9989600015    9789989600012; OCLC Number: 38905194; 134 pages ; 21 cm; Author: Duško Dimitrovski



In the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East” edited by: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo in the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” of this book, author Kim Burton on page 203 was written:"One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernised style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music."” Information of this book: Title: World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, THE ROUGH GUIDE; Editors: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo; Publisher: Rough Guides, 1999; Length: 762 pages; ISBN: 1858286352, 9781858286358 was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database.    



World Music: Africa, Europe and the Middle East By Frederick Dorian, Orla Duane, James McConnachie

Bibliographic information.    https://books.google.mk/books/about/World_Music_Africa_Europe_and_the_Middle.html?id=gyiTOcnb2yYC&redir_esc=y



World Music: Africa, Europe and the Middle East


Frederick Dorian, Orla Duane, James McConnachie


Rough Guides Staff, Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham, Richard Trillo, Orla Duane, Rough Guides (Firm)


illustrated, reprint


Rough Guides, 1999


1858286352, 9781858286358


762 pages

lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music,” wrote JazzTimes music critic Bill Shoemaker in an article entitled "Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds", appearing in the website of JazzTimes on January 3, 1998. 
Article published in the book: Shoemaker, Bill (January 1998). Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2–5- Page 43; Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds. JazzTimes.
The University of Michigan

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled:
by Stevan Ognenovski (Author)

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Bibliographic information


Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer" / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор
”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.  

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book




Bibliographic information


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Certificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski" (Posted: 03-07-2012)


Composer and Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski (right) after receiving the Certificate of National Pension by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski during a Ceremony at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, March 3, 2012


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Certificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski" (Posted: 03-07-2012)


"Musician Tale Ognenovski is part of the forty artists who will receive a national pension in the Republic of Macedonia in the future ...," from an article entitled: "National pension for Dzambazov, Ognenovski, Popovska ...", written by D.T., newspaper "Vecher", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, March 2, 2012. (Macedonian:  "Музичарот Тале Огненовски e  дел од четириесетте уметници кои во иднина ќе примаат национална пензија на Република Македонија... " -  Напис под наслов: “Национална пензија за Џамбазов, Огненовски, Поповска... ”, напишано од  Д.Т., весник “Вечер“, Скопје, Република Македонија“, 2 март 2012 година).   


Sitel TV, Republic of Macedonia, news at 18:04. March 3, 2012 - “The first 40 decisions for national pensions in culture were awarded. Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski awarded the first 40 decisions for national pensions in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Culture. In his address to the audience, Prime Minister Gruevski said that today's event is to look into the eyes of history, to make up for what was missed in the past, to set the boundaries of the present and to borrow the future. - “Today we are here to talk about the respect, the recognition and the attention that the top cultural figures in the Macedonian society receive. Your works are engraved in many Macedonian books, works of art, journalistic texts, theater and ballet performances, many songs and legendary verses. Your successes are supported by many awards and recognitions, and the contribution you have made in building the cultural mosaic in the Republic of Macedonia is remarkable, "said Gruevski. This gesture, as he added, expresses the due respect for the Macedonian top cultural workers, and also shows the right path for all future generations who will choose art and culture. Article entitled: "The first 40 decisions for national pensions in culture were awarded. 03.03.2012 - 18:04. (Macedonian: ТВ Сител, Република Македонија, вести во 18:04. 3 март 2012 година - “Доделени првите 40 решенија за национални пензии во културата. Претседателот на Владата на Република Македонија Никола Груевски денеска ги додели првите 40 решенија за национални пензии во согласност со измените на Законот за културата. Премиерот Груевски во своето обраќање пред присутните рече дека денешниот настан е за да и се погледне во очи на историјата, да се надополни она што било пропуштено во минатото, да се постават границите на сегашноста и да се задолжи иднината. – “Денеска сме тука за да говориме за почитта, за признанието и за вниманието кое го добиваат врвните културни дејци во македонското општество. Вашите дела се врежани во многу македонски книги, ликовни дела, новинарски текстови, театарски и балетски претстави, многу песни и легендарни стихови. Вашите успеси се поткрепени со многу награди и признанија, а маркантен е придонесот кој сте го дале во градењето на културниот мозаик во Република Македонија,”  истакна Груевски. Со овој гест, како што додаде, се искажува должната почит кон македонските врвни културни работници, а воедно се покажува и вистинскиот пат за сите идни генерации кои што ќе се определат за уметноста и културата. Статија насловена: “Доделени првите 40 решенија за национални пензии во културата. 03.03.2012 - 18:04. )


THE FIRST 40 NATIONAL PENSIONS AWARDED HISTORICAL DAY FOR ARTISTS – PENSIONERS. "The 40 prominent representatives of the cultural life in Macedonia were the first to receive national pensions. The solutions were handed over to them yesterday by the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle… Gruevski said that this should supplement what was missed in the past, set the boundaries of the present and indebt the future. - “Your works are engraved in many Macedonian books, works of art, journalistic texts, theater and ballet performances, many songs and legendary verses. "Your successes are supported by many awards and recognitions and the contribution you have made in building our cultural mosaic is great," Gruevski said. Published in the newspaper "Dnevnik, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia" in the article entitled: "THE FIRST 40 NATIONAL PENSION AWARDED HISTORICAL DAY FOR ARTISTS - PENSIONERS" WRITTEN on March 4, 2012.

(Macedonian:  ДОДЕЛЕНИ ПРВИТЕ 40 НАЦИОНАЛНИ ПЕНЗИИ ИСТОРИСКИ ДЕН ЗА УМЕТНИЦИТЕ – ПЕНЗИОНЕРИ. “40-те истакнати претставници од културниот живот во Македонија први добија национални пензии. Решенијата завчера им ги врачи премиерот Никола Груевски во Музејот на македонската борба… Груевски рече дека со ова треба да се надополни тоа што било пропуштено во минатото, да се постават границите на сегашноста и да се задолжи иднината. – “Вашите дела се врежани во многу македонски книги, ликовни дела, новинарски текстови, театарски и балетски претстави, многу песни и легендарни стихови. Вашите успеси се поткрепени со многу награди и признанија и голем е придонесот што сте го дале во градењето на нашиот културен мозаик” - истакна Груевски.” Објавено во весникот Дневник, Скопје, Република Македонија во написот насловен: “ДОДЕЛЕНИ ПРВИТЕ 40 НАЦИОНАЛНИ ПЕНЗИИ ИСТОРИСКИ ДЕН ЗА УМЕТНИЦИТЕ - ПЕНЗИОНЕРИ” напишан од В.И.И.на 4 март 2012 година.)

"Granting the first 40 decisions for national pensions. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski on 03.03.2012 granted the first 40 decisions for national pensions in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Culture. The awarding of pensions, attended by the Minister of Culture Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska, is a confirmation of the care for the artistic values ​​of the works created by Macedonian cultural creators that enabled our country to be part of the world cultural treasury. " News published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia on March 15, 2012.

(Macedonian: “Доделување на првите 40 решенија за национални пензии.  Претседателот на Владата на Република Македонија Никола Груевски на 03.03.2012 ги додели првите 40 решенија за национални пензии во согласност со измените на Законот за културата. Доделувањето на пензиите каде присуствуваше и министерката за култура Елизабета Канческа-Милевска е потврда на грижата за уметничките вредности на делата создавани од македонските културни творци кои овозможија нашата земја да биде дел од светската културна ризница.” Новост објавена на веб страницата на Министерството за култура на Република Македонија на 15 март 2012 година.”


Photos published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia in the news titled: “Awarding of the first 40 decisions for national pensions. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski on 03.03.2012 granted the first 40 decisions for national pensions in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Culture ", published on March 15, 2012, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

(Macedonian: Фотографии објавени на веб страницата на Министерството за култура на Република Македонија во новоста насловена: “Доделување на првите 40 решенија за национални пензии.  Претседателот на Владата на Република Македонија Никола Груевски на 03.03.2012 ги додели првите 40 решенија за национални пензии во согласност со измените на Законот за културата”, објавена на 15 март 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија.) http://web.archive.org/web/20120323001202/http://www.kultura.gov.mk/index.php/foto-galerii/430-dodeluvanje-na-prvite-40-resenija-za-nacionalni-penzii

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. received scientific degree of Magister of Technical Sciences in the field of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia on March 7, 1991. The diploma is issued in Croatian language and Latin language. (420 ECTS  credits - given the Bologna comparison system among academic programs). Degree: Magister of Science - mag. scient. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magister_(degree)); Latin: Magister Scientarium (MAGISTER SCIENTIARUM ad SCIENTIAS TECHNICAS - SCIENTIAS COMPUTANDI SCIENTIARUM COMPUTANDI NUCLEUM); Croatian: Magistar znanosti – mr. sc. (MAGISTAR ZNANOSTI iz oblasti TEHNICKIH ZNANOSTI, podrucja RACUNARSKIH ZNANOSTI smjer JEZGRA RACUNARSKIH ZNANOSTI) is classified in the Level 8.1 (old mr. sc.): postgraduate research Master of science studies (Croatian: poslijediplomski znanstveni magistarski studiji) at the Croatian Qualifications Framework Act (CROQF).  Act came into force on March 2, 2013. He was published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Croatia, no. 22/2013). Information about Magister’s Science Thesis of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  entitled: “Software programs for measurement of the network traffic in the local area network” (Croatian: PROGRAMSKA POMAGALA ZA MJERENJE PROMETA U LOKALNOJ MREŽI) can be found at Web site: http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_e.htm 

https://web.archive.org/web/20200804082803/http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_e.htm and http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_h.htm


 of MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia and on page 434 in the book entitled: “Hrvatska informatika: jučer, danas, sutra”; Author: Hrvatska informatička zajednica; Publisher: HIZ, 1996



Original from: the University of Michigan; ISBN: 9536129094, 9789536129096; Digitized: 7 Mar 2007; Length: 458 pages; Subjects: Information science.

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. is Author of the book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer".  Publishing house is Matica Makedonska. The book is published in both Macedonian and English, on December, 2000. ISBN  9989483124 ; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz and Classical Music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski).

Library of Congress information at


https://web.archive.org/web/20190712110417/https://catalog.loc.gov/vwebv/search?searchCode=LCCN&searchArg=2003457521&searchType=1&permalink=y and 

World catalog http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/56368816&referer=brief_results


Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Nationality: Macedonian),, the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska was born in Brusnik, municipalitie Bitola, Socialist Republic of Macedonia (Now: Republic of Macedonia) on September 9, 1948 (Macedonian: Стеван Огненовски е роден на 9 септември, 1948 година во Брусник, општина Битола во Социјалистичка Република Македонија (денешна Република Македонија; Latin: Stevan Ognenovski Natus die IX Septembris anni MCMXLVIII in Brusnik, commune Bitola, in Socialistica Re Publica Macedonia).

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: "TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER, BIOGRAPHY AND MUSIC NOTATION OF 69 CLARINET COMPOSITIONS: MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES, JAZZ AND CLASSICAL MUSIC" by Stevan Ognenovski (Author) Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



At web site of Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia was written on July 22, 2011: “STEVAN OGNENOVSKI Born on 09.09.1948. MacedonianMagister of Technical Sciences in the field of computer science. Faculty of Electrical Engineering – Zagreb, Croatia. He speaks English, French and Serbo-Croatian. ” (. Macedonian “Собрание на Република Македонија: СТЕВАН ОГНЕНОВСКИ Роден на 09.09.1948 година. Македонец. Магистер на технички науки од подрачјето на компјутерската науки. Електро-технички факултет – Загреб, Хрватска. Говори англиски, француски и српско-хрватски јазик.”) https://web.archive.org/web/20110722220127/https://www.sobranie.mk/default.asp?ItemID=1BF0DADAA9A7A44BB037E930BDD6AB89


Tale Ognenovski on Apple Music iTunes

Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-clarinet-concerto-in/id1105858650
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed/id289186198
MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet/id192549491
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances/id4691673

Tale Ognenovski Physical Audio CD on Amazon.com: Online Shopping
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000Y8HXS/qid=1068816978/sr=8-4/ref=sr_8_4/104-9748987-8087112?v=glance&s=music&n=507846
MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski


Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 albums downloads/streaming on Amazon.com: Online Shopping
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski


Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski https://www.amazon.com/Macedonian-Clarinet-Jazz-Composed-Ognenovski/dp/B003KZCVUE/ref=sr_1_3?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1476362829&sr=1-3-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0&keywords=Tale+Ognenovski
"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos"


"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"


MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 Album:Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski: Online Shopping



YouTube Music


YouTube Music

Tale Ognenovski Macedonian multi-instrumentalist Available on YouTube Music     https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC_ur0LiuPwdYHz_AG8xiZZQ

Tale Ognenovski, Available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6JJRDldnQ27PAXpkyujIwS

YouTube video
: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video entitledTale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian).  Risto Ognenovski (1874 – 1922; Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски; his father was Ognen and his mother was Pauna (Nationality: Macedonian) and Marija Gjorgjievska (1876 - 1950; Nationality:  Macedonian). Марија Ѓорѓиевска; her father was Apostol (Nationality: Macedonian) and her mother was Petra (Nationality; Macedonian) were married in the church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Orthodox_Church_-_Ohrid_Archbishopric) of St. Demetrius in the village of Brusnik, Bitola (then part of the Ottoman state) on January 21, 1896. (Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски и Марија Ѓорѓиевска беа венчани во храмот на македонската православна црква Свети Димитрија во село Брусник, Битола (тогаш во составот на Отоманската држава) на 21 јануари 1896 година.)
Tale Ognenovski married Nevena Daskalovska (Nationality: Macedonian) on September 12, 1947. Their only son Stevan Ognenovski (Nationality: Macedonian) was born on September 9, 1948. Nevena Ognenovska (maiden name Daskalovska)'s parents were father Vangel
(Nationality: Macedonian) and mother Marija (Nationality: Macedonian). (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски се ожени со Невена Даскаловска на 12 септември 1947 година. Единствениот нивни син Стеван Огненовски (националност Македонец) се роди на 9 септември 1948 година. Родители на Невена Огненовска (моминско презиме Даскаловска)  и беа татко и Вангел (националност Македонец) и мајка и Марија (националност Македонка)). Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska was the main source of his strength and motivation. She had supported his great music career. She died in 1972. He dedicated two of his compositions to her, and gave her name Nevena to the Macedonian folk dance “Nevenino oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski, and available on the LP and cassette entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist, plays Macedonian dances (Croatian: ”Tale Ognenovski klarinet svira ora”), with the respective reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321, and produced by Jugoton, Croatia in 1975; also, the record “Macedonian folk dances played on clarinet by Tale Ognenovski (Croatian: ”MAKEDONSKA ORA svira na klarineti Tale Ognenovski”) accompanied by his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-3851, and produced by Jugoton in 1967, and “Nevenino Lavchansko oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and recorded on magnetic tape by Macedonian Radio Television in 1983.

The New York Times articles for Tale Ognenovski performances as
virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso and clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York , on January 27, 1956 for most parts of the programme, including the Macedonian folk dances ‘Bride’s Dance’ (‘Nevestinsko Oro’), ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’ (Sopska Poskocica), ‘Kopachka’, ‘Shepherd’s Dance (‘Ovcharsko Oro’), ‘Soborski Igri’, Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘Shote’, an Albanian folk dance. Carnegie Hall in New York City, United States, built by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie in 1891, is one of the most prestigious venues in the world for both classical music and popular music.

Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall, New York City with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on January 27, 1956.  Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. For this Carnegie Hall concert The New York Times music critic John Martin for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956, wrote two articles: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill",  published on January 28, 1956, and "The Dance: Folk Art; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events", published on February 5, 1956.

The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skillhttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ( https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ) , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.  

Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and for clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) player Tale Ognenovski, " The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Artist Biography of Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503       https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503        http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music in history. Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. He performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…  The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall.   
During an 84-day journey (January 22, 1956 - April 12, 1956) throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble Tanec arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’.

Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe ‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ pro-gramme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’.

Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs. Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist.

Since it irst opened in 1894, Massey Hall, with its capacity of 2700 seats, has been famous in Canada, the U.S. and Europe for its outstanding acoustics. Massey Hall’s first hundred years reads like a Who’s Who of the 20th century: Enrico Caruso, Winston Churchill, Booker T. Washington, Arturo Toscanini, George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Dylan, Harry Belafonte, Keith Richards, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti...

The Carnegie Hall concert on January 27, 1956 was performed on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another genius of music, Tale Ognenovski, performed as a clarinet and reed pipe soloist performing folk dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall. Together, he and the other members of the Ensemble ‘Tanec’ appeared at Carnegie Hall in a display of tremendous skill, which was a sheer joy to watch. Carnegie Hall first opened its doors in 1891. The music hall opened officially on May 5,1 891, with a five-day Music Festival during which the composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky conducted several of his works. Carnegie Hall is the most prestigious concert hall in the United States of America. Many of the world’s best-known musicians, orchestras and their conductors have performed concerts in Carnegie Hall. These include Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Frank Sinatra, Liza Minnelli, Elton John, David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, Sviatoslav Richter, Edith Piaf, Tina Turner, Sergej Rachmanianoff, Artur Rubinstein, Vladimir Horowitz, Mstislav Rostopovich, Enrico Caruso, Placido Domingo, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti, Gustav Mahler, The Beatles and Herbert von Karajan.

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Ensemble Tanec During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.       http://www.taleognenovski.mk/metrogoldwynmayer1956.html

‘’Carnegie Hall was our greatest triumph“

Roska Dilevska, one of the members of ‘Tanec’, said: “Carnegie Hall was our greatest success. Everywhere we have received frenetic applause for our triumphs. After the concerts, the audience surrounded us...Almost everywhere they asked for our autographs. Amongst those strange admirers and lovers of the art, there have been both well-known and lesser-known actors, singers, painters, our emigrants, students, schoolboys...During our visit to Hollywood at the invitation of the Metro Goldwyn Mayer company, we had the rare opportunity to walk through wide streets of cowboy film set-ups, and see model castles, miniature models of boats and many other well-known things from films which have fascinated us with their grandiosity; and there are still many hundreds more wonders to see. We have seen other film studios, and Metro Goldwyn Mayer prepared a special party for us...” from an article entitled “After returning to the country”, written by D. Stojanova, and published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People's Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1956.

During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco.  After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood.  In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S.  The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" who participated in the concerts in the United States and Canada from January 22 until April 12, 1956, were the following: Doncheva Todorka, Vishinova Radmila, Krstic Dushica, Stojanova Zora, Arsova Desanka, Peshic Olga, Shijakovic Vera, Markova Lenche, Stojanova Radica, Videc Blaga, Ilieva Vaska, Kolarova Ljubica, Dilevska Roska, Petrushevski Dragan, Sarievski Aleksandar, Matevski Dojchin, Dobeski Krsto, Kolarovski Atanas, Livrinski Stanko, Mihajlovski Mihajlo, Cherepovski Trpe, Eftimovski Doncho, Vishinski Stanimir, Micevski Cvetko, Todevski Spase, Georgievski Stevo, Atanasovski Pece, Etemov Kemal, Georgievski Dushko, Velevski Blazhe, Pavlovski Todor, Muharedov Reshad, Terziev Ivan, Galevski Nikolaj, Hristovski Jonche, Ognenovski Tale and Tasevski Slave. The Artistic Director was Prof. Asparuh Hadzi-Nikolov, and the Regisseur, Dimce Najdeski.

Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill     The New York Times
“The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’, which has been touring Europe with great success, made the reason quite clear last night in a performance at Carnegie Hall that was a joy and delight...This particular group, part of a national movement toward the revival of the folk arts, comes from Macedonia, but its dances and songs come also from Serbia, Croatia and Dalmatia...Among them are the endless vivacity and the tremendous skill of a thoroughly ingratiating company and some brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances. To be sure, they possess all the qualities common to folk dancing, but they have great individuality and a wide variety besides...These sturdy, spirited and forthright men can dance not only as fast as you please, but also as slowly, which is harder and can be much more exciting. In number after number they do rapid and fairly incredible phrases with inexhaustible vigor...But all the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing. There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe (virtuoso pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), a charming lyric bagpipe, drums large and small, played with two kinds of sticks at the same time or else by the fingers alone...The evening is not only wonderful art but also a superb show. Surely one performance in New York is not enough. The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern.” - By John MartinThe New York Times, , January 28, 1956.

Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events     The New York Times
"Everybody knows, of course, that folk dancing is entirely for participation, and has no value at all as spectacle; everybody knows it, that is, until something like the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, "Tanec", comes along and puts on a stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist... The social and sociological roots are there, to be sure, but what is actually offered is the theatrical flower. There is an amazing variety to the dances that comprised this particular program. To indicate, that they are dances of war, of courtship, of harvest, of sheep-herding, is to lapse into platitudes, for a variety exists in far closer terms than any such standards backgrounds imply. It is again, the flower that we see; not the roots. And this flowering is in terms of movement that compasses a thousand different shades of dynamics, of elevation, of rapidity, of aplomb, of spatial range, of conscious virtuosity, of total strangeness and exoticism of texture. The ethnologist will care enormously that there are here relics of Grecian antiquity, Turkish influences from the hated occupation, full-circled kolos from the plains of Croatia in contrast to the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains. There is equal interest in the curious musical instruments that accompany many of the dances... a dateless reed pipe
(virtuoso reed pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).", February 5, 1956 - By John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956. 

Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


The New York Times is an American daily newspaper, founded and continuously published in New York City since September 18, 1851. It has won 112 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization. The paper's print version remains the largest local metropolitan newspaper in the United States.

Life magazine article for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.       http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

Life magazine was a weekly news magazine with a strong emphasis on photojournalism. Grace Kelly was an American actress. She was featured on the cover of Life magazine on April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15. In this issue of the Life magazine on pages 173-174,  editorial board of the magazine published an article titled, “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, about performances of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.

All content (including images) of this Life magazine article can be read at website





LIFE photo archive is hosted by Google which includes a searchable database of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today, now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google.
  DANCE BOUNCING BRIGANDS Yugoslavs come to U.S.    LIFE Magazine
Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs"Tanec" on concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.

The Life Magazine wrote: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skilful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174


One of the longest and the most triumphant tours in the history of world music
During an 84-day journey throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. 
This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music. Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this giant success, first with their 72-concert tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956, and secondly with their 83-concert tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They played two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959. 
Members of ‘Tanec’ who participated in the concerts in the United States and Canada from January 22 until April 12, 1956, were the following: Doncheva Todorka, Vishinova Radmila, Krstic Dushica, Stojanova Zora, Arsova Desanka, Peshic Olga, Shijakovic Vera, Markova Lenche, Stojanova Radica, Videc Blaga, Ilieva Vaska, Kolarova Ljubica, Dilevska Roska, Petrushevski Dragan, Sarievski Aleksandar, Matevski Dojchin, Dobeski Krsto, Kolarovski Atanas, Livrinski Stanko, Mihajlovski Mihajlo, Cherepovski Trpe, Eftimovski Doncho, Vishinski Stanimir, Micevski Cvetko, Todevski Spase, Georgievski Stevo, Atanasovski Pece, Etemov Kemal, Georgievski Dushko, Velevski Blazhe, Pavlovski Todor, Jusufov Muharem Reshat, Terziev Ivan, Galevski Nikolaj, Hristovski Jonche, Ognenovski Tale and Tasevski Slave.
The Artistic Director was Prof. Asparuh Hadzi-Nikolov, and the Regisseur, Dimce Najdeski.


DATE                 CITY              THEATRE

January 22, 1956 New York City Ford Foundation TV Program, "OMNIBUS"
January 23, 1956 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania The Forum
January 24, 1956 White Plains, New York Westchester Country Center
January 25, 1956 Schenectady, New York Erie Theater
January 26, 1956 Perth Amboy, New Jersey Majestic Theater
January 27, 1956 New York City Carnegie Hall
January 28, 1956 Newark, New Jersey Mosque Theater
January 29, 1956 Worcester, Massachusetts Municipal Memorial Auditorium
January 30, 1956 Providence, Rhode Island War Memory Auditorium
January 31, 1956 Boston, Massachusetts Symphony Hall
February 1, 1956 Springfield, Massachusetts Auditorium
February 2, 1956 Hartford, Connecticut Bushnell Memorial Hall
February 4, 1956 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Civic Opera House
February 5, 1956 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Civic Opera House
February 7, 1956 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Academy of Music
February 8, 1956 Norfolk, Pennsylvania Center Theater
February 9, 1956 Washington, D.C. Constitution Hall
February 10, 1956 Baltimore, Maryland Lyric Theater
February 11, 1956 Richmond, Virginia Mosque Theater
February 12, 1956 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Syria Mosque Theater
February 13, 1956 Toronto, Canada Massey Hall
February 14, 1956 Rochester, New York Auditorium
February 16, 1956 Youngstown, Ohio Stambaugh Auditorium
February 17, 1956 Akron, Ohio Armory
February 18, 1956 Detroit, Michigan Masonic Auditorium
February 19, 1956 Cleveland, Ohio Music Hall
February 20, 1956 Indianapolis, Indiana Murat Theater
February 21, 1956 Toledo, Ohio State Theater
February 22, 1956 Cincinnati, Ohio Taft Auditorium
February 23, 1956 Louisville, Kentucky Kentucky Auditorium
February 24, 1956 Evansville, Indiana Indiana Coliseum
February 26, 1956 St. Louis, Missouri Municipal Auditorium
February 28, 1956 St. Joseph, Missouri City Auditorium
February 29, 1956 Kansas City, Missouri Music Hall
March 1, 1956 Omaha, Nebraska Music Hall
March 3, 1956 Colorado Springs, Colorado City Auditorium
March 4, 1956 Denver, Colorado Auditorium Arena
March 7, 1956 San Francisco, California Opera House
March 8, 1956 Sacramento, California Memorial Auditorium
March 9, 1956 San Francisco, California Opera House
March 10, 1956 Oakland, California High School Auditorium
March 11, 1956 Fresno, California Memorial Auditorium
March 12, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 13, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 14, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 15, 1956 Pasadena, California Civic Auditorium
March 17, 1956 San Pedro, California S.P.High School Auditorium
March 18, 1956 San Pedro, California S.P.High School Auditorium
March 19, 1956 San Diego, California Russ Auditorium
March 20, 1956 San Diego, California Russ Auditorium
March 22, 1956 Phoenix, Arizona North Phoenix High School
March 23, 1956 Phoenix, Arizona North Phoenix High School
March 24, 1956 Tucson, Arizona University
March 26, 1956 El Paso, Texas Liberty Hall
March 28, 1956 Houston, Texas City Auditorium
March 29, 1956 Houston, Texas City Auditorium
April 1, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 2, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 3, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 5, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 6, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 7, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 9, 1956 Princeton, New Jersey McCarter Theatre
April 10, 1956 Princeton, New Jersey McCarter Theatre
April 11, 1956 New York City Brooklyn Academy of Music
April 12, 1956 New York City Brooklyn Academy of Music

“Macedonian folklore group ‘Tanec’ last night gave the last performance of their three-month North American tour at New York’s Brooklyn Academy of Music. The group had arrived in New York by boat on January 20, and will leave New York by plane on April 21. During their very successful tour in America, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ visited the most important cultural and industrial centres: New York City, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, and Boston, and one concert was performed in Toronto, Canada. During the 84-day journey Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and gave 70 concerts. The American press described them as a Great Cultural Event. Everywhere in America ‘Tanec’ had a warm welcome. Numerous celebrated public dinners and banquets were held by our emigrants’ societies and American musical associations in honour of the Ensemble.” From an article entitled “Tanec with success has finished their American tour”, published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on April 14, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski
played as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States.  A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. 

On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 is written: 

Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation;
Producer, Robert Saudek.
Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22
Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)... The segment entitled The Yugoslav national folk ballet is shown periodically throughout the episode.; LC control no. 88705799.

With Ford Foundation funding, “Omnibus” introduced the best in dance, music, drama, opera, history, science and art and was the most successful cultural magazine series in the history of U.S. commercial television. The series won more than 65 awards, including seven Emmy Awards and two Peabody Awards. The series is held at The Library of Congress and Global ImageWorks, among other archives.


Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer with members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  and with June Allyson, one of the screen’s most important stars in the U.S. in the main Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, March 14, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso and clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York , on January 27, 1956 for most parts of the programme, including the Macedonian folk dances ‘Bride’s Dance’ (‘Nevestinsko Oro’), ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’ (Sopska Poskocica), ‘Kopachka’, ‘Shepherd’s Dance (‘Ovcharsko Oro’), ‘Soborski Igri’, Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘Shote’, an Albanian folk dance. Carnegie Hall in New York City, United States, built by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie in 1891, is one of the most prestigious venues in the world for both classical music and popular music.

Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall, New York City with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on January 27, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music in history. Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. He performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…  The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall.   

*Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  on  TV Programme "OMNIBUS" on January 22, 1956.

Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television ‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 66 concerts in many towns throughout the United States. A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink https://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 
https://web.archive.org/web/20190712110412/https://catalog.loc.gov/vwebv/search?searchCode=LCCN&searchArg=88705799&searchType=1&permalink=y or on the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS’ Internet Web site, http://catalog.loc.gov with Keyword = Ansambl za narodni igri i pesni Tanec is written: Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; Producer, Robert Saudek. Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22 Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min.)...

The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skillhttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ( https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ) , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE )  written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.  

Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and for clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) player Tale Ognenovski, " The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Artist Biography of Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503       https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503        http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe … An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” The above is from an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Folk Ballet,’ written by Walter Terry, and that appeared in the New York Herald Tribune on January 28, 1956. New York City, USA. Reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski.

“These perfect artists performed many marvelous dances, and the astonished audience greeted them with long applause. The program was filled with folk dances and songs. In the past we have had some interesting concerts from the East and West but none of them had been as successful and been so well-received by the public as the Yugoslav Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’. Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation...” wrote Robert Coleman in the New York Daily Mirror, New York City, USA on January 28, 1956.

“Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall... This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years. We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet.” From an article written by William Hawkins, and that appeared in the New York World Telegram, New York City, USA on January 28, 1956.

"Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans...When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as an unfair trade for the four little swans in ''Swan Lake''… '' From an article written by Claudia Cassidy and entitled “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.” It appeared in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, USA on February 6, 1956.

‘Until half-past eight, Carnegie Hall was full to capacity, without any of its near enough 3000 seats available... To choose which were the most successful of the program’s seventeen folk dances, when all were greeted with stormy applause, is really very difficult and risky... ‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was even repeated, and to repeat a performance on the American stage is a really rare and exclusive event…”, wrote Stjepan Pucak in his article entitled “First days in America” (Macedonian:  ““Првите денови во Америка”), published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 7, 1956.

“This was “Tanec,” the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet. “Tanec” means “dance,” but “dance” in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers... there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing... Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations…” From an article written by Samuel Singer entitled
“Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”. It appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer,  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA on February 8, 1956.

”Anyone watching the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet last night in Constitution Hall could have guessed without any difficulty the major emotions and situations involved in the dancing… A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show the girls how handsome and wonderful and brilliant and exciting and sensational their man friends are. It does. The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition...” This is from an article written by Paul Hume and entitled “Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works”. It appeared in The Washington Post and Times Herald, Washington, D.C., USA on February 10, 1956.


“…includes singers and mu­sicians as well: and singing may be part of the dance, just as musicians may take an active part... Last night’s program included songs and dances from Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Dalmacia. The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... one dance, Sopska Poskocica  it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective... The music, whether for singing or dancing, had the same spontaneous folk quality and an exotic character." From an article written by John Kraglund, entitled “Music in Toronto”and appearing in The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada on February 14, 1956.

‘The Macedonian Ensemble for folk dances and songs ‘Tanec’ has already been performing in America for several weeks... All the concerts have had record audiences… immediately after the performance in Carnegie Hall, the press wrote numerous compliments. Almost all articles in the newspapers were written in superlatives. Every impression of the concert was that this concert evening would remain unforgettable. There were many reasons for this but, primarily, it was the wonderful folk music with a full range of temperament and miraculous rhythm, voluminous colour and sonority, perfect coordination between the dancers and the musicians…‘‘ - This article, written by Naum Nachevski, appeared in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 18, 1956, under the title, “TANEC receive applause in America” (Macedonian:  ““Танец” собира аплаузи по Америка”).

The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply “Macedonian Tune,” which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud...” From an article written by R. H. Hagan, entitled “Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’” and appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, California, USA on March 8, 1956.

"For authentic folk dancing, wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style...They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe…" This comes from an article written by Albert Goldeberg, entitled “Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement” and published in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, USA on March 13, 1956.


*Life magazine article for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956. “A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... this spring, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet is making a first, and highly successful tour of the U.S. The skilful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded to perpetuate their country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials...Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen.” These words appeared in an article in Life magazine, USA, entitled “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to U.S.” on April 9, 1956. Vol 40, No. 15. In this issue on pages 173-174,      http://www.taleognenovski.mk/life.html

LIFE 9 Apr 1956



''Dance Observer'' commented: "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group" -  Article entitled ''Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, Carnegie Recital Hall, January 27, 1956'', Robert Sabin, ''Dance Observer'', Volumes 23-24, pp. 55. New York City. USA. April, 1956. 


"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour..."

"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour. Tanec means dance--including drama, song, and music--and that's what the company of some 40 members (who are interchangeably dancers, singers, and musicians) does... " - By Margaret Lloyd Dance Critic of Christian Science Monitor - Boston, Mass., , March 2, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav National Folk Ballet 'A Breath of Mountain Air'”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Christian Science Monitor can be read at website https://web.archive.org/web/20121004182314/http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/csmonitor_historic/access/273381722.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Mar+2%2C+1956&author=&pub=Christian+Science+Monitor++%281908-Current+file%29&edition=&startpage=9&desc=Yugoslav+National+Folk+Ballet

"Many an American who has never crossed the Atlantic is getting his first taste of European folk art this season, thanks to the celebrated Yugoslav National Fol Ballet, now on a Winter-Spring tour of principal... " - By Daily Boston Globe - Boston, Mass., , March 4, 1956.  Article: “The Boston Globe Feature Vacation Section EUROPEAN FESTIVALS Every Country Has Its Own Folk Art”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Daily Boston Globe can be read at website


"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet will begin a fifteen-week tour of the United States in January, under the auspices of Consolidated Concerts Corporation and the International Music Institute. This will be the first large-scale dance company from a former Iron Curtain country..." By The New York Times,  November 15, 1955. Article: “YUGOSLAV BALLET TO APPEAR IN U. S.; National Folk Unit, Planning 15-Week Tour, Will Make Debut Here in January”. Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


Article entitled: “CHOREOGRAPHIC VIGOR FROM MACEDONIA” for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performance in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. It appeared in the newspaper “The New York Times”, written by music  critic John Martin  on January 22, 1956, page 97. Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. The Ensemble arrived in New York City on January 21, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 68-69)


Programme from the Ensemble “Tanec” performance in New York City at Brooklyn Academy of Music, April 11 and 12, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski with members of the Macedonian Ensemble “Tanec” at the end of their North American tour at the airport in New York City, April 21, 1956.

Programme for ensemble “Tanec” performances in New York City at Carnegie Hall , January 27, 1956.

Tour of North America and Carnegie Hall Concert - http://www.taleognenovski.mk/usa1956.html

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Certificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski" (Posted: 03-07-2012) 


"Musician Tale Ognenovski is part of the forty artists who will receive a national pension in the Republic of Macedonia in the future
from an article entitled: "National pension for Dzambazov, Ognenovski, Popovska ...",
written by D.T., newspaper "Vecher", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
, March 2, 2012. (Macedonian "Музичарот Тале Огненовски e  дел од четириесетте уметници кои во иднина ќе примаат национална пензија на Република Македонија... " -  Напис под наслов: “Национална пензија за Џамбазов, Огненовски, Поповска... ”, напишано од  Д.Т., весник Вечер, Скопје, Република Македонија, 2 март 2012 година)https://vecer.mk/node/185292    https://web.archive.org/web/20200514191855/https://vecer.mk/node/185292

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist  (Posted: September 27, 2008)    https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php
Article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” - ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY, September 27, 2008.
“Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged all 12 tracks. The album from Independent Records is produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski and is distributed by The Orchard. This third release is the follow up to his two previous: CD Albums entitled: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music and MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Release date: January 24, 2006). Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances. New CD Album feature the Ognenovski performing with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever… Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted…”, was written in an article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” published by ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY (The website publishes reviews, interviews, and articles pertaining to jazz in the U.S. and around the world).


All About Jazz Jazz News: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski - CD to Celebrate the 85th Anniversary of His Birthday, April 27, 2007

All About Jazz Recognition:
Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)      https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski.php#.Ur2fdvRDuHM   

JAZZ NEWS: Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD (Posted: April 22, 2012)



JAZZ NEWS: "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski"  (Posted: April 23, 2007)


All About Jazz : Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Clarinetist on YouTube    


 Posted: 2009-04-12      SOURCE: All About Jazz Publicity


JAZZ NEWS: "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski"   (Posted: April 23, 2007)


All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php  (Published: 2009-04-27) https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php

Web site JJA News insights and updates from the Jazz Journalists Association published article entitled: "Deaths in 2012", compiled by W. Royal Stokes and Ken Franckling, Nov 27th, 2012 about the top jazz musicians who died in 2012 including Tale Ognenovski.  http://news.jazzjournalists.org/2012/11/deaths-in-2012


Static.echonest.com published an article entitled, "2012 Music Memoriam - Well Known Musicians We Lost in 2012". Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was included in the list of public figures that died in 2012.  http://static.echonest.com/playlist/year_end/index.html


Tale Ognenovski is No. 4 of top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries
Website Boingboing.net published article entitled: “Notable deaths in 2012, as recorded by Wikipedia”. In this article was written: “Information designer Jess Bachman created Wikipedia Remembers 2012 (https://web.archive.org/web/20170225142318/http://visual.ly/wikipedia-remembers-2012?view=true), an interactive feature about the top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries… while others like #4, Tale Ognenovski is a lessor known Macedonian clarinetist, but for some reason has a incredibly documented wiki page! So many interesting people here…” (Published: Jan 2, 2013)
https://boingboing.net/2013/01/02/notable-deaths-in-2012-as-rec.html (

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:



Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



Jazzclub Unterfahrt from Munich, Bavaria, Germany commented: "Playing the music of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is different from imitating Michael Breckers style.” – Article entitled: “Pachora”.


Valentina Gjorgievska wrote: "This world famous and most relevant website for jazz music All About Jazz https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php these days published article that honor Macedonian instrumentalist and musician Tale Ognenovski. “Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski - Published: 2009-04-27. All About Jazz is celebrating Tale Ognenovski's birthday today!”

The text refers to the recognition that the team of this site is handed on April 27, the day of his 87th birthday, when he declared jazz musician of the day… Article entitled: "На најпознатиот сајт за џез Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот - At the World's Famous Jazz Website Tale Ognenovski Jazz Musician of the Day". Vreme (Време) No. 1713, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 6, 2009.

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Is Included In The Book Entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky. Publisher: CreateSpace (Posted: 11-21-2014)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:   "Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD Album: "Pelistersko Oro", Which Will Be Released On October 1, 2012"  (Posted: 04-22-2012) 


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Tale Ognenovski, Titan Of The Clarinet And Composer Of Clarinet Music, Dies (Posted: 06-28-2012) "Tale Ognenovski, known across the globe for his virtuosic performances, died suddenly on June 19, 2012. His technique and the excitement of his playing were legendary… "


All About Jazz : The following news item is now being featured at AllAboutJazz.com:  The 51th Anniversary of Tale Ognenovski's Carnegie Hall Concert, January 27, 1956 Posted: 2007-02-04



Tale Ognenovski at YouTube

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Brusnichko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfM97pOp23M 

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvuHuLswaI

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9390xDUuPuU

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5v68GMLaCs

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkibqVfE5I

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK4wLnpPlNw  

YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

YouTube video: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video entitledTale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz    https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/taleognenovski


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Macedonian Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2010 At AllAboutJazz.com  (Posted: 04-27-2010) 

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:   "Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD Album: "Pelistersko Oro", Which Will Be Released On October 1, 2012"  (Posted: 04-22-2012) 


Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday" (Posted: 13/11/2006)    http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463

https://web.archive.org/web/20071101093526/http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463 Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)       

mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…” - Article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”” - mi2n (Music Industry News Network), 04-27-2017. 

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "
Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)

All About Jazz   Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz    https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/taleognenovski

JAZZ NEWS: Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD (Posted: April 22, 2012)



New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)New York, NY (Top40 Charts):  “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450
Article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos” - Top40-charts.com, November 21, 2014. “In CD Album entitled: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by his son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amazon.com release date: January 24, 2006. Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Härtel edition (Publisher's no.: Nr. 2300. …Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski's Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music... Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski's Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music…” was written in an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos” published by Top40-Charts.com (Top40-charts.com, Inc. is an American global entertainment information and measurement company with headquarters in Manhattan in New York City.)   http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450       https://web.archive.org/web/20171026213528/http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450

“Lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music…” - Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds” (page 43 in the  book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5), Published 03/01/1998. 
Bill Shoemaker, JazzTimes music critic has written: “…Recalling the spree sparked a lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music (interestingly, Shepik is the linchpin of the movement, leading his own group, The Commuters, and playing with both Matt Darriau’s Paradox Trio and with Black and Speed, in Pachora).”" – Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds” (page 43 in the  book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5)
The book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5” (Title: Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5; Publisher: Jazztimes, 1998; Original from: the University of Michigan; Digitized: 28 May 2010) was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database. Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds”, page 43 in the book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5” can be read by Google Books:


Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.  
Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book




Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist  
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956.  This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs.  Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 84-85). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book


Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: "TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER, BIOGRAPHY AND MUSIC NOTATION OF 69 CLARINET COMPOSITIONS: MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES, JAZZ AND CLASSICAL MUSIC" by Stevan Ognenovski (Author) Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds

Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Biography of Tale Ognenovski at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski/Signed_Articles/Stevan_Ognenovski

Biography of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/User:Stevan_Ognenovski

Audio CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos". Label: Independent Records, US; Catalog: IR37223, 2006.http://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1
* "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" 2006, Catalog: IR37223; Record label: Independent Records, US; Tracks: Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski); Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski); Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski) and Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 (composed by Tale Ognenovski and arranged by Tale Ognenovski ). 
Performers: Soloist - Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Track 1,2,3,4), Reed Pipe (Track 4), Small Bagpipe (Track 4), Zourla (Track 4) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Track 1,2,4).

Special Thanks To: Ministry of Culture for the Republic of Macedonia, Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje, EuroComputer Systems AD, Milenium Rekords and Mrs. Margarita Ognenovska from Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski (http://www.wnykarate.com Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/, E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com), from Buffalo, New York, USA

Tale Ognenovski arranged the Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 for two clarinets. The clarinet in standard performance is always accompanied by the Orchestra. In CD Album entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by his son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amazon.com release date: January 24, 2006. Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Härtel edition (Publisher’s no.: Nr. 2300).

Album title:
Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos”   
Track Listing
1. Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski) 14:50
2. Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski) 13:13
3. Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski) 10:18
4. Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 29:21

Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

Perhaps this is unique recording where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 from the Third movement: Rondo: Allegro are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in Breitkopf & Härtel edition. (Time: 09:29 – 09:34 in this recording). The full, wonderful sound of the modern A clarinet is rich and Ognenovski's playing is superb, with good tempo and intonation throughout.
Tale Ognenovski composed and performed concert entitled: "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1". Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time.
Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. 
With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom.Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet classical composition is far more than a demonstration of the clarinet’s tonal qualities, as well as what is technically possible with a clarinet - these he had already explored and favoured in his compositions of Macedonian folk dances. It is also a display of imaginative power, a colourful, almost romantic emotion, and sensitive feeling.

Tale Ognenovski arranged the Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 for two clarinets. The clarinet in standard performance is always accompanied by the Orchestra. In CD Album entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amazon.com Release date: January 24, 2006. Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Härtel edition (Publisher’s no.: Nr. 2300). This Audio CD entitled: with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" with CD “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski performed by Tale Ognenovski” are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski). Such perfect synchronization of two clarinets by the performance of two different arrangements (performed by Tale Ognenovski) in recording concert of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” is unique in the world. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1” is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom.  Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” and Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” are another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world”.  CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223,) performed by Tale Ognenovski, one of the most important musicians of all time, titan of the clarinet and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded and which will transcends the centuries.  CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832; Amazon.com release date: April 27, 2016) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (IR37223, Amazon.com release date: January 24, 2006) performed by Tale Ognenovski, titan of the clarinet, musical genius and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded.  Tale Ognenovski, оne of Musical Giants of all time with his absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness will go down in history as the best clarinet player of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622”. Musical prodigy Tale Ognenovski achieved popularity and worldwide recognition since his performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’ – Macedonian: кавалче) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City, USA on January 27, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

Tale Ognenovski composed and performed concert entitled: "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1".  Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music.

Tale Ognenovski at YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn
Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9390xDUuPuU
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

CD Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223)

Reviewers from Amazon.com. Source: Web page of Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1

Amazon.com reviewer: Outstanding Musical Interpretation, April 13, 2006.

Erika Borsos: "Outstanding Musical Interpretation - This reviewer is familiar with the three B's of classical music: Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms and can distinguish their styles, one can *now* add a fourth "B" which stands for "Balkan" as played by Tale Ognenovski. Mr. Ognenovski plays Mozart with his own inimitable personal style making the classical music take on mysterious and exotic characteristics and overtones. His virtuosity possesses special qualities related to the Balkan clarinet… Ognenovski explodes with passion as he performs his own "Tale Ognenovski Concerto for Clarinet No. 1" ... The labyrinthine musical pathways he creates are enormously pleasing to the listener. The pentatonic scale and odd metered rhythms of Macedonia awaken the listener to new vistas of musical excitement and enjoyment. Anyone who loves jazz improvisation and the sounds of the clarinet will immediately recognize the superior creativity, breath control and complete mastery of this instrument as played by Mr. Ognenovski…”

Amazon.com reviewer: Exquisite, you must buy it, April 14, 2011.

Michele Zukovsky, 1st Carinet Los Angeles Philharmonic: “Exquisite, you must buy it - After hearing this great artist, I was absolutely dumbfounded. Why, oh, why have I not heard this songbird before. His delicate and nuanced Mozart was so inspiring that I fell into a reverie---it was a moment of bliss .. No other clarinetist can touch him. After having bought the cd, you will not be able to listen to anything else!! …bravo mr. Ognenovski, for inspiring the world of clarinetists… ”

Amazon.com reviewer: A New Standard has Been Set, April 14, 2011.

Julia Heinen, Professor of Clarinet, California State University, Northridge: “A New Standard has Been Set - Based on the recommendation of the wonderful clarinetist, Michele Z. I have to tell you that this is now my most favorite recording of the Mozart Concerto. I can only hope all clarinetists near and far will learn from this unique interpretation. Bravo Mr.Ognenovski, you've set a new standard.”

Amazon.com reviewer: Unique Genius, April 16, 2011.

David Gilman, orchestral & solo clarinetist, Lake Forest, CA, USA: “Unique Genius - I must concur with my colleague, Michele Z., for her astute observations regarding Mr. Ognenovski's artistry. His subtle phrasing and amazing tone leave one breathless. Words cannot adequately describe the impression his recordings make. One must experience them to believe it. I can still hardly believe it myself.”


“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best  clarinet concertos in the world… no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can…”

“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best clarinet concertos  in the world. Whether it's classical, jazz, Macedonian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian or others, no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can. Many clarinetists only play one type or style of music Tale can play any style with perfection. "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" CD will go down in history as one of the best clarinet concertos ever recorded”, written by Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski (http://www.wnykarate.com Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), from Buffalo, New York, USA, March 26, 2006; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozartcd.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html

Amazon (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html

Music Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223)

New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”” (Posted: 13/11/2006)   



New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014



"The second CD album of the greatest Macedonian instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (kavalche}, bagpipe and zurla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in the world music history, the music genius Tale Ognenovski, is in the process of being released. The CD album, entitled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos", has already been recorded by Dimitar Dimovski in his "Promuzika Tra-la-la Studio" in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia and will be released under the label of the American record company "Independent Records, Inc." no later than December 15 this year (2005), from an article entitled:" Tale Ognenovski and Wofgang Amadeus Mozart on the same CD ", newspaper "Vecher", October 14, 2005, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
(Macedonian:Во фаза на издавање е вториот цеде албум на најголемиот македонски инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајда и зурла на сите времиња во светот и еден од најголемите композитори во светската музичка историја, музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски. CD албумот, под наслов "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos", е веќе снимен од Димитар Димовски во неговото "Промузика Тра-ла-ла Студио" во Скопје, Република Македонија а ќе биде издаден под етикета на американската дискографска куќа "Independent Records, Inc." најдоцна до 15 декември годинава (2005), “ Напис под наслов: “Тале Огненовски и Моцарт на исто CD”, весник Вечер, 14 октомври 2005 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).



"In honor of the 250th anniversary of the birth of music genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1756 - January 27, 2006), a CD album of music genius Tale Ognenovski entitled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" was released. On this day, January 27, is another great jubilee for him, and for the Macedonian culture, 50 years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski in Carnegie Hall in New York, together with the Macedonian ensemble "Tanec" where, according to the reaction of the audience and the writing of the American press, they achieved sensational success. Ognenovski consider him a musical genius, the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (recorder - kavalche”), small bagpipes and zurla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music history ... "- An article entitled:"Fifty years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble "Tanec "In Carnegie Hall in New York City", Written by Valentina Gjorgievska, newspaper "Vecher", January 28, 2006, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.  

(Macedonian:  "Во чест на јубилејот 250 годишнината од раѓањето на музичкиот гениј Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт (27 јануари 1756 - 27 јануари 2006) издадено е цеде албум на музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски насловен "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos". На овој ден 27 јануари, е уште еден голем јубилеј за него, и за македонската култура, 50- години од настапот на Тале Огненовски во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк, заедно со македонскиот ансамбл "Танец" каде, според реакцијата на публиката и пишувањето на американскиот печат, постигнале сензационален успех. Огненовски го сметаат за музички гениј, најголемиот инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка и зурла на сите времиња во светот и еден од најголемите композитори во светската музичка историја... " -  Напис под наслов: “Педесет години од настапот на Тале Огненовски и Ансамблот ”Танец” во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк”, Напишано од Валентина Ѓоргиевска, весник Вечер, 28 јануари 2006 година, Скопје, Република Македонија)https://vecer.mk/node/60585       https://web.archive.org/web/20200514190924/https://vecer.mk/node/60585

CD Album available at Amazon.com

In CD Format

In MP3 Format


Apple Music iTunes  

Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –

iTunes (Download) –

MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 album “Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” downloads/streaming on Amazon.com: Online Shopping

United States of America















United Kingdom





Apple Music iTunes   https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet/id192549491

Digital Music Album “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”


Catalog: IR43832; CD UPC: 643157438328 “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski 2016 Produced by Stevan Ognenovski.
Performed by Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Tracks: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8). Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski – Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR43832. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Dimitar Dimovski at PROMUZIKA TRA-LA-LA STUDIO in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Special Thanks To:  Mr. Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski (http://www.wnykarate.com Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), from Buffalo, New York, USA; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

Artists: Tale Ognenovski, Musical Genius, Clarinet and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., Drum

Album title:
"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”                       
Track Listing

1. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski)
2. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski) 7:04
3. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski) 5:09
4. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski) 7:31
5. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski) 7:04
6. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale OgnenovskI   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski) 5:06
7. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski) 7:27
8. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski) 7:06
9. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro  Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski   (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski) 5:11

In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Perhaps track “Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A, K.622: Rondo Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” is unique recording where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für  klarinette und orchester A dur – A major – La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by  VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, Printed in Germany. Time: 04:20 - 04:25 in this recording.  First arrangement of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” with first clarinet and two clarinets was arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski on the recording of the CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (IR37223, release date: January 24, 2006 – Amazon.com). In this 2005 year CD recording Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto with his own inimitable personal style with mysterious and exotic characteristics which is inspiration for the world of clarinetists. With this new 2016 year CD recording of Mozart Clarinet Concerto with new three new arrangements for first, second and two clarinets on nine tracks (three tracks Allegro no. 1, 4 and 7, three tracks Adagio no. 2, 5 and 8 and three tracks Rondo Allegro no. 3, 6 and 9) beauty of sound composed by musical genius Mozart in his Musical Masterpiece “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” married together with technical flawlessness, beauty of line, creative in expression and rhythmic clarity of Tale Ognenovski’s amazing performances in this new, exciting lifetime CD recording which will transcends the centuries. Tale Ognenovski with his outstanding musical interpretation and unmatched intonation which is like a revelation has put out the new definitive recording of the Mozart with new standard with arrangement for first, second and two clarinets.
Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” and Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” are another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world”.
Beauty of sound composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in his Musical Masterpiece “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” was married together with technical flawlessness, beauty of line, creative in expression and rhythmic clarity of Tale Ognenovski’s amazing performances in this new, exciting lifetime CD recording which will transcends the centuries. Tale Ognenovski with his outstanding musical interpretation and unmatched intonation which is like a revelation has put out the new definitive recording of the Mozart with new standard with arrangement for first, second and two clarinets. CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832; Amazon.com release date: April 27, 2016) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (IR37223, Amazon.com release date: January 24, 2006) performed by Tale Ognenovski, titan of the clarinet, musical genius and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded.  Tale Ognenovski, оne of Musical Giants of all time with his absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness will go down in history as the best clarinet player of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622”. Musical prodigy Tale Ognenovski achieved popularity and worldwide recognition since his performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’ – Macedonian: кавалче) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City, USA on January 27, 1956.

Tale  Ognenovski Digital MP3 Album:Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski: Online Shopping



YouTube Music


YouTube Music

Tale Ognenovski Macedonian multi-instrumentalist Available on YouTube Music     https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC_ur0LiuPwdYHz_AG8xiZZQ

Tale Ognenovski, Available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6JJRDldnQ27PAXpkyujIwS

CD Album available at Amazon.com

In MP3 Format

iTunes (Download)


Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html

CD:Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski"

Music Album: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski
(Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832)

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223) performed by Tale Ognenovski, one of the most important musicians of all time, titan of the clarinet and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded and which will transcends the centuries.

mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto"  in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…” - Article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”” - mi2n (Music Industry News Network), 04-27-2017.      https://web.archive.org/web/20170809044454/http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=197557
In the article was written: “Tale Ognenovski (April 27, 1922 - June 19, 2012) was a Macedonian multi-instrumentalist who played clarinet, recorder (“kavalche”), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zurna, and drums. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska on the base of recording of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. arranged for two clarinets Musical Masterpiece “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled:
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Perhaps these two Audio CDs are unique recordings in the world where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für klarinette und orchester A dur – A major – La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, Printed in Germany. This Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" performed by Tale Ognenovski are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski). When you listen these three tracks:
Track 4 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
Track 5 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
Track 6 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
of the Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” you will have impression that Tale Ognenovski uses two clarinets simultaneously with two different arrangements. In other words: use two clarinets by a single performer (Tale Ognenovski) - Playing the first clarinet with first arrangement and second clarinet with second arrangement that's played simultaneously – by one performer (Tale Ognenovski). In reality these three tracks were made by mixing one audio recording with clarinet performance according the arrangement for first clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) and separate audio recording (performed by Tale Ognenovski) with clarinet performance according the arrangement for second clarinet. It was possible to make a mix of two audio recording with arrangements for the first and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) thanks to the excellent synchronization of performance of the arrangement for the second clarinet by clarinetist Tale Ognenovski while he simultaneously listening to the tape of his performance on the clarinet with the arrangement for the first clarinet. Such perfect synchronization of two clarinets by the performance of two different arrangements (performed by Tale Ognenovski) in recording concert of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” is unique in the world. Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” is another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world…” 

New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”” (Posted: 13/11/2006)   



New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014



Tale  Ognenovski Digital MP3 Album:Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski: Online Shopping



YouTube Music


YouTube Music

Tale Ognenovski Macedonian multi-instrumentalist Available on YouTube Music     https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC_ur0LiuPwdYHz_AG8xiZZQ

Tale Ognenovski, Available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6JJRDldnQ27PAXpkyujIwS

Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 album “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” downloads/streaming on Amazon.com: Online Shopping

United States of America










United Kingdom




 Apple Music iTunes   https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-clarinet-concerto-in/id1105858650

MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR3882
Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Macedonian-Clarinet-Jazz-Composed-Ognenovski/dp/B001GNFYXS

Audio CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski Label: Independent Records, US; Catalog: IR38824, 2008.


* "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" 2008, Catalog: IR38824; Record label: Independent Records, US; Tracks: Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 (all composed by Tale Ognenovski and arranged by Tale Ognenovski).
Soloist - Tale Ognenovski (clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, drum); Stevan Ognenovski (reed pipe, drum); Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe); Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe). 
Stevan Ognenovski and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe the  parts of tracks on this  Audio CD (tracks - Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7). 

Special Thanks To: Ministry of Culture for the Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski (http://www.wnykarate.com Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), from Buffalo, New York, USA; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

Album title:
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski”    

Track Listing

1. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 4:04
2. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 2   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 4:13
3. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 3    (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 4:49
4. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 4   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 7:43
5. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 5   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 6:07
6. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 7:18
7. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 5:39
8. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 2:35
9. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 9   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 3:07
10. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.10  (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 3:50
Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.11  (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 5:48
12. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.12  (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski)  6:32

Tale Ognenovski at YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5v68GMLaCs
Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkibqVfE5I

Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK4wLnpPlNw  

New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist

This third release is the follow up to his two previous: CD Albums entitled: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music and MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Release date: January 24, 2006).
Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances.
New CD Album feature the Ognenovski performing with his quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever. This CD Album is one of the Best Jazz Instrumental Albums of all time. Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted. He is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music. He is one of the greatest composers in the world of music.

Amazon.com Audio CD Customer Reviews:


Original, Artistic, Creative, Enjoyable,
 October 9, 2008
“I am a fan of the clarinet and was absolutely blown away by the beautiful music on this CD. I have all the CDs produced by this fabulous clarinet player from Macedonia who is often called a "genius" which in my opinion is no exaggeration and this one is my favorite. Jazz music has a freedom of expression like few other musical styles. Tale Ognenovski uses the most intricate Western playing techniques and combines them with exotic Balkan stylizations creating a pure and genuine new dimensional sound. The listener's spirit soars, dances and flies with pleasure and anticipation gliding on every note and musical phrase. Besides the astonishing clarinet playing, Tale Ogenenovski is also a master player of the reed pipe, small bagpipe, zourla and drums which add more flavor and spice to the original, creative, and artistic clarinet music on this CD. His son Stevan Ogenenovski accompanies the master clarinet player on the reed pipes and drum. While his grandsons Kliment and Nikola add their accompaniment on the reed pipes. Overall, this is a an outstanding CD that is rich with Balkan flavor and has great depth. It is filled with sensational and spectacular music.
Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition # 1: starts out with Benny Goodman style playing with cheerful musical phrasing. The tones gradually transition into an exciting exhilarating array of Balkan music which melts into Western stylizations. The sounds are delightful as the clarinet explores new paths that are rich and very satisfying. The creativity is extravagant and the music is beautiful. This piece showcase the originality and amazing artistry of the musician.
Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition # 2: begins with a Middle Eastern/Balkan flavor that expands in scope and range incorporating Western style jazz mofifs despite its Balkan foundation. The results are astonishingly fresh, genuinely harmonious, and totally satisfying.
Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition # 3: has a very lyrical and flowing melody with catchy musical phrases and tremendous innovations. It shows that Tale Ognenovski is a genuinely talented and original artist of the highest order.
Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition # 4: is played with high energy, the drums create a clip clop style like the hooves of horses, and the clarinet shouts with joy and happiness. The free style clarinet improvisation expresses emotions with intensity and honesty. The entire piece is a joyful celebration of life, where the soul is set free.
Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition # 5: starts with a twittering clarinet that calls the listener to engage in a personal journey of discovery. There are interesting interludes where reed pipes carry out a merry melody, followed by a zourla solo and then again the clarinet awakens and reenergizes the entire composition with mesmerizing solos.
For over 50 years Tale Ognenovski has entertained audiences from around the world, with live performances in the United States, Canada, Europe and in his own home country, Macedonia. In January of 1956, he toured with the Ensemble "Tanec" of Macedonia for 84 days straight and even played in Carnegie Hall. This CD once again proves that this master clarinet player of Macedonia is a world class musician who will continue to impress clarinet music lovers everywhere.”, By Erika Borsos, Gulf Coast of FL, USA.

CD Album available at Amazon.com

In CD Format

In MP3 Format

iTunes (Download)


Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html
Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html
iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” http://www.taleognenovski.mk/jazzcd.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html

Amazon (Download)  http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

Music Album: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski

(Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824)

"The new CD of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski rated as phenomenal "

"The new album of the Macedonian clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski, released on September 1 this year, simply titled "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski", receives excellent reviews from the foreign press, and special attention is paid to the famous website "All About Jazz". Tale Ognenovski appears as author, composer and arranger of all 12 compositions present on the album, which was released for "Independent Records "from USA produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, and distributed by "The Orchard". This third Ognenovski's CD is a sequel to his previous two albums entitled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of Mozart's clarinet concert for two clarinets). on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. On the new album Ognenovski also performs with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder) , zurla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum and his grandchildren Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. In the review of Tale Ognenovski's work, "All About Jazz" writes, among other things: "Tale Ognenovski is known in the world for his virtuoso performance. Ognenovski and his quartet offer sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian clarinet jazz composed by Tale Ognenovski will be phenomenal. Various phrases, spectacular solo performances of clarinet, which are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and admire. Every part of the album is rhythmically complex. The research of Macedonian musical traditions with jazz sensibility is extraordinary. The sound is simply phenomenal ... " "An article entitled: "The new CD of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski rated as phenomenal ", Written by Tina Ivanova, newspaper "Utrinski Vesnik", number 2803, October 4, 2008, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Новото ЦД на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски оценето како феноменално(Macedonian: "Новиот албум на македонскиот кларинетист и композитор Тале Огненовски, објавен на 1 септември годинава, едноставно насловен „Македонски џез композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“, добива одлични рецензии од странскиот печат, а особено внимание му е посветено на познатата Веб-страница „All About Jazz“. Тале Огненовски се јавува како автор, композитор и аранжер на сите 12 композиции присутни на албумот, кој е издаден за „Индепендент рекордс“ во продукција на Тале Огненовски и Стеван Огненовски, а во дистрибуција на „The Orchard“. Ова трето ЦД на Огненовски е продолжение на неговите претходни два албуми под наслов „Џез, македонски народни ора и класична музика“ и „Моцарт и концертите на кларинет на Огненовски“ (Тале Огненовски аранжираше делови од концертот за кларинет на Моцарт, за два кларинета), по повод 250-годишнината од раѓањето на австрискиот композитор Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт. И на новиот албум Огненовски настапува со неговиот актуелен квартет: Тале Огненовски на кларинет, кавалче, зурла, мала гајда и тапан, неговиот син Стеван Огненовски на кавалче и тапан и неговите внуци Никола Огненовски и Климент Огненовски на кавалче. Во освртот за делото на Тале Огненовски, „All About Jazz“ меѓудругото пишува: „Тале Огненовски е познат во светот по неговите виртуозни перформанси. Огненовски и неговиот квартет нудат сензационална џез-музика на кларинет. Македонскиот џез на кларинет компониран од Тале Огненовски ќе биде феноменален. Различни фрази, спектакуларни соло-изведби на кларинет, кои се и интересни и фасцинирачки за луѓето да ги слушаат и да им се восхитуваат. Секој дел од албумот е ритмички комплексен. Истражувањето на македонските музички традиции со џез-сензибилитет е извонредно. Звукот е едноставно феноменален....“ Напис под наслов: " Новото ЦД на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски оценето како феноменално", Напишано од Тина Иванова, весникУтрински весник“, број 2803, 4 октомври 2008 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).  https://web.archive.org/web/20081005025130/http://www.utrinski.com.mk/?ItemID=8B4959AB284C79458FE0E47327C0174A

All About Jazz Jazz News: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski - CD to Celebrate the 85th Anniversary of His Birthday, April 27, 2007

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist”  (Posted: September 27, 2008)   



Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All  About Jazz

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2009-04-27)



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist”  (Posted: September 27, 2008
Article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” - ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY, September 27, 2008.
“Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged all 12 tracks. The album from Independent Records is produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski and is distributed by The Orchard. This third release is the follow up to his two previous: CD Albums entitled: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music and MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Release date: January 24, 2006). Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances. New CD Album feature the Ognenovski performing with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever… Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted…”, was written in an article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” published by ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY (The website publishes reviews, interviews, and articles pertaining to jazz in the U.S. and around the world).

https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php https://web.archive.org/web/20141223153558/https:/news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php

AllAboutJazz.com: Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Clarinetist on YouTube  Posted: 2009-04-12   SOURCE: AllAboutJazz.com Publicity   http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/news.php?id=33817


All About Jazz Recognition: Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)     


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Macedonian Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2010 At AllAboutJazz.com  (Posted: 04-27-2010)  https://web.archive.org/web/20110821213829/http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=129695

CD Album available at Amazon.com

In CD Format
In MP3 Format

iTunes (Download)


Amazon (Download) –

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –

iTunes (Download) –

MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


"The world-famous and most relevant jazz music All About Jazz website https://www.allaboutjazz.com recently published an article in which it paid tribute to the Macedonian instrumentalist and musician Tale Ognenovski. The text refers to the recognition that the team gave to this site on April 27, the day of his 87th birthday, when he was named jazz musician of the day. This is a great recognition because such a recognition in the days when they were born, regardless of whether they were alive or dead at that moment, was given to the other most famous jazz musicians of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Arty Shaw, Sidney Beckett, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others…
Ognenovski is the greatest Macedonian instrumentalist, who plays the clarinet, reed pipe (kavalche}, bagpipe and zurla and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music. For his works, his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., wrote a book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer". They are both producers of Ognenovski's three albums released for the American record company The Independent Records, Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), MOZART and OGNENOVSKI ConosrtceI Clarinet. (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) as well as “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008)… Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classic concert entitled “Tale Ognenovski concert for clarinet no. 1” and 12 jazz compositions. In all the compositions of his albums, he is a solo instrumentalist on clarinet, kavalche, bagpipes, zurla and drums, and on some of the compositions, along with him, Stevan Ognenovski and his sons Nikola and Kliment also play the kavalche. Stevan is the author of eight music videos of his father, which are posted on the YouTube website, which contributes to the affirmation of Macedonian culture in the world, This article entitled: "ON THE MOST IMPORTANT SITE FOR JAZZ All About Jazz: Tale Ognenovski jazz musician of the day”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska, appeared in the newspaper "Vreme”, number 1713, July 6, 2009, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia).

(Macedonian: “Светски познатата и најрелевантна интернет-страница за џез-музика All About Jazz  https://www.allaboutjazz.com  деновиве објави статија со која му оддаде признание на македонскиот инструменталист и музичар Тале Огненовски. Текстот се однесува на признанието кое екипата на овој сајт му го додели на 27 април, на денот на неговиот 87. роденден, кога го прогласи за џез-музичар на денот.
Ова е големо признание бидејќи вакво признание во деновите кога се родиле, независно дали во тој момент биле живи или починати, го добиле и другите најславни џезери на сите времиња - Бени Гудман, Мајлс Дејвис, Арти Шо, Сидни Бекет, Дјук Елингтон, Ела Фитџералд и други… Огненовски е најголемиот македонски инструменталист, кој свири на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка и зурла и еден од најголемите композитори на инструментална музика. За неговите дела, неговиот син м-р Стеван Огненовски напиша книга, насловена: „Тале Огненовски, виртуоз на кларинет и композитор“. Тие двајцата се продуценти на трите албуми на Огненовски издадени за американската дискографска компанија „Индипендент рекордс“, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006)
како и  “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) … Тале Огненовски има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски народни ора, еден класичен концерт насловен „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и 12 џез-композиции. На сите композиции на неговите албуми тој е солист инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка, зурла и тапан, а на дел од композициите заедно со него на кавалче свират и Стеван Огненовски и неговите синови Никола и Климент. Стеван е автор на осумте музички видеа на неговиот татко, кои се ставени на интернет-страницата „јутјуб“, што придонесува за афирмација на македонската култура во светот…“, Напис под наслов: “НА НАЈПОЗНАТИОТ САЈТ ЗА ЏЕЗ Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот”, Напишано од Валентина Ѓоргиевска, весник “Време“, број 1713, 6 јули 2009 година, Скопје, Република Македонија). 

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Digital Music Album:Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski”   (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824)


Audio CD entitled, “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) feature the Ognenovski performing with his quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever. This Audio CD is one of the Best Jazz Instrumental Audio CD Albums of all time.

Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 album “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” downloads/streaming on Amazon.com: Online Shopping

United States of America















United Kingdom





Apple Music iTunes   https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed/id289186198

Album: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542)
Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Jazz-Macedonian-Dances-Classical-Music/dp/B0000Y8HXS/ref=ntt_mus_ep_dpi_1

Audio CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"
Label: Independent Records, US; Catalog: IR04542, 2001.


* "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" 2001, Catalog: IR04542; Record label: Independent Records, US; Tracks: Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 5 and 8; Brusnichko oro; Nevenino oro; Bukovsko svadbarsko oro; Talevo kasapsko oro; Stevchevo oro; Sharsko oro and Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1. (all composed by Tale Ognenovski and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000Y8HXS/qid=1068816978/sr=8-4/ref=sr_8_4/104-9748987-8087112?v=glance&s=music&n=507846
Performers: Soloist - Tale Ognenovski, clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla"). Accompanying him are members of his Orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum ("tapan") - all tracks and reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9) and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9). Stevan Ognenovski and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe the  parts of tracks on this  Audio CDs (tracks - "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1", "Stevchevo oro" and "Sharsko oro".).

Special Thanks To Mr. Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski (http://www.wnykarate.com Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), from Buffalo, New York, USA; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com, dear friend of Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski.

Album title:
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”   
Track Listing

1.    Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 4:04
2.    Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 5   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 6:07
3.    Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 2:35
4.    Brusnichko oro   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 2:41
5.    Nevenino oro   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 2:11
6.    Bukovsko svadbarsko oro   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 3:51
7.    Talevo kasapsko oro   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 3:50
8.    Stevchevo oro   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 10:36
9.    Sharsko oro   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 3:46
10.    Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1   (Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski) 29:21

Tale Ognenovski composed and performed concert entitled: "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1". 
Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music.
His compositions of Macedonian folk dances is a display of imaginative power, a colourful, almost romantic emotion, and sensitive feeling. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom.
Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet classical composition is far more than a demonstration of the clarinet’s tonal qualities, as well as what is technically possible with a clarinet - these he had already explored and favoured in his compositions of Macedonian folk dances. It is also a display of imaginative power, a colourful, almost romantic emotion, and sensitive feeling.

Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

CD Album available at Amazon.com

In CD Format


In MP3 Format


iTunes (Download)


Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html
Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html
iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

Tale Ognenovski at YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn

Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Brusnichko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfM97pOp23M
Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvuHuLswaI

Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5v68GMLaCs

Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

CD: “Jazz,  Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music” http://www.taleognenovski.mk/firstcd.html  

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html

Amazon (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

Music Album: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542)

Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments, "Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." - CD Review entitled:  ”Tale OGNENOVSKI (b.1922) Musical genius: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music
Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments, "Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." - CD Review entitled:  ”Tale OGNENOVSKI (b.1922) Musical genius: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music



Amazon.com Audio CD Customer Reviews:
World-class Jazz Compositions & Traditional Macedonian Folk, April 24, 2004 If the traditional music of the Balkans appeals to you and you like improvisational jazz ... this CD will blow you away. Music of the Balkans and Central Europe has been hidden too long ... The region has been a fertile soil for exciting, astonishing, experimental music which in modern times combines with traditional music that is creative, original and altogether very satisfying. Tale Ognenovski has over 45 years of experience creating music on the clarinet, the main instrument on which he demonstrates technical expertise and artistry. His musical innovations and improvisations shine on this magnificent CD proving great music has no borders or politics. The traditional Macedonian folk tunes and melodies, "Brusnichko Oro", "Nevenino Oro, "Bukovsko svadbarski oro", and "Talevo kasapsko oro" are my favorites because the minor scale and unusual rhythms allow for highly fluid and lyrical melodic interpretation… “ - Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2004 by Erika Borsos


MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


"Tale Ognenovski, who has been creating for more than 60 years and is well known to the Macedonian and world public for his virtuosity, released his first album in December last year, entitled "Jazz, Macedonian folk dances and classical music ". The album is recorded in the studio "Promuzika Tra-la-la" in Skopje, and published by the record company "Independent Records" from the USA… affirmation of Macedonian folklore around the world. Accompanying in some of the songs are the members of his orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski, drums, and grandchildren Nikola and Kliment, reed pipe ("kavalche"). The album contains 3 jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances – Brusnichko oro, Nevenino oro, Bukovo svadbarsko oro, Talevo kasapsko oro, Stevchevo oro and Sharsko oro - and a classic composition - "Tale Ognenovski Concert for clarinet No. 1". The author of all the melodies and dances is Ognenovski himself. The compositions abound in temperamental rhythm. but also a strong sound and present the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability for a strong solo range. Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world. He connected oriental and western music and composed more than 150 Macedonian folk dances. Some of his compositions have been recorded on 11 long play plates and cassettes. He has performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, England, Denmark, and many other countries. Everywhere he played, he made a strong impression with his virtuosity, speed of playing and incredible arrangements. With the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in 1956 he performed in the famous "Carnegie Hall" in New York City. After the performances, the newspapers were always full of positive reviews for his performance. This album is just a confirmation that Tale is the greatest clarinetist of all time in the world, who in many areas of music demonstrates unattainable technique, strong inventiveness, stunning improvisational virtuosity and accentuated musical component - "- An article entitled: Last month, the latest album of the famous Macedonian instrumentalist Tale Ognenovski was released, published by the American record label  "Independent Records", written ny Sonja Stoilkovska,  Dnevnik newspaper, January 31, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Macedonian "Тале Огненовски, кој твори повеќе од 60 години, и е добро познат на македонската и на светската јавност по својата виртуозност, во декември минатата година го издаде својот прв албум, насловен како "Џез, македонски ора и класична музика". Албумот е снимен во студиото "Промузика Тра-ла-ла" во Скопје, а го издава дискографската куќа "Индипендент рекордс" од САД…  Овој албум, на кој 80-годишниот Огненовски е солист на кларинет, кавалче, гајда и зурла, многу ќе придонесе за афирмација на македонскиот фолклор низ светот. Како придружба во дел од песните настапуваат членовите на неговиот оркестар: неговиот син Стеван Огненовски, на тапан, и внуците Никола и Климент, на кавалче. На албумот се наоѓаат 3 џез-композиции, 6 македонски народни ора - Брусничко, Невенино, Буково свадбарско, Талево касапско, Стевчево и Шарско оро - и една класична композиција - "Тале Огненовски, Концерт за кларинет бр.1". Автор на сите мелодии и ора е самиот Огненовски. Композициите изобилуваат со темпераментен ритам и силен звук и го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент што има можност за силен солистички опсег. Тале Огненовски спаѓа во редот на најголемите инструменталисти и композитори во светот. Тој ги поврзал ориенталната и западната музика и компонирал повеќе од 150 македонски народни ора. Некои од неговите композиции се снимени на 11 лонг-плеј плочи и касети. Настапувал во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Англија, Данска и во многу други земји. Секаде каде што свирел оставал силен впечаток со својата виртуозност, брзина во свирењето и неверојатните аранжмани. Со „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни "Танец““ во 1956 година настапил во познатата сала "Карнеџи хол" во Њујорк. По настапите, весниците секогаш биле полни со позитивни критики за неговата изведба. Овој албум е само потврда дека Тале е најголемиот кларинетист на сите времиња во светот, кој во многу области на музиката демонстрира недостижна техника, силна инвентивност, запрепастувачка импровизациска виртуозност и нагласена музичка компонентност…"-  Напис под наслов: "НОВ АЛБУМ НА ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ Микс од македонски народни ора и светски џез од стариот мајстор Во минатиот месец излезе најновиот албум на познатиот македонски инструменталист Тале Огненовски, во издание на американската дискографска куќа "Индипендент рекордс"", Напишано од Соња Стоилковска, весник Дневник“, 31 јануари 2002 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).

"The Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is one of the Greatest Instrumentalists and Composers in Word Music…In the new Audio CD, Tale Ognenovski in unique way in Word Music made the connection between Oriental and Western Music…" From an article entitled, “World Music, Fascinate fusion of Classical and Oriental Music“(Macedonian: “Светска музика, фасцинантна фузија на класичнатата и  ориенталната музика“), written by “Sekoj petok” magazine and published on January 25, 2002, Skopje, Republic of MacedoniaThis article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). His Audio CD album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" is confirmation for the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds…  …” From an article entitled, “Virtuoso for the World Books with Macedonian Sign“ (Macedonian: “Виртуоз за светски книги со Македонски предзнак”), written by Greta Odzakova and published  in the newspaper “Vecher” , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on February 2, 2002. 

““Nobody in the world can play clarinet like Tale Ognenovski. His music is incredible. His improvisations and solos are out of this world…”, says Dimce Cvetkovski, the sponsor of the  Album entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”.... Tale Ognenovski's contributions to our and world music are enormous...” From an article entitled, “New Audio CD of Tale Ognenovski – Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music with the clarinet virtuoso... “, written by Tina Ivanova. and published in the newspaper “Utrinski Vesnik ”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on February 8, 2002. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  

”The television programme 'Folk Plus' of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia on February 8, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  The journalist, Vesna Trajchevska said: “The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is Musical Genius and the best instrumentalist in the world. “ Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the clarinet his own composition “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” accompanied by ‘Folk Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television.  Tale Ognenovski said: “My performances on the small bagpipe and zourla on my composition “Sharsko oro” is confirmation that I am the best small bagpiper and zourlist for all time… My solo playing on the clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also arranged the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told me that I am the number one clarinetist…”.

The television programme 'Utrinsko ogledalo' of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia on February 10, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”) accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. The journalist, Sinolichka Dzambazova said: “You are one of the greatest Ambassadors in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms… The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is the best instrumentalist in the world… In their commentaries, the North American press gave  magnificent descriptions of your performance in Carnegie Hall…”.

The journalist and famous singer Suzana Turundzieva,  said: “Tale Ognenovski is greatest virtuoso instrumentalist of all time… He is virtuoso of the clarinet and many wind instruments… Tale Ognenovski and his orchestra demonstrate incredible virtuoso music. The music of Tale Ognenovski takes you to different worlds and different dimensions… Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"  includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski)… The drummer accompaniment of Stevan Ognenovski is appropriate of the different rhythms and sounds wonderfully…  If the God exist, the position of Tale Ognenovski is fellowship with Him….  Tale Ognenovski said: “Thank you very much to ‘Bujoto Marketing’ and to A1 Television for your invitation to me and to my son Stevan Ognenovski and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski for this television programme… My solo playing on the clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) with "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also  arranged  the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist… The New York Times commented that the reed pipe of me, Tale Ognenovski in Carnegie Hall is unforgettable… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Ensemble "Tanec", congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told  me that I am the number one clarinetist…  Thank you very much to other members, folk dancers and musicians of the Ensemble ‘Tanec’  for the magnificent performances during the three-month tour across North America…”. – From the television programme 'Dom i dizajn' of A1 Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 17, 2002, which was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. 

"The Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is one of the Greatest Instrumentalists and Composers in Word Music…In the new Audio CD, Tale Ognenovski in unique way in Word Music made the connection between Oriental and Western Music…" From an article entitled, “World Music, Fascinate fusion of Classical and Oriental Music“(Macedonian: “Светска музика, фасцинантна фузија на класичнатата и  ориенталната музика“), written by “Sekoj petok” magazine and published on January 25, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  

"World music critics have been written that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, an unapproachable technique , a wealth of invention and amazing improvisational virtuosity.” From an article entitled, ““Tale Ognenovski, virtuoso of the clarinet, kaval and zourla - Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music, as a result of 73 Years of Work“,  written by Milica Dzarovska and published in the newspaper “Vest”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on January 28, 2002. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“The  album of the legend of Macedonian music, Tale Ognenovski,   virtuoso soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla")., entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music,”  has been released by record label Independents Records from USA...  His performances on the album are phenomenally…”   From an article entitled, “Music - Tale Ognenovski – Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music“, written by  “Glas” magazine, and published on February 25, 2002 , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”. On December 1952 Tale Ognenovski as  clarinet soloist accompaniment with excellent pianist Nino Cipushev has performed the classical concert  "Concert Polka for Clarinet" by Miler Bela in "Police House" in Skopje with great success…  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце), Republic of Macedonia, on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”, which was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. 

“… remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…  (virtuoso reed pipe ("kavalche") and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski )… The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern," from an article written by John Martin entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill," and published in The New York Times, New York, on January 28, 1956. “…” From an article entitled, "And the muses sleep when Tale Ognenovski perform”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on July 30, 2003. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. 

Article entitled: "The musical genius Tale Ognenovski is not among the winners of the "October 11" award, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., published in the newsmagazine "Delo" (pages 65-66) on November 22, 2002 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Macedonian: Напис насловен: "Музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски не е меѓу добитниците на наградата "11 Октомври"", напишан од М-р Стеван Огненовски, објавен во магазинот "Дело" (страна 65-66) на 22 ноември 2002 година во Скопје, Република Македонија.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. has written another two articles about the artistic works of his father Tale Ognenovski, the first appearing in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on November 10, 1997, and the second appearing in the newsmagazine “Denes”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on October 29, 1998.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Apple Music iTunes   https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances/id4691673

Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 album “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” downloads/streaming on Amazon.com: Online Shopping

United States of America
















United Kingdom






Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts (“Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski recorded his 77 Folk Dances on 11 LPs (Long Play gramophone records), 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, one videotape with the Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia ,  PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


List of 300 Instrumental Compositions

Studio recordings:

Instrumental composition

Composer or arranger Release Date, Album, Record label Instrumental composition is available on Amazon and iTunes
"Babunsko Talevo oro” (or “Babunsko oro”
or “Talevo Babunsko oro”)

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
02.11.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5102/I; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 321 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Talevo Badnikovo oro”
 (or “Badnikovo oro”)

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
06.01.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4901/II; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 296 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Bairsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
23.10.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5093/I; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 297 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Berovsko zhensko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
11.01.1985, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5197/II; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 327 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Babunsko Talevo oro”
(or “Babunsko oro”)

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

      02.11.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5102/I;  Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 321 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Bistrichko oro"
(or “Bitolsko Bistrichko oro”)

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       23.10.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5093/III; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 301 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Bitolsko oro”
(or “Bitolsko oro I”)

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
28.02.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4951/II; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 299/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 219/I; 1963, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” PGP RTB EP 14700; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 294-295 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Talevo Bitolsko oro” (or “Bitolsko oro II”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       21.01.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2413/II; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 318 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Bitolsko za ramo oro” (or “Bitolsko oro za ramo” or “Za ramo Bitolsko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
26.10.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4507/II; 1989, Cassette MRT MP 21037 STEREO; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 315 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Bitolsko mashko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4507/II; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 328-329 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Bitolsko svadbarsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2401/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7973; 28.06.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2413; 28.06.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4776; 1963, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” PGP RTB EP 14700; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 310-311 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
„Bogomilsko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
30.12.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4900/I; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 312 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Brusnichko potpelistersko oro” (or “Brusnichko oro I”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4849/II; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 308 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Brusnichko mladinsko oro” (or “Brusnichko oro II”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
27.12.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4897; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 3897/II; 1989, Cassette MRT MP 21037 STEREO; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 311 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Brusnichko padinsko oro” (or “Brusnichko oro III”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
07.10.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4849/II; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 325 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”
“Brusnichko oro” (or “Brusnichko oro IV”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1879/III; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1560/I; 1964, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” PGP RTB EP 14703; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280; 2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music", Catalog: IR 04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 364-366 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

       CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” (Catalog: IR 04542) is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

“Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” (or “Bukovsko oro I”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2073/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 932/I; 10.01.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4903/I; 1967, Gramophone record  “Makedonska ora svira na klarineti Tale Ognenovski” Jugoton EPY-3851; 1969, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “BITOLA, BABAM BITOLA” Jugoton LPY-V 780 and cassette Jugoton CAY-157; 1974, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321; 2001,CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music", Catalog: IR 04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 304-305 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

1.   CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” (Catalog: IR 04542) is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download)
iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
“Bitolsko Bukovsko oro” (or “Bukovsko oro II” or “Bukovsko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
22.11.1966, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7968/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4026; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5109/I; 1964, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” PGP RTB EP 14702; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 319 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Veleshko veselo oro” (or “Veleshko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
07.01.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1945; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 3496/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7968/I; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 336-337 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Gevgelisko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
30.12.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4900/II
“Germijansko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
20.03.1981, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4108; 23.11.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4531; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4180/II; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 28/III; 1989,  Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 324 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Deverovo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1962, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5329/III; 1965, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI KLARINET SO CHALGIITE” PGP RTB EP 14711; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 357 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Dihovsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2058/II; 22.10.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4505; 1965, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI KLARINET SO CHALGIITE” PGP RTB EP 14711; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 305 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
„Zetovsko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
26.10.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5099/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6627/IV; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 323 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
„Kasapsko oro“ Macedonian folk dance;  Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1298/I; 28.09.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4606; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4838; 1972, Gramophone record ”Makedonska ora svira ANSAMBL CHALGIJA pod vodstvom TALE OGNENOVSKIM,” Jugoton EPY-34489; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321; 1977, Jugoton LPY-61294 and Jugoton CAY 381; 1994, Cassette “ANTOLOGIJA NA MAKEDONSKATA NARODNA MUZIKA - ANTHOLOGY OF MACEDONIAN FOLK MUSIC” MRT MP 21176 STEREO

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709

"Krstorsko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5634/I
“Kumovo oro chochek” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1451/IV; Gramophone record “Makedonska ora svira TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet sa svojim ansamblom” Jugoton EPY-34461; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 360-361 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
"Lavchansko za ramo oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       27.12.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4897/I;  Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 293 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

"Nevenino oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       31.01.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4904/II; 1967, Gramophone record  “Makedonska ora svira na klarineti Tale Ognenovski” Jugoton EPY-3851; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321; 2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music", Catalog: IR 04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 314-315 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” (Catalog: IR 04542) is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html
Pajdushko svadbarsko oro“ (or "Pajdushko (svadbarsko) oro I“ or "Pajdushkata oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2400/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7226/II; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 and cassette PGP RTB NK 10280; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 290-291 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Potpelisterski rasadnik oro” (or "Pajdushko (Talevo) oro II“ or “Talevo Pajdushko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
02.11.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5102/II; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2413; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 316 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Palanechko veselo oro” (or „Pajdushko oro III“) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5729/I; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 356 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

"Pelagonisko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4578/I; 1973, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1428/I; 04.12.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4558; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 364 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
"Pelistersko oro“ (or "Peristersko oro“) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2401/III; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 3691/III; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1514/IV; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7975; 29.12.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4898; 1963, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES
EP 14700; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 358-359 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

"Piperkovo oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2401/II; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7972; 29.12.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4898; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 350-351 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Oro Poziv dojde” (or "Poziv dojde oro“) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
03.12.1971, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1288/I; 04.12.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4558/II; 1989, Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO
"Poljansko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
10.01.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4903/II; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 932/II; 1967, Gramophone record  “Makedonska ora svira na klarineti Tale Ognenovski” Jugoton EPY-3851; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 286-287 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
"Prespansko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1298/III; 28.09.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4606; 1965, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI KLARINET SO CHALGIITE” PGP RTB EP 14711; 1989, Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 307 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Talevo svadbarsko oro” (or "Svadbarsko (Talevo) oro“ or “Taletovo svadbarsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
28.02.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4951/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1514/III; 1964, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” PGP RTB EP 14703; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 288-289 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
"Skopsko zhensko oro“ Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4801/I; 09.11.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4861; 1989, Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 309 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
"Skopsko mashko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4901/I; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 313 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
"Skudrinsko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       20.03.1981, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4180/I; 1989, Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 302 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

"Staro komitsko oro“ Folk, Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
22.10.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4505/II
"Prilepsko svadbarsko oro“ (or “Talevo Prilepsko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
19.10.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5103; 1972, Gramophone record “Makedonska ora svira TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet sa svojim ansamblom” Jugoton EPY-34461; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143  and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
“Stevchevo Brusnichko oro” (or „Stevchevo oro“) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       27.03.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4960/II; 1977, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA” PGP RTB EP 14758; 2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" Catalog: IR 04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 338-339 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” (Catalog: IR 04542) is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html
“Skopski vesel chochek” (or "Topaanski chochek oro“ or “Vesel Skopski chochek”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
09.11.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4861/II; 1989, Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 352 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
"Trnovsko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4524/I; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 303 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
"Caparsko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
28.07.1962, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4026; 09.03.1981, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4239/I; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 306 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Staroto oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280
"Zhensko Kichevsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280
“Oroto Pileto mi pee” Macedonian folk dance;  Arranger
Tale Ognenovski

       1967, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 85/II; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280

"Kavadarsko oro” (or “Kavadarechko oro”) Macedonian folk dance;  Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
29.10.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4508; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280
“Skopski chochek” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280
“Starsko za ramo” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
07.12.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2617/III;1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 300 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Oroto Adana” Macedonian folk dance;  Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1964, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA” PGP RTB EP 14704; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play)  record “Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” PGP RTB LP1439 STEREO and Cassette PGP RTB NK10280; 1972, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record PGP RTB LP 1210 and PGP RTB LP 1211 STEREO and Cassettes PGP RTB NK 10018 and Cassettes PGP RTB NK 10027
“Chamiko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1972, Gramophone record ”Makedonska ora svira ANSAMBL CHALGIJA pod vodstvom TALE OGNENOVSKIM” Jugoton EPY-34489; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
“Egejsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
23.09.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4839; 1972, Gramophone record “Makedonska ora svira TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet sa svojim ansamblom” Jugoton EPY-34461; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709

“Vlashko oro” Vlach folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski

       1972, Gramophone record ”Makedonska ora svira ANSAMBL CHALGIJA pod vodstvom TALE OGNENOVSKIM” Jugoton EPY-34489; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321.

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
“Resensko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 28; 09.03.1981, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4230; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4939; 31.01.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4904; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4239;  1967, Gramophone record  “Makedonska ora svira na klarineti Tale Ognenovski” Jugoton EPY-3851; 1971, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “PLESOVI NARODA JUGOSLAVIJE  - YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES” Jugoton LPYV-S-806 and Cassette Jugoton CAY-12; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette CAY Jugoton 321

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
“Patruno svadbeno oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
22.05.1972, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1451; 1972, Gramophone record ”Makedonska ora svira ANSAMBL CHALGIJA pod vodstvom TALE OGNENOVSKIM” Jugoton EPY-34489; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
“Mominsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1560/III; 28.06.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2413; 28.06.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4776; 1972, Gramophone record “Makedonska ora svira TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet sa svojim ansamblom” Jugoton EPY-34461; 1975, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record  “TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” Jugoton LPY-61143 and Cassette Jugoton CAY 321

Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “TALE OGNENOVSKI Klarinet” Jugoton LPY-61143 is available on Amazon (Download) – 

iTunes (Download) – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klarinet/id838276709
“Oroto staro Kukushko” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Shapkarevo kasapsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
09.05.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2044; 1979 Gramophone LP (Long Play) record ““STARO KUKUSHKO ORO  MAKEDONSKI NARODNI ORA SO CHALGIITE NA TALE OGNENOVSKI” PGP RTB LP1495 stereo and Cassette PGP RTB NK 10387
“Sechena krshlama” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Ristevo oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Harman kjoljisko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Pazjansko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
05.11.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4512; 03.09.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2052; 1979 Gramophone LP (Long Play) record ““STARO KUKUSHKO ORO  MAKEDONSKI NARODNI ORA SO CHALGIITE NA TALE OGNENOVSKI” PGP RTB LP1495 stereo and Cassette PGP RTB NK 10387
“Nunkova krshlama” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
10.06.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2369; 1979 Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “STARO KUKUSHKO ORO  MAKEDONSKI NARODNI ORA SO CHALGIITE NA TALE OGNENOVSKI” PGP RTB LP1495 stereo and Cassette PGP RTB NK 10387
“Zaharievo oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Lagadinsko rusalisko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Harman kjojska krshlama” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Ajvatovsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Ohridsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
27.03.1981, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4178; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 167/III; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 3667/II; 1989, Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO
“Demirhisarsko zhensko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
25.11.1966, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7970/I; 26.10.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4507; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1750/I; 1989, Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO; 1965, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI KLARINET SO CHALGIITE” PGP RTB EP 14716
“Veleshko zhensko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2939; 1979, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record MRT ULS-578 (P 1979) with Orchestra of Radio Television Skopje; 1989, Cassette “TALE OGNENOVSKI SO ORKESTAROT CHALGII NA RADIO TELEVIZIJA SKOPJE” MRT MP 21037 STEREO
“Talevo Brusnichko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
“Zhensko krsteno oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
“Kalamatijana oro”  Macedonian folk dance;Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Lamche oro” (“Starsko oro”) Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Ohridsko za raka” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       03.12.1971, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1288; 08.11.1977, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2939; 1965, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI KLARINET SO CHALGIITE” PGP RTB EP 14716

“Kavadarsko svadbarsko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski

       07.12.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2617; 1977, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA” PGP RTB EP 14758

“Zhensko Veleshko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1977, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA” PGP RTB EP 14758
“Gorno selsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1977, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA” PGP RTB EP 14758
“Nevestinsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
 Tale Ognenovski
1994, Video tape “MUZICHKI SPOMENAR” VHS MRT MP 31087
“Jeni Jol” Rom folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Kjupurlika” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
“Mashkoto” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1972, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “MAKEDONSKA NARODNA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” Jugoton LPY-50985 and Cassette Jugoton CAY-249
“Beranche” (or “Bajrache”) Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1514/II; 1972, Gramophone LP (Long Play) record “MAKEDONSKA NARODNA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” Jugoton LPY-50985 and Cassette Jugoton CAY-249
„Talevo kasapsko oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" Catalog: IR04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 298-299 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

“Vlashko kasapsko oro” Vlach folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
28.01.1972, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1309
“Karavlashko oro” Vlach folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
28.01.1972, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1309/II
“Kukushko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski

        20.06.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2037/II; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1428/II


“Mogilsko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
1973, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1428/II
“Dosta sheta sine oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski

      11.02.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1973/I

“Kostursko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1973; 05.11.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4512/II
“Pozharsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
11.02.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1973; 23.11.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4531
“Demirhisarsko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
22.11.1966, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7968/II; 1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4178; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1423/XIV
“Ibraim Odza oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
29.10.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4508/II; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7968/I
“Oro Improvizacija” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
16.11.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4524; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 85
“Kalinino oro” (or “Kalinsko oro”) Composer
Tale Ognenovski
29.04.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2041
“Stojanovo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
29.04.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2041
“Poeshevsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
10.04.1967, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 12/III
“Dafino vino crveno oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski

       16.11.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4524; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7967/II

“Krstachko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
28.07.1962, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4026; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 85/III
“Dragorsko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
10.09.1967, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 299
“Shapkarevo kabadahisko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
03.09.1975 (and 23.05.1975), Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2052
“Solunsko Kukushko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
03.09.1975 (and 23.05.1975), Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2052
“Maleshevsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
04.10.1972, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1514/I
“Padinsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
01.11.1974, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1907
“Kumanovsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
17.09.1974, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1971; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 344 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Karshilama Apostolova oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
06.04.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2300
“Mominsko ramno oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
06.04.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2300
“Atanasovo Pazjansko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
06.04.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2300
“Staro Kukushko ramno oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
10.06.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2369
“Sotirovo mashko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
11.06.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2449
“Ristevo ramno oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
11.06.1976, Magnetic tapeMRT LN. 2449
“Sotirovo oro od Solunsko” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
11.06.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2449
“Babino oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
25.05.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2505
“Lenino oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
25.05.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2505
“Gino Ginche oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
31.08.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2505
“Kufalovsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
17.09.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2562
“Kasapsko Solunsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
17.09.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2562
“Gradoborsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
17.09.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2562
“Oreovsko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
27.03.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4960
“Bitolsko novo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
26.10.1984, Magnetic tapeMRT LN. 5099
“Koga se zorata zazori oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
10.12.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1928
“Kinisalo bela Mare oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
10.12.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1928
“Od mnogu odamna oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
09.05.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2044
“Sivo mi sokle doleta oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
09.05.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2044
“Novogodishno oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
27.12.1967, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 464/I
“Zajachko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
22.11.1966, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7968/III
“Skopsko Drachevsko oro” (or “Drachevsko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       28.07.1962, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4026; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 341 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Kochansko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
06.09.1966, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7641/I
“Tri godini stana oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
25.11.1966, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7970/III; 09.05.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2044
“Ajde sleze Lena vo gradina oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
20.09.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4838
“Veselo za ramo oro - kavalche” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
29.03.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5275
“Polsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4024/II
“Prilepsko ramno oro” (or “Ramno Prilepsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1977, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1634/XII, 22.01.1974, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1830
“Edno devojche od 16 godini oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
22.01.1974, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1830/II
“Santino oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
01.10.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4612
“More dosta ode kalesho mome oro”  Macedonian folk dance;Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
02.11.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5102
“Oro br. 6 - kavalche” (or “Oro shest”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
31.03.1964, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6293
“Krklinsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
14.04.1986, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Pravo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4024
“Zaramo Bitolsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7970
“Patruno II oro” (or “Patruno oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 28
“Talevo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7973
“Oro za pojas oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4023/IV; 1966, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4024/IV
“Oro br. 1” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1699/IV
“Mesheishko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
1965, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1910/I; 1958, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 3591/III
“Brusnichko (Bitolsko) oro Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1698
“Toska oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4024/III
“Lavchansko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1986, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 219/II
“Gjurgino oro” (or “Gurgino oro”) Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 464/II
“Oro chuchek” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6292/I
“Makedonsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Svatovsko oro” Folk, Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Chalgisko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Zhensko za raka oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Brusnichko mashko oro” (or “Brusnichko oro (Bitolsko)”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1698; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 335 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
"Prespansko za ramo oro“ (or "Prespansko za raka oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1965, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1288/III
“Drachevska oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 435/II
“Crnogorka oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 435/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1690/II
“Ajde pushka pukna oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1817/I
“Brusnichko svadbarsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4027/III
“Kalajdzisko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 8002/I; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1394/II
“Teshka krstachka oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1966, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 302/II
“Pokaraj si Dimitrija oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 8541/I
“Ja izlezi libe lichno na pendzere i abre gjurchin Stojne ubava oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 976/II
“Komitsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1970, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1750/I
“Prilepsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1511/III
“Radovishko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1243/I
“Oro potrchano” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 8001/I
“Beli Ginka oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1739
“Go pratile dedo vo gradina oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1364/II
“Vatila zima zima golema i ja pratile Lena oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 983/II
“Nejkjum nejkjum nevesta da bidam i iznikna mi baden drvo oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 984/III
“Zapali Tinke mori borina i Maro Marike oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 984/II
“Ovchepolsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 8532/I
“Oti mome sedmojanche oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1296/II
“Pajdushko oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1072/II; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2733/I
“Staro pravo oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski

       Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7226/I

“Shto si naluteno libe oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1684/II
“Devojche belo crveno oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1339/I
“Lisichko pajdushko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2733/II
“Kiten mi kiten devere oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 12/II
“Oj ti mome maloj mome oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1817/III
“Belasichko oro”  Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape LN. 7893/I
“Oj devojche oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7753/III
“Pojde baba na oroto” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2822/II
“Oro Skopsko” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski

       Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7641/III

"Todoro libe Todoro oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7974/III
Vuchidolsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1610/I
“Davaj me mila mamo oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7753/IV
“Oro br. 2” (or “Oro dva”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6294/I
“Oro br. 3” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6294/II
“Oro br. 4” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7302/III
“Oro br. 5” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7974/II
“Oro br. 7” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 853/XIX
“Odi mome odi dolu vo seloto oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1854/II
“Petleto pee na Lesa oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1672/IV
"Staro Prilepsko oro“ Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2622/I
“Ke ti kazham Zore oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1612/I
“Postupano dvanaestorka oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1295/I
“Oro br. 8 - kavalche” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6293/III
“Oro br. 9” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1830/I
“Oro br. 10 - kavalche” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6293/I
“Guguvche galeno bre oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger Tale Ognenovski Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7971/II
“Ezgija, potoa oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1960, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6293/II
"Mome sedi na pendzere oro”  Macedonian folk dance;Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 7971/III
“Orel dedo i stani Stanke oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1698/IV
“Devojce, devojce oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
23.09.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1733/II
“Oro br. 11” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 6294/III
“Bachko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
23.11.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4531; 23.11.1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4543; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 367 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Devojche devojche crveno jabolche oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
23.09.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4839/III
“Talevo Genimalsko oro” (or “Gjenimalsko (Talevo) oro” or “Gjenimalsko oro” or “Talevo Jenimalsko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

1.   07.10.1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4849; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 292 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Talevo Skopsko oro” (or “Skopsko Talevo oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
06.01.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 4901
“Prilepsko novo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
19.10.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5103
“Bitolsko Brusnichko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

1.   02.11.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5102/I

“Bitolsko Lavchansko oro” (or “Lavchansko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
06.11.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5109; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 320 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Bitolsko Bukovsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
06.11.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5109
"Sharsko kozarsko oro – kavalche” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
04.12.1984, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5201
“Bukovachko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. 56/I
Concert “Fiori Rossiniani” Composer
Ernesto Cavallini
1970, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
Concert “Concert in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1987, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
Concert “Adagio for Clarinet” Composer
Richard Wagner
1987, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Sultana Pulkova oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
07.12.1976, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2612; Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2617
“Krushevsko oro” Composer Kocho Petrovski; Arrangers:  Kocho Petrovski and Tale Ognenovski 1964, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” PGP RTB EP 14703
“Podripnushka oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arrangers:  
Kocho Petrovski and Tale Ognenovski
“Skopsko oro” Composer Kocho Petrovski, Arrangers:  Angel Nanchevski, Nikolaj Galevski and Tale Ognenovski 1963, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA - MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES” PGP RTB EP 14700
“Dolnensko zaramo oro” Composers and Arrangers:
Pece Atanasovski and Tale Ognenovski
1964, Gramophone record “MAKEDONSKA ORA” PGP RTB EP 14704
“Galichko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 349 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Gevgelisko zhensko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A ; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 332 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Krstorsko mashko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
31.10.1986, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5634/I; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 346 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Stani Stanke oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1965, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Zhivkino oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
27.12.1967, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 348 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Dimchevo oro” (or “Dimevo oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 355 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Micino oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN.  N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 354 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Fanino oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN.  N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 353 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Delchevsko zhensko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN.  N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 333 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Negotinsko zhensko oro Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

      1987, Magnetic tape MRT LN.  N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 330-331 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Ilchovo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1987, Magnetic tape MRT LN.  N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 347 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Paunovo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

       1983, Magnetic tape MRT LN.  N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 342-343 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Bozhikovo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN.  N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 345 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Gjavatsko potpelistersko oro” (or “Gjavatsko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski

      1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN.  N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 362-363 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

“Gradsko veselo oro” (or “Gradsko oro”) Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 340 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Negotinsko mashko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1982, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 334 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Kasapsko shapkarevo oro” Macedonian folk dance;  Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1972, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Sivo mi sokle doleta oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
09.05.1975, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 2044
“More dosta ode Cveto mome oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1962, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Gajdarsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Ohridsko oro za raka” Composer  and Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
02.12.1971, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 1288
“Andon ide od charshija oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
1960, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Talevo Prilepsko oro” Composer and Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A, Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 322 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Sharsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
11.01.1985, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5321; 2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" Catalog: IR04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 317 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” (Catalog: IR 04542) is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html
“Zletovsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
 Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 326 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”
“Lipovo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
11.01.1985, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 5321
“Talevo Palanechko pajdushko veselo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Bitolsko Gjavatsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Talevo oro Kitka” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Kumanovsko svadbarsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Tetovsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Ohridsko zhensko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Stezhevsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Mavrovsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Nevenino Lavchansko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Donkino oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Mitevo oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
„Kumovo oro“ Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
09.11.1979, Magnetic tape MRT LN. 3763; 1965, Gramophone record “TALE OGNENOVSKI KLARINET SO CHALGIITE” PGP RTB RTB EP 14711
“Gratsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1980, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Svadbarsko oro Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
1969, Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Shupelkarsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Askersko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Gajda oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Gurgino oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Kukarachansko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Lovchansko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Marija mlada nevesto oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Ograzdensko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A

“Ravno oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Trgna Donka oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Zhumbekavsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Kolajnsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Sharsko za ramo oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Skopski chochek” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
 “Talevo Bitolsko oro” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Staro komitsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Staro Kukushko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Teshko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Shapkarevo oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Ajvatovsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Cvetkovo oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Kinisalo bela Mare oro” Composer
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Kitka na ora” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
 “Na poslednata sredba oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Od umot se podizgubiv oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Oj ovchare oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Oro chochek” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Para berit kiselec oro”  Macedonian folk dance;Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Pet ora” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Tetovsko svadbarsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Vrbanijsko oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Zagarievo oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Bez tebe oro” Macedonian folk dance; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
Magnetic tape MRT LN. N/A
“Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"; Catalog:  IR 04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; 2005, CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”; Catalog: IR 37223; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski ; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 368-376 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html
CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html

“Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
2005, CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”; Catalog: IR 37223; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html

“Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
2005, CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”; Catalog: IR 37223; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html

“Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo – Allegro” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arranger
Tale Ognenovski
2005, CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”; Catalog: IR 37223; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"; Catalog:  IR 04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; 2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; Music notation of this composition was included at pp. 377 of the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer”)

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 2” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 3” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 4” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 5” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"; Catalog:  IR 04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; 2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2001, CD: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"; Catalog:  IR 04542, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski; 2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 9” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 10” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 11” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 12” Composer

 and Arranger

Tale Ognenovski
2008, CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 38824; Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html ; Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arrangers: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski 2016, CD” “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; Catalog: IR 43832; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Is available on: Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html ; iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers.

Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria…
APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski.

List of the music of the songs arranged by Tale Ognenovski:

“More devojchence malechko” (follk-song, arranger: Tale Ognenovski, 1975, LP record LPY-61049 “SKOPJE, SKOPJE Makedonske narodne pjesme i ora” and cassette CAY-177, Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia.

2.   “So prvoto libe” (composer of music B. Aleksovski; author of text Gj. Beldzhjigerovski; arranger of music Tale Ognenovski; singer Spasija-Chamova Nikolovska and Mile Trpevski; Orchestra “Tale Ognenovski”, 1971, Gramophone record ABK-0137 Beograd Disk, Serbia

3.   “Reci mi zvezdice” (composer of music Suat Sayin, Turkey; author of text Ilmi Baki; arranger of music Tale Ognenovski; ; singer Spasija-Chamova Nikolovska and Mile Trpevski ; Orchestra “Tale Ognenovski”, 1971, Gramophone record ABK-0137 Beograd Disk, Serbia

4.   “Rabija Rabija” (composer of music Suat Sayin, Turkey; author of text Jovanka Ivanovska and Mile Todorovski; arranger of music Tale Ognenovski;  Orchestra “Tale Ognenovski”, 1971, Gramophone record ABK-0135 Beograd Disk, Serbia

5.   “Peam pesna za ljubov” (composer of music Pepi Baftirovski; author of text Pepi Baftirovski; arranger of music Tale Ognenovski; 1970, singer Pepi Baftirovski ; Orchestra “Tale Ognenovski”, Gramophone record ABK-0136 Beograd Disk, Serbia

6.   “Od malo te zaljubiv” (composer of music Pepi Baftirovski; author of text Pepi Baftirovski; arranger of music Tale Ognenovski; singer Pepi Baftirovski;  Orchestra “Tale Ognenovski”, 1970, Gramophone record ABK-0136 Beograd Disk, Serbia

7.   “Efige Efige” (composer of music Vasilijadi Pitagora, Greece; author of text Vasilijadi Pitagora, Greece; arranger of music Tale Ognenovski;  Orchestra “Tale Ognenovski”, 1970, singer Pepi Baftirovski; Gramophone record ABK-0136 Beograd Disk, Serbia

8.   “Ti si kao kamen” (composer of music Orhan Gencebay, Turkey; author of text Gjoko Georgiev; arranger of music Tale Ognenovski; singer Pepi Baftirovski;  Orchestra “Tale Ognenovski”, 1970, Gramophone record ABK-0136 Beograd Disk, Serbia

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts (“Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski.

MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


Tale Ognenovski was awarded the "October 11" award, the highest state award in the Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition  for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

"October 11" awards were presented in the ceremonial hall of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia yesterday. This year's laureates of this highest state award are: the Institute for Macedonian Language "Krste Misirkov", Prof. Dr. Ljupco Ajdinski, in the field of science and education , Tale Ognenovski, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, in the field of culture and art and Boris Pop Gjorcev, in the field of journalism.
The ceremony took place in the presence of prominent representatives of political and cultural life in the country. On behalf of the Board for awarding the prize, prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board, who among other things said: "The celebration of creativity is a holiday of the soul of every one of our citizens. Today's celebration has its high and lasting symbolism in the synthesis of this bright day -  October 11. day represented and in the future will be an inexhaustible source of creators to express their top, scientific and artistic works "…" - Article entitled: "The highest state awards presented in the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia  October 11 is an inexhaustible source for creators", Written by NP, newspaper“ Utrinski Vesnik ”, October 12, 2003, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian: На Тале Огненовски му беше врачена наградата "11 Октомври", највисоко  државно признание во Република Македонија на 11 октомври 2003 година
"Во свечената сала на Собранието на Република Македонија вчера беа врачени наградите "11 Октомври". Годинашните лауреати на ова  највисоко државно признание се: Институтот за македонски јазик "Крсте Мисирков", проф. д-р Љупчо Ајдински, од областа на науката и образованието, Тале Огненовски, Зоица Пуровска-Велевска, од областа на културата и уметноста и Борис Поп Ѓорчев, од областа на новинарството.
Свеченоста се одвиваше во присуство на истакнати претставници на политичкиот и културниот живот во земјава. Од името на Одборот за доделување на наградата, на присутните им се обрати проф. д-р Трајан Гоцевски, претседател на Одборот, кој меѓу другото рече: "Празнувањето на творештвото е празник на душата на секој наш граѓанин. Денешното наше празнување својата висока и трајна симболика ја има во синтезата  на овој светол ден - 11 Октомври. Токму денешниот ден претставуваше и во иднина ќе претставува непресушен извор на творците за да ги искажуваат своите врвни, научни и уметнички дела"…"  -  Напис под наслов: “Во Собранието на Македонија врачени највисоките државни признанија 11 Октомври е непресушен извор за творците”, Напишано од Н.П., весник “
Утрински весник“, 12 октомври,  2003 година, Скопје, Република Македонија). https://web.archive.org/web/20090416033130/http://star.utrinski.com.mk/?pBroj=1294&stID=7431&pR=2

In the programme “Folklorni odblesoci” of Nacional Macedonian Radio of Macedonian Radio Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia  broadcasted on October 22, 2003, Kiril Todevski, the author of the programme said about Tale Ognenovski, “Tale Ognenovski won “11 October award” for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art… During last six decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation. He has composed and arranged 200 Macedonian folk dances… He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso  solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner… His authenticity feeling
for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent. He combines beautiful tone with unique technique… He is maestro of improvisation and creativity; he starts with a motive, a theme, and then develops a complex instrumental content…  In his performances he demonstrates fascinate invention and virtuosity…  Tale Ognenovski has demonstrate his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: “The Folk Music Orchestra”, the “Chalgii” orchestra and “The Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra”... From him, how to preserve creative perfection in folk musical reproduction learned, learn, and will learn numerous folk instrumentalists…”.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. 

"Tale Ognenovski laureate for longstanding achievements in culture. Recognized as National Artist
“Tale Ognenovski is the people's favorite and unreservedly recognized national artist not only here in the country Republic of Macedonia but in the world
... Tale Ognenovski composed many folk dances in which we felt his relationship to the traditions because his dances in the true sense of the word are in continuity with the traditional folk dances. Tale Ognenovski is unsurpassed master because from the tiniest light motive can build a complete dance instrumental work that youth is a template on which to educate. Therefore the size of this folk artist is measured not only by his personality as a musician and artist but also his contribution to our entire folklore legitimacy.”  Photo published in the newspaper “Vecher”, October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article entitled: “Today in Parliament of Republic of Macedonia awarding of this year's award "October 11".

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003
Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959… Parts of the articles in the newspapers: “…some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…,” written by John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956,  Title: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,"  is related to my appearance at world-famous Carnegie Hall as reed pipe and clarinet soloist. 
“…When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica,"  which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake." They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...,” written by Claudia Cassidy, title: "On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance", and published in the newspaper Chicago Daily Tribune, on  February 6, 1956. I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in Sopska Poskocica ("Shopska potskoknuvachka") but also and arranger of music because I added my own musical phrases and improvisations in more parts of the dance. I performed with much faster rhythm than appear in the original version of this folk dance, which contribute all articles in the newspapers for this dance to be brilliants. 
“…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." Written by Walter Terry, title: 'Yugoslav Folk Ballet", New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956. 
“…This group would be hard to beat…”  written by Albert Goldeberg, title "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement",  Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1956.
“…"Macedonian Tune," which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." Written by R. H. Hagan, title "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky' ", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.
“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has never seen." Title: "Dance Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslav come to U.S.", Life, USA, April 9, 1956. 
My contribution for these wonderful articles in the newspapers was the greatest regarding the other musicians of Ensemble “Tanec”.  I was virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist in the most parts of the programme of Ensemble “Tanec.” I was Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Macedonian Radio Television.” I performed with many Cultural Artistically Societies. I recorded many gramophone records.   On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.com.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija",  Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003.

Article entitled: "The musical genius Tale Ognenovski is not among the winners of the "October 11" award, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., published in the newsmagazine "Delo" (pages 65-66) on November 22, 2002 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Macedonian: Напис насловен: "Музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски не е меѓу добитниците на наградата "11 Октомври"", напишан од М-р Стеван Огненовски, објавен во магазинот "Дело" (страна 65-66) на 22 ноември 2002 година во Скопје, Република Македонија.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. has written another two articles about the artistic works of his father Tale Ognenovski, the first appearing in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on November 10, 1997, and the second appearing in the newsmagazine “Denes”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on October 29, 1998.

"Musician Tale Ognenovski is part of the forty artists who will receive a national pension in the Republic of Macedonia in the future ...," from an article entitled: "National pension for Dzambazov, Ognenovski, Popovska ...", written by D.T., newspaper "Vecher", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, March 2, 2012. (Macedonian:  "Музичарот Тале Огненовски e  дел од четириесетте уметници кои во иднина ќе примаат национална пензија на Република Македонија... " -  Напис под наслов: “Национална пензија за Џамбазов, Огненовски, Поповска... ”, напишано од  Д.Т., весник “Вечер“, Скопје, Република Македонија“, 2 март 2012 година).  https://vecer.mk/node/185292    https://web.archive.org/web/20200514191855/https://vecer.mk/node/185292

Composer and Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was honoured with Certificate for National Pension by Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski, March 3, 2012.

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Certificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski" (Posted: 03-07-2012)  


"Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World  Musical Legends” –  Magazine ‘Nova Zora’, November, 1994, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/novazora.html

Tale Ognenovski received a Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Honors at Annual “10 Folk Biseri”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls”) Awards, sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television ,Skopje, Republic of Macedonia . He was on stage in Skopje, February 19, 2002, to personally receive his Lifetime Achievement Award   in front of the more than 700 spectators at the "Macedonian National Theater". This event was broadcast live to the millions spectators in Republic of Macedonia, Europe and Australia by Macedonian Television. The journalist, Eli Tanaskova said: “Tale Ognenovski is a great instrumentalist and composer for clarinet. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music with extraordinary technique and wealth of invention. This year is the 80th anniversary of his birthday,  73th  anniversary of his playing on the reed pipe, 65th anniversary of his playing on the clarinet and 46th anniversary of his performances at world-famous Carnegie Hall in New York City on January 27, 1956. The journalist, Boris Chorevski said: “Tale Ognenovski has composed 150 Macedonian folk dances.  His son Stevan and his grandsons Nikola and Kliment began playing his music, accompanying him as  members of his Orchestra. In this “10 Folk Biseri” Awards Ceremony, Tale Ognenovski said: “Thank you very much to you respectable audience and to Macedonian Radio Television for this Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Honors at Annual “10 Folk Biseri” Awards. These days the journalists from many Macedonian newspapers has been written “Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time in the World, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention,  amazing improvisational virtuosity, and outstanding musical competence in many areas of music…” . Special thanks to my son Stevan who wrote my biography in the book : “Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer” and he is author of my Web site. My Audio CD album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" is the best album for all time for instrumental music. My album has been released in USA. I wish you good health to all of you.” Tale Ognenovski earned rapturous applause from the audience. 

Annual “10 Folk Biseri”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls”) Awards, sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television were heralded as great cultural event by the Macedonian press: Vest, Nova Makedonija, Dnevnik, Vecher, Utrinski vesnik…
"The selection of "10 Folk Pearls", organized by the People's Editorial Board of the "
Macedonian Radio Television", took place yesterday at the "Macedonian National Theater". The hosts of this event were Eli Tanaskova and Boris Corevski. An award for lifetime achievement was also given, and it was given to Tale Ognenovski ... ", An article entitled:" WE CHOOSE FOLK PEARLES", Written by VM, newspaper "Vest", number 487, February 21, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian: "Изборот на "10 фолк бисери", во организација на Народната редакција на "Македонската Радио Телевизија" се одржа завчера во "Македонскиот Народен Театар". Водители на оваа манифестација беа Ели Танаскова и Борис Чоревски… Беше доделена и награда за животно дело, а неа ја доби Тале Огненовски... ", Напис под наслов: "ИЗБИРАМЕ ФОЛК БИСЕРИ", Напишано од В.М., весник “Вест“, број 487, 21 февруари 2002 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).


CD: “Jazz,  Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music” http://www.taleognenovski.mk/firstcd.html  
Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html
Amazon (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html
Music Album: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542)

Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments, "Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." - CD Review entitled:  ”Tale OGNENOVSKI (b.1922) Musical genius: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music
Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments, "Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." - CD Review entitled:  ”Tale OGNENOVSKI (b.1922) Musical genius: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music



Amazon.com Audio CD Customer Reviews:
World-class Jazz Compositions & Traditional Macedonian Folk, April 24, 2004 If the traditional music of the Balkans appeals to you and you like improvisational jazz ... this CD will blow you away. Music of the Balkans and Central Europe has been hidden too long ... The region has been a fertile soil for exciting, astonishing, experimental music which in modern times combines with traditional music that is creative, original and altogether very satisfying. Tale Ognenovski has over 45 years of experience creating music on the clarinet, the main instrument on which he demonstrates technical expertise and artistry. His musical innovations and improvisations shine on this magnificent CD proving great music has no borders or politics. The traditional Macedonian folk tunes and melodies, "Brusnichko Oro", "Nevenino Oro, "Bukovsko svadbarski oro", and "Talevo kasapsko oro" are my favorites because the minor scale and unusual rhythms allow for highly fluid and lyrical melodic interpretation… “ - Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2004 by Erika Borsos https://www.amazon.com/Jazz-Macedonian-Dances-Classical-Music/dp/B000S5AJWQ/ref=tmm_msc_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1068816978&sr=8-4

"Tale Ognenovski, who has been creating for more than 60 years and is well known to the Macedonian and world public for his virtuosity, released his first album in December last year, entitled "Jazz, Macedonian folk dances and classical music ". The album is recorded in the studio "Promuzika Tra-la-la" in Skopje, and published by the record company "Independent Records" from the USA… affirmation of Macedonian folklore around the world. Accompanying in some of the songs are the members of his orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski, drums, and grandchildren Nikola and Kliment, reed pipe ("kavalche"). The album contains 3 jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances – Brusnichko oro, Nevenino oro, Bukovo svadbarsko oro, Talevo kasapsko oro, Stevchevo oro and Sharsko oro - and a classic composition - "Tale Ognenovski Concert for clarinet No. 1". The author of all the melodies and dances is Ognenovski himself. The compositions abound in temperamental rhythm. but also a strong sound and present the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability for a strong solo range. Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world. He connected oriental and western music and composed more than 150 Macedonian folk dances. Some of his compositions have been recorded on 11 long play plates and cassettes. He has performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, England, Denmark, and many other countries. Everywhere he played, he made a strong impression with his virtuosity, speed of playing and incredible arrangements. With the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in 1956 he performed in the famous "Carnegie Hall" in New York City. After the performances, the newspapers were always full of positive reviews for his performance. This album is just a confirmation that Tale is the greatest clarinetist of all time in the world, who in many areas of music demonstrates unattainable technique, strong inventiveness, stunning improvisational virtuosity and accentuated musical component - "- An article entitled: Last month, the latest album of the famous Macedonian instrumentalist Tale Ognenovski was released, published by the American record label  "Independent Records", written by Sonja Stoilkovska,  Dnevnik newspaper, January 31, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian:  "Тале Огненовски, кој твори повеќе од 60 години, и е добро познат на македонската и на светската јавност по својата виртуозност, во декември минатата година го издаде својот прв албум, насловен како "Џез, македонски ора и класична музика". Албумот е снимен во студиото "Промузика Тра-ла-ла" во Скопје, а го издава дискографската куќа "Индипендент рекордс" од САД…  Овој албум, на кој 80-годишниот Огненовски е солист на кларинет, кавалче, гајда и зурла, многу ќе придонесе за афирмација на македонскиот фолклор низ светот. Како придружба во дел од песните настапуваат членовите на неговиот оркестар: неговиот син Стеван Огненовски, на тапан, и внуците Никола и Климент, на кавалче. На албумот се наоѓаат 3 џез-композиции, 6 македонски народни ора - Брусничко, Невенино, Буково свадбарско, Талево касапско, Стевчево и Шарско оро - и една класична композиција - "Тале Огненовски, Концерт за кларинет бр.1". Автор на сите мелодии и ора е самиот Огненовски. Композициите изобилуваат со темпераментен ритам и силен звук и го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент што има можност за силен солистички опсег. Тале Огненовски спаѓа во редот на најголемите инструменталисти и композитори во светот. Тој ги поврзал ориенталната и западната музика и компонирал повеќе од 150 македонски народни ора. Некои од неговите композиции се снимени на 11 лонг-плеј плочи и касети. Настапувал во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Англија, Данска и во многу други земји. Секаде каде што свирел оставал силен впечаток со својата виртуозност, брзина во свирењето и неверојатните аранжмани. Со „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни "Танец““ во 1956 година настапил во познатата сала "Карнеџи хол" во Њујорк. По настапите, весниците секогаш биле полни со позитивни критики за неговата изведба. Овој албум е само потврда дека Тале е најголемиот кларинетист на сите времиња во светот, кој во многу области на музиката демонстрира недостижна техника, силна инвентивност, запрепастувачка импровизациска виртуозност и нагласена музичка компонентност…"-  Напис под наслов: "НОВ АЛБУМ НА ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ Микс од македонски народни ора и светски џез од стариот мајстор Во минатиот месец излезе најновиот албум на познатиот македонски инструменталист Тале Огненовски, во издание на американската дискографска куќа "Индипендент рекордс"", Напишано од Соња Стоилковска, весник “Дневник“, 31 јануари, 2002 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).
https://web.archive.org/web/20130802055057/http://star.dnevnik.com.mk/default.aspx?pbroj=1764&stID=9898 "The Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is one of the Greatest Instrumentalists and Composers in Word Music…In the new Audio CD, Tale Ognenovski in unique way in Word Music made the connection between Oriental and Western Music…" From an article entitled, “World Music, Fascinate fusion of Classical and Oriental Music“(Macedonian: “Светска музика, фасцинантна фузија на класичнатата и  ориенталната музика“), written by “Sekoj petok” magazine and published on January 25, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). His Audio CD album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" is confirmation for the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds…  …” From an article entitled, “Virtuoso for the World Books with Macedonian Sign“ (Macedonian: “Виртуоз за светски книги со Македонски предзнак”), written by Greta Odzakova and published  in the newspaper “Vecher” , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on February 2, 2002. 

“Nobody in the world can play clarinet like Tale Ognenovski. His music is incredible. His improvisations and solos are out of this world…”, says Dimce Cvetkovski, the sponsor of the Album entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” ....

”Tale Ognenovski's contributions to our and world music are enormous...” - From an article entitled, “New Audio CD of Tale Ognenovski – Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music with the clarinet virtuoso... “, written by Tina Ivanova. and published in the newspaper “Utrinski Vesnik”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on February 8, 2002. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD, entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  

”The television programme 'Folk Plus' of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia on February 8, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  The journalist, Vesna Trajchevska said: “The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is Musical Genius and the best instrumentalist in the world. “ Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the clarinet his own composition “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” accompanied by ‘Folk Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television.  Tale Ognenovski said: “My performances on the small bagpipe and zourla on my composition “Sharsko oro” is confirmation that I am the best small bagpiper and zourlist for all time… My solo playing on the clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also arranged the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told me that I am the number one clarinetist…”.

The television programme 'Utrinsko ogledalo' of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia on February 10, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”) accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. The journalist, Sinolichka Dzambazova said: “You are one of the greatest Ambassadors in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms… The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is the best instrumentalist in the world… In their commentaries, the North American press gave  magnificent descriptions of your performance in Carnegie Hall…”.

Television programme 'Dom i dizajn' of A1 Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 17, 2002.

The journalist and famous singer Suzana Turundzieva,  said: “Tale Ognenovski is greatest virtuoso instrumentalist of all time… He is virtuoso of the clarinet and many wind instruments… Tale Ognenovski and his orchestra demonstrate incredible virtuoso music. The music of Tale Ognenovski takes you to different worlds and different dimensions… Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"  includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski)… The drummer accompaniment of Stevan Ognenovski is appropriate of the different rhythms and sounds wonderfully…  If the God exist, the position of Tale Ognenovski is fellowship with Him….  Tale Ognenovski said: “Thank you very much to ‘Bujoto Marketing’ and to A1 Television for your invitation to me and to my son Stevan Ognenovski and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski for this television programme… My solo playing on the clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) with "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also  arranged  the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist… The New York Times commented that the reed pipe of me, Tale Ognenovski in Carnegie Hall is unforgettable… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Ensemble "Tanec", congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told  me that I am the number one clarinetist…  Thank you very much to other members, folk dancers and musicians of the Ensemble ‘Tanec’  for the magnificent performances during the three-month tour across North America…”. – From the television programme 'Dom i dizajn' of A1 Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 17, 2002, which was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. 

"World music critics have been written that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, an unapproachable technique , a wealth of invention and amazing improvisational virtuosity.” From an article entitled, ““Tale Ognenovski, virtuoso of the clarinet, kaval and zourla - Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music, as a result of 73 Years of Work“,  written by Milica Dzarovska and published in the newspaper “Vest”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on January 28, 2002. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“The  album of the legend of Macedonian music, Tale Ognenovski,   virtuoso soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla")., entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music,”  has been released by record label Independents Records from USA...  His performances on the album are phenomenally…”   From an article entitled, “Music - Tale Ognenovski – Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music“, written by  “Glas” magazine, and published on February 25, 2002 , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”. On December 1952 Tale Ognenovski as  clarinet soloist accompaniment with excellent pianist Nino Cipushev has performed the classical concert  "Concert Polka for Clarinet" by Miler Bela in "Police House" in Skopje with great success…  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце), Republic of Macedonia, on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”, which was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. 

“… remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…  (virtuoso reed pipe ("kavalche") and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski )… The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern," from an article written by John Martin entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill," and published in The New York Times, New York, on January 28, 1956. “…” From an article entitled, "And the muses sleep when Tale Ognenovski perform”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on July 30, 2003. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records.

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozartcd.html
Amazon (Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html  
Amazon (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html
iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html
Music Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos"  (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223)

"The second CD album of the greatest Macedonian instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (kavalche}, bagpipe and zurla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in the world music history, the music genius Tale Ognenovski, is in the process of being released. The CD album, entitled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos", has already been recorded by Dimitar Dimovski in his "Promuzika Tra-la-la Studio" in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia and will be released under the label of the American record company "Independent Records, Inc." no later than December 15 this year (2005), from an article entitled:" Tale Ognenovski and Wofgang Amadeus Mozart on the same CD ", newspaper "Vecher", October 14, 2005, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
(Macedonian:Во фаза на издавање е вториот цеде албум на најголемиот македонски инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајда и зурла на сите времиња во светот и еден од најголемите композитори во светската музичка историја, музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски. CD албумот, под наслов "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos", е веќе снимен од Димитар Димовски во неговото "Промузика Тра-ла-ла Студио" во Скопје,
Република Македонија а ќе биде издаден под етикета на американската дискографска куќа "Independent Records, Inc." најдоцна до 15 декември годинава (2005), “ Напис под наслов: “Тале Огненовски и Моцарт на исто CD”, весник Вечер, 14 октомври 2005 година, Скопје, Република Македонија). https://vecer.mk/node/55312


"In honor of the 250th anniversary of the birth of music genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1756 - January 27, 2006), a CD album of music genius Tale Ognenovski entitled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" was released. On this day, January 27, is another great jubilee for him, and for the Macedonian culture, 50 years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski in Carnegie Hall in New York, together with the Macedonian ensemble "Tanec" where, according to the reaction of the audience and the writing of the American press, they achieved sensational success. Ognenovski consider him a musical genius, the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (recorder - “kavalche”), small bagpipes and zurla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music history ... "- An article entitled:"Fifty years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble "Tanec "In Carnegie Hall in New York City", Written by Valentina Gjorgievska, newspaper "Vecher", January 28, 2006, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.  

(Macedonian:  "Во чест на јубилејот 250 годишнината од раѓањето на музичкиот гениј Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт (27 јануари 1756 - 27 јануари 2006) издадено е цеде албум на музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски насловен "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos". На овој ден 27 јануари, е уште еден голем јубилеј за него, и за македонската култура, 50- години од настапот на Тале Огненовски во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк, заедно со македонскиот ансамбл "Танец" каде, според реакцијата на публиката и пишувањето на американскиот печат, постигнале сензационален успех. Огненовски го сметаат за музички гениј, најголемиот инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка и зурла на сите времиња во светот и еден од најголемите композитори во светската музичка историја... " -  Напис под наслов: “Педесет години од настапот на Тале Огненовски и Ансамблот ”Танец” во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк”, Напишано од Валентина Ѓоргиевска, весник “Вечер“, 28 јануари 2006 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).  https://vecer.mk/node/60585       https://web.archive.org/web/20200514190924/https://vecer.mk/node/60585

Amazon.com reviewer: Outstanding Musical Interpretation, April 13, 2006.
Erika Borsos: "Outstanding Musical Interpretation - This reviewer is familiar with the three B's of classical music: Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms and can distinguish their styles, one can *now* add a fourth "B" which stands for "Balkan" as played by Tale Ognenovski. Mr. Ognenovski plays Mozart with his own inimitable personal style making the classical music take on mysterious and exotic characteristics and overtones. His virtuosity possesses special qualities related to the Balkan clarinet… Ognenovski explodes with passion as he performs his own "
Tale Ognenovski Concerto for Clarinet No. 1" ... The labyrinthine musical pathways he creates are enormously pleasing to the listener. The pentatonic scale and odd metered rhythms of Macedonia awaken the listener to new vistas of musical excitement and enjoyment. Anyone who loves jazz improvisation and the sounds of the clarinet will immediately recognize the superior creativity, breath control and complete mastery of this instrument as played by Mr. Ognenovski…”
Amazon.com reviewer: Exquisite, you must buy it, April 14, 2011.
Michele Zukovsky, 1st Carinet Los Angeles Philharmonic:
“Exquisite, you must buy it - After hearing this great artist, I was absolutely dumbfounded.. His delicate and nuanced Mozart was so inspiring that I fell into a reverie---it was a moment of bliss .. No other clarinetist can touch him. After having bought the cd, you will not be able to listen to anything else!! …bravo mr. Ognenovski, for inspiring the world of clarinetists… ”
Amazon.com reviewer: A New Standard has Been Set, April 14, 2011.
Julia Heinen, Professor of Clarinet, California State University, Northridge:
“A New Standard has Been Set - Based on the recommendation of the wonderful clarinetist, Michele Z. I have to tell you that this is now my most favorite recording of the Mozart Concerto. I can only hope all clarinetists near and far will learn from this unique interpretation. Bravo Mr.Ognenovski, you've set a new standard.”
Amazon.com reviewer: Unique Genius, April 16, 2011.
David Gilman, orchestral & solo clarinetist, Lake Forest, CA, USA: “Unique Genius - I must concur with my colleague, Michele Z., for her astute observations regarding Mr. Ognenovski's artistry. His subtle phrasing and amazing tone leave one breathless. Words cannot adequately describe the impression his recordings make. One must experience them to believe it. I can still hardly believe it myself.”


“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best  clarinet concertos in the world… no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can…”
“After listening to the CD: "
MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best clarinet concertos  in the world. Whether it's classical, jazz, Macedonian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian or others, no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can. Many clarinetists only play one type or style of music Tale can play any style with perfection. "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" CD will go down in history as one of the best clarinet concertos ever recorded”, written by Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski (http://www.wnykarate.com Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), from Buffalo, New York, USA, March 26, 2006; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”” (Posted: 13/11/2006)    http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463


New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450


CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” http://www.taleognenovski.mk/jazzcd.html
(Physical Audio CD) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html

Amazon (Download)  http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html

iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html
Music Album: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski

(Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824)

Amazon.com reviewer: “Original, Artistic, Creative, Enjoyable“, Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2008
Erika Borsos:
“I am a fan of the clarinet and was absolutely blown away by the beautiful music on this CD. I have all the CDs produced by this fabulous clarinet player from Macedonia who is often called a "genius" which in my opinion is no exaggeration and this one is my favorite. Jazz music has a freedom of expression like few other musical styles. Tale Ognenovski uses the most intricate Western playing techniques and combines them with exotic Balkan stylizations creating a pure and genuine new dimensional sound. The listener's spirit soars, dances and flies with pleasure and anticipation gliding on every note and musical phrase. Besides the astonishing clarinet playing, Tale Ogenenovski is also a master player of the reed pipe, small bagpipe, zourla and drums which add more flavor and spice to the original, creative, and artistic clarinet music on this CD. His son Stevan Ogenenovski accompanies the master clarinet player on the reed pipes and drum. While his grandsons Kliment and Nikola add their accompaniment on the reed pipes. Overall, this is a an outstanding CD that is rich with Balkan flavor and has great depth. It is filled with sensational and spectacular music. Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition # 1: starts out with Benny Goodman style playing with cheerful musical phrasing. The tones gradually transition into an exciting exhilarating array of Balkan music which melts into Western stylizations. The sounds are delightful as the clarinet explores new paths that are rich and very satisfying. The creativity is extravagant and the music is beautiful. This piece showcase the originality and amazing artistry of the musician…“


Новото ЦД на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски оценето како феноменално

"The new album of the Macedonian clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski, released on September 1 this year, simply titled "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski", receives excellent reviews from the foreign press, and special attention is paid to the famous website "All About Jazz". Tale Ognenovski appears as author, composer and arranger of all 12 compositions present on the album, which was released for "Independent Records "from USA produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, and distributed by "The Orchard". This third Ognenovski's CD is a sequel to his previous two albums entitled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of Mozart's clarinet concert for two clarinets). on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. On the new album Ognenovski also performs with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder) , zurla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum and his grandchildren Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. In the review of Tale Ognenovski's work, "All About Jazz" writes, among other things: "Tale Ognenovski is known in the world for his virtuoso performance. Ognenovski and his quartet offer sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian clarinet jazz composed by Tale Ognenovski will be phenomenal. Various phrases, spectacular solo performances of clarinet, which are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and admire. Every part of the album is rhythmically complex. The research of Macedonian musical traditions with jazz sensibility is extraordinary. The sound is simply phenomenal ... " "An article entitled: "The new CD of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski rated as phenomenal ", Written by Tina Ivanova, newspaper "Utrinski Vesnik", number 2803, October 4, 2008, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian: "Новиот албум на македонскиот кларинетист и композитор Тале Огненовски, објавен на 1 септември годинава, едноставно насловен „Македонски џез композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“, добива одлични рецензии од странскиот печат, а особено внимание му е посветено на познатата Веб-страница „All About Jazz“. Тале Огненовски се јавува како автор, композитор и аранжер на сите 12 композиции присутни на албумот, кој е издаден за „Индепендент рекордс“ во продукција на Тале Огненовски и Стеван Огненовски, а во дистрибуција на „The Orchard“. Ова трето ЦД на Огненовски е продолжение на неговите претходни два албуми под наслов „Џез, македонски народни ора и класична музика“ и „Моцарт и концертите на кларинет на Огненовски“ (Тале Огненовски аранжираше делови од концертот за кларинет на Моцарт, за два кларинета), по повод 250-годишнината од раѓањето на австрискиот композитор Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт. И на новиот албум Огненовски настапува со неговиот актуелен квартет: Тале Огненовски на кларинет, кавалче, зурла, мала гајда и тапан, неговиот син Стеван Огненовски на кавалче и тапан и неговите внуци Никола Огненовски и Климент Огненовски на кавалче. Во освртот за делото на Тале Огненовски, „All About Jazz“ меѓудругото пишува: „Тале Огненовски е познат во светот по неговите виртуозни перформанси. Огненовски и неговиот квартет нудат сензационална џез-музика на кларинет. Македонскиот џез на кларинет компониран од Тале Огненовски ќе биде феноменален. Различни фрази, спектакуларни соло-изведби на кларинет, кои се и интересни и фасцинирачки за луѓето да ги слушаат и да им се восхитуваат. Секој дел од албумот е ритмички комплексен. Истражувањето на македонските музички традиции со џез-сензибилитет е извонредно. Звукот е едноставно феноменален....“ Напис под наслов: " Новото ЦД на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски оценето како феноменално", Напишано од Тина Иванова, весник “Утрински весник“, број 2803, 4 октомври 2008 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).  https://web.archive.org/web/20081005025130/http://www.utrinski.com.mk/?ItemID=8B4959AB284C79458FE0E47327C0174A

All About Jazz Jazz News: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski - CD to Celebrate the 85th Anniversary of His Birthday, April 27, 2007

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist”  (Posted: September 27, 2008)   



Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All  About Jazz

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2009-04-27)



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist”  (Posted: September 27, 2008 )
Article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” - ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY, September 27, 2008.
“Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged all 12 tracks. The album from Independent Records is produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski and is distributed by The Orchard. This third release is the follow up to his two previous: CD Albums entitled: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music and MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Release date: January 24, 2006). Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances. New CD Album feature the Ognenovski performing with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever… Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted…”, was written in an article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” published by
ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY (The website publishes reviews, interviews, and articles pertaining to jazz in the U.S. and around the world).

AllAboutJazz.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Clarinetist on YouTube“  Posted: 2009-04-12  

SOURCE: AllAboutJazz.com Publicity   http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/news.php?id=33817


All About Jazz Recognition: Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)     


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Macedonian Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2010 At AllAboutJazz.com  (Posted: 04-27-2010)  https://web.archive.org/web/20110821213829/http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=129695

"The world-famous and most relevant jazz music All About Jazz website https://www.allaboutjazz.com recently published an article in which it paid tribute to the Macedonian instrumentalist and musician Tale Ognenovski. The text refers to the recognition that the team gave to this site on April 27, the day of his 87th birthday, when he was named jazz musician of the day. This is a great recognition because such a recognition in the days when they were born, regardless of whether they were alive or dead at that moment, was given to the other most famous jazz musicians of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Arty Shaw, Sidney Beckett, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others…
Ognenovski is the greatest Macedonian instrumentalist, who plays the clarinet, reed pipe (kavalche}, bagpipe and zurla and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music. For his works, his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., wrote a book entitled: "
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer". They are both producers of Ognenovski's three albums released for the American record company The Independent Records, Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), MOZART and OGNENOVSKI ConosrtceI Clarinet. (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) as well as “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008)… Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classic concert entitled “Tale Ognenovski concert for clarinet no. 1” and 12 jazz compositions. In all the compositions of his albums, he is a solo instrumentalist on clarinet, kavalche, bagpipes, zurla and drums, and on some of the compositions, along with him, Stevan Ognenovski and his sons Nikola and Kliment also play the kavalche. Stevan is the author of eight music videos of his father, which are posted on the YouTube website, which contributes to the affirmation of Macedonian culture in the world, This article entitled: "ON THE MOST IMPORTANT SITE FOR JAZZ All About Jazz: Tale Ognenovski jazz musician of the day”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska, appeared in the newspaper "Vreme”, number 1713, July 6, 2009, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia). (Macedonian: “Светски познатата и најрелевантна интернет-страница за џез-музика All About Jazz  https://www.allaboutjazz.com  деновиве објави статија со која му оддаде признание на македонскиот инструменталист и музичар Тале Огненовски. Текстот се однесува на признанието кое екипата на овој сајт му го додели на 27 април, на денот на неговиот 87. роденден, кога го прогласи за џез-музичар на денот.
Ова е големо признание бидејќи вакво признание во деновите кога се родиле, независно дали во тој момент биле живи или починати, го добиле и другите најславни џезери на сите времиња - Бени Гудман, Мајлс Дејвис, Арти Шо, Сидни Бекет, Дјук Елингтон, Ела Фитџералд и други…
Огненовски е најголемиот македонски инструменталист, кој свири на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка и зурла и еден од најголемите композитори на инструментална музика. За неговите дела, неговиот син м-р Стеван Огненовски напиша книга, насловена: „
Тале Огненовски, виртуоз на кларинет и композитор“. Тие двајцата се продуценти на трите албуми на Огненовски издадени за американската дискографска компанија „Индипендент рекордс“, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) како и  “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) … Тале Огненовски има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски народни ора, еден класичен концерт насловен „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и 12 џез-композиции. На сите композиции на неговите албуми тој е солист инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка, зурла и тапан, а на дел од композициите заедно со него на кавалче свират и Стеван Огненовски и неговите синови Никола и Климент. Стеван е автор на осумте музички видеа на неговиот татко, кои се ставени на интернет-страницата „јутјуб“, што придонесува за афирмација на македонската култура во светот…“, Напис под наслов: “НА НАЈПОЗНАТИОТ САЈТ ЗА ЏЕЗ Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот”, Напишано од Валентина Ѓоргиевска, весник “Време“, број 1713, 6 јули 2009 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).  https://web.archive.org/web/20110320083202/http://www.vreme.com.mk/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=6&tabid=1&EditionID=1749&ArticleID=117172

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)  
Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All  About Jazz

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2009-04-27)



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


JAZZ NEWS: Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD (Posted: April 22, 2012)     http://home.nestor.minsk.by/jazz/news/2012/04/2202.html


Interview with Tale Ognenovski on A1 TV, July 9, 2009, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
“ The world-famous jazz music website all about jazz has recently published an article in which it paid tribute to the Macedonian instrumentalist and composer Tale Ognenovski. The text refers to the recognition that this site gave him on April 27, the day of his birthday, declaring him a jazz musician of the day. The most famous jazz names, such as Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington or Ella Fitzgerald, have received similar accolades. Uncle Tale, 87, performed at Carnegie Hall in New York City in 1956. He worked at "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" … Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, a classic concert entitled "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet No. 1" and 12 jazz compositions. “ -  An article entitled: "Tale Ognenovski - jazz musician on the day of allaboutjazz.com", written by Aleksandra Bubevska, Interview with Tale Ognenovski on A1 TV, July 9, 2009, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
(Macedonian “ Светски познатата интернет страница за џез музика all about jazz, деновиве објави статија со која му оддаде признание на македонскиот инструменталист и композитор Тале Огненовски. Текстот се однесува на признанието кое овој сајт му го доделило на 27 април, денот на неговиот роденден, прогласувајќи го за џез музичар на денот. Исто вакво признание имаат добиено најславните имиња на џезот како Бени Гудман, Мајлс Дејвис, Дјук Елингтон или Ела Фитџералд. 87-годишниот чичко Тале, уште во 1956 година настапувал во „Карнеги Хол“ во Њујорк, работел во „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни „Танец““ … Тале Огненовски има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски народни ора, еден класичен концерт насловен „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр.1“ и 12 џез-композиции.“ Напис под наслов: “Тале Огненовски - џез музичар на денот на allaboutjazz.com”, напишано од Александра Бубевска, Интервју со Тале Огненовски на А1 ТВ,  9 јули 2009 година, Скопје, Република Македонија). https://web.archive.org/web/20090711153202/http://a1.com.mk/vesti/default.aspx?VestID=111214

All About Jazz Recognition: Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)      https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski.php#.Ur2fdvRDuHM   

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Macedonian Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2010 At AllAboutJazz.com  (Posted: 04-27-2010)  https://web.archive.org/web/20110821213829/http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=129695

Valentina Gjorgievska of the newspaper Spic wrote: "Macedonian Music Virtuoso Tale Ognenovski received second time All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day on April 27, 2010, the day of his 88th birthday... This is great recognition and for such recognition in the days when you were born, whether at that moment they were alive or deceased, received the other the most famous jazzers of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Artie Shaw, Sidney Bechet, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others. Article: "Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician of the Day", April 30, 2010, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Jazzclub Unterfahrt from Munich, Bavaria, Germany commented: "Playing the music of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is different from imitating Michael Breckers style.” – Article entitled: “Pachora”.


…lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music,” wrote JazzTimes music critic Bill Shoemaker in an article entitled "Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds", appearing in the website of JazzTimes on January 3, 1998. 

Article published in the book: Shoemaker, Bill (January 1998). Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2–5- Page 43; Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds. JazzTimes.
The University of Michigan.





Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



 ‘’ One hundred and fifty arranged and composed Macedonian folk dances, 12 jazz compositions, several concerts of classical music, twenty gramophone records, three CDs and a general impression that he is clarinet virtuoso – this is short CV of our most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. For his music and his 87th birthday April 27, 2009 he received recognition "Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski", from editors of All About Jazz (www.allaboutjazz.com)  jazz music website  with announcement published at All About Jazz  website … http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM (https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php) “I am very joyful for this recognition, "Jazz Musician of the Day", very happy, very delighted. It is a great prize, including any that I have gained during my career, including the top for me - award "October 11", the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia” - tells us Tale Ognenovski at the meeting which we had at his home in Skopje ... Tale Ognenovski is constantly surrounded by the love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska… At the request of the Director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" Emanuel Chuchkov, the young clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, then the member of Police Wind Orchestra of Republic of Macedonia was loaned to the ensemble as strengthening his United States of America tour in 1956. Ensemble will hold 66 concerts and the tour began with show (20 minute concert) on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS" (http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799), shown on  CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. – “A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and would be good for us in Republic of Macedonia to have a copy” - says
Stevan Ognenovski… So begins and concert activity of Tale Ognenovskii with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and other companies and orchestras that allowed him to play at the most famous concert venues in the world. Until the seventies of the last century he performed with the orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television – The Folk Music Orchestra, the Authentic Orchestra of Folk Instruments, "Chalgii"  Orchestra and in “Tancov” Orchestra. Meanwhile Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra", that continues to make music ... His dances are performed in Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria ... The most famous dances composed by Tale Ognenovski are: Brusnichko Oro, Kasapsko Oro, Kumovo Oro Chochek, Talevo Svadbarsko Oro, Bitolsko Oro, Resensko Oro, Pelistersko Oro, Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro ... Two  dances devoted to his wife Nevena Ognenovska: Nevenino Oro and Nevenino Lavchansko Oro…“We had a wonderful mother Nevena Ognenovska who took care not to feel his commitment and his absences due his concerts worldwide. She was a very supportive to my father in his career” - says his son Stevan Ognenovski … With the help of his family (his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska) and the donors (Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski,
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje) who support his music Tale Ognenovski has released three CD albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) …Tale Ognenovski was happiest during the  recording sessions of  last three CD albums with accompany by his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipes) ... My jazz compositions cannot be compared with any Macedonian folk dance. Some ask me whether in my jazz compositions are recognized Macedonia, and I say yes, Macedonia  performed by Tale Ognenovski. The Jazz otherwise I practice since 1992 and my jazz is a Macedonian jazz which is different from others ... I've played all over the world. But I had played also for Josip Broz Tito, the former President of Yugoslavia every time when he visited Republic of Macedonia. Once I
played for him in Brdo Castle near Kranj in Slovenia ..." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, 
Republic of Macedonia.  July 29, 2009.

“In the newspaper DnevnikRepublic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014 was published an article entitled “GREAT RECOGNITION FOR OUR MUSICIAN AND COMPOSITOR TALE OGNENOVSKI BETWEEN THE GREATEST CLARINETIST OF ALL TIMES Top 100" (Macedonian:



In this article was written: Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski (1922-2012) is included in the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277  

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books


TV SITEL3 Programme “Jadi Burek” directed and produced by Janko Ilkovski, on November 24, 2014.

To see a preview of the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277 at Google Books,

Janko Ilkovski commented article entitled: “Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska and appeared in the newspaper Dnevnik, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014. Janko Ilkovski said: “In the newspaper Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014 was published an article entitled “Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: "Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska. In this article was written: Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski (1922-2012) is included in the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277

Janko Ilkovski said: “Listen Tale Ognenovski virtuoso performances of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro" (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski – YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovski” ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU) and "Piperkovo oro" (composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski) and we will immediately recognize the unreachable virtuosity of Tale Ognenovski in the performance of the “Mozart Concert for Clarinet” and in the performance of his composition “Piperkovo oro”, our Macedonian Gene… Tale Ognenovski is Virtuoso, Mozart of the Macedonian music, Titan of the Clarinet, Musical Genius, Bard… His legend will live forever. His music has become a large part of the lives of many people. His music has moved their souls and touched their hearts… What words to use for his achievements will not be enough to explain his musical genius and it will be insufficient to explain his greatness..."

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski"

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski"
Amazon (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html
iTunes (Download) –  http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html
Music Album: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski

(Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832)
CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223) performed by Tale Ognenovski, one of the most important musicians of all time, titan of the clarinet and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded and which will transcends the centuries.

mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto"  in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…” - Article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”” - mi2n (Music Industry News Network), 04-27-2017.      https://web.archive.org/web/20170809044454/http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=197557
In the article was written: “Tale Ognenovski (April 27, 1922 - June 19, 2012) was a Macedonian multi-instrumentalist who played clarinet, recorder (“kavalche”), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zurna, and drums. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska on the base of recording of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. arranged for two clarinets Musical Masterpiece “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled:

Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Perhaps these two Audio CDs are unique recordings in the world where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für klarinette und orchester A dur – A major – La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, Printed in Germany. This Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" performed by Tale Ognenovski are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski). When you listen these three tracks:
Track 4 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
Track 5 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
Track 6 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
of the Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” you will have impression that Tale Ognenovski uses two clarinets simultaneously with two different arrangements. In other words: use two clarinets by a single performer (Tale Ognenovski) - Playing the first clarinet with first arrangement and second clarinet with second arrangement that's played simultaneously – by one performer (Tale Ognenovski). In reality these three tracks were made by mixing one audio recording with clarinet performance according the arrangement for first clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) and separate audio recording (performed by Tale Ognenovski) with clarinet performance according the arrangement for second clarinet. It was possible to make a mix of two audio recording with arrangements for the first and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) thanks to the excellent synchronization of performance of the arrangement for the second clarinet by clarinetist Tale Ognenovski while he simultaneously listening to the tape of his performance on the clarinet with the arrangement for the first clarinet. Such perfect synchronization of two clarinets by the performance of two different arrangements (performed by Tale Ognenovski) in recording concert of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” is unique in the world. Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” is another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world…”    

Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist  
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956.  This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs.  Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 84-85). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book


On the promotion of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovsli (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.) …
Information for the  promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, was published in newspapers: “Nova Makedonija” (Article entitled: “The 40th Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances, July 2 2001), “Vecher” (Article entitled: “Balkan gathering 600 dancers”, July 5, 2001) and the “Utrinski Vesnik” (Article entitled: “Started Balkan Festival of folk Songs and Dances, July 7, 2001).

On the beginning of the promotion, the author of the book Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  read the letter from Mr. 
Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and the letter of Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia.
In the letter Mr. 
Boris Trajkovski, President of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer writes: "Dear Mr. Ognenovski,
Extraordinary feelings, undoubtedly evokes monographic work of your great musical opus, rarely inventive and gifted instrumentalist and composer. Numerous tours and awards in our country and in the world talking about your virtuosity in unsurpassed merger of oriental and western music. Priceless is your merit for promotion of Macedonian traditional and folk music around the world. But at the same time it should be noted and pedagogical activity with young enthusiasts - your followers. Your music and solo performances, left a mark of unsurpassed clarinetist who his perpetual inspiration finds in the  most valuable that has this country – Macedonian folklore. I think that words cannot express what is experienced in the moments of your interpretations. But I still believe in the value of this monographic work that will remain a permanent mark for one glowing personality for future generations. Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia
Republic of Macedonia. July 9, 2001" http://www.taleognenovski.mk/book.html
“Почитуван господине Огненовски, Несекојдневно е чуството кое несомнено го буди монографското дело на Вашиот огромен музички опус, како ретко инвентивен и надарен инструменталист и композитор. Многубројните гостувања и награди кај нас и во светот говорат за Вашата виртуозност во ненадминливиот спој на ориенталната и западната музика. Непроценлива е Вашата заслуга за афирмација на македонската изворна и народна музика ширум светот. Но, истовремено треба да се истакне и педагошката активност со младите ентузијасти – Вашите следбеници. Вашата музика, солистичките настапи, оставија белег на ненадминлив кларинетист кој својата непресушна инспирација ја наоѓа во највредното што го има ова поднебје – македонскиот фолклор.  Мислам дека со зборови не може да се искаже се она што се доживува во миговите на Вашите интерпретации. Но, сепак верувам во вредноста на ова монографско дело кое ќе остане како траен белег за едно блескаво име на идните генерации.
Борис Трајковски, Претседател на Република Македонија Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година”

In the letter Mr. 
Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and to Mr. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  writes: "Dear Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski,
Invitation to attend at the promotion of the book "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", causes me great honour and pleasure. I am glad that the promotion of the book is at the same time of maintaining the Balkan Folklore Festival and will enriches the content of this event. Of course it is important that you have managed to book issued in Macedonian and English. Congratulating you on the success and wishing you further success, expressing my regret that due to commitments I am not able to attend the promotion of your book. I wish that the promotion to relive the true moments that deserves the book. Sincerely, Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the
Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, July 9, 2001"   (Macedonian:)  
“Почитувани Тале Огненовски и Стеван Огненовски, Поканата да присуствувам на промоцијата на книгата “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, ми причини посебна чест и задоволство. Ме радува што промоцијата на книгата е во исто време со одржувањето на Балканскиот фолклорен фестивал што ја збогатува содржината и на оваа Манифестација. Секако значајно е и тоа што сте успеале книгата да ја издадете на македонски и англиски јазик.
Честитајќи Ви за успехот и посакувајќи Ви натамошни успеси, го изразувам моето жалење, што поради обврските не сум во можност да присуствувам на промоцијата на Вашата книга. Посакувам промоцијата да ги доживее вистинските моменти што ги заслужува книгата.
Со почит, Љубчо Георгиевски, Претседател на Владата на Република Македонија, Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година”

"This year marks the 600th anniversary of the founding of the sub-Plister village of Brusnik. On this occasion, a special program was drawn up, and a larger number of emigrants, migrants from this village, who are in various parts of the world, were invited. The jubilee will take place on August 8 and 9 (1992). An exhibition will be held in the village whose authors lived in this village: Pande Petrovski, Cane Čavdarovski and Stevo Tasevski, then in the evening the concert of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski ... There will be a promotion of the book "Brusnik", whose author is Dr. Alexander Sterjovski ". Article entitled: "On August 8 and 9, the 600th anniversary of the village of Brusnik", written by the journalist PS, published on August 5, 1992 in the newspaper Vecer, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Macedonian: „Годинава се навршуваат 600 години од основањето на потпелистерското битолско село Брусник. По тој повод е составена посебна програма, а се поканети и поголем број иселеници, печалбари од ова село, кои се наоѓаат на разни страни во светот. Јубилејот ќе се одржи на 8 и 9 август годинава (1992 година). Во селото ќе биде одржана изложба чии автори се жители на ова село – Панде Петровски, Цане Чавдаровски и Стево Тасевски,  потоа вечер на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски... Ќе се изврши и промоција на книгата Брусник, чиј автор е д-р Александар Стерјовски. Статија насловена: На 8 и 9 август годинава Прослава за 600 години на селото Брусник, напишано од новинарот П.С.,  објавено на 5 август 1992 година во весникот Вечер, Скопје, Република Македонија.

On August 8 and 9, 1992, Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions  of Macedonian folk dances at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik.

Mr. Kiro Gligorov, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Petar, Metropolitan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church were present at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the establishment of the village of Brusnik, near Bitola, on August 8 and 9, 1992. Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances ac-companied by the Culture and Arts Society “Ilinden” from Bitola. Tale Ognenovski amazed all those present at the celebration with his marvellous solo performance on the clarinet. The celebration was recorded and shown on “Macedonian Radio Television” in the programme “Amidst the village - 600 years of Brusnik”, 1992. The Macedonia Radio Television journalist Suzana Trajkovska commented about the programme, “Tale Ognenovski is a virtuoso of the clarinet...”

In a programme with the title ‘Sunday afternoon’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on February 28, 1993, the journalist said about Tale Ognenovski, “One clarinet, one life; Half a century of magic with the clarinet; The clarinet as a life; These are only some of the titles of articles in the newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini... ”Besides some Macedonian folk dances, the following pieces of music were included on the pro-gramme: Mozart’s ‘Concert in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622’ and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’, both performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and Cavallini’s Concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the famous pianist and composer Professor Ladislav Palfi.

In the programme with the title ‘Good morning, good day’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on December 5, 1993, the journalist Brane Stefanovski said of Tale Ognenovski, “The living legend of the Macedonian clarinet. Tale Ognenovski can easily be recognized from older records of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. Tale Ognenovski’s music is amazing, with his melodious, clean quality of tone  and interpretations for which he has received recognition from world-famous experts of the clarinet and of Macedonian music. The journalist Elizabeta Matic commented, “Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more than that. Perhaps the reason for this is genetic disposition in his family where his father played the bagpipe (‘gajdadjija’), but the fact that his grandfather and great-grandfather had played some folk instrument suggests that talent has developed over the generations to raise the little reed pipe (‘kavalche’) player to the highest level reserved for the best. His music is always based on the  strict rules of Macedonian folklore... Tale Ognenovski is an Ambassador in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms...The best clarinetist that this country has ever had. The man from whom his followers can learn a great deal...” In this interview, Tale Ognenovski said that Macedonian folklore is the best folklore in the World, and that the inspiration he received when  composing music he got from Macedonian Folk Music. “

“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is. In the records it says of his debut, first with the pianist Nino Cipushev, and later with the famous pianist Ladislav Palfi, that the way Tale Ognenovski plays the most complicated classic music is on a par with that of the most famous clarinetists in the world. Experts of classical music have said that Tale Ognenovski’s skill with the clarinet is nowhere near that of the most famous classical music clarinetist in the world. On the contrary.” Journalist Violeta Hadzi Skerleva wrote this in her article “ Skopje. First Clarinetist of ’94 Tale Ognenovski, a portrait” published in the magazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 20, 1994.

” The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”) ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994)   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/kniga.html

It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski for every type of music has the right amount of embouchure and vibrato, especially for classic music where some circumstances require a totally level tone. It is particularly phenomenal that in a second he can change both the colour and the vibrato. The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude another colour and another kind...” – Professor Ladislav Palfi

“Tale Ognenovski translated whatever came into his head directly into the clarinet. On June 16, 1998, an interview with Tale Ognenovski was recorded for the television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ on Macedonian Television. During the interview, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska asked Tale Ognenovski to play some jazz music. He performed some jazz music that he composed right there and then without any prior planning. He demonstrated his amazing musical talent as a clarinet and reed pipe player and composer performing jazz music on this programme. The music performed by him on the programme can be heard on his Web site at the Internet address http://www.taleognenovski.mk   The television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski on the 50th anniversary of  the founding of the FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA of Macedonian Radio Television. An interview with Tale Ognenovski  “This year sees the 50th anniversary of the founding of the ‘Folk Music Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television. The most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski has for a long time performed in this Orchestra,” said Simona Ugrinovska, Manager of the programme ‘Good Day Macedonia’. She added that the interview with Tale Ognenovski had been done by her colleague Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska.  In the programme, first shown on July 1, 1998, then repeated on July 4, 1998, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska said: “Fifty years ago, at the first Macedonian Republic festival of Folk Dances and Songs held during the period October 6-10, 1948, Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist.  If you listen to  the music of Tale Ognenovski, this magnificent, unique, talented virtuoso of the clarinet and composer of Macedonian folk dances, you will imagine an exciting folklore story and sense unparalleled technique in the musical expression of this folk genius. With his maestro, solo improvisations Tale Ognenovski made performances of "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec""  the most successful they could be. The most significant debut in his rich career was in the famous Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. “The artist must adopt the artistic rules perfectly, to be able to break them afterwards.” This com-ment by Michelangelo described the talent that Tale Ognenovski possessed...In a perfect way he interpreted Mozart, Wagner and Cavallini, and jazz improvisations in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw. Tale Ognenovski has composed 150 Macedonian folk dances...”

Interview: Tale Ognenovski - Shilo Magazine: "Macedonian Folk music is our greatest treasure and proof is the performance of folk music from me as a clarinet and reed pipe soloist together with other members of the orchestra and dancers of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" of 66 concerts held in prestigious concert halls in North America from January 22 - 12 April, 1956. So brilliant commentaries written by the most prominent music critics and published in the elite newspapers and magazines in North America are not written for any ensemble or an artist in any musical genre performed on tour in North America until now.” - Tale Ognenovski interview with Valentina Gjorgievska of Shilo Magazine, Australian Macedonian monthly magazine, Sydney, Australia, Issue: August 2011, No 51, Article entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, one of the best clarinet virtuoso in the world who flashed at Carnegie Hall”

"Maestro Tale Ognenovski, especially from the international scene, was rated as one of the greatest cultural ambassadors of Macedonia, and the critics described him as one of the greatest composers in the world of music. He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian dances, a classical concert "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. His works represent the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability to express the highest range in music. Ognenovski's Macedonian dances are performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria. With the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs" Tanec"" he performed on the most famous concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success. His concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York City on January 27, 1956, stands out as the first Macedonian to perform on that stage, and has garnered rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. He has won numerous awards in Yugoslavia and Macedonia, including the October 11, 2003 state award. His album "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski" received exceptional reviews in the foreign press and ethnomusicologist Dushko Dimitrovski in the book "For Our Music" will describe Tale Ognenovski as a miracle, "The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. " - An article entitled: ""Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet, is Died"" – written by Tina Ivanova, , newspaper "Utrinski vesnik",Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 20, 2012.
Macedonian:  „Маестро Тале Огненовски, особено од меѓународната сцена, беше оценуван како еден од најголемите културни амбасадори на Македонија, а критиката го опишуваше како еден од најголемите композитори во светот на музиката… Има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски ора, еден класичен концерт „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и повеќе џез-композиции. Неговите дела го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент кој има можност да го изрази највисокиот опсег во музиката… Македонските ора на Огненовски се изведувани во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Велика Британија, Данска, Австрија. Со „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни „Танец““ настапувал на најпознатите концертни сцени во Северна Америка и во Европа со фантастичен успех. Особено се издвојува неговиот концерт во престижната „Карнеги хол“ во Њујорк на 27 јануари 1956 година, како прв Македонец кој настапил на таа сцена, а се здобил и со извонредни оценки од публиката и критиката.  Добитник е на голем број награди во Југославија и во Македонија, меѓу кои и државната „11 Октомври“ во 2003 година. Неговиот албум „Македонски џез-композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“ доби исклучителни рецензии во странскиот печат… Етномузикологот Душко Димитровски во книгата „За наша музика“ ќе го опише Тале Огненовски како чудо, чии звучни светови се хоризонтални. „Европа - ориент, низ музицирањето на Тале Огненовски спонтано се ракуваат, препознаваат и љубат“.-  Напис под наслов: “ПОЧИНА ВИРТУОЗОТ НА КЛАРИНЕТ ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ”, Напишано од Тина Иванова, весник “Утрински весник“, 20 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).

"Tale Ognenovski was known as one of the world's greatest ambassadors of Macedonian music. He has composed and arranged 150 dances, jazz compositions, a classical concert, and even today young musicians learn from his rich opus. Although best known as a clarinetist, he also played bagpipes,  zurna (zurla), and drums. On January 27, 1956, he performed with the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec""  in the prestigious "Carnegie Hall" in New York City, and renowned newspapers such as the "New York Times", "Life", "Los Angeles Times" have published articles about this Macedonian musician. One of the last guardians of our sound. In 2008 he released the album "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski", which received excellent reviews from foreign music critics, including the prestigious media focused on jazz music "All About Jazz". This was his third CD, and he has released "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos". During his career, he was awarded the state award "October 11", and this year he was awarded a national pension.  - I think that young musicians, especially those who have chosen a wind instrument, should learn from Tale's dance. His performances are an example of how Macedonian music should play on the clarinet. - says the Violinist and director of the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs" Tanec ", Zoran Dzorlev ... The vocalist of" Ljubojna ", Vera Milosevska, says that Ognenovski with all the rich opus behind him can be considered Mozart in Macedonian music. It brought a completely different view of chalgia and folk music, a real turnaround ... Such a person is born once in a lifetime. - An article entitled: "Bard of Macedonian music, is dead. Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet went into the legends" – written by Andrijana Andova, , newspaper "Dnevnik", Republic of Macedonia, June 21, 2012. (Macedonian:  "Тале Огненовски беше познат како еден од најголемите светски амбасадори на македонската музика. Има компонирано
и аранжирано 150 ора, џез-композиции, еден класичен концерт, а и денес младите музичари учат од неговиот богат опус Иако е најпознат како кларинетист, свирел и на гајда, зурла и на тапан. На 27 јануари 1956 година со ансамблот на „Танец“ настапил и во престижната „Kарнеги хол“ во Њујорк, а реномирани весници како „Њујорк тајмс“, „Лајф“, „Л.А. тајмс“ имаат објавувано написи за овој македонски музичар. Еден од последните чувари на нашиот звук. Во 2008 година го објави албумот „Македонски џез-композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“, кое доби одлични оценки од странските музички критичари меѓу кои и од престижниот медиум фокусиран на џез-музиката „All About Jazz“. Ова беше негово трето цеде, а ги има издадено и „Џез, македонски народни ора и класична музика“ и „Моцарт и концертите на кларинет за Огненовски“. Во тек на кариера му беше врачена и државната награда „11 Октомври“, а годинава му беше доделена и национална пензија. - Мислам дека младите музичари, особено тие што имаат избрано дувачки инструмент, треба да учат од ората на Тале. Неговите изведби се пример за тоа како треба да свири македонска музика на кларинет. - истакнува Виолинистот и директор на „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни „Танец““, Зоран Џорлев... Вокалот на „Љубојна“, Вера Милошевска, вели дека Огненовски со целиот пребогат опус зад себе може да се смета за Моцарт во македонската музика.  Донесе едно сосема поинакво видување кон чалгијата и кон народната музика, еден вистински пресврт... Таков човек се раѓа еднаш на векови. -  Напис под наслов: “ПОЧИНА БАРДОТ НА МАKЕДОНСKАТА МУЗИKА, ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ ВИРТОУЗОТ НА КЛАРИНЕТ ЗАМИНА ВО ЛЕГЕНДИТЕ”, Напишано од Андријана Андова, весник “
Дневник“, 21 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).


Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet is dead" “…Maestro Ognenovski was considered one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia and one of the greatest composers .... He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances,  one classical concert entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. His works represent the clarinet as an instrument which has the ability to express the highest range in music.”, Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet is dead" - By Vest, June 22, 2012, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia Pogramme: "News", June 20, 2012; 19:30 for the death of Tale Ognenovski.
"Tale Ognenovski has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: The "Folk Music" Orchestra, The "Chalgii" Orchestra and The "Authentic Folk Instruments" Orchestra. Tale Ognenovski have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world. He was known as one of the world's ambassadors of Macedonian music and one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia..."

"The clarinet of the Macedonian virtuoso Tale Ognenovski, who was considered one of the greatest cultural ambassadors, of Macedonia was silenced forever. His life story, which began exactly 90 years ago in Bitola, ended after a fruitful nine decades spent in constant search of the perfect sound of the clarinet he ruled sovereignly. In fact, his works represent the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability to express the highest range in music. In addition to this instrument, Ognenovski also played Macedonian traditional instruments: bagpipe, zurla and drum, and he is the author of numerous compositions, mostly for clarinet. He has composed and arranged about 150 Macedonian dances, one classical concert "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. Ognenovski's Macedonian dances have been performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, and Austria. He performed with the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" on the most famous concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success. His concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York on January 27, 1956, stands out as the first Macedonian to perform on stage, receiving rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. As a virtuoso soloist on clarinet in the film "Rhythm and Sound", in 1955 he performed the Macedonian folk dances: "Zhensko chamche", "Beranche" and others, with the Macedonian ensemble of folk dances and songs "Tanec". His recordings for RTV Belgrade, Jugoton, MRT are unique compositions, inspired by Macedonian folk music. He is the author of the notebook collection "Macedonian Dances" published in 1989. Tale Ognenovski has won numerous awards in the former Yugoslavia and Macedonia, including the state "October 11", which he received in 2003."  - An article entitled: "The clarinet of Tale Ognenovski was silenced forever", newspaper "Nova Makedonija",No. 22612, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 23, 2012.

Macedonian: " Засекогаш замолкна кларинетот на македонскиот виртуоз Тале Огненовски, кој важеше за еден од најголемите културни амбасадори на Македонија. Неговата животна приказна, која почна пред точно 90 години во Битола, заврши по плодни девет децении минати во постојана потрага на совршениот звук на кларинетот со кој суверено владееше. Всушност, неговите дела го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент што има можност да го изрази највисокиот опсег во музиката. Освен на овој инструмент, Огненовски свиреше и на македонските традиционални инструменти: гајда, зурла и тапан, а е автор и на многубројни композиции, претежно за кларинет. Има компонирано и аранжирано околу 150 македонски ора, еден класичен концерт „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и повеќе џез-композиции. Македонските ора на Огненовски се изведувани во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Велика Британија, Данска, во Австрија. Со ансамблот „Танец“ настапувал на најпознатите концертни сцени во Северна Америка и во Европа со фантастичен успех. Особено се издвојува неговиот концерт во престижниот „Карнеги хол“ во Њујорк на 27 јануари во 1956 година, како прв Македонец што настапил на таа сцена, кога добил извонредни оценки од публиката и од критиката. Како виртуозен солист на кларинет во филмот „Ритам и звук“, 1955 година ги изведува македонските народни ора: „Женско чамче“, „Беранче“ и други, со македонскиот ансамбл на народни игри и песни „Танец“. Неговите снимки за РТВ Белград, „Југотон“, МРТ се уникатни композиции, инспирирани од македонската фолклорна музика. Автор е на нотната збирка „Македонски ора“ издадена во 1989 година. Тале Огненовски е добитник на голем број награди во поранешна Југославија и во Македонија, меѓу кои и на државната „11 Октомври“, која ја доби во 2003 година. "  -  Напис под наслов: “Замолкна кларинетот на Тале Огненовски”, весник “Нова Македонија“, број 22612, 23 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).


Macedonian Radio TelevisionRepublic of Macedonia Pogramme: "News", June 20, 2012; 19:30 for the death of Tale Ognenovski.
"Tale Ognenovski has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: The "Folk Music" Orchestra, The "Chalgii" Orchestra and The "Authentic Folk Instruments" Orchestra. Tale Ognenovski have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world. He was known as one of the world's ambassadors of Macedonian music and one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia..."

Web site JJA News insights and updates from the Jazz Journalists Association published article entitled: "Deaths in 2012", compiled by W. Royal Stokes and Ken Franckling, Nov 27th, 2012 about the top jazz musicians who died in 2012 including Tale Ognenovski


Static.echonest.com published an article entitled, "2012 Music Memoriam - Well Known Musicians We Lost in 2012". Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was included in the list of public figures that died in 2012.  http://static.echonest.com/playlist/year_end/index.html


Tale Ognenovski is No. 4 of top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries
Website Boingboing.net published article entitled: “Notable deaths in 2012, as recorded by Wikipedia”. In this article was written:
“Information designer Jess Bachman created Wikipedia Remembers 2012 (https://web.archive.org/web/20170225142318/http://visual.ly/wikipedia-remembers-2012?view=true), an interactive feature about the top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries… while others like #4, Tale Ognenovski is a lessor known Macedonian clarinetist, but for some reason has a incredibly documented wiki page! So many interesting people here…” (Published: Jan 2, 2013) https://boingboing.net/2013/01/02/notable-deaths-in-2012-as-rec.html


Condolences for the death of the Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski:

“Dear Stevan and family,
On June 19, 2012 the world lost a brilliant artist, musician, composer, author and innovator.
There will never be another Tale Ognenovski, but his music and spirit will live on forever. He was truly gifted, talented, and unique in style.  I have been listening to his music since childhood, and he inspired me from the very first time I came in contact with your family 13 years ago. That is when I got my first clarinet, and even though I don't read music and have not have any music teachers, I still play his music on my clarinet often.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't listen to his music. We are very saddened that he has passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Stevan, your wife Margarita, your sons Nikola and Kliment.
With our love,
The Cvetkovski Family - Dimce, Gerrie, Steven, Jeffrey, Scott, Cvetko,
Sofija, and Stefka”, Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, June 25,

“Hello stevan my name is steven cvetkovski and my father is dimce cvetkovski
It is a honor and pleasure to be talking the son of one of my idols growing up.
I am so sorry to hear about your father. Your father has brought so much love and joy in to our family with his music.  My father and I listened to your father’s music every single day. I was born and raised around your father’s music and it made me the man I am today. I am in the music industry also. I do song writing for Sony and my brother jeff and I own a publishing company in NY and LA called Final Play Music Group. www.finalplaymusic.com . Your father has touched my heart with music in ways I can’t even describe to you. Every single note that man played I felt it. You’re not just listening to the music you are feeling it. if you can’t feel every note that he plays you’re not listening right. Every song had a story and I felt it. So, thank you and your father for bring me and my family so much happiness and joy. I will never stop spreading your father’s music to everyone. The world needs to hear Tale…”

With my families love to yours, Steven Cvetkovski, June 25, 2012.

Hi Stevan,
I was so sad to hear about the loss of your father. As you know, you and your father have such an impact on my dad and it has trickled down to me and my brothers as well. I grew up listening to your father in car rides and Macedonian festivals. The world has truly lost the most passionate talented musician around. His music has inspired my father and for that has inspired me. I am so sorry for your loss and wish you and your family wonderful health. The Macedonian Festival here in Buffalo, New York will be happening in July and I will make sure his songs will be played! God Bless! - Scott Cvetkovski, Third son of Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski, June 25, 2012.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542). 

List of compositions performed by Tale Ognenovski, which were included in this music video:
Digital Music Album: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832; Release Date: April 27, 2016; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)
Track 5 – “Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622: Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” - Performed by Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. drum. Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.
Digital Music Album: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542; 2001, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)
Track 4 – “Brusnichko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski)
Track 6 – “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski)
Track10 – “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” (composer Tale Ognenovski)
Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla") and Stevan Oggnenovski, Mag. Scient.  on drum.
Digital Music Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223, 2005, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)
Track 1 - “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro” (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski) 
Track 3 – “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo – Allegro” (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)  
Performed by Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. drum.
Digital Music Album: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824; 2008, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)
Track 1 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1”  
Track 6 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6”
Track 7 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7”
Performed by Tale Ognenovski (clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, drum); Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  (reed pipe, drum); Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe); Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe).  Composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski (Track 1, 6, 7).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.


Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: "TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER, BIOGRAPHY AND MUSIC NOTATION OF 69 CLARINET COMPOSITIONS: MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES, JAZZ AND CLASSICAL MUSIC" by Stevan Ognenovski (Author) Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page

The material in this book also appears in the print version entitled: “TALE OGNENOVSKI Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / “ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ, ВИРТУОЗ НА КЛАРИНЕТ И КОМПОЗИТОР”published by BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE “MATICA MAKEDONSKA” in Republic of Macedonia in 2001; Print ISBN 9989-48-312-4; CIP – (Cataloging in Publication) "St. Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 78.071.1/.2(497.7)(092) 788.6.089.6; The Library of Congress Control Number LCCN: 2003457521; LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521  Changes in the First eBook and Print Book publishing of this book CHAPTER: AWARDS AND HONOURS

Tale Ognenovski received recognition entitled "Partizanska spomenica 1941" (“Commemorative Partisan Medal 1941" - No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) with a decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia, the Minister, Army General Ivan Gosnjak.

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, with announcement published at his website. https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM

"11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for his contributions to Macedonian culture. October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Certificate for "National Pension" for his contribution to Macedonian culture. March 3, 2012. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

“Gratitude” from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture. October 30, 2014. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. For more information please visit my website http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html


CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542). Amazon.com Release Date: November 11, 2003. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/firstcd.html

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA). Catalog: IR38824). Amazon.com Release Date: September 1, 2008. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/jazzcd.html

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Amazon.com Release Date: January 1, 2005. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozartcd.html

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832). Amazon.com Release Date: April 27, 2016. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozart2016.html   

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska on the base of recording of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. arranged
for two clarinets Musical Masterpiece “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Perhaps these two Audio CDs are unique recordings in the world where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für klarinette und orchester A dur – A major –  La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, This Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for
Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" performed by
Tale Ognenovski are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski).

Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You: My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA   entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” I am author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA  
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.
CHAPTER: “ENSEMBLE “TANEC” IN NORTH AMERICA Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history  of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs. Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist. “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” This comes from an article written by music critic John Martin, entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" and published in the The New York Times on February 5, 1956, p. 114. (The virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html
Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)


Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Author)   



Awards and Honours    http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html


1. “Diploma for a highly qualified musician” from the Association of musicians of folk and entertaining music from Macedonia (signed by the composer Stefan Gajdov), on September 3, 1961, in Skopje.

2. “Spomen plaketa” from the Parliament of the town of Skopje (signed by Blagoj Popov), in Skopje on January 20, 1969.

3. “Spomenica” from the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ (signed by Toma Leov), in Skopje on January 31, 1969.

4. “Blagodarnica” from the Cultural Artists Association ‘Kocho Racin’(signed by Blazhe Sekulovski), in Skopje on June 3, 1971.

5. “Spomen plaketa” from the Cultural House ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Petar Bogatinovski and Stanimir Andreevski), in Skopje on November 27, 1974.

6. “Priznanie” from the Cultural Education Union of Skopje (signed by Dr. Tome Sazdov), in Skopje on December 5, 1975.

7. “Diploma” from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Boris Nizamovski), in Skopje in 1977.

8. “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska, in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31, 1978.

9. “Blagodarnica” from the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov”, in Skopje on October 2, 1980.

10. “Plaketa - The July 4th” (in former Yugoslavia) for his musical works, from “Sojuz na borci na Jugoslavija”, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia on July 4, 1983.

11. “Pofalnica” from “Dom na VVI i borci od NOV-Skopje” and the Committee of the “Borec” Choir on the 10th anniversary of its founding (signed by Branko Ichokjaev and Ljubica Ivanovska), in Skopje in 1984.

12. “Estradna nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Dragan Mijalkovski), in Skopje on May 15, 1985.

13. “Blagodarnica” from the Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik (signed by Cane Skerlevski), in Brusnik, Bitola on August 8-9, 1992.

14. “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of
Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje on May 27, 1996.

15. “Blagodarnica” (This is an honorary award) for life work from the folk radio “Radio Ros”, (signed by the director Aleksandar Dimitrov), in Skopje on December 7, 2000. 
For more info please visit YouTube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu83l6g-euc 

16. Tale Ognenovski received a Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Honors at Annual “10 Folk Biseri”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls”) Awards, sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television ,Skopje, Republic of Macedonia . He was on stage in Skopje, February 19, 2002,

17. Tale Ognenovski received recognition entitled "Partizanska spomenica 1941” (No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) with
a decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia, the Minister, Army General Ivan Gosnjak on June 20, 1961. Belgrade, Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia.

18. All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz
Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, with announcement published at his website. https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php  (Published: 2009-04-27) https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


19. "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for his contributions to Macedonian culture. October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

20. Certificate for "National Pension" for his contributions to Macedonian culture. March 3, 2012. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Photo published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia in the news titled: “Awarding of the first 40 decisions for national pensions. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski on 03.03.2012 granted the first 40 decisions for national pensions in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Culture ", published on March 15, 2012, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. http://web.archive.org/web/20120323001202/http://www.kultura.gov.mk/index.php/foto-galerii/430-dodeluvanje-na-prvite-40-resenija-za-nacionalni-penzii

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Certificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski" (Posted: 03-07-2012)  



21. “Gratitude” from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" for his special contribution
to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture. October 30, 2014. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. For more information please visit my website


Tale Ognenovski was awarded the "October 11" award, the highest state award in the Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003.

"October 11" awards were presented in the ceremonial hall of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia yesterday. This year's laureates of this highest state award are: the Institute for Macedonian Language "Krste Misirkov", Prof. Dr. Ljupco Ajdinski, in the field of science and education , Tale Ognenovski, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, in the field of culture and art and Boris Pop Gjorcev, in the field of journalism.
The ceremony took place in the presence of prominent representatives of political and cultural life in the country. On behalf of the Board for awarding the prize, prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board, who among other things said: "The celebration of creativity is a holiday of the soul of every one of our citizens. Today's celebration has its high and lasting symbolism in the synthesis of this bright day -  October 11. day represented and in the future will be an inexhaustible source of creators to express their top, scientific and artistic works "…" - Article entitled: "The highest state awards presented in the Parliament of
Republic of Macedonia  October 11 is an inexhaustible source for creators", Written by NP, newspaper“ Utrinski Vesnik ”, number 1294, October 16, 2006, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian: На Тале Огненовски му беше врачена наградата "11 Октомври", највисоко  државно признание во Република Македонија на 11 октомври 2003 година
"Во свечената сала на Собранието на Република Македонија вчера беа врачени наградите "11 Октомври". Годинашните лауреати на ова  највисоко државно признание се: Институтот за македонски јазик "Крсте Мисирков", проф. д-р Љупчо Ајдински, од областа на науката и образованието, Тале Огненовски, Зоица Пуровска-Велевска, од областа на културата и уметноста и Борис Поп Ѓорчев, од областа на новинарството.
Свеченоста се одвиваше во присуство на истакнати претставници на политичкиот и културниот живот во земјава. Од името на Одборот за доделување на наградата, на присутните им се обрати проф. д-р Трајан Гоцевски, претседател на Одборот, кој меѓу другото рече: "Празнувањето на творештвото е празник на душата на секој наш граѓанин. Денешното наше празнување својата висока и трајна симболика ја има во синтезата  на овој светол ден - 11 Октомври. Токму денешниот ден претставуваше и во иднина ќе претставува непресушен извор на творците за да ги искажуваат своите врвни, научни и уметнички дела"…"  -  Напис под наслов: “Во Собранието на Македонија врачени највисоките државни признанија 11 Октомври е непресушен извор за творците”, Напишано од Н.П., весник “Утрински весник“, број 1294, 16 октомври,  2006 година, Скопје, Република Македонија). 

Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Is Included In The Book Entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky

“In the newspaper Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014 was published an article entitled “GREAT RECOGNITION FOR OUR MUSICIAN AND COMPOSITOR TALE OGNENOVSKI BETWEEN THE GREATEST CLARINETIST OF ALL TIMES Top 100" (Macedonian:

ГОЛЕМО ПРИЗНАНИЕ ЗА НАШИОТ МУЗИЧАР И КОМПОЗИТОР - ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ МЕЃУ 100-ТЕ НАЈДОБРИ КЛАРИНЕТИСТИ НА СИТЕ ВРЕМИЊА”), written by Marina Lazarevska. In this article was written: Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski (1922-2012) is included in the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277  https://web.archive.org/web/20141223140633/http://www.dnevnik.mk/?ItemID=A5EF6F5A233FD4498AF9EAD28953883C

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex
Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author).
Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books



Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Is Included In The Book Entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky. Publisher: CreateSpace (Posted: 11-21-2014)  


Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk
Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959. Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television.   Playing as virtuoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success. 

As a clarinet soloist with Radio Television Skopje’s (now: Macedonian Radio Television) Folk Music Orchestra, he played Macedonian folk dances that were broadcast on television by “Radio Television Zagreb” (now: Croatian Radiotelevision), Zagreb, Croatia. (1966) 

As clarinet soloist, Tale Ognenovski performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances on the television programme “Yugoslavia, Good Day” (“Jugoslavijo, dobar dan”) broadcast on “Radio Television Zagreb” (now: Croatian Radiotelevision) in Croatia, February 27, 1975.
“Tale Ognenovski appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Belgrade” (1929–1989) held in the “House of the Syndicate” in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989. He played as  clarinet soloist two Macedonian folk dances, both of which he composed: Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, and Brusnichko oro. He had as accompaniment the Folk Music Orchestra of “Radio Television Belgrade” (now: Radio Television of Serbia). This concert was broadcast live on “Radio Belgrade”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 32-33).
As a member of the folk orchestra of Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television), he played  Macedonian folk dances as a clarinet soloist at the First Festival of Yugoslavian (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music that was broadcast on radio in Skopje, Macedonia (April 14-16, 1967).
During the 1960s Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet soloist in many Macedonian folk dances and songs in numerous theatrical performances at the Macedonian National Theatre.


Tale Ognenovski’s First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, 1951.

85 Folk groups performed at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, that took place during the period September 9 to 13, 1951. They came from Serbia (Sep-tember 9th, represented by 15 villages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 10th, represented by 15 villages), Montenegro (September 11th, represented by 8 villages), Slovenia (September 11th, represented by 5 villages), Macedonia (September 12th, represented by 23 villages) and Croatia (September 13th, represented by 19 villages).

Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nizhopole (Bitola) means ‘heavy’, and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64.

A  At the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslaviia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, the Folk Dance group from the Bitola village of Nidzopole from Cultural - Educational society “Jonche Georgievski” from the Bitola village of Dihovo in which Tale Ognenovski was playing as a clarinet soloist, created a sensation and received First Award as the best Folk Dance group at the festival. Tale Ognenovski, with his masterly playing solo clarinet, deserved the award together with other members of the group. This was a great success because in this Festival participated 85 different folk dance groups from Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The musical part of the group had only two members: Tale Ognenovski played solo clarinet with the accompaniment of drummer Lambe Petrovski.  This is a musical sensation, to receive the First Award with orchestra consisting of only two members. The clarinetist Ognenovski and drummer Petrovski performed closely together. The dancers and singers were Vera Cholakovska, Cveta Petrovska, Sakjime Alimovska, Nada, Marika, Menan, Sefer, Mirko, Vangel, and Dimche Talevski. There was a full house at the concert hall in the Kvarner hotel in Opatija, and the audience was fascinated by the music and the three dances performed by the Ensemble: ‘Za ramo Teshkoto’, ‘Beranche’ and ‘Vlashko za ramo’ (these folk dances involved singing by all ten members of the Ensemble). Tale Ognenovski was arranger of these folk dances and made them more effective with his solo improvisations.  “The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was as effective an accompaniment to the large drum in the folk dance from Kozjak as it was to the small drum in the folk dance ‘Teshkoto’ from Nidzopole. They provided a very effective combination” - Dr. Vinko Zganec in the cultural newsmagazine ‘Kulturni radnik’ Number 10-11, published in October 1951 in Zagreb, Croatia, This appeared in an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Musical folklore at the Festival in Opatija’. The audience greets the debut of the group from Nidzopole with great applause... Delegates at the Conference of the International Folk Music Council in Opatia from September 8-14, 1951, were present at this concert. Many of the world’s reporters took photos of the members of the group regarding their excellent debut and their receiving First Award at this festival (Source: a letter from Mr. Mile Petrovski, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1965, and an informal interview with Mrs. Vera Cholakovska Petrovska and Mr. Mile Petrovski made by Stevan Ognenovski on May 3, 1998). 

   The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. “The Council has been fortunate in the national setting of its conferences, which each year has given a distinctive character to the proceedings. At the 1951 conference, held at Opatija from September 8th to 14th, we had the stimulus of exchanging views with and learning from our Yugoslav colleagues who have had the inestimable advantage of studying their folk music tradition whilst it is still in full flower; and we were privileged to see and hear for ourselves the beauty and variety of Yugoslav folk art in the wonderful Festival which had been especially arranged for the members of the Conference…” - ...” This appeared in an article entitled ‘Editorial’, and was published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 1, in March, 1952. “It was natural that on this occasion expositions of Yugoslav folklore and music should form the backbone of the Conference, and these received the most wonderful illustrations in the nightly Festival which took place in the magnificent ballroom of a nearby hotel. Every evening, for three hours or more, we witnessed an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers brought together from every part of the country. This was a world whose riches most of us had barely guessed at and, in this highly concentrated presentation, it was an overwhelming and unforgettable experience...” This came from an article entitled ‘Some impressions of the Yugoslav Conference and Festival’, written by Marie Slocombe  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Slocombe), recorded music archivist at the BBC and published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 2, in March, 1952. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_for_Traditional_Music) was established in 1947 in London, UK. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 198-205. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977. 

At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television) from the Republic of Macedonia. He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia). He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”.  This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski. From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of Radio Television Skopje. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world. The Department of Folk  Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television) asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”. Source: An article entitled, “One item of music material presented in Istanbul creates great interest in the world about “Chalgii” music”, from the magazine “Ekran”, published on December 2, 1977 and the TV programme “Black and White production”, by the journalist Irena Spirovska, broadcast on “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television).  These two Macedonian folk dances, “Kumovo oro cocek,” composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and “Kasapsko oro,” arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski are available on the Jugoton LP record and cassette “Tale Ognenovski plays dances on the clarinet”, reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321 respectively, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1975.  “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances, Tale Ognenovski on the clarinet with his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-34461, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1972. “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances played by Ensemble “Chalgija”, conducted by Tale Ognenovski”, reference number EPY-34489, produced by Jugoton, 1972.  “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television” is available on the cassette “Anthology on Macedonian folk music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, produced by the music and cassette department of Macedonian Radio Television”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1994. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 52-57. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received the “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 27, 1996.

6.   "Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije”. (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”)
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer won the “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31,1978. (No. 38).

7.   Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. Certificate for National Pension No. 51-238/1 dated January 11, 2012 was signed by Minister for Culture of Republic of Macedonia, Mrs. Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska, Mag. Scient.

Tale Ognenovski 
during World War II

Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian).  Risto Ognenovski (1874 – 1922; Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски; his father was Ognen and his mother was Pauna (Nationality: Macedonian)) and Marija Gjorgjievska (1876 - 1950; Nationality: (Nationality: Macedonian). Марија Ѓорѓиевска; her father was Apostol (Nationality: Macedonian) and her mother was Petra (Nationality; Macedonian)) were married in the church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Orthodox_Church_-_Ohrid_Archbishopric) of St. Demetrius in the village of Brusnik, Bitola (then part of the Ottoman state) on January 21, 1896. (Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски и Марија Ѓорѓиевска беа венчани во храмот на Македонската православна црква Свети Димитрија во село Брусник, Битола (тогаш во составот на Отоманската држава) на 21 јануари 1896 година.)
Tale Ognenovski married Nevena Daskalovska (Nationality: Macedonian) on September 12, 1947. Their only son Stevan Ognenovski (Nationality: Macedonian) was born on September 9, 1948. Nevena Ognenovska (maiden name Daskalovska)'s parents were father Vangel
(Nationality: Macedonian) and mother Marija (Nationality: Macedonian). (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски се ожени со Невена Даскаловска на 12 септември 1947 година. Единствениот нивни син Стеван Огненовски се роди на 9 септември 1948 година. Родители на Невена Огненовска (моминско презиме Даскаловска)  и беа татко и Вангел (националност Македонец) и мајка и Марија (националност Македонка)). Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska was the main source of his strength and motivation. She had supported his great music career. She died in 1972. He dedicated two of his compositions to her, and gave her name Nevena to the Macedonian folk dance “Nevenino oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski, and available on the LP and cassette entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist, plays Macedonian dances (Croatian: ”Tale Ognenovski klarinet svira ora”), with the respective reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321, and produced by Jugoton, Croatia in 1975; also, the record “Macedonian folk dances played on clarinet by Tale Ognenovski (Croatian: ”MAKEDONSKA ORA svira na klarineti Tale Ognenovski”) accompanied by his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-3851, and produced by Jugoton in 1967, and “Nevenino Lavchansko oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and recorded on magnetic tape by Macedonian Radio Television in 1983.
Tale Ognenovski music styles include Macedonian folk dances, classical music and jazz.  He was bandleader of the Tale Ognenovski Orchestra.

Tale Ognenovski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski), clarinetist and composer
was a holder of the " Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941  "Partizanska spomenica 1941", No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) by decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia Minister, Army General Ivan Gošnjak (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Gošnjak) on June 20, 1961 in Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. ”Partizanska spomenica 1941” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 (Serbo-Croatian: Partizanska Spomenica 1941. Slovene: Partizanska spomenica 1941. Macedonian: "Партизанска споменица 1941"  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизанска_споменица_од_1941) was one of the Most Excellent Order of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Социјалистичка_Федеративна_Република_Југославија) and was awarded to all solders and leaders of the National Liberation Movement (NOP), who joined the National Liberation Struggle (NOP) in Yugoslavia in 1941.  In total 27,629 of these medals were awarded by the end of its awarding period in 1963. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Категорија:Македонски_партизани  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia), officially member of the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Macedonia in many partisans units including: the National Liberation Bitola-Prespa partisan detachment "Dame Gruev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолско-преспански_партизански_одред_„Даме_Груев“), the Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолски_партизански_одред_„Гоце_Делчев“), the National Liberation "Mirce Acev Partisan Battalion" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“), the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Partisan Assault brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада), the National Liberation partisan Battalion "Strasho Pindzur" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителен_баталјон_„Страшо_Пинџур“), the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада) and the "Seventh Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада).

From September 11, 1944 to November 4, 1944, Tale Ognenovski was the commander-in-chief of the first partisan prison in the Democratic Federal Macedonia (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Демократска_Федерална_Македонија ) by decree of the Anti-Fascist Assembly of the People's Liberation of Macedonia (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Антифашистичко_собрание_на_народното_ослободување_на_Македонија https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-fascist_Assembly_for_the_National_Liberation_of_Macedonia). On September 11, 1944, the first partisan prison was located on the island of Golem Grad ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голем_Град)  on Lake Prespa (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Преспанско_Езеро  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa ). On September 21, 1944, in Bitola, in the Democratic Federal Macedonia (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Демократска_Федерална_Македонија)  and in its vicinity, large German forces were concentrated (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Army_(1935–1945)  German forces retreating from Greece and Albania) who fought hard with the Macedonian partisans from the "Seventh Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија) and for the security of the first partisan prison he was moved from the island of Golem Grad on Prespa Lake to another safe location in Resen (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ресен)  and later to another safe location in Bitola (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битола  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitola). Democratic Federal Macedonia was the name of Macedonia as a federal state within the newly proclaimed Democratic Federal Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Federal_Yugoslavia). This name was used in the period from 1944 to March 8, 1946, when the Presidium of the National Assembly changed the law in the People's Republic of Macedonia (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народна_Република_Македонија  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Republic_of_Macedonia).

1.)The National Liberation Bitola-Prespa partisan detachment "Dame Gruev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолско-преспански_партизански_одред_„Даме_Груев“   Fighters were the partisans: Tale Ognenovski, Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski (brother of Tale Ognenovski), Boris Stojanovski, Mendo Spasovski, Borche Dimovski, Bore Velkovski Kosta, Josif Josifovski - Sveshtarot
https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосиф_Јосифовски), Vancho Prke - Sermen (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ванчо_Прке), Dane Petkovski (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски), Alekso Andreevski, Lazo Hadzipopovski, Vangel Nechevski – Tunelot (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Вангел_Нечевски), Dimche Milevski - Dobri, Josif Nedelkovski, Vasko Karangeleski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasko_Karangelevski), Todor Angelovski (Tosho Daskalot – Strogov https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тодор_Ангелевски ), Dimche Steriovski, Pande Tashkovski, Peco Gudovski, Petar Bozhinovski - Kocho (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Петар_Божиновски), Naum Veslievski - Ovcharot (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски), Nikola Todorovski (better known as Kole Kaninski) (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Коле_Канински )…),
BOOK (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Other sources: The Statement by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received the "Memorial Plaque" by the Committee for the commemoration of the 40 year jubilee of the partisan detachments "Pelister", "Dame Gruev" and "Jane Sandanski" from the Municipal Conference of the socialist alliance of the working people of the Republic of Macedonia - Bitola on 12 September 1982 as a sign of recognition of belonging to the partisan detachments as member of the People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia ) and Participation in the Yugoslav National Liberation War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia).  The People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia) was part of People’s Liberation Army and partisans Detachment of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Partisans  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија

2.)The Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev"  (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолски_партизански_одред_„Гоце_Делчев“  Fighters were the partisans:Tale Ognenovski, Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski (brother of Tale Ognenovski) , Vasko Karangeleski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasko_Karangelevski), Pande Tashkovski, Fana Kochovska  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ)), Sotir Brbeski - Ilo, Krste Samarkovski – Vele, Peco Gudovski – Mustaklijata, Milan Ilievski – Sasho, Jonche Savevski, Tode Derioski - Kumo, Krste Shaprevski -Vele, Milan Ilchoski, Josif Nedelkovski – None, Anesti Panoski, Trajche Grujovski – Pavle, Trajan Postovski, Vasil Bosheоski, Petre Neshkovski – Pjer, Trajan Postovski, Alekso Musalevski, Gjorgji Laskoski, Boris Stojanovski, Pande Jovchevski - Kajzero (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Панде_Кајзеро), Todor Angelovski (Tosho Daskalot – Strogov https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тодор_Ангелевски ),    ... The headquarters of the detachment "Goce Delchev" consisted of: Nikola Todorovski (better known as Kole Kaninski) (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Коле_Канински ), his deputy Pandil Nikolovski political commissar Petre Novacheski, and his deputy Blazhe Trpenovski.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift the book titled: "People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”) in the edition of “Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” published in 1982. On the second page of this book is written as a tribute, the following words: "This book is gift to Tale Ognenovski, a member of the People's Liberation Partisan Unit of Macedonia “Goce Delchev” from Bitola as a sign of recognition on the occasion of the 50 anniversary of the foundation of the Unit" – From “Union of the Associations veterans of the People's Liberation war of Macedonia from Municipality of Bitola”, May 21, 1993.

16 partisans, part of the fighters members of the Bitola partisan detachment for national liberation "Goce Delchev": Pande Jovchevski – Kajzero (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Панде_Кајзеро), Todor Angelovski (Tosho Daskalot – Strogov https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тодор_Ангелевски), Pande Tashkovski, Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ), Tale Ognenovski, Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski (brother of Tale Ognenovski), Sotir Brbeski – Ilo, Krste Samarkovski – Vele, Peco Gudovski – Mustaklijata, Milan Ilievski – Sasho, Jonche Savevski, Krste Shaprevski - Vele, Sotir Brbeski - Ilo, Josif Nedelkovski – None, Tode Derioski – Kumo and Vasko Karangeleski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Васко_Карангелевски), they were surrounded by the Bulgarian police and army in the village of Lavci, Bitola and near the village and in an unequal fight on June 22, 1943 the partisan Pande Jovchevski - Kaisero in a heroic fight he died killing 11 Bulgarian policemen and 3 Bulgarian soldiers near village of Lavci, Bitola and the next day on June 23, 1943, Todor Angelovski (Tosho Daskalot - Strogov) died in a fight with died the Bulgarian police and the Bulgarian army in the village of Lavci, Bitola. The other partisans broke through the ring, fighting with the Bulgarian police and army. From March 1943, Todor Angelovski (Tosho Daskalot – Strogov https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тодор_Ангелевски ) was Commander of the Headquarters of the Second Operational Zone of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army and the partisan detachments of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia). The events described on June 22 and 23, 1943, which took place in the village of Lavci, Bitola and in its vicinity, and which are described in the books entitled: Macedonian: "Доследни на заветот", од Панде Ташкоски, издавачка куќа Култура, 1965 година, Скопје, Република Македонија; стр. 16-273 - English: "Consistent with the Covenant" https://books.google.mk/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y) by Pande Tashkoski, Kultura Publishing House, 1965, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; pp. 16-273. Bibliographic information of the book: Title "Доследни на заветот" / "Dosledni na zavetot" (Consistent with the covenant); Author Панде Ташкоски (Pande Tashkoski); Publisher Култура (Kultura), 1965; Length 297 pages    https://books.google.com/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201125224528/https://books.google.com/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y  



; BOOK Macedonian: "Хроника на Битолско Лавци"/ "Hronika na bitolsko Lavci" ("Chronicle of the Bitola Lavci") од Константинов, Хр. Душко, Константинов, Хр. Милош, Цингаровски, Ан. Коста-Кочо. ЦИНГАРОВСКИ, КОСТА АН. КОНСТАНТИНОВ, МИЛОШ ХРИСТОВ, 1962 година, Битола, Република Македонија, English: "Chronicle of the Bitola Lavci", Authors: Konstantinov, Hr. Dushko, Konstantinov, Hr. Milosh; Cingarovski, An. Kosta-Kocho. CINGAROVSKI, KOSTA AN. KONSTANTINOV, MILOSH HRISTOV ; 1962, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia; OCLC Number: 15173637;   https://www.worldcat.org/title/hronika-na-bitolsko-lavci/oclc/15173637  https://web.archive.org/web/20201124191428/https://www.worldcat.org/title/hronika-na-bitolsko-lavci/oclc/15173637) and in the
Book: Macedonian: “БОРБЕНИ АКТИВНОСТИ ВО ЗАПАДНА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1941 - 1944“ напишана од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, Белград, Југославија, 1983 година, книгоиздателство:  ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 121-125.; Serbian: “БОРБЕНА ДЕЈСТВА У ЗАПАДНОЈ МАКЕДОНИЈИ 1941 - 1944.“ од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски) и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, БЕОГРАД, 1983, Југославија. И з д а в а ч: ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 121-125.; English: “COMBAT  ACTIVITIES IN WESTERN MACEDONIA 1941 - 1944“ by Dane Petkovski and Vlado Strezovski, BELGRADE, 1983, Yugoslavia, Publishing house: VOJNOIZDAVACHKI ZAVOD; pp. 121-125. http://www.znaci.net/00003/395.pdf  (Bibliographic information of the book: Title “Borbena dejstva u zapadnoj Makedoniji 1941-1944” (“Combat operations in western Macedonia 1941-1944”); Author Dane Petkovski; Publisher Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, Jugoslavija (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983; Length 337 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201124102929/https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y ), are also shown in the film „Македонски дел од пеколот“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Македонски_дел_од_пеколот (Macedonian Part of Hell (1971) Makedonskiot del od pekolot (original title) 1h 44min 21 October 1971 (Yugoslavia), Production Co: Vardar Film, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia At Pula Film Festival of Yugoslavian Films, Pula, Yugoslavia, 1972 First award for the scenario of this film received: Slavko Janevski, Pande Tashkoski and Vatroslav Mimica. http://www.maccinema.com/Catalog.aspx?p=68   https://web.archive.org/web/20201024123310/http://www.maccinema.com/Catalog.aspx?p=68    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172762/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0    https://web.archive.org/save/https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172762/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
BOOK Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85; 137-138;; Bibliographic information of the book: Title „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ / "Brusnik  600 godini od osnovanjeto" (Brusnik on the 600 th anniversary of establishment); Author Александар Стерјовски / Aleksandar Sterjovski ; Publisher Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola : Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Length 146 pages; OCLC Number: 441004342.  https://www.worldcat.org/title/brusnik-600-godini-od-osnovanjeto/oclc/441004342


BOOK (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Other sources: The Statement by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985

The brother of Tale Ognenovski Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski (1925 - April 1944; was Macedonian partisan died in the National Liberation War in April 1944 in the village of Rudari, Greece (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рудари_(село)); Posthumously on November 29, 1950, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the Minister of Defense, Supreme Commander of the Yugoslav Army Josip Broz Tito awarded him a "Spomenica - Monument to the Eternal Remembrance and Glory of the Fallen Fighters of the People's Liberation War of Yugoslavia" (Spomenica - Monument number 234705)( Macedonian: ”Споменица за вечен спомен и слава на паднатите борци на Народноослободителна војна на Југославија” (број на Споменицата 234705). Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1944) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Категорија:Македонски_партизани  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia), officially member of the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Macedonia in many partisans units including: the National Liberation Bitola-Prespa partisan detachment "Dame Gruev", the Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev", the National Liberation "Mirce Acev Partisan Battalion", the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Partisan Assault brigade", the National Liberation partisan Battalion "Strasho Pindzur" and the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade"

Posthumously on on September 12, 1982 in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia  ("Memorial Plaque" was received by Tale Ognenovski)  Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski received the "Memorial Plaque" by the Committee for the commemoration of the 40 year jubilee of the partisan detachments: "Pelister", "Dame Gruev" and "Jane Sandanski" from the Municipal Conference of the socialist alliance of the working people of the Republic of Macedonia - Bitola on 12 September 1982 as a sign of recognition of belonging to the partisan detachments as member of the People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia  and Participation in the Yugoslav National Liberation War
BOOK Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85; 137-138;; Bibliographic information of the book: Title „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ / "Brusnik  600 godini od osnovanjeto" (Brusnik on the 600 th anniversary of establishment); Author Александар Стерјовски / Aleksandar Sterjovski ; Publisher Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola : Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Length 146 pages; OCLC Number: 441004342. https://www.worldcat.org/title/brusnik-600-godini-od-osnovanjeto/oclc/441004342


The People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia) was part of People’s Liberation Army and partisans Detachment of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Partisans  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia).
BOOK (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Other sources: The Statement by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985

Pande Tashkoski in his book entitled "Consistent with the vow" ("Доследни на заветот") on page 65 wrote: "Tale Ognenovski, played the clarinet very well. He learned to play himself. He was a famous and popular clarinetist in Bitola. Everyone considered him the best. Throughout the village or in the field, he was constantly playing the reed pipe ("kavalche"). When he grew up he asked his mother Fanija (Vanka) to buy him a clarinet. This wish was granted. Within a year Tale became a true "master" of the clarinet. He played all the performances in the village Brusnik, and in other villages. He also played at weddings and various holidays."
On June 21, 1943 in the forest near the village of Lavci, Bitola region, Tale Ognenovski told to his comrades the partisans Pande Tashkoski, Pande Jovchevski - Kajzero
(https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Панде_Кајзеро) and Jonche Savevski from the Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev": "If I stay alive, I promise after the war, I will dedicate myself to music. I will master the notes and play in a big orchestra." This is written on page 67 of Pande Tashkoski's book entitled: "Consistent with the vow" ("Доследни на заветот"). The vow that Tale Ognenovski made on June 21, 1943 in the forest near the village of Lavci and which Tale Ognenovski fulfilled his promise after the war: "If I stay alive, I promise after the war, I will dedicate myself to music. I will master the notes and play in someone big orchestra" was the inspiration for Pande Tashkoski to name the title of his book" Consistent with the vow" ("Доследни на заветот").  Bibliographic information of the book: Title "Доследни на заветот" / "Dosledni na zavetot" (Consistent with the covenant); Author Панде Ташкоски (Pande Tashkoski); Publisher Култура (Kultura), 1965; Length 297 pages



3.)The National Liberation "Mirce Acev Partisan Battalion" and the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“)The headquarters of the National Liberation "Mirce Acev Partisan Battalion" consisted of: Commander Naum Veslievski Ovcharot (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски) and Political Commissioner Stoilko Ivanovski – Planinski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Стоилко_Ивановски-Планински). Tale Ognenovski was present on 11 November 1943 in the village of Slivovo, Republic of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovo,_Republic_of_Macedonia    https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сливово) where the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade"(https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia) was formed together with his brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski  and together with the other 800 fighters ". Fighters of the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade" were, the partisans: Fana Kochovska  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ), Mitrevski Vidan Krste (Gospod), Naum Veslievski Ovcharot (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски),  Petar Brajović Buro (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Петар_Брајовић), Commander of "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade", Čede Filipovski Dame (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Чеде_Филиповски_-_Даме), Deputy Commander of  "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade"… The member of the Supreme Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of YugoslaviaSupreme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Headquarters_(Yugoslav_Partisans)) and delegate of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Communists_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сојуз_на_комунистите_на_Југославија) Svetozar Vukmanovic Tempo  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svetozar_Vukmanović  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Светозар_Вукмановиќ_–_Темпо), announced the formation of the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade" and gave a speech on the occasion of the formation of the brigade.

BOOK (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Other sources: The Statement by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985.

The Statement by Fana Kochovska (dated November 1980 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ)), holder of the "Partisanska Spomenica 1941" and "People's Hero of Yugoslavia" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Орден_на_народен_херој https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_People%27s_Hero). In the statement she writes: " Tale Ognenovski is the bearer of the "Partisan Memorial 1941" ("Partisanska Spomenica 1941"). His family (brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski died in the war in 1944 and his mother Fanija (Vanka) Ognenovska worked and helped the partisans throughout the war from 1941 until the liberation for the People's Liberation Struggle of Macedonia) and she was one of the organizers of the National Liberation War (People's Liberation Struggle of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/Народноослободителна_борба_во_Вардарска_Македонија) in the village of Brusnik, Bitola. Tale Ognenovski and I were together in the the Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev", the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Partisan Assault brigade" and "Seventh Macedonian Assault Brigade". Tale Ognenovski, as a hard-working fighter and possessor of the other necessary qualities of a manager, was appointed manager of the partisan prison on the island of Golem Grad ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голем_Град) of Lake Prespa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Преспанско_Езеро) in early September 1944 and remained in that position until its dissolution (until the liberation of Bitola on 4 November 1944) ".

The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985)), fighter in the National Liberation War (People's Liberation Struggle of Macedonia) from 1941 (The statement was given on May 4, 1985). In the statement he writes: "I declare that comrade Tale Ognenovski and his brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski, I have known them since partisans in 1943 when me and Naum Veslievski Ovcharot (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски) from the village Zlatari with the the National Liberation partisan battalion "Mirče Acev", met them in The forest near the village of Brajcino (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Брајчино), Prespa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa). Here we got to know Tale Ognenovski and his brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski well. Then Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski fixed my shoes. When the Partisan Battalion "Mirce Acev" came to the village of Slivovo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovo,_Debarca https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сливово), Debarca (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debarca https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дебрца), on 11.11.1943 and Tale Ognenovski and his brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski joined the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Assault brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада ). When we left Debarca (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дебрца) on December 5, 1943 and went to Aegean Macedonia (Greece), where we were deployed in the villages: German (Agios Germanos) (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Герман_(Леринско), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agios_Germanos) Buf ((https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Буф)) and Rabi (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Р’мби), I remember when my friend Tale Ognenovski played with clarinet in the village of German (Agios Germanos) (on December 9, 1943) and the whole "First Macedonian-Kosovo Partisan Assault brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада), participated in the joint "oro" (dance) with the villagers. I am also aware that Tale Ognenovski in September 1944 was in charge as commander - manager of the partisan prison on the island Golem Grad (Macedonian: Голем Град https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голем_Град) of Lake Prespa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Преспанско_Езеро). That is how it remained until the liberation of Macedonia."
The Statement written by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985)) and the Book: Macedonian: “БОРБЕНИ АКТИВНОСТИ ВО ЗАПАДНА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1941 - 1944“ напишана од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, Белград, Југославија, 1983 година, книгоиздателство:  ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113 - 199.; Serbian: “БОРБЕНА ДЕЈСТВА У ЗАПАДНОЈ МАКЕДОНИЈИ 1941 - 1944.“ од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски) и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, БЕОГРАД, 1983, Југославија. И з д а в а ч: ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113 - 199.; English: “COMBAT ACTIVITIES IN WESTERN MACEDONIA 1941 - 1944“ by Dane Petkovski and Vlado Strezovski, BELGRADE, 1983, Yugoslavia, Publishing house: VOJNOIZDAVACHKI ZAVOD; pp. 113 - 199. http://www.znaci.net/00003/395.pdf) Bibliographic information of the book: Title “Borbena dejstva u zapadnoj Makedoniji 1941-1944” (“Combat operations in western Macedonia 1941-1944”); Author Dane Petkovski; Publisher Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, Jugoslavija (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983; Length 337 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201124102929/https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y ), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада).

4.) The "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade"

Tale Ognenovski was a partisan of the National Liberation partisan Battalion "Strasho Pindzur" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителен_баталјон_„Страшо_Пинџур“) and was present together with his brother Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski and together with the other 480 partisans on December 20, 1943 in the village of Fustani (Greek: Φούστανη, MacedonianФуштани (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фуштани), translit. Fuštani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foustani) in Pella regional unit of Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella_(regional_unit)), where the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада) was formed. The Commander of the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" was Dimche Turimandzovski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Диме_Туриманџовски) and his Deputy was Lazo Kalajdziski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Лазар_Калајџиски). The member of the Supreme Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of YugoslaviaSupreme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Headquarters_(Yugoslav_Partisans)) and delegate of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Communists_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сојуз_на_комунистите_на_Југославија) Svetozar Vukmanovic Tempo  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svetozar_Vukmanović  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Светозар_Вукмановиќ_–_Темпо) and General Mihajlo Apostolski (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihajlo_Apostolski https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Михајло_Апостолски), Commander of The People's Liberation Army of Macedonia (Macedonian: Народноослободителна Војска на Македонија) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија) were present at formation of "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" on December 20, 1943. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque made of wood and metal on December 20, 1978 in town Negotino, Republic of Macedonia as Commemorative gift for 35th anniversary of foundation of Second Macedonian Assault Brigade (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада) on  December 20, 1943 in the village of Fustani (Greek: Φούστανη, MacedonianФуштани (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фуштани), translit. Fuštani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foustani) in Pella regional unit of Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella_(regional_unit)), where the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" was formed.  In front of this gift plaque were engraved the words: “Second Macedonian Assault Brigade 1943 Fuštani Tale Ognenovski“. (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада 1943 Фуштани Тале Огненовски)”.
Other sources:
The Statement written by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985)) and the Book: Macedonian: “БОРБЕНИ АКТИВНОСТИ ВО ЗАПАДНА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1941 - 1944“ напишана од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, Белград, Југославија, 1983 година, книгоиздателство:  ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113 - 199.; Serbian: “БОРБЕНА ДЕЈСТВА У ЗАПАДНОЈ МАКЕДОНИЈИ 1941 - 1944.“ од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски) и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, БЕОГРАД, 1983, Југославија. И з д а в а ч: ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113 -199; English: “COMBAT  ACTIVITIES IN WESTERN MACEDONIA 1941 - 1944“ by Dane Petkovski and Vlado Strezovski, BELGRADE, 1983, Yugoslavia, Publishing house: VOJNOIZDAVACHKI ZAVOD; pp. 113 -199. http://www.znaci.net/00003/395.pdf) Bibliographic information of the book: Title “Borbena dejstva u zapadnoj Makedoniji 1941-1944” (“Combat operations in western Macedonia 1941-1944”); Author Dane Petkovski; Publisher Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, Jugoslavija (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983; Length 337 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201124102929/https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y ), ; (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада).(https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада)

BOOK (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Other sources: The Statement by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque made of wood and metal on December 20, 1978 in town Negotino, Republic of Macedonia as Commemorative gift for 35th anniversary of foundation of Second Macedonian Assault Brigade (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада) on  December 20, 1943. In front of this gift plaque were engraved the words: “Second Macedonian Shock Brigade 1943 Fustani Tale Ognenovski (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада 1943 Фуштани Тале Огненовски)”.Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque made of wood and metal on December 20, 1978 in town Negotino, Republic of Macedonia as Commemorative gift for 35th anniversary of foundation of Second Macedonian Assault Brigade (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада) on  December 20, 1943 in the village of Fustani (Greek: Φούστανη, MacedonianФуштани (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фуштани), translit. Fuštani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foustani) in Pella regional unit of Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella_(regional_unit)), where the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" was formed.  In front of this gift plaque were engraved the words: “Second Macedonian Assault Brigade 1943 Fuštani Tale Ognenovski“. (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада 1943 Фуштани Тале Огненовски)”. Tale Ognenovski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski) was a holder of the " Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941  "Partizanska spomenica 1941", No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) by decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia Minister, Army General Ivan Gošnjak (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Gošnjak) on June 20, 1961 in Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. ”Partizanska spomenica 1941” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 (Serbo-Croatian: Partizanska Spomenica 1941. Slovene: Partizanska spomenica 1941. Macedonian: Партизанска споменица 1941) was one of the Most Excellent Order of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Социјалистичка_Федеративна_Република_Југославија) and was awarded to all solders and leaders of the National Liberation Movement (NOP), who joined the National Liberation Struggle (NOP) in Yugoslavia in 1941.

Fanija (Vanka) Ognenovska (mother of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski) was a participant in the 1941 National Liberation War of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија) and for her merits for the freedom of Macedonia she received a national pension by Decision of the Administrative Commission of the government of Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia), number 05-4010 from 1962 and number 58-689 / 65 (P.br. 3052) from 01.01.1965 and Josip Broz Tito (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито), President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, awarded her with the decoration "Order of Merit for the People with a Silver Star" (Macedonian: „Орден за заслуги за народ со сребрена звезда“) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders,_decorations,_and_medals_of_the_Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia) by Decree no. 197 of December 7, 1963 for organizing and strengthening the national defense, security and independence of the country and its participation in the People's Liberation War of Macedonia and Yugoslavia in the Second World War (1941 - 1945). Her house in the village of Brusnik, Bitola, was used for holding meetings and connections of the communist party organization with the partisan detachment.

His son Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski (1925 - April 1944; was Macedonian partisan died in the National Liberation War in April 1944 in the village of Rudari, Greece (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рудари_(село)); Posthumously on November 29, 1950, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the Minister of Defense, Supreme Commander of the Yugoslav Army Josip Broz Tito awarded him a "Spomenica - Monument to the Eternal Remembrance and Glory of the Fallen Fighters of the People's Liberation War of Yugoslavia" (Spomenica - Monument number 234705)( Macedonian: ”Споменица за вечен спомен и слава на паднатите борци на Народноослободителна војна на Југославија (број на Споменицата 234705).

His son Tale Ognenovski (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski), clarinetist and composer was a holder of the "Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941  "Partizanska spomenica 1941", No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) by decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia Minister, Army General Ivan Gošnjak (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Gošnjak) on June 20, 1961 in Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. ”Partizanska spomenica 1941” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 (Serbo-Croatian: Partizanska Spomenica 1941. Slovene: Partizanska spomenica 1941. Macedonian: "Партизанска споменица 1941" https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизанска_споменица_од_1941) was one of the Most Excellent Order of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Социјалистичка_Федеративна_Република_Југославија) and was awarded to all solders and leaders of the National Liberation Movement (NOP), who joined the National Liberation Struggle (NOP) in Yugoslavia in 1941.  In total 27,629 of these medals were awarded by the end of its awarding period in 1963. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer was Macedonian partisan (1941 – 1945) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Категорија:Македонски_партизани  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia), officially member of the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Macedonia in many partisans units including: the National Liberation Bitola-Prespa partisan detachment "Dame Gruev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолско-преспански_партизански_одред_„Даме_Груев“), the Bitola National Liberation partisan detachment "Goce Delchev" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолски_партизански_одред_„Гоце_Делчев“), the National Liberation "Mirce Acev Partisan Battalion" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“), the "First Macedonian-Kosovo Partisan Assault brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада), the National Liberation partisan Battalion "Strasho Pindzur" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителен_баталјон_„Страшо_Пинџур“), the "Second Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада) and the "Seventh Macedonian Assault Brigade" (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада).
BOOK Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85; 137-138;; Bibliographic information of the book: Title „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ / "Brusnik  600 godini od osnovanjeto" (Brusnik on the 600 th anniversary of establishment); Author Александар Стерјовски / Aleksandar Sterjovski ; Publisher Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola : Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Length 146 pages; OCLC Number: 441004342. https://www.worldcat.org/title/brusnik-600-godini-od-osnovanjeto/oclc/441004342


BOOK (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Other sources: The Statement by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985

Tale Ognenovski's entire family has been actively working for the People's Liberation Struggle of Macedonia since 1941.
His mother Fanija (Vanka) Ognenovska was a participant in the 1941 National Liberation War of Macedonia and for her merits for the freedom of Macedonia she received a national pension by Decision of the Administrative Commission of the government of Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia), number 05-4010 from 1962 and number 58-689 / 65 (P.br. 3052) from 01.01.1965 and Josip Broz Tito (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito), President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, awarded her with the decoration "Order of Merit for the People with a Silver Star" - (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders,_decorations,_and_medals_of_the_Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia) by Decree no. 197 of December 7, 1963 for organizing and strengthening the national defense, security and independence of the country and its participation in the People's Liberation War of Macedonia and Yugoslavia in the Second World War (1941 - 1945). Her house in the village of Brusnik, Bitola, was used for holding meetings and connections of the communist party organization with the partisan detachment.

The brother of Tale Ognenovski Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski (1925 - April 1944; was
Macedonian partisan died in the National Liberation War in April 1944 in the village of Rudari, Greece (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рудари_(село)); Posthumously on November 29, 1950, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the Minister of Defense, Supreme Commander of the Yugoslav Army Josip Broz Tito awarded him a "Spomenica -  Monument to the Eternal Remembrance and Glory of the Fallen Fighters of the People's Liberation War of Yugoslavia" (Spomenica - Monument number 234705).
BOOK Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85; 137-138;; Bibliographic information of the book: Title „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ / "Brusnik  600 godini od osnovanjeto" (Brusnik on the 600 th anniversary of establishment); Author Александар Стерјовски / Aleksandar Sterjovski ; Publisher Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola : Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Length 146 pages; OCLC Number: 441004342. https://www.worldcat.org/title/brusnik-600-godini-od-osnovanjeto/oclc/441004342


BOOK (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Other sources: The Statement by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985

The participation of the family of Tale Ognenovski in the National Liberation War (People's Liberation Struggle) of Macedonia are described in the books
entitled: Macedonian: "Доследни на заветот", од Панде Ташкоски, издавачка куќа Култура, 1965 година, Скопје, Република Македонија; стр. 16-273 - English: "Consistent with the Covenant" https://books.google.mk/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y) by Pande Tashkoski, Kultura Publishing House, 1965, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; pp. 16-273. Bibliographic information of the book: Title "Доследни на заветот" / "Dosledni na zavetot" (Consistent with the covenant); Author Панде Ташкоски (Pande Tashkoski); Publisher Култура (Kultura), 1965; Length 297 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y https://web.archive.org/save/https://books.google.com/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=



Macedonian: "Хроника на Битолско Лавци"/ "Hronika na bitolsko Lavci" ("Chronicle of the Bitola Lavci") од Константинов, Хр. Душко, Константинов, Хр. Милош, Цингаровски, Ан. Коста-Кочо. ЦИНГАРОВСКИ, КОСТА АН. КОНСТАНТИНОВ, МИЛОШ ХРИСТОВ, 1962 година, Битола, Република Македонија, English: "Chronicle of the Bitola Lavci", Authors: Konstantinov, Hr. Dushko, Konstantinov, Hr. Milosh; Cingarovski, An. Kosta-Kocho. CINGAROVSKI, KOSTA AN. KONSTANTINOV, MILOSH HRISTOV ; 1962, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia; OCLC Number: 15173637; https://www.worldcat.org/title/hronika-na-bitolsko-lavci/oclc/15173637  https://web.archive.org/web/20201124191428/https://www.worldcat.org/title/hronika-na-bitolsko-lavci/oclc/15173637)

Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85; 137-138;; Bibliographic information of the book: Title „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ / "Brusnik  600 godini od osnovanjeto" (Brusnik on the 600 th anniversary of establishment); Author Александар Стерјовски / Aleksandar Sterjovski ; Publisher Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola : Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Length 146 pages; OCLC Number: 441004342https://www.worldcat.org/title/brusnik-600-godini-od-osnovanjeto/oclc/441004342


BOOK (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Other sources: The Statement by Fana Kochovska (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ dated November 1980), The Statement of Mitrevski Vidan - Krste (Gospod) (dated May 4 1985));and in the

Macedonian: “БОРБЕНИ АКТИВНОСТИ ВО ЗАПАДНА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1941 - 1944“ напишана од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, Белград, Југославија, 1983 година, книгоиздателство:  ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 121-125.; Serbian: “БОРБЕНА ДЕЈСТВА У ЗАПАДНОЈ МАКЕДОНИЈИ 1941 - 1944.“ од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски) и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, БЕОГРАД, 1983, Југославија. И з д а в а ч: ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 121-125.; English: “COMBAT  ACTIVITIES IN WESTERN MACEDONIA 1941 - 1944“ by Dane Petkovski and Vlado Strezovski, BELGRADE, 1983, Yugoslavia, Publishing house: VOJNOIZDAVACHKI ZAVOD; pp. 121-125. http://www.znaci.net/00003/395.pdf  (Bibliographic information of the book: Title “Borbena dejstva u zapadnoj Makedoniji 1941-1944” (“Combat operations in western Macedonia 1941-1944”); Author Dane Petkovski; Publisher Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, Jugoslavija (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983; Length 337 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201124102929/https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y ), are also shown in the film „Македонски дел од пеколот“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Македонски_дел_од_пеколотMacedonian Part of Hell (1971) Makedonskiot del od pekolot (original title) 1h 44min 21 October 1971 (Yugoslavia), Production Co: Vardar Film, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia At Pula Film Festival of Yugoslavian Films, Pula, Yugoslavia, 1972 First award for the scenario of this film received: Slavko Janevski, Pande Tashkoski and Vatroslav Mimica. http://www.maccinema.com/Catalog.aspx?p=68   https://web.archive.org/web/20201024123310/http://www.maccinema.com/Catalog.aspx?p=68    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172762/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0     https://web.archive.org/save/https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172762/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

From 7,000 partisans in the late 1943, until the final military operations in the Yugoslav National Liberation War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia ) in April 1945, the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Macedonia  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија
) had increased to three Corps, seven divisions and thirty brigades, all with a total of 100,000 regular soldiers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia ). Republic of Macedonia gained the respect of its allies through its contribution to the victory over fascism. It gained recognition of the newly established Macedonian Republic by the Allies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allies_of_World_War_II ), even though within the framework of the Yugoslavian Federation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia). The National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans) was part of People’s Liberation Army and partisans Detachment of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Partisans  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia)  commanded by Josip Broz Tito (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито) in the Second World War. By April 1945, the Partisans numbered over 800,000 regular soldiers.

Posthumously on on September 12, 1982 in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia  ("Memorial Plaque" was received by Tale Ognenovski)  Cane (Aleksandar) Ognenovski received the "Memorial Plaque" by the Committee for the commemoration of the 40 year jubilee of the partisan detachments: "Pelister", "Dame Gruev" and "Jane Sandanski" from the Municipal Conference of the socialist alliance of the working people of the Republic of Macedonia - Bitola on 12 September 1982 as a sign of recognition of belonging to the partisan detachments as member of the People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia  and Participation in the Yugoslav National Liberation War.  The People’s Liberation Army of Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia) was part of People’s Liberation Army and partisans Detachment of Yugoslavia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Partisans  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia).

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received “Order of Bravery” (no. 97333, Ordinance no. 172 of 15.07.1949.) from Presidium of the National Assembly of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia) (
Macedonian: "Орден за храброст", бр. 97333, Указ бр. 172 од 15.07.1949 год. од Президиум на Народното Собрание на Федеративна Народна Република Југославија) was the Recognition  of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, еstablished by Josip Broz Tito, the Supreme Commander of the Partisans on 15 August 1943 with decree of the medals in the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. The Order of Bravery was a Yugoslav gallantry medal. It was awarded to individuals who distinguished themselves by extraordinary courageousness during war. The vast majority was awarded to Yugoslav Partisans for actions during the Second World War


n the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, page 5, article entitled: "Decorated Workers of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia by President Tito") on December 3, 1966 it was written: "For special merits of the work for spreading brotherhood and unity among our peoples, and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the uprising of Yugoslavia, and for special merits and successes in the field of economic, cultural and social development of the country, the President of the Republic Josip Broz Tito (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито) awarded them with the "Order of Brotherhood and Unity with a Silver Wreath" : Tale Ognenovski ..." MacedonianВо весникот Нова Македонија (Скопје, Република Македонија, страна 5, статија насловена: "Одликувани трудбеници од Социјалистичка Република Македонија од Претседателот Тито") на 3 декември, 1966 година е напишано: "За особени заслуги на делото за ширење на братството и единството меѓу нашите народи, а по повод 25-годишнината од востанието на Југославија, а за особени заслуги и постигнати успеси во областа на стопанскиот, културниот и општествениот развиток на земјата Претседателот на Републиката Јосип Броз Тито (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито) ги одликува со "Орден Братство и единство со сребрен венец": Тале Огненовски..."

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received “Order of Merits for the People with Silver Star” (Macedonian:Орден заслуги за народ со сребрена ѕвезда”) in 1963. Josip Broz Tito, President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, awarded the decoration “Order of Merit for the People with a Silver Star” to Tale Ognenovski in 1963 for the organization and strengthening of the national defense, security and independence of the country and her participation in People's Liberation War of Macedonia and Yugoslavia in the Second World War (1941 – 1945) and for merits in the fields of economy, science and culture.

Тале Огненовски за време на Втората светска војна

Тале Огненовски (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski), кларинетист и композитор беше носител на „Партизанска споменица 1941“ ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partizanska_spomenica_1941.), Бр. 25021 и Медал бр. 24198) со декрет потпишан од министерот за одбрана на поранешна Југославија, армискиот генерал Иван Гошњак (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Gošnjak https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Иван_Гошњак) на 20 јуни 1961 година во Белград, Социјалистичка Федеративна Република Југославија. Југославија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Социјалистичка_Федеративна_Република_Југославија). „Партизанска споменица 1941“ ​​и им беше доделена на сите борци (партизани) и раководители на Националното ослободително движење (НОП), кои се вклучија во Национално-ослободителна борба (НОБ) во Југославија во 1941 година. Вкупно 27.629 од овие медали беа доделени до крајот на периодот на доделување во 1963 година.

Тале Огненовски, кларинетист и композитор беше македонски партизан (1941 - 1945 година) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Категорија:Македонски_партизани  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia), припадник на Народноослободителната Војска на Македонија во повеќе партизански единици, вклучително: Народноослободителен Битолско-преспанскиот партизански одред „Даме Груев“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолско-преспански_партизански_одред_„Даме_Груев“), Народноослободителен Битолски партизански одред „Гоце Делчев“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолски_партизански_одред_„Гоце_Делчев“), Народноослободителен партизански баталјон „Мирче Ацев (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“), Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада(https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада), Народноослободителен партизански баталјон Страшо Пинџур“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителен_баталјон_„Страшо_Пинџур“), „Втората македонска ударна бригада“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада) и „Седмата македонска ударна бригада“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада).

Тале Огненовски од 11 септември 1944 година до 4 ноември 1944 година беше командант – управник на првиот партизанскиот затвор во Демократска Федерална Македонија (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Демократска_Федерална_Македонија )  со декрет од Антифашистичко собрание на народното ослободување на Македонија (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Антифашистичко_собрание_на_народното_ослободување_на_Македонија https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-fascist_Assembly_for_the_National_Liberation_of_Macedonia). На 11 септември 1944 година првиот партизански затвор беше сместен на островото Голем Град (Golem Grad  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голем_Град) на Преспанско езеро (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Преспанско_Езеро  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa ). Бидејќи на 21 септември 1944 година во Битола, во Демократска Федерална Македонија (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Демократска_Федерална_Македонија) и во нејзината околина беа концентрирани големи германски сили (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Army_(1935–1945)  Германски сили кои се повлекуваа од Грција и Албанија преку Македонија) кои водеа тешки борби со македонските партизани од „Седмата македонска ударна бригада“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија) заради безбедност на првиот партизански затвор тој е преместен од островот Голем Град на Преспанското Езеро на друга безбедна локација во Ресен (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ресен) а подоцна на друга безбедна локација во Битолa (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битола  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitola). Демократска Федерална Македонија било името на Македонија како федерална држава во составот на новопрогласената Демократска Федерална Југославија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Federal_Yugoslavia). Ова име се користело во периодот од 1944 до 8 март 1946 кога Президиумот на Народното Собрание со закон се менува во Народна Република Македонија (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народна_Република_Македонија  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Republic_of_Macedonia).

1.) Народноослободителен Битолско-преспанскиот партизански одред „Даме Груев“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолско-преспански_партизански_одред_„Даме_Груев“   Борци беа партизаните: Тале Огненовски, Цане (Александар) Огненовски (брат на Тале Огненовски), Борис Стојановски, Мендо Спасовски, Борче Димовски, Боре Велковски Коста, Јосиф Јосифовски – Свештарот (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосиф_Јосифовски), Ванчо Прке - Сермен (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ванчо_Прке), Дане Петковски  (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски), Алексо Андреевски, Лазо Хаџипоповски, Вангел Нечевски - Тунелот (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Вангел_Нечевски), Димче Милевски - Добри, Јосиф Неделковски, Васко Карангелески (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasko_Karangelevski), Тодор Ангеловски (Тошо Даскалот - Строгов) https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тодор_Ангелевски ), Димче Стерјовски, Панде Ташковски, Пецо Гудовски, Петар Божиновски - Кочо (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Петар_Божиновски), Наум Веслиевски - Овчарот (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски), Никола Тодоровски (попознат како Коле Канински) (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Коле_Канински )…),

2.) Народноослободителен Битолски партизански одред „Гоце Делчев“  (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолски_партизански_одред_„Гоце_Делчев“  Борци беа партизаните: Тале Огненовски, Цане (Александар) Огненовски (брат на Тале Огненовски), Васко Карангелески (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasko_Karangelevski), Панде Ташковски, Фана Кочовска (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ)), Сотир Брбески - Ило, Крсте Самарковски - Веле, Пецо Гудовски - Мустаклијата, Милан Илиевски - Сашо, Јонче Савевски, Тоде Дериоски - Кумо, Крсте Шапревски - Веле, Милан Илчоски, Јосиф Неделковски - Ноне, Анести Паноски, Трајче Грујовски – Павле, Трајан Постовски, Васил Бошеоски, Петре Нешковски - Пјер, Трајан Постовски, Алексо Мусалевски, Ѓорѓи Ласкоски, Борис Стојановски, Панде Јовчевски - Кајзеро (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Панде_Кајзеро), Тодор Ангеловски (Тошо Даскалот - Строгов) https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тодор_Ангелевски ),    ... Штабот на партизанскиот одред „Гоце Делчев“ го сочинуваа: Никола Тодоровски (попознат како Коле Канински), командант, (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Коле_Канински ), неговиот заменик Пандил Николовски, политичкиот комесар Петре Новачески и неговиот заменик Блаже Трпеновски.

16 партизани, д
ел од борците членови на Народноослободителниот Битолскиот партизански одред „Гоце Делчев“: Панде Јовчевски - Кајзеро (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Панде_Кајзеро), Тодор Ангеловски (Тошо Даскалот - Строгов) https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тодор_Ангелевски), Панде Ташковски, Фана Кочовска (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ), Тале Огненовски, Цане (Александар) Огненовски (брат на Тале Огненовски), Сотир Брбески - Ило, Крсте Самарковски - Веле, Пецо Гудовски - Мустаклијата, Милан Илиевски - Сашо, Јонче Савевски, Крсте Шапревски - Веле, Сотир Брбески - Ило, Јосиф Неделковски - Ноне, Тоде Дериоски - Кумо и Васко Карангелески (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Васко_Карангелевски), тие биле опколени од бугарската полиција и војска во селото Лавци, Битола и во близина на селото и во нееднаква борба на 22 јуни 1943 година, партизанот Панде Јовчевски - Кајзеро во херојска борба загинал убивајќи 11 бугарски полицајци и 3 бугарски војници во близина на селото Лавци, Битола а следниот ден, на 23 јуни 1943 година, Тодор Ангеловски (Тошо Даскалот - Строгов) загинал во борба со бугарската полиција и бугарската армија во селото Лавци, Битола. Другите партизани го пробија обрачот водејќи борба со бугарската полиција и војска. Од март 1943 година, Тодор Ангеловски (Тошо Даскалот - Строгов https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тодор_Ангелевски ) бил командант на Штабот на Втората оперативна зона на Генералштабот на Народноослободителната армија и партизанските одреди на Македонија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia). Настаните опишани на 22 и 23 јуни 1943 година, што се случија во селото Лавци, Битола и во нејзина близина се опишани во книгите насловени: Macedonian: "Доследни на заветот", од Панде Ташкоски, издавачка куќа Култура, 1965 година, Скопје, Република Македонија; стр. 16-273 - English:"Consistent with the Covenant" https://books.google.mk/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y) by Pande Tashkoski, Kultura Publishing House, 1965, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; pp. 16-273; Bibliographic information of the book: Title "Доследни на заветот" / "Dosledni na zavetot" (Consistent with the covenant); Author Панде Ташкоски (Pande Tashkoski); Publisher Култура (Kultura), 1965; Length 297 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y https://web.archive.org/save/https://books.google.com/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=



; КНИГА Macedonian:"Хроника на Битолско Лавци"/ "Hronika na bitolsko Lavci" ("Chronicle of the Bitola Lavci")   од Константинов, Хр. Душко, Константинов, Хр. Милош, Цингаровски, Ан. Коста-Кочо. ЦИНГАРОВСКИ, КОСТА АН. КОНСТАНТИНОВ, МИЛОШ ХРИСТОВ, 1962 година, Битола, Република Македонија, English: "Chronicle of the Bitola Lavci", Authors: Konstantinov, Hr. Dushko, Konstantinov, Hr. Milosh; Cingarovski, An. Kosta-Kocho. CINGAROVSKI, KOSTA AN. KONSTANTINOV, MILOSH HRISTOV ; 1962, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia; OCLC Number: 15173637;; https://www.worldcat.org/title/hronika-na-bitolsko-lavci/oclc/15173637 https://web.archive.org/web/20201124191428/https://www.worldcat.org/title/hronika-na-bitolsko-lavci/oclc/15173637) и во книгата: Macedonian: “БОРБЕНИ АКТИВНОСТИ ВО ЗАПАДНА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1941 - 1944“ напишана од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, Белград, Југославија, 1983 година, книгоиздателство:  ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 121-125.; Serbian: “БОРБЕНА ДЕЈСТВА У ЗАПАДНОЈ МАКЕДОНИЈИ 1941 - 1944.“ од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски) и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, БЕОГРАД, 1983, Југославија. И з д а в а ч: ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 121-125.; English: “COMBAT ACTIVITIES IN WESTERN MACEDONIA 1941 - 1944“ by Dane Petkovski and Vlado Strezovski, BELGRADE, 1983, Yugoslavia, Publishing house: VOJNOIZDAVACHKI ZAVOD; pp. 121-125. http://www.znaci.net/00003/395.pdf) (Bibliographic information of the book: Title “Borbena dejstva u zapadnoj Makedoniji 1941-1944” (“Combat operations in western Macedonia 1941-1944”); Author Dane Petkovski; Publisher Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, Jugoslavija (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983; Length 337 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201124102929/https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y ), а  се прикажани и во филмот „Македонски дел од пеколот“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Македонски_дел_од_пеколот(Macedonian Part of Hell (1971) Makedonskiot del od pekolot (original title) 1h 44min 21 October 1971 (Yugoslavia), Production Co: Vardar Film, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia  )At Pula Film Festival of Yugoslavian Films, Pula, Yugoslavia, 1972 First award for the scenario of this film received: Slavko Janevski, Pande Tashkoski and Vatroslav Mimica. http://www.maccinema.com/Catalog.aspx?p=68   https://web.archive.org/web/20201024123310/http://www.maccinema.com/Catalog.aspx?p=68    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172762/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0      https://web.archive.org/save/https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172762/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
BOOK Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85; 137-138;; Bibliographic information of the book: Title „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ / "Brusnik  600 godini od osnovanjeto" (Brusnik on the 600 th anniversary of establishment); Author Александар Стерјовски / Aleksandar Sterjovski ; Publisher Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola : Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Length 146 pages; OCLC Number: 441004342. https://www.worldcat.org/title/brusnik-600-godini-od-osnovanjeto/oclc/441004342


In the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, page 5, article entitled: "Decorated Workers of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia by President Tito") on December 3, 1966 it was written: "For special merits of the work for spreading brotherhood and unity among our peoples, and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the uprising of Yugoslavia, and for special merits and successes in the field of economic, cultural and social development of the country, the President of the Republic Josip Broz Tito (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито) awarded them with the "Order of Brotherhood and Unity with a Silver Wreath" : Tale Ognenovski ..." MacedonianВо весникот Нова Македонија (Скопје, Република Македонија, страна 5, статија насловена: "Одликувани трудбеници од Социјалистичка Република Македонија од Претседателот Тито") на 3 декември, 1966 година е напишано: "За особени заслуги на делото за ширење на братството и единството меѓу нашите народи, а по повод 25-годишнината од востанието на Југославија, а за особени заслуги и постигнати успеси во областа на стопанскиот, културниот и општествениот развиток на земјата Претседателот на Републиката Јосип Броз Тито (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито) ги одликува со "Орден Братство и единство со сребрен венец": Тале Огненовски..."

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received “Order of Merits for the People with Silver Star” (Macedonian:Орден заслуги за народ со сребрена ѕвезда”) in 1963. Josip Broz Tito, President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, awarded the decoration “Order of Merit for the People with a Silver Star” to Tale Ognenovski in 1963 for the organization and strengthening of the national defense, security and independence of the country and her participation in People's Liberation War of Macedonia and Yugoslavia in the Second World War (1941 – 1945) and for merits in the fields of economy, science and culture.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received “Order of Bravery” (no. 97333, Ordinance no. 172 of 15.07.1949.) from Presidium of the National Assembly of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia) (Macedonian: "Орден за храброст", бр. 97333, Указ бр. 172 од 15.07.1949 год. од Президиум на Народното Собрание на Федеративна Народна Република Југославија) was the Recognition  of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, еstablished by Josip Broz Tito, the Supreme Commander of the Partisans on 15 August 1943 with decree of the medals in the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. The Order of Bravery was a Yugoslav gallantry medal. It was awarded to individuals who distinguished themselves by extraordinary courageousness during war. The vast majority was awarded to Yugoslav Partisans for actions during the Second World War

Панде Ташкоски во својата книга насловена "Доследни на заветот" на страна 65 напиша: "Тале Огненовски, многу убаво свиреше на кларинет. Сам се беше научил да свири. Тој беше прочуен и популарен кларинетист во Битолско. Сите го сметаа за најдобар. Низ селото или по полето, тој постојано свиреше на кавалче. Кога подрасна ја замоли мајка си Фанија (Ванка) да му купи кларинет. Оваа желба му беше исполнета. За една година Тале стана вистински "мајстор" на кларинетот. Свиреше на сите приредби во Брусник, а и во другите села. Свиреше и на свадби и разни празнични денови. " Тале Огненовски им изјави на своите соборци партизаните Панде Ташковски, Панде Јовчевски – Кајзеро (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Панде_Кајзеро) и Јонче Савевски од Народноослободителен Битолски партизански одред „Гоце Делчев“ на 21 јуни 1943 година во шумата во близина на селото Лавци, Битолско: "Ако останам жив после војната, ви ветувам ќе се посветам на музиката. Ќе ги совладам и нотите и ќе свирам во некој голем оркестар". Ова е напишано на страна 67 од книгата на Панде Ташковски насловена. Заветот што Тале Огненовски го даде на 21 јуни 1943 година во шумата во близина на селото Лавци а кое свое ветување Тале Огненовски го исполни после војната: "Ако останам жив после војната, ви ветувам ќе се посветам на музиката. Ќе ги совладам и нотите и ќе свирам во некој голем оркестар" беше инспирација на Панде Ташковски да го именува насловот на својата книга "Доследни на заветот".Bibliographic information of the book: Title "Доследни на заветот" / "Dosledni na zavetot" (Consistent with the covenant); Author Панде Ташкоски (Pande Tashkoski); Publisher Култура (Kultura), 1965; Length 297 pages



3.) Народноослободителен партизански баталјон „Мирче Ацев“  и  Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“). Штабот на Народноослободителниот партизански баталјон „Мирче Ацев “ го сочинуваа: Командантот Наум Веслиевски Овчарот (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски) и политичкиот комесар Стоилко Ивановски – Планински  (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Стоилко_Ивановски-Планински). Тале Огненовски беше присутен на 11.11.1943 година во селото Сливово, Република Македонија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovo,_Republic_of_Macedonia    https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сливово) каде Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia) беше формирана а заедно со Тале Огненовски беше присутен и неговиот брат Цане (Александар) Огненовски, заедно со останатите 800 борци. ”Борци на„ Првата македонско-косовска напад бригада “беа, партизаните: Фана Кочовска (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ), Митревски Видан - Крсте (Господ), Наум Веслиевски Овчарот (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски),  Петар Брајовиќ - Буро (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Петар_Брајовић), командант на Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада, Чеде Филиповски - Даме (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Чеде_Филиповски_-_Даме), заменик командант на Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада Членот на Врховниот штаб на Народноослободителната армија и партизанските одреди на Југославија (The member of the Supreme Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of YugoslaviaSupreme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Headquarters_(Yugoslav_Partisans)) и делегатот на Централниот комитет на Комунистичката партија на Југославија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Communists_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сојуз_на_комунистите_на_Југославија), Светозар Вукмановиќ – Темпо (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svetozar_Vukmanović  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Светозар_Вукмановиќ_–_Темпо) го објави формирањето на Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада и одржа говор,

Изјава на Фана Кочовска (од ноември 1980 година
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ), носител на „Партизанска споменица 1941“ и „Народен херој на Југославија“ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_People%27s_Hero https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Орден_на_народен_херој).  Во Изјавата од Фана Кочовска-Цветковиќ е напишано: "Тале Огненовски е носител на Партизанска споменица 1941". Неговата фамилија (братот Цане (Александар) Огненовски загина во борба во 1944 година а мајка му Фанија (Ванка) Огненовска работеше за цело време на војната од 1941 година до ослободувањето за Народноослободителна борба на Македонија) е една од организаторите на НОБ (Народноослободителна борба на Македонија https://mk.wikipedia.org/Народноослободителна_борба_во_Вардарска_Македонија https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans) во село Брусник, Битола. Со Тале Огненовски бевме заедно во Битолскиот партизански одред „Гоце Делчев“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Битолски_партизански одред_„Гоце_Делчев“), "Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада", (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада) и "Седмата македонска ударна бригада (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Седма_македонска_ударна_бригада).
Тале Огненовски како прекален борец и поседувач на другите потребни особини на раководно лице беше поставен како управител на партизанскиот затвор
на островот Голем Град (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голем_Град) на Преспанско Езеро (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Преспанско_Езеро) во почетокот на септември 1944 година и остана на таа должност до расформирање на истиот (до ослободување на Битола на 4 ноември 1944 година) ".

Во Изјавата од Митревски Видан - Крсте (Господ), учесник во НОБ (Народноослободителна борба на Македонија) од 1941 година (Изјавата е дадена на 04.05.1985 година) е напишано: "Изјавувам дека другарот Тале Огненовски и неговиот брат Цане (Александар) Огненовски, ги познавам уште од партизани во 1943 година кога јас и Наум Василевски - Овчарот (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наум_Веслиевски) од село Златари  со Партизанскиот баталјон „Мирче Ацев“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“), се сретнавме со нив во шумата кај село Брајчино (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Брајчино), Преспа (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa). Овде добро се запознавме со Тале Огненовски и со неговиот брат Цане (Александар) Огненовски. Тогаш Цане (Александар) Огненовски ми ги поправи кондурите. Исто така со Тале Огненовски и неговиот брат Цане (Александар) Огненовски се видовме кога Партизанскиот баталјон „Мирче Ацев“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Партизански_баталјон_„Мирче_Ацев“) дојде во село Сливово (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovo,_Debarca https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сливово), Debarca (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debarca https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дебрца) на 11.11.1943 година и се приклучи на Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада, (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада )... Кога ја напуштивме Дебарца (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дебрца) на 5.12.1943 година и заминавме во Егејска Македонија (Грција), каде бевме распоредени во селата: Герман German (Agios Germanos) (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Герман_(Леринско), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agios_Germanos), Буф (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Буф) и Раби (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Р’мби), останато ми е во сеќавање кога другарот Тале Огненовски свиреше во село Герман (на 9 декември 1943 година) а целата бригада (Првата македонско-косовска ударна бригада  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада ) учествуваше во заедничкото оро со селаните. Исто така познато ми е дека Тале Огненовски во септември 1944 година беше одговорен во својство командант – управник на партизанскиот затвор во островото Голем Град (Golem Grad  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Голем_Град) на Преспанско езеро (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Преспанско_Езеро  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Prespa ). Така остана до ослободување на Македонија.
Извор: Изјава напишана од Фана Кочовска
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ од ноември 1980 година), Изјава на Митревски Видан - Крсте (Господ (од 4.05.1995)) и Книгата: Macedonian: “БОРБЕНИ АКТИВНОСТИ ВО ЗАПАДНА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1941 - 1944“ напишана од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, Белград, Југославија, 1983 година, книгоиздателство:  ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113 - 199.; Serbian: “БОРБЕНА ДЕЈСТВА У ЗАПАДНОЈ МАКЕДОНИЈИ 1941 - 1944.“ од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски) и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, БЕОГРАД, 1983, Југославија. И з д а в а ч: ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113 - 199.; English: “COMBAT ACTIVITIES IN WESTERN MACEDONIA 1941 - 1944“ by Dane Petkovski and Vlado Strezovski, BELGRADE, 1983, Yugoslavia, Publishing house: VOJNOIZDAVACHKI ZAVOD; pp. 113 - 199. http://www.znaci.net/00003/395.pdf) Bibliographic information of the book: Title “Borbena dejstva u zapadnoj Makedoniji 1941-1944” (“Combat operations in western Macedonia 1941-1944”); Author Dane Petkovski; Publisher Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, Jugoslavija (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983; Length 337 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201124102929/https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y ), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада).

4.) „Втората македонска ударна бригада“

Тале Огненовски беше партизан на Народноослободителниот партизански баталјон „Страшо Пинџур“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителен_баталјон_„Страшо_Пинџур“) и беше присутен заедно со неговиот брат Цане (Александар) Огненовски и заедно со останатите 480 партизани на 20 декември 1943 година во селото Fustani (Greek: Φούστανη, MacedonianФуштани (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фуштани), translit. Fuštani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foustani) во регионалната единица Пела на Грција (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella_(regional_unit)), каде „Втората македонска ударна бригада“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада) беше формирана. Командант на „Втората македонска ударна бригада“ беше Димче Туриманџовски (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Диме_Туриманџовски) а негов заменик беше Лазо Калајџиски (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Лазар_Калајџиски). Членот на Врховниот штаб на Народноослободителната армија и партизанските одреди на Југославија (The member of the Supreme Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of YugoslaviaSupreme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Headquarters_(Yugoslav_Partisans)) и делегатот на Централниот комитет на Комунистичката партија на Југославија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Communists_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сојуз_на_комунистите_на_Југославија), Светозар Вукмановиќ – Темпо (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svetozar_Vukmanović  https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Светозар_Вукмановиќ_–_Темпо) и генерал Михајло Апостолски  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihajlo_Apostolski https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Михајло_Апостолски), Командант на Народноослободителната армија на Македонија (Macedonian: Народноослободителна Војска на Македонија) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија) беа присутни на формирањето на „Втора македонска ударна бригада“ на 20 декември 1943 година. Тале Огненовски, кларинетист и композитор примил како подарок плакета направена од дрво и метал на 20 декември 1978 година во градот Неготино, Република Македонија како комеморативен подарок за 35-годишнината на основањето на Втората македонска ударна бригада (Macedonian: Втората македонска ударна бригада) на 20 декември 1943 година во село Fustani (Greek: Φούστανη, MacedonianФуштани (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фуштани), translit. Fuštani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foustani) ) во регионалната единица Пела на Грција. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella_(regional_unit)), каде е формирана „Втора македонска ударна бригада“. На оваа плакета од дрво беа врежани зборовите: „Втора македонска ударна бригада 1943 Фуштани Тале Огненовски“. Извор: Изјава напишана од Фана Кочовска (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ од ноември 1980 година), Изјава на Митревски Видан - Крсте (Господ (од 4.05.1995)) и Книгата: Macedonian: “БОРБЕНИ АКТИВНОСТИ ВО ЗАПАДНА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1941 - 1944“ напишана од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, Белград, Југославија, 1983 година, книгоиздателство:  ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113 - 199.; Serbian: “БОРБЕНА ДЕЈСТВА У ЗАПАДНОЈ МАКЕДОНИЈИ 1941 - 1944.“ од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски) и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, БЕОГРАД, 1983, Југославија. И з д а в а ч: ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113 - 199.; English: “COMBAT ACTIVITIES IN WESTERN MACEDONIA 1941 - 1944“ by Dane Petkovski and Vlado Strezovski, BELGRADE, 1983, Yugoslavia, Publishing house: VOJNOIZDAVACHKI ZAVOD; pp. 113 - 199. http://www.znaci.net/00003/395.pdf) Bibliographic information of the book: Title “Borbena dejstva u zapadnoj Makedoniji 1941-1944” (“Combat operations in western Macedonia 1941-1944”); Author Dane Petkovski; Publisher Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, Jugoslavija (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983; Length 337 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201124102929/https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y ), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia#Formation_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_of_Macedonia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Прва_македонско-косовска_ударна_бригада).(https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Втора_македонска_ударна_бригада)

Целата фамилија на Тале Огненовски активно работеше за Народноослободителна борба на Македонија од 1941 година.

Тале Огненовски (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тале_Огненовски  http://www.taleognenovski.mk  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski) беше носител на „Партизанска споменица 1941“ ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commemorative_Medal_of_the_Partisans_of_1941 https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partizanska_spomenica_1941.), Бр. 25021 и Медал бр. 24198) со декрет потпишан од министерот за одбрана на поранешна Југославија, армискиот генерал Иван Гошњак (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Gošnjak https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Иван_Гошњак) на 20 јуни 1961 година во Белград, Социјалистичка Федеративна Република Југославија. Југославија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Социјалистичка_Федеративна_Република_Југославија). „Партизанска споменица 1941“ ​​и им беше доделена на сите борци (партизани) и раководители на Националното ослободително движење (НОП), кои се вклучија во Национално-ослободителна борба (НОБ) во Југославија во 1941 година.

Неговата мајка Фанија (Ванка) Огненовска беше учесник во НОБ од 1941 година и за нејзините големи заслуги за слободата на Македонија и беше доделена национална пензија со Решение на Административната комисија на Сојузниот извршен совет на СФРЈ број 05-4010 од 1962 година и број 58-689/65 (П.бр. 3052) од 01.01.1965 година  а Јосип Броз Тито (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито), претседател на Федералната Народна Република Југославија, и го додели одликувањето „Орден за заслуги за народ со сребрена звезда“ со Уредбата бр. 197 од 7 декември 1963 година за организирање и зајакнување на националната одбрана, безбедност и независност на земјата и нејзино учество во Народноослободителната војна на Македонија и Југославија во Втората светска војна (1941 - 1945). Нејзината куќа во селото Брусник, Битола се користеше за одржување состаноци и врски на комунистичката партиската организација со партизанскиот одред.;
Неговиот брат Цане (Александар) Огненовски (беше Македонски партизан ) и загинал во НОБ во април 1944 година во село Рудари, Грција
(https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рудари_(село)); Посмртно на 29 ноември 1950 година во Белград, Југославија, година Министерот за одбрана, Врховниот командант на Југословенската армија Јосип Броз Тито (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито) му додели ”Споменица за вечен спомен и слава на паднатите борци на Народноослободителна војна на Југославија” број на Споменицата 234705.
За учеството на фамилијата на Тале Огненовски во НОБ (Народно Ослободителна Борба) на Македонија е опишано во книгите: Macedonian: "Доследни на заветот"
, од Панде Ташкоски, издавачка куќа Култура, 1965 година, Скопје, Република Македонија; стр. 37-38; 59-61; 64-68; English:"Consistent with the Covenant" https://books.google.mk/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y) by Pande Tashkoski, Kultura Publishing House, 1965, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; pp. 37-38; 59-61; 64-68; Bibliographic information of the book: Title "Доследни на заветот" / "Dosledni na zavetot" (Consistent with the covenant); Author Панде Ташкоски (Pande Tashkoski); Publisher Култура (Kultura), 1965; Length 297 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y https://web.archive.org/save/https://books.google.com/books/about/Доследни_на_заветот.html?id=LpohtwAACAAJ&redir_esc=



а  се прикажани и во филмот „Македонски дел од пеколот“ (https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Македонски_дел_од_пеколот;  (Macedonian Part of Hell (1971) Makedonskiot del od pekolot (original title) 1h 44min 21 October 1971 (Yugoslavia), Production Co:       Vardar Film, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. At Pula Film Festival of Yugoslavian Films, Pula, Yugoslavia, 1972 First award for the scenario of this film received: Slavko Janevski, Pande Tashkoski and Vatroslav Mimica. ) http://www.maccinema.com/Catalog.aspx?p=68   https://web.archive.org/web/20201024123310/http://www.maccinema.com/Catalog.aspx?p=68    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172762/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0          https://web.archive.org/save/https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172762/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

КНИГА Macedonian: "Хроника на Битолско Лавци"/ "Hronika na bitolsko Lavci" ("Chronicle of the Bitola Lavci")   од Константинов, Хр. Душко, Константинов, Хр. Милош, Цингаровски, Ан. Коста-Кочо. ЦИНГАРОВСКИ, КОСТА АН. КОНСТАНТИНОВ, МИЛОШ ХРИСТОВ, 1962 година, Битола, Република Македонија, English: "Chronicle of the Bitola Lavci", Authors: Konstantinov, Hr. Dushko, Konstantinov, Hr. Milosh; Cingarovski, An. Kosta-Kocho. CINGAROVSKI, KOSTA AN. KONSTANTINOV, MILOSH HRISTOV ; 1962, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia; OCLC Number: 15173637;; https://www.worldcat.org/title/hronika-na-bitolsko-lavci/oclc/15173637  https://web.archive.org/web/20201124191428/https://www.worldcat.org/title/hronika-na-bitolsko-lavci/oclc/15173637);

Macedonian:  „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ од Александар Стерјовски CIP 908.497.17 - Каталогизација во публикација, Матична и универзитетска библиотека „Климент Охридски“, Битола, Република Македонија, стр. 66-68; 85; 137-138, English: "BRUSNIK on the 600 th  anniversary of establishment" by Aleksandar Sterjovski, CIP 908.497.17 - Cataloging in Publication, Home and University Library "Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Republic of Macedonia published by the Society for Science and Art, 1992. Pages pp. 66-68; 85; 137-138;; Bibliographic information of the book: Title „БРУСНИК 600 години од основањето“ / "Brusnik  600 godini od osnovanjeto" (Brusnik on the 600 th anniversary of establishment); Author Александар Стерјовски / Aleksandar Sterjovski ; Publisher Brusnik : Odbor za odbeležuvanje na jubilejot na s. Brusnik ; Bitola : Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1992, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Length 146 pages; OCLC Number: 441004342. https://www.worldcat.org/title/brusnik-600-godini-od-osnovanjeto/oclc/441004342


КНИГА (Macedonian: “Битолските Народно ослоботителни партизански одреди”, издавач: “Друштвото за наука и уметност” од Битола, Република Македонија ”, 1982), English:”People's Liberation Partisans Units of Macedonia from Bitola” published by ”Association for Science and Arts” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia” in 1982.; Извор: Изјава напишана од Фана Кочовска (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fana_Kochovska; https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фана_Кочовска-Цветковиќ од ноември 1980 година), Изјава на Митревски Видан - Крсте (Господ (од 4.05.1995)) и Книгата: Macedonian: “БОРБЕНИ АКТИВНОСТИ ВО ЗАПАДНА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1941 - 1944“ напишана од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, Белград, Југославија, 1983 година, книгоиздателство:  ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113, 125.; Serbian: “БОРБЕНА ДЕЈСТВА У ЗАПАДНОЈ МАКЕДОНИЈИ 1941 - 1944.“ од ДАНЕ ПЕТКОВСКИ (https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дане_Петковски) и ВЛАДО СТРЕЗОСКИ, БЕОГРАД, 1983, Југославија. И з д а в а ч: ВОЈНОИЗДАВАЧКИ ЗАВОД; стр. 113, 125.; English: “COMBAT ACTIVITIES IN WESTERN MACEDONIA 1941 - 1944“ by Dane Petkovski and Vlado Strezovski, BELGRADE, 1983, Yugoslavia, Publishing house: VOJNOIZDAVACHKI ZAVOD; pp. 113, 125.. http://www.znaci.net/00003/395.pdf) Bibliographic information of the book: Title “Borbena dejstva u zapadnoj Makedoniji 1941-1944” (“Combat operations in western Macedonia 1941-1944”); Author Dane Petkovski; Publisher Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, Jugoslavija (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983; Length 337 pages https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y   https://web.archive.org/web/20201124102929/https://books.google.com/books/about/Borbena_dejstva_u_zapadnoj_Makedoniji_19.html?id=opCBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y ),

Од 7.000 партизани кон крајот на 1943 година, па сè до конечните воени операции во Југословенската народноослободителна војна (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia ) во април 1945 година Националната ослободителна армија и партизанските одреди на Македонија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Народноослободителна_војска_на_Македонија) се зголеми на три корпуси, седум дивизии и триесет бригади, сите со вкупно 100.000 војници (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia ). Република Македонија ја стекна почитта кон своите сојузници преку својот придонес во победата над фашизмот. Се здоби со признание за новоформираната македонска република од страна на сојузниците. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allies_of_World_War_II ), иако во рамките на Југословенската федерација (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia).
Националната ослободителна армија и партизанските одреди на Македонија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Partisans) бе
а дел од Ослободителна народна армија и партизанските Одреди на Југославија (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Partisans  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia)  командувани од Јосип Броз Тито (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_Tito https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јосип_Броз_-_Тито) во Втората светска војна. До април 1945 година, партизаните броеја над 800.000 војници.

Tale Ognenovski received the "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003 for his contributions to Macedonian culture.
Award No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11".  Photo: Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003. 

Tale Ognenovski received the "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003 for his contributions to Macedonian culture.
Award No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11". Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03, first from right) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Tale Ognenovski received the "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003 for his contributions to Macedonian culture.
Award No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11". 

Photo: Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer, Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped  at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Vest”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer (third from left) and Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia (third from right) at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Vest”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003

Tale Ognenovski received the "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003 for his contributions to Macedonian culture.
Award No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11". Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03, first from right) and two with the date of 25 September 2003. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

“Tale Ognenovski is maestro of improvisation and creativity… His authenticity feeling for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent…”
In the programme “Folklorni odblesoci” of Nacional Macedonian Radio of Macedonian Radio Television, broadcasted on October 22, 2003, Kiril Todevski, the author of the programme said about Tale Ognenovski, “Tale Ognenovski won “11 October award” for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art… During last six decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation. He has composed and arranged 200 Macedonian folk dances… He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner… His authenticity feeling for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent. He combines beautiful tone with unique technique… He is maestro of improvisation and creativity; he starts with a motive, a theme, and then develops a complex instrumental content…  In his performances he demonstrates fascinate invention and virtuosity…  Tale Ognenovski has demonstrate his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: “The Folk Music Orchestra”, the “Chalgii” orchestra and “The Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra”... From him, how to preserve creative perfection in folk musical reproduction learned, learn, and will learn numerous folk instrumentalists…”

Tale Ognenovski received the "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003 for his contributions to Macedonian culture.
Award No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11". Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03, first from right) and two with the date of 25 September 2003. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003

Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009.
Tale Ognenovski’s Photos published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 29, 2009; Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski"

“One hundred and fifty arranged and composed Macedonian folk dances, 12 jazz compositions, several concerts of classical music, twenty gramophone records, three CDs and a general impression that he is clarinet virtuoso – this is short CV of our most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. For his music and his 87th birthday April 27, 2009 he received recognition "Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski", from editors of All About Jazz (www.allaboutjazz.com)  jazz music website  with announcement published at All About Jazz  website … http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM “I am very joyful for this recognition, "Jazz Musician of the Day", very happy, very delighted. It is a great prize, including any that I have gained during my career, including the top for me - award "October 11", the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia” - tells us Tale Ognenovski at the meeting which we had at his home in Skopje ... Tale Ognenovski is constantly surrounded by the love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska… At the request of the Director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" Emanuel Chuchkov, the young clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, then the member of Police Wind Orchestra of Republic of Macedonia was loaned to the ensemble as strengthening his United States of America tour in 1956. Ensemble will hold 66 concerts and the tour began with show (20 minute concert) on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", ", shown on  CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. – “A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and would be good for us in Republic of Macedonia to have a copy” - says Stevan Ognenovski… So begins and concert activity of Tale Ognenovskii with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and other companies and orchestras that allowed him to play at the most famous concert venues in the world. Until the seventies of the last century he performed with the orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television – The Folk Music Orchestra, the Authentic Orchestra of Folk Instruments, "Chalgii" Orchestra and in “Tancov” Orchestra. Meanwhile Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra", that continues to make music ... His dances are performed in Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria ... The most famous dances composed by Tale Ognenovski are: Brusnichko Oro, Kasapsko Oro, Kumovo Oro Chochek, Talevo Svadbarsko Oro, Bitolsko Oro, Resensko Oro, Pelistersko Oro, Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro ... Two dances devoted to his wife Nevena Ognenovska: Nevenino Oro and Nevenino Lavchansko Oro…“We had a wonderful mother Nevena Ognenovska who took care not to feel his commitment and his absences due his concerts worldwide. She was a very supportive to my father in his career” - says his son Stevan Ognenovski … With the help of his family (his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska) and the donors (Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski,Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje) who support his music Tale Ognenovski has released three CD albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) …Tale Ognenovski was happiest during the  recording sessions of  last three CD albums with accompany by his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipes) ... My jazz compositions cannot be compared with any Macedonian folk dance. Some ask me whether in my jazz compositions are recognized Macedonia, and I say yes, Macedonia performed by Tale Ognenovski. The Jazz otherwise I practice since 1992 and my jazz is a Macedonian jazz which is different from others ... I've played all over the world. But I had played also for Josip Broz Tito, the former President of Yugoslavia every time when he visited Republic of Macedonia. Once I played for him in Brdo Castle near Kranj in Slovenia ..." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Magazine “Tea Moderna”, July 29, 2009.


Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer with the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор” written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and with the Award “11 October” / “11 Октомври”, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia - Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009. "Tale Ognenovski is always  environed with love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Tea Moderna, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 29, 2009.Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet and with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. – Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  
Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003

Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959… Parts of the articles in the newspapers: “…some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…,” written by John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956,  Title: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,"  is related to my appearance at world-famous Carnegie Hall as reed pipe and clarinet soloist. 
“…When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica,"  which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake." They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...,” written by Claudia Cassidy, title: "On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance", and published in the newspaper Chicago Daily Tribune, on  February 6, 1956. I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in Sopska Poskocica ("Shopska potskoknuvachka") but also and arranger of music because I added my own musical phrases and improvisations in more parts of the dance. I performed with much faster rhythm than appear in the original version of this folk dance, which contribute all articles in the newspapers for this dance to be brilliants. 
“…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." Written by Walter Terry, title: 'Yugoslav Folk Ballet", New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956. 
“…This group would be hard to beat…”  written by Albert Goldeberg, title "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement",  Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1956.
“…"Macedonian Tune," which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." Written by R. H. Hagan, title "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky' ", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.
“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has never seen." Title: "Dance Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslav come to U.S.", Life, USA, April 9, 1956. 
My contribution for these wonderful articles in the newspapers was the greatest regarding the other musicians of Ensemble “Tanec”.  I was virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist in the most parts of the programme of Ensemble “Tanec.” I was Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Macedonian Radio Television.” I performed with many Cultural Artistically Societies. I recorded many gramophone records.   On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.com.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.
Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003

Tale Ognenovski laureate for longstanding achievements in culture. Recognized as National Artist"
Tale Ognenovski is the people's favorite and unreservedly recognized national artist not only here in the country Republic of Macedonia but in the world ... Tale Ognenovski composed many folk dances in which we felt his relationship to the traditions because his dances in the true sense of the word are in continuity with the traditional folk dances. Tale Ognenovski is unsurpassed master because from the tiniest light motive can build a complete dance instrumental work that youth is a template on which to educate. Therefore the size of this folk artist is measured not only by his personality as a musician and artist but also his contribution to our entire folklore legitimacy.  Photo published in the newspaper “Vecher”, October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article entitled: “Today in Parliament of Republic of Macedonia awarding of this year's award "October 11". Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Tale Ognenovski received the “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje
on May 27, 1996.
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia. In the text of this plaque is written: “The Association of Stage Artists of Republic of Macedonia awarded Tale Ognenovski with “Honorary Macedonian Stage Award” for successful entertainer activity over 20 years”. President Bozhidar Noev. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 27, 1996

 " Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije”. (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”)
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer won the “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31,1978. (No. 38).

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia).  In the text of this plaque is written: “Secretariat of Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia awarded Tale Ognenovski  with “Yugoslavian Stage Award” in the form of a plaque for the significant results achieved in the creative work of the expansion and improvement of the stage art in Yugoslavia”, President, Miljenko Prohaska, Number: 38. Zagreb, Croatia, October 31, 1978

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient..

Photo published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia in the news titled: “Awarding of the first 40 decisions for national pensions. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski on 03.03.2012 granted the first 40 decisions for national pensions in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Culture ", published on March 15, 2012, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. http://web.archive.org/web/20120323001202/http://www.kultura.gov.mk/index.php/foto-galerii/430-dodeluvanje-na-prvite-40-resenija-za-nacionalni-penzii

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient..
Certificate for National Pension No. 51-238/1 dated January 11, 2012 was signed by Minister for Culture of Republic of Macedonia, Mrs. Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska, Mag. Scient.

Other awards and honours: 
Tale Ognenovski is a winner of the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1947, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. At this festival participated folk dance groups from the towns of Bitola, Skopje, Prilep, Tetovo, Gevgelija, Debar, Ohrid, Kichevo, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Makedonski Brod, Demir Hisar, Struga, Resen and Krushevo.
“Diplom for a highly qualified musician” from the Association of musicians of folk and entertaining music from Macedonia (signed by the composer Stefan Gajdov), on September 3, 1961, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Parliament of the town of Skopje (signed by Blagoj Popov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 20, 1969.
“Spomenica” (“Memorial Recognition”) from the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ (signed by Toma Leov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1969.
“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Cultural Artists Association ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Blazhe Sekulovski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on June 3, 1971.
“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Cultural House ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Petar Bogatinovski and Stanimir Andreevski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 27, 1974.
“Priznanie” (“Recognition”) from the Cultural Education Union of Skopje (signed by Dr. Tome Sazdov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 5, 1975.
“Diplom” from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Boris Nizamovski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1977.
“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov”, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 2, 1980.
“Plaketa 4 Juli” (“Plaque July 4th”) on July 4th, 1983, Belgrade, Serbia (in former Yugoslavia) for his musical works, from Savez boraca narodnooslobodilačkog rata Jugoslavije (Macedonian: Сојуз на борците од народноослободителната војна на Југославија“ (“Alliance of Fighters of the Yugoslav People's Liberation War”) signed by Rudi Kolak.
“Pofalnica” (“Recognition”) from “Dom na VVI I borci od NOV-Skopje” (“House of Alliance of Fighters of the Macedonian People's Liberation War, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”) and the Committee of the “Borec” Choir on the 10th anniversary of its founding (signed by Branko Ichokjaev and Ljubica Ivanovska), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1984.
“Estradna nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 15, 1985.

“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia (signed by Cane Skerlevski), in Brusnik, Bitola on August 8-9, 1992.
"Blagodarnica od Radio Ros za zhivotno delo" (“Gratitude Recognition from Radio Ros for life time achievement in music of Republic of Macedonia”) This is an honorary award for life work from the folk radio "Radio Ros", (signed by the director Aleksandar Dimitrov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 7, 2000. Tale Ognenovski received this award in the 'Universal Hall' on the Folk Festival "Ros 2000”. 

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received a prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award “10 Folk Biseri 2001”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls 2001 for Lifetime Achievement” - Macedonian: 10 Фолк Бисери 2001 - Животно дело) in the Macedonian National Theatre, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on February 19, 2002. This Lifetime Achievement Award sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television was made of gold sheath on the metal base with figure of microphone (30.0 cm tall)
Tale Ognenovski, received “Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"” for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture on October 30, 2014. Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, received Gratitude” from Zoran Dzorlev, Director of the Ensemble “Tanec” at the ceremony in the "Museum of the Macedonian Struggle", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.


“Diplom for a highly qualified musician” from the Association of musicians of folk and entertaining music from Macedonia (signed by the composer Stefan Gajdov), on September 3, 1961, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Diploma for a certificate for the highly qualified musician. In the text of this Diploma is written: “Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, People's Republic of Macedonia, Association of the musicians of the popular and folk music in the People's Republic of Macedonia - Diploma for a certificate for the highly qualified musician - Association of the musicians of the popular and folk music in the People's Republic of Macedonia on the basis of the decision of the Board of examiners for the conduction exams for highly qualified musician Association of the musicians of the popular and folk music in the People's Republic of Macedonia and in accordance with Article 7 of the Rules for taking the exam for highly qualified musician, this diploma is issued to Tale Ognenovski who was born in 1922 in the village of Brusnik, Bitola, People's Republic of Macedonia, nationality: Macedonian, a citizen of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia which on day 2 February 1955 laid a loaf exam and on the basis of this, it is recognized qualifications for highly qualified musician in the corresponding profession art, profession musician clarinetist. President of the Commission, Stefan Gajdov. Diplom No. 136, September 3, 1961, Skopje, People's Republic of Macedonia.

“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Parliament of the town of Skopje (signed by Blagoj Popov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 20, 1969.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, "Memorial Plaque" (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) from ”City Assembly of the City of Skopje”. In the text of this Recognition is written: "City Assembly of the City of Skopje based on Article 1, 2 and 3 of the decision to grant awards, awards Tale Ognenovski with the Recognition called, "Memorial Plaque" (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) in recognition for special contributions to the city of Skopje – President, Blagoj Popov. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, January 20, 1969". Together with this Recognition Tale Ognenovski received plaque made from metal with emblem of city of Skopje

“Spomenica” (“Memorial Recognition”) from the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ (signed by Toma Leov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1969.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Spomenica” from "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" on the occasion 20 years of the existence of Tanec” (1949 – 1969) signed by Toma Leov, Director of Ensemble “Tanec” in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1969

“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Cultural Artists Association ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Blazhe Sekulovski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on June 3, 1971.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, “Gratitude” from “Cultural Artists Association Kocho Racin”” - Skopje. In the text of this Recognition is written: “Cultural Artists Association Kocho Racin”” - Skopje on the 25th anniversary of its foundation awards Tale Ognenovski with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница“) for his participation in the work of the sections and administrations of “Cultural Artists Association Kocho Racin”” - Skopje. - President Blazhe Sekulovski, June 3, 1971. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Cultural House ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Petar Bogatinovski and Stanimir Andreevski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 27, 1974.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, "The Memorial Plaque” (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) from "House of Culture of construction workers "Koco Racin" - Skopje. In the text of this Recognition is written: "House of Culture of construction workers "Koco Racin" - Skopje on the occasion of 20 -anniversary of its foundation awards Tale Ognenovski with the Recognition called, "The Memorial Plaque” (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) for many years of active cooperation in the development and promotion of cultural and educational, artistic and entertainment activities of the "House of Culture of construction workers "Koco Racin" - Skopje. Director Petar Bogatinovski, Chairman of the Council, Stanimir Andreevski. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, November 27, 1974"

“Priznanie” (“Recognition”) from the Cultural Education Union of Skopje (signed by Dr. Tome Sazdov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 5, 1975.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received “Recognition” (Macedonian: “Признание”) from "The presidency of cultural and educational community in Skopje”. In the text of this “Recognition” is written, "The presidency of cultural and educational community in Skopje marking the thirty years of the development of art and culture self-activities in Skopje awarded this “Recognition” to Tale Ognenovski for outstanding contribution to the realization and promotion of art and culture self-activities - President, Dr. Tom Sazdov, 5 December 1975. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia".

“Diplom” from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Boris Nizamovski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1977.

"“The Association of Scene Artists of Socialist Republic of Macedonia” on the occasion of 10 -anniversary of its foundation awards Tale Ognenovski with the Recognition called, "The Memorial Diploma” (Macedonian: “Спомен Диплома”) for active participation and contribution to the advancement of the scene activity - President Boris Nizamovski. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1977"

“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov”, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 2, 1980.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница) from Institute of Folklore" Marko Cepenkov "- Skopje. In the text of this Recognition is written: "The Institute of Folklore" Marko Cepenkov "- Skopje on the occasion of 30 -anniversary of its foundation awards Tale Ognenovski with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" for outstanding contribution to the operation, development and promotion of the Institute of Folklore" Marko Cepenkov "- Skopje, Skopje, Republic Macedonia. October 2, 1980”

“Plaketa 4 Juli” (“Plaque July 4th”) on July 4th, 1983, Belgrade, Serbia (in former Yugoslavia) for his musical works, from Savez boraca narodnooslobodilačkog rata Jugoslavije (Macedonian: Сојуз на борците од народноослободителната војна на Југославија“ (“Alliance of Fighters of the Yugoslav People's Liberation War”) signed by Rudi Kolak.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from “Сојузниот одбор на Сојузот на здруженијата на борците од народноослободителната војна на Југославија” on July 4, 1989. In the text of this plaque is written: "Commonwealth Committee of the Union of Associations of the veterans of the war of liberation to Yugoslavia allocating this Plaque on Tale Ognenovski for their special contribution to the operation and development of the organization "- President, Rudi Kolak, Belgrade, 4 July 1989

“Pofalnica” (“Recognition”) from “Dom na VVI I borci od NOV-Skopje” (“House of Alliance of Fighters of the Macedonian People's Liberation War, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”) and the Committee of the “Borec” Choir on the 10th anniversary of its founding (signed by Branko Ichokjaev and Ljubica Ivanovska), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1984.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Pofalnica". In the text of this Recognition is written: “Home of the war invalids and veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia, the Union of Associations of Veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia - Skopje and the Board of chorus "Borec" on the occasion of the jubilee ten years anniversary of foundation awarded this Recognition entitled, "Pofalnica" to Tale Ognenovski for special contribution in the formation of the chorus, directly active participation in the successful realization of its functions for the cooperation and help for the direct realization of the purposes for which that exist," – Ljubica Ivanovska, Director of the house of the war invalids and veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia and Branko Ichokaev, President of the Board of chorus "Borec", 1984, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Gratitude” (Macedonian: ”Благодарница”). In the text of this Recognition is written: “Union of Associations of Veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia – Home of the war invalids and veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia – Skopje” awarded this “Gratitude” to Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist for a special contribution to preservation of  the traditions of the National Liberation War of Macedonia and Revolution.” May 9, 1984. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

“Estradna nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 15, 1985.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia. In the text of this plaque is written: “The Association of Stage Artists of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia awarded Tale Ognenovski with “Macedonian Stage Award” as a sign of recognition of the fundamental merits for the expansion and improvement of the stage art in Macedonia”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1985


“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia (signed by Cane Skerlevski), in Brusnik, Bitola on August 8-9, 1992.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, “Gratitude” from the “Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik”. In the text of this Recognition is written: “The ”Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik” awards Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница“) for his contribution to successful celebration. - President Cane Skerlevski, August 8-9, 1992. Village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia”

"Blagodarnica od Radio Ros za zhivotno delo" (“Gratitude Recognition from Radio Ros for life time achievement in music of Republic of Macedonia”) This is an honorary award for life work from the folk radio
"Radio Ros", (signed by the director Aleksandar Dimitrov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 7, 2000. Tale Ognenovski received this award in the 'Universal Hall' on the Folk Festival "Ros 2000”.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница) in the ceremony at the Universal Hall in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”.
In the text of this  Recognition is written: "Radio Ros awards Tale Ognenovski with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" for Lifetime Achievement in music – Director, Aleksandar Dimitrov,
December 7, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia"

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer receiving the "Blagodarnica" (Gratitude). This is an honorary award for life long work from the folk radio "Radio Ros".
From left to right: Aleksandar Bichikliski, Zoran Markovski, and Tale Ognenovski. Photo by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the "Universal Hall" at Folk Festival “Ros 2000”,
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 7, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music in history. Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. He performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…  The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall.   

*Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  on  TV Programme "OMNIBUS" on January 22, 1956.

Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television ‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 66 concerts in many towns throughout the United States. A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink https://lccn.loc.gov/88705799  or on the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS’ Internet Web site, http://catalog.loc.gov with Keyword = Ansambl za narodni igri i pesni Tanec is written: Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; Producer, Robert Saudek. Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22 Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance
 troupe from Macedonia (20 min.)...

The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skillhttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ( https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ) , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE )  written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.  

Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and for clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) player Tale Ognenovski, " The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Artist Biography of Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503       https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503        http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe … An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” The above is from an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Folk Ballet,’ written by Walter Terry, and that appeared in the New York Herald Tribune on January 28, 1956. New York City, USA. Reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski.

“These perfect artists performed many marvelous dances, and the astonished audience greeted them with long applause. The program was filled with folk dances and songs. In the past we have had some interesting concerts from the East and West but none of them had been as successful and been so well-received by the public as the Yugoslav Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’. Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation...” wrote Robert Coleman in the New York Daily Mirror, New York City, USA on January 28, 1956.

“Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall... This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years. We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet.” From an article written by William Hawkins, and that appeared in the New York World Telegram, New York City, USA on January 28, 1956.

"Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans...When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as an unfair trade for the four little swans in ''Swan Lake''… '' From an article written by Claudia Cassidy and entitled “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.” It appeared in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, USA on February 6, 1956.


‘‘Until half-past eight, Carnegie Hall was full to capacity, without any of its near enough 3000 seats available... To choose which were the most successful of the program’s seventeen folk dances, when all were greeted with stormy applause, is really very difficult and risky... ‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was even repeated, and to repeat a performance on the American stage is a really rare and exclusive event…”, wrote Stjepan Pucak in his article entitled “First days in America” (Macedonian:  ““Првите денови во Америка”), published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 7, 1956.

“This was “Tanec,” the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet. “Tanec” means “dance,” but “dance” in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers... there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing... Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations…” From an article written by Samuel Singer entitled
“Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”. It appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer,  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA on February 8, 1956.

”Anyone watching the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet last night in Constitution Hall could have guessed without any difficulty the major emotions and situations involved in the dancing… A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show the girls how handsome and wonderful and brilliant and exciting and sensational their man friends are. It does. The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition...” This is from an article written by Paul Hume and entitled “Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works”. It appeared in The Washington Post and Times Herald, Washington, D.C., USA on February 10, 1956.


“…includes singers and mu­sicians as well: and singing may be part of the dance, just as musicians may take an active part... Last night’s program included songs and dances from Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Dalmacia. The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... one dance, Sopska Poskocica  it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective... The music, whether for singing or dancing, had the same spontaneous folk quality and an exotic character." From an article written by John Kraglund, entitled “Music in Toronto”and appearing in The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada on February 14, 1956.

‘The Macedonian Ensemble for folk dances and songs ‘Tanec’ has already been performing in America for several weeks... All the concerts have had record audiences… immediately after the performance in Carnegie Hall, the press wrote numerous compliments. Almost all articles in the newspapers were written in superlatives. Every impression of the concert was that this concert evening would remain unforgettable. There were many reasons for this but, primarily, it was the wonderful folk music with a full range of temperament and miraculous rhythm, voluminous colour and sonority, perfect coordination between the dancers and the musicians…‘‘ - This article, written by Naum Nachevski, appeared in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 18, 1956, under the title, “TANEC receive applause in America” (Macedonian:  ““Танец” собира аплаузи по Америка”).

‘The Macedonian Ensemble for folk dances and songs ‘Tanec’ has already been performing in America for several weeks... All the concerts have had record audiences… immediately after the performance in Carnegie Hall, the press wrote numerous compliments. Almost all articles in the newspapers were written in superlatives. Every impression of the concert was that this concert evening would remain unforgettable. There were many reasons for this but, primarily, it was the wonderful folk music with a full range of temperament and miraculous rhythm, voluminous colour and sonority, perfect coordination between the dancers and the musicians…‘‘ - This article, written by Naum Nachevski, appeared in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 18, 1956, under the title, “TANEC receive applause in America” (Macedonian:  ““Танец” собира аплаузи по Америка”).

The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply “Macedonian Tune,” which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud...” From an article written by R. H. Hagan, entitled “Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’” and appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, California, USA on March 8, 1956.

"For authentic folk dancing, wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style...They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe…" This comes from an article written by Albert Goldeberg, entitled “Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement” and published in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, USA on March 13, 1956.


*Life magazine article for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956. “A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... this spring, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet is making a first, and highly successful tour of the U.S. The skilful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded to perpetuate their country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials...Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen.” These words appeared in an article in Life magazine, USA, entitled “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to U.S.” on April 9, 1956. Vol 40, No. 15. In this issue on pages 173-174,      http://www.taleognenovski.mk/life.html


LIFE 9 Apr 1956


LIFE 9 Apr 1956



''Dance Observer'' commented: "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group" -  Article entitled ''Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, Carnegie Recital Hall, January 27, 1956'', Robert Sabin, ''Dance Observer'', Volumes 23-24, pp. 55. New York City. USA. April, 1956. 


"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour..."

"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour. Tanec means dance--including drama, song, and music--and that's what the company of some 40 members (who are interchangeably dancers, singers, and musicians) does... " - By Margaret Lloyd Dance Critic of Christian Science Monitor - Boston, Mass., , March 2, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav National Folk Ballet 'A Breath of Mountain Air'”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Christian Science Monitor can be read at website https://web.archive.org/web/20121004182314/http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/csmonitor_historic/access/273381722.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Mar+2%2C+1956&author=&pub=Christian+Science+Monitor++%281908-Current+file%29&edition=&startpage=9&desc=Yugoslav+National+Folk+Ballet

"Many an American who has never crossed the Atlantic is getting his first taste of European folk art this season, thanks to the celebrated Yugoslav National Fol Ballet, now on a Winter-Spring tour of principal... " - By Daily Boston Globe - Boston, Mass., , March 4, 1956.  Article: “The Boston Globe Feature Vacation Section EUROPEAN FESTIVALS Every Country Has Its Own Folk Art”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Daily Boston Globe can be read at website


"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet will begin a fifteen-week tour of the United States in January, under the auspices of Consolidated Concerts Corporation and the International Music Institute. This will be the first large-scale dance company from a former Iron Curtain country..." By The New York Times,  November 15, 1955. Article: “YUGOSLAV BALLET TO APPEAR IN U. S.; National Folk Unit, Planning 15-Week Tour, Will Make Debut Here in January”. Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


Article entitled: “CHOREOGRAPHIC VIGOR FROM MACEDONIA” for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performance in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. It appeared in the newspaper “The New York Times”, written by music  critic John Martin  on January 22, 1956, page 97. Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. The Ensemble arrived in New York City on January 21, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 68-69)





Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concert (“Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1) including Brusnichko oro, Poljansko oro, Stevchevo oro, Sharsko oro, Talevo kasapsko oro, Kasapsko oro,Bukovsko oro,  Nevenino oro, Kumovo oro chochek, Resensko oro, Talevo svadbarsko oro, Bukovsko svadbarsko oro, Pajdushko svadbarso oro, Pajdushkata oro, Drachevsko oro, Zajachko oro, Pelistersko oro, Caparsko oro, Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, Oreovsko oro, Nevenino lavchansko oro, Fanino oro, Micino oro, Sharsko kozarsko oro, Veleshko zhensko oro, Zhensko krsteno oro, Adana oro, Bitolsko oro, Pelagonisko oro, Mominsko oro, Ohridsko oro, Beranche (Bajrache) oro, Kalamatijana oro, Mashkoto oro, Nevestinsko oro, Kavadarsko oro, Skopski chochek, Zhensko kichevsko oro, Egejsko oro, Prilepsko svadbarsko oro, Deverovo oro, Dihovsko oro, Dimchevo oro, Ristevo oro, Prespansko oro, Berovsko zhensko oro, Negotinsko mashko oro, Gevgelisko zhensko oro, Delchevsko zhensko oro, Kumanovsko oro, Galichko oro, Piperkovo oro, Kavadarsko oro, Starsko zaramo oro, Pajdushko (Talevo) oro II, Pajdushko oro III, Chamiko oro, Vlashko oro, Patruno svadbeno oro, Oroto staro Kukushko, Shapkarevo kasapsko oro, Sechena krshlama oro, Harman kjojlisko oro, Pazjansko oro, Nunkova krshlama oro, Zaharievo oro, Lagadinsko rusalisko oro, Harman kjojska krshlama oro, Ajvatovsko oro, Bukovsko oro, Talevo svadbarsko oro, Kumovo oro, Nevestinsko oro, Jeni Jol, Kjupurlika, Demirhisarski zhensko oro, , Bitolsko za ramo, Skopski vessel chochek, Skopsko zhensko oro, Germijansko oro,  Oro“Poziv dojde”, Skudrinsko oro, Brusnichko mladinsko oro, Talevo Brusnichko oro,  Lamche  (Starsko oro), Ohridsko za raka, Kavadarsko svadbarsko oro,  Gorno selsko oro…
Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski recorded his 77 Folk Dances on 11 LPs (Long Play gramophone records), 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, one videotape with the Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia ,  PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824).

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... Tale Ognenovski recorded his 77 Folk Dances on 11 LPs (Long Play gramophone records), 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, one videotape with the Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia ,  PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia.
* Makedonska Ora (1963, EP 14700, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* Makedonska Ora (1964, EP 14702, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* Makedonska Ora (1964, EP 14703, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* Makedonska Ora (1964, EP 14704, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* Tale Ognenovski Klarinet sa Svojim Ansamblom (1965, EP 14711, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* Narodni Ora Tale Ognenovski so Chalgiite (1965, EP 14716, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* Makedonska Ora Svira na Klarineti Tale Ognenovski uz Svoj Ansambl (1967, EPY-3851, Jugoton, Croatia)
* Bitola, Babam Bitola, Makedonske Narodne Pjesme i Kola (1969, LPY-V 780, Jugoton, Croatia)
* Plesovi Naroda Jugoslavije (1971, LPYV-S-806, Jugoton, Croatia)
* Makedonska Ora Tale Ognenovski Klarinet sa Svojim Ansamblom (1972, EPY-34461, Jugoton, Croatia)
* Makedonska Narodna Ora (1972, LPY-50985, Jugoton, Croatia)
* Makedonska Ora Svira Ansambl Chalgija pod Vodstvom Tale Ognenovskim (1972, EPY-34489, Jugoton, Croatia)
* Tale Ognenovski Klarinet Svira Ora (1975, LPY-61143, Jugoton, Croatia)
* Tale Ognenovski Kavadarsko Svadbarsko Oro (1977, EP 14758, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* Makedonski Narodni Ora so Chalgiite na Tale Ognenovski, Staro Kukushko Oro (1979, LP 1495 Stereo, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* Makedonski Igraorni Ora Sviri Tale Ognenovski (1979, LP 1439 STEREO, PGP-RTB, Serbia)
* 35 Godini na RTV Skopje, Narodna Muzika (1979, ULS-578, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia)
* Tale Ognenovski so Orkestarot Chalgii na RTS (1989, MP 21037 Stereo, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia)
* 50 Godini na Makedonskata Radio Televizija, Antologija na Makedonskata Narodna Muzika, Svirachi Majstori (1994, MP 21176 Stereo, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia)
* Muzichki Spomenar (1994, Video Tape MP31087 VHS PAL Colour, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia)
* Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music (2001, IR04542, Independent Records, US)
* Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos (2006, IR37223, Independent Records, US)
* Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski (2008, IR38824, Independent Records,
* “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (2016, IR43832, Independent Records, US)

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical clarinet concerto entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”... Labels: MRT ( Macedonian Radio-Television) Republic of Macedonia PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia IR, Independent Records, USA.  31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

"Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..."
""Tanec" means "dance", but "dance" in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers...there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing...Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..." - By   Samuel Singer, The Philadelphia Inquirer,  , February 8, 1956.
Article: “Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 110-111.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

“…and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..."
"The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." - By R. H. Hagan, San Francisco Chronicle, March 8, 1956.  Article: "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’ ". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 114-119.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada, on February 13, 1956

Before the start of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada an February 13, 1956, the Artistic Director of the Hall told professor Asparuh Hadzi Nikolov, the Artistic Director of the Ensemble, that it was a tradition that every performer at Massey Hall played the Canadian National Anthem at the beginning of every concert.  Professor Hadzi Nikolov replied that it would not be possible for the Ensemble to play the Canadian National Anthem right then, but that if they had been given a score for the Anthem the previous day, then it would have been played. Tale Ognenovski overheard this conversation and announced that the National Anthem would be played immediately from the score. He was given the score and, as he had a ‘B’ clarinet he began to play one tone with transposition above, with other members of the Ensemble, Ivan Terziev (flute), Nikola Galevski (violin), Aleksandar Sarievski (accordion), Todor Pavlovski Totka (guitar) and Reshad Muharedov (drum) accompanying him without transposition, which is an easier way to play. It was a highly successful rendition of the National Anthem and the concert was as spectacular as the other concerts in United States. Only the greatest instrumentalists in the world could play a composition like the Canadian National Anthem without any preparation in advance and with transposition one tone above.

Music in Toronto      The Globe and Mail
"The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective ... " - By John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), , February 14, 1956. (Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 82-85.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Since it first opened in 1894, Massey Hall, with its capacity of 2700 seats, has been famous in Canada, the U.S. and Europe for its outstanding acoustics. Massey Hall’s first hundred years reads like a Who’s Who of the 20th century: Enrico Caruso, Winston Churchill, Booker T. Washington, Arturo Toscanini, George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Dylan, Harry Belafonte, Keith Richards, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti...

"For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat..."
"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet -- known at home as Tanec--excited a large audience... For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style … They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe..." - By Albert GoldbergLos Angeles Times, , March 13, 1956. Article: "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 120-123.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )
Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Los Angeles Times can be read at website

"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans... When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as a unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake"..." - Article: “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.”, written by  Claudia Cassidy,  Chicago Daily Tribune, , February 6, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 106-107. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )
Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Chicago Daily Tribune can be read at website


Life magazine article for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalvhe”) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.  In the article entitled, “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to
U.S.” published on April 9, 1956, Life magazine commented: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skillful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174.  (Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 121, 124-125. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )   All content (including images) of this Life magazine article can be read at website:

LIFE 9 Apr 1956



Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During an 84-day journey (January 22, 1956 - April 12, 1956) throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music.

"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet will begin a fifteen-week tour of the United States in January, under the auspices of Consolidated Concerts Corporation and the International Music Institute. This will be the first large-scale dance company from a former Iron Curtain country..." By The New York Times,  November 15, 1955. Article: “YUGOSLAV BALLET TO APPEAR IN U. S.; National Folk Unit, Planning 15-Week Tour, Will Make Debut Here in January”. Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


Article entitled: “CHOREOGRAPHIC VIGOR FROM MACEDONIA” for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performance in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. It appeared in the newspaper “The New York Times”, written by music  critic John Martin  on January 22, 1956, page 97. Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. The Ensemble arrived in New York City on January 21, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 68-69)


"Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation..." - By Robert Coleman,  New York Daily Mirror, January 28, 1956

“These perfect artists performed many marvelous dances, and the astonished audience greeted them with long applause. The program was filled with folk dances and songs. In the past we have had some interesting concerts from the East and West but none of them had been as successful and been so well-received by the public as the Yugoslav Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’. Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation...” wrote Robert Coleman in the New York Daily Mirror on January 28, 1956. 

We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet..." "Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall. This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years… We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet..." - By William Hawkins, New York World Telegram, January 28, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 100 - 101)

“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering”
“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) which surely pierced the air of classical Greece… An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” - Walter Terry, the New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 102-105)

“The freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair ...Transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall.”- William Hawkins, the New York World Telegram
“Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall... This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years. We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet.” From an article written by William Hawkins, and that appeared in the New York World Telegram on January 28, 1956.

"Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight... Display of Tremendous Skill… folk arts, comes from Macedonia… brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances… great individuality… incredible phrases… a raucous and  unforgettable pipe… spectacle… stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist… the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains... a dateless reed pipe…” -  The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956
The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40D15FB3F5B157B93CAAB178AD85F428585F9&scp=74&sq=John+Martin&st=p , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FA0C17F83A55177B93C7A91789D85F428585F9&scp=2&sq=Tanec&st=p , written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 72; 96-97.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

"A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show... The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition ... If you see "Tanec" which simply means "Dance" advertised again, you won’t want to miss it.."
"A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show the girls how handsome and wonderful and brilliant and exciting and sensational their man friends are. The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition ... If you see "Tanec" which simply means "Dance" advertised again, you won’t want to miss it... " - By Paul Hume,The Washington Post and Times Herald - Washington, D.C., , February 10, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 110-113)
Preview of this article from the Washington Post and Times Herald can be read at website 


"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour..."

"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour. Tanec means dance--including drama, song, and music--and that's what the company of some 40 members (who are interchangeably dancers, singers, and musicians) does... " - By Margaret Lloyd Dance Critic of Christian Science Monitor - Boston, Mass., , March 2, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav National Folk Ballet 'A Breath of Mountain Air'”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Christian Science Monitor can be read at website


"Many an American who has never crossed the Atlantic is getting his first taste of European folk art this season, thanks to the celebrated Yugoslav National Fol Ballet, now on a Winter-Spring tour of principal... " - By Daily Boston Globe - Boston, Mass., , March 4, 1956.  Article: “The Boston Globe Feature Vacation Section EUROPEAN FESTIVALS Every Country Has Its Own Folk Art”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Daily Boston Globe can be read at website


"The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group…”

''Dance Observer'' commented: "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group" -  Article entitled ''Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, Carnegie Recital Hall, January 27, 1956'', Robert Sabin, ''Dance Observer'', Volumes 23-24, pp. 55. New York City. USA. April, 1956.  https://books.google.com/books?redir_esc=y&output=html_text&id=_t0cAQAAMAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=REVIEWS+OF+Yugoslav+National+Folk+Ballet+Carnegie+Hall


Life magazine was a weekly news magazine with a strong emphasis on photojournalism. Grace Kelly was an American actress. She was featured on the cover of Life magazine on April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15. In this issue of the Life magazine on pages 173-174,  editorial board of the magazine published an article titled, “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, about performances of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956. All content (including images) of this Life magazine article can be read at website

Life magazine article for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalvhe”) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.  “…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..."... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S…” – Article entitled, “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to U.S.” published on April 9, 1956
In the article entitled, “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to U.S.” published on April 9, 1956, Life magazine commented: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skillful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174.  (Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 121, 124-125. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)  

All content (including images) of this Life magazine article can be read at website:

LIFE 9 Apr 1956



Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec’s” triumphant appearance on American television
‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States.  A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.  On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink  http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 is written: 
Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; 
Producer, Robert Saudek.
Published/Created: United States:
CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22
Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)... The segment entitled The Yugoslav national folk ballet is shown periodically throughout the episode.; LC control no. 88705799. 
With Ford Foundation funding, “Omnibus” introduced the best in dance, music, drama, opera, history, science and art and was the most successful cultural magazine series in the history of U.S. commercial television. The series won more than 65 awards, including seven Emmy Awards and two Peabody Awards. The series is held at The Library of Congress and Global ImageWorks, among other archives.
(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 70-71). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski added his own improvisations...the unique Sopska Poskocica earned an encore...

Following every concert of ‘Tanec’s’ North American tour, critics in almost every newspaper commented about the Macedonian folk dance ‘Sopska Poskocica’, “...in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica, it was nothing more than a demonstration in dancing. As such it was highly effective...A dance like Sopska Poskocica is produced to demonstrate...The speed at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of the six men who dance it, makes it unique…It earned an encore...” Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but he also helped arrange the music for he added his own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where Tale Ognenovski has performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist. 
Tale Ognenovski performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist 
The majority of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s programme comprised Macedonian folk dances and songs, while the remainder being Serbian and Croatian dances and songs, and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso and clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist for most parts of the programme, including the Macedonian folk dances ‘Bride’s Dance’ (‘Nevestinsko Oro’), ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘Shepherd’s Dance (‘Ovcharsko Oro’), ‘Soborski Igri’, other Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘Shote’, an Albanian folk dance. 

Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. The Ensemble arrived in New York City on January 20, 1956. The following day, on January 21, The New York Times newspaper ran an article entitled, “Crnogorka, Anyone? Yugoslav Dancing Troupe Shows How It Is Done”. It commented, “...Members of the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet dancing on board the liner Israel yesterday, after they arrived here... The forty-member group, which has attracted much attention in Europe, will give a recital in Carnegie Hall on Friday evening...The company will perform folk dances from Macedonia, Croatia, Herzegovina, Albania and Serbia in native costume.” 
Ensemble ‘Tanec’s North American tour was sponsored by International Artists in association with Charles E. Green and Lee V. Eastman. 
‘Tanec’s sixty-six performances in North America attracted much attention in the North American press.
Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 60-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. 
This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs. Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist.
Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 
‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ programme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’. 

During an 84-day journey throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. 
This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music. Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this giant success, first with their 72-concert tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956, and secondly with their 83-concert tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They played two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959. 
Members of ‘Tanec’ who participated in the concerts in the United States and Canada from January 22 until April 12, 1956, were the following: Doncheva Todorka, Vishinova Radmila, Krstic Dushica, Stojanova Zora, Arsova Desanka, Peshic Olga, Shijakovic Vera, Markova Lenche, Stojanova Radica, Videc Blaga, Ilieva Vaska, Kolarova Ljubica, Dilevska Roska, Petrushevski Dragan, Sarievski Aleksandar, Matevski Dojchin, Dobeski Krsto, Kolarovski Atanas, Livrinski Stanko, Mihajlovski Mihajlo, Cherepovski Trpe, Eftimovski Doncho, Vishinski Stanimir, Micevski Cvetko, Todevski Spase, Georgievski Stevo, Atanasovski Pece, Etemov Kemal, Georgievski Dushko, Velevski Blazhe, Pavlovski Todor, Jusufov Muharem Reshat, Terziev Ivan, Galevski Nikolaj, Hristovski Jonche, Ognenovski Tale and Tasevski Slave.
The Artistic Director was Prof. Asparuh Hadzi-Nikolov, and the Regisseur, Dimce Najdeski.

January 22, 1956 New York City Ford Foundation TV Program,
January 23, 1956 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania The Forum
January 24, 1956 White Plains, New York Westchester Country Center
January 25, 1956 Schenectady, New York Erie Theater
January 26, 1956 Perth Amboy, New Jersey Majestic Theater
January 27, 1956 New York City Carnegie Hall
January 28, 1956 Newark, New Jersey Mosque Theater
January 29, 1956 Worcester, Massachusetts Municipal Memorial Auditorium
January 30, 1956 Providence, Rhode Island War Memory Auditorium
January 31, 1956 Boston, Massachusetts Symphony Hall
February 1, 1956 Springfield, Massachusetts Auditorium
February 2, 1956 Hartford, Connecticut Bushnell Memorial Hall
February 4, 1956 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Civic Opera House
February 5, 1956 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Civic Opera House
February 7, 1956 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Academy of Music
February 8, 1956 Norfolk, Pennsylvania Center Theater
February 9, 1956 Washington, D.C. Constitution Hall
February 10, 1956 Baltimore, Maryland Lyric Theater
February 11, 1956 Richmond, Virginia Mosque Theater
February 12, 1956 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Syria Mosque Theater
February 13, 1956 Toronto, Canada Massey Hall
February 14, 1956 Rochester, New York Auditorium
February 16, 1956 Youngstown, Ohio Stambaugh Auditorium
February 17, 1956 Akron, Ohio Armory
February 18, 1956 Detroit, Michigan Masonic Auditorium
February 19, 1956 Cleveland, Ohio Music Hall
February 20, 1956 Indianapolis, Indiana Murat Theater
February 21, 1956 Toledo, Ohio State Theater
February 22, 1956 Cincinnati, Ohio Taft Auditorium
February 23, 1956 Louisville, Kentucky Kentucky Auditorium
February 24, 1956 Evansville, Indiana Indiana Coliseum
February 26, 1956 St. Louis, Missouri Municipal Auditorium
February 28, 1956 St. Joseph, Missouri City Auditorium
February 29, 1956 Kansas City, Missouri Music Hall
March 1, 1956 Omaha, Nebraska Music Hall
March 3, 1956 Colorado Springs, Colorado City Auditorium
March 4, 1956 Denver, Colorado Auditorium Arena
March 7, 1956 San Francisco, California Opera House
March 8, 1956 Sacramento, California Memorial Auditorium
March 9, 1956 San Francisco, California Opera House
March 10, 1956 Oakland, California High School Auditorium
March 11, 1956 Fresno, California Memorial Auditorium
March 12, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 13, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 14, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 15, 1956 Pasadena, California Civic Auditorium
March 17, 1956 San Pedro, California S.P.High School Auditorium
March 18, 1956 San Pedro, California S.P.High School Auditorium
March 19, 1956 San Diego, California Russ Auditorium
March 20, 1956 San Diego, California Russ Auditorium
March 22, 1956 Phoenix, Arizona North Phoenix High School
March 23, 1956 Phoenix, Arizona North Phoenix High School
March 24, 1956 Tucson, Arizona University
March 26, 1956 El Paso, Texas Liberty Hall
March 28, 1956 Houston, Texas City Auditorium
March 29, 1956 Houston, Texas City Auditorium
April 1, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 2, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 3, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 5, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 6, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 7, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 9, 1956 Princeton, New Jersey McCarter Theatre
April 10, 1956 Princeton, New Jersey McCarter Theatre
April 11, 1956 New York City Brooklyn Academy of Music
April 12, 1956 New York City Brooklyn Academy of Music

“Macedonian folklore group ‘Tanec’ last night gave the last performance of their three-month North American tour at New York’s Brooklyn Academy of Music. The group had arrived in New York by boat on January 20, and will leave New York by plane on April 21. During their very successful tour in America, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ visited the most important cultural and industrial centres: New York City, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, and Boston, and one concert was performed in Toronto, Canada. During the 84-day journey Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and gave 70 concerts. The American press described them as a Great Cultural Event. Everywhere in America ‘Tanec’ had a warm welcome. Numerous celebrated public dinners and banquets were held by our emigrants’ societies and American musical associations in honour of the Ensemble.” From an article entitled “Tanec with success has finished their American tour”, published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on April 14, 1956. Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 68-69; 84-93.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec”
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist  
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956.  This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs.  Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 84-85.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 
‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ programme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America.  In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’. During an 84-day journey throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns.  They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun,  The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, Dance Observer,  The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music.  Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this giant success, first with their 72-concert tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956, and secondly with their 83-concert tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959.  They played two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 86-87.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’с performances at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, April 11 and 12, 1956 
After the tremendous success in Carnegie Hall, even though only one performance in New York was planned for in the contract with the American tour managers, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ made two additional two performances in the city, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on April 11 and 12, 1956. 
The Brooklyn Academy of Music has been the hub of performing arts activities in Brooklyn since it opened for business in 1861. The Opera House has a 2000-seat auditorium with excellent acoustics

"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour..."

"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour. Tanec means dance--including drama, song, and music--and that's what the company of some 40 members (who are interchangeably dancers, singers, and musicians) does... " - By Margaret Lloyd Dance Critic of Christian Science Monitor - Boston, Mass., , March 2, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav National Folk Ballet 'A Breath of Mountain Air'”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Christian Science Monitor can be read at website


Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" played in larger auditoriums including: Kiel Auditorium - St. Louis, Missouri on February 26, 1956 and Denver Arena Auditorium, Colorado on March 4, 1956. Kiel Auditorium (Originally named the Municipal Auditorium) with seating capacity of 9,300 played host to a variety of rock concerts including concerts of Elvis Presley on March 29, 1957. and September 10, 1970. 
From the 1950s until the 1970s, the Kiel Auditorium was behind only Madison Square Garden as North America's most famous wrestling arena.
Denver Arena Auditorium is a pure sporting venue with seating capacity of 6,841. On December 26, 1968, the rock group Led Zeppelin played their first
 concert in the United States.
Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" caught the attention of some of the North America's top music critics including: John Martin  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Martin_(dance_critic) andhttp://www.nytimes.com/1985/05/21/nyregion/john-martin-is-dead-at-91-times-dance-critic-35-years.html - The New York Times), Robert Coleman (New York Daily Mirror), William Hawkins (New York World-Telegram), Walter Terry (New York Herald Tribune) , Claudia Cassidy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudia_Cassidy - Chicago Daily Tribune), Samuel Singer (Philadelphia Inquirer), Paul Hume (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hume - The Washington Post and Times), John Kraglund (The Globe and Mail), R. H. Hagan (San Francisco Chronicle), Albert Goldberg (http://articles.latimes.com/1990-02-06/news/mn-228_1_music-critic - Los Angeles Times) and Margaret Lloyd  (Christian Science Monitor)

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’с performances at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, April 11 and 12, 1956 
After the tremendous success in Carnegie Hall, even though only one performance in New York was planned for in the contract with the American tour managers, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ made two additional two performances in the city, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on April 11 and 12, 1956. 
The Brooklyn Academy of Music has been the hub of performing arts activities in Brooklyn since it opened for business in 1861. The Opera House has a 2000-seat auditorium with excellent acoustics.



Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" played in larger auditoriums including: Kiel Auditorium - St. Louis, Missouri on February 26, 1956 and Denver Arena Auditorium, Colorado on March 4, 1956. Kiel Auditorium (Originally named the Municipal Auditorium) with seating capacity of 9,300 played host to a variety of rock concerts including concerts of Elvis Presley on March 29, 1957. and September 10, 1970. 
From the 1950s until the 1970s, the Kiel Auditorium was behind only Madison Square Garden as North America's most famous wrestling arena.
Denver Arena Auditorium is a pure sporting venue with seating capacity of 6,841. On December 26, 1968, the rock group Led Zeppelin played their first
 concert in the United States.
Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" caught the attention of some of the North America's top music critics including: John Martin  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Martin_(dance_critic) andhttp://www.nytimes.com/1985/05/21/nyregion/john-martin-is-dead-at-91-times-dance-critic-35-years.html - The New York Times), Robert Coleman (New York Daily Mirror), William Hawkins (New York World-Telegram), Walter Terry (New York Herald Tribune) , Claudia Cassidy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudia_Cassidy - Chicago Daily Tribune), Samuel Singer (Philadelphia Inquirer), Paul Hume (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hume - The Washington Post and Times), John Kraglund (The Globe and Mail), R. H. Hagan (San Francisco Chronicle), Albert Goldberg (http://articles.latimes.com/1990-02-06/news/mn-228_1_music-critic - Los Angeles Times) and Margaret Lloyd  (Christian Science Monitor)

Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

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Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.

Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

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List of 300 Instrumental Compositions composed or arranged by Tale Ognenovski and recorded by Tale Ognenovski at Recording Labels:

MRT, Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia

RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia

Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia

IR, Independent Records, USA

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)       

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Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You: My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qvqdG4eSIIA entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts (“Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski recorded his 77 Folk Dances on 11 LPs (Long Play gramophone records), 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, one videotape with the Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia ,  PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer with the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор” written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and with the Award “11 October” / “11 Октомври”, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia - Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009. "Tale Ognenovski is always  environed with love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Tea Moderna, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 29, 2009.Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet and with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. – Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  
Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003

Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959… Parts of the articles in the newspapers: “…some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…,” written by John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956,  Title: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,"  is related to my appearance at world-famous Carnegie Hall as reed pipe and clarinet soloist. 
“…When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica,"  which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake." They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...,” written by Claudia Cassidy, title: "On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance", and published in the newspaper Chicago Daily Tribune, on  February 6, 1956. I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in Sopska Poskocica ("Shopska potskoknuvachka") but also and arranger of music because I added my own musical phrases and improvisations in more parts of the dance. I performed with much faster rhythm than appear in the original version of this folk dance, which contribute all articles in the newspapers for this dance to be brilliants. 
“…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." Written by Walter Terry, title: 'Yugoslav Folk Ballet", New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956. 
“…This group would be hard to beat…”  written by Albert Goldeberg, title "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement",  Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1956.
“…"Macedonian Tune," which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." Written by R. H. Hagan, title "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky' ", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.
“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has never seen." Title: "Dance Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslav come to U.S.", Life, USA, April 9, 1956. 
My contribution for these wonderful articles in the newspapers was the greatest regarding the other musicians of Ensemble “Tanec”.  I was virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist in the most parts of the programme of Ensemble “Tanec.” I was Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Macedonian Radio Television.” I performed with many Cultural Artistically Societies. I recorded many gramophone records.   On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.com.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.
Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003

Tale Ognenovski laureate for longstanding achievements in culture. Recognized as National Artist"
Tale Ognenovski is the people's favorite and unreservedly recognized national artist not only here in the country Republic of Macedonia but in the world ... Tale Ognenovski composed many folk dances in which we felt his relationship to the traditions because his dances in the true sense of the word are in continuity with the traditional folk dances. Tale Ognenovski is unsurpassed master because from the tiniest light motive can build a complete dance instrumental work that youth is a template on which to educate. Therefore the size of this folk artist is measured not only by his personality as a musician and artist but also his contribution to our entire folklore legitimacy.  Photo published in the newspaper “Vecher”, October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article entitled: “Today in Parliament of Republic of Macedonia awarding of this year's award "October 11". Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Tale Ognenovski received the “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje
on May 27, 1996.
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia. In the text of this plaque is written: “The Association of Stage Artists of Republic of Macedonia awarded Tale Ognenovski with “Honorary Macedonian Stage Award” for successful entertainer activity over 20 years”. President Bozhidar Noev. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 27, 1996

 " Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije”. (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”)
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer won the “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31,1978. (No. 38).

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia).  In the text of this plaque is written: “Secretariat of Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia awarded Tale Ognenovski  with “Yugoslavian Stage Award” in the form of a plaque for the significant results achieved in the creative work of the expansion and improvement of the stage art in Yugoslavia”, President, Miljenko Prohaska, Number: 38. Zagreb, Croatia, October 31, 1978

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient..

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient..
Certificate for National Pension No. 51-238/1 dated January 11, 2012 was signed by Minister for Culture of Republic of Macedonia, Mrs. Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska, Mag. Scient.

"Blagodarnica od Radio Ros za zhivotno delo" (“Gratitude Recognition from Radio Ros for life time achievement in music of Republic of Macedonia”) This is an honorary award for life work from the folk radio
"Radio Ros", (signed by the director Aleksandar Dimitrov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 7, 2000. Tale Ognenovski received this award in the 'Universal Hall' on the Folk Festival "Ros 2000”.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница) in the ceremony at the Universal Hall in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”.
In the text of this  Recognition is written: "Radio Ros awards Tale Ognenovski with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" for Lifetime Achievement in music – Director, Aleksandar Dimitrov,
December 7, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia"

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer receiving the "Blagodarnica" (Gratitude). This is an honorary award for life long work from the folk radio "Radio Ros".
From left to right: Aleksandar Bichikliski, Zoran Markovski, and Tale Ognenovski. Photo by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the "Universal Hall" at Folk Festival “Ros 2000”,
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 7, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received a prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award “10 Folk Biseri 2001”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls 2001 for Lifetime Achievement” - Macedonian: 10 Фолк Бисери 2001 - Животно дело) in the Macedonian National Theatre, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on February 19, 2002. This Lifetime Achievement Award sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television was made of gold sheath on the metal base with figure of microphone (30.0 cm tall)

Tale Ognenovski, received
posthumously “Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"” for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture on October 30, 2014. Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (second from right), received Gratitude” from Zoran Dzorlev, Director of the Ensemble “Tanec” at the ceremony in the "Museum of the Macedonian Struggle", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

The Recognition titled “Blagodarnica” on Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (second from right), son of Tale Ognenovski gave Zoran Dzorlev (first from left), Director of the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec""
at  the event titled “Meeting of generations on the occasion 65 years of the existence of Tanec”  at the ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle on October 30, 2014, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photography (right) is published on the website of the Ensemble “Tanec”

The many awards and honours received by Tale Ognenovski include:
1. Tale Ognenovski won the"11 October" Award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia, No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11".

Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped  at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski won top honors as the winner of "11 October" award,
the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. October 11 awards for special and eminent achievements in the areas of science, culture, art and journalism were handed at the Macedonian Parliament on Saturday, October 11th., 2003. Institute of Macedonian language "Krste Misirkov" from Skopje and Professor Dr. Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped, are the winners of the award in the area of science and education and Boris Pop Gjorcev the field of journalism.. President of the Board for award "October 11" prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski awarded "October 11" awards.The winners of October 11 award for 2003 in the area of culture and art are Tale Ognenovski, the clarinet virtuoso, and Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina from Skopje. The glittering ceremony on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament was attended by Mr. Boris Trajkovski (19 November 1999 – 26 February 2004; Boris Trajkovski died on 26 February 2004 in a plane crash en route to an economic conference in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina), President of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Branko Crvenkovski (He was Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia from 1992 to 1998 and again from 2002 to 2004, then President of the Republic of Macedonia from 2004 to 2009), Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Nikola Popovski (October 3, 2002 - November 8, 2003), President of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia , Mr. Kiro Gligorov (He was the first President of the Republic of Macedonia, serving from 1991 to 1999), the First  President of Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Radmila Shekerinska (November 1, 2002 – August 27,  2006; She was Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia from May12, 2004 until June 12, 2004 and from November 3, 2004 until December 15, 2004), Deputy to the President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Liljana Popovska (January 23, 2003 – December 6, 2004), Vice President of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Hari Kostov (2002 – 2004; He was Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia  from May 31, 2004 to November 15, 2004 ), Minister of Interior of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Members of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia…  The informations for Winners of 11 Oktomvri Awards were published at: Macedonian Radio (September 26, 2003), MIA (Macedonian Information Agency, September 26, 2003), http://vesti.mt.net.mk, newspapers: “Nova Makedonija”, “Vecher”, “Dnevnik”, “Utrinski Vesnik(https://web.archive.org/web/20090416033130/http://star.utrinski.com.mk/?pBroj=1294&stID=7431&pR=2) and ”Vest” (October 11 and 13, 2003), magazine “Makedonsko Sonce” (October 10, 2003), Macedonian Television, A1 Television, Sitel Television, Telma Television, Kanal 5 Television (October 11, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski was awarded the "October 11" award, the highest state award in the Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003.

"October 11" awards were presented in the ceremonial hall of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia yesterday. This year's laureates of this highest state award are: the Institute for Macedonian Language "Krste Misirkov", Prof. Dr. Ljupco Ajdinski, in the field of science and education , Tale Ognenovski, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, in the field of culture and art and Boris Pop Gjorcev, in the field of journalism.
The ceremony took place in the presence of prominent representatives of political and cultural life in the country. On behalf of the Board for awarding the prize, prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board, who among other things said: "The celebration of creativity is a holiday of the soul of every one of our citizens. Today's celebration has its high and lasting symbolism in the synthesis of this bright day -  October 11. day represented and in the future will be an inexhaustible source of creators to express their top, scientific and artistic works "…" - Article entitled: "The highest state awards presented in the Parliament of
Republic of Macedonia  October 11 is an inexhaustible source for creators", Written by NP, newspaper“ Utrinski Vesnik ”, number 1294, October 16, 2006, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonian: На Тале Огненовски му беше врачена наградата "11 Октомври", највисоко  државно признание во Република Македонија на 11 октомври 2003 година
"Во свечената сала на Собранието на Република Македонија вчера беа врачени наградите "11 Октомври". Годинашните лауреати на ова  највисоко државно признание се: Институтот за македонски јазик "Крсте Мисирков", проф. д-р Љупчо Ајдински, од областа на науката и образованието, Тале Огненовски, Зоица Пуровска-Велевска, од областа на културата и уметноста и Борис Поп Ѓорчев, од областа на новинарството.
Свеченоста се одвиваше во присуство на истакнати претставници на политичкиот и културниот живот во земјава. Од името на Одборот за доделување на наградата, на присутните им се обрати проф. д-р Трајан Гоцевски, претседател на Одборот, кој меѓу другото рече: "Празнувањето на творештвото е празник на душата на секој наш граѓанин. Денешното наше празнување својата висока и трајна симболика ја има во синтезата  на овој светол ден - 11 Октомври. Токму денешниот ден претставуваше и во иднина ќе претставува непресушен извор на творците за да ги искажуваат своите врвни, научни и уметнички дела"…"  -  Напис под наслов: “Во Собранието на Македонија врачени највисоките државни признанија 11 Октомври е непресушен извор за творците”, Напишано од Н.П., весник “Утрински весник“, број 1294, 16 октомври,  2006 година, Скопје, Република Македонија). https://web.archive.org/web/20090416033130/http://star.utrinski.com.mk/?pBroj=1294&stID=7431&pR=2

“…Tale Ognenovski  is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time, and one of the Greatest Composers in World Music..." Tale Ognenovski said: “I am very proud and happy for I am the winner of "11 Oktomvri" Award. This award is the main source of my strength and motivation for composing… My son Stevan Ognenovski has great contribution for my career: for realizing my first CD album "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music," and for writing the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer,” Article entitled:  “Macedonian Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski, the winner of "11 Oktomvri" award."  - Written by Mileva Lazova, October 10, 2003, Magazine "Makedonsko Sonce", Republic of Macedonia.

Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer, Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped  at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Vest”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia,  October 13, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer  won the"11 October" Award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia, No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11".

Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer  and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Utrinski vesnik”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards, the highest national awards in Republic of Macedonia were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003.


Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003

  Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the
Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959… Parts of the articles in the newspapers: “…some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…,” written by John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956,  Title: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,"  is related to my appearance at world-famous Carnegie Hall as reed pipe and clarinet soloist.
“…When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica,"  which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake." They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...,” written by Claudia Cassidy, title: "On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance", and published in the newspaper Chicago Daily Tribune, on  February 6, 1956. I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in Sopska Poskocica ("Shopska potskoknuvachka") but also and arranger of music because I added my own musical phrases and improvisations in more parts of the dance. I performed with much faster rhythm than appear in the original version of this folk dance, which contribute all articles in the newspapers for this dance to be brilliants.
“…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." Written by Walter Terry, title: 'Yugoslav Folk Ballet", New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956.
“…This group would be hard to beat…”  written by Albert Goldeberg, title "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement",  Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1956.
“…"Macedonian Tune," which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." Written by R. H. Hagan, title "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky' ", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.
“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has never seen." Title: "Dance Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslav come to U.S.", Life, USA, April 9, 1956.
My contribution for these wonderful articles in the newspapers was the greatest regarding the other musicians of Ensemble “Tanec”.  I was virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist in the most parts of the programme of Ensemble “Tanec.” I was Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Macedonian Radio Television.” I performed with many Cultural Artistically Societies. I recorded many gramophone records.   On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.com.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.

"Tale Ognenovski won 11 Oktomvri award for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art. Article entitled, “The Winners of 11 Oktomvri Awards: Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and musical virtuoso with artistic performances around the world” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003

Tale Ognenovski as musician and composer contributed in our folklore culture
"Tale Ognenovski won 11 Oktomvri award for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art…
Extraordinary important, rare voluminous,  and with quality, almost irreplaceable, creative artistic presence of Tale Ognenovski on the programs of Radio and Television since 1948. Numerous sound records and every performance of Tale Ognenovski with his clarinet remain valuable, unique and permanent artist values for our culture. He with creative work developed into real virtuoso and artist. He had created his own style for interpreting the folk dances ("ora"), in which are especially characteristically his inventive improvisations. In parallel with reproduction Tale Ognenovski become composer of his own folk dances. As a composer, Ognenovski kept traditional folk expression. He is unique maestro of developing from the smallest element of folk music  a complex instrumental content.  Tale Ognenovski as musician and composer contributed in our folklore culture.”  These words appeared in an article entitled, “ The Winners of 11 Oktomvri Awards: Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and musical virtuoso with artistic performances around the world” and published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 11, 2003.

He is maestro of improvisation and creativity
In the programme “Folklorni odblesoci” of Nacional Macedonian Radio, broadcasted on October 22, 2003, Kiril Todevski, the author of the programme said about Tale Ognenovski, “Tale Ognenovski won 11 Oktomvri award for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art… During last six decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation. He has composed and arranged 200 Macedonian folk dances… He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner… His authenticity feeling for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent. He combines beautiful tone with unique technique… He is maestro of improvisation and creativity; he starts with a motive, a theme, and then develops a complex instrumental content…  In his performances he demonstrates fascinate invention and virtuosity…  Tale Ognenovski has demonstrate his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: “The Folk Music Orchestra”, the “Chalgii” orchestra and “The Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra”... From him, how to preserve creative perfection in folk musical reproduction learned, learn, and will learn numerous folk instrumentalists…”

2. "Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije”. (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”)
Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer won the “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31,1978. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miljenko_Prohaska)

3. First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951.
Tale Ognenovski won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.
  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_for_Traditional_Music) was established in 1947 in London, UK. Marie Slocombe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Slocombe), recorded music archivist at the BBC wrote: "It was natural that on this occasion expositions of Yugoslav folklore and music should form the backbone of the Conference, and these received the most wonderful illustrations in the nightly Festival which took place in the magnificent ballroom of a nearby hotel. Every evening, for three hours or more, we witnessed an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers brought together from every part of the country." Title: "Some impressions of the Yugoslav conference and festival", published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, page 2.
Extracts from Programme notes on the dances and songs performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival: "From the time of the conquests of Alexander the Great to the modern era, Macedonia has been the scene of dramatic events, brutal invasions and profound social upheavals. Many different trends have met and clashed on this territory: trends which have inevitably left their traces on the life of the people and are reflected in its folk art. Macedonian folk music is governed by rhythmic laws and set metres. Foreign influences, in so far as they existed, where subjected to the rules of accentuation of the Macedonian popular language. The melody is usually asymmetrical..." - This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64. The performance of Tale Ognenovski as clarinet player caught the attention of the editors of International Folk Music Journal, also noted that “Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nizopole (Bitola) means "heavy," and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64. Croatian ethnomusicologist Vinko Žganec (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinko_%C5%BDganec) wrote "“The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was as effective an accompaniment to the large drum in the folk dance from Kozjak as it was to the small drum in the folk dance ‘Teshkoto’ from Nizopole. They provided a very effective combination”, cultural magazine "Kulturni radnik' No. 10-11, published on October 1051 in Zagreb, Croatia. 
The musical part of the group had only two members: Tale Ognenovski played solo clarinet with the accompaniment of drummer Lambe Petrovski. This is a musical sensation, to receive the First Award with orchestra consisting of only two members: the clarinetist Ognenovski and drummer Petrovski.
, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizhopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia. The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

“At the 1951 conference, held at Opatija from September 8th to 14th, we had the stimulus of exchanging views with and learning from our Yugoslav colleagues who have had the inestimable advantage of studying their folk music tradition…”, is written in JOURNAL of the INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL, Vol. IV, London, UK, March, 1952.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

“Every evening, for three hours or more, we witnessed an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers brought together from every part of the country." Title: "Some impressions of the Yugoslav conference and festival", published by The International Folk Music Council, London, UK in March, 1952, Volume IV, page 2.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

"From the time of the conquests of Alexander the Great to the modern era, Macedonia has been the scene of dramatic events, brutal invasions and profound social upheavals. Many different trends have met and clashed on this territory: trends which have inevitably left their traces on the life of the people and are reflected in its folk art. Macedonian folk music is governed by rhythmic laws and set metres. Foreign influences, in so far as they existed, where subjected to the rules of accentuation of the Macedonian popular language. The melody is usually asymmetrical..." Title: "Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival", with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, UK in March, 1952, Volume IV, page 60.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

“Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nizopole (Bitola) means "heavy," and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA – represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, UK in March, 1952, Volume IV, page 64.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

4. First Award as the best clarinetist at the first Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 1948.
453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in this festival.

5.International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977

Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977.

At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Macedonian Radio Television” from the Republic of Macedonia.  He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia).  He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”. This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski.  From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of “Macedonian Radio Television”. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world.  The Department of Folk Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Macedonian Radio Television” asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”.  Source: An article entitled, “One item of music material presented in Istanbul creates great interest in the world about “Chalgii” music”, from the magazine “Ekran”, published on December 2, 1977 and the TV programme “Black and White production”, by the journalist Irena Spirovska, broadcast on “Macedonian Radio Television”.

6. All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, with announcement published at his website. (
All About Jazz is a jazz music website for enthusiasts and industry professionals based in Philadelphia in the United States.

7. Certificate for National Pension

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient..

Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski awarded Certificates for National Pensions to the composer and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and 39 prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia for their contributions to Macedonian culture. Before awarding the certificates, Prime Minister Gruevski said "Your successes are underpinned with many prizes and awards, and the remarkable contribution you have made in building a cultural mosaic in Republic of Macedonia ."  The glittering ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle was attended by Minister for Culture Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska and her deputy Dragan Nedeljkovic. 

Minister for Culture Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska said that today stressed the "very little" give back to the artists for their invaluable "very", but also made great strides and the historical need to valorize the work of artists. Tale Ognenovski won top honours on October 11, 2003 at Macedonian Parliament as the Winner of "11 October" Award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia.  "11 October" Award recipients are selected based on their "contributions to the creation, growth and support of the arts in the Republic of Macedonia."  The Certificates for National Pensions were established by the Law on Culture from Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (January, 2011) for artists and other experts in the field of cultural heritage, who have won the awards: "11 October", "St. Kliment Ohridski" and "23 October " for long-term achievements in culture.
News about the ceremony at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia were published despite others in the newspaper Dnevnik (https://web.archive.org/web/20130802072111/http://www.dnevnik.com.mk/?ItemID=852DBFBEAF5D1A4590764D859FEBCAC2), article titled: “Awarded for the first 40 national pensions”. (Published: March 5, 2012); Macedonian Television; Sitel TV (https://web.archive.org/web/20120625071326/https://sitel.com.mk/dnevnik/makedonija/dodeleni-prvite-40-reshenija-za-nacionalni-penzii-vo-kulturata

(Posted: March 3, 2012, 17:04) Alpha TV, Kanal 5 TV …

Composer and Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski (right) after receiving the Certificate of National Pension by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski during a Ceremony at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, March 3, 2012.




Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Certificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski" (Posted: 03-07-2012) 


"Musician Tale Ognenovski is part of the forty artists who will receive a national pension in the Republic of Macedonia in the future ...," from an article entitled: "National pension for Dzambazov, Ognenovski, Popovska ...",
written by D.T., newspaper "Vecher", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
, March 2, 2012. (Macedonian "Музичарот Тале Огненовски e  дел од четириесетте уметници кои во иднина ќе примаат национална пензија на Република Македонија... " -  Напис под наслов: “Национална пензија за Џамбазов, Огненовски, Поповска... ”, напишано од  Д.Т., весник Вечер, Скопје, Република Македонија, 2 март 2012 година)https://vecer.mk/node/185292    https://web.archive.org/web/20200514191855/https://vecer.mk/node/185292

Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska, Minister for Culture of Republic of Macedonia,  Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, Dragan Nedeljkovic, Deputy of the Minister of Culture of Republic of Macedonia and prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia at the ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle where Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski has awarded Certificates for National Pensions to the composer and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and 39 prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia for their contributions to Macedonian culture, March 3, 2012, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia at the ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle where Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski has awarded Certificates for National Pensions to the composer and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and 39 prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia for their contributions to Macedonian culture, March 3, 2012, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. First from the right: Tale Ognenovski, Clrinetist and Composer.  Photo published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski received a Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Honors at Annual “10 Folk Biseri”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls”) Awards, sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television in the Macedonian National Theatre, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, February 19, 2002.

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist  (Posted: September 27, 2008)    https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php
Article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” - ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY, September 27, 2008.
“Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged all 12 tracks. The album from Independent Records is produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski and is distributed by The Orchard. This third release is the follow up to his two previous: CD Albums entitled: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music and MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Release date: January 24, 2006). Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances. New CD Album feature the Ognenovski performing with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever… Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted…”, was written in an article entitled, " New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” published by ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY (The website publishes reviews, interviews, and articles pertaining to jazz in the U.S. and around the world).


Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.  
Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)        Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: "TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER, BIOGRAPHY AND MUSIC NOTATION OF 69 CLARINET COMPOSITIONS: MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES, JAZZ AND CLASSICAL MUSIC" by Stevan Ognenovski (Author) Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books



Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, "The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503    https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503

The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in
Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skillhttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ( https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ) , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

"This year marks the 600th anniversary of the founding of the sub-Plister village of Brusnik. On this occasion, a special program was drawn up, and a larger number of emigrants, migrants from this village, who are in various parts of the world, were invited. The jubilee will take place on August 8 and 9 (1992). An exhibition will be held in the village whose authors lived in this village: Pande Petrovski, Cane Čavdarovski and Stevo Tasevski, then in the evening the concert of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski ... There will be a promotion of the book "Brusnik", whose author is Dr. Alexander Sterjovski ". Article entitled: "On August 8 and 9, the 600th anniversary of the village of Brusnik", written by the journalist PS, published on August 5, 1992 in the newspaper Vecer, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Macedonian: „Годинава се навршуваат 600 години од основањето на потпелистерското битолско село Брусник. По тој повод е составена посебна програма, а се поканети и поголем број иселеници, печалбари од ова село, кои се наоѓаат на разни страни во светот. Јубилејот ќе се одржи на 8 и 9 август годинава (1992 година). Во селото ќе биде одржана изложба чии автори се жители на ова село – Панде Петровски, Цане Чавдаровски и Стево Тасевски,  потоа вечер на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски... Ќе се изврши и промоција на книгата Брусник, чиј автор е д-р Александар Стерјовски. Статија насловена: На 8 и 9 август годинава Прослава за 600 години на селото Брусник, напишано од новинарот П.С.,  објавено на 5 август 1992 година во весникот Вечер, Скопје, Република Македонија.

On August 8 and 9, 1992, Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions  of Macedonian folk dances at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik.

Mr. Kiro Gligorov, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Petar, Metropolitan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church were present at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the establishment of the village of Brusnik, near Bitola, on August 8 and 9, 1992. Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances ac-companied by the Culture and Arts Society “Ilinden” from Bitola. Tale Ognenovski amazed all those present at the celebration with his marvellous solo performance on the clarinet. The celebration was recorded and shown on “Macedonian Radio Television” in the programme “Amidst the village - 600 years of Brusnik”, 1992. The Macedonia Radio Television journalist Suzana Trajkovska commented about the programme, “Tale Ognenovski is a virtuoso of the clarinet...”


Article entitled: "The musical genius Tale Ognenovski is not among the winners of the "October 11" award, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., published in the newsmagazine "Delo" (pages 65-66) on November 22, 2002 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Macedonian: Напис насловен: "Музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски не е меѓу добитниците на наградата "11 Октомври"", напишан од М-р Стеван Огненовски, објавен во магазинот "Дело" (страна 65-66) на 22 ноември 2002 година во Скопје, Република Македонија.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. has written another two articles about the artistic works of his father Tale Ognenovski, the first appearing in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on November 10, 1997, and the second appearing in the newsmagazine “Denes”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on October 29, 1998.

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

"Tale Ognenovski, Titan Of The Clarinet And Composer Of Clarinet Music, Dies" - Mi2N - Music Industry News Network (June 28, 2012)


"Maestro Tale Ognenovski, especially from the international scene, was rated as one of the greatest cultural ambassadors of Macedonia, and the critics described him as one of the greatest composers in the world of music. He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian dances, a classical concert "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. His works represent the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability to express the highest range in music. Ognenovski's Macedonian dances are performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria. With the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs" Tanec"
" he performed on the most famous concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success. His concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York City on January 27, 1956, stands out as the first Macedonian to perform on that stage, and has garnered rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. He has won numerous awards in Yugoslavia and Macedonia, including the October 11, 2003 state award. His album "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski" received exceptional reviews in the foreign press and ethnomusicologist Dushko Dimitrovski in the book "For Our Music" will describe Tale Ognenovski as a miracle, "The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. " - An article entitled: ""Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet, is Died"" – written by Tina Ivanova, , newspaper "Utrinski vesnik",Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 20, 2012.
(Macedonian„Маестро Тале Огненовски, особено од меѓународната сцена, беше оценуван како еден од најголемите културни амбасадори на Македонија, а критиката го опишуваше како еден од најголемите композитори во светот на музиката… Има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски ора, еден класичен концерт „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и повеќе џез-композиции. Неговите дела го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент кој има можност да го изрази највисокиот опсег во музиката… Македонските ора на Огненовски се изведувани во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Велика Британија, Данска, Австрија. Со „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни „Танец““ настапувал на најпознатите концертни сцени во Северна Америка и во Европа со фантастичен успех. Особено се издвојува неговиот концерт во престижната „Карнеги хол“ во Њујорк на 27 јануари 1956 година, како прв Македонец кој настапил на таа сцена, а се здобил и со извонредни оценки од публиката и критиката.  Добитник е на голем број награди во Југославија и во Македонија, меѓу кои и државната „11 Октомври“ во 2003 година. Неговиот албум „Македонски џез-композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“ доби исклучителни рецензии во странскиот печат… Етномузикологот Душко Димитровски во книгата „За наша музика“ ќе го опише Тале Огненовски како чудо, чии звучни светови се хоризонтални. „Европа - ориент, низ музицирањето на Тале Огненовски спонтано се ракуваат, препознаваат и љубат“.-  Напис под наслов: “ПОЧИНА ВИРТУОЗОТ НА КЛАРИНЕТ ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ”, Напишано од Тина Иванова, весник “Утрински весник“, 20 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).


"Tale Ognenovski was known as one of the world's greatest ambassadors of Macedonian music. He has composed and arranged 150 dances, jazz compositions, a classical concert, and even today young musicians learn from his rich opus. Although best known as a clarinetist, he also played bagpipes,  zurna (zurla), and drums. On January 27, 1956, he performed with the
"Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec""  in the prestigious "Carnegie Hall" in New York City, and renowned newspapers such as the "New York Times", "Life", "Los Angeles Times" have published articles about this Macedonian musician. One of the last guardians of our sound. In 2008 he released the album "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski", which received excellent reviews from foreign music critics, including the prestigious media focused on jazz music "All About Jazz". This was his third CD, and he has released "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos". During his career, he was awarded the state award "October 11", and this year he was awarded a national pension.  - I think that young musicians, especially those who have chosen a wind instrument, should learn from Tale's dance. His performances are an example of how Macedonian music should play on the clarinet. - says the Violinist and director of the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs" Tanec ", Zoran Dzorlev ... The vocalist of" Ljubojna ", Vera Milosevska, says that Ognenovski with all the rich opus behind him can be considered Mozart in Macedonian music. It brought a completely different view of chalgia and folk music, a real turnaround ... Such a person is born once in a lifetime. - An article entitled: "Bard of Macedonian music, is dead. Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet went into the legends" – written by Andrijana Andova, , newspaper "Dnevnik", Republic of Macedonia, June 21, 2012. (Macedonian"Тале Огненовски беше познат како еден од најголемите светски амбасадори на македонската музика. Има компонирано и аранжирано 150 ора, џез-композиции, еден класичен концерт, а и денес младите музичари учат од неговиот богат опус Иако е најпознат како кларинетист, свирел и на гајда, зурла и на тапан. На 27 јануари 1956 година со ансамблот на „Танец“ настапил и во престижната „Kарнеги хол“ во Њујорк, а реномирани весници како „Њујорк тајмс“, „Лајф“, „Л.А. тајмс“ имаат објавувано написи за овој македонски музичар. Еден од последните чувари на нашиот звук. Во 2008 година го објави албумот „Македонски џез-композиции за кларинет од Тале Огненовски“, кое доби одлични оценки од странските музички критичари меѓу кои и од престижниот медиум фокусиран на џез-музиката „All About Jazz“. Ова беше негово трето цеде, а ги има издадено и „Џез, македонски народни ора и класична музика“ и „Моцарт и концертите на кларинет за Огненовски“. Во тек на кариера му беше врачена и државната награда „11 Октомври“, а годинава му беше доделена и национална пензија. - Мислам дека младите музичари, особено тие што имаат избрано дувачки инструмент, треба да учат од ората на Тале. Неговите изведби се пример за тоа како треба да свири македонска музика на кларинет. - истакнува Виолинистот и директор на „Македонскиот национален ансамбл за народни игри и песни „Танец““, Зоран Џорлев... Вокалот на „Љубојна“, Вера Милошевска, вели дека Огненовски со целиот пребогат опус зад себе може да се смета за Моцарт во македонската музика.  Донесе едно сосема поинакво видување кон чалгијата и кон народната музика, еден вистински пресврт... Таков човек се раѓа еднаш на векови. -  Напис под наслов: “ПОЧИНА БАРДОТ НА МАKЕДОНСKАТА МУЗИKА, ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ ВИРТОУЗОТ НА КЛАРИНЕТ ЗАМИНА ВО ЛЕГЕНДИТЕ”, Напишано од Андријана Андова, весник Дневник, 21 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).


The clarinet of the Macedonian virtuoso Tale Ognenovski, who was considered one of the greatest cultural ambassadors, of Macedonia was silenced forever. His life story, which began exactly 90 years ago in Bitola, ended after a fruitful nine decades spent in constant search of the perfect sound of the clarinet he ruled sovereignly. In fact, his works represent the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability to express the highest range in music. In addition to this instrument, Ognenovski also played Macedonian traditional instruments: bagpipe, zurla and drum, and he is the author of numerous compositions, mostly for clarinet. He has composed and arranged about 150 Macedonian dances, one classical concert "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. Ognenovski's Macedonian dances have been performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, and Austria. He performed with the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" on the most famous concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success. His concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York on January 27, 1956, stands out as the first Macedonian to perform on stage, receiving rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. As a virtuoso soloist on clarinet in the film "Rhythm and Sound", in 1955 he performed the Macedonian folk dances: "Zhensko chamche", "Beranche" and others, with the Macedonian ensemble of folk dances and songs "Tanec". His recordings for RTV Belgrade, Jugoton, MRT are unique compositions, inspired by Macedonian folk music. He is the author of the notebook collection "Macedonian Dances" published in 1989. Tale Ognenovski has won numerous awards in the former Yugoslavia and Macedonia, including the state "October 11", which he received in 2003."  - An article entitled: "The clarinet of Tale Ognenovski was silenced forever", newspaper "Nova Makedonija",No. 22612, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 23, 2012. (Macedonian" Засекогаш замолкна кларинетот на македонскиот виртуоз Тале Огненовски, кој важеше за еден од најголемите културни амбасадори на Македонија. Неговата животна приказна, која почна пред точно 90 години во Битола, заврши по плодни девет децении минати во постојана потрага на совршениот звук на кларинетот со кој суверено владееше. Всушност, неговите дела го претставуваат кларинетот како инструмент што има можност да го изрази највисокиот опсег во музиката. Освен на овој инструмент, Огненовски свиреше и на македонските традиционални инструменти: гајда, зурла и тапан, а е автор и на многубројни композиции, претежно за кларинет. Има компонирано и аранжирано околу 150 македонски ора, еден класичен концерт „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и повеќе џез-композиции. Македонските ора на Огненовски се изведувани во Швајцарија, Франција, Шведска, Финска, Велика Британија, Данска, во Австрија. Со ансамблот „Танец“ настапувал на најпознатите концертни сцени во Северна Америка и во Европа со фантастичен успех. Особено се издвојува неговиот концерт во престижниот „Карнеги хол“ во Њујорк на 27 јануари во 1956 година, како прв Македонец што настапил на таа сцена, кога добил извонредни оценки од публиката и од критиката. Како виртуозен солист на кларинет во филмот „Ритам и звук“, 1955 година ги изведува македонските народни ора: „Женско чамче“, „Беранче“ и други, со македонскиот ансамбл на народни игри и песни „Танец“. Неговите снимки за РТВ Белград, „Југотон“, МРТ се уникатни композиции, инспирирани од македонската фолклорна музика. Автор е на нотната збирка „Македонски ора“ издадена во 1989 година. Тале Огненовски е добитник на голем број награди во поранешна Југославија и во Македонија, меѓу кои и на државната „11 Октомври“, која ја доби во 2003 година. "  -  Напис под наслов: “Замолкна кларинетот на Тале Огненовски, весник Нова Македонија, број 22612, 23 јуни 2012 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).


Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet is dead" “…Maestro Ognenovski was considered one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia and one of the greatest composers .... He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances,  one classical concert entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. His works represent the clarinet as an instrument which has the ability to express the highest range in music.”, Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet is dead" - By Vest, June 22, 2012, Republic of Macedonia.

Condolences for the death of the Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski:

“Dear Stevan and family,
On June 19, 2012 the world lost a brilliant artist, musician, composer, author and innovator.
There will never be another Tale Ognenovski, but his music and spirit will live on forever. He was truly gifted, talented, and unique in style.  I have been listening to his music since childhood, and he inspired me from the very first time I came in contact with your family 13 years ago. That is when I got my first clarinet, and even though I don't read music and have not have any music teachers, I still play his music on my clarinet often.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't listen to his music. We are very saddened that he has passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Stevan, your wife Margarita, your sons Nikola and Kliment.
With our love,
The Cvetkovski Family - Dimce, Gerrie, Steven, Jeffrey, Scott, Cvetko,
Sofija, and Stefka”, Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, June 25, 2012.                                                                                                              
“Hello stevan my name is steven cvetkovski and my father is dimce cvetkovski it is a honor and pleasure to be talking the son of one of my idols growing up.
I am so sorry to hear about your father. Your father has brought so much love and joy in to our family with his music.  My father and I listened to your fathers music every single day. I was born and raised around your fathers music and it made me the man i am today. I am in the music industry also. I do song writing for Sony and my brother jeff and I own a publishing company in NY and LA called Final Play Music Group. www.finalplaymusic.com . Your father has touched my heart with music in ways i cant even describe to you. Every single note that man played i felt it. Your not just listening to the music you are feeling it. if you cant feel every note that he plays your not listening right. Every song had a story and i felt it. So thank you and your father for bring me and my family so much happiness and joy. I will never stop spreading your fathers music to everyone. The world needs to hear Tale…”

With my families love to yours, Steven Cvetkovski, June 25, 2012.

Hi Stevan,
I was so sad to hear about the loss of your father. As you know, you and your father have such an impact on my dad and it has trickled down to me and my brothers as well.
I grew up listening to your father in car rides and Macedonian festivals. The world has truly lost the most passionate talented musician around. His music has inspired my father and for that has inspired me. I am so sorry for your loss and wish you and your family wonderful health. The Macedonian Festival here in Buffalo, New York will be happening in July and I will make sure his songs will be played! God Bless! - Scott Cvetkovski, Third son of Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski, June 25, 2012.

Dear Tale and Stevan. 

My name is Dimce Cvetkovski. I was born on November 7, 1957 (in the village of Arvati near Krani in Prespa). I came to the United States on February 20, 1970. I was 12 years old. But I still remember everything, even though I have not been back to Macedonia since I came to the United States. My father has been back a few times but I haven’t. Maybe one of these days when things are not so busy. Both of my parents Cvetko and Sofija are still alive and have just retired. I have a sister Stefka who is 5 years younger than me. I am 41 years old and have been married for 17 years. My wife’s name is Gerrie (Geraldine) who is American. I also have 3 sons Steven (14 years old), Jeffrey (12 years old and Scott (9 years old)...

In March 1, 1993, I opened my own KARATE STUDIO WESTERN NEW YORK KARATE CENTER. This is my own business...I have listened to Tale’s music since I was a little boy in Macedonia. I remember I was very young when I first heard BRUSNICHKO ORO and TALEVO SVADBARSKO ORO. In 1983, my father went to Macedonia for a visit. He brought to me 2 records (8 Macedonian folk dances - ORA). One record has POLJANSKO ORO, NEVENINO ORO etc...The other record has BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO, RESENSKO ORO, PRILEPSKO etc...In 1986 I went to Canada for a visit and I bought a cassette that has 12 Macedonian folk dances - ORA (CHALGIITE NA TALE OGNENOVSKI, KUKUSHKO ORO, RISTEVO ORO...).

Today I have about 60 Macedonian folk dances - ORA from Tale Ognenovski. His music must live forever. Tale’s music touches my HEART and SOUL. Sometimes when I listen to his music there are tears from my eyes running down my face.

Nobody in the world can play the clarinet like Tale. I have listened to a lot of clarinet music from many countries but nobody comes close to Tale. He is simply the BEST. When I was a little boy in Macedonia, I also played the pipe (“kavalche”) with my grandfather Mitre. My grandfather was a shepherd and I used to help him on the farm. But I have always loved clarinet music. I am 41 year old. Two years ago, I bought a clarinet. I listen by ear and try to play. I do not know how to read music. Maybe one day I will try to take lessons. My middle son Jeffrey takes lessons and plays the clarinet and the saxophone in school. He is in sixth grade. He is very, very good. He is the best in his school on the clarinet and the saxophone. My oldest Steven always listens to Tale’s music. He loves it. I hope someday I can play like Tale, even a little bit. I hope someday I get to meet you and your father Tale. It would be a great honor to shake the hand of the best clarinetist in the world. Maestro Tale is the best. I hope he lives a long, long, long time...All I want is his music to live forever. People need to listen and hear this great clarinetist. With Great greetings With Great Happiness. (January 24, 1999)...


As I drive in my car to and from my business and other places throughout the day, I spend 11/2 hours each day listening to Tale’s music. Tale is my hero. His music is incredible. His approach to every note is so unique. His improvisations and solos are out of this world, and no one can even come close. It is true that when listening to Tale, his music takes you to different worlds and different dimensions. I feel very special and lucky to have friends like you, and being touched so deeply by Tale’s music (December 21, 1999)...

Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA

 “After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best clarinet concertos  in the world. Whether it's classical, jazz, Macedonian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian or others, no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can. Many clarinetists only play one type or style of music Tale can play any style with perfection. "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" CD will go down in history as one of the best clarinet concertos ever recorded”, written by Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski (Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), Buffalo, New York, USA, March 26, 2006; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

Congratulations to Tale Ognenovski on his 90th birthday April 27, 2012 from his friend Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA: Happy 90th Birthday Tale Ognenovski,
“Celebrate your life because it's filled with priceless memories, wonderful stories, and people who love you!
"His music is unique in style like no other and will live on forever. He has bridged the gaps among folk music, classical music and jazz. No other artist in the world of music - any music, has ever done or accomplished this. But Tale successfully done so, in a unique genius way. He is truly best in the world..."
April 27, 2012, Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA   http://www.wnykarate.com (Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com!

Sincerely Congratulations for « 11 Oktomvri » Award of  Mr. Tale Ognenovski. Many good wishes for his health and his long life and to receive other deserved awards.
Valentina Gorgievska, Newspaper “Vecer”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 12, 2003
Email:   valentinagorgievska@yahoo.com

Dear Stevan,
My congratulation to your father for the prestigious “11 Oktomvri” Award.

I am very happy that he is recognized for his hard work and his tremendous accomplishments (which will no one ever match in this world). He is a special man
with special gifts and talents. His knowledge and versatility of music are unsurprised. No one can even come close to the way he plays the clarinet. No one.
All the best to everyone.
Dimce Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA, October 27, 2003.
E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

All About Jazz Jazz News: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski - CD to Celebrate the 85th Anniversary of His Birthday, April 27, 2007

All About Jazz Recognition:
Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)      https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski.php#.Ur2fdvRDuHM   

JAZZ NEWS: Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD (Posted: April 22, 2012)



JAZZ NEWS: "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski"  (Posted: April 23, 2007)


All About Jazz : Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Clarinetist on YouTube

DVD/Video News Posted: 2009-04-12     SOURCE: All About Jazz Publicity       http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/news.php?id=33817      https://web.archive.org/web/20090415122246/http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/news.php?id=33817

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)   https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php


Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. For this Carnegie Hall concert The New York Times music critic John Martin for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956, wrote two articles: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill",  published on January 28, 1956, and "The Dance: Folk Art; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events", published on February 5, 1956.
During an 84-day journey (January 22, 1956 - April 12, 1956) throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble Tanec arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’.

Life magazine commented: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174.



Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, "The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris.
https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503    https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503

The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in
Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skillhttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ( https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ) , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe … An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” - Walter Terry, New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956. New York City, USA. Reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski.

"Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans...When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as an unfair trade for the four little swans in ''Swan Lake'' - Claudia Cassidy, Chicago Daily Tribune, February 6, 1956. Chicago, Illinois, USA. The clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski.


‘‘Until half-past eight, Carnegie Hall was full to capacity, without any of its near enough 3000 seats available... To choose which were the most successful of the program’s seventeen folk dances, when all were greeted with stormy applause, is really very difficult and risky... ‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was even repeated, and to repeat a performance on the American stage is a really rare and exclusive event…”, wrote Stjepan Pucak in his article entitled “First days in America” (Macedonian:  ““Првите денови во Америка”), published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 7, 1956.

“This was “Tanec,” the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet. “Tanec” means “dance,” but “dance” in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers... there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing... Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations…”- Samuel Singer, The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 8, 1956. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

”Anyone watching the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet last night in Constitution Hall could have guessed without any difficulty the major emotions and situations involved in the dancing… A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show the girls how handsome and wonderful and brilliant and exciting and sensational their man friends are. It does. The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition...” - Paul Hume, The Washington Post and Times Herald, February 10, 1956. Washington, D.C., USA.


“…includes singers and mu­sicians as well: and singing may be part of the dance, just as musicians may take an active part... Last night’s program included songs and dances from Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Dalmacia. The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... one dance, Sopska Poskocica  it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective... The music, whether for singing or dancing, had the same spontaneous folk quality and an exotic character" - John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail, February 14, 1956. Toronto, Canada.

‘The Macedonian Ensemble for folk dances and songs ‘Tanec’ has already been performing in America for several weeks... All the concerts have had record audiences… immediately after the performance in Carnegie Hall, the press wrote numerous compliments. Almost all articles in the newspapers were written in superlatives. Every impression of the concert was that this concert evening would remain unforgettable. There were many reasons for this but, primarily, it was the wonderful folk music with a full range of temperament and miraculous rhythm, voluminous colour and sonority, perfect coordination between the dancers and the musicians…‘‘ - This article, written by Naum Nachevski, appeared in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, on February 18, 1956, under the title, “TANEC receive applause in America” (Macedonian:  Танецсобира аплаузи по Америка).

“The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply “Macedonian Tune,” which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud...” - R. H. Hagan, the San Francisco Chronicle, March 8, 1956. San Francisco, California, USA.

''Los Angeles Times'' music critic Albert Goldberg commented: "For authentic folk dancing, wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style...They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe", March 13, 1956. Los Angeles, California, USA.


''Dance Observer'' commented: "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group" -  Article entitled ''Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, Carnegie Recital Hall, January 27, 1956'', Robert Sabin, ''Dance Observer'', Volumes 23-24, pp. 55. New York City. USA. April, 1956. 



Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz    https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/taleognenovski     https://web.archive.org/web/20190712110411/https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/taleognenovski
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” http://www.taleognenovski.mk

Facebook website of Tale Ognenovski entitled: “Tale Ognenovski The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time Composer Musical Genius”


Facebook website of Stevan Ognenovski entitled: “Stevan Ognenovski, Magister of Computer Science, Writer, Instrumentalist”


Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)  



YouTube Music Videos of Tale Ognenovski https://www.youtube.com/steveogn

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Brusnichko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfM97pOp23M 

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvuHuLswaI

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9390xDUuPuU

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5v68GMLaCs

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkibqVfE5I

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK4wLnpPlNw  

YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

YouTube Video: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

JAZZ NEWS: "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski"


All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php  (Published: 2009-04-27) https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php

Web site JJA News insights and updates from the Jazz Journalists Association published article entitled: "Deaths in 2012", compiled by W. Royal Stokes and Ken Franckling, Nov 27th, 2012 about the top jazz musicians who died in 2012 including Tale Ognenovski.  http://news.jazzjournalists.org/2012/11/deaths-in-2012


Static.echonest.com published an article entitled, "2012 Music Memoriam - Well Known Musicians We Lost in 2012". Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was included in the list of public figures that died in 2012.  http://static.echonest.com/playlist/year_end/index.html


Tale Ognenovski is No. 4 of top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries
Website Boingboing.net published article entitled: “Notable deaths in 2012, as recorded by Wikipedia”. In this article was written: “Information designer Jess Bachman created Wikipedia Remembers 2012 (https://web.archive.org/web/20170225142318/http://visual.ly/wikipedia-remembers-2012?view=true), an interactive feature about the top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries… while others like #4, Tale Ognenovski is a lessor known Macedonian clarinetist, but for some reason has a incredibly documented wiki page! So many interesting people here…” (Published: Jan 2, 2013) https://boingboing.net/2013/01/02/notable-deaths-in-2012-as-rec.html (

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100”
written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address: 

Jazzclub Unterfahrt from Munich, Bavaria, Germany commented: "Playing the music of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is different from imitating Michael Breckers style.” – Article entitled: “Pachora”.


“…lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music,” wrote JazzTimes music critic Bill Shoemaker in an article entitled "Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds", appearing in the website of JazzTimes on January 3, 1998. 

Article published in the book: Shoemaker, Bill (January 1998). Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2–5- Page 43; Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds. JazzTimes.
The University of Michigan.



Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz    https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/taleognenovski


All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php  (Published: 2009-04-27 https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php

Valentina Gjorgievska wrote: "This world famous and most relevant website for jazz music All About Jazz https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php these days published article that honor Macedonian instrumentalist and musician Tale Ognenovski. “Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski - Published: 2009-04-27. All About Jazz is celebrating Tale Ognenovski's birthday today!”

The text refers to the recognition that the team of this site is handed on April 27, the day of his 87th birthday, when he declared jazz musician of the day… Article entitled: "На најпознатиот сајт за џез Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот - At the World's Famous Jazz Website Tale Ognenovski Jazz Musician of the Day". Vreme (Време) No. 1713, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 6, 2009.

"The world-famous and most relevant jazz music All About Jazz website https://www.allaboutjazz.com recently published an article in which it paid tribute to the Macedonian instrumentalist and musician Tale Ognenovski. The text refers to the recognition that the team gave to this site on April 27, the day of his 87th birthday, when he was named jazz musician of the day. This is a great recognition because such a recognition in the days when they were born, regardless of whether they were alive or dead at that moment, was given to the other most famous jazz musicians of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Arty Shaw, Sidney Beckett, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others…
Ognenovski is the greatest Macedonian instrumentalist, who plays the clarinet, reed pipe (kavalche}, bagpipe and zurla and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music. For his works, his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., wrote a book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer". They are both producers of Ognenovski's three albums released for the American record company The Independent Records, Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), MOZART and OGNENOVSKI ConosrtceI Clarinet. (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) as well as “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008)… Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classic concert entitled “Tale Ognenovski concert for clarinet no. 1” and 12 jazz compositions. In all the compositions of his albums, he is a solo instrumentalist on clarinet, kavalche, bagpipes, zurla and drums, and on some of the compositions, along with him, Stevan Ognenovski and his sons Nikola and Kliment also play the kavalche. Stevan is the author of eight music videos of his father, which are posted on the YouTube website, which contributes to the affirmation of Macedonian culture in the world, This article entitled: "ON THE MOST IMPORTANT SITE FOR JAZZ All About Jazz: Tale Ognenovski jazz musician of the day”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska, appeared in the newspaper "Vreme”, number 1713, July 6, 2009, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia).

(Macedonian: “Светски познатата и најрелевантна интернет-страница за џез-музика All About Jazz  https://www.allaboutjazz.com  деновиве објави статија со која му оддаде признание на македонскиот инструменталист и музичар Тале Огненовски. Текстот се однесува на признанието кое екипата на овој сајт му го додели на 27 април, на денот на неговиот 87. роденден, кога го прогласи за џез-музичар на денот.
Ова е големо признание бидејќи вакво признание во деновите кога се родиле, независно дали во тој момент биле живи или починати, го добиле и другите најславни џезери на сите времиња - Бени Гудман, Мајлс Дејвис, Арти Шо, Сидни Бекет, Дјук Елингтон, Ела Фитџералд и други…
Огненовски е најголемиот македонски инструменталист, кој свири на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка и зурла и еден од најголемите композитори на инструментална музика. За неговите дела, неговиот син м-р Стеван Огненовски напиша книга, насловена: „Тале Огненовски, виртуоз на кларинет и композитор“. Тие двајцата се продуценти на трите албуми на Огненовски издадени за американската дискографска компанија „Индипендент рекордс“, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006)
како и  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) … Тале Огненовски има компонирано и аранжирано 150 македонски народни ора, еден класичен концерт насловен „Тале Огненовски концерт за кларинет бр. 1“ и 12 џез-композиции. На сите композиции на неговите албуми тој е солист инструменталист на кларинет, кавалче, гајдарка, зурла и тапан, а на дел од композициите заедно со него на кавалче свират и Стеван Огненовски и неговите синови Никола и Климент. Стеван е автор на осумте музички видеа на неговиот татко, кои се ставени на интернет-страницата „јутјуб“, што придонесува за афирмација на македонската култура во светот…“, Напис под наслов: “НА НАЈПОЗНАТИОТ САЈТ ЗА ЏЕЗ Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот”, Напишано од Валентина Ѓоргиевска, весник “Време“, број 1713, 6 јули 2009 година, Скопје, Република Македонија).  https://web.archive.org/web/20110320083202/http://www.vreme.com.mk/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=6&tabid=1&EditionID=1749&ArticleID=117172

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2010, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2010 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2010-04-27)



ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)    


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Is Included In The Book Entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky. Publisher: CreateSpace (Posted: 11-21-2014)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  “Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Cerificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski”   (Posted: 03-07-2012)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:   "Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD Album: "Pelistersko Oro", Which Will Be Released On October 1, 2012"  (Posted: 04-22-2012) 


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Tale Ognenovski, Titan Of The Clarinet And Composer Of Clarinet Music, Dies (Posted: 06-28-2012) "Tale Ognenovski, known across the globe for his virtuosic performances, died suddenly on June 19, 2012. His technique and the excitement of his playing were legendary… "


New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450


Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463


mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…” - Article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”” - mi2n (Music Industry News Network), 04-27-2017. 


 “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)   https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php


JAZZ NEWS: Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD (Posted: April 22, 2012)



Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company;
1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:

All About Jazz : The following news item is now being featured at AllAboutJazz.com:  The 51th Anniversary of Tale Ognenovski's Carnegie Hall Concert, January 27, 1956 Posted: 2007-02-04



All About Jazz : Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Clarinetist on YouTube    


 Posted: 2009-04-12      SOURCE: All About Jazz Publicity


Tale Ognenovski at YouTube

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Brusnichko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfM97pOp23M 

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvuHuLswaI

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9390xDUuPuU

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5v68GMLaCs

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkibqVfE5I

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK4wLnpPlNw  

YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

“Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill” - John Martin, the New York Times
“The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’, which has been touring Europe with great success, made the reason quite clear last night in a performance at Carnegie Hall that was a joy and delight...This particular group, part of a national movement toward the revival of the folk arts, comes from Macedonia, but its dances and songs come also from Serbia, Croatia and Dalmatia...Among them are the endless vivacity and the tremendous skill of a thoroughly ingratiating company and some brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances. To be sure, they possess all the qualities common to folk dancing, but they have great individuality and a wide variety besides...These sturdy, spirited and forthright men can dance not only as fast as you please, but also as slowly, which is harder and can be much more exciting. In number after number they do rapid and fairly incredible phrases with inexhaustible vigor...But all the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing. There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe (virtuoso reed pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), a charming lyric bagpipe, drums large and small, played with two kinds of sticks at the same time or else by the fingers alone...The evening is not only wonderful art but also a superb show. Surely one performance in New York is not enough. The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern,” from an article written by John Martin entitled “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,” and published in The New York Times, New York, on January 28, 1956.  https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE

Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events     The New York Times
"Everybody knows, of course, that folk dancing is entirely for participation, and has no value at all as spectacle; everybody knows it, that is, until something like the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, "Tanec", comes along and puts on a stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist... The social and sociological roots are there, to be sure, but what is actually offered is the theatrical flower. There is an amazing variety to the dances that comprised this particular program. To indicate, that they are dances of war, of courtship, of harvest, of sheep-herding, is to lapse into platitudes, for a variety exists in far closer terms than any such standards backgrounds imply. It is again, the flower that we see; not the roots. And this flowering is in terms of movement that compasses a thousand different shades of dynamics, of elevation, of rapidity, of aplomb, of spatial range, of conscious virtuosity, of total strangeness and exoticism of texture. The ethnologist will care enormously that there are here relics of Grecian antiquity, Turkish influences from the hated occupation, full-circled kolos from the plains of Croatia in contrast to the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains. There is equal interest in the curious musical instruments that accompany many of the dances... a dateless reed pipe (virtuoso reed pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)," from an article written by John Martin entitled “THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events ,” and published in The New York Times, New York, on February 5, 1956.  https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE

Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and for clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) player Tale Ognenovski, " The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Artist Biography of Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503       https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503        http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

 “The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…” – From the book entitled: “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”), 1994; ISBN 9989-600-01-5; pp. 114 - 115, published by BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia , written by Dushko Dimitrovski

Tale Ognenovski played clarinet in the music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".
In Vardar Film's 1955 production of "Ritam i zvuk" ("Rhythm and Sound"), Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances "Zhensko Chamche" and "Beranche" with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

YouTube music video – Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Information of music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films.


Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski ("Piperkovo oro"...)

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)       

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” From the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, 2000 written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient.
“Legendary artist Tale Ognenovski performed as clarinet and reed pipe soloist in Folk Dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall, a symbol of artistic excellence, on January 27, 1956. There, he bewitched the audience with his performances as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist…There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable reed pipe (virtuoso pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski – a remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)... From an article written by John Martin and published in The New York Times, New York City, USA, January 28, 1956, under the title: “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill”.
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skillful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” was written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient. on page 6-9 in the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian.

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003.

The "11 October" Award is the highest and the most prestigious national award in the Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003
Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959…
  On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English...” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.

“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…” – From the book entitled: “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”), 1994, written by Dushko Dimitrovski
“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Both Jesus Christ’s: “I came not to do away with the Bible, but to fulfil and continue it”, and Michalangelo’s: “The Artist must adopt strict, artistic rules at first, to be able to break them afterwards”… could well apply to Ognenovski. Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music. As if the ingenious knowledge of the ‘chalgija’ universe, but also with the live primordial in the rustic sound, together with the vivid, creative touch of the mysteries of European classical music idea, had predetermined the outstanding talent of Ognenovski to make one, perhaps unconscious, but in musical and historical terms, more than far-reaching creative step forward. In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labryinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?... ”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”); 1994; ISBN 9989-600-01-5; pp. 114 - 115, published by BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 217-219. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

YouTube Videos:

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Brusnichko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfM97pOp23M 
YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvuHuLswaI

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9390xDUuPuU

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc
YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5v68GMLaCs
YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkibqVfE5I

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK4wLnpPlNw  

YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

Music of Tale Ognenovski on Google Play (Download)


YouTube Videos
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled:
by Stevan Ognenovski (Author)
Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds

Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski


Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You: My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qvqdG4eSIIA entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”

I am author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA  Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

This book was written by me, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.

In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832),

"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223),

“Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and

"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).

Facebook website of Tale Ognenovski entitled: “Tale Ognenovski The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time Composer Musical Genius”


Facebook website of Stevan Ognenovski entitled: “Stevan Ognenovski, Magister of Computer Science, Writer, Instrumentalist”



Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski


Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)


Web site JJA News insights and updates from the Jazz Journalists Association published article entitled: "Deaths in 2012", compiled by W. Royal Stokes and Ken Franckling, Nov 27th, 2012 about the top jazz musicians who died in 2012 including Tale Ognenovski.  http://news.jazzjournalists.org/2012/11/deaths-in-2012


Static.echonest.com published an article entitled, "2012 Music Memoriam - Well Known Musicians We Lost in 2012". Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was included in the list of public figures that died in 2012. 

Tale Ognenovski is No. 4 of top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries
Website Boingboing.net published article entitled: “Notable deaths in 2012, as recorded by Wikipedia”. In this article was written: “Information designer Jess Bachman created Wikipedia Remembers 2012 (https://web.archive.org/web/20170225142318/http://visual.ly/wikipedia-remembers-2012?view=true), an interactive feature about the top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries… while others like #4, Tale Ognenovski is a lessor known Macedonian clarinetist, but for some reason has a incredibly documented wiki page! So many interesting people here…” (Published: Jan 2, 2013) https://boingboing.net/2013/01/02/notable-deaths-in-2012-as-rec.html (

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100”
written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address: 

Jazzclub Unterfahrt from Munich, Bavaria, Germany commented: "Playing the music of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is different from imitating Michael Breckers style.” – Article entitled: “Pachora”.



“…lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music,” wrote JazzTimes music critic Bill Shoemaker in an article entitled "Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds", appearing in the website of JazzTimes on January 3, 1998. 

Article published in the book: Shoemaker, Bill (January 1998). Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2–5- Page 43; Dave Douglas: Parallel Worlds. JazzTimes.
The University of Michigan.



Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz    https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/taleognenovski


All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM  (Published: 2009-04-27 https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2010, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2010 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2010-04-27)



ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)    


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Is Included In The Book Entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky. Publisher: CreateSpace (Posted: 11-21-2014)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Macedonian Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2010 At AllAboutJazz.com  (Posted: 04-27-2010) 

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  “Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Cerificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski”   (Posted: 03-07-2012)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:   "Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD Album: "Pelistersko Oro", Which Will Be Released On October 1, 2012"  (Posted: 04-22-2012) 


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Tale Ognenovski, Titan Of The Clarinet And Composer Of Clarinet Music, Dies (Posted: 06-28-2012) "Tale Ognenovski, known across the globe for his virtuosic performances, died suddenly on June 19, 2012. His technique and the excitement of his playing were legendary… "


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017) 


New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450


Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463

https://web.archive.org/web/20071101093526/http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463 Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)       
Google Books Bibliographic information about this book


The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skillhttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ( https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ) , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.  

Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and for clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) player Tale Ognenovski, " The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Artist Biography of Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503       https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503        http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…” - Article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”” - mi2n (Music Industry News Network), 04-27-2017. 

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books



Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page


Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "
Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)

“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…” – From the book entitled: “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”), 1994
; ISBN 9989-600-01-5; pp. 114 - 115, published by BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia , written by Dushko Dimitrovski

Tale Ognenovski played clarinet in the music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".
In Vardar Film's 1955 production of "Ritam i zvuk" ("Rhythm and Sound"), Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances "Zhensko Chamche" and "Beranche" with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

YouTube music video – Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Information of music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films.


Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski ("Piperkovo oro"...)

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)       

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States.  A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. 

On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 is written: 

Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation;
Producer, Robert Saudek.
Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22
Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)...

Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs"Tanec" on concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956. The Life Magazine wrote: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skilful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174 http://www.taleognenovski.mk/life.html

Allmusic's reviewer, Craig Harris, noted: "The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member..." - Article entitled "Biography of Ensemble Tanec".  http://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503  (https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php  (Published: 2009-04-27 https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz   


Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956”

 “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)   https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php


JAZZ NEWS: Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD (Posted: April 22, 2012)



Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company;
1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:

In the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East” edited by: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo in the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” of this book, author Kim Burton on page 203 was written: “"One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernised style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music."” Information of this book: Title: World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, THE ROUGH GUIDE; Editors: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo; Publisher: Rough Guides, 1999; Length: 762 pages; ISBN: 1858286352, 9781858286358 was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database.


  “The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…” – From the book entitled: “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”), 1994; ISBN 9989-600-01-5; pp. 114 - 115, published by BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia , written by Dushko Dimitrovski

Tale Ognenovski played clarinet in the music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".
In Vardar Film's 1955 production of "Ritam i zvuk" ("Rhythm and Sound"), Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances "Zhensko Chamche" and "Beranche" with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

YouTube music video – Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Information of music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films.


Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski ("Piperkovo oro"...)

“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Both Jesus Christ’s: “I came not to do away with the Bible, but to fulfil and continue it”, and Michalangelo’s: “The Artist must adopt strict, artistic rules at first, to be able to break them afterwards”… could well apply to Ognenovski. Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music. As if the ingenious knowledge of the ‘chalgija’ universe, but also with the live primordial in the rustic sound, together with the vivid, creative touch of the mysteries of European classical music idea, had predetermined the outstanding talent of Ognenovski to make one, perhaps unconscious, but in musical and historical terms, more than far-reaching creative step forward. In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labryinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?... ”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”); 1994; ISBN 9989-600-01-5; pp. 114 - 115, published by BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 217-219. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

CD Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223)

“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best  clarinet concertos in the world… no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can…”
“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best clarinet concertos  in the world. Whether it's classical, jazz, Macedonian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian or others, no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can. Many clarinetists only play one type or style of music Tale can play any style with perfection. "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" CD will go down in history as one of the best clarinet concertos ever recorded”, written by Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski (Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/) , Buffalo, New York, USA, March 26, 2006

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…”
From the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, 2000 written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient.
“Legendary artist Tale Ognenovski performed as clarinet and reed pipe soloist in Folk Dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall, a symbol of artistic excellence, on January 27, 1956. There, he bewitched the audience with his performances as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist…There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable reed pipe (virtuoso pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski – a remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)... From an article written by John Martin and published in The New York Times, New York City, USA, January 28, 1956, under the title: “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill”.
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skillful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” was written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient. on page 6-9 in the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian.
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521).
In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003.
The "11 October" Award is the highest and the most prestigious national award in the Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award." - Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ...
Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003
Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959…
  On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English...” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.
Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” http://www.taleognenovski.mk

Tale Ognenovski received the "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003 for his contributions to Macedonian culture. Award No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11". Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03, first from right) and two with the date of 25 September 2003. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Tale Ognenovski received the "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003 for his contributions to Macedonian culture. Award No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11".  Photo: Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003

Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music in history. Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. He performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…  The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall.   

"Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight... Display of Tremendous Skill… folk arts, comes from Macedonia… brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances… great individuality… incredible phrases… a raucous and  unforgettable pipe…
spectacle… stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist… the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains... a dateless reed pipe…” -  The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956
The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40D15FB3F5B157B93CAAB178AD85F428585F9&scp=74&sq=John+Martin&st=p , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FA0C17F83A55177B93C7A91789D85F428585F9&scp=2&sq=Tanec&st=p , written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_York_Times) (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 72; 96-97.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

“The ensemble Tanec reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member...” - AllMusic (previously known as All Music Guide or AMG is an online music guide)

Allmusic's reviewer, Craig Harris, noted: "The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member..." - Article entitled "Biography of Ensemble Tanec". 

Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec’s” triumphant appearance on American television
‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. <>Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States.  A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.  On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink  http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 is written: 
Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; 
Producer, Robert Saudek.
Published/Created: United States:
CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22
Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)... The segment entitled The Yugoslav national folk ballet is shown periodically throughout the episode.; LC control no. 88705799. 
With Ford Foundation funding, “Omnibus” introduced the best in dance, music, drama, opera, history, science and art and was the most successful cultural magazine series in the history of U.S. commercial television. The series won more than 65 awards, including seven Emmy Awards and two Peabody Awards. The series is held at The Library of Congress and Global ImageWorks, among other archives.
(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 70-71). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Tale Ognenovski is No. 4 of top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries
Website Boingboing.net published article entitled: “Notable deaths in 2012, as recorded by Wikipedia”.
In this article was written: “Information designer Jess Bachman created Wikipedia Remembers 2012, an interactive feature about the top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries… while others like #4, Tale Ognenovski is a lessor known Macedonian clarinetist, but for some reason has a incredibly documented wiki page! So many interesting people here…” (Published: Jan 2, 2013) https://boingboing.net/2013/01/02/notable-deaths-in-2012-as-rec.html

Web site JJA News insights and updates from the Jazz Journalists Association published article entitled: "Deaths in 2012", compiled by W. Royal Stokes and Ken Franckling, Nov 27th, 2012 about the top jazz musicians who died in 2012 including Tale Ognenovski.  http://news.jazzjournalists.org/2012/11/deaths-in-2012

Static.echonest.com published an article entitled, "2012 Music Memoriam - Well Known Musicians We Lost in 2012". Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was included in the list of public figures that died in 2012.  http://static.echonest.com/playlist/year_end/index.html

Long Play gramophone vinyl record: 35 Godini na RTV Skopje, Narodna Muzika (1979, ULS-578, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia)


The 35th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television) - “...Tale Ognenovski who has demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three different folk music orchestras...” - LP ULS-578 
In 1979, Jugoton produced the LP reference number ULS-578 (P 1979) presenting recordings of Tale Ognenovski performing for Radio Television Skopje. The LP contains 15 Macedonian folk dances and songs, one of which is the Macedonian folk dance “Veleshko zhensko oro”, composed and performed by the virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski. 
Some text is written on the back cover of this LP in both Macedonian and English language. A part of this text reads:

...The basic form in which it presents both songs and dances is the so-called level of improvisation which being both inspiring and inventive is relatively close to the common folk way of playing music, which in conditions of live folklore helps the song not to become petrified. This orchestra also fosters differing styles and arrangements. Besides Nikola Galevski, a number of talented instrumentalists have contributed greatly to the qualitative growth of this ensemble. We should certainly mention the names of Angel Nanchevski, Pero Jarchev, Kocho Petrovski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Ivan Terziev, Stevo Teodosiievski, Tale Ognenovski and Blagoja Deskoski - who is in charge of this orchestra - and others. 
...Firmly principled in its style, and adaptable to the “chalgija” sound of as many of our folklore regions as possible, the orchestra has always selected as its members the best instrumentalists from all three different “chalgija” schools, that is, from the Skopje, Veles and Bitola schools. Its rich repertoire ranges from this and last century’s old-town songs and dances to those with patriotic motives created during the Liberation war. As “chalgija” is also characteristic of the folklore of other nationalities and ethnic groups who live in Macedonia, the orchestra has produced many Turkish, Albanian, Vlach and Gypsy songs and dances working together with a number of top singers and groups that cultivate this style. However, the orchestra’s instrumentalists themselves have often successfully managed to blend their own group singing into this orchestra. To mention a few: Ordan Hristov, Emin Memedov, Bekir Hadzi Kune, Jashar, Aki Memedov-Chun, Taki Najdenov, Koce Pandilov and Tale Ognenovski who has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras.
…Unique in its sound and very skilful in its ability to create styles and regional sound combinations, this ensemble is a truly spirited performer of our centuries-long authentic music treasure. Working together with many eminent singers and talented individuals from this area who have accurately interpreted our country songs, it has created a large repertoire. The manager of the orchestra is Pece Atanasovski, a well-known master on the bagpipe even outside of Yugoslavia. Among the other well-known instrumentalists, we should mention Todor Boshov, Mile Kolarov, Tale Ognenovski, Nikola Cvetkovski, Meophail Sakipov, and Angele Dimovski. 
With their numerous performances and tours both in Yugoslavia and abroad, the Radio Skopje folk music orchestras have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world.”

(Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 44-49.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


Photo of Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 11, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They performed 83 concerts in 58 towns and cities in France and twice had performances broadcast on television, on September 21 and 22, 1959: 20 million people would have seen them on the most popular programme on French Television. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs.

Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959. Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television.   Playing as virtuoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success. 

As a clarinet soloist with Radio Television Skopje’s (now: Macedonian Radio Television) Folk Music Orchestra, he played Macedonian folk dances that were broadcast on television by “Radio Television Zagreb” (now: Croatian Radiotelevision), Zagreb, Croatia. (1966) 

As clarinet soloist, Tale Ognenovski performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances on the television programme “Yugoslavia, Good Day” (“Jugoslavijo, dobar dan”) broadcast on “Radio Television Zagreb” (now: Croatian Radiotelevision) in Croatia, February 27, 1975.

“Tale Ognenovski appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Belgrade” (1929–1989) held in the “House of the Syndicate” in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989. He played as clarinet soloist two Macedonian folk dances, both of which he composed: Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, and Brusnichko oro. He had as accompaniment the Folk Music Orchestra of “Radio Television Belgrade” (now: Radio Television of Serbia). This concert was broadcast live on “Radio Belgrade”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 32-33).

As a member of the folk orchestra of Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television), he played Macedonian folk dances as a clarinet soloist at the First Festival of Yugoslavian (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music that was broadcast on radio in Skopje, Macedonia (April 14-16, 1967).

During the 1960s Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet soloist in many Macedonian folk dances and songs in numerous theatrical performances at the Macedonian National Theatre.

"Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..."
""Tanec" means "dance", but "dance" in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers...there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing...Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..." - By   Samuel Singer, The Philadelphia Inquirer,  , February 8, 1956.
Article: “Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 110-111.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

“…and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..."
"The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." - By R. H. Hagan, San Francisco Chronicle, March 8, 1956.  Article: "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’ ". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 114-119.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada, on February 13, 1956

Before the start of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada an February 13, 1956, the Artistic Director of the Hall told professor Asparuh Hadzi Nikolov, the Artistic Director of the Ensemble, that it was a tradition that every performer at Massey Hall played the Canadian National Anthem at the beginning of every concert.  Professor Hadzi Nikolov replied that it would not be possible for the Ensemble to play the Canadian National Anthem right then, but that if they had been given a score for the Anthem the previous day, then it would have been played. Tale Ognenovski overheard this conversation and announced that the National Anthem would be played immediately from the score. He was given the score and, as he had a ‘B’ clarinet he began to play one tone with transposition above, with other members of the Ensemble, Ivan Terziev (flute), Nikola Galevski (violin), Aleksandar Sarievski (accordion), Todor Pavlovski Totka (guitar) and Reshad Muharedov (drum) accompanying him without transposition, which is an easier way to play. It was a highly successful rendition of the National Anthem and the concert was as spectacular as the other concerts in United States. Only the greatest instrumentalists in the world could play a composition like the Canadian National Anthem without any preparation in advance and with transposition one tone above.

Music in Toronto      The Globe and Mail
"The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective ... " - By John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), , February 14, 1956. (Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 82-85.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Since it first opened in 1894, Massey Hall, with its capacity of 2700 seats, has been famous in Canada, the U.S. and Europe for its outstanding acoustics. Massey Hall’s first hundred years reads like a Who’s Who of the 20th century: Enrico Caruso, Winston Churchill, Booker T. Washington, Arturo Toscanini, George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Dylan, Harry Belafonte, Keith Richards, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti...

"For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat..."
"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet -- known at home as Tanec--excited a large audience... For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style … They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe..." - By Albert GoldbergLos Angeles Times, , March 13, 1956. Article: "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 120-123.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )
Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Los Angeles Times can be read at website

"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec..."
"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans... When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as a unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake"..." - Article: “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.”, written by  Claudia Cassidy,  Chicago Daily Tribune, , February 6, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 106-107.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )
Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Chicago Daily Tribune can be read at website

Life magazine article for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalvhe”) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.  In the article entitled, “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to
U.S.” published on April 9, 1956, Life magazine commented: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skillful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174.  (Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 121, 124-125. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )   All content (including images) of this Life magazine article can be read at website:

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski).

“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” From the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, 2000 written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient.
“Legendary artist Tale Ognenovski performed as clarinet and reed pipe soloist in Folk Dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall, a symbol of artistic excellence, on January 27, 1956. There, he bewitched the audience with his performances as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist…There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable reed pipe (virtuoso pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski – a remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)... From an article written by John Martin and published in The New York Times, New York City, USA, January 28, 1956, under the title: “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill”.
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skillful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” was written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient. on page 6-9 in the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian.

"...This monograph consists of 12 important chapter in this own way represents a looking glass of the artist's profile. In the first chapter the author, using selected materials, has included biographical data and individual articles about Tale Ognenovski's performances, as well as significant statements about his contribution towards the common proclamation of our cultural values with Ensemble "Tanec" on their mammoth tours in the United States of America, Canada and Germany in 1956, followed by the tours in France and Switzerland in 1959. Perhaps the most significant of his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" was the one in the famous Carnegie Hall in America. After these particular appearances that introduced Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble 'Tanec' to the world, in the next chapter the author succeeds in presenting the most significant journalist and professional comments about the folk genius of the clarinet. These articles record the numerous awards and honours that he received for his artistic works. The author Stevan Ognenovski includes the music notationof the Tale Ognenovski's own dance compositions, in addition to the "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto for Clarinet and the "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1". With all these the artist's profile has become richer... This monograph contains valuable material for researcher in this area of folklore to use to study successfully this phenomenon called Tale Ognenovski" - Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist.
"This book can be distinguished from others by the way research has been extraordinarity complete and scrupulously conducted. An enormous number of richly illustrated moments in his life and the creative style of Tale Ognenovski make it possible for everyone to see the extraordinary values and dimensions of this artistic person as one of the most important instrumental maestros in the world and a uniquely creative musician. Following the life history and the art of this great musician, Stevan Ognenovski Mag.Scient. presents the rich variety of events during these times and the creative works of the maestro. Before our very eyes appear numerous persons and manifestations as components of one treasured part of Macedonian spirit and cultural history. These things contribute additionally towards the value of this book..." - Dushko Dimitrovski, ethnomusicologist
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521


Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 60-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. 
This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs. Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist.
Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 
‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ programme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’. 

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Ensemble Tanec
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’. (Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 84-87.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink:


Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. At this festival participated folk dance groups from the towns of Bitola, Skopje, Prilep, Tetovo, Gevgelija, Debar, Ohrid, Kichevo, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Makedonski Brod, Demir Hisar, Struga, Resen and Krushevo. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/bitola1947.html

Tale Ognenovski received the First Award clarinet as the best clarinetist at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, on October 11, 1948 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. 453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in the festival in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/skopje1948.html

First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia
Tale Ognenovski was playing as a clarinet soloist, created a sensation and received First Award together with drummer Petrovski and dancers and singers: Vera Cholakovska, Cveta Petrovska, Sakjime Alimovska, Nada, Marika, Menan, Sefer, Mirko, Vangel, and Dimche Talevski, members of the Folk Dance group from the Bitola village of Nidzopole from Cultural - Educational society “Jonche Georgievski” from the Bitola village of Dihovo  as the best Folk Dance group at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia during the period September 9 to 13, 1951. 85 Folk groups performed at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia. They came from Serbia (September 9th, represented by 15 villages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 10th, represented by 15 villages), Montenegro (September 11th, represented by 8 villages), Slovenia (September 11th, represented by 5 villages), Macedonia (September 12th, represented by 23 villages) and Croatia (September 13th, represented by 19 villages).  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/opatija1951.html

The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK. “The Council has been fortunate in the national setting of its conferences, which each year has given a distinctive character to the proceedings. At the 1951 conference, held at Opatija from September 8th to 14th, we had the stimulus of exchanging views with and learning from our Yugoslav colleagues who have had the inestimable advantage of studying their folk music tradition whilst it is still in full flower; and we were privileged to see and hear for ourselves the beauty and variety of Yugoslav folk art in the wonderful Festival which had been especially arranged for the members of the Conference…” - ” This appeared in an article entitled ‘Editorial’, and was published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 1, in March, 1952. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_for_Traditional_Music

“… From the time of the conquest of Alexander the Great to the modern era, Macedonia has been the scene of dramatic events, brutal invasions and profound social upheavals…Macedonian folk music is governed by rhythmic laws and set metres. Foreign influences, in so far as they existed, where subjected to the rules of accentuation of the Macedonian popular language. The melody is usually symmetrical…Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nidzopole (Bitola) means ‘heavy’, and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 197-205. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer won the “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31,1978. (No. 38). http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received the “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 27, 1996. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received the “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 27, 1996. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. (Certificate for National Pension No. 51-238/1 dated January 11, 2012)

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012.

From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.


Tale Ognenovski (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1893–1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1893–1972; Nationality: Macedonian).  His paternal grandfather was Risto (Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (Mara - Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (Macedonian: Огнен – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian).

Tale Ognenovski inherited his great talent and musical genius from his great-grandfather Ognen and grandfather Risto, both of whom were excellent players on the reed pipe (“kavalche”), and from his father Jovan who was an excellent player on the bagpipe (“gajda”). At every celebration in his village of Brusnik, his father Jovan invited to his home the clarinetist Sterjo, accompanied by two other musicians who played the violin and drum, or the clarinetist Lambo, together with two other musicians who played the violin and drum (Lambo’s son Tode played the drum). On these occasions Tale’s father Jovan played the bagpipe. When little Tale was six years old he began to accompany them playing the “daire” (some kind of little drum).
It was during these moments that Tale began to love playing musical instruments. He began to play on the reed pipe (“kavalche”) at the age of 7 (1929) when he also made his first musical composition. These particularly happy times in Tale’s life were broken suddenly, in 1933, when his father Jovan died. By the time Tale was 15 (1937) he was an excellent player on the reed pipe. During one celebration in Brusnik he asked the clarinetist Vasil Talevski to lend him his clarinet. Tale began to play the clarinet for the first time, and all the villagers who were present, including Vasil Talevski, Mile Karangelevski and the priest Spase were amazed at how well he played. 
It was then that one of the most successful careers in the world of music began. Tale’s grandmother Marija (Mara) and mother Fanija (Vanka) provided some money to buy Tale his first clarinet, and the priest Spase helped them to order it from Celje, Slovenia. Tale began to play the clarinet at many celebrations and concerts in villages and the town of Bitola with many other musicians.

From 1946 till 1951 he played in the Cultural-Educational Societies of “Svetlost” and “Stiv Naumov” in Bitola, and folk dance groups from the villages of Brusnik, Dihovo, Nidzepole, Rotino and Lavci. Always a lover of classical music, Tale Ognenovski was prepared to study alone to learn to play classical music on the clarinet. He performed many times in radio broadcasts on Radio Bitola. He received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the first regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held on October 9-11, 1947. From November 1, 1948 till December 30, 1948, he was a member of the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television) on the invitation of Mr. Vasil Hadzimanov and Mr. Nikolaj Galevski. This was after he had received the First Award Clarinet as the best clarinetist at the first Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held in Skopje in 1948. He played many times with the Radio Skopje studio folk orchestra, and many of these performances were broadcast. 
From 1949 to 1951, at the invitation of Mr. Angel Saldziev, Assistant Director in the Ministry of Science and Culture in Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski toured the Republic of Macedonia accompanied by folk dance groups from the villages of Brusnik, Dihovo, Nidzepole and Lavci, and the “Chalgii” orchestras of Radio Bitola and Radio Skopje. Mr. Angel Saldziev was the manager of these tours, which were at the time significant musical events in Macedonia.
Tale Ognenovski won First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9-12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nidzepole. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia. From 1951 till 1954, Tale Ognenovski worked as a member of the “Police Wind Orchestra”. 
In 1952, Tale Ognenovski became the first clarinet soloist in the history of the Republic of Macedonia to perform a classical concert for the clarinet.
In December 1952, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist, together with the superb pianist Nino Cipushev as accompaniment, performed the classical concert “Concert Polka for Clarinet” by Miler Bela in the “Police House” in Skopje with outstanding success. This classical concert by Miler Bela consists of complicated parts with many cadenzas demanding great skill and expertise from a clarinet soloist. With his superb performance, Tale Ognenovski became the first clarinet soloist in the history of the Republic of Macedonia to perform a classical concert for the clarinet. This was a notable event in the history of Macedonian music.
He staged further classical performances throughout his career. On May 24, 1953 he played clarinet soloist in the classical concert “Concert Polka for Clarinet” by Miler Bela with Gligor Smokvarski’s arrangement for the “Public Police Wind Orchestra”, comprising about 30 musicians and conducted by Micho Kostovski. The concert was performed in the Radio Skopje building, and broadcast directly to the nation via Radio Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television).
Periodically, from 1949 till 1960, he played solo clarinet with the Small Radio Skopje Orchestra conducted by Nikola Galevski on an honorary basis. These concerts were also broadcast nationally by Radio Skopje. From November 15, 1951 till 1954, he worked with the “Public Police Wind Orchestra”. From 1954 till 1956, he worked with the “Public Town Skopje Orchestra,” and from 1956 till 1960 with the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English
and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 22-29. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


In 1966, Tale Ognenovski became Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television).
In 1967 Tale Ognenovski retired, but he continued to play on an honorary basis in the “Chalgii” Orchestra on “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television) until 1972.
He performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances as clarinet and reed pipe soloist at a special concert marking the 25th anniversary of the founding of Radio Television Skopje, performed in the Universal Hall in Skopje on December 19, 1969. At this concert, Tale Ognenovski demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three, different folk music orchestras of Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television), namely the Folk Music Orchestra, the “Chalgii” Orchestra and the Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra. The audience that jammed the Universal Hall to capacity gave enthusiastic applause. The concert was a great success, with many other famous singers and instrumentalists taking part.
During the 1960’s, Tale Ognenovski performed at many concerts in the Former Yugoslavia with the orchestra of the legendary Kocho Petrovski. The orchestra included among its members Dr. Aleksandar Vasevski and Slobodan Nikolovski.. He made his recording debut as a composer with the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra in 1963, with three Macedonian folk dances all composed by him, and in which he played solo clarinet: “Bitolsko svadbarsko oro”, “Bitolsko oro” and “Pelistersko oro”. The record (EP 14700) was produced by “RADIO TELEVIZIJA BEOGRAD” (Radio Television Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia). 
In 1965, Tale Ognenovski established his own “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra”
The year 1965 saw Tale Ognenovski establish his own “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra” in Skopje, and “RADIO TELEVIZIJA BEOGRAD” produce the record EP 14711. On this record, he gives solo clarinet performances of his four compositions, Prespansko oro, Kumovo oro, Deverovo oro and Dihovsko oro, accompanied by the “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra”.
In 1967 “Resensko oro” performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinetist is recorded on the LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES”. The Macedonian folk dance “Resensko oro” is available on the Jugoton LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES” (“PLESOVI NARODA JUGOSLAVIJE”), reference number LPYV-S-806 (Jugoton, producer of gramophone records in Zagreb, Croatia). “The tracks on this record contain instrumental, musical folk-dance accompaniments arranged for the public... The aksak rhythm appears in the musical accompaniment of the Macedonian “Resensko oro” (A-4, composed and performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinettist, accompanied by his Tale Ognenovski Folk Ensemble), in a three-beat rhythm, with the extended first unit...” wrote Dr Jerko Bezic on back cover of this record.
(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 32-37. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


Photo of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer with Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957.
From left to right: Jovanka Broz, First Lady of Yugoslavia and  wife of Josip Broz Tito, Aleksandar Sarievski, singer and composer, Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Dragica Nikolova, singer, Stevo Teodosievski, accordionist and composer and Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957.

Clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski played many times for Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia at different places including: OhridVeles and Skopje in Republic of MacedoniaBrdo Castle near Kranj in SloveniaBrionian Island in Croatia and  Belgrade in Serbia. Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia was in the visit of Republic of Macedonia from May 27, 1957 till June 3, 1957 and he delivered two speeches. His first speech was in Mavrovo on May 27, 1957, where he opened  the first aggregate of  Mavrovo Hydroelectric System and the second speech was on June 3, 1957 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia before approximately 100,000 (one hundred thousand) people.  Tale Ognenovski (clarinetist and composer), Aleksandar Sarievski (singer and composer), Dragica Nikolova (singer) and Stevo Teodosievski (accordionist and composer) had performed for Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia on June 3, 1957  in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. After the performance Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia invited artists to photograph with him and his wife Jovanka Broz.


Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... 
Tale Ognenovski , clarinetist and composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Macedonian:  Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")...  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski . Tale Ognenovski recorded his 77 Folk Dances on 11 LPs (Long Play gramophone records), 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, one videotape with the Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia ,  PGP-RTB (now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia), Jugoton (now Croatia Records, Croatia). Tale Ognenovski is one of the most important musicians of all time in the world. Tale Ognenovski made his recording debut as a composer with the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra in 1963, with the first record EP 14700 produced by PGP RTB - "Radio Televizija Beograd" (Radio Television Belgrade (now Radio Television Serbia), Belgrade, Serbia). In 1965, Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra", and PGP RTB produces the record EP 14711, He made his recording debut for Jugoton Zagreb, Croatia with the record EPY-3851 (1967).

In 2001 Tale Ognenovski formed Quartet with his son, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum and reed pipe (recorder) and grandsons Nikola on reed pipe and Kliment on reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski is soloist on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder – “kavalche”), tin whistle, small bagpipe and zourla (zurla). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824).

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

CD Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223)

Reviewers from Amazon.com. Source: Web page of Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1
Amazon.com reviewer: Outstanding Musical Interpretation, April 13, 2006.
Erika Borsos: "Outstanding Musical Interpretation - This reviewer is familiar with the three B's of classical music: Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms and can distinguish their styles, one can *now* add a fourth "B" which stands for "Balkan" as played by Tale Ognenovski. Mr. Ognenovski plays Mozart with his own inimitable personal style making the classical music take on mysterious and exotic characteristics and overtones. His virtuosity possesses special qualities related to the Balkan clarinet… Ognenovski explodes with passion as he performs his own "Tale Ognenovski Concerto for Clarinet No. 1" ... The labyrinthine musical pathways he creates are enormously pleasing to the listener. The pentatonic scale and odd metered rhythms of Macedonia awaken the listener to new vistas of musical excitement and enjoyment. Anyone who loves jazz improvisation and the sounds of the clarinet will immediately recognize the superior creativity, breath control and complete mastery of this instrument as played by Mr. Ognenovski…”
Amazon.com reviewer: Exquisite, you must buy it, April 14, 2011.
Michele Zukovsky, 1st Carinet Los Angeles Philharmonic: “Exquisite, you must buy it - After hearing this great artist, I was absolutely dumbfounded. Why, oh, why have I not heard this songbird before. His delicate and nuanced Mozart was so inspiring that I fell into a reverie---it was a moment of bliss .. No other clarinetist can touch him. After having bought the cd, you will not be able to listen to anything else!! …bravo mr. Ognenovski, for inspiring the world of clarinetists… ”
Amazon.com reviewer: A New Standard has Been Set, April 14, 2011.
Julia Heinen, Professor of Clarinet, California State University, Northridge: “A New Standard has Been Set - Based on the recommendation of the wonderful clarinetist, Michele Z. I have to tell you that this is now my most favorite recording of the Mozart Concerto. I can only hope all clarinetists near and far will learn from this unique interpretation. Bravo Mr.Ognenovski, you've set a new standard.”
Amazon.com reviewer: Unique Genius, April 16, 2011.
David Gilman, orchestral & solo clarinetist, Lake Forest, CA, USA: “Unique Genius - I must concur with my colleague, Michele Z., for her astute observations regarding Mr. Ognenovski's artistry. His subtle phrasing and amazing tone leave one breathless. Words cannot adequately describe the impression his recordings make. One must experience them to believe it. I can still hardly believe it myself.”


“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best  clarinet concertos in the world… no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can…”
“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best clarinet concertos  in the world. Whether it's classical, jazz, Macedonian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian or others, no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can. Many clarinetists only play one type or style of music Tale can play any style with perfection. "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" CD will go down in history as one of the best clarinet concertos ever recorded”, written by Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski (Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/) , Buffalo, New York, USA, March 26, 2006; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

“In honor of the jubilee, the 250th anniversary of the birth of the music genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1756 - January 27, 2006) was released a CD album of the musical genius Tale Ognenovski titled "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos". On this day, January 27 is another great jubilee for him, and for the Macedonian culture, 50 years of the performance of Tale Ognenovski at Carnegie Hall in New York, together with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec“ where, according to the reaction of the audience and the writing of the American stamp, achieved a sensational success. Ognenovski is regarded as a musical genius, the greatest instrumentalist of the clarinet, reed pipe (“kavalche”), small bagpipezurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in the world music history. The new album was recorded, mixed and made mastering by Dimitar Dimovski in his "Promuzika Tra La La Studio" in Skopje, and was released under the label of the American record label "Independent Records". Producers of the CD album: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Photos: Kliment, Margarita and Stevan Ognenovski. Graphic design Nikola and Stevan Ognenovski ... In this recording the clarinet is accompanied by his son Stevan Ognenovski on a drum and a second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski)… Tale Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concert of all time in the world. Mozart's (“Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622”) concert for clarinet is certainly one of the most beautiful concerts of the classical era. The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall. Tale Ognenovski, together with other members of the Ensemble "Tanec", appeared in Carnegie Hall, showing extremely beautiful artistic skills. That night was a joy and astonishment… "- Article entitled “VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET TALE OGNENOVSKI TODAY WELCOME JUBILEE: Fifty years since Tale's performance FOLK DANCES at Carnegie Hall” (Macedonian: “ВИРТУОЗОТ ОГНЕНОВСКИ ДЕНЕС СЛАВИ ЈУБИЛЕЈ Педесет години од настапот на Тале и ”Танец” во Карнеги Хол”), written by Valentina Gjorgjievska, newspaper ‘Vecher’, January 28, 2006, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. (https://vecer.mk/zabavna/pedeset-godini-od-nastapot-na-tale-i-tanec-vo-karnegi-hol)


New York, NY (Top40 Charts):  “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450

In the article was written: “Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is included in the book entitled "The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100" written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277…. Tale Ognenovski (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски) (Born: April 27, 1922, village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia - Died: June 19, 2012, Skopje Republic of Macedonia; Nationality: Macedonian) was a Macedonian multi-instrumentalist: clarinet, reed pipe ('kavalche' - recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla (zurla) and drum, composer, bandleader and music producer.
Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most innovative composers of instrumental music. He is known across the globe for his virtuoso performances. With his clarinet he led a generations of music fans around the world. Mr. Ognenovski impressed and amazed clarinetists of all schools. Ognenovski's success with the audience was phenomenal. Amazing technique, electrifying temperament, variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. His legend will live forever. His music has become a large part of the lives of many people. His music has moved their souls and touched their hearts.
Tale Ognenovski was a Musical Genius and Titan of the Clarinet whose extraordinary personality and skill has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted. Mr. Ognenovski took his music around the world and his music and spirit will live on forever. On January 27, 1956, he performed at Carnegie Hall, New York City as clarinet and reed pipe (kavalche - recorder) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"… Tale Ognenovski arranged the Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 for two clarinets. The clarinet in standard performance is always accompanied by the Orchestra. In CD Album entitled: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by his son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amazon.com release date: January 24, 2006. Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Härtel edition (Publisher's no.: Nr. 2300).
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU
Perhaps this is unique recording where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 from the Third movement: Rondo: Allegro are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in Breitkopf & Härtel edition. (Time: 09:29 - 09:34 in this recording). The full, wonderful sound of the modern A clarinet is rich and Ognenovski's playing is superb, with good tempo and intonation throughout.
Tale Ognenovski composed and performed concert entitled: "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1". “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of “Tale Ognenovski's Clarinet Concerto No.1” is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert.
With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom. Tale Ognenovski's Clarinet classical composition is far more than a demonstration of the clarinet's tonal qualities, as well as what is technically possible with a clarinet - these he had already explored and favored in his compositions of Macedonian folk dances. It is also a display of imaginative power, a colorful, almost romantic emotion, and sensitive feeling.
Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc ..."

Tale Ognenovski with these 300 works introducing a virtuosity and brilliance in instrumental music. He is one of the greatest composers of instrumental music of all time.

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski”
http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM (Published: 2009-04-27)

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)   https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php

In the article was written: “This third release "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" is the follow up to his two previous: CD Albums entitled: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” and “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Release date: January 24, 2006). Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances. New CD Album "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski"  feature the Ognenovski performing with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever. This CD Album is one of the Best Jazz Instrumental Albums of all time.Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted. He is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music. He is one of the greatest composers in the world of music…”

New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, "Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday" on November 13, 2006.  (Posted: 13/11/2006) http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463
In the article was written: “This recording is sensational. Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. The clarinet in standard performance is always accompanied by the Orchestra. In this recording the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by his son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski gives a splendid account of Mozart's most beautiful concerto. The full, wonderful sound of the modern A clarinet is rich and Ognenovski's playing is superb, with good tempo and intonation throughout. His sound is full and expressive, his phrasing is lyrical, his articulations clear, and his tone is beautiful. Tale Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. Mozart's clarinet concerto is certainly one of the most beautiful works to emerge from the Classical era. Musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another genius of music, Tale Ognenovski, performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist folk dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall. Together, he and the other members of the Macedonian Ensemble 'Tanec' appeared at Carnegie Hall in a display of tremendous skill, which was a sheer joy to watch. Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted. He is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music. He is one of the greatest composers in the world of music. 'Tanec's American tour began with their debut on one of the most successful cultural magazine series in the history of U.S. commercial television, the Ford Foundation TV Program OMNIBUS (on CBS Television Network), on January 22, 1956. This program was seen by millions of Americans. During an 84-day tour throughout the United States of America and Canada, Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble 'Tanec' traveled 10,000 kilometers and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. These concerts were heralded as great cultural events by the American press. January 27, 2006, marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart…”

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Writer of the book is Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. The promotion of the book was organized by the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances under the auspices of the National Institution Center of Culture "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

On the beginning of the promotion, the author of the book Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  read the letter from Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and the letter of Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia.

In the letter Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer he wrote: "Dear Mr. Ognenovski,
Extraordinary feelings, undoubtedly evokes monographic work of your great musical opus, rarely inventive and gifted instrumentalist and composer. Numerous tours and awards in our country and in the world talking about your virtuosity in unsurpassed merger of oriental and western music. Priceless is your merit for promotion of Macedonian traditional and folk music around the world. But at the same time it should be noted and pedagogical activity with young enthusiasts - your followers. Your music and solo performances, left a mark of unsurpassed clarinetist who his perpetual inspiration finds in the most valuable that has this country – Macedonian folklore. I think that words cannot express what is experienced in the moments of your interpretations. But I still believe in the value of this monographic work that will remain a permanent mark for one glowing personality for future generations. Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of MacedoniaSkopje, July 9, 2001"

In the letter Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and to Mr. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. he wrote
: "Dear Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski,
Invitation to attend at the promotion of the book "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", causes me great honour and pleasure. I am glad that the promotion of the book is at the same time of maintaining the Balkan Folklore Festival and will enriches the content of this event. Of course it is important that you have managed to book issued in Macedonian and English. Congratulating you on the success and wishing you further success, expressing my regret that due to commitments I am not able to attend the promotion of your book. I wish that the promotion to relive the true moments that deserves the book. Sincerely, Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, July 9, 2001"  

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” http://www.taleognenovski.mk

“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…” – From the book entitled: “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”), 1994, written by Dushko Dimitrovski
“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Both Jesus Christ’s: “I came not to do away with the Bible, but to fulfil and continue it”, and Michalangelo’s: “The Artist must adopt strict, artistic rules at first, to be able to break them afterwards”… could well apply to Ognenovski. Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music. As if the ingenious knowledge of the ‘chalgija’ universe, but also with the live primordial in the rustic sound, together with the vivid, creative touch of the mysteries of European classical music idea, had predetermined the outstanding talent of Ognenovski to make one, perhaps unconscious, but in musical and historical terms, more than far-reaching creative step forward. In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labryinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?... ”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”); 1994; ISBN 9989-600-01-5; pp. 114 - 115, published by BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 217-219. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes…” – From the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” written by Kim Burton on page 203 from the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East”, 1999.
In the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East” edited by: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo in the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” of this book, author Kim Burton on page 203 was written: “"One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernized style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music."” Information of this book: Title: World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, THE ROUGH GUIDE; Editors: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo; Publisher: Rough Guides, 1999; Length: 762 pages; ISBN: 1858286352, 9781858286358 was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database.

“This Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician…”
“…Radio Television Belgrade issued a LP of Macedonian folk music, on which are performances by the extraordinary clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. His music repertoire is folk dances, jazz (besides others he includes works by Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw), concerts from Weber, Mozart and Cavallini...This is Tale Ognenovski who began to play the clarinet in the village of Brusnik near Bitola, who with this wooden instrument toured the world and received well-deserved applause wherever he performed. The names of the folk dances which Tale Ognenovski plays will not be given; this is unnecessary because this is a particularly good record that proves that this Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician”, from the magazine “Ilustrovana Politika”, under the title, “New records - Macedonian folk dances”, published in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979, 
(This commentary is a message to the reader on the release of the record RTB LP 1439 STEREO). (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 52-53)

TALE IS UNIQUE. During the past couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso” - a comment by Gjoko Georgiev on LP 1439 RTB, produced in 1979.
The LP record “Macedonian folk dances played by Tale Ognenovski” (“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski" - Macedonian: "Македонски играорни ора свири ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ”) reference number LP 1439 STER
EO was produced by Radio Television Belgrade in Belgrade in 1979. On the back cover of this record Gjoko Georgiev, the well-known editor of music for Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television), wrote this article entitled “TALE IS UNIQUE” in Macedonian: “ЕДЕН Е ТАЛЕ“ This record allows you to hear the unique, famous, music personality, the solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. When hearing the music, you will feel exhilarating folklore all around you, of the sunny, sad and bright legend of the south being transferred into music. These days Tale is a recognised poet and interpreter of Macedonian folk dances and songs. He will live on in the Macedonian folk dances contained on this record. During the last couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation, displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso. But he has taken this further, by managing to combine both classical and folk music in the same performance, while keeping their particular styles separate. He demonstrated this while performing Ernesto Cavallini’s Concert “FIORI ROSSINIANI”, Weber’s Concert in ef-mol (Carl Maria von Weber) and Mozart’s Concert in A Major (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) accompanied by Ladislav Palfi on the piano and broadcast on Radio Television Skopje. He has performed many times in public and played jazz styles based on music by Yugoslav composers, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw... In this particular area of music, we learn that Tale Ognenovski first began to play the clarinet in Brusnik near Bitola; he then drifted through the Pelagonia plane, crossed over the Vardar and toured throughout Macedonia, thence throughout America, Canada and many European countries. As he grew so he enlightened audiences and became wealthy, never again to possess the hands of a poor village boy from mountains of Pelister. This record is only a little small example of Tale’s work, but enough to make you aware of his strength and talent”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 48-53)


“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything…”
“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is. In the records it says of his debut, first with the pianist Nino Cipushev, and later with the famous pianist Ladislav Palfi...” - Journalist Violeta Hadzi Skerleva wrote this in her article “ Skopje. First Clarinetist of ’94 Tale Ognenovski, a portrait” published in the magazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 20, 1994. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 60-61) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

 “…It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required. It is particularly amazing that he can change the shade and the vibrato in a single moment…”
“... It is not widely known both in Yugoslavia and around the world, that the renowned virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a concert clarinetist. Indeed, it is not widely known that Tale Ognenovski can play other styles of music such as jazz, improvising in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, or dance music. It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required. It is particularly amazing that he can change the shade and the vibrato in a single moment. The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude all others.” From an article by Professor Ladislav Palfi, the famous pianist, in a letter dated May 23, 1973. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 52-53) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Tale Ognenovski played clarinet in the music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".
In Vardar Film's 1955 production of "Ritam i zvuk" ("Rhythm and Sound"), Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances "Zhensko Chamche" and "Beranche" with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 28-31.) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521
YouTube music video – Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Information of music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2955670/?ref_=rvi_tt

TV SITEL3 Programme “Jadi Burek” directed and produced by Janko Ilkovski, on November 24, 2014.

To see a preview of the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277 at Google Books, visit Web address:

Janko Ilkovski commented article entitled: “Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska and appeared in the newspaper Dnevnik, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014. Janko Ilkovski said: “In the newspaper Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014 was published an article entitled “Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: "Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska. In this article was written: Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski (1922-2012) is included in the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277 - To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:

Janko Ilkovski said: “Listen Tale Ognenovski virtuoso performances of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro" (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski – YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovski” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU) and "Piperkovo oro" (composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski) and we will immediately recognize the unreachable virtuosity of Tale Ognenovski in the performance of the “Mozart Concert for Clarinet” and in the performance of his composition “Piperkovo oro”, our Macedonian Gene… Tale Ognenovski is Virtuoso, Mozart of the Macedonian music, Titan of the Clarinet, Musical Genius, Bard… His legend will live forever. His music has become a large part of the lives of many people. His music has moved their souls and touched their hearts… What words to use for his achievements will not be enough to explain his musical genius and it will be insufficient to explain his greatness..."

“Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more…”
In the programme with the title ‘Good morning, good day’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 5, 1993, the journalist Brane Stefanovski said of Tale Ognenovski, “The living legend of the Macedonian clarinet. Tale Ognenovski can easily be recognized from older records of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. Tale Ognenovski’s music is amazing, with his melodious, clean quality of tone and interpretations for which he has received recognition from world-famous experts of the clarinet and of Macedonian music. The journalist Elizabeta Matic commented, “Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more. Perhaps the reason for this is genetic disposition in his family where his father played the bagpipe (‘gajdadjija’), but the fact that his grandfather and great-grandfather had played some folk instrument, suggests that talent has developed over the generations to raise the little reed pipe (‘kavalche’) player to the highest level reserved for the best. His music is always based on the strict rules of Macedonian folklore..." (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 164-165).
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


“One hundred and fifty arranged and composed Macedonian folk dances, 12 jazz compositions, several concerts of classical music, twenty gramophone records, three CDs and a general impression that he is clarinet virtuoso – this is short CV of our most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. For his music and his 87th birthday April 27, 2009 he received recognition "Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski", from editors of All About Jazz (www.allaboutjazz.com)  jazz music website  with announcement published at All About Jazz  website … http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM “I am very joyful for this recognition, "Jazz Musician of the Day", very happy, very delighted. It is a great prize, including any that I have gained during my career, including the top for me - award "October 11", the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia” - tells us Tale Ognenovski at the meeting which we had at his home in Skopje ... Tale Ognenovski is constantly surrounded by the love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska… At the request of the Director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" Emanuel Chuchkov, the young clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, then the member of Police Wind Orchestra of Republic of Macedonia was loaned to the ensemble as strengthening his United States of America tour in 1956. Ensemble will hold 66 concerts and the tour began with show (20 minute concert) on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", ", shown on  CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. – “A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and would be good for us in Republic of Macedonia to have a copy” - says Stevan Ognenovski… So begins and concert activity of Tale Ognenovskii with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and other companies and orchestras that allowed him to play at the most famous concert venues in the world. Until the seventies of the last century he performed with the orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television – The Folk Music Orchestra, the Authentic Orchestra of Folk Instruments, "Chalgii" Orchestra and in “Tancov” Orchestra. Meanwhile Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra", that continues to make music ... His dances are performed in Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria ... The most famous dances composed by Tale Ognenovski are: Brusnichko Oro, Kasapsko Oro, Kumovo Oro Chochek, Talevo Svadbarsko Oro, Bitolsko Oro, Resensko Oro, Pelistersko Oro, Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro ... Two dances devoted to his wife Nevena Ognenovska: Nevenino Oro and Nevenino Lavchansko Oro…“We had a wonderful mother Nevena Ognenovska who took care not to feel his commitment and his absences due his concerts worldwide. She was a very supportive to my father in his career” - says his son Stevan Ognenovski … With the help of his family (his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska) and the donors (Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski,Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje) who support his music Tale Ognenovski has released three CD albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) …Tale Ognenovski was happiest during the  recording sessions of  last three CD albums with accompany by his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipes) ... My jazz compositions cannot be compared with any Macedonian folk dance. Some ask me whether in my jazz compositions are recognized Macedonia, and I say yes, Macedonia performed by Tale Ognenovski. The Jazz otherwise I practice since 1992 and my jazz is a Macedonian jazz which is different from others ... I've played all over the world. But I had played also for Josip Broz Tito, the former President of Yugoslavia every time when he visited Republic of Macedonia. Once I played for him in Brdo Castle near Kranj in Slovenia ..." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Magazine “Tea Moderna”, July 29, 2009.

Music of Tale Ognenovski on Google Play (Download)


YouTube Videos

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Brusnichko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfM97pOp23M 

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Solo - Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro Macedonian Folk Dance”     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvuHuLswaI

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski plays Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9390xDUuPuU

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  - Macedonian Classical Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJqfSv3Jnc

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5v68GMLaCs

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkibqVfE5I

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 - Macedonian Jazz Clarinet Solo”   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK4wLnpPlNw  

YouTube Music Video: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbUqKvpmPfU

Wikipedia Web page of Tale Ognenovski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Stevan Ognenovski YouTube Channel

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Music of Tale Ognenovski on Google Play (Download)


Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” http://www.taleognenovski.mk

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”.
The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company;
1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz    https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/taleognenovski

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956”

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003.

The "11 October" Award is the highest and the most prestigious national award in the Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”.
The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”  

Stevan Ognenovski YouTube Channel

In 2001 Tale Ognenovski formed Quartet with his son, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum and reed pipe (recorder) and grandsons Nikola on reed pipe and Kliment on reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski is soloist on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder – “kavalche”), tin whistle, small bagpipe and zourla (zurla). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824).

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956”

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003.

The "11 October" Award is the highest and the most prestigious national award in the Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”.
The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q

Flickr Photos of Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.   https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevanognenovski/

Wikipedia Web page of Tale Ognenovski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

YouTube Channel of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn


Official Web page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cvstevano.html

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” http://www.taleognenovski.mk

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”  Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Facebook Page of Tale Ognenovski entitled: “Tale Ognenovski The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time Composer Musical Genius"   

New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, "Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday" on November 13, 2006.  (Posted: 13/11/2006) http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)   https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz

Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski
http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM (Published: 2009-04-27)

All About Jazz Recognition: Jazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)

Tale Ognenovski is No. 4 of top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries
Website Boingboing.net published article entitled: “Notable deaths in 2012, as recorded by Wikipedia”. In this article was written: “Information designer Jess Bachman created Wikipedia Remembers 2012, an interactive feature about the top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries… while others like #4, Tale Ognenovski is a lessor known Macedonian clarinetist, but for some reason has a incredibly documented wiki page! So many interesting people here…” (Published: Jan 2, 2013) https://boingboing.net/2013/01/02/notable-deaths-in-2012-as-rec.html

Web site JJA News insights and updates from the Jazz Journalists Association published article entitled: "Deaths in 2012", compiled by W. Royal Stokes and Ken Franckling, Nov 27th, 2012 about the top jazz musicians who died in 2012 including Tale Ognenovski.  http://news.jazzjournalists.org/2012/11/deaths-in-2012

Static.echonest.com published an article entitled, "2012 Music Memoriam - Well Known Musicians We Lost in 2012". Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was included in the list of public figures that died in 2012.  http://static.echonest.com/playlist/year_end/index.html

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled:The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:

Article ntitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky. Publisher: CreateSpace"- (Posted: 11-21-2014) http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=179441

New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450

mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled:

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:
http://books.google.mk/books?id=4tXLAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=the+greatest+clarinetist+of+all+time+Tale+Ognenovski&source=bl&ots=tQO0HerpjK&sig=XAHE-rHiERrv739bfQtJuWiSpSE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BR1rVOSbCeWvygPt_oLwBg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=the%20greatest%20clarinetist%20of%20all%20time%20Tale%20Ognenovski&f=false New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, "Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday" on November 13, 2006.  (Posted: 13/11/2006) http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463

New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted:
21/11/2014)New York, NY (Top40 Charts):  “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450
Article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos” - Top40-charts.com, November 21, 2014. “In CD Album entitled: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by his son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amazon.com release date: January 24, 2006. Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Härtel edition (Publisher's no.: Nr. 2300. …Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski's Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music... Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski's Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music…” was written in an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos” published by Top40-Charts.com (Top40-charts.com, Inc. is an American global entertainment information and measurement company with headquarters in Manhattan in New York City.)   http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450

Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During an 84-day journey (January 22, 1956 - April 12, 1956) throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music.

"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet will begin a fifteen-week tour of the United States in January, under the auspices of Consolidated Concerts Corporation and the International Music Institute. This will be the first large-scale dance company from a former Iron Curtain country..." By The New York Times,  November 15, 1955. Article: “YUGOSLAV BALLET TO APPEAR IN U. S.; National Folk Unit, Planning 15-Week Tour, Will Make Debut Here in January”. Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website

Article entitled: “CHOREOGRAPHIC VIGOR FROM MACEDONIA” for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performance in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. It appeared in the newspaper “The New York Times”, written by music  critic John Martin  on January 22, 1956, page 97. Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. The Ensemble arrived in New York City on January 21, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 68-69)

"Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation..." - By Robert Coleman,  New York Daily Mirror, January 28, 1956

“These perfect artists performed many marvelous dances, and the astonished audience greeted them with long applause. The program was filled with folk dances and songs. In the past we have had some interesting concerts from the East and West but none of them had been as successful and been so well-received by the public as the Yugoslav Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’. Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation...” wrote Robert Coleman in the New York Daily Mirror on January 28, 1956. 

We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet..." "Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall. This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years… We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet..." - By William Hawkins, New York World Telegram, January 28, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 100 - 101)

“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering”
“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) which surely pierced the air of classical Greece… An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” - Walter Terry, the New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 102-105)

“The freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair ...Transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall.”- William Hawkins, the New York World Telegram
“Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall... This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years. We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet.” From an article written by William Hawkins, and that appeared in the New York World Telegram on January 28, 1956.

"Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight... Display of Tremendous Skill… folk arts, comes from Macedonia… brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances… great individuality… incredible phrases… a raucous and  unforgettable pipe… spectacle… stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist… the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains... a dateless reed pipe…” -  The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956
The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40D15FB3F5B157B93CAAB178AD85F428585F9&scp=74&sq=John+Martin&st=p , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FA0C17F83A55177B93C7A91789D85F428585F9&scp=2&sq=Tanec&st=p , written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 72; 96-97.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec..."
"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans... When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as a unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake"..." - Article: “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.”, written by  Claudia Cassidy,  Chicago Daily Tribune, , February 6, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 106-107. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521
Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Chicago Daily Tribune can be read at website

"Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..."
""Tanec" means "dance", but "dance" in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers...there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing...Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..." - By   Samuel Singer, The Philadelphia Inquirer,  , February 8, 1956.  Article: “Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 110-111. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

"A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show... The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition ... If you see "Tanec" which simply means "Dance" advertised again, you won’t want to miss it.."
"A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show the girls how handsome and wonderful and brilliant and exciting and sensational their man friends are. The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition ... If you see "Tanec" which simply means "Dance" advertised again, you won’t want to miss it... " - By Paul Hume,The Washington Post and Times Herald - Washington, D.C., , February 10, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 110-113)
Preview of this article from the Washington Post and Times Herald can be read at website

Concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada, on February 13, 1956

Before the start of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada an February 13, 1956, the Artistic Director of the Hall told professor Asparuh Hadzi Nikolov, the Artistic Director of the Ensemble, that it was a tradition that every performer at Massey Hall played the Canadian National Anthem at the beginning of every concert.  Professor Hadzi Nikolov replied that it would not be possible for the Ensemble to play the Canadian National Anthem right then, but that if they had been given a score for the Anthem the previous day, then it would have been played. Tale Ognenovski overheard this conversation and announced that the National Anthem would be played immediately from the score. He was given the score and, as he had a ‘B’ clarinet he began to play one tone with transposition above, with other members of the Ensemble, Ivan Terziev (flute), Nikola Galevski (violin), Aleksandar Sarievski (accordion), Todor Pavlovski Totka (guitar) and Reshad Muharedov (drum) accompanying him without transposition, which is an easier way to play. It was a highly successful rendition of the National Anthem and the concert was as spectacular as the other concerts in United States. Only the greatest instrumentalists in the world could play a composition like the Canadian National Anthem without any preparation in advance and with transposition one tone above.

Music in Toronto      The Globe and Mail
"The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective ... " - By John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), , February 14, 1956. (Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 82-85.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour..."

"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour. Tanec means dance--including drama, song, and music--and that's what the company of some 40 members (who are interchangeably dancers, singers, and musicians) does... " - By Margaret Lloyd Dance Critic of Christian Science Monitor - Boston, Mass., , March 2, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav National Folk Ballet 'A Breath of Mountain Air'”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Christian Science Monitor can be read at website

"Many an American who has never crossed the Atlantic is getting his first taste of European folk art this season, thanks to the celebrated Yugoslav National Fol Ballet, now on a Winter-Spring tour of principal... " - By Daily Boston Globe - Boston, Mass., , March 4, 1956.  Article: “The Boston Globe Feature Vacation Section EUROPEAN FESTIVALS Every Country Has Its Own Folk Art”. Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Daily Boston Globe can be read at website

“…and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..."
"The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." - By R. H. Hagan, San Francisco Chronicle, March 8, 1956.  Article: "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’ ". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 114-119. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

"For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat..."
"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet -- known at home as Tanec--excited a large audience... For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style … They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe..." - By Albert GoldbergLos Angeles Times, , March 13, 1956. Article: "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 120-123. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521
Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Los Angeles Times can be read at website

"The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group…”

Dance observer in the article entitled, “REVIEWS OF Yugoslav National Folk Ballet Carnegie Hall January 27, 1956” published in April, 1956, commented: "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group”. https://books.google.mk/books?redir_esc=y&output=html_text&id=_t0cAQAAMAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=REVIEWS+OF+Yugoslav+National+Folk+Ballet+Carnegie+Hall

Life magazine was a weekly news magazine with a strong emphasis on photojournalism. Grace Kelly was an American actress. She was featured on the cover of Life magazine on April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15. In this issue of the Life magazine on pages 173-174,  editorial board of the magazine published an article titled, “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, about performances of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956. All content (including images) of this Life magazine article can be read at website

Life magazine article for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalvhe”) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.  “…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..."... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S…” – Article entitled, “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to U.S.” published on April 9, 1956
In the article entitled, “Dance, Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslavs come to U.S.” published on April 9, 1956, Life magazine commented: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skillful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174.  (Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 121, 124-125. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)  

All content (including images) of this Life magazine article can be read at website:

“The ensemble Tanec reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member...” - AllMusic (previously known as All Music Guide or AMG is an online music guide)
Allmusic's reviewer, Craig Harris, noted: "The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member..." - Article entitled "Biography of Ensemble Tanec".  http://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503

Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec’s” triumphant appearance on American television
‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States.  A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.  On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink  http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 is written: 
Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; 
Producer, Robert Saudek.
Published/Created: United States:
CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22
Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)... The segment entitled The Yugoslav national folk ballet is shown periodically throughout the episode.; LC control no. 88705799. 
With Ford Foundation funding, “Omnibus” introduced the best in dance, music, drama, opera, history, science and art and was the most successful cultural magazine series in the history of U.S. commercial television. The series won more than 65 awards, including seven Emmy Awards and two Peabody Awards. The series is held at The Library of Congress and Global ImageWorks, among other archives.
(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 70-71). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski added his own improvisations...the unique Sopska Poskocica earned an encore...

Following every concert of ‘Tanec’s’ North American tour, critics in almost every newspaper commented about the Macedonian folk dance ‘Sopska Poskocica’, “...in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica, it was nothing more than a demonstration in dancing. As such it was highly effective...A dance like Sopska Poskocica is produced to demonstrate...The speed at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of the six men who dance it, makes it unique…It earned an encore...” Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but he also helped arrange the music for he added his own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where Tale Ognenovski has performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist. 
Tale Ognenovski performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist 
The majority of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s programme comprised Macedonian folk dances and songs, while the remainder being Serbian and Croatian dances and songs, and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso and clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist for most parts of the programme, including the Macedonian folk dances ‘Bride’s Dance’ (‘Nevestinsko Oro’), ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘Shepherd’s Dance (‘Ovcharsko Oro’), ‘Soborski Igri’, other Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘Shote’, an Albanian folk dance. 

Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. The Ensemble arrived in New York City on January 20, 1956. The following day, on January 21, The New York Times newspaper ran an article entitled, “Crnogorka, Anyone? Yugoslav Dancing Troupe Shows How It Is Done”. It commented, “...Members of the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet dancing on board the liner Israel yesterday, after they arrived here... The forty-member group, which has attracted much attention in Europe, will give a recital in Carnegie Hall on Friday evening...The company will perform folk dances from Macedonia, Croatia, Herzegovina, Albania and Serbia in native costume.” 
Ensemble ‘Tanec’s North American tour was sponsored by International Artists in association with Charles E. Green and Lee V. Eastman. 
‘Tanec’s sixty-six performances in North America attracted much attention in the North American press.
Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 60-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. 
This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs. Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist.
Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 
‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ programme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’. 

During an 84-day journey throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. 
This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music. Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this giant success, first with their 72-concert tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956, and secondly with their 83-concert tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They played two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959. 
Members of ‘Tanec’ who participated in the concerts in the United States and Canada from January 22 until April 12, 1956, were the following: Doncheva Todorka, Vishinova Radmila, Krstic Dushica, Stojanova Zora, Arsova Desanka, Peshic Olga, Shijakovic Vera, Markova Lenche, Stojanova Radica, Videc Blaga, Ilieva Vaska, Kolarova Ljubica, Dilevska Roska, Petrushevski Dragan, Sarievski Aleksandar, Matevski Dojchin, Dobeski Krsto, Kolarovski Atanas, Livrinski Stanko, Mihajlovski Mihajlo, Cherepovski Trpe, Eftimovski Doncho, Vishinski Stanimir, Micevski Cvetko, Todevski Spase, Georgievski Stevo, Atanasovski Pece, Etemov Kemal, Georgievski Dushko, Velevski Blazhe, Pavlovski Todor, Jusufov Muharem Reshat, Terziev Ivan, Galevski Nikolaj, Hristovski Jonche, Ognenovski Tale and Tasevski Slave.
The Artistic Director was Prof. Asparuh Hadzi-Nikolov, and the Regisseur, Dimce Najdeski.

January 22, 1956 New York City Ford Foundation TV Program,
January 23, 1956 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania The Forum
January 24, 1956 White Plains, New York Westchester Country Center
January 25, 1956 Schenectady, New York Erie Theater
January 26, 1956 Perth Amboy, New Jersey Majestic Theater
January 27, 1956 New York City Carnegie Hall
January 28, 1956 Newark, New Jersey Mosque Theater
January 29, 1956 Worcester, Massachusetts Municipal Memorial Auditorium
January 30, 1956 Providence, Rhode Island War Memory Auditorium
January 31, 1956 Boston, Massachusetts Symphony Hall
February 1, 1956 Springfield, Massachusetts Auditorium
February 2, 1956 Hartford, Connecticut Bushnell Memorial Hall
February 4, 1956 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Civic Opera House
February 5, 1956 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Civic Opera House
February 7, 1956 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Academy of Music
February 8, 1956 Norfolk, Pennsylvania Center Theater
February 9, 1956 Washington, D.C. Constitution Hall
February 10, 1956 Baltimore, Maryland Lyric Theater
February 11, 1956 Richmond, Virginia Mosque Theater
February 12, 1956 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Syria Mosque Theater
February 13, 1956 Toronto, Canada Massey Hall
February 14, 1956 Rochester, New York Auditorium
February 16, 1956 Youngstown, Ohio Stambaugh Auditorium
February 17, 1956 Akron, Ohio Armory
February 18, 1956 Detroit, Michigan Masonic Auditorium
February 19, 1956 Cleveland, Ohio Music Hall
February 20, 1956 Indianapolis, Indiana Murat Theater
February 21, 1956 Toledo, Ohio State Theater
February 22, 1956 Cincinnati, Ohio Taft Auditorium
February 23, 1956 Louisville, Kentucky Kentucky Auditorium
February 24, 1956 Evansville, Indiana Indiana Coliseum
February 26, 1956 St. Louis, Missouri Municipal Auditorium
February 28, 1956 St. Joseph, Missouri City Auditorium
February 29, 1956 Kansas City, Missouri Music Hall
March 1, 1956 Omaha, Nebraska Music Hall
March 3, 1956 Colorado Springs, Colorado City Auditorium
March 4, 1956 Denver, Colorado Auditorium Arena
March 7, 1956 San Francisco, California Opera House
March 8, 1956 Sacramento, California Memorial Auditorium
March 9, 1956 San Francisco, California Opera House
March 10, 1956 Oakland, California High School Auditorium
March 11, 1956 Fresno, California Memorial Auditorium
March 12, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 13, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 14, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 15, 1956 Pasadena, California Civic Auditorium
March 17, 1956 San Pedro, California S.P.High School Auditorium
March 18, 1956 San Pedro, California S.P.High School Auditorium
March 19, 1956 San Diego, California Russ Auditorium
March 20, 1956 San Diego, California Russ Auditorium
March 22, 1956 Phoenix, Arizona North Phoenix High School
March 23, 1956 Phoenix, Arizona North Phoenix High School
March 24, 1956 Tucson, Arizona University
March 26, 1956 El Paso, Texas Liberty Hall
March 28, 1956 Houston, Texas City Auditorium
March 29, 1956 Houston, Texas City Auditorium
April 1, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 2, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 3, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 5, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 6, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 7, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 9, 1956 Princeton, New Jersey McCarter Theatre
April 10, 1956 Princeton, New Jersey McCarter Theatre
April 11, 1956 New York City Brooklyn Academy of Music
April 12, 1956 New York City Brooklyn Academy of Music

“Macedonian folklore group ‘Tanec’ last night gave the last performance of their three-month North American tour at New York’s Brooklyn Academy of Music. The group had arrived in New York by boat on January 20, and will leave New York by plane on April 21. During their very successful tour in America, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ visited the most important cultural and industrial centres: New York City, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, and Boston, and one concert was performed in Toronto, Canada. During the 84-day journey Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and gave 70 concerts. The American press described them as a Great Cultural Event. Everywhere in America ‘Tanec’ had a warm welcome. Numerous celebrated public dinners and banquets were held by our emigrants’ societies and American musical associations in honour of the Ensemble.” From an article entitled “Tanec with success has finished their American tour”, published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on April 14, 1956. Source: The book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 68-69; 84-93.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec”
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Composer and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was honoured with Certificate for National Pension by Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski, March 3, 2012. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/natpen.html
Tale Ognenovski is one of the most important musicians of all time in the world.

New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, "Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday" on November 13, 2006.  (Posted: 13/11/2006) http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463

In 2001 Tale Ognenovski formed Quartet with his son, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum and reed pipe (recorder) and grandsons Nikola on reed pipe and Kliment on reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski is soloist on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder – “kavalche”), tin whistle, small bagpipe and zourla (zurla). Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Music Albums: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes, Google Play Music… Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824).

Official Web page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cvstevano.html

Wikipedia Web page of Tale Ognenovski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Stevan Ognenovski YouTube Channel

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” http://www.taleognenovski.mk

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003.

The "11 October" Award is the highest and the most prestigious national award in the Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”.
The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q

In 2000 Tale Ognenovski formed a quartet with his son Stevan Ognenovski (a drummer) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (a reed piper) and Kliment Ognenovski (a reed piper).
He performed and recorded with them on three CD albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008). Three CD's were produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski.
Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skilful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played.
During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”.
The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music in history. Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. He performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…  The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall.   

"Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight... Display of Tremendous Skill… folk arts, comes from Macedonia… brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances… great individuality… incredible phrases… a raucous and  unforgettable pipe…
spectacle… stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist… the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains... a dateless reed pipe…” -  The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956
The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40D15FB3F5B157B93CAAB178AD85F428585F9&scp=74&sq=John+Martin&st=p , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FA0C17F83A55177B93C7A91789D85F428585F9&scp=2&sq=Tanec&st=p , written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 96-97.  The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

“The ensemble Tanec reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member...” - AllMusic (previously known as All Music Guide or AMG is an online music guide)
Allmusic's reviewer, Craig Harris, noted: "The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member..." - Article entitled "Biography of Ensemble Tanec". 

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q

Official Web page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cvstevano.html

Wikipedia Web page of Tale Ognenovski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Stevan Ognenovski YouTube Channel

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” – From the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, 2000 written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient.
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skilful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” was written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient. on page 6-9 in the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Nationality: Macedonian),, the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska was born in Brusnik, municipalitie Bitola, Socialist Republic of Macedonia (Now: Republic of Macedonia) on September 9, 1948
(Macedonian: Стеван Огненовски е роден на 9 септември, 1948 година во Брусник, општина Битола во Социјалистичка Република Македонија (денешна Република Македонија; Latin: Stevan Ognenovski Natus die IX Septembris anni MCMXLVIII in Brusnik, commune Bitola, in Socialistica Re Publica Macedonia).
Information about Magister’s Science Thesis of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  entitled: “Software programs for measurement of the network traffic in the local area network” (Croatian: PROGRAMSKA POMAGALA ZA MJERENJE PROMETA U LOKALNOJ MREŽI) can be found at Web site: http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_e.htm  (and http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_h.htm ) of MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia and on page 434 in the book entitled: “Hrvatska informatika: jučer, danas, sutra”; Author: Hrvatska informatička zajednica; Publisher: HIZ, 1996; Original from: the University of Michigan; ISBN: 9536129094, 9789536129096; Digitized: 7 Mar 2007; Length: 458 pages; Subjects: Information science. https://books.google.mk/books?id=LRstAAAAMAAJ&q=stevan+ognenovski&dq=stevan+ognenovski&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiDsbiOw73cAhVFWCwKHRSYCboQ6AEIQzA

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956
Official Web page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Digital album "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" (Record label: Independent Records, US. Catalog: IR43832) produced by Stevan Ognenovski was released On April 27, 2016 at Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/Clarinet-Concerto-Arranged-Clarinets-Ognenovski/dp/B01EK9367U/ref=sr_1_2?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1476292777&sr=1-2-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0&keywords=Tale+Ognenovski). Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622, was composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in October 1791. Stevan Ognenovski on the base of recording of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622" from 2005 (CD entitled: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223; https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1), arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Track List: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski. Perhaps this is unique recording when clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski) used two clarinets simultaneously with two different arrangements. In other words: used two clarinets by a single performer (Tale Ognenovski).
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. is author and producer of YouTube music video entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521). In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542). 

List of compositions performed by Tale Ognenovski, which were included in this music video:
Digital Music Album: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832; Release Date: April 27, 2016; Produced by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)

Track 5 – “Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622: Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” - Performed by Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. drum. Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.

Digital Music Album: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542; 2001, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)

Track 4 – “Brusnichko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski)

Track 6 – “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski)

Track10 – “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” (composer Tale Ognenovski)

Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla") and Stevan Oggnenovski, Mag. Scient.  on drum.

Digital Music Album: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223, 2005, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)

Track 1 - “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro” (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski) 

Track 3 – “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo – Allegro” (Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)  

Performed by Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. drum.

Digital Music Album: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824; 2008, Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.)

Track 1 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1”  

Track 6 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6”

Track 7 – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7”

Performed by Tale Ognenovski (clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, drum); Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  (reed pipe, drum); Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe); Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe).  
Composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski (Track 1, 6, 7).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.
YouTube Music Video: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Tale Ognenovski with his Quartet and with Dimitar Dimovski in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions in the “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Dimitar Dimovski, Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski. Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Writer of the book is Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient . The promotion of the book was organized by the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances under the auspices of the National Institution Center of Culture "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
On the promotion of the book were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D.a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski,Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.) …

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer speaks at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., writer of the book, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performs with Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

New York, NY (Top40 Charts):  “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”” (Posted: 13/11/2006) http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463

New York, NY (Top40 Charts):  “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450

Tale Ognenovski with his Quartet and with Dimitar Dimovski in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions in the “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Dimitar Dimovski, Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski. Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski.

Official Website of Tale Ognenovski entitled:Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...http://www.taleognenovski.mk

Official Web page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cvstevano.html

Wikipedia Web page of Tale Ognenovski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Stevan Ognenovski YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/steveogn
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA

Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

“…It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required. It is particularly amazing that he can change the shade and the vibrato in a single moment…”
“... It is not widely known both in Yugoslavia and around the world, that the renowned virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a concert clarinetist. Indeed, it is not widely known that Tale Ognenovski can play other styles of music such as jazz, improvising in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, or dance music. It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required. It is particularly amazing that he can change the shade and the vibrato in a single moment. The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude all others.” From an article by Professor Ladislav Palfi, the famous pianist, in a letter dated May 23, 1973. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 52-53) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is.
In the records it says of his debut, first with the pianist Nino Cipushev, and later with the famous pianist Ladislav Palfi...” - Journalist Violeta Hadzi Skerleva wrote this in her article “ Skopje. First Clarinetist of ’94 Tale Ognenovski, a portrait” published in the magazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 20, 1994. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 60-61.) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Tale Ognenovski played clarinet in the music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".
In Vardar Film's 1955 production of "Ritam i zvuk" ("Rhythm and Sound"), Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances "Zhensko Chamche" and "Beranche" with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 28-31.) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

YouTube music video – Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Information of music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2955670/?ref_=rvi_tt

Tale Ognenovski is one of the most important musicians of all time in the world.

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company;
1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:

"Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..."
""Tanec" means "dance", but "dance" in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers...there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing...Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..." - By   Samuel Singer, The Philadelphia Inquirer,  , February 8, 1956.
Article: “Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 110-111.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 ))

“…and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..."
"The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." - By R. H. Hagan, San Francisco Chronicle, March 8, 1956.  Article: "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’ ". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 114-119.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

"For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat..."
"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet -- known at home as Tanec--excited a large audience... For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style … They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe..." - By Albert GoldbergLos Angeles Times, , March 13, 1956. Article: "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 120-123.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec..."
"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans... When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as a unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake"..." - Article: “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.”, written by  Claudia Cassidy,  Chicago Daily Tribune, , February 6, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 106-107.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

"The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle..."
"The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective ... " - By John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), , February 14, 1956. Article: “Music in Toronto”.(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 114-115.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering”
“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) which surely pierced the air of classical Greece… An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” - Walter Terry, the New York Herald Tribune. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 102-105.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist  
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956.  This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs.  Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 84-85.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 
‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ programme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America.  In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’. During an 84-day journey throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns.  They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun,  The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, Dance Observer,  The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music.  Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this giant success, first with their 72-concert tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956, and secondly with their 83-concert tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959.  They played two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 86-87.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’с performances at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, April 11 and 12, 1956 
After the tremendous success in Carnegie Hall, even though only one performance in New York was planned for in the contract with the American tour managers, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ made two additional two performances in the city, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on April 11 and 12, 1956. 
The Brooklyn Academy of Music has been the hub of performing arts activities in Brooklyn since it opened for business in 1861. The Opera House has a 2000-seat auditorium with excellent acoustics.

“Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes…” – From the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” written by Kim Burton on page 203 from the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East”, 1999.
In the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East” edited by: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo in the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” of this book, author Kim Burton on page 203 was written: “"One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernised style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music."” Information of this book: Title: World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, THE ROUGH GUIDE; Editors: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo; Publisher: Rough Guides, 1999; Length: 762 pages; ISBN: 1858286352, 9781858286358 was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database.

Tale Ognenovski: “On October, 2001, was released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper (“kavalche”), zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia.” - Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003
Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959… Parts of the articles in the newspapers: “…some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…,” written by John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956,  Title: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,"  is related to my appearance at world-famous Carnegie Hall as reed pipe and clarinet soloist. “…When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica,"  which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake." They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...,” written by Claudia Cassidy, title: "On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance", and published in the newspaper Chicago Daily Tribune, on  February 6, 1956. I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in Sopska Poskocica ("Shopska potskoknuvachka") but also and arranger of music because I added my own musical phrases and improvisations in more parts of the dance. I performed with much faster rhythm than appear in the original version of this folk dance, which contribute all articles in the newspapers for this dance to be brilliants. “…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." Written by Walter Terry, title: 'Yugoslav Folk Ballet", New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956.  “…This group would be hard to beat…”  written by Albert Goldeberg, title "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement",  Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1956.
“…"Macedonian Tune," which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." Written by R. H. Hagan, title "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky' ", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.
“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has never seen." Title: "Dance Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslav come to U.S.", Life, USA, April 9, 1956. 
My contribution for these wonderful articles in the newspapers was the greatest regarding the other musicians of Ensemble “Tanec”.  I was virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist in the most parts of the programme of Ensemble “Tanec.” I was Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Macedonian Radio Television.” I performed with many Cultural Artistically Societies. I recorded many gramophone records.   On October, 2001, was released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.com.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003.
Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia.

“Tale Ognenovski is maestro of improvisation and creativity… His authenticity feeling for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent…” -
Folklorni odblesoci” of Nacional Macedonian Radio of Macedonian Radio Television
In the programme “Folklorni odblesoci” of Nacional Macedonian Radio of Macedonian Radio Television, broadcasted on October 22, 2003, Kiril Todevski, the author of the programme said about Tale Ognenovski, “Tale Ognenovski won “11 October award” for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art… During last six decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation. He has composed and arranged 200 Macedonian folk dances… He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner… His authenticity feeling for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent. He combines beautiful tone with unique technique… He is maestro of improvisation and creativity; he starts with a motive, a theme, and then develops a complex instrumental content…  In his performances he demonstrates fascinate invention and virtuosity…  Tale Ognenovski has demonstrate his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: “The Folk Music Orchestra”, the “Chalgii” orchestra and “The Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra”... From him, how to preserve creative perfection in folk musical reproduction learned, learn, and will learn numerous folk instrumentalists…”.

Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States.  A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.  On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink

 http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 is written: 
Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; 
Producer, Robert Saudek.
Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22
Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)... The segment entitled The Yugoslav national folk ballet is shown periodically throughout the episode.; LC control no. 88705799. 
With Ford Foundation funding, “Omnibus” introduced the best in dance, music, drama, opera, history, science and art and was the most successful cultural magazine series in the history of U.S. commercial television. The series won more than 65 awards, including seven Emmy Awards and two Peabody Awards. The series is held at The Library of Congress and Global ImageWorks, among other archives. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 70-71).

Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They performed 83 concerts in 58 towns and cities in France and twice had performances broadcast on television, on September 21 and 22, 1959: 20 million people would have seen them on the most popular programme on French Television. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs.

Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959. Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television.   Playing as virtuoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success. 

As a clarinet soloist with Radio Television Skopje’s (now: Macedonian Radio Television) Folk Music Orchestra, he played Macedonian folk dances that were broadcast on television by “Radio Television Zagreb” (now: Croatian Radiotelevision), Zagreb, Croatia. (1966) 

As clarinet soloist, Tale Ognenovski performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances on the television programme “Yugoslavia, Good Day” (“Jugoslavijo, dobar dan”) broadcast on “Radio Television Zagreb” (now: Croatian Radiotelevision) in Croatia, February 27, 1975.

“Tale Ognenovski appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Belgrade” (1929–1989) held in the “House of the Syndicate” in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989. He played as clarinet soloist two Macedonian folk dances, both of which he composed: Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, and Brusnichko oro. He had as accompaniment the Folk Music Orchestra of “Radio Television Belgrade” (now: Radio Television of Serbia). This concert was broadcast live on “Radio Belgrade”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 32-33).

As a member of the folk orchestra of Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television), he played Macedonian folk dances as a clarinet soloist at the First Festival of Yugoslavian (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music that was broadcast on radio in Skopje, Macedonia (April 14-16, 1967).

During the 1960s Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet soloist in many Macedonian folk dances and songs in numerous theatrical performances at the Macedonian National Theatre.

“Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more…” commented The journalist Elizabeta Matic in the programme with the title ‘Good morning, good day’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 5, 1993. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 164-165)

Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian). His music styles include Macedonian folk dances, classical music and jazz.  He was bandleader of the Tale Ognenovski Orchestra.


Photo of Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer with Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957.  From left to right: Jovanka Broz, First Lady of Yugoslavia and  wife of Josip Broz Tito, Aleksandar Sarievski, singer and composer, Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Dragica Nikolova, singer, Stevo Teodosievski, accordionist and composer and Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957.

Photo of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer with Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957. Clarinetist and Composer Tale Ognenovski played many times for Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia at different places including: OhridVeles and Skopje in Republic of MacedoniaBrdo Castle near Kranj in SloveniaBrionian Island in Croatia and  Belgrade in Serbia. Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia was in the visit of Republic of Macedonia from May 27, 1957 till June 3, 1957 and he delivered two speeches. His first speech was in Mavrovo on May 27, 1957, where he opened  the first aggregate of  Mavrovo Hydroelectric System and the second speech was on June 3, 1957 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia before approximately 100,000 (one hundred thousand) people.  Tale Ognenovski (clarinetist and composer), Aleksandar Sarievski (singer and composer), Dragica Nikolova (singer) and Stevo Teodosievski (accordionist and composer) had performed for Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia on June 3, 1957  in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.After the performance Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia invited artists to photograph with him and his wife Jovanka Broz.


Photo of Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 11, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003. The "11 October" Award is the highest and the most prestigious national award in the Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. Certificate for National Pension No. 51-238/1 dated January 11, 2012 was signed by Minister for Culture of Republic of Macedonia, Mrs. Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska, Mag. Scient.

“Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska, who had supported his great music career, died in 1972. He dedicated two of his compositions to her, and gave her name Nevena to the Macedonian folk dance “Nevenino oro” (composed by Tale Ognenovski, and available on the LP and cassette “Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist, plays dances”
, with the respective reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321, and produced by Jugoton in 1975; also, the record “Macedonian folk dances played on clarinet by Tale Ognenovski accompanied by his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-3851, and produced by Jugoton in 1967, and “Nevenino Lavchansko oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and recorded on magnetic tape by Macedonian Radio Television in 1983.” (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 48-49. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”.
The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Congratulations to Tale Ognenovski on his 90th birthday April 27, 2012 from his friend Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA: Happy 90th Birthday Tale Ognenovski,
“Celebrate your life because it's filled with priceless memories, wonderful stories, and people who love you
"His music is unique in style like no other and will live on forever. He has bridged the gaps among folk music, classical music and jazz. No other artist in the world of music - any music, has ever done or accomplished this. But Tale successfully done so, in a unique genius way. He is truly best in the world..."
April 27, 2012, Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA   http://www.wnykarate.com (Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com


Valentina Gorgievska of the newspaper Vreme wrote: "This world famous and most relevant website for jazz music www.allaboutjazz.com these days published article that honour Macedonian instrumentalist and musician Tale Ognenovski
. The text refers to the recognition that the team of this site is handed on April 27, the day of his 87th birthday, when he declared jazz musician of the day. This is great recognition and for such recognition in the days when you were born, whether at that moment they were alive or deceased, received the other the most famous jazzers of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Artie Shaw, Sidney Bechet, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others... For the work of Tale Ognenovski, his son, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  wrote a book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”... Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert entitled "Tale Ognenovski Concerto for Clarinet No. 1 and 12 jazz compositions. On all tracks on his albums he was instrumental soloist on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder – “kavalche”), small bagpipe, zurla (zourla) and drum, and some of scenes with him playing the reed pipe (recorder) and Stevan Ognenovski and his sons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski. Stevan is the author of eight music videos of his father, who put on the internet site YouTube, which contributes to the affirmation of Macedonian culture worldwide." Article entitled: "На најпознатиот сајт за џез Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот - At the World's Famous Jazz Website Tale Ognenovski Jazz Musician of the Day", newspaper “Vreme”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 6, 2009.

Interview with A1 TV
Aleksandra Bubevska of the A1 TV channel (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) said, "World famous site for jazz music, All About Jazz, nowadays published article with which he praised the Macedonian instrumentalist and composer Tale Ognenovski. The text refers to the recognition that this site was assigned on April 27, the day of his birthday, declaring him the jazz musician of the day… 87-year-old uncle Tale, also in 1956 played in Carnegie Hall in New York, worked in Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec"  and in many other ensembles." Ognenovski spoke about his work as a clarinet instructor to teach clarinetists in many ensembles in Republic of Macedonia and according to his wish didn't received any money for his engagements. "Now I have only one task, to record all my music" said Tale Ognenovski in this interview broadcast on July 9, 2009, 16:02.

Valentina Gjorgievska of the newspaper Vreme wrote: "This world famous and most relevant website for jazz music www.allaboutjazz.com  http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM these days published article that honor Macedonian instrumentalist and musician Tale Ognenovski. The text refers to the recognition that the team of this site is handed on April 27, the day of his 87th birthday, when he declared jazz musician of the day. This is great recognition and for such recognition in the days when you were born, whether at that moment they were alive or deceased, received the other the most famous jazzers of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Artie Shaw, Sidney Bechet, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others... For the work of Tale Ognenovski, his son, MA Stevan Ognenovski wrote a book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski, clarinet virtuoso and composer" ... Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert entitled "Tale Ognenovski Concerto for Clarinet No. 1 and 12 jazz compositions. On all tracks on his albums he was instrumental soloist on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), small bagpipe, zurla and drum, and some of scenes with him playing the reed pipe (recorder) and Stevan Ognenovski and his sons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski. Stevan is the author of eight music videos of his father, who put on the internet site YouTube, which contributes to the affirmation of Macedonian culture worldwide." Article entitled: "На најпознатиот сајт за џез Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот - At the World's Famous Jazz Website Tale Ognenovski Jazz Musician of the Day". Vreme (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia), July 6, 2009.

“… remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…  (virtuoso pipe ("kavalche") and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski )… The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern," from an article written by John Martin entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill," and published in The New York Times, New York, on January 28, 1956. “…” From an article entitled, "And the muses sleep when Tale perform”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on July 30, 2003.

Interview: Tale Ognenovski - Shilo Magazine: "Macedonian Folk music is our greatest treasure and proof is the performance of folk music from me as a clarinet and reed pipe soloist together with other members of the orchestra and dancers of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" of 66 concerts held in prestigious concert halls in North America from January 22 - 12 April, 1956. So brilliant commentaries written by the most prominent music critics and published in the elite newspapers and magazines in North America are not written for any ensemble or an artist in any musical genre performed on tour in North America until now.” - Tale Ognenovski interview with Valentina Gjorgievska of Shilo Magazine, Australian Macedonian monthly magazine, Sydney, Issue: August 2011, No 51, Article entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, one of the best clarinet virtuoso in the world who flashed at Carnegie Hall”

CD Review of Album entitled “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”: 
Tale Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time
"Clarinet, reed pipe, bagpipe and zourla (Macedonian traditional instruments) virtuoso Tale Ognenovski is promoting his second CD in honour of the Day of Birth of the music genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on 27 January 250 years ago. Ognenovski plays music from the Mozart’s famous Concert for Clarinet in its original arrangement. “Tale Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time” is written in the musical magazines.Today, Ognenovski is marking his own jubilee, 50 years since he performed at the Carnegie Hall with Tanec Folk Ensemble…”, published in the newspaper “Vest” , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on January 27, 2006. 

<>All About Jazz RecognitionJazz Musician Of The Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2010-04-27)

“…It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required. It is particularly amazing that he can change the shade and the vibrato in a single moment…”
“... It is not widely known both in Yugoslavia and around the world, that the renowned virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a concert clarinetist. Indeed, it is not widely known that Tale Ognenovski can play other styles of music such as jazz, improvising in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, or dance music. It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required. It is particularly amazing that he can change the shade and the vibrato in a single moment. The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude all others.” From an article by Professor Ladislav Palfi, the famous pianist, in a letter dated May 23, 1973. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 52-53) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

On April 27, 1922, a musical genius Tale Ognenovski was born in village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1893–1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1893–1972; Nationality: Macedonian).  His paternal grandfather was Risto (Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (Mara - Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (Macedonian: Огнен – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian).

“Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska, who had supported his great music career, died in 1972. He dedicated two of his compositions to her, and gave her name Nevena to the Macedonian folk dance “Nevenino oro” (composed by Tale Ognenovski, and available on the LP and cassette “Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist, plays dances”, with the respective reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321, and produced by Jugoton in 1975; also, the record “Macedonian folk dances played on clarinet by Tale Ognenovski accompanied by his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-3851, and produced by Jugoton in 1967, and “Nevenino Lavchansko oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and recorded on magnetic tape by Macedonian Radio Television in 1983.” (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 48-49. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Baba Mountain with its peak Pelister (2,601 metres) in the backdrop. View from the house of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer where he was born in 1922 in the village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. Peak Pelister was inspiration for Tale Ognenovski for composing his instrumental composition “Pelistersko oro” in 1963.

“Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more…”
In the programme with the title ‘Good morning, good day’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 5, 1993, the journalist Brane Stefanovski said of Tale Ognenovski, “The living legend of the Macedonian clarinet. Tale Ognenovski can easily be recognized from older records of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. Tale Ognenovski’s music is amazing, with his melodious, clean quality of tone and interpretations for which he has received recognition from world-famous experts of the clarinet and of Macedonian music. The journalist Elizabeta Matic commented, “Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more. Perhaps the reason for this is genetic disposition in his family where his father played the bagpipe (‘gajdadjija’), but the fact that his grandfather and great-grandfather had played some folk instrument, suggests that talent has developed over the generations to raise the little reed pipe (‘kavalche’) player to the highest level reserved for the best. His music is always based on the strict rules of Macedonian folklore..." (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 164-165)

“This Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician…”
“…Radio Television Belgrade issued a LP of Macedonian folk music, on which are performances by the extraordinary clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. His music repertoire is folk dances, jazz (besides others he includes works by Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw), concerts from Weber, Mozart and Cavallini...This is Tale Ognenovski who began to play the clarinet in the village of Brusnik near Bitola, who with this wooden instrument toured the world and received well-deserved applause wherever he performed. The names of the folk dances which Tale Ognenovski plays will not be given; this is unnecessary because this is a particularly good record that proves that this Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician”, from the magazine “Ilustrovana Politika”, under the title, “New records - Macedonian folk dances”, published in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979, 
(This commentary is a message to the reader on the release of the record RTB LP 1439 STEREO). (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 52-53)

TALE IS UNIQUE. During the past couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso” - a comment by Gjoko Georgiev on LP 1439 RTB, produced in 1979.
The LP record “Macedonian folk dances played by Tale Ognenovski” (“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski" - Macedonian: "Македонски играорни ора свири ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ”) reference number LP 1439 STEREO was produced by Radio Television Belgrade in Belgrade in 1979. On the back cover of this record Gjoko Georgiev, the well-known editor of music for Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television), wrote this article entitled “TALE IS UNIQUE” in Macedonian: “ЕДЕН Е ТАЛЕ“ This record allows you to hear the unique, famous, music personality, the solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. When hearing the music, you will feel exhilarating folklore all around you, of the sunny, sad and bright legend of the south being transferred into music. These days Tale is a recognised poet and interpreter of Macedonian folk dances and songs. He will live on in the Macedonian folk dances contained on this record. During the last couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation, displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso. But he has taken this further, by managing to combine both classical and folk music in the same performance, while keeping their particular styles separate. He demonstrated this while performing Ernesto Cavallini’s Concert “FIORI ROSSINIANI”, Weber’s Concert in ef-mol (Carl Maria von Weber) and Mozart’s Concert in A Major (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) accompanied by Ladislav Palfi on the piano and broadcast on Radio Television Skopje. He has performed many times in public and played jazz styles based on music by Yugoslav composers, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw... In this particular area of music, we learn that Tale Ognenovski first began to play the clarinet in Brusnik near Bitola; he then drifted through the Pelagonia plane, crossed over the Vardar and toured throughout Macedonia, thence throughout America, Canada and many European countries. As he grew so he enlightened audiences and became wealthy, never again to possess the hands of a poor village boy from mountains of Pelister. This record is only a little small example of Tale’s work, but enough to make you aware of his strength and talent”. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 48-53)

“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything…”
“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is. In the records it says of his debut, first with the pianist Nino Cipushev, and later with the famous pianist Ladislav Palfi...” - Journalist Violeta Hadzi Skerleva wrote this in her article “ Skopje. First Clarinetist of ’94 Tale Ognenovski, a portrait” published in the magazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 20, 1994. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 60-61) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

“He performed Mozart’s ‘Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622’, Cavallini’s ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’ and Weber’s ‘Clarinet Concerto Op. 73’ with delicate precision of tone, technical brilliance and with great musical and instrumental quality…”

In the television programme ‘One clarinet - one life - Tale Ognenovski’, broadcast on July 18, 1987, music from Mozart’s ‘Concerto in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra, K. 622’, and from Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’ was performed by Tale Ognenovski, solo clarinet with accompaniment on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova. The programme was broadcast on ‘Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television).’
This television programme was called ‘One clarinet - one life - Tale Ognenovski’. Tale Ognenovski performed solo many Macedonian folk dances on the clarinet and pipe (‘kavalche’) accompanied by the ‘Folk Orchestra’ (‘Naroden Orkestar’), ‘The Folk Instruments Orchestra’ (‘Orkestarot od narodni instrumenti’) and ‘The Chalgii Orchestra’ (‘Orkestarot Chalgii’). The programme editors were Mile Brzanov and Ljube Cvetanovski, and the producer was Kiril Todevski. Dancers from the Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Goce Delchev’ performed dances. Samples of the music performed by Tale Ognenovski in the programme can be heard on his Web site at the Internet address http://www.taleognenovski.mk/ 
Included is music from Mozart’s ‘Concerto in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622”, and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’ performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinetist with accompaniment on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and the Macedonian folk dances ‘Bukovsko svadbarsko oro’ (composer and clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski), ‘Brusnichko oro’ (composer Tale Ognenovski), ‘Stevchevo oro’ (composer Tale Ognenovski) and ‘Kasapsko oro’ (folk - arranger Tale Ognenovski). 
He performed Mozart’s ‘Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622’, Cavallini’s ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’ and Weber’s ‘Clarinet Concerto Op. 73’ with delicate precision of tone, technical brilliance and with great musical and instrumental quality. He was a delight to listen to. The sound he produced was a revelation in just how beautifully the clarinet could be played. In all of these performances, he demonstrated brilliant technique and beautiful tone
. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 160-163. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

“One clarinet, one life; Half a century of magic with the clarinet; The clarinet as a life, These are only some of the titles of articles in the newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini...” from the Television programme ‘Sunday afternoon’, ‘Macedonian Radio Television’
In a programme with the title ‘Sunday afternoon’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on February 28, 1993, the journalist said about Tale Ognenovski, “One clarinet, one life; Half a century of magic with the clarinet; The clarinet as a life; These are only some of the titles of articles in the newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini...”Besides some Macedonian folk dances, the following pieces of music were included on the programme: Mozart’s ‘Concert in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622’ and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’, both performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and Cavallini’s Concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the famous pianist and composer Professor Ladislav Palfi. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 160-161. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 ) 

“If you listen to the music of Tale Ognenovski, this magnificent, unique, talented virtuoso of the clarinet and composer of Macedonian folk dances, you will imagine an exciting folklore story and sense unparalleled technique in the musical expression of this folk genius. With his maestro, solo improvisations Tale Ognenovski made performances of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ the most successful they could be. The most significant debut in his rich career was in the famous Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956… ”

“This year sees the 50th anniversary of the founding of the ‘Folk Music Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television. The most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski has for a long time performed in this Orchestra,” said Simona Ugrinovska, Manager of the programme ‘Good Day Macedonia’. She added that the interview with Tale Ognenovski had been done by her colleague Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska. In the programme, first shown on July 1, 1998, then repeated on July 4, 1998, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska said: “Fifty years ago, at the first Macedonian Republic festival of Folk Dances and Songs held during the period October 6-10, 1948, Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist. 
If you listen to the music of Tale Ognenovski, this magnificent, unique, talented virtuoso of the clarinet and composer of Macedonian folk dances, you will imagine an exciting folklore story and sense unparalleled technique in the musical expression of this folk genius. With his maestro, solo improvisations Tale Ognenovski made performances of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ the most successful they could be. The most significant debut in his rich career was in the famous Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. 
“The artist must adopt the artistic rules perfectly, to be able to break them afterwards.” This comment by Michelangelo described the talent that Tale Ognenovski possessed...In a perfect way he interpreted Mozart, Wagner and Cavallini, and jazz improvisations in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw. 
Tale Ognenovski has composed 150 Macedonian folk dances...” 
In this television programme, Tale Ognenovski said, “I received the First Award for Clarinet as the best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs in Skopje in 1948. Then Mr. Vasil Hadzimanov and Mr. Nikolaj Galevski from Radio Skopje invited me to become a member of the Folk Orchestra in Radio Skopje. I joined the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje for two months, from November 1,1948, till December 30, 1948. Later, in 1960, I joined the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje again. I become head of the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje in 1966 for one year, and then in 1967, I retired. Later I was invited by Music Production of Radio Television Skopje to perform as additional music force with the ‘Chalgii’ Orchestra. With that Orchestra I had great success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, where Mr.Dushko Dimitrovski presented some folklore material (recorded on magnetic tapes) that included the Macedonian folk dances, my arrangement ‘Kasapsko oro’ and my composition ‘Kumovo oro chochek’. I performed these on solo clarinet. This folk music created great interest among the participants at the Conference, and later the folk material was presented in a special programme on Belgian Radio. In France with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ we performed concerts in 58 towns in 1959. We had remarkable success. Mr. Raymond Guillier, Manager of the Tour and Director of his own company (“Les grands spectacles internationaux - Les productions Raymond Guiller”) from Paris said that he was fascinated by my clarinet playing and told me that my contribution towards the tremendous success of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ was considerable. In an interview with the newspaper ‘Vecher’, he said that he wanted to present the Ensemble in France every year. He said that everything that ‘Tanec’ played in the spirit of Macedonia he didn’t believe any other Ensemble in the world could perform, and the reason for that was that the girls and boys from ‘Tanec’ invested their whole heart in the dance, and that an example of that was my playing on the clarinet...” 
“I made my classical music debut in December 1952, playing as clarinet soloist the concert ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’, accompanied by the pianist Nino Cipushev. On May 24, 1953, this concert accompanied by the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ (the arrangement for the Orchestra was made by Gligor Smokvarski) was broadcast nationally via Radio Skopje. We performed this and other concerts when we toured Macedonia. Later, for Radio Skopje, I recorded the concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’ by Ernesto Cavallini, with piano accompaniment by Professor Ladislav Palfi. Later, in 1970, this concert was shown in my television programme ‘ONE CLARINET, ONE LIFE’. With piano accompaniment by Professor Ladislav Palfi, I performed concertos by Mozart, Weber, and others, and I recorded for Radio Skopje the concertos by Mozart and Wagner, with Tanja Shopova...” said Tale Ognenovski. 
Question: “Can you play some jazz music on this programme?” 
Tale Ognenovski: “With pleasure.” 
Jazz improvisations composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist on this programme can be listened to on his Web site at the Internet address

http://www.taleognenovski.mk/  The television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA of Macedonian Radio Television. An interview with Tale Ognenovski. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 166-171. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World Musical Legends” – ‘Nova Zora’
“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”. It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 220-221). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

“Tale Ognenovski who has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras…”

The 35th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television)
“...Tale Ognenovski who has demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three different folk music orchestras...” - LP ULS-578 
In 1979, Jugoton produced the LP reference number ULS-578 (P 1979) presenting recordings of Tale Ognenovski performing for Radio Television Skopje. The LP contains 15 Macedonian folk dances and songs, one of which is the Macedonian folk dance “Veleshko zhensko oro”, composed and performed by the virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski. 
Some text is written on the back cover of this LP in both Macedonian and English language. A part of this text reads:
...The basic form in which it presents both songs and dances is the so-called level of improvisation which being both inspiring and inventive is relatively close to the common folk way of playing music, which in conditions of live folklore helps the song not to become petrified. This orchestra also fosters differing styles and arrangements. Besides Nikola Galevski, a number of talented instrumentalists have contributed greatly to the qualitative growth of this ensemble. We should certainly mention the names of Angel Nanchevski, Pero Jarchev, Kocho Petrovski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Ivan Terziev, Stevo Teodosiievski, Tale Ognenovski and Blagoja Deskoski - who is in charge of this orchestra - and others. 
...Firmly principled in its style, and adaptable to the “chalgija” sound of as many of our folklore regions as possible, the orchestra has always selected as its members the best instrumentalists from all three different “chalgija” schools, that is, from the Skopje, Veles and Bitola schools. Its rich repertoire ranges from this and last century’s old-town songs and dances to those with patriotic motives created during the Liberation war. As “chalgija” is also characteristic of the folklore of other nationalities and ethnic groups who live in Macedonia, the orchestra has produced many Turkish, Albanian, Vlach and Gypsy songs and dances working together with a number of top singers and groups that cultivate this style. However, the orchestra’s instrumentalists themselves have often successfully managed to blend their own group singing into this orchestra. To mention a few: Ordan Hristov, Emin Memedov, Bekir Hadzi Kune, Jashar, Aki Memedov-Chun, Taki Najdenov, Koce Pandilov and Tale Ognenovski who has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras.


…Unique in its sound and very skilful in its ability to create styles and regional sound combinations, this ensemble is a truly spirited performer of our centuries-long authentic music treasure. Working together with many eminent singers and talented individuals from this area who have accurately interpreted our country songs, it has created a large repertoire. The manager of the orchestra is Pece Atanasovski, a well-known master on the bagpipe even outside of Yugoslavia. Among the other well-known instrumentalists, we should mention Todor Boshov, Mile Kolarov, Tale Ognenovski, Nikola Cvetkovski, Meophail Sakipov, and Angele Dimovski. 
With their numerous performances and tours both in Yugoslavia and abroad, the Radio Skopje folk music orchestras have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 43-47. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…” – From the book entitled: “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”), 1994, written by
Dushko Dimitrovski
“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Both Jesus Christ’s: “I came not to do away with the Bible, but to fulfil and continue it”, and Michalangelo’s: “The Artist must adopt strict, artistic rules at first, to be able to break them afterwards”… could well apply to Ognenovski. Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music. As if the ingenious knowledge of the ‘chalgija’ universe, but also with the live primordial in the rustic sound, together with the vivid, creative touch of the mysteries of European classical music idea, had predetermined the outstanding talent of Ognenovski to make one, perhaps unconscious, but in musical and historical terms, more than far-reaching creative step forward. In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labryinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?... ”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”); 1994; ISBN 9989-600-01-5; pp. 114 - 115, published by BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 217-219. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” – From the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, 2000
written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient.
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skilful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” was written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient. on page 6-9. The book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор” was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska. Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; pp. 6-9.  Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

SAMPLES FROM REWIEVERS OF the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор” (2000
). The book is published in both Macedonian and English. The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian. 
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 

"...This monograph consists of 12 important chapter in this own way represents a looking glass of the artist's profile. In the first chapter the author, using selected materials, has included biographical data and individual articles about Tale Ognenovski's performances
, as well as significant statements about his contribution towards the common proclamation of our cultural values with Ensemble "Tanec" on their mammoth tours in the United States of America, Canada and Germany in 1956, followed by the tours in France and Switzerland in 1959. Perhaps the most significant of his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" was the one in the famous Carnegie Hall in America. After these particular appearances that introduced Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble 'Tanec' to the world, in the next chapter the author succeeds in presenting the most significant journalist and professional comments about the folk genius of the clarinet. These articles record the numerous awards and honours that he received for his artistic works. The author Stevan Ognenovski includes the music notation of the Tale Ognenovski's own dance compositions, in addition to the "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto for Clarinet and the "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1". With all these the artist's profile has become richer... This monograph contains valuable material for researcher in this area of folklore to use to study successfully this phenomenon called Tale Ognenovski" - Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist.

"This book can be distinguished from others by the way research has been extraordinarity complete and scrupulously conducted. An enormous number of richly illustrated moments in his life and the creative style of Tale Ognenovski make it possible for everyone to see the extraordinary values and dimensions of this artistic person as one of the most important instrumental maestros in the world and a uniquely creative musician. Following the life history and the art of this great musician, Stevan Ognenovski Mag.Scient. presents the rich variety of events during these times and the creative works of the maestro. Before our very eyes appear numerous persons and manifestations as components of one treasured part of Macedonian spirit and cultural history. These things contribute additionally towards the value of this book..." - Dushko Dimitrovski, ethnomusicologist.
<>(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 402-403. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521
Promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Writer of the book is Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient .
The promotion of the book was organized by the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances under the auspices of the National Institution Center of Culture "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

On the promotion of the book were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovsli (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.) …

Information for the  promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, was published in newspapers: “Nova Makedonija” (Article entitled: “The 40th Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances, July 2 2001), “Vecher” (Article entitled: “Balkan gathering 600 dancers”, July 5, 2001) and the “Utrinski Vesnik” (Article entitled: “Started Balkan Festival of folk Songs and Dances, July 7, 2001).

On the beginning of the promotion, the author of the book Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  read the letter from Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and the letter of Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia.

In the letter Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer writes: "Dear Mr. Ognenovski,
Extraordinary feelings, undoubtedly evokes monographic work of your great musical opus, rarely inventive and gifted instrumentalist and composer. Numerous tours and awards in our country and in the world talking about your virtuosity in unsurpassed merger of oriental and western music. Priceless is your merit for promotion of Macedonian traditional and folk music around the world. But at the same time it should be noted and pedagogical activity with young enthusiasts - your followers. Your music and solo performances, left a mark of unsurpassed clarinetist who his perpetual inspiration finds in the  most valuable that has this country – Macedonian folklore. I think that words cannot express what is experienced in the moments of your interpretations. But I still believe in the value of this monographic work that will remain a permanent mark for one glowing personality for future generations.

Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia

Skopje, July 9, 2001"


“Почитуван господине Огненовски,

Несекојдневно е чуството кое несомнено го буди монографското дело на Вашиот огромен музички опус, како ретко инвентивен и надарен инструменталист и композитор. Многубројните гостувања и награди кај нас и во светот говорат за Вашата виртуозност во ненадминливиот спој на ориенталната и западната музика. Непроценлива е Вашата заслуга за афирмација на македонската изворна и народна музика ширум светот. Но, истовремено треба да се истакне и педагошката активност со младите ентузијасти – Вашите следбеници. Вашата музика, солистичките настапи, оставија белег на ненадминлив кларинетист кој својата непресушна инспирација ја наоѓа во највредното што го има ова поднебје – македонскиот фолклор.  Мислам дека со зборови не може да се искаже се она што се доживува во миговите на Вашите интерпретации. Но, сепак верувам во вредноста на ова монографско дело кое ќе остане како траен белег за едно блескаво име на идните генерации.

Борис Трајковски, Претседател на Република Македонија

Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година”

In the letter Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and to Mr. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  writes: "Dear Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski,
Invitation to attend at the promotion of the book "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", causes me great honour and pleasure. I am glad that the promotion of the book is at the same time of maintaining the Balkan Folklore Festival and will enriches the content of this event. Of course it is important that you have managed to book issued in Macedonian and English. Congratulating you on the success and wishing you further success, expressing my regret that due to commitments I am not able to attend the promotion of your book. I wish that the promotion to relive the true moments that deserves the book. Sincerely, Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, July 9, 2001"  


“Почитувани Тале Огненовски и Стеван Огненовски,

Поканата да присуствувам на промоцијата на книгата “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, ми причини посебна чест и задоволство. Ме радува што промоцијата на книгата е во исто време со одржувањето на Балканскиот фолклорен фестивал што ја збогатува содржината и на оваа Манифестација. Секако значајно е и тоа што сте успеале книгата да ја издадете на македонски и англиски јазик.

Честитајќи Ви за успехот и посакувајќи Ви натамошни успеси, го изразувам моето жалење, што поради обврските не сум во можност да присуствувам на промоцијата на Вашата книга.

Посакувам промоцијата да ги доживее вистинските моменти што ги заслужува книгата.

Со почит, Љубчо Георгиевски, Претседател на Владата на Република Македонија, Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година”


“Lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music…” - Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds” (page 43 in the  book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5), Published 03/01/1998. 

Bill Shoemaker, JazzTimes music critic has written: “…Recalling the spree sparked a lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music (interestingly, Shepik is the linchpin of the movement, leading his own group, The Commuters, and playing with both Matt Darriau’s Paradox Trio and with Black and Speed, in Pachora).”" – Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds” (page 43 in the  book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5)
The book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5” (Title: Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5; Publisher: Jazztimes, 1998; Original from: the University of Michigan; Digitized: 28 May 2010) was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database. Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds”, page 43 in the book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5” can be read by Google Books:

"Playing the music of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is different from imitating Michael Breckers style.” - Article entitled: “Pachora”, March 23, 2004.

Jazzclub Unterfahrt from Munich, Bavaria, Germany commented: "Playing the music of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is different from imitating Michael Breckers style.” – Article entitled: “Pachora”.

“New Audio CD of the legendary Macedonian composer, clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper entitled: “The Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski - Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music,” has been released in USA. With this unofficial promotion of this Album this incredibly unique musician celebrated his 80th anniversary of his birthday, 73th anniversary of his playing on the reed pipe, 65th anniversary of his playing on the clarinet, and 46th anniversary of his performances at world-famous Carnegie Hall in New York on January 27, 1956.  The book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., has been published one year ago. Publishing house was MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest Instrumentalists and composers in world music…In the new Audio CD, Tale Ognenovski in unique way in world music made the connection between Oriental and Western music… Record Label of his Album is Independent Records from USA. Album is recorded and mixed by Dimitar Dimovski at  TRA-LA-LA STUDIO. Producers are: Tale Ognenovski and his son Stevan Ognenovski. The album includes the tracks: Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.5, Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8, Brusnichko oro, Nevenino oro, Bukovsko svadbarsko oro, Talevo kasapsko oro, Stevchevo oro, Sharsko oro and Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1. In the musical biography of this incredibly unique artist has been written, that he was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola… He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances , one classical concert  "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet  No. 1", and many Jazz compositions. From an article entitled, “World Music, Fascinate fusion of Classical and Oriental Music“, written by “Sekoj petok” magazine and published on January 25, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

“Tale Ognenovski is one of the Greatest Instrumentalists and Composers in Word Music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… The album of Tale Ognenovski, entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music,” on which there are three jazz compositions, six Macedonian folk dances and classical music by Ognenovski, was published as a result of his 73-year long playing music on clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) and many years of work as a composer. On the album, Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla"). Accompanying him are members of his Orchestra: his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment. All music is composed by Tale Ognenovski… The album was recorded at the “Tra la la” studio in Skopje and was published under the label of “Independent Records” from the USA. … Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall in New York, 1956. The concert in Carnegie Hall launched a new era in his highly successful, world career. He has appeared on the world's most prestigious concert stages in North America and Europe  and he has presented  our folklore … They were described  by the  press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Life… World music critics have been written that hi is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, an unapproachable technique, a wealth of invention and amazing improvisational virtuosity. The book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. speaks about all of that.” From an article entitled, ““Tale Ognenovski, virtuoso of the clarinet, kaval and zourla - Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music, as a result Vest of 73 Years of Work“,  written by Milica Dzarovska and published in the newspaper “Vest”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on January 28, 2002.

Аrticle entitled, “Virtuoso for the World Books with Macedonian Sign“ (Macedonian: “Виртуоз за светски книги со Македонски знак”)
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). His Audio CD album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" is confirmation for the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds…   “Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. Tale Ognenovski inherited his great talent and musical genius from his great-grandfather Ognen and grandfather Riste, both of whom were excellent players on the pipe ("kavalche"), and from his father Jovan who was an excellent player on the bagpipe ("gajda")…” Written by Stevan Ognenovski and published in the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA.  He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances , one classical concert "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet  No. 1", and many Jazz compositions.  Some of his compositions are recorded on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, and one videotape (RTB, Jugoton, RTS and MRT)… Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. .. Tale Ognenovski's First Award for Clarinet as a top clarinetist at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1948. .. From November 1, 1948, he was a member of the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje at the invitation of Mr. Vasil Hadzimanov and Mr. Nikolaj Galevski. This was after he had received the First Award Clarinet as the best clarinetist at the first Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held in Skopje in 1948… From 1949 to 1951, at the invitation of Mr. Angel Saldziev, Assistant Director in the Ministry of Science and Culture in Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski toured the Republic of Macedonia accompanied by folk dance groups from the villages of Brusnik, Dihovo, Nizhopole and Lavci, and the "Chalgii" orchestras of Radio Bitola and Radio Skopje. Mr. Angel Saldziev was the manager of these tours, which were at the time significant musical events in Macedonia… Tale Ognenovski won First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9-12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizhopole. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia. From November 15, 1951, he worked with the "Public Police Wind Orchestra. By the end of 1955, Tale Ognenovski worked with the "Police Wind Orchestra". There followed a request by Emanuel Chuchkov, the director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec", to the manager and conductor of the "Police Wind Orchestra", Micho Kostovski, for Tale Ognenovski to be a guest soloist of the Ensemble. Their first tour was to Bulgaria (November and December, 1955), followed soon after by a tour throughout the United States of America and Canada (66 concerts, between January 22, 1956 and April 12, 1956). During the period July 1, 1956 and September 1, 1960, while employed by Ensemble ‘Tanec’, he toured Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 until October 27, 1956 and September 18 and 19, 1959 in Dortmund), Albania (9 concerts, October, 1957), Romania (9 concerts, December, 1957 and January 1958), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8 and Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959) and France (83 concerts, from September 20 until November 25, 1959). He also toured with the Ensemble throughout the former Yugoslavia, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia; everywhere they performed, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ and Tale Ognenovski earned rapturous applause... During his career, he appeared with the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on some of the world’s most prestigious concert stages. These include appearances in New York City, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Boston,  Chicago,  Washington, D.C. ,Toronto, Munich,  Paris...  The zenith of his highly successful, career  was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956… Many of the world’s best-known musicians, orchestras and their conductors have performed concerts in Carnegie Hall. These include Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Frank Sinatra, Liza Minnelli, Elton John, David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, Sviatoslav Richter, Edith Piaf, Tina Turner, Sergej Rachmanianoff, Artur Rubinstein, Vladimir Horowitz, Mstislav Rostopovich, Enrico Caruso, Placido Domingo, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti, Gustav Mahler, The Beatles and Herbert von Karajan…  William Hawkins has written in the New York World Telegram, "The Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience...This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance event that has appeared over the horizon in years..." Following every concert of ‘Tanec’s’ North American tour, critics in almost every newspaper commented about the Macedonian folk dance ‘Sopska Poskocica’, "...in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica, it was nothing more than a demonstration in dancing. As such it was highly effective...A dance like Sopska Poskocica is produced to demonstrate...The speed at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of the six men who dance it, makes it unique…It earned an encore..." Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but he also helped arrange the music for he added his own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where Tale Ognenovski has performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist… Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso and clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist for most parts of the programme… Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful career…  “The evening is not only wonderful art but also a superb show. Surely one performance in New York is not enough. The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern," from an article written by John Martin entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill," and published in The New York Times, New York, on January 28, 1956… “In "Sopska Poskocica," (the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) to make the point, five young men took over the stage and indulged in show-off tactics to attract the girl.... Everywhere in this program, however, there was something to be admired…the regional treasure of peoples with proud and ancient heritages, were revealed, to a remarkable degree, in dance and in music… An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." The above is from an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Folk Ballet,’ written by Walter Terry, and that appeared in the New York Herald Tribune on January 28, 1956…” From an article entitled, “Virtuoso for the World Books with Macedonian Sign“ (Macedonian: “Виртуоз за светски книги со Македонски предзнак”), written by Greta Odzakova and published  in the newspaper “Vecher” , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on February 2, 2002.

“…The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart.
Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music…  In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labryinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge…” .” wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book "For Our Music" ("Za Nasha Muzika; Macedonian: “За Наша Музика - ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994), This year Tale Ognenovski celebrated his 80th  anniversary of his birthday, and 65th  anniversary of his playing on the clarinet…. These days the album of Tale Ognenovski, entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music,” has been released by record label “Independents Records” from USA… Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla"). Accompanying him are members of his Orchestra: his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment. The album includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski).The album includes the tracks: Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.5, Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8, Brusnichko oro, Nevenino oro, Bukovsko svadbarsko oro, Talevo kasapsko oro, Stevchevo oro, Sharsko oro, Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1… “Nobody in the world can play clarinet like Tale Ognenovski. His music is incredible. His improvisations and solos are out of this world…”, says Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski, the sponsor of the  Album entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical  Music”. Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”, and many Jazz composition. Some of his compositions are recorded on more than 30 audio records. He has appeared with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on the world’s most prestigious concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success.  The zenith of his highly successful, 60-year career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. The most eminent critics were written in the newspapers that this concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of the world-famous Carnegie Hall… In December 1952, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist, together with the superb pianist Nino Cipushev as accompaniment, performed the classical concert "Concert Polka for Clarinet" by Miler Bela.  With his superb performance, Tale Ognenovski became the first clarinet soloist in the history of the Republic of Macedonia to perform a classical concert for the clarinet. "... It is not widely known both in Yugoslavia and around the world, that the renowned virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a concert clarinetist. Indeed, it is not widely known that Tale Ognenovski can play other styles of music such as jazz, improvising in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, or dance music. It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of embouchure and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required." From an article by Professor Ladislav Palfi, the famous pianist. Tale Ognenovski performed as clarinet soloist in firstly, Mozart's 'Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622' and Weber’s Concert in ef-mol, with the legendary pianist Professor Ladislav Palfi playing piano accompaniment....From 1960 to 1967, Tale Ognenovski worked with "Macedonian Radio Television". In 1966, Tale Ognenovski became Head of the "Folk Music Orchestra" of "Macedonian Radio Television" … Tale Ognenovski was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. In 1965, Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra". “Tale Ognenovski's contributions to our and world music are enormous. With the clarinet and reed pipe he is demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity, and outstanding musical competence…” From an article entitled, “New Audio CD of Tale Ognenovski – Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music with the clarinet virtuoso “, written by Tina Ivanova and published in the newspaper “Utrinski Vesnik”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on February 8, 2002.

“...In his solo performance, Tale Ognenovski played together in parallel Cavallini’s concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, Weber’s concert in ef-mol, and Mozart’s concert for the Clarinet in A Major K. 622 with Professor Ladislav Palfi as piano accompaniment…”
“...It is a phenomenon that for every style of music, Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of ‘ambazhura’ and vibrato. For classical music, when it is required, a perfectly level tone...”, wrote Professor Ladislav Palfi on May 23, 1973. 

“Tale Ognenovski is the author of the book ‘Macedonian folk dances’ (‘Makedonski ora’) published by the Cultural Educational Association in Skopje, 1989. In the introduction to this book Kiril Todevski, ethno musician, and editor at the Department for Folk Music in Radio Skopje wrote, “...Year by year his skills as a real virtuoso and artist have developed, this man who created his own style for interpreting folk dances (‘ora’), the special characteristics of which are his inventive improvisations called ‘maninja’. At the same time as producing these, Tale Ognenovski became a composer of his own folk dances...” 

“...In his solo performance, he played together in parallel Cavallini’s concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, Weber’s concert in ef-mol, and Mozart’s concert for the Clarinet in A Major K. 622 with Professor Ladislav Palfi as piano accompaniment in a broadcast on Radio Television Skopje. He has made many performances in public and played jazz music by Yugoslav composers, also jazz in the style of Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw...  We discovered Tale Ognenovski in this area of music, the clarinetist who first began to play in Brusnik near Bitola, then, drifting through the Pelagonia plane, crossed the River Vardar, toured throughout Macedonia and eventually toured throughout America, Canada and many European countries. As he grew up he developed his skill and became wealthy and, in a unique way...” written by Gjoko Georgiev...” This appeared in an article written by Stevan Ognenovski, M. Sc. under the title ‘Tale Ognenovski deserves the ‘11 Oktomvri’ award’. It was published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 10, 1997. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp.179, 188-189. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)



“Tale Ognenovski has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success…”
“...Tale Ognenovski is the author of the first collection of musical notations of Macedonian folk dances, ‘Macedonian folk dances’ (‘Makedonski ora’), published by the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje in 1989.  He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success; these successes have been documented in articles in world-famous newspapers, including The New York Times, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Chicago Daily News, Washington News, Saint Louis Globe, The Milwaukee Journal - USA, Hildesheim press - Germany, Le Berry Republicain, La Nouvelle Republique du Centre - France...On January 22, 1956, with Ensemble ‘Tanec’, he performed on the American television program ‘Omnibus’. On January 27, 1956, they performed in the world-famous concert hall Carnegie Hall with great success. In his book ‘For our music’, Dushko Dimitrovski wrote ‘But, aside all else, the prodigy is called Tale Ognenovski... we will be greatly surprised and enraptured to find that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who made the connection between the two ‘NON-CONNECTING’ worlds - the Orient and the West – in melodies and words… Tale Ognenovski’s biography was published on the Internet on September 18, 1998...” This appeared in an article written by Stevan Ognenovski, M. Sc. entitled ‘Tale Ognenovski deserves the ‘11 October’ award. It was published in the magazine ‘Denes’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 29, 1998. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 190, 192-193. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


”The television programme 'Folk Plus' of Macedonian Radio Television on February 8, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  The journalist, Vesna Trajchevska said: “The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is Musical Genius and the best instrumentalist in the world. “ Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the clarinet his own composition “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” accompanied by ‘Folk Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television.  Tale Ognenovski said: “My performances on the small bagpipe and zourla on my composition “Sharsko oro” is confirmation that I am the best small bagpiper and zourlist for all time… My solo playing on the clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also arranged the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told me that I am the number one clarinetist…”. Stevan Ognenovski said: “This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music, which includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). His album is confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper for all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity, and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music. Tale Ognenovski is composer and soloist of all music on his album. No one else can compare with his playing Macedonian folk dances, jazz and classical music on the clarinet, reed pipe, small bagpipe and zourla...”.

The television programme 'Utrinsko ogledalo' of Macedonian Radio Television on February 10, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  “. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. The journalist, Sinolichka Dzambazova said: “You are one of the greatest Ambassadors in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms… The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is the best instrumentalist in the world… In their commentaries, the North American press gave  magnificent descriptions of your performance in Carnegie Hall…”.

“The  album of the legend of Macedonian music, Tale Ognenovski,   virtuoso soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla")., entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music,”  has been released by record label Independents Records from USA...  His performances on the album are phenomenally…”   From an article entitled, “Music - Tale Ognenovski – Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music“, written by  “Glas” magazine, and published on February 25, 2002 , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Suzana Turundzieva,  said: “Tale Ognenovski is greatest virtuoso instrumentalists of all time… He is virtuoso of the clarinet and many wind instruments… Tale Ognenovski and his orchestra demonstrate incredible virtuoso music. The music of Tale Ognenovski takes you to different worlds and different dimensions… Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… If the God exist, the position of Tale Ognenovski is fellowship with Him…."
The television programme ' Dom i dizajn' of A1 Television on March 17, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. The journalist and famous singer Suzana Turundzieva,  said: “Tale Ognenovski is greatest virtuoso instrumentalists of all time… He is virtuoso of the clarinet and many wind instruments… Tale Ognenovski and his orchestra demonstrate incredible virtuoso music. The music of Tale Ognenovski takes you to different worlds and different dimensions… Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"  includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski)… The drummer accompaniment of Stevan Ognenovski is appropriate of the different rhythms and sounds wonderfully…  If the God exist, the position of Tale Ognenovski is fellowship with Him….  Tale Ognenovski said: “Thank you very much to ‘Bujoto Marketing’ and to A1 Television for your invitation to me and to my son Stevan Ognenovski and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski for this television programme… My solo playing on the clarinet and pipe (‘kavalche’) generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also  arranged  the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist… The New York Times commented that the reed pipe of me, Tale Ognenovski in Carnegie Hall is unforgettable… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Ensemble "Tanec", congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told  me that I am the number one clarinetist…  Thank you very much to other members, folk dancers and musicians of the Ensemble ‘Tanec’  for the magnificent performances during the three-month tour across North America…”.

Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music
His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”. On December 1952 Tale Ognenovski as  clarinet soloist accompaniment with excellent pianist Nino Cipushev has performed the classical concert  "Concert Polka for Clarinet" by Miler Bela in "Police House" in Skopje with great success. This classical concert by Miler Bela contains very difficult virtuosi parts with many cadenzas, which are very difficult to perform for a clarinet soloist.  With magnificently performed this concert Tale Ognenovski become the first clarinet soloist who has  performed classical concert for clarinet in Republic of Macedonia...
Some of his compositions are recorded on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, and one videotape (RTB, Jugoton, RTS, and MRT). His recordings for Radio Television Belgrade, Jugoton, Macedonian Radio Television...are unique compositions   based of the Macedonian folk music but also with some influence of Oriental, Jazz and Classical Music, with highly complex patterning of rhythm and attractive melody over extreme complexity in a minute that can not be comparable with any other kind of Music known today.  Tale Ognenovski as a virtuoso clarinet soloist in the film "Ritam i zvuk" (Rhythm and Sound), 1955, has performed Macedonian folk dances: "Zhensko Chamche", "Beranche"... with Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".  Producer of this film was "Vardar Film". The Macedonian folk dance "Zhensko Chamche" in this film begins with technically very complicated solo virtuosi improvisations of Tale Ognenovski, which don't exist in the origin version of this folk dance… He performed as clarinet soloist on the televised concerts on Macedonian Television: Mozart Clarinet Concerto K.622 and Wagner Adagio for Clarinet (1987) and in all of these he demonstrated brilliance technique. Tale Ognenovski received numerous awards and honors, all among the prestigious in the performing arts. The most significant awards are: First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, 1948, First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, 1951, "Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije" ("Yugoslavian Scene Award"), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for the scene musical artists, from Association of Scene Artists of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia), 1978…
This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”.

"And the muses sleep when Tale Ognenovski perform”
“… remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…  (virtuoso pipe ("kavalche") and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski )… The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern," from an article written by John Martin entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill," and published in The New York Times, New York, on January 28, 1956. “…” From an article entitled, "And the muses sleep when Tale Ognenovski perform”, written by Valentina Gjorgievska and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on July 30, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski is a winner of the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1947 
Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. At this festival participated folk dance groups from the towns of Bitola, Skopje, Prilep, Tetovo, Gevgelija, Debar, Ohrid, Kichevo, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Makedonski Brod, Demir Hisar, Struga, Resen and Krushevo.
“Macedonia is the country with the most folk dances, so many in number that there is no other country in Europe equal to Macedonia,” said Olga Skovran from Belgrade, Manager for folklore in the Ministry of Culture in the Republic of Serbia (Former Yugoslavia). This came from an article entitled ‘We must keep our folk songs, dances and folk costumes’, written by Lazo Karovski and appearing in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 1947 

Tale Ognenovski’s First Award for Clarinet as a top clarinetist at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1948
“The First Award for Clarinet was received by Tale Ognenovski from Bitola.” This comment appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ published on October 13, 1948. The report was entitled ‘Awards for folk dances and songs, solo singers and players who participated at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’.
One of the highpoints of Tale Ognenovski’s successes was his participation in a competition during the ‘Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’ during the period 6-10 October, 1948. 453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in the festival in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He was a winner, and received his First Award as the best clarinetist from Angel Saldziev, Assistant Director from the Ministry of Science and Culture in the Republic of Macedonia. The President of the commission was Zhivko Firfov, and a member of the commission was Vasil Hadzimanov. 
At this folk festival Tale Ognenovski participated in playing as clarinet soloist with every folk group from the Bitola region – from the villages of Brusnik (its members were Pande Metlovski, Vasko Stankovski, Rade Talevski, Sotir Ilkovski, Tome Grozdanovski, Cane Grozdanovski, Jonche Talevski, Mile Josifovski, Milica Talevska, Vera Tasevska, Vasilka Karangelevska, Danica Drskovska, Vasa Altanovska, Kristina Palashovska, Cena Veleva, Fana Dushovska, Ljube Karangelevska and Dragica Apchevska), Lavci, Dihovo and Rotino and from the town of Bitola. In addition, Tale Ognenovski was the artistic instructor and coordinator of all the folk groups from the Bitola region. The Bitola Towns Union of cultural educated societies won the First Award for the best cultural region in the Republic of Macedonia… (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 194-195) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped  at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003
Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959… Parts of the articles in the newspapers: “…some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…,” written by John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956,  Title: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,"  is related to my appearance at world-famous Carnegie Hall as reed pipe and clarinet soloist. 
“…When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica,"  which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake." They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...,” written by Claudia Cassidy, title: "On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance", and published in the newspaper Chicago Daily Tribune, on  February 6, 1956. I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in Sopska Poskocica ("Shopska potskoknuvachka") but also and arranger of music because I added my own musical phrases and improvisations in more parts of the dance. I performed with much faster rhythm than appear in the original version of this folk dance, which contribute all articles in the newspapers for this dance to be brilliants. 
“…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." Written by Walter Terry, title: 'Yugoslav Folk Ballet", New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956. 
“…This group would be hard to beat…”  written by Albert Goldeberg, title "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement",  Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1956.
“…"Macedonian Tune," which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." Written by R. H. Hagan, title "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky' ", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.
“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has never seen." Title: "Dance Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslav come to U.S.", Life, USA, April 9, 1956. 
My contribution for these wonderful articles in the newspapers was the greatest regarding the other musicians of Ensemble “Tanec”.  I was virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist in the most parts of the programme of Ensemble “Tanec.” I was Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Macedonian Radio Television.” I performed with many Cultural Artistically Societies. I recorded many gramophone records.   On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.com.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Tale Ognenovski laureate for longstanding achievements in culture. Recognized as National Artist
“Tale Ognenovski is the people's favorite and unreservedly recognized national artist not only here in the country Republic of Macedonia but in the world ... Tale Ognenovski composed many folk dances in which we felt his relationship to the traditions because his dances in the true sense of the word are in continuity with the traditional folk dances. Tale Ognenovski is unsurpassed master because from the tiniest light motive can build a complete dance instrumental work that youth is a template on which to educate. Therefore the size of this folk artist is measured not only by his personality as a musician and artist but also his contribution to our entire folklore legitimacy.”  Photo published in the newspaper “Vecher”, October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article entitled: “Today in Parliament of Republic of Macedonia awarding of this year's award "October 11". Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

“Tale Ognenovski is maestro of improvisation and creativity… His authenticity feeling for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent…”
In the programme “Folklorni odblesoci” of Nacional Macedonian Radio of Macedonian Radio Television, broadcasted on October 22, 2003, Kiril Todevski, the author of the programme said about Tale Ognenovski, “Tale Ognenovski won “11 October award” for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art… During last six decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation. He has composed and arranged 200 Macedonian folk dances… He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner… His authenticity feeling for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent. He combines beautiful tone with unique technique… He is maestro of improvisation and creativity; he starts with a motive, a theme, and then develops a complex instrumental content…  In his performances he demonstrates fascinate invention and virtuosity…  Tale Ognenovski has demonstrate his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: “The Folk Music Orchestra”, the “Chalgii” orchestra and “The Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra”... From him, how to preserve creative perfection in folk musical reproduction learned, learn, and will learn numerous folk instrumentalists…”.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. Certificate for National Pension No. 51-238/1 dated January 11, 2012 was signed by Minister for Culture of Republic of Macedonia, Mrs. Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska, Mag. Scient.

Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged all 12 tracks. The album from Independent Records is produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski and is distributed by The Orchard… New CD Album feature the Ognenovski performing with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zourla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum, his grandsons: Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe… Tale Ognenovski is known across the globe for his virtuosic performances. Ognenovski and his quartet offering a sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski will became something of a phenomenon...” From an article written by Tina Ivanova, entitled:  “New  CD of Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski reviewed as phenomenal”, Utrinski Vesnik, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 4, 2008

“Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes…” – From the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” written by Kim Burton on page 203 from the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East”, 1999.

In the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East” edited by: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo in the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” of this book, author Kim Burton on page 203 was written: “"One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernised style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music."”
Information of this book: Title: World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, THE ROUGH GUIDE; Editors: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo; Publisher: Rough Guides, 1999; Length: 762 pages; ISBN: 1858286352, 9781858286358 was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database.


Influences of music composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski to the instrumentalists around the world.
Music composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski is performing by instrumentalists and bands, including: Vlatko Stefanovski, Damir Imeri, Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" (“Pelistersko oro”); Ljubisa Pavkovic (“Pelistersko oro”); Aritmija (“Piperkovo oro”); AKUD "Sonja Marinković" (“Pelistersko oro”); Dragianni, Damjan Pejcinoski, Muris Varajic (“Pelistersko oro”); Muris Varajic & Dragianni (“Piperkovo oro”),  Dragan Grujic (“Brusnichko oro”), Andrej Zupan (“Pelistersko oro” and “Piperkovo oro”), Zoran Dzorlev, Pance Zdravkov (“Brusnichko oro”), Stevan Hristovski  (“Brusnichko oro” and “Nevenino oro”), Orkestar “Zajdi zajdi” (“Pelistersko oro”), Orkestar “Grupa Cardak Ohrid” (“Pelistersko oro”), Ilija Ampevski (“Nevenino oro” and “Mominsko oro”), Blagojce Trajkovski (“Piperkovo oro”), Simon Trpčeski (“Pelistersko oro”, “Piperkovo oro” and “Nevestinskio oro”), Bojan Jovanovic (“Pelistersko oro”)... Ognenovski is an influence on musicians including Zoran Madzirov, Pachora and New York bands interpreting Balkan music.

"Pelistersko oro" and "Piperkovo oro" composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski and "Nevestinsko oro" arranged by Tale Ognenovski were included in the music project entitled "MAKEDONISSIMO" arranged by composer Pande Shahov in collaboration with Simon Trpčeski. Virtuoso pianist Simon Trpčeski performed this music project "MAKEDONISSIMO”"- Transcriptions of Macedonian traditional music at Ludwigsburg Schossfestspiele, Germany on May 18, 2017. Online Merker – Die international Kulturplatform für Musiktheater, Konzert, Schauspiiel, Literatur, Medien, Ausstellungen in österreich und aller Welt music critic Alexander Walther commented, “Although it is a small country, Macedonia has produced a great wealth of songs and dances. On Thursday evening at the "Makedonia" concert with Simon Trpceski & Band, you could see for yourself … And the last pigtail in the thirteen-eighth episode was the title of "Pelistersko" by Tale Ognenovski, referring to Pelister, the highest peak of the Baba Mountains" (German: “Und im letzten Zopf im Dreizehnachteltakt stach der Titel „Pelistersko“ von Tale Ognenovski hervor, der auf Pelister, den höchsten Gipfel der Baba-Berge, Bezug nahm.) http://der-neue-merker.eu/ludwigsburg-schlossfestspiele-ordenssaal-konzert-mit-simon-trpceski-band-blick-in-das-herz-mazedoniens

For more information please visit Official Simon Trpčeski Website : http://www.trpceski.com/world-premiere-of-simon-trpceskis-new-project-makedonissimo-at-ludwigsburg-festival-germany/

“Pelistersko Oro” composed by Tale Ognenovski, one of the basis of of the “Concert for Piano and Orchestra” which is composed by the musician Damir Imeri - “Traditional Macedonian songs: "Koljo, don't sell your land" („Не си го продавај Kољо чифликот“), "Stojan started playing"  („Засвирел Стојан“) and Tale Ognenovski’s composition “Pelistersko Oro” is the basis of the “Concert for Piano and Orchestra” which is composed by the musician Damir Imeri and in the concert halls in the world will be performed by the piano virtuoso Simon Trpcevski. Premiere concert will be performed in January 2012 in Norway, and then in Seattle, Beijing, Gvang Zhu, Poznan and Zagreb…”, Article entitled “Damir Imer cooperates with famous pianist Simon Trpceski and composed for him Concert inspired by Macedonian Folklore.” - By Andrijana Andova, October 17, 2011, Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia.

"Pelistersko Oro" composed by Tale Ognenovski has performed by Bojan Jovanovic, a fantastic Serbian accordionist at "Grand Festival" (2014 RNO Grand Festival) of the Russian National Orchestra" in Moscow, Russia on September 8, 2014 ...", written in the article titled "Simon Trpceski, Through Thorns to the Stars ", published in the magazine "Tea Moderna", No. 729, on October 1, 2014.
"Macedonian mag of the piano,Simon Trpčeski enjoys worldwide fame and respect ... I had the honor to be the only guest artist invited twice to perform at "Grand Festival" (2014 RNO Grand Festival) of the Russian National Orchestra in Moscow, Russia. The first concert was with the legendary maestro Mikhail Pletnev on the Independence Day of Macedonia (September 8, 2014) that I performed together as soloists with one of the most sought-after violinists currently Maxim Rysanov from Ukraine ... Besides the beautiful concert Oleg Poltevsky, director of the orchestra hosted a wonderful surprise for me with the fantastic Serbian accordionist Bojan Jovanovic, who in his diverse repertoire where Macedonian songs and dances including "Pelistersko Oro". It was a great feeling to hear "Pelistersko Oro" composed by Tale Ognenovski ... directly from the center of Moscow, Russia ... ", written by Gordana Nastevska-Manasievska in the article titled "Simon Trpčeski, Through Thorns to the Stars ", published in the magazine "Tea Moderna", No. 729, on October 1, 2014.

Tale Ognenovski played clarinet in the music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

In Vardar Film's 1955 production of "Ritam i zvuk" ("Rhythm and Sound"), Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances "Zhensko Chamche" and "Beranche" with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 28-31)
YouTube music video
– Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Information of music film
: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2955670/?ref_=rvi_tt


New York, NY (Top40 Charts):  “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450
Article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos” - Top40-charts.com, November 21, 2014. “In CD Album entitled: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by his son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amazon.com release date: January 24, 2006. Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Härtel edition (Publisher's no.: Nr. 2300. …Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski's Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music... Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski's Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music…” was written in an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos” published by Top40-Charts.com (Top40-charts.com, Inc. is an American global entertainment information and measurement company with headquarters in Manhattan in New York City.)

"The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall...

"Tale Ognenovski is constantly surrounded by the love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska… At the request of the Director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" Emanuel Chuchkov, the young clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, then the member of Police Wind Orchestra of Republic of Macedonia was loaned to the ensemble as strengthening his United States of America tour in 1956..."
“One hundred and fifty arranged and composed Macedonian folk dances, 12 jazz compositions, several concerts of classical music, twenty gramophone records, three CDs and a general impression that he is clarinet virtuoso – this is short CV of our most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. For his music and his 87th birthday April 27, 2009 he received recognition "Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski", from editors of All About Jazz (www.allaboutjazz.com)  jazz music website  with announcement published at All About Jazz  website … http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM “I am very joyful for this recognition, "Jazz Musician of the Day", very happy, very delighted. It is a great prize, including any that I have gained during my career, including the top for me - award "October 11", the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia” - tells us Tale Ognenovski at the meeting which we had at his home in Skopje ... Tale Ognenovski is constantly surrounded by the love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska… At the request of the Director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" Emanuel Chuchkov, the young clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, then the member of Police Wind Orchestra of Republic of Macedonia was loaned to the ensemble as strengthening his United States of America tour in 1956. Ensemble will hold 66 concerts and the tour began with show (20 minute concert) on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", ", shown on  CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. – “A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and would be good for us in Republic of Macedonia to have a copy” - says Stevan Ognenovski… So begins and concert activity of Tale Ognenovskii with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and other companies and orchestras that allowed him to play at the most famous concert venues in the world. Until the seventies of the last century he performed with the orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television – The Folk Music Orchestra, the Authentic Orchestra of Folk Instruments, "Chalgii" Orchestra and in “Tancov” Orchestra. Meanwhile Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra", that continues to make music ... His dances are performed in Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria ... The most famous dances composed by Tale Ognenovski are: Brusnichko Oro, Kasapsko Oro, Kumovo Oro Chochek, Talevo Svadbarsko Oro, Bitolsko Oro, Resensko Oro, Pelistersko Oro, Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro ... Two dances devoted to his wife Nevena Ognenovska: Nevenino Oro and Nevenino Lavchansko Oro…“We had a wonderful mother Nevena Ognenovska who took care not to feel his commitment and his absences due his concerts worldwide. She was a very supportive to my father in his career” - says his son Stevan Ognenovski … With the help of his family (his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska) and the donors (Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski,Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje) who support his music Tale Ognenovski has released three CD albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) …Tale Ognenovski was happiest during the  recording sessions of  last three CD albums with accompany by his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipes) ... My jazz compositions cannot be compared with any Macedonian folk dance. Some ask me whether in my jazz compositions are recognized Macedonia, and I say yes, Macedonia performed by Tale Ognenovski. The Jazz otherwise I practice since 1992 and my jazz is a Macedonian jazz which is different from others ... I've played all over the world. But I had played also for Josip Broz Tito, the former President of Yugoslavia every time when he visited Republic of Macedonia. Once I played for him in Brdo Castle near Kranj in Slovenia ..." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Magazine “Tea Moderna”, July 29, 2009.

Tale Ognenovski, Macedonian Virtuoso of the Clarinet, died on June 19, 2012. He was 90. - Newspaper articles:

Article entitled "Bard of Macedonian music, is dead. Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet went into the legends" – written by Andrijana Andova, June 22, 2012, Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski is Mozart in Macedonian music... He alone is National School standard. Such a man is born once in centuries... “He was known as one of the world's ambassadors of Macedonian music. He has composed and arranged 150 folk dances, jazz compositions, one classical concert, and today's young musicians learn from his rich oeuvre. Tale Ognenovski, virtuoso of the clarinet, who was known as one of the world's ambassadors of music, went into legends ... Ognenovski left behind a rich opus of which teach generations of young musicians... Though best known as a clarinetist, played the bagpipes, zourla and drum... In 1965 Tale Ognenovski with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec” performed in prestigious "Carnegie Hall" in New York and reputable newspapers like "New York Times" , "Life" , " Los Angeles Times" have published articles on this Macedonian musician . He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, a classical concert etc. One of the last guardians of our sound . In 2008 he released the album "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” from which he received excellent reviews from international music critics including the prestigious media focused on jazz music "All About Jazz." This third CD release is the follow up to his two previous CD Albums entitled:  "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos." During his career he was awarded with the State Prize "October 11", and this year he was awarded a National pension. Famous Macedonian multi-instrumentalist Dragan Dautovski evaluates Ognenovski as one of the last Mohicans, guardians of our sound. - “Especially for “chalgija” and urban music. Tale Ognenovski is the bard of our music ... " - says Dautovski … Violinist and director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" Zoran Dzorlev believes that it is absolutely unnecessary and talk about Ognenovski because this Macedonian virtuoso said everything he had with his music. - “I think young musicians, especially those who have chosen brass instrument to learn dances from the Tale. His performances are an example of how to play with the clarinet Macedonian music. It is also one of the few examples of a musician who was with his instrument to the last moment of his life" - says Dzorlev… Vocals on "Ljubojna" Vera Milosevska, says that Ognenovski with the rich body of work behind them can be regarded as Mozart in Macedonian music. - "He Bring a completely different view to “Chalgija” and to the folk music, one real twist. It opens the sound, and in his music can be felt Pelagonija. He alone is National School standard. Such a man is born once in centuries. Unfortunately, I never met him personally, but we talked and shared stories about his colleagues. People like him in the world are branded" - says Milosevska.” Article entitled "Bard of Macedonian music, is dead. Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet went into the legends" - By Andrijana Andova, June 22, 2012, , Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia.

Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet, is dead." – written by Tina Ivanova, June 21, 2012, Utrinski Vesnik, Republic of Macedonia. "Tale Ognenovski, Macedonian Virtuoso of the Clarinet, died on June 19, 2012. He was 90.  The funeral was held yesterday at the cemetery in Butel. Maestro Tale Ognenovski, especially from the international scene..."

"One of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia, and critics have described as one of the greatest composers in the world of music .... Winner of numerous awards in Yugoslavia and Macedonia, including the state "11 October" in 2003 ... On 26 January 2006. was published CD album entitled " MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Tale Ognenovski incorporated clarinet as second classical instrument into his arrangements notably on the Mozart Clarinet Concerto Composed by Mozart, to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of great composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1956–2006)) ... Ethno-musicologist Dusko Dimitrovski in the book "For our music" to describe Tale Ognenovski writes: "The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski ... The impossible becomes possible: two, "usually non-complimentary" parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient - are in Tale Ognenovski's music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge”, Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet, is dead." - By Tina Ivanova, June 21, 2012, Utrinski Vesnik, Republic of Macedonia.

Article entitled "Silence from the Clarinet of Tale Ognenovski" – written by Nova Makedonija, June 23, 2012, Republic of Macedonia
  “…Macedonian Virtuoso of the Clarinet Tale Ognenovski, was considered one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia. His life story, which began exactly 90 years ago in village Brusnik, Bitola ended after nine fruitful decades in constant search of the perfect sound of the clarinet that sovereign rule. Indeed, his works represent the clarinet as an instrument that has the ability to express the highest range in music…Macedonian folk dances of Ognenovski is performed in Switzerland, France, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria. Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec” has performed at the most famous concert venues in North America and Europe with fantastic success. Particularly stands out his concert at the prestigious "Carnegie Hall" in New York City on 27 January 1956, and was the first Macedonian who performed at the scene when he received outstanding reviews from audiences and critics. As a virtuoso clarinet soloist in "Rhythm and Sound" in 1955 he has performed the Macedonian folk dances: "Zhensko Chamche", "Beranche" and others, with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec." His recordings for “Radio Television Belgrade”, Serbia, "Jugoton, Zagreb”, Croatia and Macedonian Radio Television are unique compositions, inspired by the Macedonian folk music. He is author of book "Macedonian Folk Dances" published in 1989. Ognenovski has won numerous awards in the former Yugoslavia and Macedonia, including the state "11 October", which won in 2003”, Article entitled "Silence from the Clarinet of Tale Ognenovski" - By Nova Makedonija, June 23, 2012, Republic of Macedonia.

Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet is dead" “…Maestro Ognenovski was considered one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia and one of the greatest composers .... He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances,  one classical concert entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” and more jazz compositions. His works represent the clarinet as an instrument which has the ability to express the highest range in music.”, Article entitled "Tale Ognenovski, Virtuoso of the Clarinet is dead" - By Vest, June 22, 2012, Republic of Macedonia.

Macedonian Radio Television, Pogramme: "News", June 20, 2012; 19:30.

"Tale Ognenovski has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: The "Folk Music" Orchestra, The "Chalgii" Orchestra and The "Authentic Folk Instruments" Orchestra. Tale Ognenovski have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world. He was known as one of the world's ambassadors of Macedonian music and one of the greatest cultural ambassadors to Macedonia..."

Congratulations to Tale Ognenovski on his 90th birthday April 27, 2012 from his friend Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA: Happy 90th Birthday Tale Ognenovski
“Celebrate your life because it's filled with priceless memories, wonderful stories, and people who love you
"His music is unique in style like no other and will live on forever. He has bridged the gaps among folk music, classical music and jazz. No other artist in the world of music - any music, has ever done or accomplished this. But Tale successfully done so, in a unique genius way. He is truly best in the world..."
April 27, 2012, Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA   http://www.wnykarate.com (Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best  clarinet concertos in the world… no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can…
“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best clarinet concertos  in the world. Whether it's classical, jazz, Macedonian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian or others, no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can. Many clarinetists only play one type or style of music Tale can play any style with perfection. "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" CD will go down in history as one of the best clarinet concertos ever recorded”, written by Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski (Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), Buffalo, New York, USA, March 26, 2006; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

Condolences for the death of the Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski:
“Dear Stevan and family,
On June 19, 2012 the world lost a brilliant artist, musician, composer, author and innovator. There will never be another Tale Ognenovski, but his music and spirit will live on forever. He was truly gifted, talented, and unique in style.  I have been listening to his music since childhood, and he inspired me from the very first time I came in contact with your family 13 years ago. That is when I got my first clarinet, and even though I don't read music and have not have any music teachers, I still play his music on my clarinet often.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't listen to his music. We are very saddened that he has passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Stevan, your wife Margarita, your sons Nikola and Kliment. With our love,
The Cvetkovski Family - Dimce, Gerrie, Steven, Jeffrey, Scott, Cvetko, Sofija, and Stefka”, Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, June 25, 2012.
(Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/), Buffalo, New York, USA, E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com                                                                                                                                                                 
“Hello stevan my name is steven cvetkovski and my father is Dimce Cvetkovski  Itis a honor and pleasure to be talking the son of one of my idols growing up. I am so sorry to hear about your father. Your father has brought so much love and joy in to our family with his music.  My father and I listened to your father’s music every single day. I was born and raised around your father’s music and it made me the man I am today. I am in the music industry also. I do song writing for Sony and my brother jeff and I own a publishing company in NY and LA called Final Play Music Group. www.finalplaymusic.com . Your father has touched my heart with music in ways I can’t even describe to you. Every single note that man played i felt it. You’re not just listening to the music you are feeling it. If you can’t feel every note that he plays you’re not listening right. Every song had a story and I felt it. So thank you and your father for bring me and my family so much happiness and joy. I will never stop spreading your father’s music to everyone. The world needs to hear Tale…” With my families love to yours, Steven Cvetkovski, June 25, 2012.
Hi Stevan,

I was so sad to hear about the loss of your father.
As you know, you and your father have such an impact on my dad and it has trickled down to me and my brothers as well. I grew up listening to your father in car rides and Macedonian festivals. The world has truly lost the most passionate talented musician around. His music has inspired my father and for that has inspired me. I am so sorry for your loss and wish you and your family wonderful health. The Macedonian Festival here in Buffalo, New York will be happening in July and I will make sure his songs will be played! God Bless! - Scott Cvetkovski, Third son of Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski, June 25, 2012.

“…Vocal on "Ljubojna" Vera Milosevska, says that Ognenovski with the rich body of work behind them can be regarded as Mozart in Macedonian music… He alone is National School standard. Such a man is born once in centuries..."

“…Vocal on "Ljubojna" Vera Milosevska, says that Ognenovski with the rich body of work behind them can be regarded as Mozart in Macedonian music. - "He Bring a completely different view to “Chalgija” and to the folk music, one real twist. It opens the sound, and in his music can be felt Pelagonija. He alone is National School standard. Such a man is born once in centuries..." - Article entitled “Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska, November 25, 2014, newspaper  Dnevnik, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Janko Ilkovski commented: “Tale Ognenovski is Virtuoso, Mozart of the Macedonian music, Titan of the Clarinet, Musical Genius… we will immediately recognize the unreachable virtuosity of Tale Ognenovski in the performance of the “Mozart Concert for Clarinet” and in the performance of his composition “Piperkovo oro”, our Macedonian Gene…
His legend will live forever… What words to use for his achievements will not be enough to explain his musical genius.. TV SITEL3 Programme “Jadi Burek” directed and produced by Janko Ilkovski, on November 24, 2014. Janko Ilkovski commented article entitled: “Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska and appeared in the newspaper Dnevnik, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014 and he said that content of this article was for Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address: http://books.google.mk/books?id=4tXLAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=the+greatest+clarinetist+of+all+time+Tale+Ognenovski&source=bl&ots=tQO0HerpjK&sig=XAHE-rHiERrv739bfQtJuWiSpSE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BR1rVOSbCeWvygPt_oLwBg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&… 
During this program parts of two music YouTube videos of Tale Ognenovski were seen: YouTube: "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro" (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski – CD
"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223) and "Piperkovo oro" (composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski – Long Play gramophone record: “Makedonski Igraorni Ora Sviri Tale Ognenovski”;1979, LP 1439 Stereo, PGP-RTB, Serbia).

Janko Ilkovski commented: “In the newspaper Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia on November 25, 2014 was published an article entitled “Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: "Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska. In this article was written: Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski (1922-2012) is included in the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. Janko Ilkovski said: “Listen Tale Ognenovski virtuoso performances of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro" (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski) and "Piperkovo oro" (composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski) and we will immediately recognize the unreachable virtuosity of Tale Ognenovski in the performance of the “Mozart Concert for Clarinet” and in the performance of his composition “Piperkovo oro”, our Macedonian Gene… Tale Ognenovski is Virtuoso, Mozart of the Macedonian music, Titan of the Clarinet, Musical Genius, Bard… His legend will live forever. His music has become a large part of the lives of many people. His music has moved their souls and touched their hearts… What words to use for his achievements will not be enough to explain his musical genius and it will be insufficient to explain his greatness..."

“Тale Ognenovski played as virtuoso and clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York , on January 27, 1956 for most parts of the programme…”

Тale Ognenovski played as virtuoso and clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York , on January 27, 1956 for most parts of the programme, including the Macedonian folk dances ‘Bride’s Dance’ (‘Nevestinsko Oro’), ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’ ('Sopska Poskocica'), ‘Kopachka’, ‘Shepherd’s Dance (‘Ovcharsko Oro’), ‘Soborski Igri’, Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘Shote’, an Albanian folk dance. Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but he also helped arrange the music for he added his own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others folk dances where Tale Ognenovski has performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist.
Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall, New York City with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on January 27, 1956 and for this concert  in the articles published in the American newspapers: The New York Times, The New York Herald Tribune and The New York World-Telegram on January 28, 1956 is written: “ 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill” …  “An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” … “Transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall … We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet.”  The concert of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at Carnegie Hall is one of the most significant events in world music history.
Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 78-79. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation 
TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States.  A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.  On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, http://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 is written: 
Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; 
Producer, Robert Saudek.
Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22
Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)... The segment entitled The Yugoslav national folk ballet is shown periodically throughout the episode.; LC control no. 88705799. 
With Ford Foundation funding, “Omnibus” introduced the best in dance, music, drama, opera, history, science and art and was the most successful cultural magazine series in the history of U.S. commercial television. The series won more than 65 awards, including seven Emmy Awards and two Peabody Awards. The series is held at The Library of Congress and Global ImageWorks, among other archives.
Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 70-71).

Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. Ensemble ‘Tanec’s North American tour (January 22, 1956 – April 12, 1956) was sponsored by International Artists in association with Charles E. Green and Lee V. Eastman. ‘Tanec’s sixty-six performances in North America attracted much attention in the North American press.

"The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group…”

Dance observer in the article entitled, “REVIEWS OF Yugoslav National Folk Ballet Carnegie Hall January 27, 1956” published in April, 1956, commented: "The capacity audience at Carnegie Hall on January 27 for the single New York performance of Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, enjoyed a fascinating cross-section of over 2000 years of human history and culture. Tanec is a Macedonian group”. https://books.google.mk/books?redir_esc=y&output=html_text&id=_t0cAQAAMAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=REVIEWS+OF+Yugoslav+National+Folk+Ballet+Carnegie+Hall

"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec..."
"IF IT EVER COMES to an all out global brawl, I want the Yugoslavs on my side. That is, if the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample... Called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans... When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica", which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as a unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake"..." - Article: “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.”, written by  Claudia Cassidy,  Chicago Daily Tribune, , February 6, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 106-107.)
Abstract (Document Summary) of this article from the Chicago Daily Tribune can be read at website

"Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..."

""Tanec" means "dance", but "dance" in a larger form than customary. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers...there was a remarkable precision in both dancing and playing...Clarinet, bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations..." - By   Samuel Singer, The Philadelphia Inquirer,  , February 8, 1956.
Article: “Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”
. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 110-111)

A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show...
The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition ... If you see "Tanec" which simply means "Dance" advertised again, you won’t want to miss it.."
"A Sopska Poskocica is devised to show the girls how handsome and wonderful and brilliant and exciting and sensational their man friends are. The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition ... If you see "Tanec" which simply means "Dance" advertised again, you won’t want to miss it... " - By Paul Hume,The Washington Post and Times Herald - Washington, D.C., , February 10, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 110-113)

"The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle..."
"The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective ... " - By John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), , February 14, 1956. Article: “Music in Toronto”.(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 114-115)

"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour..."

"FRESH AS A BREATH of mountain air comes Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, now on its first American tour. Tanec means dance--including drama, song, and music--and that's what the company of some 40 members (who are interchangeably dancers, singers, and musicians) does... " - By Margaret Lloyd Dance Critic of Christian Science Monitor - Boston, Mass., , March 2, 1956. Article: “Yugoslav National Folk Ballet 'A Breath of Mountain Air'”.

"Many an American who has never crossed the Atlantic is getting his first taste of European folk art this season, thanks to the celebrated Yugoslav National Fol Ballet, now on a Winter-Spring tour of principal... " - By Daily Boston Globe - Boston, Mass., , March 4, 1956.  Article: “The Boston Globe Feature Vacation Section EUROPEAN FESTIVALS Every Country Has Its Own Folk Art”.

“…and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..."
"The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply "Macedonian Tune", which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." - By R. H. Hagan, San Francisco Chronicle, March 8, 1956.  Article: "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’ ". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 114-119.)

"For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat..."

"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet -- known at home as Tanec--excited a large audience... For authentic folk dancing wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style … They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd's reed pipe..." - By Albert GoldbergLos Angeles Times, , March 13, 1956. Article: "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement". (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 120-123.)

Life magazine was a weekly news magazine with a strong emphasis on photojournalism. Grace Kelly was an American actress. She was featured on the cover of Life magazine on April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15. In this issue of the Life magazine on pages 173-174,  editorial board of the magazine published an article titled, “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, about performances of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on 66th concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956. All content (including images) of this Life magazine article can be read at website

“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..."... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S…”
The Life Magazine wrote: ""A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skillful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174.  (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 124-125)

Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" played in larger auditoriums including: Kiel Auditorium - St. Louis, Missouri on February 26, 1956 and Denver Arena Auditorium, Colorado on March 4, 1956. Kiel Auditorium (Originally named the Municipal Auditorium) with seating capacity of 9,300 played host to a variety of rock concerts including concerts of Elvis Presley on March 29, 1957. and September 10, 1970. 
From the 1950s until the 1970s, the Kiel Auditorium was behind only Madison Square Garden as North America's most famous wrestling arena.
Denver Arena Auditorium is a pure sporting venue with seating capacity of 6,841. On December 26, 1968, the rock group Led Zeppelin played their first
http://www.taleognenovski.mk/sadfin.jpg concert in the United States.
Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" caught the attention of some of the North America's top music critics including: John Martin  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Martin_(dance_critic) andhttp://www.nytimes.com/1985/05/21/nyregion/john-martin-is-dead-at-91-times-dance-critic-35-years.html - The New York Times), Robert Coleman (New York Daily Mirror), William Hawkins (New York World-Telegram), Walter Terry (New York Herald Tribune) , Claudia Cassidy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudia_Cassidy - Chicago Daily Tribune), Samuel Singer (Philadelphia Inquirer), Paul Hume (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hume - The Washington Post and Times), John Kraglund (The Globe and Mail), R. H. Hagan (San Francisco Chronicle), Albert Goldberg (http://articles.latimes.com/1990-02-06/news/mn-228_1_music-critic - Los Angeles Times) and Margaret Lloyd  (Christian Science Monitor)

"The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet will begin a fifteen-week tour of the United States in January, under the auspices of Consolidated Concerts Corporation and the International Music Institute. This will be the first large-scale dance company from a former Iron Curtain country..." By The New York Times,  November 15, 1955. Article: “YUGOSLAV BALLET TO APPEAR IN U. S.; National Folk Unit, Planning 15-Week Tour, Will Make Debut Here in January”. Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


Article entitled: “CHOREOGRAPHIC VIGOR FROM MACEDONIA” for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performance in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. It appeared in the newspaper “The New York Times”, written by music  critic John Martin  on January 22, 1956, page 97. Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. The Ensemble arrived in New York City on January 21, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 68-69)

"Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation..." - By Robert Coleman,  New York Daily Mirror, January 28, 1956

We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet..." "Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall. This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years… We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet..." - By William Hawkins, New York World Telegram, January 28, 1956. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 73)

“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering
“Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) which surely pierced the air of classical Greece… An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” - Walter Terry, the New York Herald Tribune. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 102-105)

Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist  
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956.  This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs.  Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist.
(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 84-85)

Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 

‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ programme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America.  In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’. During an 84-day journey throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns.  They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun,  The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, Dance Observer,  The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music.  Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this giant success, first with their 72-concert tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956, and secondly with their 83-concert tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959.  They played two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959.
(Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 86-87)

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’с performances at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, April 11 and 12, 1956 

After the tremendous success in Carnegie Hall, even though only one performance in New York was planned for in the contract with the American tour managers, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ made two additional two performances in the city, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on April 11 and 12, 1956. 
The Brooklyn Academy of Music has been the hub of performing arts activities in Brooklyn since it opened for business in 1861. The Opera House has a 2000-seat auditorium with excellent acoustics.

Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Germany
Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ toured Germany in 1956
Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso with Ensemble ‘Tanec’, toured Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956. The Ensemble performed 72 amazingly successful concerts in many towns, including Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Bonn, Gottingen, Munich and Wiesbaden, and every performance was a sell-out. As part of their tour of France in 1959, they performed two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959, playing to an audience of 7000 on each occasion. Tale Ognenovski performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist 
The majority of the programme of Ensemble Tanec’s German tour comprised of Macedonian folk dances and songs with the rest made up of Serbian and Croatian dances and songs and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”) soloist for most of the programme, in particular in the Macedonian folk dances ‘A Bride’s Dance (Nevestinsko Oro)’, ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘The Shepherds’ Dance (Ovcharsko Oro), ‘Soborski Igri’, in Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘SHOTE’, an Albanian folk dance. Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Shopska petorka’ but also an arranger of the music because he added his own improvisations in some areas of the dance. This is the case with other dances that Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist.
“I’ll never forget...the man with the reed pipe (the virtuoso reed pipe soloist wasTale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” – the Hildesheim presse, Germany
“The folklore Ensemble ‘Tanec’ has performed in Germany during the past few weeks. They are receiving an enthusiastic welcome everywhere. For example, the ‘Hildesheim presse’ published an article entitled “Tanec, the magic word from the Balkans”. This contained amongst other comments, “Macedonia, Dalmatia, Croatia and other parts of Yugoslavia are living as one with these dances, songs and music, and all of it is as natural and live as if it were being danced in the middle of the village in the country of these young men and women. This National Ballet, the top Ensemble in the country, have shown us only excellence, politeness and complete perfection. I’ll never forget the difficult Macedonian dance from Macedonian shepherds, the Croatian dance, the bagpipers and the man with the pipe (the ‘man with the pipe’ is Tale Ognenovski, since he played folk dances on both the clarinet and the pipe (‘kavalche’) - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), the small singer and the drum. But here we don’t discuss details. In reality they each put on wonderful separate performances. Every dance and song has great impact and is rewarded with extraordinary amounts of applause. ‘Tanec’ in Yugoslavia means dance, and at the same time it is a magical word from Yugoslavia.” This article entitled ‘Great success of Tanec in Germany’ appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 21, 1956.

“Success of Tanec in West Germany” - Nova Makedonija
“Bonn, October 2.
Yesterday evening, during their three-month cross-country tour of West Germany, the Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ performed a successful concert in Bonn Town Theatre. Even though Ensemble Tanec is the third Ensemble to perform in this theatre in the last 18 months, every seat was full. Present in the audience were the Mayor of Bonn, many prominent politicians, diplomats and domestic and foreign journalists. The Ensemble performed songs and dances from Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The audience heartily welcomed the performers, asking for the entire programme to be performed again. Bonn’s newspapers are full of numerous compliments as to the artistic quality of the concert. During this tour the Ensemble has visited almost all the larger towns in West Germany and also many tourist towns.” This article, entitled “Success of Tanec in West Germany” appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 30, 1956.

“The folklore experts were interested in our particular folk dances… perhaps the following can stand out as the most successful: “SHOPSKA” (Shopska podripnuvachka – the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “SHOTE” (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” - Nova Makedonija
“On the 29th of this month, Ensemble Tanec returned from their tour of West Germany, where they performed 72 concerts in places and towns. All the concerts were sell-outs.... Jonche Hristovski, a member of Ensemble Tanec said, “We had 17 to18 rounds of applause and we went back on stage. We had particularly great success in the larger cities such as Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Gottingen and Munich. For instance, in Frankfurt the audience wouldn’t leave us after the show ended and they asked for the entire programme to be repeated. The folklore experts were interested in our folk dances, in the rhythm of the folk dances and songs, the richness of the folk costumes and especially our authentic folk instruments. Our shows received a warm welcome from the public. Audiences were amazed by the choreography and the different styles of folk dance, and their individual rhythm flow. Perhaps the following can stand out as the most successful: “SHOPSKA “ (‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ - In this Macedonian folk dance the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “SHOTE” (In this Albanian folk dance the virtuoso clarinet solo was played by Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “VRLIKA” and “SOBORSKI IGRI” (In these Macedonian folk dances, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...”  Olga Pesic, a member of the Ensemble, has commented: “During the entire tour, Ensemble Tanec has had the warmest welcome everywhere... Compliments, and also some photographs from the performances, have appeared in the newspapers of every town where we have staged a concert. In every town, tickets for the concert were completely sold out before the day of the performance, especially so in Munich, where the tickets were sold out 15 days before. Perhaps our biggest success was at the concert performed in Bayreuth Festival Theatre (German: Bayreuther Festspielhaus is an opera house north of Bayreuth, Germany, dedicated solely to the performance of operas by the 19th-century German composer Richard Wagner. It is the venue for the annual Bayreuth Festival, for which it was specifically conceived and built), the famous musical centre of West Germany..., the famous musical centre of West Germany...” The above words appeared in an article entitled “After the return of “Tanec” from their German tour - The biggest success until now,” in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 31, 1956. 
“About 7000 people at each of the two concerts in Dortmund” - K. Gavrish, Nova Makedonija
“...Ensemble ‘Tanec’ performed two concerts in Dortmund. At the beginning of these concerts about 7000 people were present...” These words appeared in an article written by K. Gavrish and entitled, “Following the return from their French tour, TANEC wins over the audience” and published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 6, 1959. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and
Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 126-133. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They performed 83 concerts in 58 towns and cities in France including Paris, Le Havre, Nantes, Poitiers, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Cherbourg, Toulon, Toulouse, Rennes, Bourges, Chaumont, Solon de Provence, Laval, Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, Angers, Tours, Limoges, Pont a Mouson, Bourgen Brest, Belfor, St Entienne, St Brieuc, St Malo, Vendome, Gien, Orleans, Niort, La Rochelle, Marmonde, Mont de Marson, Dax, Tarbes, Agen, Albi, Pau, Carcassonne, St Gaudens, Beziers, Parpignon, Arcachon, Nimes, Grenoble, Lyon, Villeurbone and Gueret.ere. They performed with amazing success to full houses everywhere. The Ensemble twice had performances broadcast on television, on September 21 and 22, 1959: 20 million people would have seen them on the most popular programme on French Television. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs. The Manager of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s tour of France was Mr Raymond Guillier, also Director of his own company ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier’ of 129 Boulevard Massena, Paris. He specialised in managing international shows in Paris. The majority of the programme of Ensemble Tanec’s French tour comprised of Macedonian folk dances and songs with the rest made up of Serbian and Croatian dances and songs and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist for most of the programme, in particular in the Macedonian folk dances ‘A Bride’s Dance (Nevestinsko Oro)’, ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Petorka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘The Shepherds’ Dance (Ovcharsko Oro), ‘Drachevka’, ‘Chifte Chamche’and ‘Soborski Igri’, in Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘SHOTE’, an Albanian folk dance. Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Shopska petorka’ but also an arranger of the music because he added his own improvisations in some areas of the dance. This is the case with other dances that Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist. Tanec included, as part of their tour of France, two performances in Dortmund, Germany, on September 18 and 19, 1959. About 7000 people were present at each concert.

“Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people, and the Macedonian National Ballet left a great impression in Bourges…Two dances in particular were appreciated last night on the stage of the Grand Palais, the Dance of the sabre and the dance of the village fair (two separate photos are shown, the top one being ‘Dance of the sabre’ and the bottom being ‘the Dance of village fair).’ (On the right side of the bottom photograph can be seen virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).
But the Macedonian dances, once they began, developed from a dead slow pace and quickened, becoming a festival of colours, a storm of costumes and a sports test allied to the art of folklore. 
It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration for playing ‘Drachevka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and the exciting Serbian folk dance (the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).
The audience much liked the dance ‘Roussalies’ as well as the dance ‘Tchifte Tchamtche’, and lastly ‘Chote’ (‘Shote’; In this Albanian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), a dance of love that is lively and colourful...Tanec is the name of this group who have won over the audience. The quality and talent of this group is admirable...This is the first time that they have performed in France... At the end of their concert, the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ remained on stage and were applauded by the Bourges audiences for more than a quarter of an hour.” The above comes from an article, entitled “Hier soir au GRAND-PALAIS BRILLANTE “PREMIERE” des Ballets de Macedoine” (“Yesterday evening in GRAND-PALAIS Brilliant first performance of National Ballet of Macedonia.”), that appeared in the newspaper ‘Le Berry Republicain’ in Bourges, France, on September 24, 1959.

“The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia was a tremendous success. Everyone in the hall applauded with enthusiasm, here in the ‘Grand Palais’ in Bourges at the first performance in France of the National Ballet of Macedonia… The first performance in Bourges was a spectacle...The members of the National Ballet of Macedonia arrived four days ago in Paris and have been shown on television...” This is from an article entitled “Hier soir a Bourges, La “premiere” nationale des Ballets de Macedoine a remporte un enorme succes” (Yesterday evening in Bourges, The first national Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success.”). It was published in the newspaper “La nouvelle republique du Centre”, Bourges, France on, September 24, 1959. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 135-145) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

"Your dance fascinates me…Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you why I think this is so. I know that the clarinetist Tale…"
“Everyone who went to the concerts by Ensemble ‘Tanec’ in Paris and other towns and cities in France during the tour in 1959 of a little over two months was fascinated. Yes, audiences opened wide their hearts and didn’t think anything of their hands while applauding your folk dancers. What ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform...Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you why I think this is so. I know that the clarinetist Tale (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) after every concert played clarinet solos and amused us well into the early hours. This hasn’t been the case with any other member from any other Ensembles. I want to present Tanec every year to the people of my country...” said Raymond Guillier (Director of his own company, ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier, 129 Boulevard Massena - Paris” - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) Manager of international exhibitions in Paris, France. The above appeared in an article entitled ‘Your dance fascinates me…’ (Macedonian: ‘Вашата игра ме фасцинира...’)”, written by M. Georgievski, and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on September 14, 1964. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 136-139.

Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959
The concerts were performed in Berne on July 7 and 8, 1959 and in Geneva on July 9 and 10, 1959 with tremendous success.
Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television. He performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success.
Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television. Playing as virtouoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success.

“Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World...a spectacle in the open in Port Gitana Bellevue, Geneva…” - Ed. Mt. Tribune de Geneve
“...We were presented with remarkable spectacles performed by the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’ from Macedonia... It was a rare opportunity to have a show in the open-air in Geneva. For this occasion, Gitan installed lighting effects that vied with ingenuity... Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World... They have the rhythm of the dances of their country in their blood.... We preferred to give a general impression of this spectacle, which accentuated the originality and the qualities of this ensemble.” The above appeared in an article written by Ed. Mt.and entitled, ‘A Port-Gitana les ballets nationaux yougoslaves’, (‘In Port-Gitana, National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet’). It appeared in the ‘Tribune de Geneve’, Geneva on July 11, 1959. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 148-150) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

On their return from the triumphant tour of the U.S.A. “In the illuminated gardens of Port Gitana, on July 9 and 10 at 8.00 pm, a spectacle selected for ‘Gitan’. This evening, on their return from the triumphant tour of the U.S.A., and for the first time in Geneva, the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet Tanec.  Two hours of sumptuous spectacle, 40 dancers and instrumentalists, 400 prestigious national costumes, lighting effects…” This announcement appeared in the ‘Tribune de Geneva’, Geneva, Switzerland, under the title: ‘Dans les jardins illumines de Port Gitana Bellevue, BALLETS NATIONAUX FOLKLORIQUES YOUGOSLAVES: TANETZ, deux heures d’un somptueux spectacle” (“In the illuminated gardens of Port Gitana Bellevue 
(http://www.port-gitana.ch/site/), National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet Tanec, two hours of sumptuous spectacle”).  The announcement was published on July 8, 1959.

Tale Ognenovski’s First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, Former Yugoslavia, 1951. 
85 Folk groups performed at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, that took place during the period September 9 to 13, 1951. They came from Serbia (September 9th, represented by 15 villages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 10th, represented by 15 villages), Montenegro (September 11th, represented by 8 villages), Slovenia (September 11th, represented by 5 villages), Macedonia (September 12th, represented by 23 villages) and Croatia (September 13th, represented by 19 villages). “… From the time of the conquest of Alexander the Great to the modern era, Macedonia has been the scene of dramatic events, brutal invasions and profound social upheavals…Macedonian folk music is governed by rhythmic laws and set metres. Foreign influences, in so far as they existed, where subjected to the rules of accentuation of the Macedonian popular language. The melody is usually symmetrical…Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nidzopole (Bitola) means ‘heavy’, and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64.

At the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslaviia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, the Folk Dance group from the Bitola village of Nidzopole from Cultural - Educational society “Jonche Georgievski” from the Bitola village of Dihovo in which Tale Ognenovski was playing as a clarinet soloist, created a sensation and received First Award as the best Folk Dance group at the festival. Tale Ognenovski, with his masterly playing solo clarinet, deserved the award together with other members of the group. This was a great success because in this Festival participated 85 different folk dance groups from Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The musical part of the group had only two members: Tale Ognenovski played solo clarinet with the accompaniment of drummer Lambe Petrovski.  This is a musical sensation, to receive the First Award with orchestra consisting of only two members. The clarinetist Ognenovski and drummer Petrovski performed closely together. The dancers and singers were Vera Cholakovska, Cveta Petrovska, Sakjime Alimovska, Nada, Marika, Menan, Sefer, Mirko, Vangel, and Dimche Talevski. There was a full house at the concert hall in the Kvarner hotel in Opatija, and the audience was fascinated by the music and the three dances performed by the Ensemble: ‘Za ramo Teshkoto’, ‘Beranche’ and ‘Vlashko za ramo’ (these folk dances involved singing by all ten members of the Ensemble). Tale Ognenovski was arranger of these folk dances and made them more effective with his solo improvisations.  

The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was as effective an accompaniment to the large drum in the folk dance from Kozjak as it was to the small drum in the folk dance ‘Teshkoto’ from Nidzopole. They provided a very effective combination” - Dr. Vinko Zganec in the cultural newsmagazine ‘Kulturni radnik’ Number 10-11, published in October 1951 in Zagreb, Croatia, This appeared in an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Musical folklore at the Festival in Opatija’. The audience greets the debut of the group from Nidzopole with great applause... Delegates at the Conference of the International Folk Music Council in Opatia from September 8-14, 1951, were present at this concert. Many of the world’s reporters took photos of the members of the group regarding their excellent debut and their receiving First Award at this festival (Source: a letter from Mr. Mile Petrovski, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1965, and an informal interview with Mrs. Vera Cholakovska Petrovska and Mr. Mile Petrovski made by Stevan Ognenovski on May 3, 1998).  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council.

The Council has been fortunate in the national setting of its conferences, which each year has given a distinctive character to the proceedings. At the 1951 conference, held at Opatija from September 8th to 14th, we had the stimulus of exchanging views with and learning from our Yugoslav colleagues who have had the inestimable advantage of studying their folk music tradition whilst it is still in full flower; and we were privileged to see and hear for ourselves the beauty and variety of Yugoslav folk art in the wonderful Festival which had been especially arranged for the members of the Conference…” - ...” This appeared in an article entitled ‘Editorial’, and was published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 1, in March, 1952. “It was natural that on this occasion expositions of Yugoslav folklore and music should form the backbone of the Conference, and these received the most wonderful illustrations in the nightly Festival which took place in the magnificent ballroom of a nearby hotel. Every evening, for three hours or more, we witnessed an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers brought together from every part of the country. This was a world whose riches most of us had barely guessed at and, in this highly concentrated presentation, it was an overwhelming and unforgettable experience...” This came from an article entitled ‘Some impressions of the Yugoslav Conference and Festival’, written by Marie Slocombe  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Slocombe), recorded music archivist at the BBC and published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 2, in March, 1952.  IFMC - The International Folk Music Council (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_for_Traditional_Music) was established in 1947 in London, UK. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 198-205. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977.
At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Radio Television Skopje”
(now: Macedonian Radio Television) from the Republic of Macedonia. He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia). He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”.  This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski. From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of Radio Television Skopje. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world. The Department of Folk  Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television) asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”. Source: An article entitled, “One item of music material presented in Istanbul creates great interest in the world about “Chalgii” music”, from the magazine “Ekran”, published on December 2, 1977 and the TV programme “Black and White production”, by the journalist Irena Spirovska, broadcast on “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television).  These two Macedonian folk dances, “Kumovo oro cocek,” composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and “Kasapsko oro,” arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski are available on the Jugoton LP record and cassette “Tale Ognenovski plays dances on the clarinet”, reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321 respectively, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1975.  “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances, Tale Ognenovski on the clarinet with his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-34461, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1972. “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances played by Ensemble “Chalgija”, conducted by Tale Ognenovski”, reference number EPY-34489, produced by Jugoton, 1972.  “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television” is available on the cassette “Anthology on Macedonian folk music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, produced by the music and cassette department of Macedonian Radio Television”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1994. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 52-57. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Dedication written in this book from Tale Ognenovski "This book is a gift to my son Stevan Ognenovski my daughter-in-law  Margarita and grandchildren Nikola and Kliment. - With kind regards, Tale Ognenovski, December 4, 2001" This book was entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publishing house “Matica Makedonska”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia - ISBN 9989-48-312-4 ; 406 pages (format A4), December, 2000.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521


“…Vocals on "Ljubojna" Vera Milosevska, says that Ognenovski with the rich body of work behind them can be regarded as Mozart in Macedonian music. - "He Bring a completely different view to “Chalgija” and to the folk music, one real twist. It opens the sound, and in his music can be felt Pelagonija. He alone is National School standard. Such a man is born once in centuries..." - Article entitled “Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska, November 25, 2014, newspaper  Dnevnik, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.


Tale Ognenovski received the "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 2003 for his contributions to Macedonian culture. Award No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11". Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03, first from right) and two with the date of 25 September 2003. Tale Ognenovski won top honors at the Macedonian Parliament on October 11th. 2003 as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. In the text of this award is written: "The Award "11October" for 2003 as the highest state recognition for lifetime particularly significant achievements for the Republic of Macedonia in the field of culture and art is awarded to Tale Ognenovski". Committee for the allocation of the award "11 October" of the Republic of Macedonia, President, prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski. Skopje, September 25, 2003, No. 445/03.  Tale Ognenovski received The Award "11October" in the form of paper decision (No. 446/03) and in the form of plaque made of gold-plated metal base (No. 129/03) and two with the date of 25 September 2003.

Tale Ognenovski is a winner of the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1947 
Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. At this festival participated folk dance groups from the towns of Bitola, Skopje, Prilep, Tetovo, Gevgelija, Debar, Ohrid, Kichevo, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Makedonski Brod, Demir Hisar, Struga, Resen and Krushevo.
“Macedonia is the country with the most folk dances, so many in number that there is no other country in Europe equal to Macedonia,” said Olga Skovran from Belgrade, Manager for folklore in the Ministry of Culture in the Republic of Serbia (Former Yugoslavia). This came from an article entitled ‘We must keep our folk songs, dances and folk costumes’, written by Lazo Karovski and appearing in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 1947 

Tale Ognenovski’s First Award for Clarinet as a top clarinetist at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1948
“The First Award for Clarinet was received by Tale Ognenovski from Bitola.” This comment appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ published on October 13, 1948. The report was entitled ‘Awards for folk dances and songs, solo singers and players who participated at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’.
One of the highpoints of Tale Ognenovski’s successes was his participation in a competition during the ‘Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’ during the period 6-10 October, 1948. 453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in the festival in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He was a winner, and received his First Award as the best clarinetist from Angel Saldziev, Assistant Director from the Ministry of Science and Culture in the Republic of Macedonia. The President of the commission was Zhivko Firfov, and a member of the commission was Vasil Hadzimanov. 
At this folk festival Tale Ognenovski participated in playing as clarinet soloist with every folk group from the Bitola region – from the villages of Brusnik (its members were Pande Metlovski, Vasko Stankovski, Rade Talevski, Sotir Ilkovski, Tome Grozdanovski, Cane Grozdanovski, Jonche Talevski, Mile Josifovski, Milica Talevska, Vera Tasevska, Vasilka Karangelevska, Danica Drskovska, Vasa Altanovska, Kristina Palashovska, Cena Veleva, Fana Dushovska, Ljube Karangelevska and Dragica Apchevska), Lavci, Dihovo and Rotino and from the town of Bitola. In addition, Tale Ognenovski was the artistic instructor and coordinator of all the folk groups from the Bitola region. The Bitola Towns Union of cultural educated societies won the First Award for the best cultural region in the Republic of Macedonia… (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 194-195) The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

4.   Tale Ognenovski’s First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, Former Yugoslavia, 1951. 
85 Folk groups performed at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, that took place during the period September 9 to 13, 1951. They came from Serbia (September 9th, represented by 15 villages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 10th, represented by 15 villages), Montenegro (September 11th, represented by 8 villages), Slovenia (September 11th, represented by 5 villages), Macedonia (September 12th, represented by 23 villages) and Croatia (September 13th, represented by 19 villages).
“… From the time of the conquest of Alexander the Great to the modern era, Macedonia has been the scene of dramatic events, brutal invasions and profound social upheavals…Macedonian folk music is governed by rhythmic laws and set metres. Foreign influences, in so far as they existed, where subjected to the rules of accentuation of the Macedonian popular language. The melody is usually symmetrical…Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nidzopole (Bitola) means ‘heavy’, and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64.

At At the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslaviia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, the Folk Dance group from the Bitola village of Nidzopole from Cultural - Educational society “Jonche Georgievski” from the Bitola village of Dihovo in which Tale Ognenovski was playing as a clarinet soloist, created a sensation and received First Award as the best Folk Dance group at the festival. Tale Ognenovski, with his masterly playing solo clarinet, deserved the award together with other members of the group. This was a great success because in this Festival participated 85 different folk dance groups from Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The musical part of the group had only two members: Tale Ognenovski played solo clarinet with the accompaniment of drummer Lambe Petrovski.  This is a musical sensation, to receive the First Award with orchestra consisting of only two members. The clarinetist Ognenovski and drummer Petrovski performed closely together. The dancers and singers were Vera Cholakovska, Cveta Petrovska, Sakjime Alimovska, Nada, Marika, Menan, Sefer, Mirko, Vangel, and Dimche Talevski. There was a full house at the concert hall in the Kvarner hotel in Opatija, and the audience was fascinated by the music and the three dances performed by the Ensemble: ‘Za ramo Teshkoto’, ‘Beranche’ and ‘Vlashko za ramo’ (these folk dances involved singing by all ten members of the Ensemble). Tale Ognenovski was arranger of these folk dances and made them more effective with his solo improvisations.  “The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was as effective an accompaniment to the large drum in the folk dance from Kozjak as it was to the small drum in the folk dance ‘Teshkoto’ from Nidzopole. They provided a very effective combination” - Dr. Vinko Zganec in the cultural newsmagazine ‘Kulturni radnik’ Number 10-11, published in October 1951 in Zagreb, Croatia, This appeared in an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Musical folklore at the Festival in Opatija’. The audience greets the debut of the group from Nidzopole with great applause... Delegates at the Conference of the International Folk Music Council in Opatia from September 8-14, 1951, were present at this concert. Many of the world’s reporters took photos of the members of the group regarding their excellent debut and their receiving First Award at this festival (Source: a letter from Mr. Mile Petrovski, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1965, and an informal interview with Mrs. Vera Cholakovska Petrovska and Mr. Mile Petrovski made by Stevan Ognenovski on May 3, 1998).

The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. “The Council has been fortunate in the national setting of its conferences, which each year has given a distinctive character to the proceedings. At the 1951 conference, held at Opatija from September 8th to 14th, we had the stimulus of exchanging views with and learning from our Yugoslav colleagues who have had the inestimable advantage of studying their folk music tradition whilst it is still in full flower; and we were privileged to see and hear for ourselves the beauty and variety of Yugoslav folk art in the wonderful Festival which had been especially arranged for the members of the Conference…” - ...”
This appeared in an article entitled ‘Editorial’, and was published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 1, in March, 1952.
“It was natural that on this occasion expositions of Yugoslav folklore and music should form the backbone of the Conference, and these received the most wonderful illustrations in the nightly Festival which took place in the magnificent ballroom of a nearby hotel. Every evening, for three hours or more, we witnessed an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers brought together from every part of the country. This was a world whose riches most of us had barely guessed at and, in this highly concentrated presentation, it was an overwhelming and unforgettable experience...” This came from an article entitled ‘Some impressions of the Yugoslav Conference and Festival’, written by Marie Slocombe  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Slocombe), recorded music archivist at the BBC and published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 2, in March, 1952. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_for_Traditional_Music) was established in 1947 in London, UK. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 198-205. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977. 
At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Radio Television Skopje”
(now: Macedonian Radio Television) from the Republic of Macedonia. He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia). He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”.  This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski. From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of Radio Television Skopje. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world. The Department of Folk  Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television) asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”. Source: An article entitled, “One item of music material presented in Istanbul creates great interest in the world about “Chalgii” music”, from the magazine “Ekran”, published on December 2, 1977 and the TV programme “Black and White production”, by the journalist Irena Spirovska, broadcast on “Radio Television Skopje” (now: Macedonian Radio Television).  These two Macedonian folk dances, “Kumovo oro cocek,” composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and “Kasapsko oro,” arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski are available on the Jugoton LP record and cassette “Tale Ognenovski plays dances on the clarinet”, reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321 respectively, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1975.  “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances, Tale Ognenovski on the clarinet with his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-34461, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1972. “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances played by Ensemble “Chalgija”, conducted by Tale Ognenovski”, reference number EPY-34489, produced by Jugoton, 1972.  “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television” is available on the cassette “Anthology on Macedonian folk music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, produced by the music and cassette department of Macedonian Radio Television”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1994. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 52-57. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received the “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 27, 1996.

6.   "Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije”. (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”)
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer won the “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31,1978. (No. 38).

7.   Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. Certificate for National Pension No. 51-238/1 dated January 11, 2012 was signed by Minister for Culture of Republic of Macedonia, Mrs. Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska, Mag. Scient.

Other awards and honours: 
Tale Ognenovski is a winner of the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1947, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. At this festival participated folk dance groups from the towns of Bitola, Skopje, Prilep, Tetovo, Gevgelija, Debar, Ohrid, Kichevo, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Makedonski Brod, Demir Hisar, Struga, Resen and Krushevo.
“Diplom for a highly qualified musician” from the Association of musicians of folk and entertaining music from Macedonia (signed by the composer Stefan Gajdov), on September 3, 1961, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Parliament of the town of Skopje (signed by Blagoj Popov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 20, 1969.
“Spomenica” (“Memorial Recognition”) from the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ (signed by Toma Leov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1969.
“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Cultural Artists Association ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Blazhe Sekulovski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on June 3, 1971.
“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Cultural House ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Petar Bogatinovski and Stanimir Andreevski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 27, 1974.
“Priznanie” (“Recognition”) from the Cultural Education Union of Skopje (signed by Dr. Tome Sazdov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 5, 1975.
“Diplom” from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Boris Nizamovski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1977.
“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov”, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 2, 1980.
“Plaketa 4 Juli” (“Plaque July 4th”) on July 4th, 1983, Belgrade, Serbia (in former Yugoslavia) for his musical works, from Savez boraca narodnooslobodilačkog rata Jugoslavije (Macedonian: Сојуз на борците од народноослободителната војна на Југославија“ (“Alliance of Fighters of the Yugoslav People's Liberation War”) signed by Rudi Kolak.
“Pofalnica” (“Recognition”) from “Dom na VVI I borci od NOV-Skopje” (“House of Alliance of Fighters of the Macedonian People's Liberation War, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”) and the Committee of the “Borec” Choir on the 10th anniversary of its founding (signed by Branko Ichokjaev and Ljubica Ivanovska), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1984.
“Estradna nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 15, 1985.

“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia (signed by Cane Skerlevski), in Brusnik, Bitola on August 8-9, 1992.
"Blagodarnica od Radio Ros za zhivotno delo" (“Gratitude Recognition from Radio Ros for life time achievement in music of Republic of Macedonia”) This is an honorary award for life work from the folk radio "Radio Ros", (signed by the director Aleksandar Dimitrov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 7, 2000. Tale Ognenovski received this award in the 'Universal Hall' on the Folk Festival "Ros 2000”. 
Tale Ognenovski, received “Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"” for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture on October 30, 2014. Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, received Gratitude” from Zoran Dzorlev, Director of the Ensemble “Tanec” at the ceremony in the "Museum of the Macedonian Struggle", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.


“Diplom for a highly qualified musician” from the Association of musicians of folk and entertaining music from Macedonia (signed by the composer Stefan Gajdov), on September 3, 1961, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Diploma for a certificate for the highly qualified musician. In the text of this Diploma is written: “Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, People's Republic of Macedonia, Association of the musicians of the popular and folk music in the People's Republic of Macedonia - Diploma for a certificate for the highly qualified musician - Association of the musicians of the popular and folk music in the People's Republic of Macedonia on the basis of the decision of the Board of examiners for the conduction exams for highly qualified musician Association of the musicians of the popular and folk music in the People's Republic of Macedonia and in accordance with Article 7 of the Rules for taking the exam for highly qualified musician, this diploma is issued to Tale Ognenovski who was born in 1922 in the village of Brusnik, Bitola, People's Republic of Macedonia, nationality: Macedonian, a citizen of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia which on day 2 February 1955 laid a loaf exam and on the basis of this, it is recognized qualifications for highly qualified musician in the corresponding profession art, profession musician clarinetist. President of the Commission, Stefan Gajdov. Diplom No. 136, September 3, 1961, Skopje, People's Republic of Macedonia.

“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Parliament of the town of Skopje (signed by Blagoj Popov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 20, 1969.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, "Memorial Plaque" (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) from ”City Assembly of the City of Skopje”. In the text of this Recognition is written: "City Assembly of the City of Skopje based on Article 1, 2 and 3 of the decision to grant awards, awards Tale Ognenovski with the Recognition called, "Memorial Plaque" (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) in recognition for special contributions to the city of Skopje – President, Blagoj Popov. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, January 20, 1969". Together with this Recognition Tale Ognenovski received plaque made from metal with emblem of city of Skopje

“Spomenica” (“Memorial Recognition”) from the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ (signed by Toma Leov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1969.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Spomenica” from "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"" on the occasion 20 years of the existence of Tanec” (1949 – 1969) signed by Toma Leov, Director of Ensemble “Tanec” in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on January 31, 1969.

“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Cultural Artists Association ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Blazhe Sekulovski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on June 3, 1971.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, “Gratitude” from “Cultural Artists Association Kocho Racin”” - Skopje. In the text of this Recognition is written: “Cultural Artists Association Kocho Racin”” - Skopje on the 25th anniversary of its foundation awards Tale Ognenovski with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница“) for his participation in the work of the sections and administrations of “Cultural Artists Association Kocho Racin”” - Skopje. - President Blazhe Sekulovski, June 3, 1971. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

“Spomen plaketa” (“Memorial Plaque”) from the Cultural House ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Petar Bogatinovski and Stanimir Andreevski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 27, 1974.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, "The Memorial Plaque” (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) from "House of Culture of construction workers "Koco Racin" - Skopje. In the text of this Recognition is written: "House of Culture of construction workers "Koco Racin" - Skopje on the occasion of 20 -anniversary of its foundation awards Tale Ognenovski with the Recognition called, "The Memorial Plaque” (Macedonian: “Спомен Плакета”) for many years of active cooperation in the development and promotion of cultural and educational, artistic and entertainment activities of the "House of Culture of construction workers "Koco Racin" - Skopje. Director Petar Bogatinovski, Chairman of the Council, Stanimir Andreevski. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, November 27, 1974"

“Priznanie” (“Recognition”) from the Cultural Education Union of Skopje (signed by Dr. Tome Sazdov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 5, 1975.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received “Recognition” (Macedonian: “Признание”) from "The presidency of cultural and educational community in Skopje”. In the text of this “Recognition” is written, "The presidency of cultural and educational community in Skopje marking the thirty years of the development of art and culture self-activities in Skopje awarded this “Recognition” to Tale Ognenovski for outstanding contribution to the realization and promotion of art and culture self-activities - President, Dr. Tom Sazdov, 5 December 1975. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia".

“Diplom” from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Boris Nizamovski), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1977.

"“The Association of Scene Artists of Socialist Republic of Macedonia” on the occasion of 10 -anniversary of its foundation awards Tale Ognenovski with the Recognition called, "The Memorial Diploma” (Macedonian: “Спомен Диплома”) for active participation and contribution to the advancement of the scene activity - President Boris Nizamovski. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1977"

“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov”, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 2, 1980.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница) from Institute of Folklore" Marko Cepenkov "- Skopje. In the text of this Recognition is written: "The Institute of Folklore" Marko Cepenkov "- Skopje on the occasion of 30 -anniversary of its foundation awards Tale Ognenovski with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" for outstanding contribution to the operation, development and promotion of the Institute of Folklore" Marko Cepenkov "- Skopje, Skopje, Republic Macedonia. October 2, 1980”

“Plaketa 4 Juli” (“Plaque July 4th”) on July 4th, 1983, Belgrade, Serbia (in former Yugoslavia) for his musical works, from Savez boraca narodnooslobodilačkog rata Jugoslavije (Macedonian: Сојуз на борците од народноослободителната војна на Југославија“ (“Alliance of Fighters of the Yugoslav People's Liberation War”) signed by Rudi Kolak.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from “Сојузниот одбор на Сојузот на здруженијата на борците од народноослободителната војна на Југославија” on July 4, 1989. In the text of this plaque is written: "Commonwealth Committee of the Union of Associations of the veterans of the war of liberation to Yugoslavia allocating this Plaque on Tale Ognenovski for their special contribution to the operation and development of the organization "- President, Rudi Kolak, Belgrade, 4 July 1989

“Pofalnica” (“Recognition”) from “Dom na VVI I borci od NOV-Skopje” (“House of Alliance of Fighters of the Macedonian People's Liberation War, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”) and the Committee of the “Borec” Choir on the 10th anniversary of its founding (signed by Branko Ichokjaev and Ljubica Ivanovska), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1984.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Pofalnica". In the text of this Recognition is written: “Home of the war invalids and veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia, the Union of Associations of Veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia - Skopje and the Board of chorus "Borec" on the occasion of the jubilee ten years anniversary of foundation awarded this Recognition entitled, "Pofalnica" to Tale Ognenovski for special contribution in the formation of the chorus, directly active participation in the successful realization of its functions for the cooperation and help for the direct realization of the purposes for which that exist," – Ljubica Ivanovska, Director of the house of the war invalids and veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia and Branko Ichokaev, President of the Board of chorus "Borec", 1984, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Gratitude” (Macedonian: ”Благодарница”). In the text of this Recognition is written: “Union of Associations of Veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia – Home of the war invalids and veterans of the National Liberation War of Macedonia – Skopje” awarded this “Gratitude” to Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist for a special contribution to preservation of  the traditions of the National Liberation War of Macedonia and Revolution.” May 9, 1984. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

“Estradna nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 15, 1985.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received as gift plaque in the form of paper decision and another plaque made from metal for his musical works, from Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia. In the text of this plaque is written: “The Association of Stage Artists of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia awarded Tale Ognenovski with “Macedonian Stage Award” as a sign of recognition of the fundamental merits for the expansion and improvement of the stage art in Macedonia”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1985.


“Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia (signed by Cane Skerlevski), in Brusnik, Bitola on August 8-9, 1992.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition called, “Gratitude” from the “Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik”. In the text of this Recognition is written: “The ”Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik” awards Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница“) for his contribution to successful celebration. - President Cane Skerlevski, August 8-9, 1992. Village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia”

"Blagodarnica od Radio Ros za zhivotno delo" (“Gratitude Recognition from Radio Ros for life time achievement in music of Republic of Macedonia”) This is an honorary award for life work from the folk radio
"Radio Ros", (signed by the director Aleksandar Dimitrov), in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 7, 2000. Tale Ognenovski received this award in the 'Universal Hall' on the Folk Festival "Ros 2000”.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" (Macedonian: “Благодарница) in the ceremony at the Universal Hall in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”.
In the text of this  Recognition is written: "Radio Ros awards Tale Ognenovski with this Recognition entitled, “Gratitude" for Lifetime Achievement in music – Director, Aleksandar Dimitrov,
December 7, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia"

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer receiving the "Blagodarnica" (Gratitude). This is an honorary award for life long work from the folk radio "Radio Ros".
From left to right: Aleksandar Bichikliski, Zoran Markovski, and Tale Ognenovski. Photo by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the "Universal Hall" at Folk Festival “Ros 2000”,
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 7, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer received a prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award “10 Folk Biseri 2001”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls 2001 for Lifetime Achievement” - Macedonian: 10 Фолк Бисери 2001 - Животно дело) in the Macedonian National Theatre, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on February 19, 2002. This Lifetime Achievement Award sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television was made of gold sheath on the metal base with figure of microphone (30.0 cm tall).

Tale Ognenovski, received
posthumously “Blagodarnica” (“Gratitude Recognition”) from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"” for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture on October 30, 2014. Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (second from right), received Gratitude” from Zoran Dzorlev, Director of the Ensemble “Tanec” at the ceremony in the "Museum of the Macedonian Struggle", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

The Recognition titled “Blagodarnica” on Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (second from right), son of Tale Ognenovski gave Zoran Dzorlev (first from left), Director of the "Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec""
at  the event titled “Meeting of generations on the occasion 65 years of the existence of Tanec”  at the ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle on October 30, 2014, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photography (right) is published on the website of the Ensemble “Tanec”

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace. 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277.  


“…Vocals on "Ljubojna" Vera Milosevska, says that Ognenovski with the rich body of work behind them can be regarded as Mozart in Macedonian music. - "He Bring a completely different view to “Chalgija” and to the folk music, one real twist . It opens the sound, and in his music can be felt Pelagonija. He alone is National School standard. Such a man is born once in centuries...",- Article entitled “Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska, November 25, 2014, newspaper  Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia.

“Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”; Macedonian: Македонски ора“)
<>Tale Ognenovski is author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora” Macedonian: Македонски ора") published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, in 1989. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje.
CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88.
The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. In the introduction to this book Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in “Macedonian Radio Television” wrote, “Besides his affirming Macedonian folk dances with magnetic tapes and gramophone records, Tale Ognenovski has written this book of Macedonian folk dances, the first such book in Macedonia. He has for a long time been associated with the traditional expression of the Folk style and an endless desire to develop the smallest element of folk music into a complex instrumental content...”

Book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski, 1989. Tale Ognenovski was the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989.

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television.

Dedication written in this book from Tale Ognenovski: “This book is a gift to my son Stevan Ognenovski my daughter-in-law Margarita and grandchildren Nikola and Kliment”  - Tale Ognenovski, August 24, 1989

Book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski, 1989. Tale Ognenovski was the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989.

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television.

Book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski, 1989. Tale Ognenovski was the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989.

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television.

The introduction of this book was written by Jelica Todorchevska. .  Book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski, 1989. Tale Ognenovski was the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989.

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television.

The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television. 

Book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski, 1989. Tale Ognenovski was the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989.

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television.

The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television. 

Book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski, 1989. Tale Ognenovski was the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989.

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television.

Book “Macedonian folk dances” (Macedonian: Македонски ора) by Tale Ognenovski, 1989. Tale Ognenovski was the author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1989.

CIP - Cataloging in the publication "Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Каталогизација во публикација Народна и универзитетска библиотека “Климент Охридски” – Скопје, Република Македонија) 78.085.7 : 39 (497.17)  78.089.6 Page 88. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’. The introduction of this book was written by Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television.

Macedonian: ЗНАЧАЈНИ ЛИЧНОСТИ ЗА БИТОЛА) ;  Authors: Lence Andonovska, Naume Gorgievski, Blagoj Nikolov, Trajko Ognenovski, Gordana Pesevska, Aneta Stefanovska, Svetlana Taleska, Publisher: NUUB “St. Clement Ohridski” – Bitola and Municipality of Bitola (2007), Republic of Macedonia; Language: Macedonian and  English; ISBN 978-9989-2783-0-3 - "Ognenovski, Tale (1922), Macedonian clarinetist , one of the most important Macedonian folk musicians; belong to the line of the biggest instrumentalists and composers in the world music. He made the connection between the oriental and the western music and represents one of the biggest exponents of the composing for a clarinet. He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert “Tale Ognenovski concert for clarinet number 1” and many jazz compositions. Tale is one of the best representatives in playing of a clarinet with special technique, inventiveness and amazing improvisation virtuosity..." (pp 161-162) 

Britannica  Concise Encyclopedia
2005 Encyclopedia  Britannica, Inc; Publisher: Toper and Media Print Makedonija, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Language: Macedonian; ISBN 9989-165-12-2 - "Ognenovski, Tale - Clarinetist and composer, born in village Brusnik, Bitola. As clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso he reached international success with his performances with National Ensemble "Tanec". He composed hundred folk dances... " (pp 66, book 7)

Lichnosti od Makedonija (Distinguished People from Macedonia);  
Authors: Petar Karajanov, Hristo Andonovski, Jovan Pavlovski; Publisher: MI-AN (2002), Republic ofMacedonia; Language: Macedonian; ISBN 9989-613-28-1 - "...Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances. With his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" at Carnegie Hall in New York City he received his first international success... (pp 233)

“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski…” – From the book entitled: “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”), 1994, written by Dushko Dimitrovski
“The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Both Jesus Christ’s: “I came not to do away with the Bible, but to fulfil and continue it”, and Michalangelo’s: “The Artist must adopt strict, artistic rules at first, to be able to break them afterwards”… could well apply to Ognenovski. Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music. As if the ingenious knowledge of the ‘chalgija’ universe, but also with the live primordial in the rustic sound, together with the vivid, creative touch of the mysteries of European classical music idea, had predetermined the outstanding talent of Ognenovski to make one, perhaps unconscious, but in musical and historical terms, more than far-reaching creative step forward. In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labryinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?... ”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика”); 1994; ISBN 9989-600-01-5; pp. 114 - 115, published by BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 217-219. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes…” – From the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” written by Kim Burton on page 203 from the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East”, 1999.
In the book entitled “Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East” edited by: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo in the chapter entitled: “Macedonia: tricky rhythms” of this book, author Kim Burton on page 203 was written: “"One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernized style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music."” Information of this book: Title: World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, THE ROUGH GUIDE; Editors: Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and Richard Trillo; Publisher: Rough Guides, 1999; Length: 762 pages; ISBN: 1858286352, 9781858286358 was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database.


Apple Music iTunes   https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances/id4691673

Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 album “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” downloads/streaming on Amazon.com: Online Shopping

United States of America
















United Kingdom






Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Writer of the book is Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient . The promotion of the book was organized by the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances under the auspices of the National Institution Center of Culture "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

On the promotion of the book were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovsli (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.)

Information for the  promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, was published in newspapers: “Nova Makedonija” (Article entitled: “The 40th Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances, July 2 2001), “Vecher” (Article entitled: “Balkan gathering 600 dancers”, July 5, 2001) and the “Utrinski Vesnik” (Article entitled: “Started Balkan Festival of folk Songs and Dances, July 7, 2001).

On the beginning of the promotion, the author of the book Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  read the letter from Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and the letter of Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia.

In the letter Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of Macedonia addressed to Mr.
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer writes: "Dear Mr. Ognenovski,
Extraordinary feelings, undoubtedly evokes monographic work of your great musical opus, rarely inventive and gifted instrumentalist and composer. Numerous tours and awards in our country and in the world talking about your virtuosity in unsurpassed merger of oriental and western music. Priceless is your merit for promotion of Macedonian traditional and folk music around the world. But at the same time it should be noted and pedagogical activity with young enthusiasts - your followers. Your music and solo performances, left a mark of unsurpassed clarinetist who his perpetual inspiration finds in the  most valuable that has this country – Macedonian folklore. I think that words cannot express what is experienced in the moments of your interpretations. But I still believe in the value of this monographic work that will remain a permanent mark for one glowing personality for future generations.

Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia

Skopje, July 9, 2001"

Почитуван господине Огненовски,

Несекојдневно е чуството кое несомнено го буди монографското дело на Вашиот огромен музички опус, како ретко инвентивен и надарен инструменталист и композитор. Многубројните гостувања и награди кај нас и во светот говорат за Вашата виртуозност во ненадминливиот спој на ориенталната и западната музика. Непроценлива е Вашата заслуга за афирмација на македонската изворна и народна музика ширум светот. Но, истовремено треба да се истакне и педагошката активност со младите ентузијасти – Вашите следбеници.
Вашата музика, солистичките настапи, оставија белег на ненадминлив кларинетист кој својата непресушна инспирација ја наоѓа во највредното што го има ова поднебје – македонскиот фолклор.

Мислам дека со зборови не може да се искаже се она што се доживува во миговите на Вашите интерпретации. Но, сепак верувам во вредноста на ова монографско дело кое ќе остане како траен белег за едно блескаво име на идните генерации.

Борис Трајковски, Претседател на Република Македонија

Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година



Yugoslavs come to U.S.    LIFE Magazine

Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs"Tanec" on concert tour of United States of America and Canada from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956.

The Life Magazine wrote: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. The skilful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded by Tito to perpetuate his country’s culture. …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174

On May 20, 1956, summing up the performances of soloists and dance groups including Ensemble "Tanec", The New York Times's music critic John Martin identifies last season as unpredictable, strong, international and creative innovation. He writes, "Looking over one's shoulder at the season just closed, as is conventional practice at this time of year, one is impressed most of all by its general obstreperousness. It was fecund, unpredictable, energetie, international, creative,..." - By John Martin, The New York Times,
May 20, 1956, Section Arts & Leisure, Page 122.

Preview of this article from the New York Times can be read at website


Sо brilliants commentaries written by the most prominent music critics and published in the newspapers and magazines in North America are not written for performances of any ensemble or artist in any musical genre who  had performed on tour in North America until now.  In these articles published in major  newspapers in North America can be read for  the great contribution of Tale Ognenovski as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist for the tremendous success of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in North America Tour.
  Allmusic's reviewer, Craig Harris, noted
: "The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member..." - Article entitled "Biography of Ensemble Tanec". http://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503
On January 27, 1956, Tale Ognenovski performed at Carnegie Hall, New York City as clarinet and reed pipe (kavalche - recorder) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".
The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, "Display of Tremendous Skill … joy and delight … folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "
Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill" http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE, written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE, written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now.
Concerts of North America tour include Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - The Forum (capacity 1,763 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrisburg,_Pennsylvania) January 23, 1956; New York City - Carnegie Hall (capacity 2,760 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnegie_Hall); Symphony Hall, Boston (capacity 2,625 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_Hall,_Boston), January 1, 1956; Civic Opera House (Chicago) (capacity 3,563 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civic_Opera_House_(Chicago)), February 4 and 5, 1956; Academy of Music (Philadelphia) (capacity 2,897seats), February 7, 1956; DAR Constitution Hall Washington, D.C. (capacity 3,702 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DAR_Constitution_Hall), February 9, 1956; Lyric Opera House Baltimore (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyric_Opera_House), February 10, 1956; Syria Mosque Theater Pittsburgh (capacity 3,700 seats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria_Mosque), February 12, 1956; Massey Hall Toronto, Canada (capacity 2,752 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massey_Hall), February 13, 1956; Detroit Masonic Temple (capacity 4,404 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detroit_Masonic_Temple), February 18, 1956; Murat Centre Indianapolis (capacity 1,800-seats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murat_Shrine), February 20, 1956; Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis (Municipal Auditorium with the capacity 9,300 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiel_Auditorium), February 26, 1956; Municipal Auditorium (Kansas City - Music Hall, capacity 2,400), February 29, 1956; Colorado Springs City Auditorium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Springs_City_Auditorium), March 3, 1956; Denver Arena Auditorium (capacity 6,841 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denver_Arena_Auditorium), March 4, 1956; War Memorial Opera House San Francisco (capacity 3,146 seats), March 7 and 9, 1956; Hazard's Pavilion Los Angeles (Los Angeles Philharmonic Auditorium with capacity 2,700 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philharmonic_Auditorium_(Los_Angeles,_California)), March 12, 13 and 14, 1956; Pasadena Conference Center Civic Auditorium Pasadena (capacity 3,029 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasadena_Conference_Center), March 15, 1956; Russ Auditorium San Diego (capacity 2500 seats - http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/82spring/momentous.htm), March 19–20, 1956; City Auditorium Houston (http://scottymoore.net/houstonAud.html), March 28 and 29, 1956; Civic Theatre New Orleans , April 1, 2 and 3, 1956; Tower Theatre Atlanta  (http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/4784), April 5, 6 and 7, 1956 and Brooklyn Academy of Music New York City (capacity 2,109 seats - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooklyn_Academy_of_Music), April 11 and 12, 1956.

Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" played in larger auditoriums including: Kiel Auditorium - St. Louis, Missouri on February 26, 1956 and Denver Arena Auditorium, Colorado on March 4, 1956. Kiel Auditorium (Originally named the Municipal Auditorium) with seating capacity of 9,300 played host to a variety of rock concerts including concerts of Elvis Presley on March 29, 1957. and September 10, 1970. 
From the 1950s until the 1970s, the Kiel Auditorium was behind only Madison Square Garden as North America's most famous wrestling arena.
Denver Arena Auditorium is a pure sporting venue with seating capacity of 6,841. On December 26, 1968, the rock group Led Zeppelin played their first concert in the United States.

 Macedonian Ensemble "Tanec" caught the attention of some of the North America's top music critics including: John Martin 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Martin_(dance_critic) and http://www.nytimes.com/1985/05/21/nyregion/john-martin-is-dead-at-91-times-dance-critic-35-years.html - The New York Times), Robert Coleman (New York Daily Mirror), William Hawkins (New York World-Telegram), Walter Terry (New York Herald Tribune) , Claudia Cassidy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudia_Cassidy - Chicago Daily Tribune), Samuel Singer (Philadelphia Inquirer), Paul Hume (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hume - The Washington Post and Times), John Kraglund (The Globe and Mail), R. H. Hagan (San Francisco Chronicle), Albert Goldberg (http://articles.latimes.com/1990-02-06/news/mn-228_1_music-critic - Los Angeles Times) and Margaret Lloyd  (Christian Science Monitor) 

Designed by architect William Burnet Tuthill and built by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie in 1891, it is one of the most prestigious venues in the world for both classical music and popular music. Carnegie Hall (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnegie_Hall) has its own artistic programming, development, and marketing departments, and presents about 250 performances each season. It is also rented out to performing groups. Carnegie Hall's main auditorium seats 2,804 on five levels. It was named for violinist Isaac Stern in 1997.
Carnegie Hall first opened its doors in 1891. The music hall opened officially on May 5,1891, with a five-day Music Festival during which the composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky conducted several of his works. Carnegie Hall is the most prestigious concert hall in the United States of America. Many of the world’s best-known musicians, orchestras and their conductors have performed concerts in Carnegie Hall. These include Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Frank Sinatra, Liza Minnelli, Macedonian Ensemble ‘Tanec’, Elton John, David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, Sviatoslav Richter, Edith Piaf, Tina Turner, Sergej Rachmanianoff, Artur Rubinstein, Vladimir Horowitz, Mstislav Rostopovich, Enrico Caruso, Placido Domingo, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti, Gustav Mahler, Herbert von Karajan, The Beatles, Isaac Stern, Arturo Toscanini Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, the Dave Brubeck Quartet, Judy Garland, Harry Belafonte, Nina Simone, Shirley Bassey, James Gang, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Sissieretta Jones, Count Basie and Bill Haley.

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Ensemble Tanec
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco.  After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of
Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood.  In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S.  The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’. Members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" who participated in the concerts in the United States and Canada from January 22 until April 12, 1956, were the following: Doncheva Todorka, Vishinova Radmila, Krstic Dushica, Stojanova Zora, Arsova Desanka, Peshic Olga, Shijakovic Vera, Markova Lenche, Stojanova Radica, Videc Blaga, Ilieva Vaska, Kolarova Ljubica, Dilevska Roska, Petrushevski Dragan, Sarievski Aleksandar, Matevski Dojchin, Dobeski Krsto, Kolarovski Atanas, Livrinski Stanko, Mihajlovski Mihajlo, Cherepovski Trpe, Eftimovski Doncho, Vishinski Stanimir, Micevski Cvetko, Todevski Spase, Georgievski Stevo, Atanasovski Pece, Etemov Kemal, Georgievski Dushko, Velevski Blazhe, Pavlovski Todor, Muharedov Reshad, Terziev Ivan, Galevski Nikolaj, Hristovski Jonche, Ognenovski Tale and Tasevski Slave. The Artistic Director was Prof. Asparuh Hadzi-Nikolov, and the Regisseur, Dimce Najdeski.

During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski performed with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in a multitude of concerts: In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; Concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959), Bulgaria (November and December, 1955), Romania, (9 concerts, December, 1957 and January 1958), Albania (9 concerts, October, 1957), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia. The public and audiences greeted Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs " wherever they performed with great warmth, and showed their appreciation with huge applause. Tale Ognenovski and all other members of the Ensemble became international ambassadors of music. 

Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States and Canada.  A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.  On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, https://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 is written: Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; Producer, Robert Saudek. Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22. Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)... Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso with Ensemble “Tanec” during their tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They performed 83 concerts in 58 towns and cities in France.  Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble “Tanec” twice had performances broadcast on television, on September 21 and 22, 1959: 20 million people would have seen them on the most popular programme on French Television. During the tour of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959, Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television. Playing as virtouoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success.

“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.


“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”.  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”.


"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.


Poster announcement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performances in Carnegie Hall, New York City, January 27, 1956. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 for most parts of the programme.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with members of
Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  and with June Allyson, one of the screen’s most important stars in the U.S. in the main Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, March 14, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer on the poster announcement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  performances in Brooklyn Academy of Music , New York City, April 11 and 12, 1956.

Poster announcement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performances in Carnegie Hall, New York City, January 27, 1956. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 for most parts of the programme.

On January 27, 1956, Tale Ognenovski performed at Carnegie Hall, New York City as clarinet and reed pipe (kavalche - recorder) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time.  He brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…
The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’
- Macedonian: "кавалче") soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, "Display of Tremendous Skill … joy and delight … folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill"http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40D15FB3F5B157B93CAAB178AD85F428585F9&scp=74&sq=John+Martin&st=p , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FA0C17F83A55177B93C7A91789D85F428585F9&scp=2&sq=Tanec&st=p , written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. Tale Ognenovski is one of the most important musicians of all time in the world.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with members of
Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  and with June Allyson, one of the screen’s most important stars in the U.S. in the main Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, March 14, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer on the poster announcement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  performances in Brooklyn Academy of Music , New York City, April 11 and 12, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mаg.Scient. who wrote the book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" (2000). Publishing house is Matica Makedonska, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski).
Editor in chief and Director Rade SILJAN; Editor Dejan PAVLESKI; Cover Stevan OGNENOVSKI Mag.Scient.; Design editor Niko P. TOZI; ISBN 9989-48-312-4 ; 406 pages (format A4).

Copies of this book are deposited in the Library of Congress (LC control no. 2003457521). Library of Congress information of the book at http://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

The Library of Congress is the research library that officially serves the United States Congress, but which is the de facto national library of the United States. It is the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States. Cole argues that it is now the largest and most international library in the world. The collections of the Library of Congress include more than 32 million cataloged books and other print materials in 470 languages.

Reviews of the Book: "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор"

"...This monograph consists of 12 important chapter in this own way represents a looking glass of the artist's profile. In the first chapter the author, using selected materials, has included biographical data and individual articles about Tale Ognenovski's performances, as well as significant statements about his contribution towards the common proclamation of our cultural values with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on their mammoth tours in the United States of America, Canada and Germany in 1956, followed by the tours in France and Switzerland in 1959. Perhaps the most significant of his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" was the one in the famous Carnegie Hall in America. After these particular appearances that introduced Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble 'Tanec' to the world, in the next chapter the author succeeds in presenting the most significant journalist and professional comments about the folk genius of the clarinet. These articles record the numerous awards and honours that he received for his artistic works. The author Stevan Ognenovski includes the music notationof the Tale Ognenovski's own dance compositions, in addition to the "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto for Clarinet and the "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1". With all these the artist's profile has become richer... This monograph contains valuable material for researcher in this area of folklore to use to study successfully this phenomenon called Tale Ognenovski" - Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist.

"This book can be distinguished from others by the way research has been extraordinarity complete and scrupulously conducted. An enormous number of richly illustrated moments in his life and the creative style of Tale Ognenovski make it possible for everyone to see the extraordinary values and dimensions of this artistic person as one of the most important instrumental maestros in the world and a uniquely creative musician. Following the life history and the art of this great musician, Stevan Ognenovski Mag.Scient. presents the rich variety of events during these times and the creative works of the maestro. Before our very eyes appear numerous persons and manifestations as components of one treasured part of Macedonian spirit and cultural history. These things contribute additionally towards the value of this book..." - Dushko Dimitrovski, ethnomusicologist.

Promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Writer of the book is Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient . The promotion of the book was organized by the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances under the auspices of the National Institution Center of Culture "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
On the promotion of the book were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D.a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski,Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.) …

Tale Ognenovski,
Clarinetist and Composer speaks at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., writer of the book, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer performs with Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”, Nada Andreeva (standing), Kliment Ognenovski (he is grandson of Tale Ognenovski), Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and Boshko Trenevski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

Suzana Jolevska, (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America
and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”, Boshko Trenevski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nada Andreeva and  Kliment  Ognenovski at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

In his book, For Our Music (За Наша Музика) Dushko Dimitrovski writes: The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Both Jesus Christ’s: “I came not to do away with the Bible, but to fulfil and continue it”, and Michalangelo’s: “The Artist must adopt strict, artistic rules at first, to be able to break them afterwards”… could well apply to Ognenovski. Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the reed pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music. As if the ingenious knowledge of the ‘chalgija’ universe, but also with the live primordial in the rustic sound, together with the vivid, creative touch of the mysteries of European classical music idea, had predetermined the outstanding talent of Ognenovski to make one, perhaps unconscious, but in musical and historical terms, more than far-reaching creative step forward. In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labyrinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?...”, Dimitrovski, Dushko. "За Наша Музика" - "For Our Music", pp 114-116. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID "Misirkov", 1994.   The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521).

Concerts and TV Appearances

Tale Ognenovski performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances as clarinet and reed pipe soloist at a special concert marking the 25th anniversary of the founding of Macedonian Radio Television, performed in the Universal Hall in Skopje on December 19, 1969.  At this concert, Tale Ognenovski demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three, different folk music orchestras of “Macedonian Radio Television”, namely the Folk Music Orchestra, the “Chalgii” Orchestra and the Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra.  The audience that jammed the Universal Hall to capacity gave enthusiastic applause. The concert was a great success, with many other famous singers and instrumentalists taking part.
As clarinet soloist, Tale Ognenovski performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances on the television programme “Yugoslavia, Good Day” broadcast on “Television Zagreb” (now Croatian Radio television) in Croatia, February 27, 1975.

He appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Belgrade” (now Radio Television of Serbia) held in the “House of the Syndicate” in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989.  He played as clarinet soloist two Macedonian folk dances, both of which he composed: Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, and Brusnichko oro.  He had as accompaniment the Folk Music Orchestra of “Radio Television Belgrade”.  Tale Ognenovski received great applause for his virtuoso playing on the clarinet. This concert was broadcast live on “Radio Belgrade”.

Tale Ognenovski  as clarinet and reed pipe (kavalche - recorder) soloist of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" played on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network , one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 65 concerts in many towns throughout the United States. 
Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television.   Playing as virtuoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success, July 7-10, 1959.

Tale Ognenovski had performances broadcast on French television, on September 21 and 22, 1959: 20 million people would have seen him with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on the most popular programme on French Television. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs.

In 2000 Tale Ognenovski formed a quartet with his son Stevan Ognenovski (a drummer) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (a reed piper) and Kliment Ognenovski (a reed piper). He performed and recorded with them on three CD albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008). Three CD's were produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski.

In the period 1948 - 1987 in the studio of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski recorded 150 Macedonian folk dances (almost all composed by Tale Ognenovski); the Concert for Clarinet and Piano “Fiori Rossiniani” (composer Ernesto Cavallini),1970; the concert “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” (composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), 1987; “Adagio for Clarinet” (composer Richard Wagner), 1987 on magnetic tapes (on audio tape recorders).
50 Folk Dances (his compositions with his arrangements) and 28 Folk Dances (with his  arrangements) have been recorded on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes and 10 gramophone records. Labels: PGP RTB (Radio Television Belgrade, now Radio Television of Serbia), Serbia; Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia; Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia.
Most of them are recorded with his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra and others with Orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television, the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra, the Kocho Petrovski Orchestra and the Pece Atanasovski Orchestra.  With his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra, he recorded 17 gramophone records with famous singers. As a member of other Orchestras, he recorded more than 30 gramophone records with famous singers. He made his recording debut as a composer with the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra in 1963, with the first record EP 14700 produced by PGP RTB - "Radio Televizija Beograd" (Radio Television Belgrade (now Radio Television Serbia), Belgrade, Serbia). In 1965, Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra", and PGP RTB produces the record EP 14711, He made his recording debut for Jugoton Zagreb, Croatia with the record EPY-3851 (1967). In 1975, Ognenovski made his debut LP recording "Tale Ognenovski Klarinet Svira Ora" (LPY-61143) for Jugoton in Zagreb, Croatia . The sessions yielded twelve folk dances, including "Resensko Oro" and "Mominsko Oro". In 1979 PGP-RTB in Belgrade, Serbia released Ognenovski's LP album "Makedonski Igraorni Ora Sviri Tale Ognenovski (LP 1439 STEREO). The LP record “Macedonian folk dances played by Tale Ognenovski” (“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski”) reference number LP 1439 STEREO was produced by Radio Television Belgrade in Belgrade in 1979.

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991.
41 of Tale Ognenovski’s compositions had been recorded on 20 gramophone records up until May 28, 1973 (source: a letter dated May 28, 1973 from the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia)). Tale Ognenovski  had composed 128 pieces of musical up until March 29, 1988 (source: a letter dated March 29, 1988 from the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia)).

"Tale Ognenovski, Composer,
Association of Composers of Yugoslavia, confirms that on the twenty gramophone records were recorded 41 folk dances composed by Tale Ognenovski and in 1971 and 1972 were sold 32,632 (thirty-two thousand) gramophone records on which were recorded his compositions," is written in the letter signed by composer Vojislav Kostić, the Secretary General of the Association of Composers of Yugoslavia dated 28 May 1973 (registered under number 05-3595/2) addressed to the composer Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer recorded part of his compositions: 77 Macedonian Folk Dances and 12 jazz compositions on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, 3 CD Albums and one videotape with the gramophone producers: PGP-RTB (Produkcija gramofonskih ploča  Radio televizije Beograd - record label of Radio Television Belgrade, Serbia based in Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia), Jugoton (record label based in Zagreb, Croatia in the former Yugoslavia), Diskos (record label based in Serbia in the former Yugoslavia), Beograd Disk (record label based in Belgrade, Serbia in the former Yugoslavia), Macedonian Radio Television (record label of Macedonian Radio Television based in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) and Independent Records, US. Most of them are recorded with his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra and others with Orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television, the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra, the Kocho Petrovski Orchestra and the Pece Atanasovski Orchestra. With his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra, he recorded 17 gramophone records with famous singers including Vocal Soloist Anka Gieva. As a member of other Orchestras, he recorded more than 30 gramophone records with famous singers.

"Dear Mr. Ognenovski,  
The gramophone record EPY-3914 that is recorded with your orchestra and vocal soloist Anka Gieva is produced and put on sale and we supply you with two pieces of the plate. We wish you much success in the future.", is witten in  a letter from Mr. Josip Martinovsky, the Secretary of the music sector of Jugoton, the record label  from Zagreb, Croatia, on the day of release of the gramophone record Jugoton EPY-3914, 1967.

The 50th anniversary of the founding of “Macedonian Radio Television”

 “Kasapsko oro”, the folk dance arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and with him playing solo clarinet accompanied by the “Chalgii” Orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television”, was released in 1994 on the cassette, “Anthology of Macedonian folk music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of Macedonian Radio Television.  It was produced by the Music and Cassette Department of Macedonian Radio Television; the editor was Mate Grujovski and the chief editor, Jane Kodjabashija.

Tale Ognenovski is a synonym for a completely different style of music.
“Each different musician who develops his or her own style of music becomes a synonym for that music; for example, Kocho Petrovski, Stevo Teodosievski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Angel Nanchevski, Aleksandar Sarievski, Tale Ognenovski, Pece Atanasovski, Ivan Terziev, Blagoja Deskoski, Petar Lukic, Zoran Jovanovic, Petar Kargov, Ilija Pejovski-Bas and others”, from the article “Macedonian Radio Television in Words and Pictures”, published by Macedonian Radio Television in 1994 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of  their founding.

“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World  Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.

Poster announcement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performances in Carnegie Hall, New York City, January 27, 1956. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 for most parts of the programme.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  and with June Allyson, one of the screen’s most important stars in the U.S. in the main Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, March 14, 1956.

Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer on the poster announcement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  performances in Brooklyn Academy of Music , New York City, April 11 and 12, 1956.

Advertisement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performances in Carnegie Hall, New York City, January 27, 1956. It appeared in the newspaper “The New York Times” on January 25, 1956. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.

Article entitled: “CHOREOGRAPHIC VIGOR FROM MACEDONIA” for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performance in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956. It appeared in the newspaper “The New York Times”, written by music  critic John Martin on January 22, 1956, p. 97.

Advertisement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  performances in Carnegie Hall, New York City, January 27, 1956, published in the newspaper “The New York Times”.  Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 .

Comments from the American newspapers about the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  performance in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956 published in the newspaper "Chicago Daily Tribune, February 3, 1956. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.

Poster announcement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" performances in Carnegie Hall, New York City, January 27, 1956. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 for most parts of the programme.


Photo of  Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957

Clarinetist and Composer Tale Ognenovski played many times for Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia at different places including: Ohrid, Veles and Skopje in Republic of Macedonia, Brdo Castle near Kranj in Slovenia, Brionian Island in Croatia and  Belgrade in Serbia.

Josip BrozTito, President of Yugoslavia was in the visit of Republic of Macedonia from May 27, 1957 till June 3, 1957 and he delivered two speeches. His first speech was in Mavrovo on May 27, 1957, where he opened  the first aggregate of  Mavrovo Hydroelectric System and the second speech was on June 3, 1957 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia before approximately 100,000 (one hundred thousand) people. 

Tale Ognenovski (Clarinetist and Composer), Aleksandar Sarievski (singer and composer), Dragica Nikolova (singer) and Stevo Teodosievski (accordionist and composer) had performed for Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia on June 3, 1957  in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957.  From left to right: Jovanka Broz, First Lady of Yugoslavia and  wife of Josip Broz Tito, Aleksandar Sarievski, singer and composer, Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugoslavia, Dragica Nikolova, singer, Stevo Teodosievski, accordionist and composer and Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 3, 1957.

The many awards and honours received by Tale Ognenovski include:
Tale Ognenovski won the"11 October" Award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia, No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11".

Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped  at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski won top honors as the winner of "11 October" award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. October 11 awards for special and eminent achievements in the areas of science, culture, art and journalism were handed at theMacedonian Parliament on Saturday, October 11th., 2003. Institute of Macedonian language "Krste Misirkov" from Skopje and Professor Dr. Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped, are the winners of the award in the area of science and education and Boris Pop Gjorcev the field of journalism.. President of the Board for award "October 11" prof. dr. sc. Trajan Gocevski awarded "October 11" awards.The winners of October 11 award for 2003 in the area of culture and art are Tale Ognenovski, the clarinet virtuoso, and Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina from Skopje. The glittering ceremony on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament was attended by Mr. Boris Trajkovski (19 November 1999 – 26 February 2004; Boris Trajkovski died on 26 February 2004 in a plane crash en route to an economic conference in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina), President of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Branko Crvenkovski (He was Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia from 1992 to 1998 and again from 2002 to 2004, then President of the Republic of Macedonia from 2004 to 2009), Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Nikola Popovski (October 3, 2002 - November 8, 2003), President of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia , Mr. Kiro Gligorov (He was the first President of the Republic of Macedonia, serving from 1991 to 1999), the First  President of Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Radmila Shekerinska (November 1, 2002 – August 27,  2006; She was Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia from May12, 2004 until June 12, 2004 and from November 3, 2004 until December 15, 2004), Deputy to the President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Liljana Popovska (January 23, 2003 – December 6, 2004), Vice President of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Hari Kostov (2002 – 2004; He was Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia  from May 31, 2004 to November 15, 2004 ), Minister of Interior of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Members of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia…  The informations for Winners of 11 Oktomvri Awards were published at: Macedonian Radio (September 26, 2003), MIA (Macedonian Information Agency, September 26, 2003), http://vesti.mt.net.mk, newspapers: “Nova Makedonija”, “Vecher”, “Dnevnik”, “Utrinski Vesnik” (http://star.utrinski.com.mk/?pBroj=1294&stID=7431&pR=2) and ”Vest” (October 11 and 13, 2003), magazine “Makedonsko Sonce” (October 10, 2003), Macedonian Television, A1 Television, Sitel Television, Telma Television, Kanal 5 Television (October 11, 2003.
…Tale Ognenovski  is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time, and one of the Greatest Composers in World Music..." Tale Ognenovski said: “I am very proud and happy for I am the winner of "11 Oktomvri" Award. This award is the main source of my strength and motivation for composing… My son Stevan Ognenovski has great contribution for my career: for realizing my first CD album "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music," and for writing the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer,” Article entitled:  “Macedonian Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski, the winner of "11 Oktomvri" award."  - Written by Mileva Lazova, October 10, 2003, Magazine "Makedonsko Sonce", Republic of Macedonia.

Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer, Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped  at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Vest”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia,  October 13, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer  won the"11 October" Award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia, No. 445/03, dated September 25, 2003, signed by the prof. Dr. Trajan Gocevski, President of the Board for award "October 11".

Boris Pop Gjorcev, journalist, Zoica Purovska-Velevska, prima ballerina, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer  and Ljupco Ajdinski, teacher of the handicapped at the glittering “October 11” Awards ceremony held on October 11, 2003 in the Macedonian Parliament, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Utrinski vesnik”; Article entitled: “The “October 11” Awards, the highest national awards in Republic of Macedonia were given”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 2003.

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003
Tale Ognenovski: “I received the First Award Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948. I performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist with the
Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" on American television, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), on January 22, 1956, on French Television on September 20 and 21, 1956, on Swiss Television, on July, 1959… Parts of the articles in the newspapers: “…some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe…,” written by John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956,  Title: "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art 'Tanec' Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,"  is related to my appearance at world-famous Carnegie Hall as reed pipe and clarinet soloist.
“…When five of them dance the "Sopska Poskocica,"  which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as unfair trade for the four little swans in "Swan Lake." They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...,” written by Claudia Cassidy, title: "On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance", and published in the newspaper Chicago Daily Tribune, on  February 6, 1956. I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in Sopska Poskocica ("Shopska potskoknuvachka") but also and arranger of music because I added my own musical phrases and improvisations in more parts of the dance. I performed with much faster rhythm than appear in the original version of this folk dance, which contribute all articles in the newspapers for this dance to be brilliants.
“…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering." Written by Walter Terry, title: 'Yugoslav Folk Ballet", New York Herald Tribune, January 28, 1956.
“…This group would be hard to beat…”  written by Albert Goldeberg, title "Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement",  Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1956.
“…"Macedonian Tune," which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud..." Written by R. H. Hagan, title "Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing 'Tricky' ", San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.
“…Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has never seen." Title: "Dance Bouncing Brigands, Yugoslav come to U.S.", Life, USA, April 9, 1956.
My contribution for these wonderful articles in the newspapers was the greatest regarding the other musicians of Ensemble “Tanec”.  I was virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist in the most parts of the programme of Ensemble “Tanec.” I was Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Macedonian Radio Television.” I performed with many Cultural Artistically Societies. I recorded many gramophone records.   On October, 2001, is released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music." Record Label: Independent Records, USA. This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music. This album is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music. My sincere gratitude for I won top honours as the winner of 11 Oktomvri award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia. This Award gave me inspiration for new composing... My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and written by  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.com.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003.

“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.

“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played
… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”.  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.

"Tale Ognenovski won 11 Oktomvri award for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art. Article entitled, “The Winners of 11 Oktomvri Awards: Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and musical virtuoso with artistic performances around the world” and published in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" on October 11, 2003

Tale Ognenovski as musician and composer contributed in our folklore culture
"Tale Ognenovski won 11 Oktomvri award for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art…
Extraordinary important, rare voluminous,  and with quality, almost irreplaceable, creative artistic presence of Tale Ognenovski on the programs of Radio and Television since 1948. Numerous sound records and every performance of Tale Ognenovski with his clarinet remain valuable, unique and permanent artist values for our culture. He with creative work developed into real virtuoso and artist. He had created his own style for interpreting the folk dances ("ora"), in which are especially characteristically his inventive improvisations. In parallel with reproduction Tale Ognenovski become composer of his own folk dances. As a composer, Ognenovski kept traditional folk expression. He is unique maestro of developing from the smallest element of folk music  a complex instrumental content.  Tale Ognenovski as musician and composer contributed in our folklore culture.”  These words appeared in an article entitled, “ The Winners of 11 Oktomvri Awards: Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and musical virtuoso with artistic performances around the world” and published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 11, 2003.

He is maestro of improvisation and creativity
In the programme “Folklorni odblesoci” of Nacional Macedonian Radio, broadcasted on October 22, 2003, Kiril Todevski, the author of the programme said about Tale Ognenovski, “Tale Ognenovski won 11 Oktomvri award for 2003, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for achievements in the area of culture and art… During last six decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation. He has composed and arranged 200 Macedonian folk dances… He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner… His authenticity feeling for style, brilliant invention, highly gracious in all registers colour and sovereign virtuosity made his performances to sound unique and unimagined magnificently... In the area of artistic imagination and power of creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent. He combines beautiful tone with unique technique… He is maestro of improvisation and creativity; he starts with a motive, a theme, and then develops a complex instrumental content…  In his performances he demonstrates fascinate invention and virtuosity…  Tale Ognenovski has demonstrate his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television: “The Folk Music Orchestra”, the “Chalgii” orchestra and “The Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra”... From him, how to preserve creative perfection in folk musical reproduction learned, learn, and will learn numerous folk instrumentalists…”

2. "Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije”. (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”)
Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer won the “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31,1978. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miljenko_Prohaska)

3. First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951.
Tale Ognenovski won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.
  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_for_Traditional_Music) was established in 1947 in London, UK. Marie Slocombe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Slocombe), recorded music archivist at the BBC wrote: "It was natural that on this occasion expositions of Yugoslav folklore and music should form the backbone of the Conference, and these received the most wonderful illustrations in the nightly Festival which took place in the magnificent ballroom of a nearby hotel. Every evening, for three hours or more, we witnessed an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers brought together from every part of the country." Title: "Some impressions of the Yugoslav conference and festival", published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, page 2.
Extracts from Programme notes on the dances and songs performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival: "From the time of the conquests of Alexander the Great to the modern era, Macedonia has been the scene of dramatic events, brutal invasions and profound social upheavals. Many different trends have met and clashed on this territory: trends which have inevitably left their traces on the life of the people and are reflected in its folk art. Macedonian folk music is governed by rhythmic laws and set metres. Foreign influences, in so far as they existed, where subjected to the rules of accentuation of the Macedonian popular language. The melody is usually asymmetrical..." - This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64. The performance of Tale Ognenovski as clarinet player caught the attention of the editors of International Folk Music Journal, also noted that “Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nizopole (Bitola) means "heavy," and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64. Croatian ethnomusicologist Vinko Žganec (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinko_%C5%BDganec) wrote "“The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was as effective an accompaniment to the large drum in the folk dance from Kozjak as it was to the small drum in the folk dance ‘Teshkoto’ from Nizopole. They provided a very effective combination”, cultural magazine "Kulturni radnik' No. 10-11, published on October 1051 in Zagreb, Croatia. 
The musical part of the group had only two members: Tale Ognenovski played solo clarinet with the accompaniment of drummer Lambe Petrovski. This is a musical sensation, to receive the First Award with orchestra consisting of only two members: the clarinetist Ognenovski and drummer Petrovski.
, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizhopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia. The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

“At the 1951 conference, held at Opatija from September 8th to 14th, we had the stimulus of exchanging views with and learning from our Yugoslav colleagues who have had the inestimable advantage of studying their folk music tradition…”, is written in JOURNAL of the INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL, Vol. IV, London, UK, March, 1952.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

“Every evening, for three hours or more, we witnessed an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers brought together from every part of the country." Title: "Some impressions of the Yugoslav conference and festival", published by The International Folk Music Council, London, UK in March, 1952, Volume IV, page 2.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

"From the time of the conquests of Alexander the Great to the modern era, Macedonia has been the scene of dramatic events, brutal invasions and profound social upheavals. Many different trends have met and clashed on this territory: trends which have inevitably left their traces on the life of the people and are reflected in its folk art. Macedonian folk music is governed by rhythmic laws and set metres. Foreign influences, in so far as they existed, where subjected to the rules of accentuation of the Macedonian popular language. The melody is usually asymmetrical..." Title: "Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival", with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, UK in March, 1952, Volume IV, page 60.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

“Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nizopole (Bitola) means "heavy," and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA – represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, UK in March, 1952, Volume IV, page 64.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer won the First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9–12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nizopole, Republic of Macedonia. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia.  The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. IFMC - The International Folk Music Council was established in 1947 in London, UK.

4. First Award as the best clarinetist at the first Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 1948.
453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in this festival.

5.International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977

Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977.
At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Macedonian Radio Television” from the Republic of Macedonia.  He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia).  He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”. This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski.  From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of “Macedonian Radio Television”. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world.  The Department of Folk Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Macedonian Radio Television” asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”.  Source: An article entitled, “One item of music material presented in Istanbul creates great interest in the world about “Chalgii” music”, from the magazine “Ekran”, published on December 2, 1977 and the TV programme “Black and White production”, by the journalist Irena Spirovska, broadcast on “Macedonian Radio Television”.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Digital Music Albums: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (
Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes

6. All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, with announcement published at his website. (http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuH
All About Jazz is a jazz music website for enthusiasts and industry professionals based in Philadelphia in the United States.

7. Certificate for National Pension

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer received Certificate for National Pension from Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 3, 2012. From left to right: Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient..

Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski awarded Certificates for National Pensions to the composer and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and 39 prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia for their contributions to Macedonian culture. Before awarding the certificates, Prime Minister Gruevski said "Your successes are underpinned with many prizes and awards, and the remarkable contribution you have made in building a cultural mosaic in Republic of Macedonia ."  The glittering ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle was attended by Minister for Culture Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska and her deputy Dragan Nedeljkovic. Minister for Culture Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska
said that today stressed the "very little" give back to the artists for their invaluable "very", but also made great strides and the historical need to valorize the work of artists. Tale Ognenovski won top honours on October 11, 2003 at Macedonian Parliament as the Winner of "11 October" Award, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia.  "11 October" Award recipients are selected based on their "contributions to the creation, growth and support of the arts in the Republic of Macedonia."  The Certificates for National Pensions were established by the Law on Culture from Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (January, 2011) for artists and other experts in the field of cultural heritage, who have won the awards: "11 October", "St. Kliment Ohridski" and "23 October " for long-term achievements in culture.

Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska, Minister for Culture of Republic of Macedonia,  Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, Dragan Nedeljkovic, Deputy of the Minister of Culture of Republic of Macedonia and prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia at the ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle where Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski has awarded Certificates for National Pensions to the composer and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and 39 prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia for their contributions to Macedonian culture, March 3, 2012, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia at the ceremony in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle where Prime Minister of Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski has awarded Certificates for National Pensions to the composer and clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and 39 prominent representatives of cultural life in Republic of Macedonia for their contributions to Macedonian culture, March 3, 2012, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
First from the right: Tale Ognenovski, Clrinetist and Composer.  Photo published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.


Tale Ognenovski on the television programmes:
“One clarinet, one life; Half a century of magic with the clarinet; The clarinet as a life, These are only some of the titles of articles in the newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini...” from the Television programme ‘Sunday afternoon’, ‘Macedonian Radio Television’

In a programme with the title ‘Sunday afternoon’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on February 28, 1993, the journalist said about Tale Ognenovski, “One clarinet, one life; Half a century of magic with the clarinet; The clarinet as a life; These are only some of the titles of articles in the newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini...”Besides some Macedonian folk dances, the following pieces of music were included on the programme: Mozart’s ‘Concert in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622’ and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’, both performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and Cavallini’s Concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the famous pianist and composer Professor Ladislav Palfi.

Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more than that....” - Elizabeta Matic on the television programme ‘Good morning, good day’, Macedonian Radio Television.

In the programme with the title ‘Good morning, good day’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on December 5, 1993, the journalist Brane Stefanovski said of Tale Ognenovski, “The living legend of the Macedonian clarinet. Tale Ognenovski can easily be recognized from older records of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. Tale Ognenovski’s music is amazing, with his melodious, clean quality of tone and interpretations for which he has received recognition from world-famous experts of the clarinet and of Macedonian music. The journalist Elizabeta Matic commented, “Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more. Perhaps the reason for this is genetic disposition in his family where his father played the bagpipe (‘gajdadjija’), but the fact that his grandfather and great-grandfather had played some folk instrument, suggests that talent has developed over the generations to raise the little reed pipe (‘kavalche’) player to the highest level reserved for the best. His music is always based on the strict rules of Macedonian folklore... Tale Ognenovski is an Ambassador in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms...The best clarinetist which this country has ever had. The man from whom his followers can learn a great deal...

On June 16, 1998, an interview with Tale Ognenovski was recorded for the television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ on Macedonian Television. During the interview, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska asked Tale Ognenovski to play some jazz music. He performed some jazz music that he composed right there and then without any prior planning. He demonstrated his amazing musical talent as a clarinet and reed pipe player and composer performing jazz music on this programme.

The television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA of Macedonian Radio Television. An interview with Tale Ognenovski
“This year sees the 50th anniversary of the founding of the ‘Folk Music Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television. The most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski has for a long time performed in this Orchestra,” said Simona Ugrinovska, Manager of the programme ‘Good Day Macedonia’. She added that the interview with Tale Ognenovski had been done by her colleague Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska.  In the programme, first shown on July 1, 1998, then repeated on July 4, 1998, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska said: “Fifty years ago, at the first Macedonian Republic festival of Folk Dances and Songs held during the period October 6-10, 1948, Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist.

If you listen to the music of Tale Ognenovski, this magnificent, unique, talented virtuoso of the clarinet and composer of Macedonian folk dances, you will imagine an exciting folklore story and sense unparalleled technique in the musical expression of this folk genius. With his maestro, solo improvisations Tale Ognenovski made performances of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ the most successful they could be. The most significant debut in his rich career was in the famous Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956.

“The artist must adopt the artistic rules perfectly, to be able to break them afterwards.” This comment by Michelangelo described the talent that Tale Ognenovski possessed...In a perfect way he interpreted Mozart, Wagner and Cavallini, and jazz improvisations in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw.

Tale Ognenovski has composed 150 Macedonian folk dances...”

In this television programme, Tale Ognenovski said, “I received the First Award for Clarinet as the best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs in Skopje in 1948. Then Mr. Vasil Hadzimanov and Mr. Nikolaj Galevski from Radio Skopje invited me to become a member of the Folk Orchestra in Radio Skopje. I joined the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje for two months, from November 1,1948, till December 30, 1948. Later, in 1960, I joined the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje again. I become head of the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje in 1966 for one year, and then in 1967, I retired. Later I was invited by Music Production of Radio Television Skopje to perform as additional music force with the ‘Chalgii’ Orchestra. With that Orchestra I had great success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, where Mr.Dushko Dimitrovski presented some folklore material (recorded on magnetic tapes) that included the Macedonian folk dances, my arrangement ‘Kasapsko oro’ and my composition ‘Kumovo oro chochek’.  I performed these on solo clarinet. This folk music created great interest among the participants at the Conference, and later the folk material was presented in a special programme on Belgian Radio. In France with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ we performed concerts in 58 towns in 1959. We had remarkable success. Mr. Raymond Guillier, Manager of the Tour and Director of his own company  (“Les grands spectacles internationaux - Les productions Raymond Guiller”) from Paris said that he was fascinated by my clarinet playing and told me that my contribution towards the tremendous success of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ was considerable. In an interview with the newspaper ‘Vecher’, he said that he wanted to present the Ensemble in France every year. He said that everything that ‘Tanec’ played in the spirit of Macedonia he didn’t believe any other Ensemble in the world could perform, and the reason for that was that the girls and boys from ‘Tanec’ invested their whole heart in the dance, and that an example of that was my playing on the clarinet...”

“I made my classical music debut in December 1952, playing as clarinet soloist the concert ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’, accompanied by the pianist Nino Cipushev. On May 24, 1953, this concert accompanied by the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ (the arrangement for the Orchestra was made by Gligor Smokvarski) was broadcast nationally via Radio Skopje. We performed this and other concerts when we toured Macedonia. Later, for Radio Skopje, I recorded the concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’ by Ernesto Cavallini, with piano accompaniment by Professor Ladislav Palfi. Later, in 1970, this concert was shown in my television programme ‘ONE CLARINET, ONE LIFE’. With piano accompaniment by Professor Ladislav Palfi, I performed concertos by Mozart, Weber, and others, and I recorded for Radio Skopje the concertos by Mozart and Wagner, with Tanja Shopova...”, said Tale Ognenovski.

Question: “Can you play some jazz music on this programme?”

Tale Ognenovski: “With pleasure.”

Jazz improvisations composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist on the programme “Good Day, Macedonia” of Macedonian Radio Television, July 1, 1998

Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly one of the greatest composers the world has ever seen. With his compositions of Macedonian folk dances, classical, and jazz music, he made the connection between the two ‘unconnectables’ - oriental and western music. He is a genius of the clarinet. He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, such as Brusnichko oro, Poljansko oro, Kasapsko oro, Zhensko krsteno oro, Adana oro, Nevenino oro and Bukovsko svadbarsko oro, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner and Weber. He combines beautiful tone with brilliant, unique technique. He has made many studio recordings for Macedonian Radio Television both as a virtuoso clarinetist and pipe soloist playing folk, jazz and classical music, and a countless number of radio and television broadcasts. His recordings for Radio Television Belgrade, Jugoton and Macedonian Radio Television are unique compositions based on Macedonian folk music but occasionally with some influence of oriental, jazz and classical music.  His pieces contain highly complex, rhythmic patterns and attractive melodies that are incomparable with any other kind of music known today.   He is clarinet virtuoso in folk, jazz and classical music. Everyone who has listened to his performances of unique Macedonian folk dances, and classical and jazz music, has concluded that he is one of the most innovative and important figures in the history of music in the world.  He has appeared in many televised concerts broadcast in Europe and North America and has, as an international Ambassador of music, created new musical horizons for the clarinet.  
He is musically innovative and has revolutionized the sounds of folk, jazz and classical music. He is a remarkable improviser who possesses great harmonic knowledge and total technical command of rhythm variation, making anything possible. He created his own, solo-improvisations called “manjinja” (cadenzas), which were fresh, radical, and totally distinctive.  They were related to the original version, but had not destroyed it.
Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted. His virtuoso and complex compositions are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire.  He has made solo performances and recorded pieces with many orchestras.  He has been featured in many televised concerts broadcast in Europe and United States.  His unique style with the clarinet has earned him an international reputation. His genius is ably demonstrated through his musical interpretations, compositions and band leadership. His compositions and clarinet interpretations are some of the most spectacular in the world of music.

The television programme ' Folk Plus' of Macedonian Radio Television on February 8, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  The journalist, Vesna Trajchevska said: “The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is Musical Genius and the best instrumentalist in the world. “ Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the clarinet his own composition “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro” accompanied by ‘Folk Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television.  Tale Ognenovski said: “My performances on the small bagpipe and zourla on my composition “Sharsko oro” is confirmation that I am the best small bagpiper and zourlist for all time… My solo playing on the clarinet and pipe (‘kavalche’) generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the Carnegie Hall. The Carnegie Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience… I was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but I also  arranged  the music and added 80% my own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where I have performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist… At the end of the concert in Carnegie Hall, the audiences surrounded me and all the members of Ensemble "Tanec", congratulated us for our display of tremendous skill, and asked for our autographs. Many of them told  me that I am the number one clarinetist…”. Stevan Ognenovski said: “This Audio CD is the best album for all time for instrumental music, which includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). His album is confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper for  all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity, and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music. Tale Ognenovski is composer and soloist of all music on his album. No one else can compare with his playing Macedonian folk dances, jazz and classical music on the clarinet, reed pipe, small bagpipe and zourla...

The television programme ' Utrinsko ogledalo' of Macedonian Radio Television.  on February 10, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  “. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. The journalist, Sinolichka Dzambazova said: “You are one of the greatest Ambassadors in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms… The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is the best instrumentalist in the world… In their commentaries, the North American press gave  magnificent descriptions of your performance in Carnegie Hall…

Tale Ognenovski in the books and encyclopedias:
Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer with his Buffet Crampon and Dushko Dimitrovski, ethnomusicologist in 1999.

Zlatko Origjanski, musician, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Tale Ognenovski
, clarinetist and composer with his Buffet Crampon, Vanja Lazarova Dimitrovska, singer and Dushko Dimitrovski, ethnomusicologist in 1999.

Book:  For "Our Music" (За Наша Музика) ;  Author: Dushko Dimitrovski; Publisher: BID "Misirkov" (1994).
In his book, For Our Music (За Наша Музика) Dushko Dimitrovski writes: The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Both Jesus Christ’s: “I came not to do away with the Bible, but to fulfil and continue it”, and Michalangelo’s: “The Artist must adopt strict, artistic rules at first, to be able to break them afterwards”… could well apply to Ognenovski. Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the reed pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music. As if the ingenious knowledge of the ‘chalgija’ universe, but also with the live primordial in the rustic sound, together with the vivid, creative touch of the mysteries of European classical music idea, had predetermined the outstanding talent of Ognenovski to make one, perhaps unconscious, but in musical and historical terms, more than far-reaching creative step forward. In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labyrinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?...”, Dimitrovski, Dushko, За Наша Музика - For Our Music, pp 114-116. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID "Misirkov", 1994.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer is author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia , in 1989.

Rough Guide to World Music Volume One: Africa, Europe & The Middle East
Simon Broughton (Author), Mark Ellingham (Author), Publisher: Rough Guides; 2nd edition (February 7, 2000); Language: English; ISBN-10: 1858286352; ISBN-13: 978-1858286358 - "One of the few clarinettists to have performed successfully both with a calgia and in the more modern style is Tale Ognenovski, born in 1922 and one of the most influential musicians of the post-war era. He was a member of the Tanec group during the 1950s and lead clarinet of the Radio Skopje calgia. The composer of many tunes that have become standards, he is today the leader of his own group, and a master of the more Westernised style that become prominent in the 1940s and 50s. This is the style that still holds sway, and which is the basis for Macedonia's own new composed folk music." (pp 203).

Text of this book at Google Books https://books.google.mk/books?id=gyiTOcnb2yYC&pg=PA203&lpg=PA203&dq=tale+ognenovski&source=bl&ots=AQyVYEuaZG&sig=vvqqHc1Xrpgd6JKIqgSXzUJXmI4&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=tale%20ognenovski&f=false

Lichnosti od Makedonija (Distinguished People from Macedonia); 
Authors: Petar Karajanov, Hristo Andonovski, Jovan Pavlovski; Publisher: MI-AN (2002), Republic ofMacedonia; Language: Macedonian; ISBN 9989-613-28-1 - "...Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances. With his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" at Carnegie Hall in New York City he received his first international success... (pp 233)

Authors: Lence Andonovska, Naume Gorgievski, Blagoj Nikolov, Trajko Ognenovski, Gordana Pesevska, Aneta Stefanovska, Svetlana Taleska, Publisher: NUUB “St. Clement Ohridski” – Bitola and Municipality of Bitola (2007), Republic of Macedonia; Language: Macedonian and English; ISBN 978-9989-2783-0-3 - "Ognenovski, Tale (1922), Macedonian clarinetist , one of the most important Macedonian folk musicians; belong to the line of the biggest instrumentalists and composers in the world music. He made the connection between the oriental and the western music and represents one of the biggest exponents of the composing for a clarinet. He has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert
“T.Ognenovski concert for clarinet number 1” and many jazz compositions. Tale is one of the best representatives in playing of a clarinet with special technique, inventiveness and amazing improvisation virtuosity..." (pp 161-162)

Tale Ognenovski 
Lambert M. Surhone (Editor), Mariam T. Tennoe (Editor), Susan F. Henssonow (Editor) 
Product Description: The content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Tale Ognenovski (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски) (born April 27, 1922) is a Macedonian multi-instrumentalist: clarinet, reed pipe (instrument) (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla (zurla) and drum, composer and bandleader. On January 27, 1956, he performed at Carnegie Hall, New York City as clarinet and reed pipe (recorder) soloist of Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".
Product Details: Paperback: 92 pages
Publisher: Betascript Publishing (March 2, 2011)
Language: English; ISBN-10: 613507024X; ISBN-13: 978-6135070248.
Betascript Publishing is part of VDM Publishing Group based in Saarbrücken, Germany. VDM Publishing specializes in German, Russian, Spanish, French and English dissertations, theses and research projects. VDM Publishing is one of the leading publishing houses of academic research.

Britannica  Concise Encyclopedia;

2005 Encyclopedia  Britannica, Inc; Publisher: Toper and Media Print Makedonija, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Language: Macedonian; ISBN 9989-165-12-2 - "Ognenovski, Tale - Clarinetist and composer, born in village Brusnik, Bitola. As clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso he reached international success with his performances with National Ensemble "Tanec". He composed hundred folk dances... " (pp 66, book 7)

Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. who wrote the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000). Publishing house is Matica Makedonska, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski).
Editor in chief and Director Rade SILJAN; Editor Dejan PAVLESKI; Cover Stevan OGNENOVSKI Mag.Scient.; Design editor Niko P. TOZI; ISBN 9989-48-312-4 ; 406 pages (format A4).

"...This monograph consists of 12 important chapter in this own way represents a looking glass of the artist's profile. In the first chapter the author, using selected materials, has included biographical data and individual articles about Tale Ognenovski's performances, as well as significant statements about his contribution towards the common proclamation of our cultural values with Ensemble "Tanec" on their mammoth tours in the United States of America, Canada and Germany in 1956, followed by the tours in France and Switzerland in 1959. Perhaps the most significant of his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" was the one in the famous Carnegie Hall in America. After these particular appearances that introduced Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble 'Tanec' to the world, in the next chapter the author succeeds in presenting the most significant journalist and professional comments about the folk genius of the clarinet. These articles record the numerous awards and honours that he received for his artistic works. The author Stevan Ognenovski includes the music notationof the Tale Ognenovski's own dance compositions, in addition to the "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto for Clarinet and the "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1". With all these the artist's profile has become richer... This monograph contains valuable material for researcher in this area of folklore to use to study successfully this phenomenon called Tale Ognenovski" - Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist.

"This book can be distinguished from others by the way research has been extraordinarity complete and scrupulously conducted. An enormous number of richly illustrated moments in his life and the creative style of Tale Ognenovski make it possible for everyone to see the extraordinary values and dimensions of this artistic person as one of the most important instrumental maestros in the world and a uniquely creative musician. Following the life history and the art of this great musician, Stevan Ognenovski Mag.Scient. presents the rich variety of events during these times and the creative works of the maestro. Before our very eyes appear numerous persons and manifestations as components of one treasured part of Macedonian spirit and cultural history. These things contribute additionally towards the value of this book..." - Dushko Dimitrovski, ethnomusicologist.

Library of Congress information at
http://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 and World catalog at

Book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski Mag.Scient.

With this Diploma Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. received scientific degree of Magister of Technical Sciences in the field of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia on March 7, 1991. The diploma is issued in Croatian language and Latin language. (420 ECTS  credits - given the Bologna comparison system among academic programs).

Promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Writer of the book is Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient . The promotion of the book was organized by the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances under the auspices of the National Institution Center of Culture "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

On the promotion of the book were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovsli (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.)

Information for the  promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, was published in newspapers: “Nova Makedonija” (Article entitled: “The 40th Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances, July 2 2001), “Vecher” (Article entitled: “Balkan gathering 600 dancers”, July 5, 2001) and the “Utrinski Vesnik” (Article entitled: “Started Balkan Festival of folk Songs and Dances, July 7, 2001).

On the beginning of the promotion, the author of the book Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  read the letter from Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia and the letter of Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia.

In the letter Mr. Boris Trajkovski, President of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer writes: "Dear Mr. Ognenovski,
Extraordinary feelings, undoubtedly evokes monographic work of your great musical opus, rarely inventive and gifted instrumentalist and composer. Numerous tours and awards in our country and in the world talking about your virtuosity in unsurpassed merger of oriental and western music. Priceless is your merit for promotion of Macedonian traditional and folk music around the world. But at the same time it should be noted and pedagogical activity with young enthusiasts - your followers. Your music and solo performances, left a mark of unsurpassed clarinetist who his perpetual inspiration finds in the  most valuable that has this country – Macedonian folklore. I think that words cannot express what is experienced in the moments of your interpretations. But I still believe in the value of this monographic work that will remain a permanent mark for one glowing personality for future generations.

Boris Trajkovski, President of the Republic of Macedonia

Skopje, July 9, 2001"

Почитуван господине Огненовски,

Несекојдневно е чуството кое несомнено го буди монографското дело на Вашиот огромен музички опус, како ретко инвентивен и надарен инструменталист и композитор. Многубројните гостувања и награди кај нас и во светот говорат за Вашата виртуозност во ненадминливиот спој на ориенталната и западната музика. Непроценлива е Вашата заслуга за афирмација на македонската изворна и народна музика ширум светот. Но, истовремено треба да се истакне и педагошката активност со младите ентузијасти – Вашите следбеници.
Вашата музика, солистичките настапи, оставија белег на ненадминлив кларинетист кој својата непресушна инспирација ја наоѓа во највредното што го има ова поднебје – македонскиот фолклор.

Мислам дека со зборови не може да се искаже се она што се доживува во миговите на Вашите интерпретации. Но, сепак верувам во вредноста на ова монографско дело кое ќе остане како траен белег за едно блескаво име на идните генерации.

Борис Трајковски, Претседател на Република Македонија

Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година

In the letter Mr. Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia addressed to Mr. Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and to Mr. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  writes: "Dear Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski,
Invitation to attend at the promotion of the book "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", causes me great honour and pleasure. I am glad that the promotion of the book is at the same time of maintaining the Balkan Folklore Festival and will enriches the content of this event. Of course it is important that you have managed to book issued in Macedonian and English. Congratulating you on the success and wishing you further success, expressing my regret that due to commitments I am not able to attend the promotion of your book.

I wish that the promotion to relive the true moments that deserves the book.


Ljubcho Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia

Skopje, July 9, 2001"  

“Почитувани Тале Огненовски и Стеван Огненовски,

Поканата да присуствувам на промоцијата на книгата “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, ми причини посебна чест и задоволство.

Ме радува што промоцијата на книгата е во исто време со одржувањето на Балканскиот фолклорен фестивал што ја збогатува содржината и на оваа Манифестација.

Секако значајно е и тоа што сте успеале книгата да ја издадете на македонски и англиски јазик.

Честитајќи Ви за успехот и посакувајќи Ви натамошни успеси, го изразувам моето жалење, што поради обврските не сум во можност да присуствувам на промоцијата на Вашата книга.

Посакувам промоцијата да ги доживее вистинските моменти што ги заслужува книгата.

Со почит,

Љубчо Георгиевски, Претседател на Владата на Република Македонија

Скопје, 9 јули 2001 година”

At the promotion of the book, Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book said:

"...This monograph consists of 12 important chapter in this own way represents a looking glass of the artist's profile. In the first chapter the author, using selected materials, has included biographical data and individual articles about Tale Ognenovski's performances, as well as significant statements about his contribution towards the common proclamation of our cultural values with Ensemble "Tanec" on their mammoth tours in the United States of America, Canada and Germany in 1956, followed by the tours in France and Switzerland in 1959. Perhaps the most significant of his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" was the one in the famous Carnegie Hall in America. After these particular appearances that introduced Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble 'Tanec' to the world, in the next chapter the author succeeds in presenting the most significant journalist and professional comments about the folk genius of the clarinet. These articles record the numerous awards and honours that he received for his artistic works. The author Stevan Ognenovski includes the music notationof the Tale Ognenovski's own dance compositions, in addition to the "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto for Clarinet and the "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1". With all these the artist's profile has become richer... This monograph contains valuable material for researcher in this area of folklore to use to study successfully this phenomenon called Tale Ognenovski"

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer speaks at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., writer of the book, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer speaks at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., writer of the book and Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer performs at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid
and Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer performs with Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer received great applause from the audience for his playing at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From right to left: Ivan Chorbev, Ph.D. (standing), Katerina Chorbeva, Dipl.-Med. (standing)… Kliment Ognenovski, Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"…

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer performs with Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer performs at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer performs at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

Suzana Jolevska, (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America
and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”, Boshko Trenevski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nada Andreeva and  Kliment  Ognenovski at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Suzana Jolevska, (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”, Nada Andreeva, Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, Boshko Trenevski, general manager of
the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”, Nada Andreeva (standing), Kliment Ognenovski (he is grandson of Tale Ognenovski), Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and Boshko Trenevski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his reed pipe at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.  With this reed pipe (“kavalche”) Tale Ognenovski performed with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec” in  the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956 including the concert in Carnegie Hall,  New York City on January 27, 1956.), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall,February 13, 1956, Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund) , France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid,  Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer Katerina Chorbeva, Dipl.-Med. and Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his reed pipe at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.  With this reed pipe (“kavalche”) Tale Ognenovski performed with 
Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec” in  the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956 including the concert in Carnegie Hall,  New York City on January 27, 1956.), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall,February 13, 1956, Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund) , France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid,  Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer,  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Katerina Chorbeva, Dipl.-Med. and Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right:
Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid,  Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer,  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer performs at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

Library of Congress, Washington D.C. US information of the book entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" (2000). Publishing house is Matica Makedonska, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Author Mag.Scient. Stevan Ognenovski. http://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Clarinet - Wikipedia
"One of the most renowned Macedonian clarinet players is Tale Ognenovski, who gained worldwide fame for his virtuosity.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarinet

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos in front of Macedonian Radio Television in 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in front of Macedonian Radio Television in 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Blagoja Deskoski, violinist and composer in front of Macedonian Radio Television in 2000.

Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Hartel edition (Publisher’s no.: Nr. 2300). Perhaps this is unique recording where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 from the Third movement: Rondo: Allegro are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in Breitkopf & Härtel edition. (Time: 09:29 – 09:34 in this recording). The full, wonderful sound of the modern A clarinet is rich and Ognenovski's playing is superb, with good tempo and intonation throughout.

Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 Rondo Allegro Performed by Tale Ognenovski

Breitkopf & Härtel is the world's oldest music publishing house. The firm was founded in 1719 in Leipzig by Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf (1695-1777). The catalogue currently contains over 1000 composers, 8000 works and 15,000 music editions or books on music.

AllAboutJazz.com Publicity News:

Posted: 2010-04-27

Jazz Musician of the Day - April 27, 2010: Tale Ognenovski


All About Jazz celebrated Tale Ognenovski's birthday April 27, 2010, with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day - April 27, 2010 Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922.

All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day - April 27, 2010 was announced at http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=54768#.Ur2fdvRDuHM  All About Jazz

All About Jazz is a leading jazz music website for enthusiasts and industry professionals based in Philadelphia in the United States.

Tale Ognenovski received All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day first time on April 27, 2009


Newspaper “Shpic”, Republic of Macedonia.

Valentina Gorgievska of the newspaper Spic wrote: "Macedonian Music Virtuoso Tale Ognenovski received second time All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day on April 27, 2010, the day of his 88th birthday... This is great recognition and for such recognition in the days when you were born, whether at that moment they were alive or deceased, received the other the most famous jazzers of all time - Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Artie Shaw, Sidney Bechet, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and others. Article: "Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician of the Day", April 30, 2010, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Music Industry News Network – Music Events: Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com


AllAboutJazz.com Publicity News: 

Jazz Musician of the Day - April 27, 2009: Tale Ognenovski

·         http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM

Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski
Posted: 2009-04-27
All About Jazz is celebrating Tale Ognenovski's birthday today!

Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time, demonstrating unique skill... more
Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz

All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 

Magazine Tea Moderna

Ognenovski gave interview to Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, editor of magazine Tea Modena in July 2009. Tale Ognenovski noted that "In my jazz compositions Macedonia can be recognized as music performed by Tale Ognenovski." Article entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Tea Moderna, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 29, 2009.

AllAboutJazz.com Publicity News:
Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Clarinetist on YouTube

SOURCE: AllAboutJazz.com Publicity   
Posted: 2009-04-12 

AllAboutJazz.com Publicity News: 
New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski" of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance and Classical Clarinetist

SOURCE: AllAboutJazz.com Publicity

Posted: 2008-09-27  

60th anniversary of receiving his First Award as the best clarinetist 11 October, 1948  -  11 October, 2008.
On October 11, 2008 Tale Ognenovski commemorated the 60th anniversary of receiving his First Award as the best clarinetist of 'First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs' (11 October, 1948). 453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in the festival in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

On February 25, 1999, the Tale Ognenovski Web site http://www.taleognenovski.mk/index.html was listed on Anne Bell’s Clarinet Website Index on the Internet under  http://www.anne-bell.woodwind.org/ABCClar.htm#P&T , together with another 20 world famous clarinetists.


Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet in front of his house in the village Brusnik in 2000, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia

This is the story of one of the most extraordinary figures in the history of world music.

Tale Ognenovski is one of the world’s most innovative and renowned professional instrumentalists, and is the greatest clarinetist of all time. His compositions of various kinds of music made him a musical phenomenon. On January 27, 1956, Tale Ognenovski, Macedonian clarinetist and composer, appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at Carnegie Hall in New York City. He toured throughout North America and Europe, and amazed audiences with his brilliant musical ability.

Tale Ognenovski’s remarkable international career has enabled him to make a significant contribution to the world of music with his own style and unique abilities. With the clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”), he demonstrated inimitable technique, a wealth of invention and outstanding musical competence.

1.  Musical genius Tale Ognenovski

Tale Ognenovski (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски) (Born: April 27, 1922, village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia - Died: June 19, 2012, Skopje Republic of Macedonia; Nationality: Macedonian) was a Macedonian multi-instrumentalist: clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’ - recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla (zurla) and drum, composer, bandleader and music producer. On April 27, 1922, a musical genius Tale Ognenovski was born in village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski was the son of Jovan (1893–1933) and Fanija (Vanka, 1893–1972) Ognenovski.  His paternal grandfather was Risto (father of Jovan), his paternal grandmother was Marija (Mara) and his great paternal grandfather was Ognen (Macedonian: Огнен – English: Fire).
Tale Ognenovski  
began to play on the reed pipe (“kavalche”) at the age of 7 (1929) when he made his first musical composition. He created his own distinctive style and he composed different musical forms, including 300 instrumental compositionas:  Macedonian folk dances, jazz instrumental compositions and classical concerts including concert for clarinet entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”. Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 is the most beautiful and the most difficult Clarinet Concerto of all time. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. 

During his career, he appeared with the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on some of the world’s most prestigious concert stages.  These include appearances in New York City (Carnegie Hall, January 27, 1956 and the Brooklyn Academy of Music, April 11 and 12, 1956), Boston (Symphony Hall, January 1, 1956), Chicago (Chicago Civic Opera House, February 4 and 5, 1956), Philadelphia (Academy of Music, February 7, 1956), Washington, D.C. (Constitution Hall, February 9, 1956), Baltimore (Lyric Theater, February 10, 1956), Pittsburgh (Syria Mosque Theater, February 12, 1956), Detroit (Masonic Auditorium, February 18, 1956), Indianapolis (Murat Theater, February 20, 1956), Saint Louis (Municipal Auditorium, February 26, 1956), Kansas City (Music Hall, February 29, 1956), Colorado Springs (City Auditorium, March 3, 1956), Denver (Auditorium Arena, March 4, 1956), San Francisco (Opera House, March 7 and 9, 1956), Los Angeles (Philharmonic Auditorium, March 12, 13 and 14, 1956), Houston (City Auditorium, March 28 and 29, 1956), New Orleans (Civic Theatre, April 1, 2 and 3, 1956), Atlanta (Tower Theatre, April 5, 6 and 7, 1956), Toronto (Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Bonn (Town Theater, October 29, 1956), Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Paris, (September 20-22, 1959) Le Havre, Nantes, Lille, Geneva (July 9 and 10, 1959.), Berne (July 7 and 8, 1959.)...

During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski performed in a multitude of concerts.  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959), Bulgaria (November and December, 1955), Romania, (9 concerts, December, 1957 and January 1958), Albania (9 concerts, October, 1957), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia.  The public and audiences greeted ‘Tanec’ wherever they performed with great warmth, and showed their appreciation with huge applause.  Tale Ognenovski and all other members of the Ensemble became international ambassadors of music.

Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz compositions, classical concerts... Tale Ognenovski , Clarinetist and Composer  was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1991. Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental arrangments or compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia ZAMP - Macédoine (Здружението за заштита на авторски музички права-ЗАМП) since 1963. ZAMP – Macédoine is the member of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz Society), France (Sacem Society), Sweden (Gema Society), Finland (Teosto Society), Great Britain, Denmark, Austria… APRA  Society ("Piperkovo oro", "Prilepsko svadbarsko oro", Egejsko oro", "Mominsko oro", "Patruno svadbeno oro"...); HDS Society ("Pelistersko oro"), SAZAS Society ("Piperkovo oro")  also protect compositions of Tale Ognenovski.

List of 300 Instrumental Compositions composed or arranged by Tale Ognenovski and recorded by Tale Ognenovski at Recording Labels:
MRT, Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia
RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia
Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia
IR, Independent Records, USA 
can be found at Website http://www.taleognenovski.mk

During his career, Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged 300 Instrumental compositions: Macedonian folk dances, classical concerts, jazz instrumental compositions: "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12" (CD Album entitled: Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824)), classical concert for clarinet entitled “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1” (CD Album entitled: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223)), 12 arrangements for two clarinets for “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart including tracks: “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”; “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio”; “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo – Allegro” (CD Album: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos”, Record label: Independent Records, USA, Catalog: IR37223); “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale OgnenovskI “; “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” (CD Album: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”, Record Label: Independent Records, USA, Catalog: IR43832).

Macedonian folk dances were recorded at the studio of Macedonian Radio Television.  Most of them are solo pieces on the clarinet and 12 are solo pieces on the reed pipe (“kavalche”).  The majority of them are his own compositions. Tale Ognenovski has composed or arranged Macedonian folk dances including: Nevenino Oro, Brusnichko Oro, Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro, Pelistersko oro, Pajdushkata, Pelagonisko Oro, Sharsko Oro, Skudrinsko Oro, Trnovsko Oro, Caparsko Oro, Chamiko Oro, Zhensko Krsteno Oro, Adana Oro, Talevo Kasapsko Oro, Stevchevo Oro, Talevo Brusnichko Oro, Ohridsko Za Raka, Bitolsko Oro, Bitolsko Svadbarsko Oro, Talevo Svadbarsko Oro, Piperkovo Oro, Zhensko Kichevsko Oro, Staroto Oro, Starsko Za Ramo, Kumovo Oro Chochek, Kavadarsko Svadbarsko Oro, Demirhisarsko Zhensko Oro, Gorno Selsko Oro, Zhensko Veleshko Oro, Prilepsko Svadbarsko Oro, Resensko Oro, Poljansko Oro, Kasapsko Oro, Patruno Svadbeno Oro, Mominsko Oro, Egejsko Oro, Ohridsko oro, Bukovsko Oro, Dihovsko Oro, Prespansko Oro, Deverovo Oro, Veleshko Zhensko Oro, Skopski Vesel Chochek, Skopsko Zhensko Oro, Kalamatijana, Ohridsko oro, Bitolsko za ramo, Skopsko zhensko oro, Brusnichko mladinsko oro, Talevo Brusnichko oro, Kavadarsko oro, Skopski chochek, Talevo svadbarsko oro, Bukovsko oro, Kumovo oro, Pajdushko svadbarsko oro and Germijansko Oro.

Tale Ognenovski recorded his 77 Folk Dances on 11 LPs (Long Play gramophone records), 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, one videotape and one CD with the gramophone producers: PGP RTB (Radio Television Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia), JUGOTON (Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia), BEOGRAD DISK (Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia), DISKOS (Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia), RTS (Radio Television Skopje, Republic of Macedonia), MRT (Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia) and Record label: Independent Records, USA (CD Album entitled: "Jazz,  Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Catalog: IR04542).   Most of them are recorded with his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra and others with Orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television, the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra, the Kocho Petrovski Orchestra and the Pece Atanasovski Orchestra. Record Labels: Radio Television Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia (PGP RTB), Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Radio Television Skopje and Macedonian Radio Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

 Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (from left to right). Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009.

Member of Music Orchestras
Tale Ognenovski was employed as a musician in:  the Macedonian Police Wind Orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the People's Republic of Macedonia, from November 15, 1951 to October 30, 1954 and the City of Skopje Music Wind Orchestra, from October 30, 1954 to July 1, 1956.
The repertoire for both of these Orchestras consisted classical works. These included Bizet's "Carmen", "The Troubadour", "Aida", "Rigoletto", Verdi's "Nabucco" and "La traviata", "Oberon" by Carl Maria von Weber, Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture", Puccini's "Tosca" and Rossini's "The Barber of Seville". In December 1952, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist, together with the pianist Nino Cipushev as accompaniment, performed the classical concert "Concert Polka for Clarinet" by Miler Bela in the "Police House" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the People's Republic of Macedonia in Skopje. On May 24, 1953, he played clarinet soloist in the same concert with accompaniment of  “Macedonian Police Music Wind Orchestra". The concert was performed in the Radio Skopje building, and broadcast directly to the nation via Radio Skopje. Bela’s concert consists of complicated parts that demand great virtuosity, and many cadenzas that are difficult to perform. Tale Ognenovski performed this concert magnificently, and in doing so became the first clarinet soloist to perform a classical concert for the clarinet in the Republic of Macedonia. This was a memorable event in the country’s history of music.Ognenovski's first classical recording dates from 1970, when he recorded Ernesto Cavallini: Fiori Rossiniani with pianist Professor Ladislav Palfi for Macedonian Radio Television. In 1987 he recorded Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 and Wagner's "Adagio for Clarinet" with pianist Tanja Shopova. Macedonian national television "Macedonian Radio Television" produced two television programmes: "One clarinet - one life" was shown on May 19, 1970 and "One clarinet - one life - Tale Ognenovski", broadcast on July 18, 1987. Both programmes include his biography and performances of classical music and Macedonian folk dances.

 Tale Ognenovski as a virtuoso clarinet soloist performed Macedonian folk dances with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in the film “Rhythm and Sound,” 1955.

In Vardar Film’s 1955 production of “Ritam i zyuk (Rythm and Sound), Tale Ognenovski as a virtuoso clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances “Zhensko Chamche” and “Beranche” with Ensemble ‘Tanec’.  In the film, “Zhensko Chamche” begins with some technically very complicated, solo improvisations by Tale Ognenovski that do not appear in the original version of the folk dance.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in the film “Rhythm and Sound” in 1955

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in the film “Rhythm and Sound” in 1955

From 1960 to 1967, Tale Ognenovski worked with “Macedonian Radio Television”.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1967, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the newspaper “Vecher” on April 1, 1967.
Tale Ognenovski is a member of the ‘Folk Orchestra of Macedonian Radio Television’ which will make its debut between April 14 and 16 at the First Festival of Yugoslavian (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music to be broadcast on the Radio and will be held in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”.  This appeared in the newspaper “Vecher” on April 1, 1967.

Member of the Macedonian Radio Television
Tale Ognenovski was regularly employed in Radio Television Skopje (now Macedonian Radio and Television), from November 1, 1948 to January 1, 1949 and from January 1, 1961 to October 1, 1967. In 1966, Tale Ognenovski became Head of the "Folk Music Orchestra" of "Radio Television Skopje". On the basis of cooperation agreements with Macedonian Radio Television, Tale Ognenovski  was recording music with all orchestras (the "Folk Music Orchestra", the "Chalgii Orchestra”, the “Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra” and the “Tancov Orchestra”) in the periods from January 1, 1952 to October 30, 1955 and from October 1, 1967 to December 30, 1979.

During the years 1962 to 1965, Tale Ognenovski took part in a review programme by Radio Skopje entitled “A Competition of the Towns”.  He also performed as a musician for Radio Skopje, was a leading instrumentalist with the folk orchestra, and coordinator of auditions and the selection of singers from all the towns in the Republic of Macedonia. 

As a member of the folk orchestra, he played Macedonian folk dances as a clarinet soloist at the First Festival of Yugoslavian (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music that was broadcast on radio in Skopje, Macedonia (April 14-16, 1967).  As a clarinet soloist with Macedonian Radio Television’s Folk Music Orchestra, he played other Macedonian folk dances that were broadcast on television by “Television Zagreb”, Zagreb, Croatia. (1966)

During the 1960s Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet soloist in many Macedonian folk dances and songs in numerous theatrical performances at the Macedonian National Theatre.

He performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances as clarinet and pipe soloist at a special concert marking the 25th anniversary of the founding of Radio Television Skopje, performed in the Universal Hall in Skopje on December 19, 1969.  At this concert, Tale Ognenovski demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three, different folk music orchestras of “Macedonian Radio Television”, namely the Folk Music Orchestra, the “Chalgii” Orchestra and the Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra.  The audience that jammed the Universal Hall to capacity gave enthusiastic applause. The concert was a great success, with many other famous singers and instrumentalists taking part.

During the 1960’s, Tale Ognenovski performed at many concerts in the Former Yugoslavia with the orchestra of the legendary Kocho Petrovski.  The orchestra included among its members Dr. Aleksandar Vasevski and Slobodan Nikolovski.

As clarinet soloist, Tale Ognenovski performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances on the television programme “Yugoslavia, Good Day” broadcast on “Television Zagreb” in Croatia, February 27, 1975.

He appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Cultural Artistical Society “Ilinden” in Bitola, held in the “House of Culture”, Bitola in December, 1985. His performances on the clarinet of many of their own, brilliantly composed Macedonian folk dances accompanied by “Ilinden” itself, earned him rapturous applause from the audience.

He appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Belgrade” held in the “House of the Syndicate” in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989.  He played as clarinet soloist two Macedonian folk dances, both of which he composed: Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, and Brusnichko oro.  He had as accompaniment the Folk Music Orchestra of “Radio Television Belgrade”.  Tale Ognenovski received great applause for his virtuoso playing on the clarinet. This concert was broadcast live on “Radio Belgrade”.

Some of the crowning events of Tale Ognenovski’s professional career were his performances as soloist on concerts broadcast on television by Macedonian Television.  These include Mozart’s ‘Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622’ and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’, performed in 1987 and accompanied by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and Cavallini’s concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’ performed in 1970 and accompanied by the legendary pianist Professor Ladislav Palfi. He demonstrated brilliant technique and beautiful tone on each occasion.

National Macedonian Radio broadcast numerous folk music programmes in which were included Macedonian folk dances composed and/or arranged him, and in which he was virtuoso clarinetist and pipe soloist. Three Macedonian folk dances were included in the programme “Sunday folk hit”, broadcast on May 2, 1999.  These were “Pelistersko oro”, “Poljansko oro” and “Kumovo oro - chochek”, all his own compositions.  Also included in the programme was a biography of Tale Ognenovski edited by Orce Gelevski.

Many musicians from Macedonian Radio Television worked together with Tale Ognenovski with the recording of numerous folk dances and songs.  These included Nikolaj Galevski, Angel Nanchevski, Kocho Petrovski, Ivan Terziev, Blagoja Deskovski, Aleksandar Piperkov, Ljupcho Pandilov, Stevo Teodosievski, Todor Petrovski-Tosho, Aleksandar Sarievski, Naser, Suljo, Dimitar Najdenov Taki, Hustref Said, Tosho Gjorgjevic, Metodija Zafirovski-Smolski, Hilmi Baki, Raim Baki, Apostol Gelevski, Pece Atanasovski, Dimitar Bugarski, Dragi Simonovski, Dimitar Krstevski, Risto Vasilevski, Vasil Ivanovski-Javasho, Pero Jarchev, Muarem Sakipov, Mamet, Dragi Anchevski, Angele Dimovski, Tihomir Veskovski, Mahmud Muzafer, Nikola Cvetkovski, Mile Kolarovski, Todor Pavlovski , Ljupcho Ilievski, Petar Lukic, Todor Trajchevski, Petar Petrov, Liljana Avtovska, Borche Polizovski, Slobodan Serafimovski, Vlado Dimitrovski, Mendo Dear, Kosta Smilevski, Mladen (Mladjo), Vesel Chun, Medo Chun, Moamed Chun, Amet Eminov, Akim Memedov, Mefail Sakipov, Moamer, Tome Chrchev, Redzep Pampurovski, Moarem Sali, Slobodan Nikolovski, Kurto and Dimitar Krcovski.
Tale Ognenovski Wave Audio Samples:
W. A. Mozart: Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra, in A Major,  KV 622, soloist on clarinet Tale Ognenovski, accompaniment on piano by Tanja Shopova (35.56 sec, 197KB)

E. Cavallini: Concert "Fiori Rossiniani", soloist on clarinet Tale Ognenovski, accompaniment on piano by Ladislav Palfi (30.79 sec, 170KB)

R. Wagner: "Adagio for Clarinet", soloist on clarinet Tale Ognenovski, accompaniment on piano by Tanja Shopova (33.97sec, 188KB)

Jazz improvisations composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist on the programme “Good Day, Macedonia” of Macedonian Radio Television, July 1, 1998

He has played on the clarinet in many concerts performing with the following Orchestras and Ensembles: the cultural-educational societies in Bitola of “Svetlost”, “Stiv Naumov”, “Ilinden”; folk dance groups from the villages of Brusnik, Dihovo, Nidzopole, Rotino and Lavci; the Radio Bitola orchestras; the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs “Tanec”; cultural art societies: “Vlado Tasevski” and “Kocho Racin”; the academic culture and art society “Mirche Acev; other Ensembles of folk dances and songs including “Orce Nikolov”, “Goce Delchev”, “Dom na gradezhnici Skopje”, “Hor na invalidi Skopje” and “Dom na borci i invalidi Skopje”; the Macedonia Radio and Television folk music orchestras: the Folk Music Orchestra, the “Chalgii” Orchestra and the Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra; the Orchestra of the legendary Stevo Teodosievski and the Ljupcho Pandilov Orchestra.

He made his recording debut as a composer with the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra in 1963, with three Macedonian folk dances all composed by him, and in which he played solo clarinet: “Bitolsko svadbarsko oro”, “Bitolsko oro” and “Pelistersko oro”.  The record (EP 14700) was produced by “RADIO TELEVIZIJA BEOGRAD” (Radio Television Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia).

 In 1965, Tale Ognenovski established his own “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra”

The year 1965 saw Tale Ognenovski establish his own “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra” in Skopje, and  “RADIO TELEVIZIJA BEOGRAD” produce the record EP 14711.  On this record, he gives solo clarinet performances of his four compositions, Prespansko oro, Kumovo oro, Deverovo oro and Dihovsko oro, accompanied by the “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra”.

The members of Tale Ognenovski Orchestra were: Blagoja Deskoski, Slavcho Gjurchilov, Dragi Bogatinov, Mile Serafimovski, Kiril Zivkovski, Borche Polizovski, Sime Fonchev, Mile Serafimov, Hilmi Baki, Raim Baki, Muarem Sali, Redzep Pampurovski, Pande Kominovski, Ilija Stavrevski, Mladen Stojanovic, Dimitar Bugarski, Pancho Musev, Akim Memedov, Rushan, Mefail Sakipov, Hustref Said, Mile Brzanov, Aristid Filaktov, Moamed Chun and Vlado Dimitrovski.

“Resensko oro” performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinetist is recorded on the LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES”

The Macedonian folk dance “Resensko oro” is available on the Jugoton LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES” (“PLESOVI NARODA JUGOSLAVIJE”), reference number LPYV-S-806.  “The tracks on this record contain instrumental, musical folk-dance accompaniments arranged for the public... The aksak rhythm appears in the musical accompaniment of the Macedonian “Resensko oro” (A-4, composed and performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinettist, accompanied by his Tale Ognenovski Folk Ensemble), in a three-beat rhythm, with the extended first unit...” wrote Dr Jerko Bezic on back cover of this record.

The 35th anniversary of the founding of “Macedonian Radio Television” 1944 - 1979.

"…Tale Ognenovski who has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras…" - LP ULS-578

In 1979, Jugoton produced  the LP reference number ULS-578 (P 1979) presenting recordings of Tale Ognenovski performing for “Macedonian Radio Television “.  The LP contains 15 Macedonian folk dances and songs, one of which is the Macedonian folk dance “Veleshko zhensko oro”, composed and performed by the virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski. Some text is written on the back cover of this LP in both Macedonian and English language. A part of this text reads:


...The basic form in which it presents both songs and dances is the so-called level of improvisation which being both inspiring and inventive is relatively close to the common folk way of playing music, which in conditions of live folklore helps the song not to become petrified. This orchestra also fosters differing styles and arrangements. Besides Nikola Galevski, a number of talented instrumentalists have contributed greatly to the qualitative growth of this ensemble. We should certainly mention the names of Angel Nanchevski, Pero Jarchev, Kocho Petrovski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Ivan Terziev, Stevo Teodosiievski, Tale Ognenovski and Blagoja Deskoski - who is in charge of this orchestra - and others.


...Firmly principled in its style, and adaptable to the “chalgija” sound of as many of our folklore regions as possible, the orchestra has always selected as its members the best instrumentalists from all three different “chalgija” schools, that is, from the Skopje, Veles and Bitola schools. Its rich repertoire ranges from this and last century’s old-town songs and dances to those with patriotic motives created during the Liberation war. As “chalgija” is also characteristic of the folklore of other nationalities and ethnic groups who live in Macedonia, the orchestra has produced many Turkish, Albanian, Vlach and Gypsy songs and dances working together with a number of top singers and groups that cultivate this style. However, the orchestra’s instrumentalists themselves have often successfully managed to blend their own group singing into this orchestra. To mention a few: Ordan Hristov, Emin Memedov, Bekir Hadzi Kune, Jashar, Aki Memedov-Chun, Taki Najdenov, Koce Pandilov and Tale Ognenovski who has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras.


…Unique in its sound and very skilful in its ability to create styles and regional sound combinations, this ensemble is a truly spirited performer of our centuries-long authentic music treasure. Working together with many eminent singers and talented individuals from this area who have accurately interpreted our country songs, it has created a large repertoire. The manager of the orchestra is Pece Atanasovski, a well-known master on the bagpipe even outside of Yugoslavia. Among the other well-known instrumentalists, we should mention Todor Boshov, Mile Kolarov, Tale Ognenovski, Nikola Cvetkovski, Meophail Sakipov, and Angele Dimovski. With their numerous performances and tours both in Yugoslavia and abroad, the Radio Skopje folk music orchestras have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1967 with the Folk Music Orchestra of Macedonian Radio Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. From left to right:  Aleksandar Piperkov (guitar), Vasil Ivanovski  / Javash (violin), Tosho Gjorgjevic (contrabass), Angel Nanchevski (accordion), Metodija Zafirovski  / Smolski (small drum), Tale Ognenovski (clarinet), Nikola Badev (singer) and Ivan Terziev (flute).

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer on the poster announcement commemorating the 25th anniversary of the founding of Macedonian Radio Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 19, 1969.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1964 with the Folk Music Orchestra of Macedonian Radio Television, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. From left to right: Angel Nanchevski (accordion), Vasil Ivanovski / Javash (violin), Tale Ognenovski (clarinet,) Tosho Gjorgjevic (contrabass), Ivan Terziev (flute) and Metodija Zafirovski / Smolski (small drum).

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1957, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. From left to right: Dragica Nikolova (singer), Tale Ognenovski (clarinet), Kocho Petrovski (accordion), Aleksandar Vasevski (guitar) and Gjorgji Dimchevski (contrabass).

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1969, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. From left to right: Trpe Cherepovski (singer and folk dancer), Nikola Badev (singer and composer), Jonche Hristovski (singer and composer) and Tale Ognenovski (clarinetist and composer).

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, May 15, 1985, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. From left to right Legendary Macedonian artists: Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer, Angel Nanchevski, accordionist and composer,  Vaska Ilieva, singer and composer, Jonche Hristovski, singer and composer,  Pece Atanasovski, bagpiper and composer and Kocho Petrovski, accordionist and composer receiving the “Macedonian Stage Award” from the Association of Stage Artists of the Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1985 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Photo published in the magazine "Ekran".  Article entitled, " Tale Ognenovski and his jubilees”, 1988, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and his Orchestra in 1967. Picture was taken at the home of Tale Ognenovski in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia during rehearsals for the recording gramophone records with singers for discography house Beograd Disk, Belgrade, Serbia. Nevena Ognenovska, the wife of Tale Ognenovski helped with recording on magnetophon. From left to right: Sime Fonchev, Muarem Sali, Raim Baki, Kiril Zivkovski, Hilmi Baki and Pande Kominovski (standing); Mile Brzanov, Dragi Bogatinov, Tale Ognenovski and Mefail Sakipov (siting down).

“TALE IS UNIQUE.  During the past couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso” - a comment by Gjoko Georgiev on LP 1439 RTB, produced in 1979.

The LP record “Macedonian folk dances played by Tale Ognenovski” (“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski”) reference number LP 1439 STEREO was produced by Radio Television Belgrade in Belgrade in 1979. On the back cover of this record Gjoko Georgiev, the well-known editor of music for Radio Television Skopje, wrote this article entitled “TALE IS UNIQUE” in Macedonian:

“This record allows you to hear the unique, famous, music personality, the solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. When hearing the music, you will feel exhilarating folklore all around you, of the sunny, sad and bright legend of the south being transferred into music. These days Tale is a recognised poet and interpreter of Macedonian folk dances and songs. 
He will live on in the Macedonian folk dances contained on this record.  During the last couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation, displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso.  But he has taken this further, by managing to combine both classical and folk music in the same performance, while keeping their particular styles separate. He demonstrated this while performing Ernesto Cavallini’s Concert “FIORI ROSSINIANI”, Weber’s Concert in ef-mol and Mozart’s Concert in A Major accompanied by Ladislav Palfi on the piano and broadcast on Radio Television Skopje.  He has performed many times in public and played jazz styles based on music by Yugoslav composers, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw...

In this particular area of music, we learn that Tale Ognenovski first began to play the clarinet in Brusnik near Bitola; he then drifted through the Pelagonia plane, crossed over the Vardar and toured throughout Macedonia, thence throughout America, Canada and many European countries.  As he grew so he enlightened audiences and became wealthy, never again to possess the hands of a poor village boy from mountains of Pelister. This record is only a little small example of Tale’s work, but enough to make you aware of his strength and talent”

This Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician” - Ilustrovana Politika

“…Radio Television Belgrade issued a LP of Macedonian folk music, on which are performances by the extraordinary clarinetist Tale Ognenovski.  His music repertoire is folk dances, jazz (besides others he includes works by Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw), concerts from Weber, Mozart and Cavallini...This is Tale Ognenovski who began to play the clarinet in the village of Brusnik near Bitola, who with this wooden instrument toured the world and received well-deserved applause wherever he performed.  The names of the folk dances which Tale Ognenovski plays will not be given; this is unnecessary because this is a particularly good record that proves that this Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician”, from the magazine “Ilustrovana Politika”, under the title, “New records - Macedonian folk dances”, published in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1979.

(This commentary is a message to the reader on the release of the record RTB LP 1439 STEREO).

It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music.

“... It is not widely known both in Yugoslavia and around the world, that the renowned virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a concert clarinetist. Indeed, it is not widely known that Tale Ognenovski can play other styles of music such as jazz, improvising in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, or dance music.  It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required. It is particularly amazing that he can change the shade and the vibrato in a single moment.  The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude all others.”  From an article by Professor Ladislav Palfi, the famous pianist, in a letter dated May 23, 1973.

  Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977.
At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Macedonian Radio Television” from the Republic of Macedonia.  He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia).  He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”. This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski.  From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of “Macedonian Radio Television”. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world.  The Department of Folk Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Macedonian Radio Television” asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”.  Source: An article entitled, “One item of music material presented in Istanbul creates great interest in the world about “Chalgii” music”, from the magazine “Ekran”, published on December 2, 1977 and the TV programme “Black and White production”, by the journalist Irena Spirovska, broadcast on “Macedonian Radio Television”.

These two Macedonian folk dances, “Kumovo oro cocek,” composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and “Kasapsko oro,” arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski are available on the Jugoton LP record and cassette “Tale Ognenovski plays dances on the clarinet”, reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321 respectively, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1975.

“Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances, Tale Ognenovski on the clarinet with his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-34461 and LPY-61143 produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1972.

“Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP  “Macedonian folk dances played by Ensemble “Chalgija”, conducted by Tale Ognenovski”, reference number EPY-34489, produced by Jugoton, 1972. 

“Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television” is available on the cassette “Anthology on Macedonian folk music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, produced by the music and cassette department of Macedonian Radio Television”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1994

On August 8 and 9, 1992, Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik. 
Mr. Kiro Gligorov, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Petar, Metropolitan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church were present at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the establishment of the village of Brusnik, near Bitola, on August 8 and 9, 1992.

Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances accompanied by the Culture and Arts Society “Ilinden” from Bitola.  Tale Ognenovski amazed all those present at the celebration with his marvellous solo performance on the clarinet.

The celebration was recorded and shown on “Macedonian Radio Television” in the programme “Among the villages - 600 years of Brusnik”, 1992.  The Macedonia Radio Television journalist Suzana Trajkovska commented about the programme, “Tale Ognenovski is a virtuoso of the clarinet...”

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and Suzana Trajkovska, Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, August 8, 1992.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, August 8, 1992.

“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is.”  -  Violeta Hadzi Skerleva, Ekran

“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc.  He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is.  In the records it says of his debut, first with the pianist Nino Cipushev, and later with the famous pianist Ladislav Palfi, that the way Tale Ognenovski plays the most complicated classic music is on a par with that of the most famous clarinetists in the world.  Experts of classical music have said that Tale Ognenovski’s skill with the clarinet is nowhere near that of the most famous classical music clarinetist in the world.  On the contrary.”  Journalist Violeta Hadzi Skerleva wrote this in her article “ Skopje.  First Clarinetist of ’94 Tale Ognenovski, a portrait” published in the magazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 20, 1994.


“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.

Tale Ognenovski is a synonym for a completely different style of music.

“Each different musician who develops his or her own style of music becomes a synonym for that music; for example, Kocho Petrovski, Stevo Teodosievski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Angel Nanchevski, Aleksandar Sarievski, Tale Ognenovski, Pece Atanasovski, Ivan Terziev, Blagoja Deskoski, Petar Lukic, Zoran Jovanovic, Petar Kargov, Ilija Pejovski-Bas and others”, from the article “Macedonian Radio Television in Words and Pictures”, published by Macedonian Radio Television in 1994 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of  their founding.

The 50th anniversary of the founding of “Macedonian Radio Television”

 “Kasapsko oro”, the folk dance arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and with him playing solo clarinet accompanied by the “Chalgii” Orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television”, was released in 1994 on the cassette, “Anthology of Macedonian folk music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of Macedonian Radio Television.  It was produced by the Music and Cassette Department of Macedonian Radio Television; the editor was Mate Grujovski and the chief editor, Jane Kodjabashija.

The 50th anniversary of the “Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia

Tale Ognenovski’s 300 instrumental compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia (“ZAMP”), the director of which is Mr. Zoran Vaskovski.  Tale Ognenovski was invited by the society to a concert of the Orchestras of “Macedonian Radio Television” marking its 50th anniversary, on December 3, 1997. The Folk Music Orchestra, the “Chalgii” Orchestra and the Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra all performed.

At the concert, which was shown on Macedonian Television on January 6, 1998, the legendary singer Jonche Hristovski said: “Respected guests. I have the honour to greet genius maestro of the clarinet Tale Ognenovski who is present with us today”. Tale Ognenovski received great applause from the audience, and offered his thanks to them and to Jonche Hristovski.  The audience were given a brochure, written by Kiril Todevski of Skopje on December 3, 1997.  In the document, that gave an account of the history of the Folk Music Orchestras of “Macedonian Radio Television”, reference was made to the best creative instrumentalists; these were Nikolaj Galevski, Tale Ognenovski, Pece Atanasovski, Kocho Petrovski, Angel Nanchevski, Ivan Terziev, Ljupco Pandilovski, Mile Kolarovski, Nikola Cvetkovski, Hilmi Baki, Blagoja Deskovski, Todor Trajchevski, Mefail Sakipov, Angele Dimovski, Hustref Said, Raim Baki and others.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer made his debut at the Skopje Summer Festival on June 29, 1998.  Before the debut the director of the Skopje Summer Festival and journalist, Liljana Stoilkovska said: “Respected guests. I have the honour to present to you the great virtuoso on the clarinet, Tale Ognenovski who, 50 years ago, at the first Macedonian Republic festival of Folk Dances and Songs received First Award as the best clarinetist.  I wish you good health in the future, and many more years playing the clarinet”.  Tale Ognenovski offered his thanks for these good wishes on his 50th anniversary.  He played as virtuoso clarinet soloist, two Macedonian folk dances, his arrangement ‘Kasapsko oro’ and his composition ‘Brusnichko oro’. He received great applause from the audience.

"Twenty folk musicians from Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia  including Vaska Ilieva, Jonche Hristovski, Blaga Petreska, Tale Ognenovski, tonight at 20:30 pm will hold traditional summer concert on the quay below the Stone Bridge.", wrote the newspaper "Vecher"on 29 June 1998. titled "Tonigh, folk musicians from Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia  on Skopje Summer". Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer made his debut at the Skopje Summer Festival on June 29, 1998. He played as virtuoso clarinet soloist, two Macedonian folk dances, his arrangement ‘Kasapsko oro’ and his composition ‘Brusnichko oro’. He received great applause from the audience. Photo with his family after his performace.  From left to right: Margarita Ognenovska, Tale Ognenovski, Stevan Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski.

This Balkan Folklore was so rich.

“…When I left for America in 1979, I realised that this Balkan folklore was so rich.  I always find Macedonian music most interesting.  I have rare gramophone records by Kiril Manchevski, Pece Atanasovski and Tale Ognenovski that I have collected every time I’ve been here...” commented Miroslav Tadic in an interview for the magazine EKRAN entitled “Interview with Miroslav Tadic”.  It was published on October 22, 1998, and the journalist was Ljubomir Grbevski.

In their January 1997 issue, the editors of GUITAR PLAYER magazine voted Miroslav Tadic one of the top thirty, most radical and individual guitarists in the world. 

The 50th anniversary of the founding of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

The Ensemble of Macedonian folk dances and songs ‘Tanec’ performed its anniversary concert at the Macedonian National Theatre on December 11, 1999. Present as special guests were Tale Ognenovski and other former members of the Ensemble. Its director, Mr. Boshko Trenevski, said that all its former and current members were praised for their very successful foreign tours and for their affirmation of Macedonian Culture. The concert’s patron was the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.  Present at this concert were Mr. Ljubco Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, his Grace the Archbishop of Ohrid, the Macedonia G.G. Stefan, Government Ministers of the Republic of Macedonia and representatives of foreign Embassies.

The Official Website of Tale Ognenovski, Titan of the Clarinet and Composer  http://www.taleognenovski.mk

The Wikipedia Website of Tale Ognenovski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos with his Buffet Crampon Clarinet in 1951, 1953, 1965, 1973, 1975 and 1979

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1951

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1953

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1965

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet in 1973

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet in 1975

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet in 1979

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet in 1973

Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Germany.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" toured Germany in 1956

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"Donaueschingen (sources of the river Danube  (in German: Donau), Germany, October, 1956

Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso with Ensemble ‘Tanec’, toured Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956.  The Ensemble performed 72 amazingly successful concerts in many towns, including Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Bonn (Bonn Town Theatre - every seat was full. Present in the audience was the Mayor of Bonn, many prominent politicians, diplomats and domestic and foreign journalists), Bayreuth (Bayreuth Festival Theatre - German: Bayreuther Festspielhaus:  is an opera house north of Bayreuth, Germany, dedicated solely to the performance of operas by the 19th-century German composer Richard Wagner. It is the venue for the annual Bayreuth Festival, for which it was specifically conceived and built. The building was first opened for the premiere of the complete four-opera cycle of Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung), from 13 to 17 August 1876; The capacity is 1,925.), Gottingen, Munich and Wiesbaden, and every performance was a sell-out.  As part of their tour of France in 1959, they performed two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959, playing to an audience of 7000 on each occasion.

Compliments, and photographs from the performances of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec, have appeared in the newspapers of every town where Ensemble have staged a concert.

Tale Ognenovski performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist

The majority of the programme of Ensemble Tanec’s German tour comprised of Macedonian folk dances and songs with the rest made up of Serbian and Croatian dances and songs and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist for most of the programme, in particular in the Macedonian folk dances ‘A Bride’s Dance (Nevestinsko Oro)’, ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘The Shepherds’ Dance (Ovcharsko Oro), ‘Soborski Igri’, in Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘SHOTE’, an Albanian folk dance. Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Shopska petorka’ but also an arranger of the music because he added his own improvisations in some areas of the dance. This is the case with other dances that Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist.

On October 1, 1956 Ensemble "Tanec" performed a successful concert in Bonn Town Theatre and every seat was full. "Present in the audience was the Mayor of Bonn, many prominent politicians, diplomats and domestic and foreign journalists. Bonn's newspapers are full of numerous compliments as to the artistic quality of the concert." During this tour the Ensemble has visited almost all the larger towns in West Germany and also many tourist towns. Ensemble Tanec has had the warmest welcome everywhere. Compliments, and also some photographs from the performances, have appeared in the newspapers of every town." The "Hildesheim press" published an article entitled "Tanec, the magic word from the Balkans". This contained amongst other comments, "This National Ballet, the top Ensemble in the country, have shown us only excellence, politeness and complete perfection. I'll never forget the difficult Macedonian dance from Macedonian shepherds... and the man with the reed pipe (the ‘man with the reed pipe’ is Tale Ognenovski, since he played folk dances on both the clarinet and the reed pipe (‘kavalche’) - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)… But here we don’t discuss details. In reality they each put on wonderful separate performances.

Every dance and song has great impact and is rewarded with extraordinary amounts of applause. "Tanec" in Yugoslavia means dance, and at the same time it is a magical word from Yugoslavia."

 This article entitled ‘Great success of Tanec in Germany’ appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 21, 1956

“On the 29th of this month, Ensemble Tanec returned from their tour of West Germany, where they performed 72 concerts in places and towns.  All the concerts were sell-outs.... Jonche Hristovski, a member of Ensemble Tanec said, “We had 17 to18 rounds of applause and we went back on stage. We had particularly great success in the larger cities such as Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Gottingen and Munich. For instance, in Frankfurt the audience wouldn’t leave us after the show ended and they asked for the entire programme to be repeated. The folklore experts were interested in our folk dances, in the rhythm of the folk dances and songs, the richness of the folk costumes and especially our authentic folk instruments. Our shows received a warm welcome from the public. Audiences were amazed by the choreography and the different styles of folk dance, and their individual rhythm flow. Perhaps the following can stand out as the most successful: “SHOPSKA “ (‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ - In this Macedonian folk dance the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “SHOTE” (In this Albanian folk dance the virtuoso clarinet solo was played by Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “VRLIKA” and “SOBORSKI IGRI” (In these Macedonian folk dances, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” Olga Pesic, a member of the Ensemble, has commented: “During the entire tour, Ensemble Tanec has had the warmest welcome everywhere... Compliments, and also some photographs from the performances, have appeared in the newspapers of every town where we have staged a concert.  In every town, tickets for the concert were completely sold out before the day of the performance, especially so in Munich, where the tickets were sold out 15 days before. Perhaps our biggest success was at the concert performed in Bayreuth Festival Theatre (German: Bayreuther Festspielhaus is an opera house north of Bayreuth, Germany, dedicated solely to the performance of operas by the 19th-century German composer Richard Wagner. It is the venue for the annual Bayreuth Festival, for which it was specifically conceived and built), the famous musical centre of West Germany...” The above words appeared in an article entitled “After the return of “Tanec” from their German tour - The biggest success until now,” in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 31, 1956.

“About 7000 people at each of the two concerts in Dortmund” - K. Gavrish, Nova  Makedonija

“...Ensemble ‘Tanec’ performed two concerts in Dortmund. At the beginning of these concerts about 7000 people were present...” These words appeared in an article written by K. Gavrish and entitled, “Following the return from their French tour, TANEC wins over the audience” and published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 6, 1959.

IV.  Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Switzerland.

1. Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959

  The concerts were performed in Berne on July 7 and 8, 1959 and in Geneva on July 9 and 10, 1959 with tremendous success.

2. Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television.   Playing as virtuoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success. 

On their return from the triumphant tour of the U.S.A. “In the illuminated gardens of Port Gitana, on July 9 and 10 at 8.00 pm, a spectacle selected for ‘Gitan’. This evening, on their return from the triumphant tour of the U.S.A., and for the first time in Geneva, the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet Tanec.  Two hours of sumptuous spectacle, 40 dancers and instrumentalists, 400 prestigious national costumes, lighting effects…” This announcement appeared in the ‘Tribune de Geneva’, Geneva, Switzerland, under the title: ‘Dans les jardins illumines de Port Gitana Bellevue, BALLETS NATIONAUX FOLKLORIQUES YOUGOSLAVES: TANETZ, deux heures d’un somptueux spectacle” (“In the illuminated gardens of Port Gitana Bellevue
http://www.port-gitana.ch/site/), National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet Tanec, two hours of sumptuous spectacle”).  The announcement was published on July 8, 1959.

Advertisement for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" published in the newspaper ‘Tribune de Geneve’, Geneva on July 8, 1959.

Restaurant Port Gitana, Bellevue, Lac, Léman, Canton de Genève. 


Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during the concert of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Switzerland, July, 1959.

From left to right: Gjorgji Dimchevski (contrabass), Ivan Terziev (flute), Tale Ognenovski (clarinet), Kocho Petrovski (accordion) and Aleksandar Sarievski (singer).

3. “Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World ... a spectacle in the open in Port Gitana Bellevue, Geneva …
remarkable spectacles performed by the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’ from Macedonia ... They have the rhythm of the dances of their country in their blood...” - Written by Ed. Mt.,  Tribune de Geneve

"In Port-Gitana, National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet …We were presented with remarkable spectacles performed by the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’ from Macedonia... It was a rare opportunity to have a show in the open-air in Geneva. For this occasion, Gitan installed lighting effects that vied with ingenuity... Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World... They have the rhythm of the dances of their country in their blood.... We preferred to give a general impression of this spectacle, which accentuated the originality and the qualities of this ensemble.”  The above appeared in an article written by Ed. Mt.and entitled, ‘A Port-Gitana les ballets nationaux yougoslaves’, (‘In Port-Gitana, National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet’). - Article published in the newspaper ‘Tribune de Geneve’, Geneva, July 11, 1959.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and members of
Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during the concert of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in Switzerland, July, 1959. From left to right: Ljupcho Pandilov (violin), Dragica Nikolova (singer), Tale Ognenovski (clarinet), Kocho Petrovski (accordion), Gjorgji Dimchevski (contrabass), Todor Pavlovski (guitar) and Jusufov Muharem Reshad (drum).



Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in France.

Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"during their tour of France

Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso with Ensemble “Tanec” during their tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They performed 83 concerts in 58 towns and cities in France including Paris, Le Havre, Nantes, Poitiers, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Cherbourg, Toulon, Toulouse, Rennes, Bourges, Chaumont, Solon de Provence, Laval, Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, Angers, Tours, Limoges, Pont a Mouson, Bourgen Brest, Belfor, St Entienne, St Brieuc, St Malo, Vendome, Gien, Orleans, Niort, La Rochelle, Marmonde, Mont de Marson, Dax, Tarbes, Agen, Albi, Pau, Carcassonne, St Gaudens, Beziers, Parpignon, Arcachon, Nimes, Grenoble, Lyon, Villeurbone and Gueret.ere.  They performed with amazing success to full houses everywhere. The Ensemble twice had performances broadcast on television, on September 21 and 22, 1959: 20 million people would have seen them on the most popular programme on French Television. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs.  The Manager of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s tour of France was Mr Raymond Guillier, also Director of his own company ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier’ of 129 Boulevard Massena, Paris.  He specialised in managing international shows in Paris.

Tale Ognenovski performed as a virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist

The majority of the programme of Ensemble Tanec’s French tour comprised of Macedonian folk dances and songs with the rest made up of Serbian and Croatian dances and songs and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) soloist for most of the programme, in particular in the Macedonian folk dances ‘A Bride’s Dance (Nevestinsko Oro)’, ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Petorka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘The Shepherds’ Dance (Ovcharsko Oro), ‘Drachevka’, ‘Chifte Chamche’and ‘Soborski Igri’, in Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘SHOTE’, an Albanian folk dance. Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Shopska petorka - Shopska podripnuvachka’ but also an arranger of the music because he added his own improvisations in some areas of the dance. This is the case with other dances that Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist.  Tanec included, as part of their tour of France, two performances in Dortmund, Germany, on September 18 and 19, 1959.  About 7000 people were present at each concert.

Some of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s concert repertoire, including Macedonian folk dances and songs, was recorded during the tour on LP record. The virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist on this excellent LP record, recorded in France in 1959, was Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski with members of Macedonian Ensemble “Tanec” and with Raymond Guillier (second from the right - Director of his own company, ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier, 129 Boulevard Massena - Paris” - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), Manager of international exhibitions in Paris, France, The Eiffel Tower (French: La Tour Eiffel), September 21, 1959

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec". From left to right:  Radmila Vishinova, Stanimir Vishinski, Trajko Prokopiev, Simon (the secretary of Raymond Guillier), Blazhe Velevski, Desanka Eftimova, Doncho Eftimov, Radica Trifunac, Dushko Georgievski, Trpe Cherepovski, Spase Todevski, Stanko Livrinski, Raymond Guillier and Jusufov Muharem Reshat (standing), Vera Shijakovic, Natka Stojkova, Lenche Sedeu, Gligor Vasilev, Jonche Hristovski and Tale Ognenovski (kneeling) in Paris, The Eiffel Tower (French: La Tour Eiffel) on September 21, 1959.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and members of Macedonian
National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec". From left to right Spase Todevski, Lenche Sedeu, Radmila Vishinova, Vera Shijakovic, Stanimir Vishinski, Blazhe Velevski, and Tale Ognenovski (standing), Radica Trifunac and Gligor Vasilev  (kneeling) in Paris, The Eiffel Tower (French: La Tour Eiffel),  France, September 21, 1959.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"". From left to right: Cvetko Micevski, Gligor Vasilev, Stanko Livrinski, Trpe Cherepovski and Tale Ognenovski in Paris, France, September 21, 1959.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer and members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" during the concert of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" in France, September, 1959. From left to right:  Ljupcho Pandilov (violin), Vaska Ilieva (singer), Gjorgji Dimchevski (violin), Dragan Simonovski (flute), Tale Ognenovski (clarinet), Kocho Petrovski (accordion), Panche Samardziski (bass violin), Todor Petrovski (guitar) and Jusufov Muharem Reshad  (drum).

“What ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform... Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you why I think this is so.  I know that the clarinetist Tale...”  - Raymond Guillier, Vecher

“Everyone who went to the concerts by Ensemble ‘Tanec’ in Paris and other towns and cities in France during the tour in 1959 of a little over two months was fascinated. Yes, audiences opened wide their hearts and didn’t think anything of their hands while applauding your folk dancers. What ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform. All great professional Ensembles in the world possess something special. Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you why I think this is so. I know that the clarinetist Tale (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) after every concert played clarinet solos and amused us well into the early hours. This hasn’t been the case with any other member from any other Ensembles.  I want to present Tanec every year to the people of my country...” said Raymond Guillier (Director of his own company, ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier, 129 Boulevard Massena - Paris” - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) Manager of international exhibitions in Paris, France.  The above appeared in an article entitled ‘Your dance fascinates me….’, written by M. Georgievski, and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on September 14, 1964.

Macedonian Folklore is the best in the world

Raymond Guillier commented that no other Ensemble in the world could perform Macedonian folklore as well as ‘Tanec’, because the Macedonian girls and boys from the Ensemble put their whole heart and soul into the dances, and a good example of this was the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. This was a very important comment because Mr. Raymond Guillier had organized many concerts in Paris and France for all the best Ensembles in the world.

“Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people, and the Macedonian National Ballet left a great impression in Bourges… But the Macedonian dances, once they began, developed from a dead slow pace and  quickened, becoming a festival of colours, a storm of costumes and a sports test allied to the art of folklore. It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration for playing ‘Drachevka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and the exciting Serbian folk dance (the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski). The audience much liked the dance ‘Roussalies’ as well as the dance ‘Tchifte Tchamtche’, and lastly ‘Chote’ (‘Shote’ - In this Albanian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), a dance of love that is lively and colourful...Tanec is the name of this group who have won over the audience. The quality and talent of this group is admirable...This is the first time that they have performed in France... At the end of their concert, the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ remained on stage and were applauded by the Bourges audiences for more than a quarter of an hour.” The above comes from an article, entitled “Hier soir au GRAND-PALAIS BRILLANTE “PREMIERE” des Ballets de Macedoine” (“Yesterday evening in GRAND-PALAIS Brilliant first performance of National Ballet of Macedonia.”), that appeared in the newspaper ‘Le Berry Republicain’ in Bourges, France, on September 24, 1959.

“Everyone who went to the concerts by Ensemble ‘Tanec’ in Paris and other towns and cities in France during the tour in 1959 of a little over two months was fascinated.... “What ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform... Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you why I think this is so. I know that the clarinetist Tale (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) after every concert played clarinet solos and amused us well into the early hours. This hasn’t been the case with any other member from any other Ensembles.  I want to present Tanec every year to the people of my country...” said Raymond Guillier (Director of his own company, ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier, 129 Boulevard Massena - Paris” - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) Manager of international exhibitions in Paris, France.  The above appeared in an article entitled ‘Your dance fascinates me….’, written by M. Georgievski, and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on September 14, 1964.


“The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success” - Newspaper ‘La nouvelle republique du Centre’, Bourges, France, September 24, 1959.

“The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia was a tremendous success.  Everyone in the hall applauded with enthusiasm, here in the ‘Grand Palais’ in Bourges at the first performance in France of the National Ballet of Macedonia… The first performance in Bourges was a spectacle...The members of the National Ballet of Macedonia arrived four days ago in Paris and have been shown on television...” This is from an arcticle entitled “Hier soir a Bourges, La “premiere” nationale des Ballets de Macedoine a remporte un enorme succes” (Yesterday evening in Bourges, The first national Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success.”).  It was published in the newspaper “La nouvelle republique du Centre”, Bourges, France on, September 24, 1959.

Article about Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" published in the newspaper “La nouvelle republique du Centre”, Bourges, France, September 24, 1959

“The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success” - La nouvelle republique du Centre

“The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia was a tremendous success.  Everyone in the hall applauded with enthusiasm, here in the ‘Grand Palais’ in Bourges at the first performance in France of the National Ballet of Macedonia… The first performance in Bourges was a spectacle...The members of the National Ballet of Macedonia arrived four days ago in Paris and have been shown on television...” This is from an arcticle entitled “Hier soir a Bourges, La “premiere” nationale des Ballets de Macedoine a remporte un enorme succes” (Yesterday evening in Bourges, The first national Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success.”).  It was published in the newspaper “La nouvelle republique du Centre”, Bourges, France on, September 24, 1959

“Brilliant first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia... Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people ... “It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration to play ‘Drachevka’ (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...”

“Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people, and the Macedonian National Ballet left a great impression in Bourges…Two dances in particular were appreciated last night on the stage of the Grand Palais, the Dance of the sabre and the dance of the village fair (two separate photos are shown, the top one being ‘Dance of the sabre’ and the bottom being ‘the Dance of village fair).’ (On the right side of the bottom photograph can be seen virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).

But the Macedonian dances, once they began, developed from a dead slow pace and quickened, becoming a festival of colours, a storm of costumes and a sports test allied to the art of folklore.

It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration for playing ‘Drachevka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and the exciting Serbian folk dance (the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).

The audience much liked the dance ‘Roussalies’ as well as the dance ‘Tchifte Tchamtche’, and lastly ‘Chote’ (‘Shote’), a dance of love that is lively and colourful...Tanec is the name of this group who have won over the audience. The quality and talent of this group is admirable...This is the first time that they have performed in France... At the end of their concert, the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ remained on stage and were applauded by the Bourges audiences for more than a quarter of an hour.” The above comes from an article, entitled “Hier soir au GRAND-PALAIS BRILLANTE “PREMIERE” des Ballets de Macedoine” (“Yesterday evening in GRAND-PALAIS Brilliant first performance of National Ballet of Macedonia.”), that appeared in the newspaper ‘Le Berry Republicain’ in Bourges, France, on September 24, 1959.

“”TANEC” wins over the public... “ - K. Gavrish, Nova Makedonija

“The tour in France was very hard-going, with us having to travel and do a concert in a different town almost every day. But, everywhere, the Ensemble has confirmed its good reputation and been heartily accepted by the considerate and generous French public,” said Trajko Prokopiev, the director of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.  Le Havre, Nantes, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Cherbourg, Toulon are just some of the towns in France where ‘Tanec’ has demonstrated its art with great success. In Salon de Provence, the Ensemble received an honorary medal of the town. The Ensemble has had two performances broadcast on the most popular programmes on French television that are usually watched by 20 million people. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs. My impression is that the French public understands and can sense our folklore; we have succeeded in satisfying them. We cannot but forget that the French public is a public with great demands. Since our debut on television they have recognized us and approached us on the streets, in the shops and in the restaurants where we have gone,” commented Dojchin Matevski. For Verica Shijakovic, the most pleasant memory has always been the great success in the ‘Hall of the sports’ in Chaumont. The enthusiastic audience consisted mostly of young people who greeted the performers warmly. “Which performance has been the most successful? “Shopska petorka”, (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) “Drachevka” (the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “Sedenka”  (the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), Serbian (the virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and Croatian dances…” said Cvetko Micevski.  “...Every evening after the concerts, hundreds of boys and girls came under the stage to get our autographs...at every concert, audiences asked for encores of some of the acts, and some people have congratulated us and told us that we are real Ambassadors of our country,” said Dushko Georgievski.”

The French audiences were enraptured not only by the dances but also by the extraordinary richness of the costumes. The thirty members of the Ensemble had with them some 400 costumes.  The performance was two and a half hours long with just one 15-minute break halfway through. There were no breaks between each separate act, so the stage was always full of dance.  The critics in the French Press were full of compliments about Tanec’s tour. It’s enough just to quote ‘Le Berry Republicain’…“Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people, and the Macedonian National Ballet left a great impression in Bourges.”

But the Macedonian dances, once they began, developed from a dead slow pace and quickened, becoming a festival of colours, a storm of costumes and a sports test allied to the art of folklore. It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration for playing ‘Drachevka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...”TANEC” conquests the public...The newspaper ‘Le Nouvelle Republique’ commented, “The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia was a tremendous success... Everyone in the hall applauded enthusiastically...” This came from an article entitled ‘TANEC wins over the audience,’ written by K. Gavrish, and appearing in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 6, 1959.

Members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ on tour in France and Switzerland

A number of new members took part in the tours of Switzerland and France who had not participated in the North American and German tours of 1956.  These were: Dancers: Dimitar Aleksov, Gligor Vasilev, Lenche Sedeu,        Stojkova Natka and Radmila Trifunac; Musicians: Kocho Petrovski (accordion), Gjorgji Dimchevski (* violin), Ljupcho Pandilov (violin), Dragan Simonovski (flute), Smilevski Konstantin (flute), Todor Petrovski (guitar) and Panche Samardziski (bass violin). The director of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ was the composer Trajko Prokopiev.

*  Gjorgji Dimchevski was on the German tour, 1956

Members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ on other tours during the period 1955-1960

‘Tanec’ Tours in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia included the folk-dancers Drakulovski Tofe, Tomov Gorgji, Stojkova Ljubica, Naumova Milka and Antova Todorka, and the musician Todor Pavlovski.


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Book "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer

New Digital Music Album “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos in Baba Mountain in 1993, Pelister National Park, Republic of Macedonia

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and grandson Kliment Ognenovski in 1993. Hotel Molika, Pelister National Park, Baba Mountain, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and grandsons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski in 1993. Pelister National Park, Baba Mountain, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos in front of his house in the village Brusnik in 2000, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet in front of his house in the village Brusnik in 2000, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.


Baba Mountain with its peak Pelister in the backdrop. View  from the house of Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in the village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, 1993.

Kliment Ognenovski in front of the house of his grandpa Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in the village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia in 1993.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet in front of his house in the village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia in 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his reed pipe (‘kavalche’) in front of his house in the village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia in 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his reed pipe (‘kavalche’) in front of his house in the village Brusnik, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia in 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in 2000, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in 2000, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos in Baba Mountain in 2000, Pelister National Park, Republic of Macedonia

Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski, the gandsons of Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer in 1998. Pelister National Park, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and grandson Kliment Ognenovski, Pelister National Park, Baba Mountain, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, 1998.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his grandson Kliment Ognenovski.
Pelister National Park, Baba Mountain, Bitola. Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his grandson Kliment Ognenovski. Pelister National Park,  Baba Mountain, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Pelister National Park, Baba Mountain, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and grandsons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski.  Niže Pole, Pelister National Park, Baba Mountain, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and grandsons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski.  Pelister National Park, Baba Mountain, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and grandsons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski.  Pelister National Park, Baba Mountain, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos in 2000. Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet.  Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

The Tale Ognenovski Quartet in 2000. From left to right: Tale Ognenovski Clarinetist and Composer, Kliment Ognenovski  and  Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. (standing) and Nikola Ognenovski (kneeling).  Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

The Tale Ognenovski Quartet in 2000.
From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Tale Ognenovski Clarinetist and Composer, Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski. Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec.  and his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski. Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec.,  his grandson Kliment Ognenovski and his friends and music fans from village Brusnik, Bitola. Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his reed pipe (“kavalche”).  Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his zourla (zurla). 
Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his small bagpipe.  Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his drum.  Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos in the "Universal Hall" at Folk Festival “Ros 2000”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 7, 2000

Tale Ognenovski received "Blagodarnica"(Gratitude ). This is an honorary award for life long work from the folk radio "Radio Ros", in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on December 7, 2000. The same award has been presented to other legendary Macedonian artists such as Vaska Ilieva  (singer) and Aleksandar Sarievski (singer). All these awards, which was being introduced for the first time, were presented in the 'Universal Hall' at the Folk Festival "Ros 2000".

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, Vaska Ilieva, singer and composer and  Aleksandar Sarievski, singer and composer received "Blagodarnica" (Gratitude ). This is an honorary award for life long work from the folk radio "Radio Ros". From left to right: Zoran Markovski, Tale Ognenovski, Metodi Bogdanov, Aleksandar Sarievski, Aleksandar Dimitrov and Vaska Ilieva in the "Universal Hall" at Folk Festival “Ros 2000”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 7, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer received "Blagodarnica" (Gratitude ). This is an honorary award for life long work from the folk radio "Radio Ros". Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and his grandson Kliment Ognenovski in the "Universal Hall" at Folk Festival “Ros 2000”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 7, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio” in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May, 2001

Stevan Ognenovski, Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski Margarita Ognenovska and Kliment Ognenovski in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio” in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May, 2001

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. and his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski  and Kliment Ognenovski (from left to right) during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May, 2001.

Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. and his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski (from left to right) during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May, 2001.

The Tale Ognenovski Quartet in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski”
sessions. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski Clarinetist and Composer (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski  in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski”
sessions in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May, 2001. From left to right: Dimitar Dimovski, musician and music producer, his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski and his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient..

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski”
sessions in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May, 2001. From left to right: his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Dimitar Dimovski, musician and music producer and his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski.

The Tale Ognenovski Quartet in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski”
sessions. From left to right: Nikola Ognenovski, Kliment Ognenovski, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and Tale Ognenovski Clarinetist and Composer   in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

The Tale Ognenovski Quartet in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski Clarinetist and Composer (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski  in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.The Tale Ognenovski Quartet in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski Clarinetist and Composer (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski  in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos in 2006. Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet in 2006. With this clarinet from Buffet Crampon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffet_Crampon),  French manufacturer of woodwind musical instruments, Tale Ognenovski performed with the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ in  France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959, Switzerland (Berne,July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)… and recorded Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622; Tracks: Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro; Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio; Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo – AllegroAllegro and Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1.   Label: Independent Records, US; Catalog: IR 37223, 2005. CD entitled: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his reed pipe ('kavalche').  With this reed pipe (“kavalche”) Tale Ognenovski performed with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec in  the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956 including the concert in Carnegie Hall,  New York City on January 27, 1956.),Canada (Toronto Massey Hall,February 13, 1956, Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund , France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959).

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his small bagpipe. Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his zourla (zurla). Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet. Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

ale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet. Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet. Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his tin whistle. Vodno Mountain,  Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2006.

Tale Ognenovski’s Photos published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 29, 2009; Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski"

One hundred and fifty arranged and composed Macedonian folk dances, 12 jazz compositions, several concerts of classical music, twenty gramophone records, three CDs and a general impression that he is clarinet virtuoso – this is short CV of our most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. For his music and his 87th birthday April 27, 2009 he received recognition "Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski", from editors of All About Jazz (www.allaboutjazz.com)  jazz music website  with announcement published at All About Jazz  website http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM“I am very joyful for this recognition, "Jazz Musician of the Day", very happy, very delighted. It is a great prize, including any that I have gained during my career, including the top for me - award "October 11", the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia” - tells us Tale Ognenovski at the meeting which we had at his home in Skopje ... Tale Ognenovski is constantly surrounded by the love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska… At the request of the Director of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" Emanuel Chuchkov, the young clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, then the member of Police Wind Orchestra of Republic of Macedonia was loaned to the ensemble as strengthening his United States of America tour in 1956. Ensemble will hold 66 concerts and the tour began with show (20 minute concert) on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme "OMNIBUS", ", shown on  CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. – “A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and would be good for us in Republic of Macedonia to have a copy” - says Stevan Ognenovski… So begins and concert activity of Tale Ognenovskii with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and other companies and orchestras that allowed him to play at the most famous concert venues in the world. Until the seventies of the last century he performed with the orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television – The Folk Music Orchestra, the Authentic Orchestra of Folk Instruments, "Chalgii" Orchestra and in “Tancov” Orchestra. Meanwhile Tale Ognenovski established his own "Tale Ognenovski Orchestra", that continues to make music ... His dances are performed in Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria ... The most famous dances composed by Tale Ognenovski are: Brusnichko Oro, Kasapsko Oro, Kumovo Oro Chochek, Talevo Svadbarsko Oro, Bitolsko Oro, Resensko Oro, Pelistersko Oro, Bukovsko Svadbarsko Oro ... Two dances devoted to his wife Nevena Ognenovska: Nevenino Oro and Nevenino Lavchansko Oro…“We had a wonderful mother Nevena Ognenovska who took care not to feel his commitment and his absences due his concerts worldwide. She was a very supportive to my father in his career” - says his son Stevan Ognenovski … With the help of his family (his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska) and the donors (Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje who support his music, Tale Ognenovski has released three CD albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 04542, 2001), “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR 37223, 2006) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Label: Independent Records, Catalog: IR38824, 2008) …Tale Ognenovski was happiest during the  recording sessions of  last three CD albums with accompany by his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipes) ... My jazz compositions cannot be compared with any Macedonian folk dance. Some ask me whether in my jazz compositions are recognized Macedonia, and I say yes, Macedonia performed by Tale Ognenovski. The Jazz otherwise I practice since 1992 and my jazz is a Macedonian jazz which is different from others ... I've played all over the world. But I had played also for Josip Broz Tito, the former President of Yugoslavia every time when he visited Republic of Macedonia. Once I played for him in Brdo Castle near Kranj in Slovenia ..." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Magazine “Tea Moderna”, July 29, 2009.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet - Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 29, 2009.

Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer with the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор” written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and with the Award “11 October” / “11 Октомври”, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia - Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009.

"Tale Ognenovski is always  environed with love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Tea Moderna, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 29, 2009.
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet and with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. – Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. and his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski  and Kliment Ognenovski (from left to right) during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May, 2001.

The Tale Ognenovski Quartet in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski Clarinetist and Composer (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski  in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.The Tale Ognenovski Quartet in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski Clarinetist and Composer (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski  in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” – From the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, 2000 written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient.
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skilful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” was written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient. on page 6-9 in the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Feedback on this Web site has been received from visitors to the Tale Ognenovski Web site.
The authors have agreed to their being published. At the end of the index page of the Web site and at the Internet address http://www.taleognenovski.com.mk/feedback.html are their messages:

Subject: Tale Ognenovski

Stevan... I listen the tapes of your father. They are very old, but the music is still so beautiful. I would be very interested in the classical recordings... thank you so much for your web site, January 18, 1999... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TALE OGNENOVSKI, THE WORLD’S GREATEST CLARINETIST! YOUR FRIEND, SUSAN PREFONTAINE, Buffalo, New York, USA, April 21, 1999.   E-mail   sprefont@acsu.buffalo.edu

Dear Tale and Stevan. 

My name is Dimce Cvetkovski. I was born on November 7, 1957 (in the village of Arvati near Krani in Prespa). I came to the United States on February 20, 1970. I was 12 years old. But I still remember everything, even though I have not been back to Macedonia since I came to the United States. My father has been back a few times but I haven’t. Maybe one of these days when things are not so busy. Both of my parents Cvetko and Sofija are still alive and have just retired. I have a sister Stefka who is 5 years younger than me. I am 41 years old and have been married for 17 years. My wife’s name is Gerrie (Geraldine) who is American. I also have 3 sons Steven (14 years old), Jeffrey (12 years old and Scott (9 years old)... In March 1, 1993, I opened my own KARATE STUDIO WESTERN NEW YORK KARATE CENTER. This is my own business...I have listened to Tale’s music since I was a little boy in Macedonia. I remember I was very young when I first heard BRUSNICHKO ORO and TALEVO SVADBARSKO ORO. In 1983, my father went to Macedonia for a visit. He brought to me 2 records (8 Macedonian folk dances - ORA). One record has POLJANSKO ORO, NEVENINO ORO etc...The other record has BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO, RESENSKO ORO, PRILEPSKO etc...In 1986 I went to Canada for a visit and I bought a cassette that has 12 Macedonian folk dances - ORA (CHALGIITE NA TALE OGNENOVSKI, KUKUSHKO ORO, RISTEVO ORO...).

Today I have about 60 Macedonian folk dances - ORA from Tale Ognenovski. His music must live forever. Tale’s music touches my HEART and SOUL. Sometimes when I listen to his music there are tears from my eyes running down my face.

Nobody in the world can play the clarinet like Tale. I have listened to a lot of clarinet music from many countries but nobody comes close to Tale. He is simply the BEST. When I was a little boy in Macedonia, I also played the pipe (“kavalche”) with my grandfather Mitre. My grandfather was a shepherd and I used to help him on the farm. But I have always loved clarinet music. I am 41 year old. Two years ago, I bought a clarinet. I listen by ear and try to play. I do not know how to read music. Maybe one day I will try to take lessons. My middle son Jeffrey takes lessons and plays the clarinet and the saxophone in school. He is in sixth grade. He is very, very good. He is the best in his school on the clarinet and the saxophone. My oldest Steven always listens to Tale’s music. He loves it. I hope someday I can play like Tale, even a little bit. I hope someday I get to meet you and your father Tale. It would be a great honor to shake the hand of the best clarinetist in the world. Maestro Tale is the best. I hope he lives a long, long, long time...All I want is his music to live forever. People need to listen and hear this great clarinetist. With Great greetings With Great Happiness. (January 24, 1999)...


As I drive in my car to and from my business and other places throughout the day, I spend 11/2 hours each day listening to Tale’s music. Tale is my hero. His music is incredible. His approach to every note is so unique. His improvisations and solos are out of this world, and no one can even come close. It is true that when listening to Tale, his music takes you to different worlds and different dimensions. I feel very special and lucky to have friends like you, and being touched so deeply by Tale’s music (December 21, 1999)...

Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA

Subject: Congratulations/Makedonski Ora

Dear Mr. Ognenovski,

Thank you for establishing this wonderful web page as a tribute to your father, Tale. I must tell you that Tale has always been one of my heroes and my role model in clarinet playing.

I am a Croatian-American living in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. I began playing the clarinet with Macedonian friends from our local Macedonian colony in 1972 and have continued since then. Early on I was given some 45 rpm recordings of your father - I was immediately inspired and electrified! Many Macedonian musicians have become popular since those days, but your father sets the standard for originality and good taste. I was surprised to find out that your father had published the book, Makedonski Ora. How can I get a copy? I would very much like to get one. I am particularly excited about the collection of scores (notes) that your father published because I have begun to work with a chalgija ensemble of violin, dzhumbush, ut and tarabuka in New York and Boston and want to teach them some of your father’s tunes.

Please send my congratulations to your father! I look forward to hearing from you soon.

All the best. Vlado Mahovlich, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, February 5, 1999.

E-mail   mahovlich@stratos.net

Subject: Available recordings?

I wonder if there are any available recordings of your Father? Perhaps some

of his records have been re-issued on CDs. I am very interested in buying

any such recordings. Thank you. Ian Price, USA, February 22, 1999.

E-mail   Ian.Price@transamerica.com

Subject: Fabulous Web Page!!!

Stevan: What a fabulous web page!!!! My name is Larry Weiner, I made my first trip to Makedonia in 1966 (when I was 23) and have been back there 3 times since then. I never met your father but have many, many of his recordings and love his music... There is much I could (and probably will) say about my interests in your father’s music, but, unfortunately, I’ll have to continue this at a later time. Many thanks for a wonderful web page and the tribute to your dad; he’s a great musician. Larry Weiner US EPA and “Old World Music & Dance”, USA, February 22, 1999.    E-mail    weiner.larry@epa.gov

Subject: Tale Ognenovski

Congratulations on a wonderful and informative piece on your father. I am very moved and appreciate your detailed information. I first met Tale in Los Angeles 1956, when Tanec was on tour, and in particular I was impressed with his clarinet music. He will remember me, because I became the first Amerikanka (Croatian descent) who became a dancer with Tanec in 1957... Please give my dear and sincere regards to Tale... Elsie Ivancich Dunin (Professor Emerita, University of California at Los Angeles), USA, February 22, 1999.       E-mail   LCDunin@aol.com

Subject: Tale

Hello Stevce! I congratulate you on the web page dedicated to your father. I can only say, that it is wonderful and excellent. I am a clarinetist and I play here in Australia, where I live. My descendants are from Bitola. I want Stevce to greet Tale a lot from me. I wish him good health. He really is the best clarinetist of all time in Macedonia and in the World.

With great greetings, Toni Becvinovski, Australia, March 18, 1999.

E-mail    tbecvin@space.net.au

Subject: Tale Ognenovski

Hello, I was very interested by your web site about your father. Do you know where I can find his recordings? Also, as I play professionally Balkan music (among others), I am greatly interested by his book “Makedonski Ora”. Is it still available, and if not, is it possible to obtain a photocopy? Best wishes Georges Andres, Bourges, France, April 20, 1999.     E-mail   hemisp@wanadoo.fr

Subject: Greetings from Holland

Hello Stefane, My compliments for this very nice homepage about the Macedonian

folk music culture and your famous father Tale Ognenovski... Greetings from Dick Saarloos, Holland, April 20, 1999.   E-mail     Dick.Saarloos@digital.com

Subject: Our Music

Hello Steve! I am Ilija Petkovski from Holland and I accidentally found the web site of

your father. I like this web site especially. I adore the music of this web site because I play it myself. I want very much to buy all cassettes from your father from MRT, but I don’t know how: Do you have some idea? Many greetings from Holland Ilija Petkovski, Holland, Jun 14, 1999.   E-mail   ipetkov@telekabel.nl

Subject: Tale Ognenovski

Dear Stefche, ... I met the music of Tale, when I was a child of 10. My heart flickered when I listened to his music; my soul was travelling in other time and space then, and even now, right up to the present day. He is one of the best musicians in the universe. People can be taught music at schools, and they can read books, but that divine secret is known to the souls of only very sensitive men. That great, deeply rich, exceptional soul is Tale Ognenovski. I bow down to him... Zlatko Origjanski “Anastasia”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Jul 16, 1999.

E-mail   origano@mol.com.mk

Subject: Tale Ognenovski

Dear Mr. Ognenovski,

I saw your Web page on the Internet and decided to write. My Grandparents were born in Macedonia and came to the United States in 1916 and 1921. I am very interested in my Macedonian heritage. I have a large collection of Macedonian costumes (Nosii), books, and sound recordings (Audio tapes, Video tapes, 45RPM, 33RPM and 78RPM records). I am proud to have several of your recordings in my collection! I was surprised to read that you were born in the village Brusnik, Bitolsko.  Many of my friends’ families originate from Brusnik. Brusnik and the villages around it gave birth to many good musicians. The town where I was born and raised (Granite City, Illinois USA) is a very historical place for Macedonian history. Granite City is one of the earliest Macedonian settlements in North and South America. In 1907 there were about eight thousand Immigrants from Macedonia living in Granite City. Most of these Immigrants were Men that came here “Na Pechalba”. When the Balkan and other Wars started, these new Immigrants realized that they would not be able to return to their homeland and decided to make America their new home. Many of the first Immigrants to Granite City were from Bitolsko.  On September 21, 1914 a group of Bitolchani from Brusnik, Dihovo, Capari and other villages started a music group. These Immigrants wanted to keep their music alive in their new homeland. The new band was called “Orient Band”. I have an old photograph of this band. Only photographs and memories are left from this early time here but I was glad to see that the traditional Macedonian music from the Bitola area lives on through you. Thank you from preserving this rich heritage of ours! Since I was a small child this place (Bitolsko), has been dear to me. I hope that one day soon you will visit Granite City and bring back the beautiful music that is a part of my beautiful heritage and is now lost in Granite City. I will now close this letter with my best wishes to you for a long life, much happiness and many years of playing music. All the best, Marvin Moehle, Granite City, Illinois, USA, August 15, 1999. E-mail   smurdesh@hotmail.com                                                                                                                                                                                  

Dimce (Jim), Gerrie, Jeffrey, Steven and Scott Cvetkovski
have sent to Tale Ognenovski Christmas card,  December, 2000.

Jeffrey, Steven and Scott Cvetkovski.

Gerrie, Steven and Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski.

Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski

Sincerely Congratulations for « 11 Oktomvri » Award of  Mr. Tale Ognenovski. Many good wishes for his health and his long life and to receive other deserved awards.
Valentina Gorgievska, Newspaper “Vecer”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 12, 2003
Email:   valentinagorgievska@yahoo.com

Dear Stevan,
My congratulation to your father for the prestigious “11 Oktomvri” Award.
I am very happy that he is recognized for his hard work and his tremendous accomplishments (which will no one ever match in this world). He is a special man
with special gifts and talents. His knowledge and versatility of music are unsurprised. No one can even come close to the way he plays the clarinet. No one.
All the best to everyone.
Dimce Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA, October 27, 2003.
E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best  clarinet concertos in the world… no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can…

“After listening to the CD: "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" for few days, I have come to a conclusion that this is the best  clarinet concertos  in the world. Whether it's classical, jazz, Macedonian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian or others, no one can play the clarinet with such perfection, clean tone, variations, curves and improvisation (without losing the original piece or composition), like musical Genius Maestro Tale Ognenovski can. Many clarinetists only play one type or style of music Tale can play any style with perfection. "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" CD will go down in history as one of the best clarinet concertos ever recorded”, written by Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski (Profile of HANSHI JIM CVETKOVSKI on website of Western New York Karate Center http://wnykaratecenter.com/faq/hanshi-jim/) , Buffalo, New York, USA, March 26, 2006; E-mail:  shihandc@yahoo.com

Congratulations to Tale Ognenovski on his 90th birthday April 27, 2012 from his friend Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA: 

Happy 90th Birthday Tale Ognenovski,

Celebrate your life because it's filled with priceless memories, wonderful stories, and people who love you!

"His music is unique in style like no other and will live on forever. He has bridged the gaps among folk music, classical music and jazz. No other artist in the world of music - any music, has ever done or accomplished this. But Tale successfully done so, in a unique genius way. He is truly best in the world..."
April 27, 2012, Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA

Stevan Ognenovski, Margarita Ognenovska,Tale Ognenovski and  Cvetko Cvetkovski (father of Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 27, 2003.

Kliment Ognenovski, Margarita Ognenovska, Tale Ognenovski and  Cvetko Cvetkovski (father of Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 27, 2003.

Cvetko and Sofija Cvetkovski (The parents of Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski).

Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski from Buffalo, New York, USA with his clarinet and reed pipe ("kavalche"), with Tale Ognenovski's book "MAKEDONSKI ORA" ('MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES') and with Tale Ognenovski's gramophone records and cassettes.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., Big lake, Baba Mountain, Pelister National Park, Republic of Macedonia, August, 2003.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. at Pelister (2601 metres), the highest peak of Baba Mountain, Pelister National Park, Republic of Macedonia, August, 2003.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. with his son Nikola Ognenovski at Pelister (2601 metres), the highest peak of Baba Mountain, Pelister National Park Republic of Macedonia, August, 2003.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. with his son Kliment Ognenovski at Pelister (2601 metres), the highest peak of Baba Mountain, Pelister National Park, Republic of Macedonia, August, 2003.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. and his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, March 19, 2002.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. and his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, March 19, 2002.

Tale Ognenovski
, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. and his grandsons Nikola Ognenovski  and Kliment Ognenovski (from left to right) during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions in “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May, 2001.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор” written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and with the Award “11 October” / “11 Октомври”, the highest and the most prestigious national award in Republic of Macedonia - Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec.,  his grandson Kliment Ognenovski and his friends and music fans from village Brusnik, Bitola. Vodno Mountain, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2000.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and his daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (from left to right). Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009.

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Writer of the book is Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient . The promotion of the book was organized by the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances under the auspices of the National Institution Center of Culture "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
On the promotion of the book were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D.a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski,Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.) …
Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer speaks at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., writer of the book, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer performs with Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”, Nada Andreeva (standing), Kliment Ognenovski (he is grandson of Tale Ognenovski), Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer, Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and Boshko Trenevski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

Suzana Jolevska, (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D. a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America
and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”, Boshko Trenevski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nada Andreeva and  Kliment  Ognenovski at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

31 Tracks of Tale Ognenovski in four Digital Music Albums: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) are available on Amazon.com, iTunes

Tale Ognenovski is included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100”
written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address: http://books.google.mk/books?id=4tXLAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=the+greatest+clarinetist+of+all+time+Tale+Ognenovski&source=bl&ots=tQO0HerpjK&sig=XAHE-rHiERrv739bfQtJuWiSpSE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BR1rVOSbCeWvygPt_oLwBg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=the%20greatest%20clarinetist%20of%20all%20time%20Tale%20Ognenovski&f=false The book can be bought at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Clarinet-Players-All-Time/dp/1492255270/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1416306026&sr=1-1&keywords=9781492255277&pebp=1416306035117 and at BARNES&NOBLE http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-greatest-clarinet-players-of-all-time-vadim-kravetsky/1117044952?ean=9781304362384

Article entitled “Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska, November 25, 2014, newspaper  Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.dnevnik.mk/default.asp?ItemID=94A717132FB41D45B7898CA2130CA713
Macedonian musician and composer Tale Ognenovski (1922-2012) is included in the book entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company. (To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address: http://books.google.mk/books?id=4tXLAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=the+greatest+clarinetist+of+all+time+Tale+Ognenovski&source=bl&ots=tQO0HerpjK&sig=XAHE-rHiERrv739bfQtJuWiSpSE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BR1rVOSbCeWvygPt_oLwBg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=the%20greatest%20clarinetist%20of%20all%20time%20Tale%20Ognenovski&f=false)

The book can be bought at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Clarinet-Players-All-Time/dp/1492255270/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1416306026&sr=1-1&keywords=9781492255277&pebp=1416306035117 and at BARNES&NOBLE http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-greatest-clarinet-players-of-all-time-vadim-kravetsky/1117044952?ean=9781304362384 )

Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100”

written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address: http://books.google.mk/books?id=4tXLAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=the+greatest+clarinetist+of+all+time+Tale+Ognenovski&source=bl&ots=tQO0HerpjK&sig=XAHE-rHiERrv739bfQtJuWiSpSE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BR1rVOSbCeWvygPt_oLwBg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=the%20greatest%20clarinetist%20of%20all%20time%20Tale%20Ognenovski&f=false

Article entitled
“Big acknowledgment of our musician and composer: Tale Ognenovski is between the top 100 the greatest clarinetists of all time”, written by Marina Lazarevska, November 25, 2014, newspaper  Dnevnik, Republic of Macedonia.

All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski (Published: 2009-04-27)


"Tale Ognenovski is always  environed with love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska." - Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", Tea Moderna, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 29, 2009.Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist and Composer with his Buffet Crampon clarinet and with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. – Photo published in the magazine “Tea Moderna”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Article written by Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, entitled: "World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski", July 29, 2009.

“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’
“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.

“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”.  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.

“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.

“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”.  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.



“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.


“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”.  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  
Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.

“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.


“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”.  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  
Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.


“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.


“His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music… His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world.  He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music”, was written in the book entitled, “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska”.  This article, written by  Mileva Lazova appeared in the magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),on November 29, 2002, under the title, “Tale Ognenovski, World Virtuoso of the Folk, Jazz and Classical Music”.

"Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award."  Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zurna (“zurla”) of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer / Macedonian: Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book. Especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "", wrote Mileva Lazova at the article titled "Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award.", Magazine “Macedonian Sun” (Macedonian: Македонско Сонце),  October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.

“Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World   Musical Legends” –  ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”.  It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” – From the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, 2000 written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient.
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skilful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” was written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient. on page 6-9 in the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Nationality: Macedonian),, the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska was born in Brusnik, municipalitie Bitola, Socialist Republic of Macedonia (Now: Republic of Macedonia) on September 9, 1948
(Macedonian: Стеван Огненовски е роден на 9 септември, 1948 година во Брусник, општина Битола во Социјалистичка Република Македонија (денешна Република Македонија; Latin: Stevan Ognenovski Natus die IX Septembris anni MCMXLVIII in Brusnik, commune Bitola, in Socialistica Re Publica Macedonia).
Information about Magister’s Science Thesis of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  entitled: “Software programs for measurement of the network traffic in the local area network” (Croatian: PROGRAMSKA POMAGALA ZA MJERENJE PROMETA U LOKALNOJ MREŽI) can be found at Web site: http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_e.htm  (and http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_h.htm ) of MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia and on page 434 in the book entitled: “Hrvatska informatika: jučer, danas, sutra”; Author: Hrvatska informatička zajednica; Publisher: HIZ, 1996; Original from: the University of Michigan; ISBN: 9536129094, 9789536129096; Digitized: 7 Mar 2007; Length: 458 pages; Subjects: Information science. https://books.google.mk/books?id=LRstAAAAMAAJ&q=stevan+ognenovski&dq=stevan+ognenovski&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiDsbiOw73cAhVFWCwKHRSYCboQ6AEIQzA

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956
Official Web page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. was music producer (together with his father Tale Ognenovski) of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”), the parts of tracks:  Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Album:  Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824). Digital album "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" (Record label: Independent Records, US. Catalog: IR43832) produced by Stevan Ognenovski was released On April 27, 2016 at Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/Clarinet-Concerto-Arranged-Clarinets-Ognenovski/dp/B01EK9367U/ref=sr_1_2?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1476292777&sr=1-2-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0&keywords=Tale+Ognenovski). Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622, was composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in October 1791. Stevan Ognenovski on the base of recording of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622" from 2005 (CD entitled: "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223; https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1), arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Track List: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski; Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski. Perhaps this is unique recording when clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski) used two clarinets simultaneously with two different arrangements. In other words: used two clarinets by a single performer (Tale Ognenovski).
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag Scient. is author and producer of YouTube music video entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Tale Ognenovski with his Quartet and with Dimitar Dimovski in May, 2001 during the CD Albums: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski” sessions in the “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. From left to right: Stevan Ognenovski, Dimitar Dimovski, Nikola Ognenovski, Tale Ognenovski (standing) and Kliment Ognenovski. Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski.

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

Promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Writer of the book is Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient . The promotion of the book was organized by the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and Dances under the auspices of the National Institution Center of Culture "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
On the promotion of the book were present: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Boshko Treneski, general manager of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", Rade Siljan, Director and Editor in chief of publishing house “Matica Makedonska”,  Suzana Jolevska (she is wife of  Zoran Jolevski , Ph.D.a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America and he served as Secretary General of the late Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski from 2000–2004), Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book entitled: Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer,  Stevan Ognenovski,Mag.Scient., Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. (she is wife of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Nikola Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.), Kliment Ognenovski (he is son of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.) …

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer speaks at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. From left to right: Dragana Boceska, Mag. Scient., Director of National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., writer of the book, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer and Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist, editor of the Folk Music Department in Macedonian Radio Television and reviewer of the book.

Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performs with Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at the promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” ” / "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" written by his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. in the Cultural Centre "Grigor Prlicev", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

New York, NY (Top40 Charts):  “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”” (Posted: 13/11/2006) http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463

New York, NY (Top40 Charts):  “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)

“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” From the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, 2000 written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient.
“Legendary artist Tale Ognenovski performed as clarinet and reed pipe soloist in Folk Dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall, a symbol of artistic excellence, on January 27, 1956. There, he bewitched the audience with his performances as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist…There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable reed pipe (virtuoso pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski – a remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)... From an article written by John Martin and published in The New York Times, New York City, USA, January 28, 1956, under the title: “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill”.
“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music… Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skillful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played. Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…” was written by Stevan Ognenovski. Mag. Scient. on page 6-9 in the book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. Publisher: “Matica Makedonska”, 2000. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989483124; Length: 406 pages (paper size is A4). The book was written in English and Macedonian.

Tale Ognenovski won the "11 October" Award and took top honors at a glittering Award ceremony in the Macedonian Parliament on October 11, 2003.

The "11 October" Award is the highest and the most prestigious national award in the Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Ensemble Tanec
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco.  After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of
Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood.  In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S.  The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’. Members of Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" who participated in the concerts in the United States and Canada from January 22 until April 12, 1956, were the following: Doncheva Todorka, Vishinova Radmila, Krstic Dushica, Stojanova Zora, Arsova Desanka, Peshic Olga, Shijakovic Vera, Markova Lenche, Stojanova Radica, Videc Blaga, Ilieva Vaska, Kolarova Ljubica, Dilevska Roska, Petrushevski Dragan, Sarievski Aleksandar, Matevski Dojchin, Dobeski Krsto, Kolarovski Atanas, Livrinski Stanko, Mihajlovski Mihajlo, Cherepovski Trpe, Eftimovski Doncho, Vishinski Stanimir, Micevski Cvetko, Todevski Spase, Georgievski Stevo, Atanasovski Pece, Etemov Kemal, Georgievski Dushko, Velevski Blazhe, Pavlovski Todor, Muharedov Reshad, Terziev Ivan, Galevski Nikolaj, Hristovski Jonche, Ognenovski Tale and Tasevski Slave. The Artistic Director was Prof. Asparuh Hadzi-Nikolov, and the Regisseur, Dimce Najdeski.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. with his wife Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. and his sons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski in 2007, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.


Stevan Ognenovski played with his father Tale Ognenovski on three Audio CDs including CD entitled “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”

Reed Pipe (Recorder)

Stevan Ognenovski and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played the  parts of tracks on the  two Audio CDs of Tale Ognenovski: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music",(tracks - "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1", "Stevchevo oro" and "Sharsko oro".) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (tracks - Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7).

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. with his wife Margarita Ognenovska, Dipl.-Oec. and his sons Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski in 2007, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Music producer

Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski were music producers of four CDs:

"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (2001, IR04542, Independent Records, US),  "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (2006, IR37223, Independent Records, US),  "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" (2008, IR38824, Independent Records, US) and 

CD “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832)


The three CDs of Tale Ognenovski: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music", "MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos" and "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski were recorded and mixed by Dimitar Dimovski at PROMUZIKA TRA-LA-LA STUDIO, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

My thanks to my dear father Tale Ognenovski, to my lovely wife Margarita and to my dear sons Nikola and Kliment for their support and understanding during my writing this biography.

I am very proud to bring information about Tale Ognenovski to the Internet.   
E-mail  steveogn@yahoo.com
Thank you for visiting the OFFICIAL Tale Ognenovski Web site.  

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. has written three articles about the artistic works of his father Tale Ognenovski, the first appearing in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on November 10, 1997, the second appearing in the newsmagazine “Denes”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on October 29, 1998 and third Article entitled: "The musical genius Tale Ognenovski is not among the winners of the "October 11" award, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., published in the newsmagazine "Delo" (pages 65-66) on November 22, 2002 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Macedonian: Напис насловен: "Музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски не е меѓу добитниците на наградата "11 Октомври"", напишан од М-р Стеван Огненовски, објавен во магазинот "Дело" (страна 65-66) на 22 ноември 2002 година во Скопје, Република Македонија.)

Information about Magister’s Science Thesis of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  entitled: “Software programs for measurement of the network traffic in the local area network” (Croatian: PROGRAMSKA POMAGALA ZA MJERENJE PROMETA U LOKALNOJ MREŽI) can be found at Web site: http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_e.htm  (and http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_h.htm ) of MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia and on page 434 in the book entitled: “Hrvatska informatika: jučer, danas, sutra”; Author: Hrvatska informatička zajednica; Publisher: HIZ, 1996; Original from: the University of Michigan; ISBN: 9536129094, 9789536129096; Digitized: 7 Mar 2007; Length: 458 pages; Subjects: Information science.



Author and owner of Website entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet…” http://www.taleognenovski.mk  
The Official Web Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cvstevano.html
Facebook Page of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. – Biography http://www.facebook.com/StevanOgnenovskiWriter
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. was producer of YouTube video entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer... ” 

Mag. Scient. Stevan Ognenovski has 36 years of experience in telecommunications and computer science: from research and development to operation of switching telephone systems, computer systems, computer networks, computer systems security, GSM mobile billing system, IP network, public payphones and computer database systems. He worked in various job positions including: Assistant Manager, Specialist Engineer, Senior Expert, Project Manager and Advisor at: “Pretprijatie za PTT soobrakaj”, Republic of Macedonia; “SOZD ELEKTROTEHNA DO DELTA”, Ljubljana, Slovenia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iskra_Delta); “DO ISKRA DELTA”, Ljubljana, Slovenia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iskra_Delta); “PTT Macedonia”, Republic of Macedonia; “Macedonian Telecom AD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makedonski_Telekom), Republic of Macedonia and “Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Macedonia until September 9, 2012. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assembly_of_the_Republic_of_Macedonia).


Stevan Ognenovski, finished his studies at the “Georgi Dimitrov”  Gymnasium  in 1967 in Skopje, [Socialist Republic of Macedonia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He received Award: Third Prize at the National Competition of the “Society of mathematicians and physicians of Macedonia” in physic (Area of Electricity and Magnetism) of the scholars of the secondary schools in Socialist Republic of Macedonia  on May 14, 1967 in Skopje.

Stevan Ognenovski received the  Dipl. Eng. degree in 1974 (Diploma: No. 3158-1974.  Zagreb, Croatia, April 26, 1974. and the Mag. Scient. degree (Diploma: No. Ab/80-27.  EL 3350/91. Zagreb, Croatia, March 7, 1991) in 1991 in electrical engineering and computer science both from  University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Croatia.

Stevan Ognenovski received his  Dipl. Eng. degree  in electronics engineering - Discipline: Automatics (Diplom-Ingenieur) in 1974 with thesis: “Converter of Voltage to Frequency” (Croatian: “Pretvarač napona u frekvenciju” ). Mentor: Prof. emer. dr. sc. Ante Santic (https://www.zesoi.fer.hr/zesoi/povijest_zavoda/ante_santic ). Prof. emer. dr. sc. Ante Santic was awarded 2003 EMBS Career Achievement Award presented by IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. The 2003 EMBS Career Achievement Award is presented to Ante Šantić” (https://www.embs.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2003Awards.pdf )

Stevan Ognenovski received his Mag. Scient. degree in computer science in 1991 with thesis: “Software programs for measurement of the network traffic in the local area network” (Croatian:  ”PROGRAMSKA POMAGALA ZA MJERENJE PROMETA U LOKALNOJ MREŽI” ). Mentor: Prof.dr. sc. Leo Budin.  Prof.dr. sc. Leo Budin (https://www.fer.unizg.hr/leo.budin ) is Member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.  Information about magister’s science thesis of Stevan Ognenovski can be found at Web site of Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Croatia: title= “SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia” and http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_e.htm ; title= “SVIBOR - Prikupljanje podataka o projektima u Republici Hrvatskoj” http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_h.htm and in the book entitled: “Hrvatska informatika: jučer, danas, sutra” https://books.google.com/books?id=LRstAAAAMAAJ&q=stevan+ognenovski&dq=stevan+ognenovski&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y  isbn= 978-9-5361-2909-6 Publisher: “Hrvatska informatička zajednica”, 1996.

Articles published at newspapers written by Stevan Ognenovski about artistic achievements of his father Tale Ognenovski

He was author of the articles on the artistic achievements of his father Tale Ognenovski in the newspaper "Nova Makedonija" (10.11.1997) article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski deserves the award "October 11" (MacedonianТале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата 11 Октомври””) and in the magazines "Denes" (29.10.1998) article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski deserves the award "October 11" (Macedonian  Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата 11 Октомври””) and Delo " (22.11.2002) article entitled, "The musical genius Tale Ognenovski is not among the winners of the" October 11 "award" (Macedonian  "Музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски не е меѓу добитниците на наградата "11 Октомври"").

Stevan Ognenovski wrote: In the newspaper Nova Makedonija: “Tale Ognenovski is the author of the book "MACEDONIAN DANCES" (Macedonian  МАКЕДОНСКИ ОРА”) (https://www.worldcat.org/title/makedonski-ora/oclc/780525762 ) published by the Cultural and Educational Community of Skopje in 1989, which is the first published collection of Macedonian folk dances...  ,   in the magazine "Denes": ”On January 27, 1956, together with the Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec”,  Tale Ognenovski  performed on American television in the TV program Omnibus, and on January 27, 1956 in the most famous concert hall in the world, Carnegie Hal, where they experienced fantastic success ...” and  in the magazine "Delo": ”The musical genius Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist of: clarinet, flute, bagpipe and zurla of all times in the world, and confirmation of that is the CD album of Tale Ognenovski entitled: ''Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music''…”.

Stevan Ognenovski is writer of two books

He is author of two biography books of his father Tale Ognenovski:

''TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER'' (Macedonian  ''Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор'',)

2001) written by Stevan Ognenovski

Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, who wrote the book  ''Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer'' (Macedonian  ''Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор'', 2000). The book is published in both Macedonian and English. The content of the book is: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski).

Dushko Dimitrovski, ethnomusicologist and reviewer of the book, writes: "This book can be distinguished from others by the way research has been extraordinarily complete and scrupulously conducted. An enormous number of richly illustrated moments in his life and the creative style of Tale Ognenovski make it possible for everyone to see the extraordinary values and dimensions of this artistic person as one of the most important instrumental maestros in the world and a uniquely creative musician."

Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and reviewer of the book, writes: "In the first chapter the author, using selected materials, has included biographical data and individual articles about Tale Ognenovski's performances, as well as significant statements about his contribution towards the common proclamation of our cultural values with Ensemble "Tanec" on their mammoth tours in the United States of America, Canada and Germany in 1956, followed by the tours in France and Switzerland in 1959. Perhaps the most significant of his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" was the one in the famous Carnegie Hall in America."

Promotion of the book was at the National Institution Centre for Culture "Gligor Prlichev" – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. Boris Trajkovski wrote: "Dear Mr. Ognenovski, Extraordinary feelings, undoubtedly evokes monographic work of your great musical opus, rarely inventive and gifted instrumentalist and composer. Numerous tours and awards in our country and in the world talking about your virtuosity in unsurpassed merger of oriental and western music. Priceless is your merit for promotion of Macedonian traditional and folk music around the world... Your music and solo performances, left a mark of unsurpassed clarinetist who his perpetual inspiration finds in the most valuable that has this country – Macedonian folklore.

"In the letter Ljubčo Georgievski, wrote: "Dear Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Invitation to attend at the promotion of the book, causes me great honour and pleasure. I am glad that the promotion of the book is at the same time of maintaining the Balkan Folklore Festival and will enriches the content of this event. Of course it is important that you have managed to book issued in Macedonian and English. Congratulating you on the success and wishing you further success, expressing my regret that due to commitments I am not able to attend the promotion of your book".

The promotion of the book was recorded on video including live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski and this video from the promotion of the book was part of the biography YouTube video of Tale Ognenovski entitled: "Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer." Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski's work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Newspaper Articles:

Interview of Tale Ognenovski for the newspaper Nova Makedonija on October 11, 2003 - Tale Ognenovski: “…On October, 2001, was released my CD-album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music", Record Label: Independent Records, USA which is the best album for all time for instrumental music and is confirmation that I am the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time and one of the greatest composers in the world of music.  … My biography was published in the book on December 2000 and entitled "Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer", and was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.  Publishing house is MATICA MAKEDONSKA. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. My biography is published on the Web site www.taleognenovski.mk, since September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.” These words appeared in an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, Clarinetist, and Musical Virtuoso, which has been touring World” (Macedonian  Тале Огненовски, кларинетист и музички виртуоз со уметнички пат низ светот".)

“Tale Ognenovski, musical genius turned 81 and celebrated 66 years of brilliant professional career playing the clarinet ... Tale Ognenovski is the greatest instrumentalist on clarinet, reed pipe (‘kavalche’), small bagpipe and zourla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music... Tale Ognenovski in this interview said: "I am very proud and happy for I am rewarded with the greatest and most prestigious award in Republic of Macedonia and this award is my motivation to create new compositions... Great credit for my career so far, for recording my first CD titled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music " and writing a biographical book about me entitled " Tale Ognenovski virtuoso of the clarinet and composer” (Macedonian   “Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор “) has my son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  who wrote the book, especially for the book, because he explores the facts from articles published in many newspapers from the world. He has brought a lot of work that preoccupies his four years of his spare time ... "" From an article written by Mileva Lazova entitled “Macedonian musical genius Tale Ognenovski deservedly awarded with the "October 11" Award." (Macedonian  ”Македонскиот музички гениј Тале Огненовски заслужено награден со признанието "11 Октомври"") It appeared in the magazine “Makedonsko Sonce”  on October 10, 2003, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. 

In addition, the musical genius Tale Ognenovski can be read on the website www.taleognenovski.mk created by Stevan Ognenovski carried away by the pride he has for his father, Mr. Stevan Ognenovski also wrote a book dedicated to the life and success of Tale Ognenovski. The book is titled "Tale Ognenovski virtuoso on clarinet and composer" which abounds in content and photographs that follow the life and professional path of the Macedonian music phenomenon ... " From an article written by Mileva Lazova entitled ""Tale Ognenovski world virtuoso of folk, jazz and classical music " Water sleeps, uncle Tale does not sleep"” (Macedonian  Тале Огненовски светски виртуоз на народна, џез и класична музика “”Водата спие, чичко Тале не спие"”)  It appeared in the magazine ”Makedonsko Sonce”, on November 11, 2002, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia.


Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer, Biography and music notation of 69 clarinet compositions: Macedonian folk dances, jazz and classical music” written by Stevan Ognenovski were published on November 15, 2019 at  Amazon.com.

Stevan Ognenovski, author of two biography books of his father Tale Ognenovski on page 6 of the book writes: “Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music.  He has composed and arranged 300 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1” and a number of jazz compositions]]. Some of his compositions have been recorded on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, one videotape and 4 CDs.  Labels: MRT, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia PGP-RTB, now PGP-RTS Radio Television of Serbia, Serbia, Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia and Independent Records, USA. Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music… He is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music…”

MI2N published an article entitled,  “Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”” (https://web.archive.org/web/20191127204425/http://mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=207750 )


Stevan Ognenovski was member of the quartet "Tale Ognenovski" as instrumentalist on drum and reed pipe (recorder) together with his sons Nikola Ognenovski reed pipe (recorder) and Kliment Ognenovski reed pipe (recorder) and his father Tale Ognenovski as instrumentalist on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, and drum. Stevan Ognenovski and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played the parts of tracks on the two Audio CDs of Tale Ognenovski: "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, (tracks - "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1", "Stevchevo oro" and "Sharsko oro".) and “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (tracks - Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7). Stevan Ognenovski was music producer together with his father Tale Ognenovski of four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski and play drum on 27 tracks.

Stevan Ognenovski, on the base of recording of  Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622 from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos".

Dimitar Dimovski, recorded, mixed and mastered four CD Albums of Tale Ognenovski at “Promuzika TRA-LA-LA Studio”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, "Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday"" on November 13, 2006 (http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463&string=Tale )  and an article entitled, "Mozart and Ognenovski Is the Best Clarinet Concertos in the World" on November 21, 2014. (http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450 )

CD: ''Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music''

In 2001 Tale Ognenovski formed Quartet with his son, Stevan Ognenovski on drum and reed pipe (recorder) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski on reed pipe and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. Tale Ognenovski is soloist on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe and zourla (zurla). In September, 2001 was released CD album: ''Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music'' (IR04542, Independent Records, US). Ten tracks were recorded for this album: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian Folk dances and Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1, all composed by Tale Ognenovski.

Erika Borsos: “My favorite tunes are the folk dances which demonstrate his innovative skills using the minor musical scale, unique rhythms and melodies that predominate in the Balkans. The titles of the tunes, "Brusnichko Oro", "Nevenino Oro", "Bukovsko svadbarski oro", "Talevo kasaspsko oro" ... sound as mysterious and enticing as the music itself. Spine-tingling sensations arise as one listens to the spiralling musical notes played with so much passion and talent… Track # 8 "Stevchevo Oro" is a unique blend of sounds created by the reed pipes, small bagpipe, and zourla which alternate on different musical paths …Track # 10, "Tale Ognenvovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1", is an amazing musical labyrinth, an extravaganza of magnificent proportions and dimensions…” (https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000Y8HXS/qid=1068816978/sr=8-4/ref=sr_8_4/104-9748987-8087112?v=glance&s=music&n=507846 )

Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments: "He is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." The blaring reed pipes also occasionally put this listener in mind of the bombardes of his beloved Breton bagadou…”  (http://www.musicweb-international.com/classRev/2003/Nov03/Ognenovski.htm )

W. Grandy: “This is an album of folk dances, classical music and jazz. The quartet consists of Mr. Ogenenovski, his son and two grandsons. Instruments used are clarinet, reed pipe, small bagpipe, zourla and drums. All selections are written by Mr. Ogenenovski. This album crosses all of the above genres with finesse. A don't miss, feel good recording. Check out the drums. Tops my list of jazz recordings.” (https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000Y8HXS/qid=1068816978/sr=8-4/ref=sr_8_4/104-9748987-8087112?v=glance&s=music&n=507846 )

On this CD, Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla"). Accompanying him are members of his Orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski drum ("tapan") - all tracks and reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9 and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9) and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9).  All tracks composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski – “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1”, “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 5”, “Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8”, “Brusnichko oro”, “Nevenino oro”, “Bukovsko svadbarsko oro”, “Talevo kasapsko oro”, “Stevchevo oro”, “Sharsko oro” and “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”.

CD: ''Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music''

This Album is registered at AllMusic, an American online music database catalogs: Title: “Credits of artist Stevan Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/artist/stevan-ognenovski-mn0002230204 ; title: “Discography of artist Tale Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tale-ognenovski-mn0000790778 ; title: “Track Listing” https://www.allmusic.com/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances-and-classical-music-mw0000331655 ; Title: “Credits” https://www.allmusic.com/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances-and-classical-music-mw0000331655/credits

Newspaper Articles:

"Tale Ognenovski, who has been creating for more than 60 years and is well known to the Macedonian and world public for his virtuosity, released his first album in December last year, entitled "Jazz, Macedonian folk dances and classical music ". The album is recorded in the studio "Promuzika Tra-la-la" in Skopje, and published by the record company "Independent Records" from the USA… affirmation of Macedonian folklore around the world. Accompanying in some of the songs are the members of his orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski, drums, and grandchildren Nikola and Kliment, reed pipe ("kavalche"). The album contains 3 jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances –“ Brusnichko oro”, “Nevenino oro”, “Bukovo svadbarsko oro”, “Talevo kasapsko oro”,” Stevchevo oro” and “Sharsko oro” - and a classic composition - "Tale Ognenovski Concert for clarinet No. 1". The author of all the melodies and dances is Tale Ognenovski himself. " From an article written by  Sonja Stoilkovska entitled “NEW ALBUM BY TALE OGNENOVSKI Mix of Macedonian folk dances and world jazz by the old master Last month the latest album of the famous Macedonian instrumentalist Tale Ognenovski was released by the American record company "Independent Records""  (Macedonian НОВ АЛБУМ НА ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ Микс од македонски народни ора и светски џез од стариот мајстор Во минатиот месец излезе најновиот албум на познатиот македонски инструменталист Тале Огненовски, во издание на американската дискографска куќа "Индипендент рекордс"") It appeared in the newspaper  Dnevnik no. 1764 , on January 31, 2002, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. (https://web.archive.org/web/20130802055057/http://star.dnevnik.com.mk/default.aspx?pbroj=1764&stID=9898 )

“Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). His Audio CD album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" is confirmation for the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds…” From an article written by  Greta Odzakova entitled “Virtuoso for the World Books with Macedonian Sign "  (Macedonian  "Виртуоз за светски книги со Македонски предзнак ") It appeared in the newspaper Večer , Republic of Macedonia on February 2, 2002

"The Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is one of the Greatest Instrumentalists and Composers in Word Music…In the new Audio CD, Tale Ognenovski in unique way in Word Music made the connection between Oriental and Western Music…" From an article entitled, “World Music, Fascinate fusion of Classical and Oriental Music“  (Macedonian   Светска музика, фасцинантна фузија на класичнатата и  ориенталната музика ), written by “Sekoj petok” magazine and published on January 25, 2002, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

”The television programme 'Folk Plus' of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia on February 8, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD,  entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.  The journalist, Vesna Trajchevska said: “The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is Musical Genius and the best instrumentalist in the world. “ Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe…”

The television programme “Utrinsko ogledalo” of Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia on February 10, 2002, was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD, entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA. Tale Ognenovski performed solo on the small bagpipe and zourla his own composition “Sharsko oro”, the track from the album accompanied by his son Stevan on the drum. Second part of this composition was played by his son Stevan and grandsons Nikola and Kliment on the reed pipe (recorder or “kavalche”) accompanied by Tale Ognenovski on the reed pipe. The journalist, Sinolichka Dzambazova said: “You are one of the greatest Ambassadors in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms… The critics in the world commented that Tale Ognenovski is the best instrumentalist in the world… In their commentaries, the North American press gave magnificent descriptions of your performance in Carnegie Hall…”.

In the A1 TV television programme ”Bujoto” for clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, the journalist Suzana Turundzieva, said: “Tale Ognenovski is greatest virtuoso instrumentalist of all time… Tale Ognenovski and his orchestra demonstrate incredible virtuoso music. The music of Tale Ognenovski takes you to different worlds and different dimensions… Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in word of music. He made the connection between the two "UNCONNECTABLE" worlds - the Orient and the West - with melodies… The album entitled, "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” includes: 3 Jazz compositions, 6 Macedonian folk dances and classical music (all composed by Tale Ognenovski)… The drummer accompaniment of Stevan Ognenovski is appropriate of the different rhythms and sounds wonderfully…”. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on March 17, 2002.

"World music critics have been written that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, an unapproachable technique, a wealth of invention and amazing improvisational virtuosity.” From an article entitled, “Tale Ognenovski, virtuoso of the clarinet, reed pipe and zourla - Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music, as a result of 73 Years of Work“(Macedonian  “Тале Огненовски, виртуоз на кларинет, кавалче и зурла - џез, македонски народни ора и класична музика, како резултат на 73 години работа”) ,  written by Milica Dzarovska and published in the newspaper “Vest”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on January 28, 2002. This article was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski’s Audio CD, entitled “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”, released by record label Independents Records from USA.

CD:''Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos''

In 2005 with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski on drum Tale Ognenovski recorded Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622  This album ''Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos'' (IR37223, Independent Records, US) released in January 2006 to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1956 – 2006) includes "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1" (clarinet, tin whistle, small bagpipe and zourla (zurla)).

Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski arranged parts of the Mozart's clarinet concerto for two clarinets. In this recording the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by his son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski).

Performed by Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Track 1,2,3,4), Reed Pipe (Track 4), Small Bagpipe (Track 4), Zourla (Track 4) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Track 1,2,4). Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski – Tracks: 1, 2, and 3 – “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro”, “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio ” and “Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro ”. Composed and Arranged by Tale Ognenovski – Tracks: 4 – “Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1”

Michele Zukovsky, 1st clarinet Los Angeles Philharmonic: "Mozart was so inspiring that I fell into a reverie---it was a moment of bliss … no other clarinetist can touch him. after having bought the cd, you will not be able to listen to anything else… and bravo Mr. Ognenovski, for inspiring the world of clarinetists…” (https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1 )

Julia M. Heinen, Professor of Clarinet, California State University, Northridge, United States": ""Based on the recommendation of the wonderful clarinetist, Michele Z. I have to tell you that this is now my most favorite recording of the Mozart Concerto. I can only hope all clarinetists near and far will learn from this unique interpretation. Bravo Mr.Ognenovski, you've set a new standard." (https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1 )

David Gilman, orchestral & solo clarinetist, Lake Forest, California: "I must concur with my colleague, Michele Z., for her astute observations regarding Mr. Ognenovski's artistry. His subtle phrasing and amazing tone leave one breathless. Words cannot adequately describe the impression his recordings make. One must experience them to believe it. I can still hardly believe it myself." (https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1 )

Erika Borsos: "This reviewer is familiar with the three B's of classical music: Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms and can distinguish their styles, one can *now* add a fourth "B" which stands for "Balkan" as played by Tale Ognenovski. Mr. Ognenovski plays Mozart with his own inimitable personal style making the classical music take on mysterious and exotic characteristics and overtones… Ognenovski explodes with passion as he performs his own "Tale Ognenovski Concerto for Clarinet No. 1" ... The labyrinthine musical pathways he creates are enormously pleasing to the listener. The pentatonic scale and odd metered rhythms of Macedonia awaken the listener to new vistas of musical excitement and enjoyment. Anyone who loves jazz improvisation and the sounds of the clarinet will immediately recognize the superior creativity, breath control and complete mastery of this instrument as played by Mr. Ognenovski…" (https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1 )

CD:''Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos''

This Album is registered at AllMusic, an American online music database catalogs: Title: “Track Listing Of CD: Mozart, Ognenovski: Clarinet Concertos - Tale Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet-concertos-mw0001946054 ; title: “Track Listing”  https://www.allmusic.com/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet-concertos-mw0001946054 ; Title: “Credits” https://www.allmusic.com/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet-concertos-mw0001946054/credits

Music Industry News Network published an article entitled, ”Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” on November 12, 2006.  (http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463&string=Tale )

“… Tale Ognenovski is considered a musical genius, the greatest instrumentalist on clarinet, reed pipe, small bagpipe and zourla of all time in the world and one of the greatest composers in world music history. The new album ''Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos'' (2006, Catalog:  IR37223, Independent Records, USA was recorded, mixed and mastered by Dimitar Dimovski in his "Promuzika Tra-la-la Studio" in Skopje, and was released under the label of the American record company "Independent Records". Producers of the CD album: Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, Photos by Kliment, Margarita and Stevan Ognenovski. Graphic design Nikola and Stevan Ognenovski…” wrote Valentina Gjorgievska in an article entitled “Fifty years since the performance of Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble "Tanec" In Carnegie Hall in New York City". (Macedonian   "Педесет години од настапот на Тале Огненовски и Ансамблот "Танец" во Карнеги Хол во Њујорк"), appearing in the newspaper ''Vecer'', Republic of Macedonia on January 28, 2006." (https://web.archive.org/web/20200514190924/https://vecer.mk/node/60585 )

CD: ''Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski''

In September 2008, Tale Ognenovski Quartet released his second CD album: ''Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski''  (IR38824, Independent Records, US) with twelve   tracks: Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No 1,

Composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski (Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Personnel: Tale Ognenovski (clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, drum); Stevan Ognenovski (reed pipe, drum); Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe); Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe). 
Stevan Ognenovski and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe the  parts of tracks on this  Audio CDs (tracks - Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7). 

''All About Jazz'' published article entitled: "New CD 'Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski' of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist" on September 27, 2008 at his website. (https://news.allaboutjazz.com/new-cd-macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-of-internationally-renowned-jazz-folk-dance-and-classical-clarinetist.php )

''Music Industry News Network'' published article entitled: "New CD 'Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski' of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist" on September 27, 2008 at his website.

Erika Borsos: “Tale Ognenovski uses the most intricate Western playing techniques and combines them with exotic Balkan stylizations creating a pure and genuine new dimensional sound. The listener's spirit soars, dances and flies with pleasure and anticipation gliding on every note and musical phrase. Besides the astonishing clarinet playing, Tale Ogenenovski is also a master player of the reed pipe, small bagpipe, zourla and drums which add more flavor and spice to the original, creative, and artistic clarinet music on this CD. His son Stevan Ogenenovski accompanies the master clarinet player on the reed pipes and drum, while his grandsons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski add their accompaniment on the reed pipes…” (https://www.amazon.com/Macedonian-Clarinet-Jazz-Composed-Ognenovski/dp/B001GNFYXS/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1303097678&sr=1-3 )

CD: ''Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski''

This Album is registered at AllMusic, an American online music database catalogs: Title: “Rearises” https://www.allmusic.com/album/macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed-by-tale-ognenovski-mw0001687299/releases

Newspaper Articles and TV News:

“The world-famous jazz music website All About Jazz, recently published an article in which it paid tribute to the Macedonian instrumentalist and composer Tale Ognenovski… Tale Ognenovski plays clarinet, [[zurna|zourla]], small bagpipe and reed pipe, the American production company "Independent Records" has released three albums with his music… Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances, a classical concert entitled "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No. 1" and 12 jazz compositions… " wrote Aleksandra Bubevska in an article entitled “Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician of the Day at AllAboutJazz.com ". (Macedonian  "Тале Огненовски - џез музичар на денот на allaboutjazz.com "), appearing in the “A1 TV”, Republic of Macedonia on July 09, 2009." (https://web.archive.org/web/20090711153202/http://a1.com.mk/vesti/default.aspx?VestID=111214 )

“The new album of the Macedonian clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski, released on September 1, 2018, simply titled "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" receives excellent reviews from the foreign press, and special attention is paid to the famous Website "All About Jazz “. Tale Ognenovski appears as the author, composer and arranger of all 12 compositions present on the album, which was released for "Independent Records" produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, and distributed by  |The Orchard. Tale Ognenovski also performs on the new album with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe, zurla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum and his grandchildren Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe…” wrote Tina Ivanova in an article entitled “The new CD of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski rated as phenomenal". (Macedonian  " Новото ЦД на кларинетистот Тале Огненовски оценето како феноменално"), appearing in the “Utrinski Vesnik”, no. 2803, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 04, 2008." (https://web.archive.org/web/20081005025130/http://www.utrinski.com.mk/?ItemID=8B4959AB284C79458FE0E47327C0174A )

“Tale Ognenovski is the greatest Macedonian instrumentalist, who plays clarinet, reed pipe, small bagpipe and zourla and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music. About his works, his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient., wrote a book entitled: "Tale Ognenovski, virtuoso of the clarinet and composer". Tale Ognenovski and his son Stevan Ognenovski are producers of Tale Ognenovski's three albums released for the American record company “Independent Records: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dance and Classical Music”,  “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos”, and ''Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski''…” wrote  Valentina Gjorgievska in an article entitled “ON THE MOST FAMOUS JAZZ SITE Tale Ognenovski Jazz musician of the day" (http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM )  (Macedonian  " НА НАЈПОЗНАТИОТ САЈТ ЗА ЏЕЗ Тале Огненовски џез-музичар на денот"), appearing in the newspaper “Vreme”, no. 1713, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on July 06, 2009." (https://web.archive.org/web/20110320083202/http://www.vreme.com.mk/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=6&tabid=1&EditionID=1749&ArticleID=117172 )

Rumena Ravanovska-Tulbevska, editor of magazine ''Tea Modena'' noted: "Tale Ognenovski is always environed with love of his son Stevan Ognenovski and daughter in law Margarita Ognenovska," in an article entitled ““World Jazz Musician of the Day Tale Ognenovski” (Macedonian  ”Светски џез музичар на денот Тале Огненовски”) published on July 29, 2009 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

"… In 2000, Tale Ognenovski formed a quartet together with his son Stevan Ognenovski and grandchildren Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski. He recorded three CD albums with them. For his works Tale Ognenovski receives dazzling reviews from many sides as well as the recognition from the famous website All About Jazz: "Jazz Musician of the Day - April 27, 2009: Tale Ognenovski" (http://news.allaboutjazz.com/news.php?id=34707#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM) which was published on 27 April 2009 on their website...” From an article written by  Marina Lazarevska entitled “GREAT RECOGNITION FOR OUR MUSICIAN AND COMPOSER - TALE OGNENOVSKI AMONG THE 100 BEST CLARINETISTS OF ALL TIMES" (https://books.google.com/books?id=4tXLAwAAQBAJ&q=the+greatest+clarinetist+of+all+time+Tale+Ognenovski&pg=PA5 )  -  (Macedonian  "ГОЛЕМО ПРИЗНАНИЕ ЗА НАШИОТ МУЗИЧАР И КОМПОЗИТОР  - ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ МЕЃУ 100-ТЕ НАЈДОБРИ КЛАРИНЕТИСТИ НА СИТЕ ВРЕМИЊА") It appeared in the newspaper “Dnevnik”, on November 24, 2014, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223140633/http://www.dnevnik.mk/?ItemID=A5EF6F5A233FD4498AF9EAD28953883C )

CD: ''Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski''

Album "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" (Record label: Independent Records, US. Catalog: IR43832) was released On April 27, 2016 at Amazon.com.

Stevan Ognenovski, the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska, on the base of recording of "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622"  from 2005 (CD:''Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos''), arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1.

Perhaps this is unique recording when clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski) used two clarinets simultaneously with two different arrangements. In other words: used two clarinets by a single performer (Tale Ognenovski) - Playing the first clarinet with first arrangement and second clarinet with second arrangement that's played simultaneously – by one performer (Tale Ognenovski). In reality these three tracks: "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski"; "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" and "Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" were made by mixing one audio recording with clarinet performance according to the arrangement for first clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) and separate audio recording (performed by Tale Ognenovski) with clarinet performance according to the arrangement for second clarinet. It was possible to make a mix of two audio recording with arrangements for the first and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) thanks to the excellent synchronization of performance of the arrangement for the second clarinet by clarinetist Tale Ognenovski while he simultaneously listening to the tape of his performance on the clarinet with the arrangement for the first clarinet. When you listen these three tracks:
Track 4 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
Track 5 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
Track 6 – “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”
of the Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” you will have impression that Tale Ognenovski uses two clarinets simultaneously with two different arrangements.

Performed by Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Tracks: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8). Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski – Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Tracks: 1. “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; 2. “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; 3. “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; 4.

“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; 5. “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”; 6. “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale OgnenovskI”; 7.

“Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”; 8. “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski” and 9. “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski”

Tale Ognenovski and his son Stevan Ognenovski arranged for two clarinets [[Clarinet Concerto (Mozart)|Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622]], composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and recorded the  albums ''Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos''  and ''Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski'' .  Perhaps these two albums are unique recordings of this concert with two clarinets where first clarinet with first arrangement and second clarinet with second arrangement that's played simultaneously – by one performer (Tale Ognenovski).

Mi2n Music Industry News Network published an article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: "Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski""on April 27, 2017, the 95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski. (https://web.archive.org/web/20170809044454/http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=197557 )

Professional career
Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. has 36 years of experience in telecommunications and computer science. He began his career at ”Macedonian Telekom AD” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makedonski_Telekom  , now part of “Deutsche Telekom” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Telekom ). Between April, 1976 and November 1977, he was part of a team engaged in the testing and started to work, computer directed transit telephone exchange Metaconta 10C (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITT_Corporation  ), On August 4, 1976 he was promoted to Assistant Manager of transit telephone exchange Metaconta 10C, the first computer directed telephone exchange installed in “Pretprijatie za PTT soobrakaj – Skopje” (now “Macedonian Telekom AD”) in Republic of Macedonia.. 
On July 27, 1980, he transferred to SOZD ELEKTROTEHNA DO DELTA, Ljubljana, Slovenia, following 8 years with DO ISKRA DELTA , (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iskra_Delta  ), Ljubljana, Slovenia. On June 17, 1991, he transferred to Department of Research and Development at ” Macedonian Telekom AD. Mr. Ognenovski was a Project Manager of the Project for defining technical characteristic of Computer Billing System of GSM Mobil Telephony of “PTT Macedonia”. He was main designer of first Ethernet Local Area Network in 1993 and Wide Area in 1994. He is author and co-author of many elaborates technical solutions and project requirements in Computer Systems, Local and Wide Area Network in "Macedonian Telekom AD"​. On March 25, 2002 he became Senior Expert for for Research and Development. He was Advisor in Information Technology Department at the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (until September 9, 2012). Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. has earned his Magister of Science in Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Croatian: ELEKTROTEHNIČKI FAKULTET), University of Zagreb, Croatia on March 7, 1991. Diploma: No. Ab/80-27. EL 3350/91. Zagreb, March 7, 1991.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.

Stevan Ognenovski has 36 years of experience in telecommunications and computer science: from research and development to operation of switching systems, computer systems, computer networks, GSM billing system, IP network and public payphones.

He began his career with “Pretprijatie za PTT soobrakaj – Skopje” (now ”Macedonian Telekom AD” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makedonski_Telekom , part of “Deutsche Telekom” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Telekom )of , Department of Research and Development on April 7, 1975.   He transferred to the “OOZT za TT vrski Megjugradska Skopje”, separate legal entity and part of “Pretprijatie za PTT soobrakaj – Skopje” (now ”Macedonian Telekom AD”) on October 31, 1975,   On June 1, 1976, he successfully defended his Thesis entitled: “Technical Solution and Project Analysis for transfer the equipment of Ericsson transit telephone exchange ARM 201/2 from Skopje to Veles for installation new transit telephone exchange ARM 201/2” and successfully passed 14 specialized exams and received PTT Macedonia Certificate No.: 20218/1 that he may officially practice in telecommunications.   Between April, 1976 and November 1977, he was part of a team (the team includes experts from ITT from Belgium (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITT_Corporation  ), engaged in the testing and started to work, computer directed transit telephone exchange Metaconta 10C, manufactured by the ITT Bell Telephone Mfg Co. Antwerp, Belgium (now Alcatel Antwerp). On August 4, 1976 he was promoted to Assistant Manager of transit telephone exchange Metaconta 10C(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITT_Corporation), the first computer directed telephone exchange installed in “Pretprijatie za PTT soobrakaj – Skopje” (now “Macedonian Telekom AD”).

On January 13, 1978 he became Assistant Manager of the Electronics Telephony Department. He successfully completed a course of "Transit telephone exchange Metaconta 10C" in training center of "ISKRA" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iskra_(company))  in Kranj and Bled, Slovenia, from September 11, 1978 until March 8, 1979.   

DO ISKRA DELTA, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iskra_Delta) Ljubljana, Slovenia

On July 27, 1980, he transferred to SOZD ELEKTROTEHNA DO DELTA, Ljubljana, Slovenia, following 8 years with DO ISKRA DELTA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iskra_Delta ), Ljubljana, Slovenia (From September 1, 1983 to November 30, 1989) and DO DELTA SERVIS Ljubljana, Slovenia (From December 1, 1989 to June 16, 1991) as Engineer and Engineer Specialist for computer systems.

He is author of two innovations in computer systems published in the publication entitled "Collection of innovations in ISKRA DELTA 1985", Ljubljana, Slovenia on December 19, 1985.   He successfully completed a course of "EY-2282E VAX/VMS System Management" in training center of American company Digital Equipment Corporation (now Hewlett Packard) in Evry, Paris, France, from November 9 until November 15, 1986.

He successfully completed a course of "EY 4700E LS - DIGITAL ADVANCED NETWORKS" in training center of American company Digital Equipment Corporation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Equipment_Corporation  (now Hewlett Packard http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hewlett-Packard )  in Munich Germany, from March 9 until March 20, 1987. He received the ISKRA DELTA Recognition for 5 years work in the computer industry on May 25, 1986. 

“Macedonian Telekom AD” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makedonski_Telekom )

On June 17, 1991, he transferred to Department  of Research and Development at ” Macedonian Telekom AD”, and his assignment was as Assistant for Informatics and New PTT Services.  He was member of the Working Group  responsible for upgrade VAX/VMS and ALPHA AXP computer systems in computer center at ” Macedonian Telekom AD”, since 1991.

He was promoted to Independent Assistant for Switching and Informatics on March 1, 1993  and to Principal Engineer on August 1, 1995.

He was main designer of computer network at "PTT Macedonia" (now ”Macedonian Telekom AD” since 1994, when 10 Mbps Thin Ethernet Local Area Network LAN  and 2 Mbps PDH and SDH links between local area networks in 6 telephone exchanges in Skopje  have been installed. Equipment includes: Converter GMT-H/V.35-15P from Pan Dacom, Germany, Siemens (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siemens ) Digital Multiplexer DSMX2/34 and Dec Routers 90T1(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Equipment_Corporation).

Later this project of 2 Mbps  SDH links (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronous_Digital_Hierarchy )  was applied in extended Local - Wide Area Network between local area networks in main towns in Macedonia. Similar concept was applied for connection of IP Backbone (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_backbone )  of “Macedonian Telekom AD”  in 2001. 

MOBIMAK A.D-Skopje now “Macedonian Telekom AD”.

During the planning and implementation of mobile telephony system, GSM at  “PTT Macedonia” (MOBIMAK A.D-Skopje) from 1995  to October, 1996,  Mr. Ognenovski was a consultant of the Working Group responsible for specifying the equipment and services for mobile telephony system, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSM ) in Republic of Macedonia and Project Manager of the Project for defining technical characteristic of Computer Billing System of GSM Mobil Telephony of  “PTT Macedonia” and for implementation of BSCS (Business Support and Control System) in GSM of “PTT Macedonia” (MOBIMAK A.D-Skopje)

He is co-author of the elaborate entitled "Suggested prices for services in GSM Mobile Telephony", created on April 19, 1996.  

He participated in all meetings between ERICSSON (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson ), CAP PROGRAMATOR (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capgemini ) and PTT Macedonia(now ”Macedonian Telekom AD”) representatives and managed all issues regarding the Computer Billing System BSCS (Business Support and Control System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LHS_Telekommunikation ) of GSM Mobile Telephony  from April 22, 1996 to October 2, 1996.  

Together with other members of the Working Group responsible for GSM Billing System, he visited Detecon, Bonn and GSM Computer Centre of DeTeMobil (now T-Mobile, Deutsche Telekom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Telekom subsidiary), Munster, Germany, on February 11-15, 1996.

He has successfully participated in the “Business Support and Control System (BSCS)” course organized by  CAP PROGRAMATOR” on June, 1996 in Skopje.

BSCS is the one of the world’s most proven end to end customer care and billing solution for wireless networks.

He successfully completed a courses: “Digital UNIX Utilities and Commands” and  "Digital UNIX System Administration  EY-L571E-SG.E001" in training center of EuroComputer Systems, (representative of American company Digital Equipment Corporation – now Hewlett-Packard) in Skopje (May 24, 1996 until June 1, 1996 and June  17-21, 1996), and course  "SQL*Plus DB7A Database Administrator Part I" in training center of American company ORACLE in Skopje, from July 13 until July 22, 1996 (Certificate No.:  3/96).

He was member of the Working Group for the control of invest and technical documentation of the “Project for implementation of the GSM Mobil Telephony in Republic of Macedonia”. He was member of the Working Group for controlling the quality of the “Telephone exchange of GSM”. 

He has successfully participated in specifying and ordering equipment for the first noncommercial Internet Center at Macedonian Telekom AD, which commercial Internet service began on 7-th of December 1995) on February 21, 1995. The Internet equipment from Eicon Technology from Dublin, Ireland includes: Eicon Card HIS/PC 1MB, OSI PC Gateway for UNIX (SCO Version) and IP Router for UNIX (SCO Version). 

He has successfully participated in the “INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS SECURITY SEMINAR/WORKSHOP” from the “International Association for Computer Systems Security” from October 20 until October 24, 1996 in Ohrid.

He was member of the Working Group (Decision no. 9489, November 11, 1997 and Decision no. 5231, March 3, 1999) responsible for creating technical solution for upgrading LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network). He is author of project requirement for new telex exchange Datex P (February 2002). He is co-author of Development plan for Y2002, Y2003,Y2004, Y2005 and 3-year conceptual development plans for the period of Y2003-2005,Y2004-2006 and Y2005-2007 for Public Payphones.  He is co-author of Project requirements for extension of telephone exchanges ALCATEL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcatel-Lucent) E10 in Bitola, Struga, Kavadarci, Strumica and Podares (May, 2003) and for cabling of Local Area Network (LAN) at Bitola, Gostivar, Gevgelija, Kavadarci, Kicevo, Kicevo - stopanski dvor, Kocani, Kumanovo,  Ohrid, Prilep, Strumica, Veles and Skopje (Direkcija, Cair, Gorce Petrov, Karpos, Kisela Voda, Montiranje i servisiranje, Centar and Transporten Centar)  (June, 2000). He was main designer of first Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet ), 1993 and Wide Area Network (WAN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_area_network ), 1994. He is author and co-author of many elaborates, technical solutions and project requirements in Computer Systems, Local and Wide Area Network in "Macedonian Telekom AD".  He was member of the Project Team for Voice over IP Gateway (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.323#H.323_and_Voice_over_IP_services ).

He was member of the delegation of the PTT “Macedonia” (now “Macedonian Telekom AD”) for professional visits to the “National Center of Scientific and Technological Information (COSTI),  Tel-Aviv, Israel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel )  from April 21 until April 28, 1994.

He was member of the delegations of  “Macedonian Telekom AD” for professional visits to the CeBit in Hannover, Germany (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany ) in 1994, 1995, 1999 and 2000. He has successfully participated in the courses:

“PRINCE2 Project Management Method” from the “G.A.W. Associates Limited” (April 9 - 11, 2002)

Microsoft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft ) Share Point Portal Server (November 23-24, 2004)

Creating of Internal Procedures (March 30, 2006)

Metro Ethernet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_Ethernet ) Equipment (June 19-20, 2006)

On March 25, 2002  he became Senior Expert for Research and Development II of Research and Development Area at “Macedonian Telekom AD”. On January 17, 2005, he was promoted to Specialist for Development of Technical Products in the Service Platform Development Department, Technical Development and Implementation Directorate, Service Area of Macedonian Telekom AD.

He was Advisor in Information Technology Department at the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assembly_of_the_Republic_of_Macedonia )(until September 9, 2012)

At web site of Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia was written on July 22, 2011: “STEVAN OGNENOVSKI Born on 09.09.1948. MacedonianMagister of Technical Sciences in the field of computer science. Faculty of Electrical Engineering – Zagreb, Croatia. He speaks English, French and Serbo-Croatian. ” (. Macedonian “Собрание на Република Македонија: СТЕВАН ОГНЕНОВСКИ Роден на 09.09.1948 година. Македонец. Магистер на технички науки од подрачјето на компјутерската науки. Електро-технички факултет – Загреб,
Хрватска. Говори англиски, француски и српско-хрватски јазик.”)

He is Author and Owner of the Web site http://www.taleognenovski.mk   entitled: "Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… "   hosted by Macedonian Telekom AD   (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makedonski_Telekom ) (Since September 1998).

Information about Magister’s Science Thesis of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.  entitled: “Software programs for measurement of the network traffic in the local area network” (Croatian: PROGRAMSKA POMAGALA ZA MJERENJE PROMETA U LOKALNOJ MREŽI) can be found at Web site: http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_e.htm  (and http://mzos.hr/svibor/2/06/278/rad_h.htm ) of MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia.

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski/Signed_Articles/Stevan_Ognenovski

Biography of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/User:Stevan_Ognenovski

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: "TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER, BIOGRAPHY AND MUSIC NOTATION OF 69 CLARINET COMPOSITIONS: MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES, JAZZ AND CLASSICAL MUSIC" by Stevan Ognenovski (Author) Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled:
by Stevan Ognenovski (Author)

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds

Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)



The material in this book also appears in the print version entitled: “TALE OGNENOVSKI Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / “ТАЛЕ ОГНЕНОВСКИ, ВИРТУОЗ НА КЛАРИНЕТ И КОМПОЗИТОР”published by BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE “MATICA MAKEDONSKA” in Republic of Macedonia in 2001; Print ISBN 9989-48-312-4; CIP – (Cataloging in Publication) "St. Kliment Ohridski" National and University Library – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 78.071.1/.2(497.7)(092) 788.6.089.6; The Library of Congress Control Number LCCN: 2003457521; LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 

Changes in the First eBook and Print Book publishing of this book


Tale Ognenovski received recognition entitled "Partizanska spomenica 1941" (“Commemorative Partisan Medal 1941" - No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) with a decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia, the Minister, Army General Ivan Gosnjak.

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, with announcement published at his website. https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM

"11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for his contributions to Macedonian culture. October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Certificate for "National Pension" for his contribution to Macedonian culture. March 3, 2012. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/aw11oct.html

“Gratitude” from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture. October 30, 2014. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. For more information please visit my website http://www.taleognenovski.mk/awards.html


CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542). Amazon.com Release Date: November 11, 2003. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/firstcd.html

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA). Catalog: IR38824). Amazon.com Release Date: September 1, 2008. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/jazzcd.html

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Amazon.com Release Date: January 1, 2005. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozartcd.html

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832). Amazon.com Release Date: April 27, 2016. http://www.taleognenovski.mk/mozart2016.html   

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska on the base of recording of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. arranged
for two clarinets Musical Masterpiece “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Perhaps these two Audio CDs are unique recordings in the world where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für klarinette und orchester A dur – A major –  La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, This Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for
Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" performed by
Tale Ognenovski are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski).

Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You: My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA   entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” I am author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA  
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history  of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs. Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist. “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” This comes from an article written by music critic John Martin, entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" and published in the The New York Times on February 5, 1956, p. 114. (The virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).   http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html

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Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

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Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)


Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Author)   



Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You:
My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qvqdG4eSIIA entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”

I am author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA  Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

This book was written by me, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.

In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832),

"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223),

“Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and

"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).

Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

This is preview. Some pages are omitted from this book preview.

Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You: My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qvqdG4eSIIA entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” I am author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

This book was written by me, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska. In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542). Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

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Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski


Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds

Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

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The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec”
During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist  
Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and reed pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 75-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956.  This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs.  Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 84-85.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 
‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ programme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America.  In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’. During an 84-day journey throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns.  They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun,  The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, Dance Observer,  The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music.  Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this giant success, first with their 72-concert tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956, and secondly with their 83-concert tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959.  They played two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959. (Source: the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinetand Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор (2000)”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. (Languages: In English and Macedonian), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Publisher: Matica Makedonska. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); pp. 86-87.
The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521 )

Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book


Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.

Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

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Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest instrumentalists and composers in the world of music. He made the connection between Oriental and Western Music. 

He has composed and arranged 300 Macedonian folk dances, one classical concert “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1” and a number of jazz compositions. Some of his compositions have been recorded on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, and one videotape (RTB, Jugoton, RTS, and MRT). Tale Ognenovski’s numerous musical works belong to different genres; together, his folk dances and classical and jazz compositions established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music.

Ognenovski’s compositions are extremely skilful and he exploits the sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively. He is one of the greatest exponents of composers of clarinet music and is the finest exponent of players of the clarinet. His performances are superb, and the sound he produces reveals just how beautifully the clarinet can be played.

Tale Ognenovski’s Macedonian folk dances have been performed in Switzerland (Mechanlizenz), France (Sacem), Sweden (Gema), Finland (Teosto), Great Britain, Denmark and Austria. 
He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages during highly successful tours throughout North America and Europe. The group became a major attraction in every major city during the tours.

Legendary artist Tale Ognenovski performed as clarinet and pipe soloist in Folk Dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall, a symbol of artistic excellence, on January 27, 1956. There, he bewitched the audience with his performances as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist.
“There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe (virtuoso pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski – a remark made by the author)... From an article written by John Martin and published in The New York Times, January 28, 1956, under the title: “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill”

During an 84-day tour throughout the United States of America and Canada, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled 10,000 kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. These concerts were heralded as great cultural events by the American press. This particular tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant tours in the history of world music. Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this great success, first with their tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956 during which they performed 72 concerts and second, with their tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959 during which they performed 83 concerts. There were two further concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959. 

Raymond Guillier, director of his own company (“Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier”) and manager of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s 1959 tour of France, commented that no other Ensemble in the world could perform Macedonian folklore as well as ‘Tanec’, because every Macedonian girl and boy from the Ensemble gave their whole heart to the Dance, and a prime example of this was the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. This was a particularly notable comment, since Raymond Guillier had organized many concerts in Paris and elsewhere in France for some of the best Ensembles in the world. 

In December 1952, Tale Ognenovski played a solo clarinet accompaniment with the outstanding pianist Nino Cipushev. They performed the classical concert “Concert Polka for Clarinet” by Miler Bela in the “Police House” in Skopje with great success. Bela’s concert consists of complicated parts that demand great virtuosity, and many cadenzas that are difficult to perform. Tale Ognenovski performed this concert magnificently, and in doing so became the first clarinet soloist to perform a classical concert for the clarinet in the Republic of Macedonia. This was a memorable event in the country’s history of music.

Tale Ognenovski performed as clarinet soloist in concerts broadcast on Macedonian Television: firstly, Mozart’s ‘Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622’ and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’ (1987) with the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova playing the piano accompaniment and secondly, Cavallini’s concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’ (1970) with the legendary pianist Professor Ladislav Palfi playing piano accompaniment. In all of these, Tale Ognenovski demonstrated brilliance, technique and beautiful tone. 

He learned to play many different instruments: besides the clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”), he played the saxophone, the horn (“zurla”), the oboe, the small bagpipe (“gajdarka”), the fagot and the drum (“tapan”) with great dexterity. He was the greatest clarinetist of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music.

As a virtuoso clarinet soloist in the film “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and Sound), 1955, he performed various Macedonian folk dances such as “Zhensko Chamche”, “Beranche” and others with Ensemble ‘Tanec’. The producers of this film were “Vardar Film”. In the film, the Macedonian folk dance “Zhensko Chamche” begins with some highly technical solo improvisations by Tale Ognenovski that don’t exist in the original version of the folk dance.

The International Folklore Committee organised the International Folklore Conference, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1977. Under the heading “Folklore on the Radio” magnetic tapes of two Macedonian folk dances were presented: “Kasapsko oro” (folk music, arranger Tale Ognenovski) and “Kumovo oro cocek” (composer Tale Ognenovski) performed by Tale Ognenovski, clarinet soloist, accompanied by the “Chalgii” Orchestra of Radio Television Skopje. These attracted great interest among the delegates of the IFC around the world. 

Tale Ognenovski received numerous awards and honours, all amongst the most prestigious in the world of performing arts. The most significant awards were: 

1.) First Award Clarinet as the best clarinetist at the First Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948, ahead of musicians from 453 folk dance groups. “The First Award Clarinet was received by Tale Ognenovski from Bitola…” appeared under the title “Awards received by choirs, folk dance and song groups, solo singers and players who participated at the first Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs”, published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija” on October 13, 1948.

2.) First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9-12, 1951, together with 11 other members of the folk dance group from the Bitola village of Nidzopole, ahead of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia. In the cultural newspaper “Kulturni radnik” Number 10-11, published in October 1951 in Zagreb, Croatia, Dr. Vinko Zganec wrote, under the title, “Yugoslav Musical folklore at the Festival in Opatija”, “the clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by the author) and the large drum provided a most effective combination for the folk dance from Kozjak, as did the clarinet with the small drum for the folk dance “Teshkoto” from Nidzopole. The Yugoslav Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council. “...We were privileged to see and hear for ourselves the beauty and variety of Yugoslav folk art at the wonderful Festival which had been especially arranged for the members of the Conference...there were moments during the Festival performances when we could recognize the magic of song and dance...an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, of ritual and social dance, of songs and instrument playing by 700 performers...” These comments appeared under the headings: “EDITORIAL” and “SOME IMPRESSIONS OF THE YUGOSLAV CONFERENCE AND FESTIVAL”, published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, pages 1-2, London, March, 1952.

3.) “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”), the greatest award in former Yugoslavia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia, (signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska), Zagreb, Croatia, October 31, 1978.

4.) “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award with Honours”), the greatest award in the Republic of Macedonia for musical stage artists, from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 27, 1996. 

Tale Ognenovski’s recordings for Radio Television Belgrade, Jugoton and Macedonian Radio Television are unique compositions based on Macedonian folk music but in places influenced by oriental, jazz and classical music. His pieces have a highly complex pattern of rhythm and attractive melody that is incomparable with any other kind of music known today. Tale Ognenovski’s contributions to world music are enormous. His remarkable music of consistently high quality is unique.

On February 25, 1999, the Tale Ognenovski Web site
http://www.taleognenovski.com.mk/index.html was listed on Anne Bell’s Clarinet Website Index on the Internet under http://www.sneezy.org/anne_bell/ABCClar.htm, together with another 20 world famous clarinetists. The actual address is http://www.anne_bell.sneezy.org/ABCClar.htm.

My thanks to my dear father Tale Ognenovski, to my lovely wife Margarita and to my dear sons Nikola and Kliment for their support and understanding during my writing this biography. 

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient.


The author of this book wishes to express his sincere gratitude to: My dear friends Mrs. Susan Prefontaine from Buffalo, New York, USA and Mr. Dimce (Jim) Cvetkovski from Buffalo, New York, USA for the copies of the North American newspapers and the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, and for the information about the Wesleyan Cinema Archives; My dear friend Mr. Georges Andres from Bourges, France for the copies of the French newspapers: “Le Berry republicain” and “La nouvelle republique du Centre”; My dear friends Mrs Suzana Jolevska and Mr
Ph.D. Zoran Jolevski (He is a Macedonian diplomat and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United States of America) from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia and their friend Mr. Zhivko Velkov from Geneva, Switzerland for the copies of the Swiss newspaper Tribune de Geneve; My dear friend Mrs. Radmila Vishinska, folk dancer in Ensemble ‘Tanec’ for the photograph of all the members of the Ensemble taken in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film studio, Hollywood on March 12, 1956 and for the photograph from Paris;
My dear friend Mr. Stanko Livrinski, folk dancer in Ensemble ‘Tanec’, for the names of the towns included in its tour of France in 1959; My dear friend Roska Badeva, daughter of the legendary singer Nikola Badev, for the two photographs of Nikola Badev with Tale Ognenovski, and for the poster commemorating the 25th anniversary celebrations concert of Radio Television Skopje, 1969; “Kinoteka na Makedonija” for the prints from the Vardar film “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and Sound) and for the special showing of this film for the author of this book on May 31, 1999; Ensemble ‘Tanec’ for the timetable of their 1956 North American tour; Wesleyan Cinema Archives for their information as to who owns copies of the Omnibus programme, including that broadcast on January 22, 1956, when the Ensemble performed on American television. These may be viewed free of charge only at Wesleyan Cinema Archives or at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Stevan Ognenovski, the author of the biography part of this monograph, expresses his sincere gratitude, firstly, to his dear friend Mrs. Susan Prefontaine for her English corrections of the text of this book until page 130, secondly, to his friend Mr. Christopher Bridge, for his proofreading the final English text and, finally, to Prof. Olga Smilevski for proofreading the Macedonian text.

The Ministry of Culture for the Republic of Macedonia makes the publishing of this book possible by their full financial support. I am grateful to the Minister of Culture for the Republic of Macedonia for his decision to finance this Monograph. My thanks also to the publisher “Matica Makedonska” for publishing this monograph in both Macedonian and English.

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. 

Skopje, December 12, 2000

Photos of Tale Ognenovski at the wedding of his son Stevan Ognenovski and Margarita Ognenovska, November 13, 1977.

This is the story of one of the most extraordinary figures in the history of world music. 
Tale Ognenovski is one of the world’s most innovative and renowned professional instrumentalists, and is the greatest clarinetist of all time. His compositions of various kinds of music made him a musical phenomenon. On January 27, 1956, Tale Ognenovski, Macedonian clarinetist and composer, appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at Carnegie Hall in New York City. He toured throughout North America and Europe, and amazed audiences with his brilliant musical ability.
Tale Ognenovski’s remarkable international career has enabled him to make a significant contribution to the world of music with his own style and unique abilities. With the clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”), he demonstrated inimitable technique, a wealth of invention and outstanding musical competence. 

1. Musical genius Tale Ognenovski 

Tale Ognenovski (1922 - 2012) was born in the village of Brusnik near Bitola in the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 1922. He (Nationality: Macedonian) was the son of Jovan (1896 – 1933; Nationality: Macedonian) and Fanija (Vanka, 1895 – 1972; Nationality: Macedonian). His paternal grandfather was Risto (1874 - 1922; Nationality: Macedonian), his paternal grandmother was Marija (1876 - 1950; Nationality: Macedonian) and his paternal great grandfather was Ognen (1846 - 1914; Macedonian: Огнен,  – English: Fiery; Nationality: Macedonian).  Risto Ognenovski (1874 – 1922; Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски; his father was Ognen and his mother was Pauna (Nationality: Macedonian) and Marija Gjorgjievska (1876 - 1950; Nationality:  Macedonian). Марија Ѓорѓиевска; her father was Apostol (Nationality: Macedonian) and her mother was Petra (Nationality; Macedonian)) were married in the church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_Orthodox_Church_-_Ohrid_Archbishopric) of St. Demetrius in the village of Brusnik, Bitola (then part of the Ottoman state) on January 21, 1896. (Macedonian: Ристо Огненовски и Марија Ѓорѓиевска беа венчани во храмот на Македонската православна црква Свети Димитрија во село Брусник, Битола (тогаш во составот на Отоманската држава) на 21 јануари 1896 година.)
Tale Ognenovski married Nevena Daskalovska (Nationality: Macedonian) on September 12, 1947. Their only son Stevan Ognenovski (Nationality: Macedonian) was born on September 9, 1948. Nevena Ognenovska (maiden name Daskalovska)'s parents were father Vangel
(Nationality: Macedonian) and mother Marija (Nationality: Macedonian). (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски се ожени со Невена Даскаловска на 12 септември 1947 година. Единствениот нивни син Стеван Огненовски (националност Македонец) се роди на 9 септември 1948 година. Родители на Невена Огненовска (моминско презиме Даскаловска)  и беа татко и Вангел (националност Македонец) и мајка и Марија (националност Македонка)). Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska was the main source of his strength and motivation. She had supported his great music career. She died in 1972. He dedicated two of his compositions to her, and gave her name Nevena to the Macedonian folk dance “Nevenino oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski, and available on the LP and cassette entitled: “Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist, plays Macedonian dances (Croatian: ”Tale Ognenovski klarinet svira ora”), with the respective reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321, and produced by Jugoton, Croatia in 1975; also, the record “Macedonian folk dances played on clarinet by Tale Ognenovski (Croatian: ”MAKEDONSKA ORA svira na klarineti Tale Ognenovski”) accompanied by his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-3851, and produced by Jugoton in 1967, and “Nevenino Lavchansko oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and recorded on magnetic tape by Macedonian Radio Television in 1983.
Tale Ognenovski music styles include Macedonian folk dances, classical music and jazz.  He was bandleader of the Tale Ognenovski Orchestra.

His music styles include Macedonian folk dances, classical music and jazz.  He was bandleader of the Tale Ognenovski Orchestra.

He played the following instruments: clarinet, reed pipe (“kavalche”), saxophone, horn (“zurla”), oboe, small bagpipe (“gajdarka”), fagot and drum (“tapan”).
During his career, he appeared with the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on some of the world’s most prestigious concert stages. These include appearances in New York City (Carnegie Hall, January 27, 1956 and the Brooklyn Academy of Music, April 11 and 12, 1956), Boston (Symphony Hall, January 1, 1956), Chicago (Chicago Civic Opera House, February 4 and 5, 1956), Philadelphia (Academy of Music, February 7, 1956), Washington, D.C. (Constitution Hall, February 9, 1956), Baltimore (Lyric Theater, February 10, 1956), Pittsburgh (Syria Mosque Theater, February 12, 1956), Detroit (Masonic Auditorium, February 18, 1956), Indianapolis (Murat Theater, February 20, 1956), Saint Louis (Municipal Auditorium, February 26, 1956), Kansas City (Music Hall, February 29, 1956), Colorado Springs (City Auditorium, March 3, 1956), Denver (Auditorium Arena, March 4, 1956), San Francisco (Opera House, March 7 and 9, 1956), Los Angeles (Philharmonic Auditorium, March 12, 13 and 14, 1956), Houston (City Auditorium, March 28 and 29, 1956), New Orleans (Civic Theatre, April 1, 2 and 3, 1956), Atlanta (Tower Theatre, April 5, 6 and 7, 1956), Toronto (Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Bonn (Town Theater, October 29, 1956), Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Paris, (September 20-22, 1959) Le Havre, Nantes, Lille, Geneva (July 9 and 10, 1959.), Berne (July 7 and 8, 1959.)...

During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski performed in a multitude of concerts. In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959), Bulgaria (November and December, 1955), Romania, (9 concerts, December, 1957 and January 1958), Albania (9 concerts, October, 1957), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia. The public and audiences greeted ‘Tanec’ wherever they performed with great warmth, and showed their appreciation with huge applause. Tale Ognenovski and all other members of the Ensemble became international ambassadors of music. 

During his career, Tale Ognenovski composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances. They were recorded at the studio of Macedonian Radio Television. 138 are solo pieces on the clarinet and 12 are solo pieces on the reed pipe (“kavalche”). The majority of them are his own compositions. 

Most of these folk dances that were recorded on gramophone records or cassettes were performed by his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra, with others performed by various orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television, the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra, the Kocho Petrovski Orchestra and the Pece Atanasovski Orchestra. With his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra, he recorded 17 gramophone records with famous singers (Gramophone producers: RTB, Jugoton, Beograd Disk, and Diskos). As a performer with other orchestras, he recorded more than 30 gramophone records with famous singers.
Several Macedonian folk dances that he composed, including “Bitolsko svadbarsko oro”, “Bitolsko oro”, “Pelistersko oro” and “Resensko oro” were performed in many countries. 

2. Tale Ognenovski’s unique talent and musical genius.
Tale Ognenovski inherited his great talent and musical genius from his great-grandfather Ognen and grandfather Riste, both of whom were excellent players on the pipe (“kavalche”), and from his father Jovan who was an excellent player on the bagpipe (“gajda”). At every celebration in his village of Brusnik, his father Jovan invited to his home the clarinetist Sterjo, accompanied by two other musicians who played the violin and drum, or the clarinetist Lambo, together with two other musicians who played the violin and drum (Lambo’s son Tode played the drum). On these occasions Tale’s father Jovan played the bagpipe. When little Tale was six years old he began to accompany them playing the “daire” (some kind of little drum).
It was during these moments that Tale began to love playing musical instruments. He began to play on the pipe (“kavalche”) at the age of 7 (1929) when he also made his first musical composition. These particularly happy times in Tale’s life were broken suddenly, in 1933, when his father Jovan died. By the time Tale was 15 (1937) he was an excellent player on the pipe. During one celebration in Brusnik he asked the clarinetist Vasil Talevski to lend him his clarinet. Tale began to play the clarinet for the first time, and all the villagers who were present, including Vasil Talevski, Mile Karangelevski and the priest Spase were amazed at how well he played. 

It was then that one of the most successful careers in the world of music began. Tale’s grandmother Mara and mother Vanka provided some money to buy Tale his first clarinet, and the priest Spase helped them to order it from Celje, Slovenia. Tale began to play the clarinet at many celebrations and concerts in villages and the town of Bitola with many other musicians. His youngest brother Aleksandar (Cane) was also very talented musically. He was a great singer of Macedonian folk songs and also an excellent drummer. 
Tale Ognenovski’s family: his father Jovan, mother Vanka, grandmother Mara and youngest brother Cane when Tale was 4 years old.

From 1946 till 1951 he played in the Cultural-Educational Societies of “Svetlost” and “Stiv Naumov” in Bitola, and folk dance groups from the villages of Brusnik, Dihovo, Nidzepole, Rotino and Lavci. Always a lover of classical music, Tale Ognenovski was prepared to study alone to learn to play classical music on the clarinet. He performed many times in radio broadcasts on Radio Bitola. He received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the first regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held on October 9-11, 1947. From November 1, 1948 till December 30, 1948, he was a member of the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje on the invitation of Mr. Vasil Hadzimanov and Mr. Nikolaj Galevski. This was after he had received the First Award Clarinet as the best clarinetist at the first Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, held in Skopje in 1948. He played many times with the Radio Skopje studio folk orchestra, and many of these performances were broadcast. 

From 1949 to 1951, at the invitation of Mr. Angel Saldziev, Assistant Director in the Ministry of Science and Culture in Republic of Macedonia, Tale Ognenovski toured the Republic of Macedonia accompanied by folk dance groups from the villages of Brusnik, Dihovo, Nidzepole and Lavci, and the “Chalgii” orchestras of Radio Bitola and Radio Skopje. Mr. Angel Saldziev was the manager of these tours, which were at the time significant musical events in Macedonia.

Tale Ognenovski won First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, September 9-12, 1951, together with another 11 members of the Folk Dance Ensemble from the Bitola village of Nidzepole. This was out of 85 folk dance groups from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia. From 1951 till 1954, Tale Ognenovski worked as a member of the “Police Wind Orchestra”. 

3. In 1952, Tale Ognenovski became the first clarinet soloist in the history of the Republic of Macedonia to perform a classical concert for the clarinet.

In December 1952, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist, together with the superb pianist Nino Cipushev as accompaniment, performed the classical concert “Concert Polka for Clarinet” by Miler Bela in the “Police House” in Skopje with outstanding success. This classical concert by Miler Bela consists of complicated parts with many cadenzas demanding great skill and expertise from a clarinet soloist. With his superb performance, Tale Ognenovski became the first clarinet soloist in the history of the Republic of Macedonia to perform a classical concert for the clarinet. This was a notable event in the history of Macedonian music.

He staged further classical performances throughout his career. On May 24, 1953 he played clarinet soloist in the classical concert “Concert Polka for Clarinet” by Miler Bela with Gligor Smokvarski’s arrangement for the “Public Police Wind Orchestra”, comprising about 30 musicians and conducted by Micho Kostovski. The concert was performed in the Radio Skopje building, and broadcast directly to the nation via Radio Skopje.
Periodically, from 1949 till 1960, he played solo clarinet with the Small Radio Skopje Orchestra conducted by Nikola Galevski on an honorary basis. These concerts were also broadcast nationally by Radio Skopje. From November 15, 1951 till 1954, he worked with the “Public Police Wind Orchestra”. From 1954 till 1956, he worked with the “Public Town Skopje Orchestra,” and from 1956 till 1960 with the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’. 

4. Tale Ognenovski as a virtuoso clarinet soloist performed Macedonian folk dances with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ in the film “Rhythm and Sound,” 1955.

In Vardar Film’s 1955 production of “Ritam I zyuk (Rythym and Sound), Tale Ognenovski as a virtuoso clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances “Zhensko Chamche” and “Beranche” with Ensemble ‘Tanec’. In the film, “Zhensko Chamche” begins with some technically very complicated, solo improvisations by Tale Ognenovski that do not appear in the original version of the folk dance.

Tale Ognenovski played clarinet in the music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

In Vardar Film's 1955 production of "Ritam i zvuk" ("Rhythm and Sound"), Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist performed the Macedonian folk dances "Zhensko Chamche" and "Beranche" with Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec".

YouTube music video – Film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) with Tale Ognenovski playing on the clarinet produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Information of music film: “Ritam i zvuk” (Rhythm and sound) produced by Vardar Film from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia from IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) - online database of information related to world films.



By the end of 1955, Tale Ognenovski worked with the “Police Wind Orchestra”. There followed a request by Emanuel Chuchkov, the director of Ensemble ‘Tanec’, to the manager and conductor of the “Police Wind Orchestra”, Micho Kostovski, for Tale Ognenovski to be a guest soloist of the Ensemble. Their first tour was to Bulgaria (November and December, 1955), followed soon after by a tour throughout the United States of America and Canada (66 concerts, between January 22, 1956 and April 12, 1956). During the period July 1, 1956 and September 1, 1960, while employed by Ensemble ‘Tanec’, he toured Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 until October 27, 1956 and September 18 and 19, 1959 in Dortmund), Albania (9 concerts, October, 1957), Romania (9 concerts, December, 1957 and January 1958.), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8 and Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959), France (83 concerts, from September 20 until November 25, 1959). He also toured with the Ensemble throughout the former Yugoslavia, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia; everywhere they performed, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ and Tale Ognenovski earned rapturous applause.

From 1960 to 1967, Tale Ognenovski worked with “Radio Television Skopje”.
During the years 1962 to 1965, Tale Ognenovski took part in a review programme by Radio Skopje entitled “A Competition of the Towns”. He also performed as a musician for Radio Skopje, was a leading instrumentalist with the folk orchestra, and coordinator of auditions and the selection of singers from all the towns in the Republic of Macedonia. 

As a member of the folk orchestra, he played Macedonian folk dances as a clarinet soloist at the First Festival of Yugoslavian (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music that was broadcast on radio in Skopje, Macedonia (April 14-16, 1967). As a clarinet soloist with Radio Television Skopje’s Folk Music Orchestra, he played other Macedonian folk dances that were broadcast on television by “Television Zagreb”, Zagreb, Croatia. (1966) 
During the 1960s Tale Ognenovski played as clarinet soloist in many Macedonian folk dances and songs in numerous theatrical performances at the Macedonian National Theatre.

5. In 1966, Tale Ognenovski became Head of the “Folk Music Orchestra” of “Radio
Television Skopje”

In 1967 Tale Ognenovski retired, but he continued to play on an honorary basis in the “Chalgii” Orchestra on “Radio Television Skopje” until 1972.

He performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances as clarinet and pipe soloist at a special concert marking the 25th anniversary of the founding of Radio Television Skopje, performed in the Universal Hall in Skopje on December 19, 1969. At this concert, Tale Ognenovski demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three, different folk music orchestras of Radio Television Skopje, namely the Folk Music Orchestra, the “Chalgii” Orchestra and the Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra. The audience that jammed the Universal Hall to capacity gave enthusiastic applause. The concert was a great success, with many other famous singers and instrumentalists taking part.
During the 1960’s, Tale Ognenovski performed at many concerts in the Former Yugoslavia with the orchestra of the legendary Kocho Petrovski. The orchestra included among its members Dr. Aleksandar Vasevski and Slobodan Nikolovski.
As clarinet soloist, Tale Ognenovski performed his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances on the television programme “Yugoslavia, Good Day” broadcast on “Television Zagreb” in Croatia, February 27, 1975. 

He appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Cultural Artistical Society “Ilinden” in Bitola, held in the “House of Culture”, Bitola in December, 1985. His performances on the clarinet of many of their own, brilliantly composed Macedonian folk dances accompanied by “Ilinden” itself, earned him rapturous applause from the audience.
He appeared as a special guest clarinet soloist at the concert marking the anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Belgrade” held in the “House of the Syndicate” in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1969. He played as clarinet soloist two Macedonian folk dances, both of which he composed: Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, and Brusnichko oro. He had as accompaniment the Folk Music Orchestra of “Radio Television Belgrade” conducted by the famous violinist Miodrag - Rade Jasharevic. Tale Ognenovski received great applause for his virtuoso playing on the clarinet. This concert was broadcast live on “Radio Belgrade”.

Some of the crowning events of Tale Ognenovski’s professional career were his performances as soloist on concerts broadcast on television by Macedonian Television. These include Mozart’s ‘Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622’ and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’, performed in 1987 and accompanied by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and Cavallini’s concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’ performed in 1970 and accompanied by the legendary pianist Professor Ladislav Palfi. He demonstrated brilliant technique and beautiful tone on each occasion.

National Macedonian Radio broadcast numerous folk music programmes in which were included Macedonian folk dances composed and/or arranged him, and in which he was virtuoso clarinetist and pipe soloist. Three Macedonian folk dances were included in the programme “Sunday folk hit”, broadcast on May 2, 1999. These were “Pelistersko oro”, “Poljansko oro” and “Kumovo oro - chochek”, all his own compositions. Also included in the programme was a biography of Tale Ognenovski edited by Orce Gelevski.

Many musicians from Macedonian Radio Television worked together with Tale Ognenovski with the recording of numerous folk dances and songs. These included Nikolaj Galevski, Angel Nanchevski, Kocho Petrovski, Ivan Terziev, Blagoja Deskovski, Aleksandar Piperkov, Ljupcho Pandilov, Stevo Teodosievski, Todor Petrovski-Tosho, Aleksandar Sarievski, Naser, Suljo, Dimitar Najdenov Taki, Hustref Said, Tosho Gjorgjevic, Metodija Zafirovski-Smolski, Hilmi Baki, Raim Baki, Apostol Gelevski, Pece Atanasovski, Dimitar Bugarski, Dragi Simonovski, Dimitar Krstevski, Risto Vasilevski, Vasil Ivanovski-Javasho, Pero Jarchev, Muarem Sakipov, Mamet, Dragi Anchevski, Angele Dimovski, Tihomir Veskovski, Mahmud Muzafer, Nikola Cvetkovski, Mile Kolarovski, Todor Pavlovski , Ljupcho Ilievski, Petar Lukic, Todor Trajchevski, Petar Petrov, Liljana Avtovska, Borche Polizovski, Slobodan Serafimovski, Vlado Dimitrovski, Mendo Dear, Kosta Smilevski, Mladen (Mladjo), Vesel Chun, Medo Chun, Moamed Chun, Amet Eminov, Akim Memedov, Mefail Sakipov, Moamer, Tome Chrchev, Redzep Pampurovski, Moarem Sali, Slobodan Nikolovski, Kurto and Dimitar Krcovski. 

Tale Ognenovski, genius virtuoso of the clarinet has, in his life-time, composed and arranged 300 Macedonian folk dances, including Brusnichko oro, Poljansko oro, Stevchevo oro, Kasapsko oro, Nevenino oro, Kumovo oro chochek, Resensko oro, Talevo svadbarsko oro, Bukovsko svadbarsko oro, Drachevsko oro, Zajachko oro, Pelistersko oro, Caparsko oro, Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, Oreovsko oro, Nevenino lavchansko oro, Sharsko kozarsko oro, Veleshko zhensko oro, Zhensko krsteno oro, Adana oro, Bitolsko oro, Pelagonisko oro, Mominsko oro, Ohridsko oro, Beranche oro, Mashkoto oro, Nevestinsko oro, Kavadarsko oro, Skopski chochek, Zhensko kichevsko oro, Egejsko oro, Prilepsko svadbarsko oro, Deverovo oro, Ristevo oro, Prespansko oro, Berovsko zhensko oro, Negotinsko mashko oro, Gevgelisko zhensko oro, Delchevsko zhensko oro, Kumanovsko oro and Galichko oro. The majority of them are his own compositions. 

As a composer, Tale Ognenovski was particularly innovative. He composed his music by treating rhythms differently and dividing them into more flexible units. He made many studio recordings for Macedonian Radio Television as a virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist (folk, jazz, and classical music), and countless radio and television broadcasts. 

Tale Ognenovski was a member of the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) from 1963 till 1990. 
41 of Tale Ognenovski’s compositions had been recorded on 20 gramophone records up until May 28, 1973 (source: a letter dated May 28, 1973 from the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia)). Tale Ognenovski had composed 128 pieces of musical up until March 29, 1988 (source: a letter dated March 29, 1988 from the Composers’ Association of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia)). 

He has played on the clarinet in many concerts performing with the following Orchestras and Ensembles: the cultural-educational societies in Bitola of “Svetlost”, “Stiv Naumov”, “Ilinden”; folk dance groups from the villages of Brusnik, Dihovo, Nidzopole, Rotino and Lavci; the Radio Bitola orchestras; the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs “Tanec”; cultural art societies: “Vlado Tasevski” and “Kocho Racin”; the academic culture and art society “Mirche Acev; other Ensembles of folk dances and songs including “Orce Nikolov”, “Goce Delchev”, “Dom na gradezhnici Skopje”, “Hor na invalidi Skopje” and “Dom na borci i invalidi Skopje”; the Macedonia Radio and Television folk music orchestras: the Folk Music Orchestra, the “Chalgii” Orchestra and the Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra; the Orchestra of the legendary Stevo Teodosievski and the Ljupcho Pandilov Orchestra.

He made his recording debut as a composer with the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra in 1963, with three Macedonian folk dances all composed by him, and in which he played solo clarinet: “Bitolsko svadbarsko oro”, “Bitolsko oro” and “Pelistersko oro”. The record (EP 14700) was produced by “RADIO TELEVIZIJA BEOGRAD” (Radio Television Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia). 

6. In 1965, Tale Ognenovski established his own “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra”

The year 1965 saw Tale Ognenovski establish his own “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra” in Skopje, and “RADIO TELEVIZIJA BEOGRAD” produce the record EP 14711. On this record, he gives solo clarinet performances of his four compositions, Prespansko oro, Kumovo oro, Deverovo oro and Dihovsko oro, accompanied by the “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra”.

The members of Tale Ognenovski Orchestra were: Blagoja Deskoski, Slavcho Gjurchilov, Dragi Bogatinov, Mile Serafimovski, Kiril Zivkovski, Borche Polizovski, Sime Fonchev, Mile Serafimov, Hilmi Baki, Raim Baki, Muarem Sali, Redzep Pampurovski, Pande Kominovski, Ilija Stavrevski, Mladen Stojanovic, Dimitar Bugarski, Pancho Musev, Akim Memedov, Rushan, Mefail Sakipov, Hustref Said, Mile Brzanov, Aristid Filaktov, Moamed Chun and Vlado Dimitrovski. 

“The gramophone record epy-3914, which was recorded with your Ensemble...” 
In 1967 a letter, reference ‘My/Mlj’, was sent by Jugoton, producers of gramophone records in Zagreb, Croatia to Tale Ognenovski. In this is written: 
“Dear Mr. Ognenovski. The gramophone record epy-3914, which was recorded with your Ensemble and with the singer Anka Gieva, is produced and already delivered to the market. We are sending you two records, one for you and one for Mrs. Anka Gieva. We wish you further great success in the future and send you our regards.”

“Resensko oro” performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinetist is recorded on the LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES” 
The Macedonian folk dance “Resensko oro” is available on the Jugoton LP “YUGOSLAVIAN FOLK DANCES” (“PLESOVI NARODA JUGOSLAVIJE”), reference number LPYV-S-806. “The tracks on this record contain instrumental, musical folk-dance accompaniments arranged for the public... The aksak rhythm appears in the musical accompaniment of the Macedonian “Resensko oro” (A-4, composed and performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinettist, accompanied by his Tale Ognenovski Folk Ensemble), in a three-beat rhythm, with the extended first unit...” wrote Dr Jerko Bezic on back cover of this record.

7. The 35th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Skopje” 
“...Tale Ognenovski who has demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three different folk music orchestras...” - LP ULS-578 

In 1979, Jugoton produced the LP reference number ULS-578 (P 1979) presenting recordings of Tale Ognenovski performing for Radio Television Skopje. The LP contains 15 Macedonian folk dances and songs, one of which is the Macedonian folk dance “Veleshko zhensko oro”, composed and performed by the virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski. 
Some text is written on the back cover of this LP in both Macedonian and English language. A part of this text reads:


...The basic form in which it presents both songs and dances is the so-called level of improvisation which being both inspiring and inventive is relatively close to the common folk way of playing music, which in conditions of live folklore helps the song not to become petrified. This orchestra also fosters differing styles and arrangements. Besides Nikola Galevski, a number of talented instrumentalists have contributed greatly to the qualitative growth of this ensemble. We should certainly mention the names of Angel Nanchevski, Pero Jarchev, Kocho Petrovski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Ivan Terziev, Stevo Teodosiievski, Tale Ognenovski and Blagoja Deskoski - who is in charge of this orchestra - and others. 


...Firmly principled in its style, and adaptable to the “chalgija” sound of as many of our folklore regions as possible, the orchestra has always selected as its members the best instrumentalists from all three different “chalgija” schools, that is, from the Skopje, Veles and Bitola schools. Its rich repertoire ranges from this and last century’s old-town songs and dances to those with patriotic motives created during the Liberation war. As “chalgija” is also characteristic of the folklore of other nationalities and ethnic groups who live in Macedonia, the orchestra has produced many Turkish, Albanian, Vlach and Gypsy songs and dances working together with a number of top singers and groups that cultivate this style. However, the orchestra’s instrumentalists themselves have often successfully managed to blend their own group singing into this orchestra. To mention a few: Ordan Hristov, Emin Memedov, Bekir Hadzi Kune, Jashar, Aki Memedov-Chun, Taki Najdenov, Koce Pandilov and Tale Ognenovski who has given a true expression of his rich talent performing with all three different folk music orchestras


…Unique in its sound and very skilful in its ability to create styles and regional sound combinations, this ensemble is a truly spirited performer of our centuries-long authentic music treasure. Working together with many eminent singers and talented individuals from this area who have accurately interpreted our country songs, it has created a large repertoire. The manager of the orchestra is Pece Atanasovski, a well-known master on the bagpipe even outside of Yugoslavia. Among the other well-known instrumentalists, we should mention Todor Boshov, Mile Kolarov, Tale Ognenovski, Nikola Cvetkovski, Meophail Sakipov, and Angele Dimovski. 

With their numerous performances and tours both in Yugoslavia and abroad, the Radio Skopje folk music orchestras have played a great part in the presentation of Macedonian folk music, and its beauty, to the world. 

Tale Ognenovski’s wife Nevena Ognenovska, who had supported his great music career, died in 1972. He dedicated two of his compositions to her, and gave her name Nevena to the Macedonian folk dance “Nevenino oro” (composed by Tale Ognenovski, and available on the LP and cassette “Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist, plays dances”, with the respective reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321, and produced by Jugoton in 1975; also, the record “Macedonian folk dances played on clarinet by Tale Ognenovski accompanied by his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-3851, and produced by Jugoton in 1967, and “Nevenino Lavchansko oro”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and recorded on magnetic tape by Macedonian Radio Television in 1983.
8. “TALE IS UNIQUE. During the past couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso” - a comment by Gjoko Georgiev on LP 1439 RTB, produced in 1979.

The LP record “Macedonian folk dances played by Tale Ognenovski” (“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski”) reference number LP 1439 STEREO was produced by Radio Television Belgrade in Belgrade in 1979. On the back cover of this record Gjoko Georgiev, the well-known editor of music for Radio Television Skopje, wrote this article entitled “TALE IS UNIQUE” in Macedonian:

“This record allows you to hear the unique, famous, music personality, the solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. When hearing the music, you will feel exhilarating folklore all around you, of the sunny, sad and bright legend of the south being transferred into music. These days Tale is a recognised poet and interpreter of Macedonian folk dances and songs. He will live on in the Macedonian folk dances contained on this record. During the last couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation, displaying the passion of one that is in love, and the style of a virtuoso. But he has taken this further, by managing to combine both classical and folk music in the same performance, while keeping their particular styles separate. He demonstrated this while performing Ernesto Cavallini’s Concert “FIORI ROSSINIANI”, Weber’s Concert in ef-mol and Mozart’s Concert in A Major accompanied by Ladislav Palfi on the piano and broadcast on Radio Television Skopje. He has performed many times in public and played jazz styles based on music by Yugoslav composers, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw...

In this particular area of music, we learn that Tale Ognenovski first began to play the clarinet in Brusnik near Bitola; he then drifted through the Pelagonia plane, crossed over the Vardar and toured throughout Macedonia, thence throughout America, Canada and many European countries. As he grew so he enlightened audiences and became wealthy, never again to possess the hands of a poor village boy from mountains of Pelister. This record is only a little small example of Tale’s work, but enough to make you aware of his strength and talent” 

9. This Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician” - Ilustrovana Politika

“…Radio Television Belgrade issued a LP of Macedonian folk music, on which are performances by the extraordinary clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. His music repertoire is folk dances, jazz (besides others he includes works by Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw), concerts from Weber, Mozart and Cavallini...This is Tale Ognenovski who began to play the clarinet in the village of Brusnik near Bitola, who with this wooden instrument toured the world and received well-deserved applause wherever he performed. The names of the folk dances which Tale Ognenovski plays will not be given; this is unnecessary because this is a particularly good record that proves that this Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician”, from the magazine “Ilustrovana Politika”, under the title, “New records - Macedonian folk dances”, published in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979, 
(This commentary is a message to the reader on the release of the record RTB LP 1439 STEREO).

It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. 
“... It is not widely known both in Yugoslavia and around the world, that the renowned virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a concert clarinetist. Indeed, it is not widely known that Tale Ognenovski can play other styles of music such as jazz, improvising in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, or dance music. It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato for every type of music. He maintains a perfectly level tone for classical music when it is required. It is particularly amazing that he can change the shade and the vibrato in a single moment. The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude all others.” From an article by Professor Ladislav Palfi, the famous pianist, in a letter dated May 23, 1973. 

10. Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977. 

At the International Folklore Conference organized by the International Folklore Committee in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977, on the subject of “Folklore on the Radio” was Dushko Dimitrovski, Editor of the Folk Music Department for “Radio Television Skopje” from the Republic of Macedonia. He was there as a representative of Yugoslav Radio Television (Former Yugoslavia). He used records produced from magnetic tapes to present folklore material in his presentation entitled “ ‘Chalgii’ music in Macedonia”. 

This folklore material was prepared in Skopje by ethnomusicologists Dushko Dimitrovski, Kiril Todevski and Metodija Simonovski. From the magnetic tape material were presented the recordings of two Macedonian folk dances: “Kasapsko oro”, arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and “Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra of Radio Television Skopje. This created great interest not only amongst the delegates of the Conference but also around the world. The Department of Folk 
Music from “Belgium Radio” sent a letter to “Radio Television Skopje” asking them to send them this folk material so that it could be especially broadcast on “Belgium Radio”. Source: An article entitled, “One item of music material presented in Istanbul creates great interest in the world about “Chalgii” music”, from the magazine “Ekran”, published on December 2, 1977 and the TV programme “Black and White production”, by the journalist Irena Spirovska, broadcast on “Radio Television Skopje”. 

These two Macedonian folk dances, “Kumovo oro cocek,” composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and “Kasapsko oro,” arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski are available on the Jugoton LP record and cassette “Tale Ognenovski plays dances on the clarinet”, reference numbers LPY-61143 and CAY 321 respectively, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1975. 
“Kumovo oro cocek”, composed by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances, Tale Ognenovski on the clarinet with his Ensemble”, reference number EPY-34461, produced by Jugoton, Zagreb, Croatia, 1972.
“Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, is available on the LP “Macedonian folk dances played by Ensemble “Chalgija”, conducted by Tale Ognenovski”, reference number EPY-34489, produced by Jugoton, 1972. 
“Kasapsko oro”, arranged by, and solo clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and accompanied by the “Chalgii” orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television” is available on the cassette “Anthology on Macedonian folk music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, produced by the music and cassette department of Macedonian Radio Television”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1994.

11. On August 8 and 9, 1992, Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik. 

Mr. Kiro Gligorov, President of the Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Petar, Metropolitan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church were present at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the establishment of the village of Brusnik, near Bitola, on August 8 and 9, 1992.
Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances accompanied by the Culture and Arts Society “Ilinden” from Bitola. Tale Ognenovski amazed all those present at the celebration with his marvellous solo performance on the clarinet. 
The celebration was recorded and shown on “Macedonian Radio Television” in the programme “Among the villages - 600 years of Brusnik”, 1992. The Macedonia Radio Television journalist Suzana Trajkovska commented about the programme, “Tale Ognenovski is a virtuoso of the clarinet...”

12. “Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is.” - Violeta Hadzi Skerleva, Ekran 

“Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything; it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is. In the records it says of his debut, first with the pianist Nino Cipushev, and later with the famous pianist Ladislav Palfi, that the way Tale Ognenovski plays the most complicated classic music is on a par with that of the most famous clarinetists in the world. Experts of classical music have said that Tale Ognenovski’s skill with the clarinet is nowhere near that of the most famous classical music clarinetist in the world. On the contrary.” Journalist Violeta Hadzi Skerleva wrote this in her article “ Skopje. First Clarinetist of ’94 Tale Ognenovski, a portrait” published in the magazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 20, 1994. 

13. Tale Ognenovski is a synonym for a completely different style of music. 

“Each different musician who develops his or her own style of music becomes a synonym for that music; for example, Kocho Petrovski, Stevo Teodosievski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Angel Nanchevski, Aleksandar Sarievski, Tale Ognenovski, Pece Atanasovski, Ivan Terziev, Blagoja Deskoski, Petar Lukic, Zoran Jovanovic, Petar Kargov, Ilija Pejovski-Bas and others”, from the article “Macedonian Radio Television in Words and Pictures”, published by Macedonian Radio Television in 1994 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of their founding. 

The 50th anniversary of the founding of “Macedonian Radio Television” 
“Kasapsko oro”, the folk dance arranged by Tale Ognenovski, and with him playing solo clarinet accompanied by the “Chalgii” Orchestra from “Macedonian Radio Television”, was released in 1994 on the cassette, “Anthology of Macedonian folk music - Maestro players”, reference number MP 21176, to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of Macedonian Radio Television. It was produced by the Music and Cassette Department of Macedonian Radio Television; the editor was Mate Grujovski and the chief editor, Jane Kodjabashija.

The 50th anniversary of the “Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia” 
Tale Ognenovski’s 300 compositions have been protected by the Musical Copyright Society of the Republic of Macedonia (“ZAMP”), the director of which is Mr. Zoran Vaskovski. Tale Ognenovski was invited by the society to a concert of the Orchestras of “Macedonian Radio Television” marking its 50th anniversary, on December 3, 1997. The Folk Music Orchestra, the “Chalgii” Orchestra and the Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra all performed.

At the concert, which was shown on Macedonian Television on January 6, 1998, the legendary singer Jonche Hristovski said: “Respected guests. I have the honour to greet genius maestro of the clarinet Tale Ognenovski who is present with us today”. Tale Ognenovski received great applause from the audience, and offered his thanks to them and to Jonche Hristovski. The audience were given a brochure, written by Kiril Todevski of Skopje on December 3, 1997. In the document, that gave an account of the history of the Folk Music Orchestras of “Macedonian Radio Television”, reference was made to the best creative instrumentalists; these were Nikolaj Galevski, Tale Ognenovski, Pece Atanasovski, Kocho Petrovski, Angel Nanchevski, Ivan Terziev, Ljupco Pandilovski, Mile Kolarovski, Nikola Cvetkovski, Hilmi Baki, Blagoja Deskovski, Todor Trajchevski, Mefail Sakipov, Angele Dimovski, Hustref Said, Raim Baki and others. 

14. Tale Ognenovski made his debut at the Skopje Summer Festival on June 29, 1998. 

Before the debut the director of the Skopje Summer Festival and journalist, Liljana Stoilkovska said: “Respected guests. I have the honour to present to you the great virtuoso on the clarinet, Tale Ognenovski who, 50 years ago, at the first Macedonian Republic festival of Folk Dances and Songs received First Award as the best clarinetist. I wish you good health in the future, and many more years playing the clarinet”. Tale Ognenovski offered his thanks for these good wishes on his 50th anniversary. He played as virtuoso clarinet soloist, two Macedonian folk dances, his arrangement ‘Kasapsko oro’ and his composition ‘Brusnichko oro’. He received great applause from the audience.

Tale Ognenovski is a member of the “Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia”. The president of the Association is Mr. Vojo Stojanoski. 

This Balkan Folklore was so rich. 
“…When I left for America in 1979, I realised that this Balkan folklore was so rich. I always find Macedonian music most interesting. I have rare gramophone records by Kiril Manchevski, Pece Atanasovski and Tale Ognenovski that I have collected every time I’ve been here...” commented Miroslav Tadic in an interview for the magazine EKRAN entitled “Interview with Miroslav Tadic”. It was published on October 22, 1998, and the journalist was Ljubomir Grbevski.

In their January 1997 issue, the editors of GUITAR PLAYER magazine voted Miroslav Tadic one of the top thirty, most radical and individual guitarists in the world. 

15. The 50th anniversary of the founding of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

The Ensemble of Macedonian folk dances and songs ‘Tanec’ performed its anniversary concert at the Macedonian National Theatre on December 11, 1999. Present as special guests were Tale Ognenovski and other former members of the Ensemble. Its director, Mr. Boshko Trenevski, said that all its former and current members were praised for their very successful foreign tours and for their affirmation of Macedonian Culture. The concert’s patron was the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia. Present at this concert were Mr. Ljubco Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, his Grace the Archbishop of Ohrid, the Macedonia G.G. Stefan, Government Ministers of the Republic of Macedonia and representatives of foreign Embassies.

Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly one of the greatest composers the world has ever seen. With his compositions of Macedonian folk dances, classical, and jazz music, he made the connection between the two ‘unconnectables’ - oriental and western music. He is a genius of the clarinet. He has amazed audiences with his virtuoso solo clarinet performances not only of various Macedonian folk dances, such as Brusnichko oro, Poljansko oro, Kasapsko oro, Zhensko krsteno oro, Adana oro, Nevenino oro and Bukovsko svadbarsko oro, but also of classical music by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner and Weber. 
He combines beautiful tone with brilliant, unique technique. He has made many studio recordings for Macedonian Radio Television both as a virtuoso clarinetist and pipe soloist playing folk, jazz and classical music, and a countless number of radio and television broadcasts. His recordings for Radio Television Belgrade, Jugoton and Macedonian Radio Television are unique compositions based on Macedonian folk music but occasionally with some influence of oriental, jazz and classical music. His pieces contain highly complex, rhythmic patterns and attractive melodies that are incomparable with any other kind of music known today. 

He is clarinet virtuoso in folk, jazz and classical music. Everyone who has listened to his performances of unique Macedonian folk dances, and classical and jazz music, has concluded that he is one of the most innovative and important figures in the history of music in the world. He has appeared in many televised concerts broadcast in Europe and North America and has, as an international Ambassador of music, created new musical horizons for the clarinet. 

He is musically innovative and has revolutionized the sounds of folk, jazz and classical music. He is a remarkable improviser who possesses great harmonic knowledge and total technical command of rhythm variation, making anything possible. He created his own, solo-improvisations called “manjinja” (cadenzas), which were fresh, radical, and totally distinctive. They were related to the original version, but had not destroyed it. 

Tale Ognenovski lived in Skopje in the Republic of Macedonia. He died in Skopje on June 19, 2012. He played the clarinet professionally for 75 years. His clarinet was a ‘Buffet-Crampon’; he used Vandoren 5RV and 5RV Lyre Clarinet Mouthpieces and Vandoren Clarinet Reeds.

Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted.
His virtuoso and complex compositions are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. He has made solo performances and recorded pieces with many orchestras. He has been featured in many televised concerts broadcast in Europe and United States. His unique style with the clarinet has earned him an international reputation. His genius is ably demonstrated through his musical interpretations, compositions and band leadership. His compositions and clarinet interpretations are some of the most spectacular in the world of music. His talent as a performer of folk, jazz and classical music has been recognised on audio samples on his Internet Web site,

Tale Ognenovski became a surprise sensation with his performances as a clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist at the concert with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at world-famous Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956.

His legend will live forever. His music has become a large part of the lives of many people. His music has moved their souls and touched their hearts. Music, which will forever be played and forever be loved, has brought tears to their eyes and smiles to their faces. 

His composition range, his virtuosity, and his originality with a clarinet have made him a brilliant cult hero, a genius in the musical world. He is a genius, a brilliant musician and a giant of music.


1. ‘Tanec’s triumphant arrival in New York City on January 20, 1956. 

Ensemble ‘Tanec’ was the first dance company from Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) to perform in America. The Ensemble arrived in New York City on January 20, 1956. The following day, on January 21, The New York Times newspaper ran an article entitled, “Crnogorka, Anyone? Yugoslav Dancing Troupe Shows How It Is Done”. It commented, “...Members of the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet dancing on board the liner Israel yesterday, after they arrived here... The forty-member group, which has attracted much attention in Europe, will give a recital in Carnegie Hall on Friday evening...The company will perform folk dances from Macedonia, Croatia, Herzegovina, Albania and Serbia in native costume.” 
Ensemble ‘Tanec’s North American tour was sponsored by International Artists in association with Charles E. Green and Lee V. Eastman. 
‘Tanec’s sixty-six performances in North America attracted much attention in the North American press.


“Members of the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, who start their tour of America with a single performance of native dances and music at Carnegie Hall on Friday” from an article, “Choreographic Vigor from Macedonia” that appeared in The New York Times, January 22, 1956. 

2. ‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television

‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 66 concerts in many towns throughout the United States. 

A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. 
On the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS’ Internet Web site, http://catalog.loc.gov/ with Keyword = Ansambl za narodni igri i pesni Tanec is written 
https://lccn.loc.gov/88705799 : 
Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation;
Producer, Robert Saudek.
Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22
Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the
Tanec dance troupe from Macedonia (20 min,)...

3. “Appear at Carnegie Hall... remarkable music... - a raucous and unforgettable 
pipe (virtuoso pipe and clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)” From an article by John Martin, The New York Times
“There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe (virtuoso pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).” From an article entitled, “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill”, written by John Martin and published in The New York Times, January 28, 1956.

The Carnegie Hall concert on January 27, 1956 was performed on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 
Musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another genius of music, Tale Ognenovski, performed as a clarinet soloist performing pipe folk dances in the world-famous Carnegie Hall. Together, he and the other members of the Ensemble ‘Tanec’ appeared at Carnegie Hall in a display of tremendous skill, which was a sheer joy to watch.

Carnegie Hall first opened its doors in 1891. The music hall opened officially on May 5,1891, with a five-day Music Festival during which the composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky conducted several of his works. Carnegie Hall is the most prestigious concert hall in the United States of America. Many of the world’s best-known musicians, orchestras and their conductors have performed concerts in Carnegie Hall. These include Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Frank Sinatra, Liza Minnelli, Elton John, David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, Sviatoslav Richter, Edith Piaf, Tina Turner, Sergej Rachmanianoff, Artur Rubinstein, Vladimir Horowitz, Mstislav Rostopovich, Enrico Caruso, Placido Domingo, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti, Gustav Mahler and Herbert von Karajan. 

Wonderful folk music, rich in temperament and wonderful rhythm...Carnegie Hall’s concert evening would remain unforgettable
“Pittsburgh, February.
The Macedonian Ensemble for folk dances and songs ‘Tanec’ has already been performing in America for several weeks... All the concerts have had record audiences. In many towns, including Pittsburgh, they are sold out at least one week before... The American public has shown a great deal of interest in this tour, which has allowed everyone to see the great richness and beauty of Yugoslavian folk art. For America, this art form is quite new - totally original - never before viewed on the mainland. The public is quite taken with this art; its influence is so direct and human. The American public have expressed this through their frenetic applause.
Just one day before the most important debut in New York, at Carnegie Hall, on January 27, I had the opportunity to meet the members of the Ensemble. We went together to view the headquarters of the United Nations in New York where, through the microphone of the Radio Diffusion Service of the United Nations, we sent greetings to the public. Recently the Ensemble returned from a town about 50 kilometres away. The members of the Ensemble were tired, and they were all feeling somewhat nervous. The next day, they would be making their most important debut - on the stage of Carnegie Hall, where it is an honour to perform, where only the great artists from America and the world are invited...
The following day, immediately after the performance in Carnegie Hall, the press wrote numerous compliments. Almost all articles in the newspapers were written in superlatives. Every impression of the concert was that this concert evening would remain unforgettable.
There were many reasons for this but, primarily, it was the wonderful folk music with a full range of temperament and miraculous rhythm, voluminous colour and sonority, perfect coordination between the dancers and the musicians, and wonderful choreography with recognizable folk costumes. All these enraptured the New York public. William Hawkins has written in the New York World Telegram, “The Hall nearly exploded as a result of the applause from the audience...This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance event that has appeared over the horizon in years...” John Martin commented in the New York Times, “ In number after number they do quick and quite incredible phases... But all the dances are delightful, and the range and quality of the group are truly astonishing...” This article, written by Naum Nachevski, appeared in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on February 18, 1956, under the title, “TANEC receive applause in America”. 

“Pittsburgh, February
...From conversations with the Artistic Director of Ensemble “Tanec”, Professor Asparuh Hadzi Nikolov, I have discovered that wherever the Ensemble performed they received stormy applause - It is rare in the papers for a talented group to pass without any negative remarks. He told me, “Not only have we not received any negative comment, almost all of the articles that have appeared have been in superlatives”... These days will remain unforgettable for our compatriots. Many of them have travelled a hundred kilometres to see ‘Tanec’. For instance many Macedonians, emigrants from Gary, Indiana, came to the concert in Chicago. Furthermore, members of ‘Tanec’ will forever remember these get-togethers. All of them are recounting stories with great enthusiasm about numerous meetings including one with the members of our Embassy in Washington...” from an article entitled ‘ Letter from America; The unforgettable days,’ written by Naum Nachevski, and published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia” on February 18, 1956. 

4. Tale Ognenovski added his own improvisations...the unique Sopska Poskocica earned an encore...

Following every concert of ‘Tanec’s’ North American tour, critics in almost every newspaper commented about the Macedonian folk dance ‘Sopska Poskocica’, “...in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica, it was nothing more than a demonstration in dancing. As such it was highly effective...A dance like Sopska Poskocica is produced to demonstrate...The speed at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of the six men who dance it, makes it unique…It earned an encore...” Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Sopska Poskocica’ (‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’) but he also helped arrange the music for he added his own improvisations to some parts of the dance. This has also been the case with others dances where Tale Ognenovski has performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist. 

Tale Ognenovski performed as a virtuoso clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”) soloist 
The majority of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s programme comprised Macedonian folk dances and songs, while the remainder being Serbian and Croatian dances and songs, and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso and clarinet and pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist for most parts of the programme, including the Macedonian folk dances ‘Bride’s Dance’ (‘Nevestinsko Oro’), ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘Shepherd’s Dance (‘Ovcharsko Oro’), ‘Soborski Igri’, other Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘Shote’, an Albanian folk dance. 

5. Tale Ognenovski’s solo playing on the clarinet and pipe (‘kavalche’) created frenetic applause in the sold-out concert halls 

“The Professional Ensemble ‘Tanec’ has toured the United States and Canada. Their performances, and especially those of the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski have amazed the public. Tale Ognenovski’s solo playing on the clarinet and pipe (‘kavalche’) generated great public enthusiasm and attracted frenetic applause in the sold-out concert halls. This is the opinion of our fellow countrymen in the United States and Canada who have had the privilege to be present at the concerts performed by the professional Ensemble ‘Tanec’...Many of our emigrants have been asking for gramophone records of Tale Ognenovski...” These comments appeared in a letter no. 07-328, dated May 18, 1973, from ‘the Association of Emigrants from Macedonia’, (‘Matica na iselenici od Makedonija’), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, and signed by Trajan Baftirovski, the Secretary of the Association.

Congratulations Tale, we will forever remember the whole Ensemble...
Ensemble ‘Tanec’ performed in one of North America’s most beautiful opera houses, the Civic Opera House, (the Lyric Opera) in Chicago on February 5, 1956. The Opera House was built in 1929. 
Present at the concert were Tale Ognenovski’s uncle, Petar Hristov, and his family from Saint-Louis, Missouri and Tale Ognenovski’s friend, Jandre Kunovski, and his family from Gary, Indiana. After the fascinating concert, a photograph was taken of Tale Ognenovski and Jandre Kunovski together with his family in front of the Opera House. On the back of this photograph Jandre Kunovski wrote, ‘5 February 1956, Chicago, Remembering our meeting Tale in Chicago. Congratulations Tale, we will forever remember the whole Ensemble’. 

Tale Ognenovski’s recording debut as a clarinet and pipe soloist accompanying the Orchestra of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ in United States 
Some parts of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s repertoire were recorded on LP record during their tour of the United States. This excellent LP includes a selection of eight folk dances and songs. This was Tale Ognenovski’s recording debut as a clarinet and pipe soloist. 

6. Concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada, on February 13, 1956. 

Before the start of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada an February 13, 1956, the Artistic Director of the Hall told professor Asparuh Hadzi Nikolov, the Artistic Director of the Ensemble, that it was a tradition that every performer at Massey Hall played the Canadian National Anthem at the beginning of every concert. Professor Hadzi Nikolov replied that it would not be possible for the Ensemble to play the Canadian National Anthem right then, but that if they had been given a score for the Anthem the previous day, then it would have been played. 

Tale Ognenovski overheard this conversation and announced that the National Anthem would be played immediately from the score. He was given the score and, as he had a ‘B’ clarinet he began to play one tone with transposition above, with other members of the Ensemble, Ivan Terziev (flute), Nikola Galevski (violin), Aleksandar Sarievski (harmonica), Todor Pavlovski Totka (guitar) and Reshat Muharemof (drum) accompanying him without transposition, which is an easier way to play. It was a highly successful rendition of the National Anthem and the concert was as spectacular as the other concerts in United States. Only the greatest instrumentalists in the world could play a composition like the Canadian National Anthem without any preparation in advance and with transposition one tone above.

7. Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist

Musical genius Tale Ognenovski performed in the world-famous Carnegie Hall as clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist. His phenomenal success in Ensemble ‘Tanec’s’ 66-concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1956 launched a new era in his highly successful, 60-year career. The zenith of his career was his historic performance with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ at the concert in Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. 
This concert by Tale Ognenovski and the Ensemble is one of the most celebrated events in the history of Carnegie Hall, and it marked the acceptance by the American public of Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian Folk Dances and Songs. Ecstatic applause followed Ensemble ‘Tanec’s successes throughout North America. At the end of concerts, the audiences surrounded the members of Ensemble “Tanec”, congratulated them for their display of tremendous skill, and asked for their autographs. Many of them told Tale Ognenovski that he was the number one clarinetist.

8. Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 

‘Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television, in the Ford Foundation ‘Omnibus’ programme on January 22, 1956 in New York City opened America’s doors to a wealth of Macedonian musical talent. What followed would be called a Musical Sensation. ‘Tanec’s performances at Carnegie Hall and at other famous concert halls were displays of tremendous skill, the likes of which North America had never seen before. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’. 

Since it first opened in 1894, Massey Hall, with its capacity of 2700 seats, has been famous in Canada, the U.S. and Europe for its outstanding acoustics. Massey Hall’s first hundred years reads like a Who’s Who of the 20th century: Enrico Caruso, Winston Churchill, Booker T. Washington, Arturo Toscanini, George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Dylan, Harry Belafonte, Keith Richards, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti... 

9. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Ensemble Tanec

During the three-month tour across the USA (from January 22 to April 12,1956), concerts were performed in many cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. After three fascinating concerts in the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California on March 12, 13 and 14, 1956, a group of Hollywood artists invited all members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ to visit the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio in Hollywood. In the main MGM studio, Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble were photographed together with June Allyson, one of the most famous stars of the screen in the U.S. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’.

Carnegie Hall was our greatest triumph 
“Roska Dilevska, one of the members of ‘Tanec’, said: “Carnegie Hall was our greatest success. Everywhere we have received frenetic applause for our triumphs. After the concerts, the audience surrounded us...Almost everywhere they asked for our autographs. Amongst those strange admirers and lovers of the art, there have been both well-known and lesser-known actors, singers, painters, our emigrants, students, schoolboys...During our visit to Hollywood at the invitation of the Metro Goldwyn Mayer company, we had the rare opportunity to walk through wide streets of cowboy film set-ups, and see model castles, miniature models of boats and many other well-known things from films which have fascinated us with their grandiosity; and there are still many hundreds more wonders to see. We have seen other film studios, and Metro Goldwyn Mayer prepared a special party for us...” from an article entitled “After returning to the country”, written by D. Stojanova, and published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija” on April 27, 1956.

‘TANEC’s performances at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, April 11 and 12, 1956 
After the tremendous success in Carnegie Hall, even though only one performance in New York was planned for in the contract with the American tour managers, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ made two additional two performances in the city, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on April 11 and 12, 1956. 
The Brooklyn Academy of Music has been the hub of performing arts activities in Brooklyn since it opened for business in 1861. The Opera House has a 2000-seat auditorium with excellent acoustics. 

13. One of the longest and the most triumphant tours in the history of world music 

During an 84-day journey throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. 
This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music. Ensemble ‘Tanec’ twice repeated this giant success, first with their 72-concert tour of Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956, and secondly with their 83-concert tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They played two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959. 

Members of ‘Tanec’ who participated in the concerts in the United States and Canada from January 22 until April 12, 1956, were the following: Doncheva Todorka, Vishinova Radmila, Krstic Dushica, Stojanova Zora, Arsova Desanka, Peshic Olga, Shijakovic Vera, Markova Lenche, Stojanova Radica, Videc Blaga, Ilieva Vaska, Kolarova Ljubica, Dilevska Roska, Petrushevski Dragan, Sarievski Aleksandar, Matevski Dojchin, Dobeski Krsto, Kolarovski Atanas, Livrinski Stanko, Mihajlovski Mihajlo, Cherepovski Trpe, Eftimovski Doncho, Vishinski Stanimir, Micevski Cvetko, Todevski Spase, Georgievski Stevo, Atanasovski Pece, Etemov Kemal, Georgievski Dushko, Velevski Blazhe, Pavlovski Todor, Jusufov Muharem Reshat, Terziev Ivan, Galevski Nikolaj, Hristovski Jonche, Ognenovski Tale and Tasevski Slave.

The Artistic Director was Prof. Asparuh Hadzi-Nikolov, and the Regisseur, Dimce Najdeski.



January 22, 1956 New York City Ford Foundation TV Program,
January 23, 1956 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania The Forum
January 24, 1956 White Plains, New York Westchester Country Center
January 25, 1956 Schenectady, New York Erie Theater
January 26, 1956 Perth Amboy, New Jersey Majestic Theater
January 27, 1956 New York City Carnegie Hall
January 28, 1956 Newark, New Jersey Mosque Theater
January 29, 1956 Worcester, Massachusetts Municipal Memorial Auditorium
January 30, 1956 Providence, Rhode Island War Memory Auditorium
January 31, 1956 Boston, Massachusetts Symphony Hall
February 1, 1956 Springfield, Massachusetts Auditorium
February 2, 1956 Hartford, Connecticut Bushnell Memorial Hall
February 4, 1956 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Civic Opera House
February 5, 1956 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Civic Opera House
February 7, 1956 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Academy of Music
February 8, 1956 Norfolk, Pennsylvania Center Theater
February 9, 1956 Washington, D.C. Constitution Hall
February 10, 1956 Baltimore, Maryland Lyric Theater
February 11, 1956 Richmond, Virginia Mosque Theater
February 12, 1956 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Syria Mosque Theater
February 13, 1956 Toronto, Canada Massey Hall
February 14, 1956 Rochester, New York Auditorium
February 16, 1956 Youngstown, Ohio Stambaugh Auditorium
February 17, 1956 Akron, Ohio Armory
February 18, 1956 Detroit, Michigan Masonic Auditorium
February 19, 1956 Cleveland, Ohio Music Hall
February 20, 1956 Indianapolis, Indiana Murat Theater
February 21, 1956 Toledo, Ohio State Theater
February 22, 1956 Cincinnati, Ohio Taft Auditorium
February 23, 1956 Louisville, Kentucky Kentucky Auditorium
February 24, 1956 Evansville, Indiana Indiana Coliseum
February 26, 1956 St. Louis, Missouri Municipal Auditorium
February 28, 1956 St. Joseph, Missouri City Auditorium
February 29, 1956 Kansas City, Missouri Music Hall
March 1, 1956 Omaha, Nebraska Music Hall
March 3, 1956 Colorado Springs, Colorado City Auditorium
March 4, 1956 Denver, Colorado Auditorium Arena
March 7, 1956 San Francisco, California Opera House
March 8, 1956 Sacramento, California Memorial Auditorium
March 9, 1956 San Francisco, California Opera House
March 10, 1956 Oakland, California High School Auditorium
March 11, 1956 Fresno, California Memorial Auditorium
March 12, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 13, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 14, 1956 Los Angeles, California Philharmonic Auditorium
March 15, 1956 Pasadena, California Civic Auditorium
March 17, 1956 San Pedro, California S.P.High School Auditorium
March 18, 1956 San Pedro, California S.P.High School Auditorium
March 19, 1956 San Diego, California Russ Auditorium
March 20, 1956 San Diego, California Russ Auditorium
March 22, 1956 Phoenix, Arizona North Phoenix High School
March 23, 1956 Phoenix, Arizona North Phoenix High School
March 24, 1956 Tucson, Arizona University
March 26, 1956 El Paso, Texas Liberty Hall
March 28, 1956 Houston, Texas City Auditorium
March 29, 1956 Houston, Texas City Auditorium
April 1, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 2, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 3, 1956 New Orleans, Louisiana Civic Theatre
April 5, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 6, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 7, 1956 Atlanta, Georgia Tower Theatre
April 9, 1956 Princeton, New Jersey McCarter Theatre
April 10, 1956 Princeton, New Jersey McCarter Theatre
April 11, 1956 New York City Brooklyn Academy of Music
April 12, 1956 New York City Brooklyn Academy of Music

“Macedonian folklore group ‘Tanec’ last night gave the last performance of their three-month North American tour at New York’s Brooklyn Academy of Music. The group had arrived in New York by boat on January 20, and will leave New York by plane on April 21. During their very successful tour in America, Ensemble ‘Tanec’ visited the most important cultural and industrial centres: New York City, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, and Boston, and one concert was performed in Toronto, Canada. During the 84-day journey Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and gave 70 concerts. The American press described them as a Great Cultural Event. Everywhere in America ‘Tanec’ had a warm welcome. Numerous celebrated public dinners and banquets were held by our emigrants’ societies and American musical associations in honour of the Ensemble.” From an article entitled “Tanec with success has finished their American tour”, published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija” on April 14, 1956. 

A Significant Cultural Event in America...In New York ‘Tanec’ performed three very successfully concerts and made their television debut...

“The performances by Ensemble ‘Tanec’ throughout the United States were reviewed as a Significant Cultural Event in America. In New York they had performed three very successful concerts and made a television debut… The public was amazed during the performances of ‘Tanec’...” wrote The Boston Globe; “The concert created stormy applause from 2000 spectators...” wrote the Saint Louis Globe Demokrat; “The concert was magnificent...” wrote the San Francisco Chronicle; “...The greatest success was SHOPSKA POSKOCHICA (the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” wrote the Washington News from Washington, D.C.; “...The concert was not only magnificent art but a Great Event,” wrote the Union from San Diego, California. “ ...The Auditorium Arena concert of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ is the most extraordinary event of the year...the most excellent are “Soborskite igri” (the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)” wrote the Denver Rocky Mountain News.” The above all appeared in an article in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”,published on April 24, 1956 and entitled “Success of Macedonian Folk Ensemble ‘Tanec’.”

… a single New York performance on Friday evening at Carnegie Hall
“The company of forty-two dancers and musicians will give a single New York performance on Friday evening at Carnegie Hall. At that time, we will see - most of us for the first time - the archaic, historical and contemporary folk dancers of the Yugoslav regions of Macedonia, Croatia and Serbia…The musical instruments to be used in the ‘Tanec’ performance range from the most conventional of their instruments, the accordion, to the reed pipe…” from an article written by Walter Terry, entitled “The Dance: Yugoslav Folk Ballet”, and published in the New York Herald Tribune, New York, on January 22, 1956.

15. “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie
Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill” - John Martin, the New York Times

“The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’, which has been touring Europe with great success, made the reason quite clear last night in a performance at Carnegie Hall that was a joy and delight...This particular group, part of a national movement toward the revival of the folk arts, comes from Macedonia, but its dances and songs come also from Serbia, Croatia and Dalmatia...Among them are the endless vivacity and the tremendous skill of a thoroughly ingratiating company and some brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances. To be sure, they possess all the qualities common to folk dancing, but they have great individuality and a wide variety besides...These sturdy, spirited and forthright men can dance not only as fast as you please, but also as slowly, which is harder and can be much more exciting. In number after number they do rapid and fairly incredible phrases with inexhaustible vigor...But all the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing. There are some winning songs, too, and some remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments - a raucous and unforgettable pipe (virtuoso pipe (“kavalche”) and the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), a charming lyric bagpipe, drums large and small, played with two kinds of sticks at the same time or else by the fingers alone...The evening is not only wonderful art but also a superb show. Surely one performance in New York is not enough. The house was completely sold out, and others no doubt would follow the same pattern,” from an article written by John Martin entitled “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,” and published in The New York Times, New York, on January 28, 1956.

“spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” This comes from an article written by music critic John Martin, entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events" and published in the The New York Times on February 5, 1956, p. 114. (The virtuoso reed pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).

16. “Carnegie Hall was shaking from stormy applause... “Shopska podripnuvachka” (The virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was even repeated, and to repeat a performance on the American stage is a really rare and exclusive event.” - Stjepan Pucak in Nova Makedonija

“...In the meantime, on Sunday, January 22, ‘Tanec’ had already performed on one of the most well-known television programs, a program which was seen by millions of Americans....
Carnegie Hall is the greatest and the most representative Hall in New York and is situated in the center of the town. Here are performed the greatest and the most famous musical-artistic works, and on the stage of Carnegie Hall appear the most renowned artists in the world...
Until half-past eight, Carnegie Hall was full to capacity, without any of it’s near enough 3000 seats available... To choose which were the most successful of the program’s seventeen folk dances, when all were greeted with stormy applause, is really very difficult and risky... ‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was even repeated, and to repeat a performance on the American stage is a really rare and exclusive event...

When the curtain came down at the end of the show after “Soborskite igri” (the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), the Hall of Carnegie Hall was shaking from stormy applause, and didn’t become quiet for some minutes. The New York Times that evening wrote that the evening was a joy and a delight, the New York Daily News that the event was a “main full hit”, and The New York Daily Mirror that it was a charming program for dances and music; similar reviews had been written in many other newspapers... 

“The New York Times wrote that one concert in New York was surely not enough. The press had recalled the fact that all tickets for that event were sold out after a few days. The paper said that other performances would no doubt follow the same pattern, but now it was unclear whether the Tour Managers would stage another show in New York. If another was staged, then the Daily Mirror recommended readers to go to that event to see and hear ‘Tanec’”, wrote Stjepan Pucak in his article entitled “First days in America”, published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija” on February 7, 1956. 

17. “The first performance at Carnegie Hall in New York is regarded as a really sensational success.” - Naum Nachevski, Nova Makedonija

“Tanec’s’ first concert in the 3000-seat Carnegie Hall, in New York, finally took place on January 27. In fact, Tanec performed on New York television. It was a sell-out, and vast numbers of people had to accept only a televised ‘meeting’ with ‘Tanec’. The first performance in New York was regarded as a really sensational success. The program included skilful items for the audience, but they were performed with such wit and richness of feeling that it was impossible for the audience not to call out in pleasure. On many occasions the audience interrupted some of the folk dance performances with applause; these dances in particular left great impressions of the folklore, the richness of folk costumes and the unusual rhythm of Macedonian folk music. ‘Tanec’ not only received a warm welcome from the New York public, but also from the New York press who the following day were full of the most beautiful compliments: The New York Times wrote: “Surely one performance in New York is not enough...It was a joy and delight to see the endless vivacity and the perfect harmonic of this group and some brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances...But all the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing.” 

“The New York Daily Mirror wrote that the concert was a charming program for music and dances and invited its readers to go to the next concert to assure themselves, should ‘Tanec’ come again to New York. The newspaper added that in New York that season, there had been some interesting concerts from the East and West but none of them had been so successful and been so well-received by the public as Yugoslav Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’. Carnegie Hall was shaking from stormy applause, wrote the newspaper, and the spectators were relentless in their applause... 

The New York Herald Tribune wrote that ‘Tanec’ was a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company... “The New York Daily News wrote that the concert provided many pleasures and the Ensemble showed dignity, exuberance and talent. The stories in these newspapers were written by the most eminent critics Walter Terry, John Martin, Charles Mackhary and Robert Coleman.” This article entitled ‘TANEC’ had amazed The New York Public” was written by Naum Nachevski, and appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on January 31, 1956. 

18. “Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation.” - Robert Coleman, the New York Daily Mirror

“These perfect artists performed many marvelous dances, and the astonished audience greeted them with long applause. The program was filled with folk dances and songs. In the past we have had some interesting concerts from the East and West but none of them had been as successful and been so well-received by the public as the Yugoslav Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’. Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation...” wrote Robert Coleman in the New York Daily Mirror on January 28, 1956. 

19. “The freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair ...Transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall.”- William Hawkins, the New York World Telegram

“Last night this Yugoslav National Folk Ballet preluded a transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall... This is the freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair that has come over the horizon in years. We have been afforded many novelties from the Orient and the Occident but none of them won a more enthusiastic reception than the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet.” From an article written by William Hawkins, and that appeared in the New York World Telegram on January 28, 1956. 

20. “Tanec, a Macedonian group, is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company… accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) which surely pierced the air of classical Greece… An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” - Walter Terry, the New York Herald Tribune

“Dancing, certain opinions to the contrary, has its own universal characteristics. It also – and everyone agrees to this – has its roots in antiquity, a fact that everyone agrees on. And, finally, dancing on the folk level is basically more fun to do than to watch (although this can be exhilarating on occasion). These three dance truths were much in evidence last evening at Carnegie Hall when the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet (the Tanec division of four such national troupes) made its New York debut…

But there were also many examples of the strange and the exotic. The ancient past was reborn in the company’s several circle dances, probably the oldest dance pattern known to man. And these antique measures, accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe (pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) that surely pierced the air of classical Greece… Tanec, a Macedonian group of some forty dancers and musicians, gave generously of their rich folk heritage. There were songs and dances not only from their own region but also from Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Dalmatia and from heritages almost lost in antiquity... 

Tanec is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company...Each was strikingly costumed, particularly the women’s dresses with their bright and indicate embroidery. And each had its zestful or romantic musical accompaniment, sometimes played on archaic instruments, but again on contemporary ones...ancient heritages were revealed, to a remarkable degree, in dance and in music.

To make the point, in “Sopska Poskocica” (the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), five young men took over the stage and indulged in show-off tactics to attract the girl.... Every where in this program, however, there was something to be admired…the regional treasure of peoples with proud and ancient heritages, were revealed, to a remarkable degree, in dance and in music…An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity (the house had been sold out by last Monday) cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” The above is from an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Folk Ballet,’ written by Walter Terry, and that appeared in the New York Herald Tribune on January 28, 1956. 

Concert at the Symphony Hall, Boston, January 30, 1956 
An impressive evening 
“Everyone present this evening can be satisfied even with the most demanding taste of the public, because the group of Yugoslav dancers, singers and musicians performed one really impressive evening...Rhythm and complicated steps were masterly performed and excited the public... The performers were awarded with long enthusiastic applause “ – from an article in the Boston Traveler, Boston, Massachusetts, February 1, 1956. 

Concerts at the Chicago Civic Opera House, Chicago, February 4 and 5, 1956 
‘fill up the Civic Hall with enthusiasm’ 
“The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet consists of young dancers, singers and musicians who filled up the Civic Hall with enthusiasm with their dances and songs...” – from an article that appeared in the Chicago Daily News, Chicago on February 6, 1956. 

The three concerts in Chicago were performed in the 3000-seat Civic Opera House on February 4 at 8:30 pm and on February 5, 1956 at 2:30 pm. and at 8:30 pm. 

21. Concerts at the Chicago Civic Opera House, February 4 and 5, 1956 
“Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance...group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians, called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans.” – Claudia Cassidy, the Chicago Daily Tribune

“...The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, which spent the week-end in the Civic Opera house, is a fair sample, called Tanec, which is the Macedonian word for dance, this group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans,..When five of them dance the “Sopska Poskocica,” (the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) which apparently just means they are showing off to the girls. I would keep them any day as a fair trade for the four little swans in “Swan Lake.” They are brilliant, gay, and worth seeing...But of all the singers, dancers, and musicians who range from fiddle and guitar to ancient drum and shepherd’s pipe (the pipe and clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), none is unworthy. They have ritual, festival, epic, and what they call “borrowed” dances, and to choose one or two is not to decry the others...” From an article written by Claudia Cassidy and entitled “On the Aisle - Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance.” It appeared in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago on February 6, 1956. 

Concerts at the Chicago Civic Opera House, Chicago, February 4 and 5, 1956 
Every folk dance performed was in complete coordination with the orchestra 
“The arrival of Tanec in Chicago had been awaited by more than 10,000 people who had bought their tickets a few weeks earlier. This was Tanec’s first time in America. There were only three concerts in Chicago. Several million people got to know about our folk dances from reports and photographs, from a very successful debut on American television and from reviews in the newspapers about the concert in New York (Carnegie Hall)... CHUPURLIKA (the clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was greeted with stormy applause and received several encores. Every folk dance performed was in complete coordination with the orchestra and made the whole concert dynamic, live, interesting...” wrote Gjorgi Iliev from Chicago in an article entitled “Letter from America”, appearing in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija” on February 19, 1956. 

22. Concert at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, February 7, 1956
“The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations.” - Samuel Singer, The Philadelphia Inquirer

”America has been called the “melting pot,” but a European version of a dance melting pot visited the Academy of music last night, one of a virtual parade of exotic dance troupes to play here this season. This was “Tanec,” the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet. “Tanec” means “dance,” but “dance” in a larger form than usual. Besides dance alone, it conveys drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military maneuvers...Clarinet, (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) bass fiddle, violin, drums, guitar and flute provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations...This is the first visit of Tanec to America, but undoubtedly not its last.” From an article written by Samuel Singer entitled “Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy”. It appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer on February 8, 1956.

23. Concert at the Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., February 9, 1956 
“Sopska Poskocica (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) is unique and demanded a repetition” - Paul Hume, The Washington Post and Times Herald

”Anyone watching the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet last night in Constitution Hall could have guessed without any difficulty the major emotions and situations involved in the dancing. Courting, fast and slow, deeds of heroism, dances deriving from nature, the changing seasons and the life cycle all are present in the dances of most people. So they were last night...A Sopska Poskocica (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) is devised to show the girls how handsome, wonderful, brilliant, exciting and sensational their man friends are. It does. The rate at which it is danced, and the tremendous energy and precision of six men who dance it, is unique and demanded a repetition...If you see “Tanec” which simply means “Dance” advertised again, you won’t want to miss it.” This is from an article written by Paul Hume and entitled “Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works”. It appeared in The Washington Post and Times Herald on February 10, 1956. 

24. Concert at the Massey Hall, Toronto, February 13, 1956
“Spectacle in Massey Hall... Nor was the performance without spectacle...the music, whether for singing or dancing, had the same spontaneous folk quality and an exotic character... Sopska Poskocica (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)… was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective... musicians are an active part... “ - John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail

“The single appearance here, sponsored by International Artists in association with Charles E. Green and Lee V. Eastman, brought a capacity audience to Massey Hall. Last night Torontonians had an opportunity to meet Tanec, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet, first artistic export from there (from Former Yugoslavia - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), currently on a whirlwind tour of Canada and the United States. As the evening progressed the house grew increasingly enthusiastic, and not without good cause. Tanec is not a ballet company in the usual sense. In the first place it continues itself to dance in the folk idiom. More than that, it includes singers and musicians as well: and singing may be part of the dance, just as musicians may take an active part...Last night’s program included songs and dances from Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Dalmacia.
The first impression, however, must be one of rhythmic precision... Nor was the performance without spectacle... This was often a fitting part of the interpretation in a larger dance scheme, but in the case of one dance, Sopska Poskocica (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) it was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective with its leaps and other strenuous choreography... the music, whether for singing or dancing, had the same spontaneous folk quality and an exotic character that could largely be attributed to archaic instruments. On the whole, it was joyful or plaintively romantic: nearly always charming in its simplicity. Tanec has had a warm welcome here, and it must assure considerable interest in other artistic exports that may come this way from Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).” From an article written by John Kraglund, entitled “Music in Toronto”and appearing in The Globe and Mail on February 14, 1956. 

25. Concerts at the Opera House, San Francisco, March 7 and 9, 1956
“The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply “Macedonian Tune,” which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud...” - R. H. Hagan, the San Francisco Chronicle

”Folk dancing and folk singing are counted among seven amateur arts. Everyone who ever practised them was either a native or an amateur. One of the greatest pieces of evidence that times have changed in this regard was the first local appearance of “Tanec,” the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet last night in the Opera House. “Tanec (the world actually means “dance” in Yugoslavian) is actually a highly trained group of professional folk dancers and musicians who have taken the folk songs and dances of Macedonia, Bosnia, Serbia and all the six republica of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and made a very colorful and musically exciting show out of them with many variations...

But I know they started many a knee jogging to complicated Macedonian rhythms (something like seven and one half to the bar) and many an eye dancing to the Kodachromatic colors of wonderfully vivid costumes which looked as if they were not heirlooms at all, but designed by a Balkan Hattle Carnegie who happened to have a summer villa on the Dalmatian coast...The Yugoslav troupe provided a magnificent demonstration of that Balkan urge for expressing one’s self in subtly rhythmic and violently evocative body movements. The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply “Macedonian Tune,” which in its intricate rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud...” From an article written by R. H. Hagan, entitled “Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’ and appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco on March 8, 1956. 

“The music covers an equal range and employs unusual instruments”
“High leapers - Members of the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet will do acrobatic feats during their programs in the Philharmonic Auditorium tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The troupe consists of 40 Yugoslavians, and the dancing portrays drama, ritual, poetry, song and music. All these facets will be presented with authenticity by the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet troupe of 40 dancers, singers and musicians appearing on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in the Philharmonic Auditorium, and on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. Balkan Dances. The company’s repertoire is a cross-section of the Balkans, with dances from Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia and Dalmatia, representing regions that have sharp differences in style and dance forms. The music covers an equal range and employs unusual instruments...” from an article entitled “Yugoslavia Dance Unit to Appear”, published in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, on March 10, 1956.

“THIS SPECTACLE IS MAGNIFICENT YOU MUST SEE IT”, MELODY MAKER, London - these words were printed in the Los Angeles Times on March 10, 1956 in a poster announcement from the “MARY BRAN” company advertising Ensemble Tanec performances in the PHILHARMONIC AUDITORIUM in Los Angeles. The announcement also included the comments: “JOY and DELIGHT * SPECTACULAR * WINNING SONGS * TREMENDOUS SKILL * STUNNING * WONDERFUL ART * REMARKABLE MUSIC * ASTONISHING * Superb Show, First Time in America, The YUGOSLAV NATIONAL FOLK BALLET, 40 DANCERS, SINGERS, MUSICIANS on the STAGE. Only Three Unique Performances PHILHARMONIC AUDITORIUM Tomorrow and Tuesday, March 13 and Wednesday March 14, 8:30 p.m. Also Pasadena Civic Auditorium, Thursday, March 15, 8:20 P.M., Los Angeles Times, March 11, 1956." These words appeared in the advertisement in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles on March 10, 1956.

“Balkan Dances Offered Tonight”
“A variety of dances and songs of Balkan countries will be offered by the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet at Philharmonic Auditorium tonight, tomorrow night and Wednesday night. The numbers delineate heroic war games, sword dances, horsemen, outlaws and shepherds,” announced the Los Angeles Times on March 11, 1956.

26. Concerts at the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, March 12, 13 and 14, 1956
“The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet - known at home as Tanec - excited a large auditorium... this group would be hard to beat... They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd’s reed pipe (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and an instrument called the Zourla”- Albert Goldeberg, the Los Angeles Times

“The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet - known at home as Tanec - excited a large audience, seemingly principally composed of fellow countrymen, in the Philharmonic Auditorium last night. The engagement continues through tonight and Wednesday. For authentic folk dancing, wild and free and yet subject to its own intricate disciplines, this group would be hard to beat. It numbers over 30 dancers, singers and musicians and they do the dances of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Albania in native costumes with superb vitality and style. 
Strange Instruments. 
They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd’s reed pipe (virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and an instrument called the Zourla, which gives out a harrowing sound like an overgrown oboe. The music is mostly of a distinctly Oriental cast, with insistent repetitions of melodies based on minor scales...Perhaps the most exciting of the dances are those of the men, such as the “Rusalija,” a warriors’ dance with flashing sabers, the “Sopska Poskocica” (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) in which the young men display their athletic prowess for the girls...It all makes quite a spectacle and is well worth seeing.” This comes from an article written by Albert Goldeberg, entitled “Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement” and published in the Los Angeles Times on March 13, 1956.

27. “As vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen” – Life magazine

“A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... this spring, the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet is making a first, and highly successful tour of the U.S. The skilful troupe of 40 dancers and musicians was founded to perpetuate their country’s culture. All the dances are derived from the wedding rites, harem ceremonials...Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen.” These words appeared in an article in Life magazine, USA, entitled “Dance Bouncing Brigands from Yugoslav come to U.S.” on April 9, 1956. 

“...I can’t remember ever seeing anything better of this style” wrote the Baltimore Sun;
“...Applause from the public says more than these 500 words. YESTERDAY TIME WASN’T MONEY,” ran The Milwaukee Journal. “Here is a question of great art, and we must say that we are lucky to see this art,” ran The Christian Science Monitor on March 30, 1956. The above appeared in an article entitled “The Newspapers in United States on Tanec” and published in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija” on May 11, 1956.

1. Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ toured Germany in 1956

Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and pipe virtuoso with Ensemble ‘Tanec’, toured Germany from August 15 until October 27, 1956. The Ensemble performed 72 amazingly successful concerts in many towns, including Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Bonn, Gottingen, Munich and Wiesbaden, and every performance was a sell-out. As part of their tour of France in 1959, they performed two concerts in Dortmund, Germany on September 18 and 19, 1959, playing to an audience of 7000 on each occasion.

Tale Ognenovski performed as a virtuoso clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”) soloist 
The majority of the programme of Ensemble Tanec’s German tour comprised of Macedonian folk dances and songs with the rest made up of Serbian and Croatian dances and songs and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”) soloist for most of the programme, in particular in the Macedonian folk dances ‘A Bride’s Dance (Nevestinsko Oro)’, ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Podripnuvachka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘The Shepherds’ Dance (Ovcharsko Oro), ‘Soborski Igri’, in Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘SHOTE’, an Albanian folk dance. Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Shopska petorka’ but also an arranger of the music because he added his own improvisations in some areas of the dance. This is the case with other dances that Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist.

2. “I’ll never forget...the man with the pipe (the virtuoso pipe soloist wasTale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” – the Hildesheim presse, Germany

“The folklore Ensemble ‘Tanec’ has performed in Germany during the past few weeks. They are receiving an enthusiastic welcome everywhere. For example, the ‘Hildesheim presse’ published an article entitled “Tanec, the magic word from the Balkans”. This contained amongst other comments, “Macedonia, Dalmatia, Croatia and other parts of Yugoslavia are living as one with these dances, songs and music, and all of it is as natural and live as if it were being danced in the middle of the village in the country of these young men and women. This National Ballet, the top Ensemble in the country, have shown us only excellence, politeness and complete perfection. I’ll never forget the difficult Macedonian dance from Macedonian shepherds, the Croatian dance, the bagpipers and the man with the pipe (the ‘man with the pipe’ is Tale Ognenovski, since he played folk dances on both the clarinet and the pipe (‘kavalche’) - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), the small singer and the drum. But here we don’t discuss details. In reality they each put on wonderful separate performances. Every dance and song has great impact and is rewarded with extraordinary amounts of applause. ‘Tanec’ in Yugoslavia means dance, and at the same time it is a magical word from Yugoslavia.” This article entitled ‘Great success of Tanec in Germany’ appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 21, 1956. 

3. “Success of Tanec in West Germany” - Nova Makedonija

“Bonn, October 2.
Yesterday evening, during their three-month cross-country tour of West Germany, the Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ performed a successful concert in Bonn Town Theatre. Even though Ensemble Tanec is the third Ensemble to perform in this theatre in the last 18 months, every seat was full. Present in the audience were the Mayor of Bonn, many prominent politicians, diplomats and domestic and foreign journalists. The Ensemble performed songs and dances from Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The audience heartily welcomed the performers, asking for the entire programme to be performed again. Bonn’s newspapers are full of numerous compliments as to the artistic quality of the concert. During this tour the Ensemble has visited almost all the larger towns in West Germany and also many tourist towns.” This article, entitled “Success of Tanec in West Germany” appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 30, 1956. 

4. “The folklore experts were interested in our particular folk dances… perhaps the following can stand out as the most successful: “SHOPSKA” (Shopska podripnuvachka – the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “SHOTE” (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” - Nova Makedonija

“On the 29th of this month, Ensemble Tanec returned from their tour of West Germany, where they performed 72 concerts in places and towns. All the concerts were sell-outs.... Jonche Hristovski, a member of Ensemble Tanec said, “We had 17 to18 rounds of applause and we went back on stage. We had particularly great success in the larger cities such as Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Gottingen and Munich. For instance, in Frankfurt the audience wouldn’t leave us after the show ended and they asked for the entire programme to be repeated. The folklore experts were interested in our folk dances, in the rhythm of the folk dances and songs, the richness of the folk costumes and especially our authentic folk instruments. Our shows received a warm welcome from the public. Audiences were amazed by the choreography and the different styles of folk dance, and their individual rhythm flow. Perhaps the following can stand out as the most successful: “SHOPSKA “ (‘Shopska podripnuvachka’ - In this Macedonian folk dance the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “SHOTE” (In this Albanian folk dance the virtuoso clarinet solo was played by Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “VRLIKA” and “SOBORSKI IGRI” (In these Macedonian folk dances, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” 
Olga Pesic, a member of the Ensemble, has commented: “During the entire tour, Ensemble Tanec has had the warmest welcome everywhere... Compliments, and also some photographs from the performances, have appeared in the newspapers of every town where we have staged a concert. In every town, tickets for the concert were completely sold out before the day of the performance, especially so in Munich, where the tickets were sold out 15 days before.
Perhaps our biggest success was at the concert performed in
Bayreuth, the famous musical centre of West Germany...” The above words appeared in an article entitled “After the return of “Tanec” from their German tour - The biggest success until now,” in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 31, 1956. 

5. “About 7000 people at each of the two concerts in Dortmund” - K. Gavrish, Nova Makedonija

“...Ensemble ‘Tanec’ performed two concerts in Dortmund. At the beginning of these concerts about 7000 people were present...” These words appeared in an article written by K. Gavrish and entitled, “Following the return from their French tour, TANEC wins over the audience” and published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 6, 1959. 


1. Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ during their tour of France

Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and pipe virtuoso with Ensemble “Tanec” during their tour of France from September 20 until November 25, 1959. They performed 83 concerts in 58 towns and cities in France including Paris, Le Havre, Nantes, Poitiers, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Cherbourg, Toulon, Toulouse, Rennes, Bourges, Chaumont, Solon de Provence, Laval, Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, Angers, Tours, Limoges, Pont a Mouson, Bourgen Brest, Belfor, St Entienne, St Brieuc, St Malo, Vendome, Gien, Orleans, Niort, La Rochelle, Marmonde, Mont de Marson, Dax, Tarbes, Agen, Albi, Pau, Carcassonne, St Gaudens, Beziers, Parpignon, Arcachon, Nimes, Grenoble, Lyon, Villeurbone and Gueret.ere. They performed with amazing success to full houses everywhere. The Ensemble twice had performances broadcast on television, on September 21 and 22, 1959: 20 million people would have seen them on the most popular programme on French Television. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs. The Manager of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s tour of France was Mr Raymond Guillier, also Director of his own company ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier’ of 129 Boulevard Massena, Paris. He specialised in managing international shows in Paris. 

Tale Ognenovski performed as a virtuoso clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”) soloist 
The majority of the programme of Ensemble Tanec’s French tour comprised of Macedonian folk dances and songs with the rest made up of Serbian and Croatian dances and songs and one Albanian dance. Tale Ognenovski played as virtuoso clarinet and pipe (“kavalche”) soloist for most of the programme, in particular in the Macedonian folk dances ‘A Bride’s Dance (Nevestinsko Oro)’, ‘Chupurlika’, ‘Shopska Petorka’, ‘Kopachka’, ‘The Shepherds’ Dance (Ovcharsko Oro), ‘Drachevka’, ‘Chifte Chamche’and ‘Soborski Igri’, in Macedonian songs, Serbian folk dances and songs and ‘SHOTE’, an Albanian folk dance. Tale Ognenovski was a virtuoso clarinet soloist in ‘Shopska petorka’ but also an arranger of the music because he added his own improvisations in some areas of the dance. This is the case with other dances that Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist. Tanec included, as part of their tour of France, two performances in Dortmund, Germany, on September 18 and 19, 1959. About 7000 people were present at each concert. 

Some of Ensemble ‘Tanec’s concert repertoire, including Macedonian folk dances and songs, was recorded during the tour on LP record. The virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist on this excellent LP record, recorded in France in 1959, was Tale Ognenovski.

2. “What ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform... Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you why I think this is so. I know that the clarinetist Tale...” - Raymond Guillier, Vecher

“Everyone who went to the concerts by Ensemble ‘Tanec’ in Paris and other towns and cities in France during the tour in 1959 of a little over two months was fascinated. Yes, audiences opened wide their hearts and didn’t think anything of their hands while applauding your folk dancers. What ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform. All great professional Ensembles in the world possess something special. Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you why I think this is so. I know that the clarinetist Tale (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) after every concert played clarinet solos and amused us well into the early hours. This hasn’t been the case with any other member from any other Ensembles. I want to present Tanec every year to the people of my country...” said Raymond Guillier (Director of his own company, ‘Les grands spectacles internationaux Les productions Raymond Guillier, 129 Boulevard Massena - Paris” - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) Manager of international exhibitions in Paris, France. The above appeared in an article entitled ‘Your dance fascinates me….’, written by M. Georgievski, and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on September 14, 1964. 

Macedonian Folklore is the best in the world 
Raymond Guillier commented that no other Ensemble in the world could perform Macedonian folklore as well as ‘Tanec’, because the Macedonian girls and boys from the Ensemble put their whole heart and soul into the dances, and a good example of this was the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. This was a very important comment because Mr. Raymond Guillier had organized many concerts in Paris and France for all the best Ensembles in the world. 

3. “Brilliant first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia... Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people ... “It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration to play ‘Drachevka’ (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...”

“Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people, and the Macedonian National Ballet left a great impression in Bourges…Two dances in particular were appreciated last night on the stage of the Grand Palais, the Dance of the sabre and the dance of the village fair (two separate photos are shown, the top one being ‘Dance of the sabre’ and the bottom being ‘the Dance of village fair).’ (On the right side of the bottom photograph can be seen virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).
But the Macedonian dances, once they began, developed from a dead slow pace and quickened, becoming a festival of colours, a storm of costumes and a sports test allied to the art of folklore. 
It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration for playing ‘Drachevka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and the exciting Serbian folk dance (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).

The audience much liked the dance ‘Roussalies’ as well as the dance ‘Tchifte Tchamtche’, and lastly ‘Chote’ (‘Shote’), a dance of love that is lively and colourful...Tanec is the name of this group who have won over the audience. The quality and talent of this group is admirable...This is the first time that they have performed in France... At the end of their concert, the members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ remained on stage and were applauded by the Bourges audiences for
for more than a quarter of an hour.” The above comes from an article, entitled “Hier soir au GRAND-PALAIS BRILLANTE “PREMIERE” des Ballets de Macedoine” (“Yesterday evening in GRAND-PALAIS Brilliant first performance of National Ballet of Macedonia.”), that appeared in the newspaper ‘Le Berry Republicain’ in Bourges, France, on September 24, 1959. 

4. “The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success” - La nouvelle republique du Centre

“The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia was a tremendous success. Everyone in the hall applauded with enthusiasm, here in the ‘Grand Palais’ in Bourges at the first performance in France of the National Ballet of Macedonia… The first performance in Bourges was a spectacle...The members of the National Ballet of Macedonia arrived four days ago in Paris and have been shown on television...” This is from an arcticle entitled “Hier soir a Bourges, La “premiere” nationale des Ballets de Macedoine a remporte un enorme succes” (Yesterday evening in Bourges, The first national Ballet of Macedonia achieved tremendous success.”). It was published in the newspaper “La nouvelle republique du Centre”, Bourges, France on, September 24, 1959. 

5. “”TANEC” wins over the public... “ - K. Gavrish, Nova Makedonija

“The tour in France was very hard-going, with us having to travel and do a concert in a different town almost every day. But, everywhere, the Ensemble has confirmed its good reputation and been heartily accepted by the considerate and generous French public,” said Trajko Prokopiev, the director of Ensemble ‘Tanec’. Le Havre, Nantes, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Cherbourg, Toulon are just some of the towns in France where ‘Tanec’ has demonstrated its art with great success. In Salon de Provence, the Ensemble received an honorary medal of the town. The Ensemble has had two performances broadcast on the most popular programmes on French television that are usually watched by 20 million people. Radio Paris recorded a 45-minute programme of Macedonian folk dances and songs.

My impression is that the French public understands and can sense our folklore; we have succeeded in satisfying them. We cannot but forget that the French public is a public with great demands. Since our debut on television they have recognized us and approached us on the streets, in the shops and in the restaurants where we have gone,” commented Dojchin Matevski.

For Verica Shijakovic, the most pleasant memory has always been the great success in the ‘Hall of the sports’ in Shomon. The enthusiastic audience consisted mostly of young people who greeted the performers warmly.
“Which performance has been the most successful? “Shopska petorka”, (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) “Drachevka” (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “Sedenka” (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), Serbian (the virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and Croatian dances…” said Cvetko Micevski. “...Every evening after the concerts, hundreds of boys and girls came under the stage to get our autographs...at every concert, audiences asked for encores of some of the acts, and some people have congratulated us and told us that we are real Ambassadors of our country,” said Dushko Georgievski.”
The French audiences were enraptured not only by the dances but also by the extraordinary richness of the costumes. The thirty members of the Ensemble had with them some 400 costumes. The performance was two and a half hours long with just one 15-minute break halfway through. There were no breaks between each separate act, so the stage was always full of dance. The critics in the French Press were full of compliments about Tanec’s tour. It’s enough just to quote ‘Le Berry Republicain’…“Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people, and the Macedonian National Ballet left a great impression in Bourges.”

But the Macedonian dances, once they began, developed from a dead slow pace and quickened, becoming a festival of colours, a storm of costumes and a sports test allied to the art of folklore. It must be understood that you have to be professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration for playing ‘Drachevka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (In this Macedonian folk dance, the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...”TANEC” conquests the public...The newspaper ‘Le Nouvelle Republique’ commented, “The first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia was a tremendous success... Everyone in the hall applauded enthusiastically...” This came from an article entitled ‘TANEC wins over the audience,’ written by K. Gavrish, and appearing in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on December 6, 1959. 

Members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ on tour in France and Switzerland
A number of new members took part in the tours of Switzerland and France who had not participated in the North American and German tours of 1956. These were: Dancers: Dimitar Aleksov, Gligor Vasilev, Lenche Sedeu, Stojkova Natka and Radmila Trifunac; Musicians: Kocho Petrovski (harmonica), Gjorgji Dimchevski (* violin), Ljupcho Pandilov (violin), Dragan Simonovski (flute), Smilevski Konstantin (flute), Todor Petrovski (guitar) and Panche Samardziski (bass violin). The director of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ was the composer Trajko Prokopiev.

* Gjorgji Dimchevski was on the German tour, 1956

Members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ on other tours during the period 1955-1960
‘Tanec’ Tours in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia included the folk-dancers Drakulovski Tofe, Tomov Gorgji, Stojkova Ljubica, Naumova Milka and Antova Todorka, and the musician Todor Pavlovski. 


1. Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959

The concerts were performed in Berne on July 7 and 8, 1959 and in Geneva on July 9 and 10, 1959 with tremendous success.

2. Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television. He performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success.
Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television. Playing as virtouoso clarinet soloist, he performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success.

On their return from the triumphant tour of the U.S.A. 
“In the illuminated gardens of Port Gitana, on July 9 and 10 at 8.00 pm, a spectacle selected for ‘Gitan’. This evening, on their return from the triumphant tour of the U.S.A., and for the first time in Geneva, the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet Tanec. Two hours of sumptuous spectacle, 40 dancers and instrumentalists, 400 prestigious national costumes, lighting effects…” This announcement appeared in the ‘Tribune de Geneva’, Geneva, Switzerland, under the title: ‘Dans les jardins illumines de Port Gitana Bellevue, BALLETS NATIONAUX FOLKLORIQUES YOUGOSLAVES: TANETZ, deux heures d’un somptueux spectacle” (“In the illuminated gardens of Port Gitana Bellevue, National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet Tanec, two hours of sumptuous spectacle”). The announcement was published on June 8, 1959.

3. “Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World...a spectacle in the open in Port Gitana Bellevue, Geneva…” - Ed. Mt. Tribune de Geneve

“...We were presented with remarkable spectacles performed by the Yugoslavian National Folk Ballet ‘Tanec’ from Macedonia... It was a rare opportunity to have a show in the open-air in Geneva. For this occasion, Gitan installed lighting effects that vied with ingenuity... Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World... They have the rhythm of the dances of their country in their blood.... We preferred to give a general impression of this spectacle, which accentuated the originality and the qualities of this ensemble.” The above appeared in an article written by Ed. Mt.and entitled, ‘A Port-Gitana les ballets nationaux yougoslaves’, (‘In Port-Gitana, National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet’). It appeared in the ‘Tribune de Geneve’, Geneva on July 11, 1959. 


1. On May 24, 1953, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist performed the classical concert 
‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’ by Miler Bela, with accompaniment by the ‘Police Wind 
Orchestra.’ This concert was performed in the Radio Skopje building and was broadcast live to the nation via Radio Skopje. 

From November 15, 1951 till 1954, Tale Ognenovski worked with the ‘Police Wind Orchestra.’ From 1954 till 1956, he worked with the ‘Skopje Public Town Orchestra’. The repertoire for both of these Orchestras consisted of classical music. Tale Ognenovski passed the auditions to join these Orchestras with flying colours. In 1951, and just a day before the audition, the archivist Mitko gave him the music score from a composition including the opera ‘Carmen’ by Georges Bizet, the opera ‘The Troubadour’ by Guiseppe Verdi and ‘Makedonka’ by Ilija Todorovski. 

The Director and Conductor Ilija Todorovski was surprised at Tale Ognenovski’s extremely impressive degree skill in interpreting classical music. He introduced him to the pianist Nino Cipushev, who today lives in Switzerland, and together they prepared the concert ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’ by Miler Bela with the rhythms Allegro, Andante and Tempo di polka. In December 1952, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist and with Cipushev as piano accompaniment, performed the same concert in the ‘Police House’ in Skopje with great success. 
It was with this magnificent performance that Tale Ognenovski became the first clarinet soloist who had ever performed a classical concert for the clarinet in the Republic of Macedonia. This was an exceptional event in the history of the country’s music.

Present at this concert were the composer Gligor Smokvarski, Professor Ilija Nikolovski, the composer, professor and pianist Ladislav Palfi, Ilija Todorovski, Micho Kostovski, Stefan Gajdov, the composer and Director of the School of Music in Skopje, all members of the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ and other citizens. Following this very successful concert Tale Ognenovski asked Gligor Smokvarski to make arrangements for the ‘Public Police Orchestra’ to play the concert. 

On May 24, 1953 the classical concert ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’ by Miler Bela, with Gligor Smokvarski’s arrangement for the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ (comprising about 30 musicians), conducted by Micho Kostovski and with Tale Ognenovski as a clarinet soloist, was performed in the Radio Skopje building and broadcast live to the nation via Radio Skopje. 
This classical concert contains some very difficult parts with many cadenzas, which are very difficult for a clarinet soloist to perform and require great skill. Tale Ognenovski performed magnificently in this concert. In the audience were Stefan Gajdov the composer, Ladislav Palfi the composer, professor and pianist, other composers and other citizens. The concert was a great success and the audience warmly applauded the fascinating playing of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet and all members of the Orchestra. After the concert, Professor Ladislav Palfi personally congratulated Tale Ognenovski and expressed his hope that they two could work together. 
(The source of the above is a letter from Professor Ladislav Palfi dated May 23, 1973, and a letter from Sime Pavlovski and Jordan Canevski, dated May, 1998). 

The members of this Wind orchestra were the famous musician and composer Djakonovski Dragan-Shpato, Sime Pavlovski, Jordan Canevski, Petkovski Vasko, Chkatrovski Kire, Zafirovski Metodija, Nikolovski Pero, Anton Dzaja, Asanovic Sherlo, Savo, Chedo, Pavle, Zhivko, Stanko, Domazetovski Nikola, Asanovic Miki, Ristovski Vlasto, Andrej Beljan, Dimitrovski Vlado, Kiro Stoev, Grashic, Simonovski Dzodza, Krapovski Paskal, Nikolovski Tome, Manevski Dimitar and other musicians. 

This same concert, with the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ conducted by Micho Kostovski and Tale Ognenovski playing solo on clarinet, was performed also in the ‘Police House’, the ‘State Hospital’, the restaurant ‘Kermes’ in Skopje and in other towns in Macedonia such as Resen and Ohrid and, everywhere, these tremendously successful events were significant ones in the musical life of Macedonia during the years 1952-1955. The programme of these concerts in addition included some parts of classical works. These included Bizet’s ‘Carmen’, ‘The Troubadour’, ‘Aida’, ‘Rigoletto’, Verdi’s ‘Nabucco’ and ‘La Traviata’, ‘Oberon’ by Carl Maria von Weber, Tchaikovsky’s ‘1812 Overture’, Puccini’s ‘Tosca’ and Rossini’s ‘The Barber of Seville’. 
Miler Bela’s ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’, with the ‘Army Orchestra’ conducted by Vaso Chelebic, and Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist, was performed in the ‘Army House’ in Skopje in 1953 with great success.

2. “It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski for every type of music has the right amount of ‘ambazhura’ and vibrato, especially for classic music where some circumstances require a totally level tone. It is particularly phenomenal that in a second he can change both the colour and the vibrato.” – Professor Ladislav Palfi

The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude another colour and another kind... It isn’t widely known, in Yugoslavia and around the world in general, that the virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a concert clarinetist. It isn’t widely known that he can play other types of music such as jazz, jazz improvisations in the style of Benny Goodman, or Artie Shaw, or dance music.

I know personally that during the years 1952 and 1953, Tale Ognenovski made his debuts on public radio broadcasts on ‘Radio Skopje’, with concerts of classical music, playing clarinet solo accompanied by the Orchestra conducted by Mico Kostovski and accompanied by the excellent pianist Nino Cipushev... These days, in the magnetic archives of ‘Radio Television Skopje’, can be found a record demonstrating a successful technical and tonal interpretation of the difficult concert ‘FIORI ROSSINIANI’ by Ernesto Cavallini that Tale Ognenovski, playing solo clarinet, and with my accompaniment on the piano, recorded and which was broadcast on many occasions by ‘Radio Skopje’. The same record has been used for pre-recorded and live television broadcasts of the ‘Tale Ognenovski Show’. 
We have performed amongst others a concert by Weber in ef-mol, and a concert by Mozart in A Major which is particularly style-sensitive.” This was written by the composer and pianist, Professor Ladislav Palfi in a letter dated May 23, 1973. 
3. The television programme ‘One clarinet - one life’ was shown on ‘Radio Television Skopje’ on May 19, 1970. The programme included part of the Concert ‘FIORI ROSSINIANI’ by Ernesto Cavallini, with Tale Ognenovski performing as clarinet soloist, with piano accompaniment by Professor Ladislav Palfi, the composer and legendary classical music and jazz pianist 

The title of this TV programme was ‘One clarinet - one life’. In the show Tale Ognenovski played as solo clarinetist, a few Macedonian folk dances with the clarinet and with the pipe (‘kavalche’) with the accompaniment of the ‘Folk Orchestra’ (‘Naroden Orkestar’), the ‘Folk Instrumental Orchestra’ (‘Orkestarot od narodni instrumenti’) and the ‘Chalgii Orchestra’ (‘Orkestarot Chalgii’). In the programme, the conductor Gjoko Georgiev commented, “Tale Ognenovski succeeded in finding his position in Macedonian folk music in a really effective way with irreproachable technique and with unique originality. The Producer of this programme was Blagoja Andreev. Samples of the music performed by Tale Ognenovski in this programme, including the Concert “FIORI ROSSINIANI” by Ernesto Cavallini, performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist with Professor Ladislav Palfi as piano accompaniment, and the Macedonian folk dances ‘Brusnichko oro’ (composer and clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski), ‘Brusnichko oro’ (composer and pipe soloist Tale Ognenovski), ‘Nevenino oro’ (composer and clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski), ‘Stevchevo oro’ (composer and pipe soloist Tale Ognenovski), can all be heard on his Web site at the Internet address

On May 15, 1979, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist, with Professor Ladislav Palfi as piano accompaniment, performed Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K. 622 in the ‘Pensioners’ House’ in Skopje. Melodies from Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and George Gershwin were also performed. The Concerto by itself was performed in the Hall at the ‘Josip Broz Tito’ Secondary School in Skopje. 

Tale Ognenovski performed Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto with the String Orchestra of the Musical Ballet School ‘Ilija Nikolovsli-Luj’...
“In 1980, Kiril Spirovski was conducting the orchestra of the Musical ballet school ‘Ilija Nikolovsli-Luj’. During the year, he planned to include as part of his repertoire Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A Major. It was interesting when he told us the clarinet soloist would be the maestro Tale Ognenovski. We were pleasantly surprised because of the fact that a virtuoso maestro of folklore music would be able to play such a well-known concert of classical music. It had been performed many times before at our school. A great number of scholars from our school, students from the Faculty of Musical Art and Professors from both institutions were treated to a wonderful, triumphant performance by the maestro Tale Ognenovski accompanied by the String Orchestra of the Musical Ballet School ‘Ilija Nikolovsli-Luj’. Members of the Orchestra included Tomislav Dimov, Jasenka Tomic, Zoran Makevski, Lasko Atanasov, Orce Gelevski, Marjan Pandilovski, Metodija Kavalakovski, Zharko Matovic, Milan Zavkov and Blagoja Morotov.” Orce Gelevski, editor of the folk music department in Radio Skopje, wrote this in a letter in May, 1998.

In 1985, Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinetist, accompanied by Professor Ladislav Palfi on piano, performed Carl Maria von Weber’s ‘Concert Opus 73’ in the town of Valandovo.

4. In the television programme ‘One clarinet - one life - Tale Ognenovski’, broadcast on July 18, 1987, music from Mozart’s ‘Concerto in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra, K. 622’, and from Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’ was performed by Tale Ognenovski, solo clarinet with accompaniment on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova. The programme was broadcast on ‘Radio Television Skopje.’

This television programme was called ‘One clarinet - one life - Tale Ognenovski’. Tale Ognenovski performed solo many Macedonian folk dances on the clarinet and pipe (‘kavalche’) accompanied by the ‘Folk Orchestra’ (‘Naroden Orkestar’), ‘The Folk Instruments Orchestra’ (‘Orkestarot od narodni instrumenti’) and ‘The Chalgii Orchestra’ (‘Orkestarot Chalgii’). The programme editors were Mile Brzanov and Ljube Cvetanovski, and the producer was Kiril Todevski. Dancers from the Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Goce Delchev’ performed dances. Samples of the music performed by Tale Ognenovski in the programme can be heard on his Web site at the Internet address
Included is music from Mozart’s ‘Concerto in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622”, and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’ performed by Tale Ognenovski as solo clarinetist with accompaniment on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and the Macedonian folk dances ‘Bukovsko svadbarsko oro’ (composer and clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski), ‘Brusnichko oro’ (composer Tale Ognenovski), ‘Stevchevo oro’ (composer Tale Ognenovski) and ‘Kasapsko oro’ (folk - arranger Tale Ognenovski). 

He performed Mozart’s ‘Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622’, Cavallini’s ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’ and Weber’s ‘Clarinet Concerto Op. 73’ with delicate precision of tone, technical brilliance and with great musical and instrumental quality. He was a delight to listen to. The sound he produced was a revelation in just how beautifully the clarinet could be played. In all of these performances, he demonstrated brilliant technique and beautiful tone.

5. “One clarinet, one life; Half a century of magic with the clarinet; The clarinet as a life, These are only some of the titles of articles in the newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini...” from the Television programme ‘Sunday afternoon’, ‘Macedonian Radio Television’

In a programme with the title ‘Sunday afternoon’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on February 28, 1993, the journalist said about Tale Ognenovski, “One clarinet, one life; Half a century of magic with the clarinet; The clarinet as a life; These are only some of the titles of articles in the newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini...”Besides some Macedonian folk dances, the following pieces of music were included on the programme: Mozart’s ‘Concert in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622’ and Wagner’s ‘Adagio for Clarinet’, both performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova, and Cavallini’s Concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, performed by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist accompanied on the piano by the famous pianist and composer Professor Ladislav Palfi.

6. “Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more than that....” - Elizabeta Matic on the television programme ‘Good morning, good day’, Macedonian Radio Television.

In the programme with the title ‘Good morning, good day’ shown on ‘Macedonian Radio Television’ on December 5, 1993, the journalist Brane Stefanovski said of Tale Ognenovski, “The living legend of the Macedonian clarinet. Tale Ognenovski can easily be recognized from older records of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. Tale Ognenovski’s music is amazing, with his melodious, clean quality of tone and interpretations for which he has received recognition from world-famous experts of the clarinet and of Macedonian music. The journalist Elizabeta Matic commented, “Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity; perhaps he is a genius, or something more. 
Perhaps the reason for this is genetic disposition in his family where his father played the bagpipe (‘gajdadjija’), but the fact that his grandfather and great-grandfather had played some folk instrument, suggests that talent has developed over the generations to raise the little pipe (‘kavalche’) player to the highest level reserved for the best. His music is always based on the strict rules of Macedonian folklore... 

Tale Ognenovski is an Ambassador in the presentation of the valuable things that Macedonia possesses: Macedonian complex rhythms...The best clarinetist which this country has ever had. The man from whom his followers can learn a great deal...” 
In this interview, Tale Ognenovski said that Macedonian folklore was the best folklore in the World, and that the inspiration he received when composing music he got from Macedonian Folk Music. 

7. Tale Ognenovski translated whatever came into his head directly into the clarinet. 

On June 16, 1998, an interview with Tale Ognenovski was recorded for the television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ on Macedonian Television. During the interview, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska asked Tale Ognenovski to play some jazz music. He performed some jazz music that he composed right there and then without any prior planning. He demonstrated his amazing musical talent as a clarinet and pipe player and composer performing jazz music on this programme. The music performed by him on the programme can be heard on his Web site at the Internet address

8. The television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA of Macedonian Radio Television. An interview with Tale Ognenovski

“This year sees the 50th anniversary of the founding of the ‘Folk Music Orchestra’ of Macedonian Radio Television. The most famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski has for a long time performed in this Orchestra,” said Simona Ugrinovska, Manager of the programme ‘Good Day Macedonia’. She added that the interview with Tale Ognenovski had been done by her colleague Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska. In the programme, first shown on July 1, 1998, then repeated on July 4, 1998, the journalist Tatjana Stojchevska Manchevska said: “Fifty years ago, at the first Macedonian Republic festival of Folk Dances and Songs held during the period October 6-10, 1948, Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist. 

If you listen to the music of Tale Ognenovski, this magnificent, unique, talented virtuoso of the clarinet and composer of Macedonian folk dances, you will imagine an exciting folklore story and sense unparalleled technique in the musical expression of this folk genius. With his maestro, solo improvisations Tale Ognenovski made performances of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ the most successful they could be. The most significant debut in his rich career was in the famous Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. 
“The artist must adopt the artistic rules perfectly, to be able to break them afterwards.” This comment by Michelangelo described the talent that Tale Ognenovski possessed...In a perfect way he interpreted Mozart, Wagner and Cavallini, and jazz improvisations in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw. 
Tale Ognenovski has composed 150 Macedonian folk dances...” 

In this television programme, Tale Ognenovski said, “I received the First Award for Clarinet as the best clarinetist at the First Republic Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs in Skopje in 1948. Then Mr. Vasil Hadzimanov and Mr. Nikolaj Galevski from Radio Skopje invited me to become a member of the Folk Orchestra in Radio Skopje. I joined the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje for two months, from November 1,1948, till December 30, 1948. Later, in 1960, I joined the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje again. I become head of the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje in 1966 for one year, and then in 1967, I retired. Later I was invited by Music Production of Radio Television Skopje to perform as additional music force with the ‘Chalgii’ Orchestra. With that Orchestra I had great success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, where Mr.Dushko Dimitrovski presented some folklore material (recorded on magnetic tapes) that included the Macedonian folk dances, my arrangement ‘Kasapsko oro’ and my composition ‘Kumovo oro chochek’. I performed these on solo clarinet. This folk music created great interest among the participants at the Conference, and later the folk material was presented in a special programme on Belgian Radio. In France with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ we performed concerts in 58 towns in 1959. We had remarkable success. Mr. Raymond Guillier, Manager of the Tour and Director of his own company (“Les grands spectacles internationaux - Les productions Raymond Guiller”) from Paris said that he was fascinated by my clarinet playing and told me that my contribution towards the tremendous success of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ was considerable. In an interview with the newspaper ‘Vecher’, he said that he wanted to present the Ensemble in France every year. He said that everything that ‘Tanec’ played in the spirit of Macedonia he didn’t believe any other Ensemble in the world could perform, and the reason for that was that the girls and boys from ‘Tanec’ invested their whole heart in the dance, and that an example of that was my playing on the clarinet...” 

“I made my classical music debut in December 1952, playing as clarinet soloist the concert ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’, accompanied by the pianist Nino Cipushev. On May 24, 1953, this concert accompanied by the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’ (the arrangement for the Orchestra was made by Gligor Smokvarski) was broadcast nationally via Radio Skopje. We performed this and other concerts when we toured Macedonia. Later, for Radio Skopje, I recorded the concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’ by Ernesto Cavallini, with piano accompaniment by Professor Ladislav Palfi. Later, in 1970, this concert was shown in my television programme ‘ONE CLARINET, ONE LIFE’. With piano accompaniment by Professor Ladislav Palfi, I performed concertos by Mozart, Weber, and others, and I recorded for Radio Skopje the concertos by Mozart and Wagner, with Tanja Shopova...”, said Tale Ognenovski. 

Question: “Can you play some jazz music on this programme?” 
Tale Ognenovski: “With pleasure.” 

Jazz improvisations composed by Tale Ognenovski and performed by him as clarinet soloist on this programme can be listened to on his Web site at the Internet address



October 6-10, 1948 
’The First Award Clarinet received by Tale Ognenovski from Bitola…’ appeared in the article with the title ‘Received Awards for choirs, folk dances and songs groups, solo singers and players who participated at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’, published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ on October 13, 1948. 

‘The name of Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist of the Radio Skopje Folk Music Orchestra, is recognizable to folk music admirers. I can’t imagine a programme of folk dances and songs on Radio Television Skopje without Tale Ognenovski’s performing on the clarinet’, appeared in the article with the title ‘All life dedicated to music’ written by Gj. Mehandziski for the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ in 1965.

April 1, 1967 
‘Tale Ognenovski is a member of the ‘Folk Orchestra of Radio Television Skopje’ which will make its debut between April 14 and 16 at the First Festival of Yugoslavian (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music to be broadcast on the Radio in Skopje’. This appeared in the newspaper ‘Vecher’ on April 1, 1967. 

“Twenty years ago at the ‘Republic festival of Folk music’ held in Skopje, the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski received First Award as the best clarinetist in the Republic of Macedonia...Tale Ognenovski has recorded 100 folk dances for Radio Skopje of which 20 are with the ‘Chalgii’ Orchestra and 12 are with the ‘Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra’, where he played solo on the pipe (‘kavalche’). Other folk dances were recorded with the ‘Folk Music Orchestra’ from Radio and Television Skopje. The majority of these folk dances are his own compositions and others are his arrangements of folk dances...Tale Ognenovski as a famous clarinetist who has created his own style of interpreting folk dances and is now the best clarinetist in S.R. Macedonia. He is also an excellent soloist on the pipe (‘kavalche’). As an especially distinguished clarinetist, he presents folk music in an extraordinarily beautiful way both nationally and internationally”, said Vasil Hadzimanov, the researcher of Macedonian folk music, in an article entitled ‘Anniversary of a Life dedicated to music - Tale Ognenovski, 20 years as a professional clarinetist’, written by Gj. Mehandziski and published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ in 1968. 

October, 1968 
‘Tale Ognenovski first began to play the clarinet in the village of Brusnik near Bitola then drifting through the Pelaginia plain, he crossed the River Vardar and toured Macedonia and all Yugoslavia, until he arrived in America, Canada, France, Germany... and he returned here to stay in Radio Skopje. He participated in many music programmes on Radio Television Skopje and become wealthy, a great maestro of the clarinet and even unique...’ This appeared in an article entitled ‘Hot tones’, written by Gjoko Georgiev and published in the magazine ‘Makedonija’ in October, 1968. 

“On March 25, 1968, Radio Skopje will broadcast a special programme about the 20th anniversary of the famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski. In this programme the famous musician, the leader of a few folk music orchestras, and who is now retired (he retired as Head of ‘The Folk Music Orchestra’), will perform a double role as a soloist both in folk and classical music’. This appeared in an article entitled ‘Twenty years with the clarinet’, published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1968. 

“On March 30, 1970, the producer Blagoja Andreev will record a television show of Tale Ognenovski performing folk music as soloist on the clarinet and the pipe (‘kavalche’). He will also perform classical music. Guests on this television show will be ‘The Folk Music Orchestra’, ‘The Chalgii Orchestra’, ‘The Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra’ and Ladislav Palfi on the piano.” This appeared in an article entitled ‘Tale Show’ in the newspaper ‘Vecher’ in 1970. 

“Tale Ognenovski, long-time clarinet soloist and Manager of ‘The Folk Music Orchestra’, received an invitation from Music Production of Radio Television Skopje to perform as additional music force with the ‘Chalgii’ Orchestra...” This appeared in an article entitled ‘Tale as additional music force’ published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, in 1970. 

May 19, 1970 
“Tonight at 7.20pm, Television Skopje will broadcast a music programme ‘One clarinet - One Life’. The subject of this programme is the famous clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski...in this evening’s programme, Ognenovski will be introduced to the viewers and will perform a few folk dances and the Concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’ by Ernesto Cavallini as clarinet soloist with accompaniment on the piano by Professor Ladislav Palfi.” This appeared in an article entitled ‘One clarinet - One Life’, a music programme from Television Skopje dedicated to the famous clarinetist Tale Ognenovski’, published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 19, 1970. 

June 23, 1973 
“A long time ago, Tale Ognenovski was called a “virtuoso of the clarinet”...He was always invited as a guest to participate in tours by ‘Tanec’, ‘Mirche Acev’, ‘Orce Nikolov’, ‘Vlado Tasevski’, ‘Kocho Racin’ and others...In 1969 he surprised everybody with his concert of classical music. With accompaniment on the piano by Ladislav Palfi, Tale Ognenovski performed a concert for the clarinet (this was the concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’ - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) by the Italian composer Ernesto Cavallini. This was yet more evidence of his virtuosity.” This appeared in an article entitled ‘Tale and his clarinet’, and was published in the magazine ‘Ekran’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on June 23, 1973. 

“It is not widely known either in Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) or in the world that the renowned virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a concert clarinetist. It is not widely known what Tale Ognenovski can play in other music styles: jazz, jazz improvisations in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw or dance music. It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of ‘ambazhura’ and vibrato for every style of music. For classical music, he has perfectly level tone. It is particularly phenomenal that he can change the colour and vibrato in a moment. The standard is that one timbre and one kind of vibrato exclude other colour and other type... 
On his repertoire are Weber’s concert in ef-mol, Mozart’s concert A Major...” said Professor Ladislav Palfi, our famous pianist...” This appeared in an article written by B. Mirchevski, entitled ‘Tale Ognenovski - fifty years of magic with the clarinet, the life of one clarinet’ and published in the magazine ‘Studentski zbor’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1973.

May 27, 1977 
“I composed numerous folk dances. These folk dances are present in almost every home. These folk dances are recorded on gramophone records and locked away in many places both here and even in foreign countries,” said Tale Ognenovski. This appeared in an article entitled ‘Four decades with the clarinet’ and published in the magazine ‘Ekran’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 27, 1977. 

“Our famous artist, the virtuoso clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, says: “I began to play the clarinet and to compose dances and melodies when I was fifteen. At the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs in 1948 in Skopje, I received First Award as the best clarinetist, and since then I have performed continually on music stages as a professional musician in this country and abroad.... I have performed in more than one thousand concerts. This September I will record a new LP for Radio Television Belgrade with 12 folk dances.” This appeared in an article written by Kosta Popovski, entitled ‘The people in the focus – Record’ and published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1979. 

“At the top of the list of our performers, players of separate folk instruments, is the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski... Ognenovski has played folk instruments since he was seven... Ognenovski received First Award at the Republic folklore festival in 1948 in Skopje ... He made his first debuts performing and recording for Radio Skopje, then toured many countries with our Folk Dances Ensembles... Most of the folk dances that he recorded are his own compositions... In an artist’s portrait of the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, he is engaged in playing classical music. It is known that in 1952 and 1953 he performed classical music in public concerts organized by Radio Skopje... Later he recorded a classical concert for the clarinet for Radio Skopje... With this was the proof that Tale Ognenovski was a absolute maestro on clarinet...” This appeared in an article written by Vancho Mehandziski, entitled ‘The clarinet as a life’ and published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in 1979. 

“Television Skopje recorded a half-hour television programme with the title ‘One clarinet, one life’... At the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs in 1948 in Skopje Tale Ognenovski received First Award as the best clarinetist... His music repertoire includes many folk dances and jazz interpretations, and concerts from Weber, Mozart, and Cavallini...Tale Ognenovski toured the world with this wooden instrument and everywhere he received deserved applause from the lovers of music.” 

“...These days, I recorded one television programme for Television Skopje where I am playing folk dances: ‘Bukovsko svadbarsko oro’ - (composer Tale Ognenovski), ‘Brusnichko oro’ - (composer Tale Ognenovski), ‘Stevchevo oro’ - (composer Tale Ognenovski), ‘Kasapsko oro’ - (folk - arranger Tale Ognenovski), ‘Beranche’ (folk - arranger Tale Ognenovski). I will play on the pipe (‘kavalche’) together with the accompaniment of the ‘Authentic Folk Instruments Orchestra’. I will also play classical music: Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto and Wagner’s Adagio,” said Tale Ognenovski’. This appeared in an article written by V. Markoska, entitled ‘Tale Ognenovski-virtuoso on the clarinet’ and published in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on July 17, 1987. 

July 18, 1987
“One clarinet, one life – a portrait of Tale Ognenovski, Television Skopje, first programme 18.00 - 18.30.” This appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on July 18, 1987. 

February 26, 1988 
“Tale Ognenovski, clarinet virtuoso,” a television programme with the title: ‘Playing this way’ with folk dances performed by a few extraordinary folk instrumentalists…” from an article that appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on February 26, 1988. 

May 24, 1996 
“The Macedonian Association of Stage Artists has awarded Tale Ognenovski, Vaska Ilieva, Aleksandar Sarievski, Jonche Hristovski and Pece Atanasovski with the ‘Award for Life Artist Work’. This title appeared in the newspaper ‘Vecher’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on May 24, 1996. 

May 15, 1997 
“April 27 was the 75th birthday of Tale Ognenovski (his mother was Vanka and his father was Jonche)... 60 years of playing the clarinet and 50 years after receiving First Award as the best clarinetist at the Bitola festival of Folk Dances and Songs (1947)... At the First Republic Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs in 1948 in Skopje, Tale Ognenovski received First Award as the best clarinetist... He worked for two months for Radio Skopje in 1948 (on the personal invitation of Nikolaj Galevski and Vasil Hadzimanov from Radio Skopje - Remark made by Stevan Ognenovski). He recorded and played programmes on Radio Bitola with his Folk Orchestra and the ‘Chalgii’ Orchestra. 

From 1951 till 1954 he worked with the ‘Public Police Orchestra’, from 1954 till 1956 with the ‘Public Town of Skopje Orchestra’ and from 1956 till 1960 with Ensemble ‘Tanec’. From 1960 till 1967 he worked with the famous Folk Orchestra of Radio Television Skopje led by Nikolaj Galevski. In 1966 he became head of the ‘Folk Music Orchestra’ and, although he retired in 1967, he continued to play on an honorary basis with the ‘Chalgii’ Orchestra on ‘Radio Television Skopje’ for a long time...Both before and since then, he has made real departures into playing classical music by Mozart, Weber, Miler and various Macedonian authors...as well as his 150 or more compositions and dances released on 9 single gramophone records, 4 cassettes, and 4 LP’s. With some famous singers accompanying his Orchestra, he has given us quite an imposing number...” This article appeared under the title ‘Tale Ognenovski and his anniversaries (1)’, and was published in the magazine ‘Ekran’ on May 15, 1997. 

May 22, 1997 
“... The prodigy however is called Tale Ognenovski... Absolute mastery and unlimited imagination and musical invention, for him, are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, a tonal ‘organon’, for his creative assomplishment.... Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that, with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East? After Ognenovski, “Anastasia” has already made an effective start down that road…” Wrote Dusko Dimitrovski for Tale Ognenovski in the book “For Our Music...”, title: “Tale Ognenovski and his anniversaries (2) “ Newsmagazine “Ekran”, May 22, 1997 

November 10, 1997 
“...It is a phenomenon that for every style of music, Tale Ognenovski has the right amount of ‘ambazhura’ and vibrato. For classical music, when it is required, a perfectly level tone...”, wrote Professor Ladislav Palfi on May 23, 1973. 
“Tale Ognenovski is the author of the book ‘Macedonian folk dances’ (‘Makedonski ora’) published by the Cultural Educational Association in Skopje, 1989. In the introduction to this book Kiril Todevski, ethno musician, and editor at the Department for Folk Music in Radio Skopje wrote, “...Year by year his skills as a real virtuoso and artist have developed, this man who created his own style for interpreting folk dances (‘ora’), the special characteristics of which are his inventive improvisations called ‘maninja’. At the same time as producing these, Tale Ognenovski became a composer of his own folk dances...” 
“...In his solo performance, he played together in parallel Cavallini’s concert ‘Fiori Rossiniani’, Weber’s concert in ef-mol, and Mozart’s concert for the Clarinet in A Major K. 622 with Professor Ladislav Palfi as piano accompaniment in a broadcast on Radio Television Skopje. He has made many performances in public and played jazz music by Yugoslav composers, also jazz in the style of Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw... 
We discovered Tale Ognenovski in this area of music, the clarinetist who first began to play in Brusnik near Bitola, then, drifting through the Pelagonia plane, crossed the River Vardar, toured throughout Macedonia and eventually toured throughout America, Canada and many European countries. As he grew up he developed his skill and became wealthy and, in a unique way...” written by Gjoko Georgiev...” This appeared in an article written by Stevan Ognenovski, M. Sc. under the title ‘Tale Ognenovski deserves the ‘11 Oktomvri’ award’. It was published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on November 10, 1997. 

June 29, 1998 
“Twenty folk artists from the Macedonian Association of Stage Artists, including Vaska Ilieva, Jonche Hristovski, Blaga Petreska and Tale Ognenovski, will perform the traditional summer concert, tonight, June 29, at 8:30 p.m. at the Stone Bridge.” 
This article appeared in the newspaper ‘Vecher’ under the title ‘Macedonian Stage Artists will perform tonight in the Skopje Summer’. It was published on June 29, 1998. 

October 29, 1998 
“...Tale Ognenovski is the author of the first collection of musical notations of Macedonian folk dances, ‘Macedonian folk dances’ (‘Makedonski ora’), published by the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje in 1989. 
He has appeared with the Macedonian Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ on the world’s most prestigious concert stages in North America and Europe with fantastic success; these successes have been documented in articles in world-famous newspapers, including The New York Times, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Chicago Daily News, Washington News, Saint Louis Globe, The Milwaukee Journal - USA, Hildesheim press - Germany, Le Berry Republicain, La Nouvelle Republique du Centre - France...On January 22, 1956, with Ensemble ‘Tanec’, he performed on the American television program ‘Omnibus’. On January 27, 1956, they performed in the world-famous concert hall Carnegie Hall with great success. In his book ‘For our music’, Dushko Dimitrovski wrote ‘But, aside all else, the prodigy is called Tale Ognenovski... we will be greatly surprised and enraptured to find that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who made the connection between the two ‘NON-CONNECTING’ worlds - the Orient and the West – in melodies and words… Tale Ognenovski’s biography was published on the Internet on September 18, 1998...” This appeared in an article written by Stevan Ognenovski, M. Sc. entitled ‘Tale Ognenovski deserves the ‘11 October’ award. It was published in the magazine ‘Denes’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 29, 1998.



1. Tale Ognenovski is a winner of the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1947 

Tale Ognenovski received the First Award as the best clarinetist at the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, October 9-11, 1947. At this festival participated folk dance groups from the towns of Bitola, Skopje, Prilep, Tetovo, Gevgelija, Debar, Ohrid, Kichevo, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Makedonski Brod, Demir Hisar, Struga, Resen and Krushevo.

“Macedonia is the country with the most folk dances, so many in number that there is no other country in Europe equal to Macedonia,” said Olga Skovran from Belgrade, Manager for folklore in the Ministry of Culture in the Republic of Serbia (Former Yugoslavia). This came from an article entitled ‘We must keep our folk songs, dances and folk costumes’, written by Lazo Karovski and appearing in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia on October 11, 1947 
2. Tale Ognenovski’s First Award for Clarinet as a top clarinetist at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1948 

“The First Award for Clarinet was received by Tale Ognenovski from Bitola.” This comment appeared in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’ published on October 13, 1948. The report was entitled ‘Awards for folk dances and songs, solo singers and players who participated at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’.

One of the highpoints of Tale Ognenovski’s successes was his participation in a competition during the ‘Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs’ during the period 6-10 October, 1948. 453 Folk dances and songs groups competed in the festival in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He was a winner, and received his First Award as the best clarinetist from Angel Saldziev, Assistant Director from the Ministry of Science and Culture in the Republic of Macedonia. The President of the commission was Zhivko Firfov, and a member of the commission was Vasil Hadzimanov. 

At this folk festival Tale Ognenovski participated in playing as clarinet soloist with every folk group from the Bitola region – from the villages of Brusnik (its members were Pande Metlovski, Vasko Stankovski, Rade Talevski, Sotir Ilkovski, Tome Grozdanovski, Cane Grozdanovski, Jonche Talevski, Mile Josifovski, Milica Talevska, Vera Tasevska, Vasilka Karangelevska, Danica Drskovska, Vasa Altanovska, Kristina Palashovska, Cena Veleva, Fana Dushovska, Ljube Karangelevska and Dragica Apchevska), Lavci, Dihovo and Rotino and from the town of Bitola. In addition, Tale Ognenovski was the artistic instructor and coordinator of all the folk groups from the Bitola region. The Bitola Towns Union of cultural educated societies won the First Award for the best cultural region in the Republic of Macedonia… 

3. Tale Ognenovski’s First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, 1951. 

85 Folk groups performed at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, that took place during the period September 9 to 13, 1951. They came from Serbia (September 9th, represented by 15 villages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 10th, represented by 15 villages), Montenegro (September 11th, represented by 8 villages), Slovenia (September 11th, represented by 5 villages), Macedonia (September 12th, represented by 23 villages) and Croatia (September 13th, represented by 19 villages). 

“Teshkoto (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) from Nidzopole (Bitola) means ‘heavy’, and indicates the heavy rhythm which is typical of very ancient dances...” This appeared in the ‘International Folk Music Journal’ under the title ‘Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival’, with the subtitle ‘MACEDONIA - represented by 23 villages’, published by The International Folk Music Council, London, in March, 1952, Volume IV, pages 60-64.

At the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslaviia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, the Folk Dance group from the Bitola village of Nidzopole from Cultural - Educational society “Jonche Georgievski” from the Bitola village of Dihovo in which Tale Ognenovski was playing as a clarinet soloist, created a sensation and received First Award as the best Folk Dance group at the festival. Tale Ognenovski, with his masterly playing solo clarinet, deserved the award together with other members of the group. This was a great success because in this Festival participated 85 different folk dance groups from Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The musical part of the group had only two members: Tale Ognenovski played solo clarinet with the accompaniment of drummer Lambe Petrovski. 

This is a musical sensation, to receive the First Award with orchestra consisting of only two members. The clarinetist Ognenovski and drummer Petrovski performed closely together.

The dancers and singers were Vera Cholakovska, Cveta Petrovska, Sakjime Alimovska, Nada, Marika, Menan, Sefer, Mirko, Vangel, and Dimche Talevski. 

There was a full house at the concert hall in the Kvarner hotel in Opatija, and the audience was fascinated by the music and the three dances performed by the Ensemble: ‘Za ramo Teshkoto’, ‘Beranche’ and ‘Vlashko za ramo’ (these folk dances involved singing by all ten members of the Ensemble). Tale Ognenovski was arranger of these folk dances and made them more effective with his solo improvisations.

3.1. “The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was as effective an accompaniment to the large drum in the folk dance from Kozjak as it was to the small drum in the folk dance ‘Teshkoto’ from Nidzopole. They provided a very effective combination” - Dr. Vinko Zganec in ‘Kulturni radnik’

Iin the cultural newsmagazine ‘Kulturni radnik’ Number 10-11, published in October 1951 in Zagreb, Croatia, Dr Vinko Zganec wrote “The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was as effective an accompaniment to the large drum in the folk dance from Kozjak as it was to the small drum in the folk dance ‘Teshkoto’ from Nidzopole. They provided a very effective combination.” This appeared in an article entitled ‘Yugoslav Musical folklore at the Festival in Opatija’. 

The audience greets the debut of the group from Nidzopole with great applause... Delegates at the Conference of the International Folk Music Council in Opatia from September 8-14, 1951, were present at this concert. Many of the world’s reporters took photos of the members of the group regarding their excellent debut and their receiving First Award at this festival (Source: a letter from Mr. Mile Petrovski, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1965, and an informal interview with Mrs. Vera Cholakovska Petrovska and Mr. Mile Petrovski made by Stevan Ognenovski on May 3, 1998). 

3.2. No other nation in Europe has so rich folklore

”The riches of your folklore have a strong influence on me. Your folklore is something really unusual. No other nation in Europe has such rich folklore.” This comment was by Mrs. Nataplesh, the Honorary Secretary of the International Folk Music Council (whose headquarters are in London, England), who was present on the Conference of the International Folk Music Council in Opatia during the period September 8-14, 1951. This came from an article entitled ‘Great interest for our folklore in Opatija.’ It was published in the newspaper ‘Nova Makedonija’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, on September 14, 1951.) 

3.3. The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavian) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council

“The Council has been fortunate in the national setting of its conferences, which each year has given a distinctive character to the proceedings. At the 1951 conference, held at Opatija from September 8th to 14th, we had the stimulus of exchanging views with and learning from our Yugoslav colleagues who have had the inestimable advantage of studying their folk music tradition whilst it is still in full flower; and we were privileged to see and hear for ourselves the beauty and variety of Yugoslav folk art in the wonderful Festival which had been especially arranged for the members of the Conference. 

This contact with the living material gave point and added significance to the theoretic discussions, for it showed that we were concerned with a form of artistic expression that is not merely an adornment but a condition of life. Indeed, there were moments during the Festival performances when we could recognize the magic of dance and song and believe in their power to drive away evil spirits, to induce fertility and to promote healing...” This appeared in an article entitled ‘Editorial’, and was published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 1, in March, 1952.

3.4. “Astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers in Opatija” - Marie Slocombe, Journal of the International Folk Music Council

“It was natural that on this occasion expositions of Yugoslav folklore and music should form the backbone of the Conference, and these received the most wonderful illustrations in the nightly Festival which took place in the magnificent ballroom of a nearby hotel. Every evening, for three hours or more, we witnessed an astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers brought together from every part of the country. This was a world whose riches most of us had barely guessed at and, in this highly concentrated presentation, it was an overwhelming and unforgettable experience...” This came from an article entitled ‘Some impressions of the Yugoslav Conference and Festival’, written by Marie Slocombe and published in the Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 2, in March, 1952.


1. “Diploma for a highly qualified musician” from the Association of musicians of folk and entertaining music from Macedonia (signed by the composer Stefan Gajdov), on September 3, 1961, in Skopje.

2. “Spomen plaketa” from the Parliament of the town of Skopje (signed by Blagoj Popov), in Skopje on January 20, 1969.

3. “Spomenica” from the Macedonian State Ensemble of Folk dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ (signed by Toma Leov), in Skopje on January 31, 1969.

4. “Blagodarnica” from the Cultural Artists Association ‘Kocho Racin’(signed by Blazhe Sekulovski), in Skopje on June 3, 1971.

5. “Spomen plaketa” from the Cultural House ‘Kocho Racin’ (signed by Petar Bogatinovski and Stanimir Andreevski), in Skopje on November 27, 1974.

6. “Priznanie” from the Cultural Education Union of Skopje (signed by Dr. Tome Sazdov), in Skopje on December 5, 1975.

7. “Diploma” from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Boris Nizamovski), in Skopje in 1977.

8. “Estradna nagrada Jugoslavije” (“Yugoslavian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Yugoslavia (Former Yugoslavia) signed by the composer Miljenko Prohaska, in Zagreb, Croatia on October 31, 1978.

9. “Blagodarnica” from the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov”, in Skopje on October 2, 1980.

10. “Plaketa - The July 4th” (in former Yugoslavia) for his musical works, from “Sojuz na borci na Jugoslavija”, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia on July 4, 1983.

11. “Pofalnica” from “Dom na VVI i borci od NOV-Skopje” and the Committee of the “Borec” Choir on the 10th anniversary of its founding (signed by Branko Ichokjaev and Ljubica Ivanovska), in Skopje in 1984.

12. “Estradna nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia (signed by Dragan Mijalkovski), in Skopje on May 15, 1985.

13. “Blagodarnica” from the Committee for the celebration on the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik (signed by Cane Skerlevski), in Brusnik, Bitola on August 8-9, 1992.

14. “Pocheshna Estradna Nagrada na Makedonija” (“Macedonian Stage Award (Honorary)”) from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, (signed by Bozhidar Noev), in Skopje on May 27, 1996.

15. “Blagodarnica” (This is an honorary award) for life work from the folk radio “Radio Ros”, (signed by the director Aleksandar Dimitrov), in Skopje on December 7, 2000.  For more info please visit YouTube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu83l6g-euc

16. Tale Ognenovski received a Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Honors at Annual “10 Folk Biseri”  (“The Ten Folk Pearls”) Awards, sponsored by Macedonian Radio Television ,Skopje, Republic of Macedonia . He was on stage in Skopje, February 19, 2002,

17. Tale Ognenovski received recognition entitled "Partizanska spomenica 1941” (No. 25021 and Medal No. 24198) with a decree signed by the Minister of Defense of the former Yugoslavia, the Minister, Army General Ivan Gosnjak on June 20, 1961. Belgrade, Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia.

18. All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, with announcement published at his website. https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM

19. "11 October" Award, the highest national award in Republic of Macedonia for his contributions to Macedonian culture. October 11, 2003. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

20. Certificate for "National Pension" for his contributions to Macedonian culture. March 3, 2012. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

21. “Gratitude” from the “Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" for his special contribution to the Ensemble “Tanec” and to Macedonian culture. October 30, 2014. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. For more information please visit my website


1. The book “Macedonian folk dances” by Tale Ognenovski, 1989 

Tale Ognenovski is author of the book “Macedonian folk dances” (“Makedonski ora”) published by the Cultural Educational Association, Skopje, in 1989. The person responsible for its publication was Mirko Stefanovski, the secretary of the Cultural Educational Association from Skopje. The editor was Jelica Todorchevska, and it was reviewed by Dr. Trpko Bicevski, Dimche Nikolevski and Dushko Dimitrovski. Financial support for its publication was provided by the Republic’s Cultural Society, the Republic’s Scientific Society, the Autonomous Interest Society of Skopje and ‘Makedonija Tabak’.

In the introduction to this book Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist and editor of the Folk Music Department in Radio Skopje wrote, “Besides his affirming Macedonian folk dances with magnetic tapes and gramophone records, Tale Ognenovski has written this book of Macedonian folk dances, the first such book in Macedonia. He has for a long time been associated with the traditional expression of the Folk style and an endless desire to develop the smallest element of folk music into a complex instrumental content...
Tale Ognenovski has performed as much music on the Radio as he has in concert halls in our country, and in many European and non-European countries. 
He began to play from the earliest age with the pipe (‘kavalche’) in his village of Brusnik near Bitola, and he received recognition from the music profession at the First Republic Festival for Macedonian folk dances and songs in Skopje, 1948, where he won First Award for the clarinet as the best clarinetist. It was at this time, following the Festival and his first great award, that Ognenovski decided on a personal objective of developing a creative traditional style in the area of instrumental music. 

Year by year he developed into a real virtuoso and artist. He created his own style of interpreting folk dances (‘ora’). His particular characteristic involved his own creative improvisations called ‘maninja’. 
At the same time as he was performing music like this, he started composing his own folk dances. As a composer, he kept the traditional folk expression. 
Many years of performing with the orchestras of Radio Television Skopje, with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ and with other folk ensembles helped him create ‘Ognenovski’s style’ when producing his own Macedonian folk dances. These are easily recognizable by their exuberant melody and rich rhythms in correlation with the traditional style. 
In this area, he is equally well recognized as a performer of ‘chalgiski ora’, folk dances where the melody is always the first objective. He is a composer of folk dances in the ‘new town’ tradition, which he interprets with the Folk Music Orchestra and where the melody is created in the context of a logical harmony. This book containing Macedonian folk dances as well as gramophone records represents an important piece of literature for current and future-generation instrumentalists. This book will remind us of one uniquely talented artist, Tale Ognenovski.
In his review of the book, Dr. Trpko Bicevski, ethnomusicologist and senior research fellow at the ‘Marko Cepenkov’ Institute for Folklore, Skopje, wrote amongst other things, “...We have pleasure in recommending for publication this book ‘Macedonian folk dances’ (‘Makedonski ora’), a manuscript by this former ambassador of ours in this kind of Macedonian Music Culture all over the world.” 

2. “The impossible becomes possible: two, ‘usually non-complimentary’ parallel-existing worlds of sounds – Europe – The Orient – are, in Tale Ognenovski’s music, naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge...” - Dushko Dimitrovski, book ‘For Our Music’ 

Tale Ognenovski made the connection between Oriental and Western Music 
“For creative generations performing our contemporary Music, it is very fortunate that we already have three (International) National Outstanding Persons in this field of music whose brilliant creations they can surely rely on to inspire them with authentic, dynamic power and direct them towards creating the same. These Giants of Music are Jovan Kukuzel (John Koukouzeles), Pece Atanasovski and Tale Ognenovski... 

The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… Both Jesus Christ’s: “I came not to do away with the Bible, but to fulfil and continue it”, and Michalangelo’s: “The Artist must adopt strict, artistic rules at first, to be able to break them afterwards”… could well apply to Ognenovski. Absolutely masterly and limitless imagination and music inventiveness are only ‘potka’, a condition, a starter, tonal ‘organon’, for his creative accomplishments.... As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music. 

As if the ingenious knowledge of the ‘chalgija’ universe, but also with the live primordial in the rustic sound, together with the vivid, creative touch of the mysteries of European classical music idea, had predetermined the outstanding talent of Ognenovski to make one, perhaps unconscious, but in musical and historical terms, more than far-reaching creative step forward. In other words if without telling in advance, we approach carefully and analytically the ‘chalgija’ opus created by the Maestro, we will discover with surprise and great delight that Ognenovski is (probably) the FIRST, and (surely) THE FARTHEST REACHING contemporary who first made the connection between the two “UNCONNECTABLE” worlds – the Orient and the West - with words and melodies. Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labryinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge. 
Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East? After Ognenovski, “Anastasia” has already made an effective start down that road”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“Za Nasha Muzika”) ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994), 

3. “Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World Musical Legends” – ‘Nova Zora’

“Here began the creation of the great heritage of Macedonian Culture which Tale Ognenovski has left. This great heritage put the musical genius Tale Ognenovski on an equal level musically with other world musical legends. Somebody said that Tale Ognenovski was better than Mozart...Tale Ognenovski is the first and the longest surviving person who has managed to connect the two ‘unconnectable’ Music Worlds of the Orient and the West...” This appeared in an article entitled “The Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski”. It was published in the magazine ‘Nova Zora’ in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, in November, 1994. 

4. The end result of Tale Ognenovski’s clarinet works is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity

Like his other clarinet works, the end result of Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet Concerto No.1 is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. 
With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom.

Tale Ognenovski’s Clarinet classical composition is far more than a demonstration of the clarinet’s tonal qualities, as well as what is technically possible with a clarinet - these he had already explored and favoured in his compositions of Macedonian folk dances. It is also a display of imaginative power, a colourful, almost romantic emotion, and sensitive feeling. This concert includes some very creative and technically demanding solos, and the clarinet soloist needs extremes in his range, tonal control, technique and dynamism. 

Tale Ognenovski composed numerous musical works from different genres: folk dances, classical and jazz music, which established the clarinet as an instrument capable of the highest range of expression in solo music. His music demands a virtuoso of the clarinet, and exploits among other things the deeper sounds of different sounding registers of the instrument very effectively.

Tale Ognenovski is one of the greatest exponents of writers of clarinet music. He spent the years 1947 to 1952 studying classical music independently, and become a virtuoso clarinet soloist. He performed works by Mozart, Cavallini, Wagner and Weber.

With his ‘Jazz composition No. 1’, Tale Ognenovski introduced a new form of jazz – ‘Tale Ognenovski Jazz’. He recorded this jazz composition on June 16, 1998 for the televised programme ‘Good Morning Macedonia’. These Jazz improvisations, composed and performed on this programme by Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist can be listened to on his Web site at the Internet address


He demonstrates remarkable technique together with a quite unique sound and the ability to come up with wonderfully harmonious phrases. In his compositions, every note makes sense. He is a master of improvisations, of creating new melodies that have an impact on many parts of the structure of his compositions of Macedonian folk dances. 

Tale Ognenovski is the finest exponent of clarinet playing. His performances are perfect and the sound he produces is a revelation in just how beautifully the clarinet can be played; from the lowest bass notes to pitches in his upper range, he maintains their timbre and purity. No one else can compare with his playing Macedonian folk dances, jazz and classical music on the clarinet. His delicate tonal precision, his ringing warmth, his musical and instrumental intonation and his technically demanding solos are a delight to listen to.
In this book, he has composed some very creative and technically demanding pieces, for which the clarinet soloist requires extremes in range, tonal control, technique and dynamism. These clarinet compositions will open the door for much more widespread use of the clarinet in many more creative and brilliant compositions in the future. 


Tale Ognenovski received the First Award.
“Tale Ognenovski was born in the village of Brusnik, Bitola. The first time I met this clarinetist was when he was a participant at the great October festival in Skopje in 1948. Out of the numerous groups and individuals participants at this festival, one of the most remarkable and eminent instrumentalists was Tale Ognenovski. He won First Award. Since then he has performed with extraordinary success as a folk artist on numerous shows both nationally and internationally.” These words are from a letter dated May 13, 1965, written by Zhivko Firfov, ethnomusicologist, composer, and president of the award commission at the First Republic of Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, Skopje, October 6-10, 1948.

Tale Ognenovski has created his own style in folk music 
“As the best clarinetist at the Festival in Skopje on October 11, 1948, Tale Ognenovski was awarded First Award for the clarinet. Zhivko Firfov was president of the award commission, and Angelko Saldziev gave him a clarinet as the award donated by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Macedonia. Tale Ognenovski has performed many of his own compositions of folk dances about Macedonian folklore on Radio Skopje. He has recorded gramophone records of folk dances with him playing as soloist. His folk dances have been recorded on tapes and broadcast over the radio by all the radio stations in Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia). This remarkable clarinetist created his own style of folk music and is now the best clarinetist in the Republic of Macedonia. He is an excellent player on the pipe and has recorded folk dances as pipe soloist.” The ethnomusicologist Vasil Hadzimanov wrote these words in a letter dated May 1965.

... I presented the first prize for the clarinet 
At the Republic’s Festival of the Cultural Artistic Society and individuals, on October 11, 1948, I presented the first prize for the clarinet to Tale Ognenovski as the best clarinettist. This award was donated by the Ministry of Science and Culture of People, Republic of Macedonia...” Angel Saldziev wrote these words in his letter dated May 28, 1973.

... He was given top awards...
“With his clarinet, Tale Ognenovski has helped us by working with cultural and educational organizations, particularly with dancing groups from the Bitola area. He toured the People’s Republic of Macedonia with our dancing groups and performed at the festival organized in our Republic, throughout the whole of Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) and in Opatija, Kragujevac and other towns... He was given top awards...” These words were written in a letter dated May 18,1965, by Remzi Mefail Nasufi from Bitola, who was a member of the organizing committee for the preparation of folklore groups from the Bitola area for the regional festival in Bitola, 1947, and for the Republic of Macedonia Folklore Festival in Skopje, 1948.

... an active helper in the preparation of folklore groups...
“Tale Ognenovski was an active helper in the preparation of folklore groups of young players from Brusnik, Dihovo, Nidzopole, Rotino and other places. In recognition of his contribution towards the preparations and the performances at the Festivals (in areas and towns) he received top awards. At the Republic’s Festival in 1948, he received the First Award as the best clarinetist because he was the best player of folk dances on the clarinet...” Krste Thokovski, a member of the organizing committee for the preparation of folklore groups from the Bitola area in respect of the regional festival in Bitola, 1947, and for the Republic of Macedonia Folklore Festival in Skopje, 1948, wrote this in a letter dated May 18, 1965. 

“I have known Tale Ognenovski since 1947 when he performed at the Festival in Bitola. I performed as a folk dancer. Since then, he has participated in arts activities with the Cultural - Educational Society ‘Svetlost’ and other societies in Bitola...” written by Ilija Alushevski in a letter dated June 7, 1965.

Tale has played for more groups, and he prepared them for the Festival...
“With the founding of the first cultural artistic groups in Bitola and the surrounding area, Tale Ognenovski joined in their activities as a clarinet player. He gave invaluable help in the preparation of the groups in their participation at the Festival organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the People’s Republic of Macedonia. Later, in 1948, with the founding of 11 cultural artistic groups in Bitola and the surrounding area, Tale played for other groups and prepared them for the Festival on October 11... In recognition of his and other volunteers’ participation at the festival in Skopje, the region of Bitola received the top award. Tale Ognenovski received the top award for the clarinet as the best clarinet player at the Festival...” These words were written in a letter dated April 20, 1983, by Pande Vojdanovski, a member of the organizing committee for the preparation of folklore groups from the Bitola area for the regional festival in Bitola, 1947, and for the Republic of Macedonia Folklore Festival in Skopje, 1948.

...At the International Festival in Opatija...the top award...Some of the merit for this award belongs to Tale Ognenovski...
“Tale Ognenovski contributed a lot towards the educational development of the young people from the villages of Dihovo and Nidzopole, particularly with their music and singing. The Cultural -Educational Society from the village of Dihovo has participated in all Festivals in Bitola and Skopje, presenting a particularly distinguished folk dance group, some soloist singing and choirs with accompaniment by the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski and the accordionist Ordan Plashev. Our Society has received the top prize many times. The clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was personally awarded with the top prize on many occasions.

Tale Ognenovski toured our entire Republic, visiting the towns of Skopje, Kumanovo, Kriva Palanka, Delchevo, Pehchevo, Carevo selo, Strumica, Kavadarci, and many others. The greatest success was in Kragujevac where, although it had been planned that two concerts would be performed, in fact five were actually performed. Tale Ognenovski was a particularly distinguished soloist.
The folk dance group from our society in Nidzopole took part in the International Festival in Opatija and won first prize. Some of the merit for this award belongs to Tale Ognenovski...” Mile Petrovski, the artistic manager of the Cultural - Educational Society “Jonche Georgievski” from the village of Dihovo, wrote these words in a letter dated May 15, 1965.

His performances of folk songs and dances created in me a deep feeling...
“I have known Tale Ognenovski since 1947, when he performed as clarinet soloist at the Festival in Bitola. His performances of folk songs and dances created in me a deep feeling for literal interpretations of folk melodies... As a participant he won an award for his artistic performances...He has composed folk dances that are recorded on gramophone records...”
Ilija Nikolovski, Director of the Musical school in Skopje, wrote these words in a letter dated October 16, 1965.

Tale Ognenovski...a clarinetist of the highest level, the clarinetist who has no other equal in the Balkans or anywhere else...
“With his great skill and rich knowledge of all the secrets about creating folklore music, Tale Ognenovski helped us a great deal to make the programme the richest it could be. He showed us a way to develop our work. He is great patriot, who has helped all amateur societies without any financial compensation. Our opinion is that Tale Ognenovski is a clarinetist of the highest level, the clarinetist who has no other equal in the Balkans and anywhere else...” these words appeared in the letter no. 62 dated April 6, 1973, from the Ensemble of folk dances and songs “Goce Delchev”.

... a special honour for Tale Ognenovski for his interpretations and creative compositions in folk music...
“Tale Ognenovski worked as a clarinetist with the Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’ from July 1, 1956 till September 1, 1960. After this, he was often invited as a top-class musician to participate from time to time in various performances of Ensemble ‘Tanec’, and always maintained his ability to interpret quality...
He has had a particular influence on and made a significant contribution to the musical life in Macedonia, particularly with his creative additions to Macedonian folklore tunes and his own fascinating compositions. This was appreciated at the meeting of the Artistic Council of Ensemble ‘Tanec’, Skopje, on May 9, 1973, when he was given a special honour for his interpretations and creative compositions of folk music...” These words appeared in letter no. 03-22/2 dated May 10, 1973 from the Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’.

...his professional help with the music was valuable and of high quality...
“Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist from Skopje, has for many years worked with our Cultural Art Society on an amateur basis, and his professional help with the music was valuable and of as high a quality as his participation in numerous concerts both nationally and internationally and his professional education of young clarinetists.” This appeared in the letter no. 61-700 from the Cultural Art Society “Orce Nikolov”, dated April 9, 1973.

...he educated young musicians...
“Tale Ognenovski was, for a long time, an instrumentalist of the clarinet with the Folk Orchestra of the Cultural Art Society ‘Vlado Tasevski’. With great self-sacrifice, he worked a great deal to bring on our Society. With his many years of experience he educated young musicians, who are now working in our Society and in other cultural and art institutions in Skopje and in the Republic...” From a letter from the Cultural Art Society ‘Vlado Tasevski’ dated April 25, 1973.

... Tale Ognenovski deserved many honours as a composer, as a folk artist, as an interpreter of folk music...
“Tale Ognenovski gave me two recorded tapes with his compositions of folk music with the request that I review them for their quality. When I had finished listening to them, I realised that he had a good style of interpretation on the clarinet... Tale Ognenovski deserved many honours as a composer, as a folk artist, as an interpreter of folk music...” wrote Aleksandar Linin, manager of the folk music department at the Institute of Folklore in Skopje, in a letter dated April 10, 1973.

Tale Ognenovski helped manage Radio Skopje’s review programme...
“During the period 1962 to 1965, Tale Ognenovski helped manage Radio Skopje’s review programme, the “Competition of the towns”, as a musician of Radio Skopje, as a leading instrumentalist of the Folk Orchestra and as assistant manager of the auditions and selection of unknown singers from all the towns of our Republic. He got a very positive message from the reactions he received about these activities. He received many compliments...Tale Ognenovski has appeared as a remarkable clarinet soloist. He contributed to this programme and to the Music productions of Radio Skopje with many of his own dance compositions, which are a particular musical treasure...” written by Blagoj Stefanovski, Head of Programme Performances on Radio Skopje and former editor and manager of the review programme ‘Competition of the towns’ of Radio Skopje, in a letter dated April 3, 1973.

Tale Ognenovski...got listeners excited and up on their feet in many countries and continents...
“With enormous hard work and the strength of his talent, Tale Ognenovski developed the highest level of ability in interpreting Macedonian rhythms. Besides his masterly improvisations of folk music, he learned musical notation. On many occasions Tale Ognenovski, when presenting our source of musical richness, got listeners excited and up on their feet in many countries and continents. With his performances he proved that Macedonian folklore was the richest.” The composer Blagoja Ivanovski wrote these words in a letter dated May 23, 1977.

Tale Ognenovski is recognized...as a composer of Macedonian folk dances...
“Tale Ognenovski is recognized as an artist from the Union of Composers in Yugoslavia (the former Yugoslavia) and as a composer of Macedonian folk dances with a prize collection of his own compositions. Some of these composition are recorded on gramophone records...” These words appeared in a letter from ‘OOZT Koncertna Direkcija – Skopje’, dated May 30, 1977.

... instrumental melodies performed by Tale Ognenovski undoubtedly present an object for special research work...
“His performances came from the school of natural folklore where one can cherish a wealth of everlasting musical tradition, as symbolised by the old and the new. The records of many dances and instrumental melodies performed by Tale Ognenovski undoubtedly present an object for special research work, because the clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is a name that represents extraordinary originality and creative interpretation.” This appeared in a letter no.03-466/2 dated June 17, 1977, from the Institute of Folklore ‘Marko Cepenkov’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

His original talent he ennobled and expertise to an amazing level... 
“Tale Ognenovski has performed on the pipe (‘kavalche’) and the clarinet for 50 years. His natural talent is impressive and he has developed such an amazing level of expertise that to generations of folk clarinetists both in our country and around the world his musicianship is a sign of quality...It is evident that Ognenovski has an extraordinary reputation for developing our artistic amateurism and for his endless presentation of our folklore to the world. The numerous records of his performances are valuable, unique and everlasting artistic treasures of our culture, for the benefit of Yugoslavian (the former Yugoslavia) radio and televised programmes and for millions of Yugoslavians in this country and around the world. 
With Tale Ognenovski’s interpretations, the dance (‘oroto’) lives its own, totally natural life with a genuine air of style, brilliant creativity, highly gracious in all registers and colourful. This champion virtuoso made his performances sound unique and really magnificent...” contained in a letter from Radio Television Skopje, no. 03-948/1, dated May 30, 1977.

Tale Ognenovski is known with his originality and virtuosity...
“The famous, well-known artist Tale Ognenovski has for four decades unceasingly and unselfishly worked at maintaining the rich origin of traditional music in his creations. He is famous both nationally and internationally for his originality and superb skill in his interpretations of Macedonian folklore...” This comes from a letter from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia”, dated May 30, 1978.

“Tale Ognenovski worked with the Folk Orchestras of Culture and Art societies in Skopje without any financial remuneration, and left behind him many educated young artists, enthusiasts in folk music...” This comes from a letter from the Cultural Educational Association of Macedonia, no. 0301-19/1, dated January 15, 1988.

…exciting the public with his solo performances...left the sign of a unique clarinetist...
“As an extraordinary and very popular clarinetist Tale Ognenovski performed for several decades on numerous occasions both nationally and internationally, everywhere exciting the public with his solo performances. He has recorded many gramophone records depicting Macedonian folklore... Many well-known musicologists and musical critics have commented about his interpretations of the origins of Macedonian folklore, and have always declared his great skill, his wonderful talent and his creative musicianship. 
During the past decades Tale Ognenovski has left the sign of a unique clarinetist in his interpretations of Macedonian folklore. He has made a particularly special contribution in protecting and giving proof of the creation of Macedonian musical folklore...” These words are from the Association of Folklorists of Macedonia, in their letter no. 25, dated May 24, 1982.

“He was an active musician in all amateur ensembles, and he worked on a professional basis with the Folk Orchestra of Radio Skopje. He has taught numerous musicians, enthusiasts in folk music...” These words are from the Cultural-educational community of Macedonia, in their letter No. 0301-19/1, dated January 15, 1988.

... contributing by his methods of teaching…the young enthusiasts...
“In the House of the Culture Tale Ognenovski was a reproduction artist, preserving our folklore and contributing by his teaching methods, transferring his enormous experience to the young enthusiasts.” This comes from a letter from the House of the Culture ‘Kocho Racin’ dated February 22, 1990.

...his book ‘Makedonski ora’ (‘Macedonian dances’) which will forever be a guide for young musicians...
“Tale Ognenovski was professional manager of the Folk Orchestra in the Cultural Art Society ‘Mirche Acev’. His expertise and desire to work contributed to our Folk Orchestra being on a level comparable with other professional orchestras. His tuition led to several members of Folk Orchestra becoming good musicians who then continued to work in the same Cultural Art Society as well as in other culture and art institutions in the town and around the country. Another of his contributions in the area of folk music is his book ‘Makedonski ora’ (‘Macedonian dances’) which will forever be a guide for young musicians” These words are from the Cultural Art Society ‘Mirche Acev’, appearing in their letter no. 1015/18-2, dated February 20, 1990.

...always ready for conversation and for companionship, Tale was always popular and always the centre of attention in our society...
“Tale Ognenovski, the soloist and instrumentalist participated in numerous concerts around our country always on a voluntary basis, without any financial remuneration. His vast knowledge and experience as an instructor, musical manager and teacher he transferred to the young, talented enthusiasts in our society. Friendly and sincere, always ready for conversation and for companionship, Tale was always popular and always the centre of attention in our society. And nowadays, even though he is not actively involved with our society, he lives in our Ensemble through his folk dances in his book ‘Makedonski ora’ (‘Macedonian dances’).” These words are from the Cultural Art Society ‘Kocho Racin’, appearing in their letter no. 10-12, dated February 21, 1990

...develop in their the most valuable of settings...
“His real understanding of style, brilliant inventiveness, remarkable ability to accommodate every register and shade and fantastic skill made his performances sound unique and really magnificent... In the areas of artistic imagination and powerful, creative improvisation, Ognenovski developed his rare talent. It is evident that Ognenovski is an amiable representative of our contemporary, important, folk-artist school, who with incredible enthusiasm, love and creative work develop in their the most valuable of settings...”These words are from Radio Television Skopje, and appear in their letter no. 03-2179, dated February 21, 1990.

...in Europe and America, giving all he could in a top quality performance of folk music...
“Tale Ognenovski was often invited as a guest to perform with Ensemble Tanec in Europe and America, giving all he could in a top quality performance of folk music...Tale Ognenovski has recorded many folk dances with Radio Skopje and also on gramophone records where, besides original folk dances, he has recorded his own folk dance compositions in the Macedonian style...” These words are from Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’, appearing in their letter no. 03-166, dated February 21, 1990.

“The musicianship of Tale Ognenovski, not only here but in all parts of the world, is recorded in a world anthology of folklore. This is his true award for proclaiming the legend of Macedonian folk music worldwide. His highly skilful improvisations, variations, and ‘maninja’ (cadenzas) characterized his personality. A great amount of production and reproduction of music with thousands of concerts, performances and gramophone records, and a book published with his own dance compositions...Tale Ognenovski lives the legend of Macedonian folklore...” These words are from the ‘Center for Culture and Information’, Bitola, appearing in their letter no. 03-68/1, dated May 27, 1998. 

...Everywhere, audiences gave Ensemble ‘Tanec’ and Tale Ognenovski ecstatic applause...
“At the end of 1955, Tale Ognenovski was employed by the ‘Public Police Orchestra’. Professor Asparuh HadziNikolov, the director of Ensemble ‘Tanec’, asked Micho Kostovski, the manager and conductor of the Orchestra if Tale Ognenovski could be a guest soloist of the Ensemble ‘Tanec’. First he was on tour in Bulgaria, and soon afterwards on tour in the United States and Canada (for three months in early 1956). Between 1956 and 1960, as a employee of the Ensemble, he went on tour in Switzerland, France (for three months), Germany (for three months), Albania, Romania and throughout the republics of the former Yugoslavia: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia. Everywhere, audiences gave Ensemble ‘Tanec’ and Tale Ognenovski ecstatic applause...” These words are from the Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’, appearing in their letter no.03-241/1, dated May 26, 1998.

... rare talent for improvisations and creative composing whilst performing...
“In many of Tale Ognenovski’s instrumental performances there is a remarkable sense of shaped musical phrase, rich shades, a tame and gracious tone, an extraordinary memory of sound and rare talent for improvisations and creative composing whilst performing. His brilliant-to-perform technical dances and instrumental melodies are likely to contain a heterogeneous array of Macedonian folklore rhythms. All of these things made this folk artist a virtuoso of his instrument...” These words are from the Institute of Folklore ‘Marko Cepenkov’, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, appearing in their letter no. 04-339, dated May 8, 1998.

The name of Mr. Tale Ognenovski is now on the Internet...
“Mr. Tale Ognenovski did much to popularise not only Macedonian songs and dances but also Vloch folk songs and dances from Nidzopole, Bitola, at big and important Festivals not only in Macedonia, but also around the world. His highly skilful performances will remain as everlasting, valuable records in Macedonian Radio Television and become a part of the culture of the Vloch and also around the world. The name of Mr. Tale Ognenovski is now on the Internet and, by this channel, the world’s media will be able to gain access to and knowledge about our style of song and dance...” These words are from the ‘Union of Culture of Vloch from Macedonia’, appearing in their letter dated May 12, 1999.

He started playing classical works in December 1952 when, accompanied by the excellent pianist Nino Cipushev... 
“The famous and renowned artist, Tale Ognenovski, has for the past six decades unceasingly and generously worked at maintaining the rich origin of traditional music in his creations. He is famous both nationally and internationally for his originality and superb skill in interpretations of Macedonian folklore. He started playing classical works in December 1952 when, accompanied by the excellent pianist Nino Cipushev, he performed the concert ‘Concert Polka for Clarinet’ in the ‘Police House’...Tale Ognenovski has composed and arranged 150 Macedonian folk dances which have been recorded by Macedonian Radio Television...Visitors to his Web site from around the world can hear audio samples of ten musical works from folk, classical and jazz music in which Tale Ognenovski performs as clarinet and pipe soloist...His Web site
http://www.taleognenovski.com.mk/ is listed on the most popular Internet search engines...” these words are from the Association of Stage Artists of Macedonia, appearing in their letter no. 66, dated May 19, 1999.

...affirmation of Macedonian Art...
“The contribution of Mr. Tale Ognenovski from the Bitola village of Brusnik towards the development and affirmation of Macedonian Art, is great. His 60-year musical career included an important and productive period as an artistic producer and reproducer. His real merit is based on his affirmation of Macedonian original folk music, which he has performed in almost every continent in the world...” These words are from the ‘Committee for Community Activities on the Council of the Commune of Bitola’, appearing in their letter no. 14-340, dated May 20, 1999.

...almost irreplaceable quality, the creative artistic presence of Tale Ognenovski has been demonstrated on Radio and Television programmes since 1948...
“Extraordinarily important, extremely rare, and with an almost irreplaceable quality, the creative artistic presence of Tale Ognenovski has been demonstrated on Radio and Television programmes since 1948: a vast number of magnetic records by the Musical Production department of Macedonian Television; more gramophone records; tireless work and a great contribution to the artistic profile of programmes of the Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs ‘Tanec’; working with many amateur culture and arts societies...On his numerous audio records and with every performance, Tale Ognenovski and his clarinet are a valuable, unique and permanent artistic treasure of our culture, because Tale and his performances shine with all the brilliance of our abundant folklore origins...Without disturbing the deep continuity of tradition, Tale Ognenovski has created a marker and a style in our musical folk era. It is from him that the secrets of how to preserve creative perfection in reproductions of folk music has been, is and will be learned by numerous folk instrumentalists. For this reason we can speak in some sense of a ‘Ognenovski folk clarinet school’...Tale Ognenovski is an extraordinary artist on the national and international map of art and culture...” These words are from Macedonian Radio Television, appearing in their letter no.08-1978/2, dated May 19, 1999.

The content of the biography of Tale Ognenovski in this book is similar to that of his biography published on the Internet at the address
http://www.taleognenovski.mk/ on September 18, 1998, and written by the same author, Stevan Ognenovski.
Tale Ognenovski’s Site http://www.taleognenovski.com.mk/ is listed in the Open Directory Project (March, 1999) and hosted at http://dmoz.org/. This is one of the largest, human-edited directories on the web. Netscape Communications Corporation (‘Netscape’) owns the copyright to the compilation of the different contributions, and makes the Open Directory available to many companies under the license agreement term and conditions. 
Tale Ognenovski’s Site is listed in all Sites that use Open Directory data - including Netscape, Alta Vista, Lycos, HotBot, America On Line Search, The MP3meta Guide, Dictionary.com, YourPortal.com, MyGO, Winscone, EuroSeek, ToggleBot, Searchalot, Search Viking, Scopie, Proyecto Celestes, Premier Stores, PointClickSurf, Palmreach, Freefill.com, FlamingoLingo, ExpertsAvenue Information Highway, Densitron, Collect-Online, Business Nation, Better Brain, Bangkok.Com, ActionSearch, NetFinder USA, GlobeCrawler, DOGPILE, DAZZO, Bomis.com, CityFind.net, Borland Community, GoCrawl Directory, go2NET, Scour, Clickmusic, PlanetOut, Alta Vista UK, Alta Vista Sverige, Surfer, and others. 

Tale Ognenovski’s Site is also listed on Microsoft MSN, EuroFerret, Yahoo, Macedonian Telecommunications, Excite, Yeaah Planet Network, WWW Riot, NationalDirectory, Jayde Online, FindLink.com, Google, Canada, Snap, Northern Light, LookSmart, 800go, Anzwers, WhatUseek, Starting-Point, SavvySearch, Ask Jeeves, MetaCrawler, Kingston Internet, Web-Search.Com, Metasearch, Waypages, Direct Hit, MakNet, Infind, FAST Search, TheYellowPage, and others.

On February 25, 1999, the Tale Ognenovski Web site
http://www.taleognenovski.mk/index.html was listed on Anne Bell’s Clarinet Web site Index at the Internet address http://www.sneezy.org/anne_bell/ABCClar.htm together with another 20 world-famous clarinetists. The actual address is http://www.anne_bell/sneezy.org/ABCClar.htm.
The Tale Ognenovski Web site http://www.taleognenovski.mk/index.html won the ‘KING OF THE WEB’ award from the Organization ‘Searchking’ on February 25, 1999. 

Feedback on this biography has been received from visitors to the Tale Ognenovski Web site. The authors have agreed to their being published. At the end of the index page of the Web site and at the Internet address
http://www.taleognenovski.mk/feedback.html are their messages:

Subject: Tale Ognenovski 
Stevan... I listen the tapes of your father. They are very old, but the music is still so beautiful. I would be very interested in the classical recordings... thank you so much for your web site, January 18, 1999... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TALE OGNENOVSKI, THE WORLD’S GREATEST CLARINETIST! YOUR FRIEND, SUSAN PREFONTAINE, Buffalo, New York, USA, April 21, 1999. E-mail sprefont@acsu.buffalo.edu

Dear Tale and Stevan. 
My name is Dimce Cvetkovski. I was born on November 7, 1957 (in the village of Arvati near Krani in Prespa). I came to the United States on February 20, 1970. I was 12 years old. But I still remember everything, even though I have not been back to Macedonia since I came to the United States. My father has been back a few times but I haven’t. Maybe one of these days when things are not so busy. Both of my parents Cvetko and Sofija are still alive and have just retired. I have a sister Stefka who is 5 years younger than me. I am 41 years old and have been married for 17 years. My wife’s name is Gerrie (Geraldine) who is American. I also have 3 sons Steven (14 years old), Jeffrey (12 years old and Scott (9 years old)... 
In March 1, 1993, I opened my own KARATE STUDIO WESTERN NEW YORK KARATE CENTER. This is my own business...I have listened to Tale’s music since I was a little boy in Macedonia. I remember I was very young when I first heard BRUSNICHKO ORO and TALEVO SVADBARSKO ORO. In 1983, my father went to Macedonia for a visit. He brought to me 2 records (8 Macedonian folk dances - ORA). One record has POLJANSKO ORO, NEVENINO ORO etc...The other record has BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO, RESENSKO ORO, PRILEPSKO etc...In 1986 I went to Canada for a visit and I bought a cassette that has 12 Macedonian folk dances - ORA (CHALGIITE NA TALE OGNENOVSKI, KUKUSHKO ORO, RISTEVO ORO...). 
Today I have about 60 Macedonian folk dances - ORA from Tale Ognenovski. His music must live forever. Tale’s music touches my HEART and SOUL. Sometimes when I listen to his music there are tears from my eyes running down my face. 
Nobody in the world can play the clarinet like Tale. I have listened to a lot of clarinet music from many countries but nobody comes close to Tale. He is simply the BEST. When I was a little boy in Macedonia, I also played the pipe (“kavalche”) with my grandfather Mitre. My grandfather was a shepherd and I used to help him on the farm. But I have always loved clarinet music. I am 41 year old. Two years ago, I bought a clarinet. I listen by ear and try to play. I do not know how to read music. Maybe one day I will try to take lessons. My middle son Jeffrey takes lessons and plays the clarinet and the saxophone in school. He is in sixth grade. He is very, very good. He is the best in his school on the clarinet and the saxophone. My oldest Steven always listens to Tale’s music. He loves it. I hope someday I can play like Tale, even a little bit. I hope someday I get to meet you and your father Tale. It would be a great honor to shake the hand of the best clarinetist in the world. Maestro Tale is the best. I hope he lives a long, long, long time...All I want is his music to live forever. People need to listen and hear this great clarinetist. With Great greetings With Great Happiness. (January 24, 1999)... 


As I drive in my car to and from my business and other places throughout the day, I spend 11/2 hours each day listening to Tale’s music. Tale is my hero. His music is incredible. His approach to every note is so unique. His improvisations and solos are out of this world, and no one can even come close. It is true that when listening to Tale, his music takes you to different worlds and different dimensions. I feel very special and lucky to have friends like you, and being touched so deeply by Tale’s music (December 21, 1999)...
Jim (Dimce) Cvetkovski, Buffalo, New York, USA

Subject: Congratulations/Makedonski Ora 
Dear Mr. Ognenovski, 
Thank you for establishing this wonderful web page as a tribute to your father, Tale. I must tell you that Tale has always been one of my heroes and my role model in clarinet playing. 
I am a Croatian-American living in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. I began playing the clarinet with Macedonian friends from our local Macedonian colony in 1972 and have continued since then. Early on I was given some 45 rpm recordings of your father - I was immediately inspired and electrified! Many Macedonian musicians have become popular since those days, but your father sets the standard for originality and good taste. I was surprised to find out that your father had published the book, Makedonski Ora. How can I get a copy? I would very much like to get one. I am particularly excited about the collection of scores (notes) that your father published because I have begun to work with a chalgija ensemble of violin, dzhumbush, ut and tarabuka in New York and Boston and want to teach them some of your father’s tunes. 
Please send my congratulations to your father! I look forward to hearing from you soon. 
All the best. Vlado Mahovlich, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, February 5, 1999.
E-mail mahovlich@stratos.net 

Subject: Tale Ognenovski 
Dear Stevan. I would like to very briefly congratulate you on the web page dedicated to your father Tale. I too believe him to be one of the great geniuses of World Music, and his playing has given me great pleasure since I first discovered it some fifteen years ago. With best wishes to you and your family Kim Burton, United Kingdom
February 20, 1999. E-mail Kburton487@aol.com

Subject: Available recordings? 
I wonder if there are any available recordings of your Father? Perhaps some 
of his records have been re-issued on CDs. I am very interested in buying 
any such recordings. Thank you. Ian Price, USA, February 22, 1999.
E-mail Ian.Price@transamerica.com

Subject: Fabulous Web Page!!! 
Stevan: What a fabulous web page!!!! My name is Larry Weiner, I made my first trip to Makedonia in 1966 (when I was 23) and have been back there 3 times since then. I never met your father but have many, many of his recordings and love his music... There is much I could (and probably will) say about my interests in your father’s music, but, unfortunately, I’ll have to continue this at a later time. Many thanks for a wonderful web page and the tribute to your dad; he’s a great musician. Larry Weiner US EPA and “Old World Music & Dance”, USA, February 22, 1999. E-mail weiner.larry@epa.gov

Subject: Tale Ognenovski
Congratulations on a wonderful and informative piece on your father. I am very moved and appreciate your detailed information. I first met Tale in Los Angeles 1956, when Tanec was on tour, and in particular I was impressed with his clarinet music. He will remember me, because I became the first Amerikanka (Croatian descent) who became a dancer with Tanec in 1957... Please give my dear and sincere regards to Tale... Elsie Ivancich Dunin (Professor Emerita, University of California at Los Angeles), USA, February 22, 1999. E-mail LCDunin@aol.com

Subject: Tale 
Hello Stevce! I congratulate you on the web page dedicated to your father. I can only say, that it is wonderful and excellent. I am a clarinetist and I play here in Australia, where I live. My descendants are from Bitola. I want Stevce to greet Tale a lot from me. I wish him good health. He really is the best clarinetist of all time in Macedonia and in the World. 
With great greetings, Toni Becvinovski, Australia, March 18, 1999. 
E-mail tbecvin@space.net.au

Subject: Tale Ognenovski 
Hello, I was very interested by your web site about your father. Do you know where I can find his recordings? Also, as I play professionally Balkan music (among others), I am greatly interested by his book “Makedonski Ora”. Is it still available, and if not, is it possible to obtain a photocopy? Best wishes Georges Andres, Bourges, France, April 20, 1999. E-mail hemisp@wanadoo.fr

Subject: Greetings from Holland
Hello Stefane, My compliments for this very nice homepage about the Macedonian 
folk music culture and your famous father Tale Ognenovski... Greetings from Dick Saarloos, Holland, April 20, 1999. E-mail Dick.Saarloos@digital.com 

Subject: Our Music
Hello Steve! I am Ilija Petkovski from Holland and I accidentally found the web site of 
your father. I like this web site especially. I adore the music of this web site because I play it myself. I want very much to buy all cassettes from your father from MRT, but I don’t know how: Do you have some idea? Many greetings from Holland Ilija Petkovski, Holland, Jun 14, 1999. E-mail ipetkov@telekabel.nl

Subject: Tale Ognenovski 
Dear Stefche, ... I met the music of Tale, when I was a child of 10. My heart flickered when I listened to his music; my soul was travelling in other time and space then, and even now, right up to the present day. He is one of the best musicians in the universe. People can be taught music at schools, and they can read books, but that divine secret is known to the souls of only very sensitive men. That great, deeply rich, exceptional soul is Tale Ognenovski. I bow down to him... Zlatko Origjanski “Anastasia”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Jul 16, 1999. 
E-mail origano@mol.com.mk

Subject: Tale Ognenovski 
Dear Mr. Ognenovski, 
I saw your Web page on the Internet and decided to write. My Grandparents were born in Macedonia and came to the United States in 1916 and 1921. I am very interested in my Macedonian heritage. I have a large collection of Macedonian costumes (Nosii), books, and sound recordings (Audio tapes, Video tapes, 45RPM, 33RPM and 78RPM records). I am proud to have several of your recordings in my collection! I was surprised to read that you were born in the village Brusnik, Bitolsko. Many of my friends’ families originate from Brusnik. Brusnik and the villages around it gave birth to many good musicians. The town where I was born and raised (Granite City, Illinois USA) is a very historical place for Macedonian history. Granite City is one of the earliest Macedonian settlements in North and South America. In 1907 there were about eight thousand Immigrants from Macedonia living in Granite City. Most of these Immigrants were Men that came here “Na Pechalba”. When the Balkan and other Wars started, these new Immigrants realized that they would not be able to return to their homeland and decided to make America their new home. Many of the first Immigrants to Granite City were from Bitolsko. 
On September 21, 1914 a group of Bitolchani from Brusnik, Dihovo, Capari and other villages started a music group. These Immigrants wanted to keep their music alive in their new homeland. The new band was called “Orient Band”. I have an old photograph of this band. Only photographs and memories are left from this early time here but I was glad to see that the traditional Macedonian music from the Bitola area lives on through you. Thank you from preserving this rich heritage of ours! 
Since I was a small child this place (Bitolsko), has been dear to me. I hope that one day soon you will visit Granite City and bring back the beautiful music that is a part of my beautiful heritage and is now lost in Granite City. I will now close this letter with my best wishes to you for a long life, much happiness and many years of playing music. 
All the best, Marvin Moehle, Granite City, Illinois, USA, August 15, 1999.
E-mail smurdesh@hotmail.com


Tale Ognenovski, Genius Virtuoso of the Clarinet has composed and arranged 300 Macedonian folk dances: Brusnichko oro, Poljansko oro, Stevchevo oro, Kasapsko oro, Nevenino oro, Kumovo oro chochek, Resensko oro, Talevo svadbarsko oro, Bukovsko svadbarsko oro, Drachevsko oro, Zajachko oro, Pelistersko oro, Caparsko oro, Bitolsko svadbarsko oro, Oreovsko oro, Nevenino lavchansko oro, Sharsko kozarsko oro, Veleshko zhensko oro, Zhensko krsteno oro, Adana oro, Bitolsko oro, Pelagonisko oro, Mominsko oro, Ohridsko oro, Beranche oro, Mashkoto oro, Nevestinsko oro, Kavadarsko oro, Skopski chochek, Zhensko Kichevsko oro, Egejsko oro, Prilepsko svadbarsko oro, Deverovo oro, Ristevo oro, Prespansko oro, Berovsko zhensko oro, Negotinsko mashko oro, Gevgelisko zhensko oro, Delchevsko zhensko oro, Kumanovsko oro, Galichko oro...With his compositions, he made the connection between Oriental and Western World Music. 
He recorded his 71 Folk Dances on 11 LPs, 11 cassettes, 10 gramophone records, and one videotape with the gramophone producers: RTB, JUGOTON, BEOGRAD DISK, DISKOS, RTS and MRT. Most of them are recorded with his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra and others with Orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television, the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra, the Kocho Petrovski Orchestra and the Pece Atanasovski Orchestra. 
With his own Tale Ognenovski Orchestra, he recorded 17 gramophone records with famous singers. As a member of other Orchestras, he recorded more than 30 gramophone records with famous singers. 
LP record LP1439 STEREO RTB and Cassette NK10280 RTB, Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade ((Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979. 
“Makedonski igraorni ora sviri Tale Ognenovski” 
Pridruzhuvaat: Orkestar-CHALGII i Narodniot radio orkestar na Radio Televizija Skopje 
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with: THE ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA and THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVISION FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA 
Side A
1. STAROTO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski) 
2. ZHENSKO KICHEVSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
3. CAPARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. OROTO PILETO MI PEE (folk - arranger T. Ognenovski)
5. KAVADARSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
6. SKOPSKI CHOCHEK (composer T. Ognenovski)
Side B 
1. PAJDUSHKATA (composer T. Ognenovski)
2. STARSKO ZA RAMO (composer T. Ognenovski)
3. TALEVO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. BRUSNICHKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
5. OROTO ADANA (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
6. PIPERKOVO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

LP record LPY-61143 JUGOTON and Cassette CAY 321, JUGOTON , Production of gramophone records in Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, 1975 
“TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet svira ora” 
Narodni ansambl i ansambl “Chalgija” 

Tale Ognenovski, clarinet, plays Macedonian Folk Dances with 
Conductor: Tale Ognenovski 
Side A
1. BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
2. NEVENINO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
3. CHAMIKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. EGEJSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
5. KASAPSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
6. KUMOVO ORO - CHOCHEK (composer T. Ognenovski)

Side B 
1. PRILEPSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
2. VLASHKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
3. RESENSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. PATRUNO SVADBENO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
5. POLJANSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
6. MOMINSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

LP record LP1495 stereo RTB and Cassette NK 10387, Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), 1979 
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with: THE TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA 
Side A
1. OROTO-STARO KUKUSHKO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
2. SHAPKAREVO KASAPSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
3. SECHENA KRSHLAMA (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
4. RISTEVO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
5. HARMAN KJOJLISKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
6. PAZJANSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)

Side B 
1. NUNKOVA KRSHLAMA (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
2. ZAHARIEVO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
3. LAGADINSKO RUSALISKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
4. HARMAN KJOJSKA KRSHLAMA (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
5. AJVATOVSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)


Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVIZION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA. 

Side A
1. OHRIDSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
2. DEMIRHISARSKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
3. BITOLSKO ZA RAMO (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. SKOPSKI VESEL CHOCHEK (composer T. Ognenovski)
5. SKOPSKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
6. GERMIJANSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

Side B
1. ORO “POZIV DOJDE” (composer T. Ognenovski)
2. PRESPANSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
3. SKUDRINSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. VELESHKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
5. BRUSNICHKO MLADINSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
6. TALEVO BRUSNICHKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EP 14700 RTB, Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1963. 
Tale Ognenovski made his recording debut as composer of Macedonian folk dances with the Galevski-Nanchevski Orchestra in 1963, with three Macedonian folk dances: “Bitolsko svadbarsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski), “Bitolsko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski), and “Pelistersko oro” (composer Tale Ognenovski). The virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski. This first record EP 14700 RTB was recorded by the Production of Gramophone Records Department of Radio Television Belgrade.
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with the GALEVSKI-NANCHEVSKI FOLK ORCHESTRA 
Side A
1. PELISTERSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
Side B
2. BITOLSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
3. BITOLSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EP 14702 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1964. 
The Macedonian folk dance ‘Bukovsko oro’, with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with Metidija Zafirovski-Smolski on ‘tarabuka’. 

Side B
1. BUKOVSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EP 14703 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1964. 
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with the KOCHA PETROVSKOG FOLK ORCHESTRA 

Side B
1. BRUSNICHKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
2. TALEVO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EP 14704 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1964. 
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVISION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA 

Side A
1. ADANA ORO (folk - arranger T. Ognenovski)
2. ZHENSKO KRSTENO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
Tale Ognenovski plays solo on the pipe (‘kavalche’) the Macedonian folk dance ‘Dolnensko zaramo oro’ together with the legendary soloist Pece Atansovski on the bagpipe (‘gajda’) on the same gramophone record EP 14704 RTB. 

Side B
1. DOLNENSKO ZARAMO ORO (composers Pece Atanasovski and Tale Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EP 14711 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965. 
TALE OGNENOVSKI, clarinet, with his ‘CHALGII’ Ensemble
Macedonian folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI Ensemble 
Side A
1. PRESPANSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
2. KUMOVO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
Side B
3. DEVEROVO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. DIHOVSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EP 14716 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965. 
Folk dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA 
Side A
1. KALAMATIJANA (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
2. LAMCHE (STARSKO ORO) (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
Side B
3. OHRIDSKO ZA RAKA (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. DEMIRHISARSKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EP 14758 RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd”), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1977. 
Macedonian wedding folk dances played by the popular clarinet and pipe soloist Tale Ognenovski in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA 
Side A
1. KAVADARSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski, clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski)
2. STEVCHEVO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski, pipe soloist Tale Ognenovski)
Side B
3. ZHENSKO VELESHKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski, clarinet soloist Tale 
4. GORNO SELSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski, clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EPY-34461 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, 1972. 
“Makedonska ora svira TALE OGNENOVSKI klarinet sa svojim ansamblom” 
Aranzher: Tale Ognenovski 
Macedonian Folk Dances with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet accompanied by his orchestra. 
Arranger: Tale Ognenovski 
Side A
1. EGEJSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski) 
2. MOMINSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
Side B
3. KUMOVO ORO-CHOCHEK (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. PRILEPSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

Gramophone record EPY-34489 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, 1972. 
”Makedonska ora svira ANSAMBL CHALGIJA pod vodstvom TALE OGNENOVSKIM 
Solo klarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Macedonian Folk Dances played by the ‘CHALGIJA’ ORCHESTRA, conducted by Tale Ognenovski 
Solo clarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Arranger: Tale Ognenovski 
Side A
1. KASAPSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
2. PATRUNA SVADBENO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
Side B
1. CHAMIKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)
4. VLASHKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)

Gramophone record Jugoton EPY-3851 Production of gramophone records Zagreb ("Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb"), Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1967, Jugoton, now Croatia Records, Croatia

"Makedonska ora svira na klarineti TALE OGNENOVSKI uz svoj ansambl"

Macedonian Folk Dances with Tale Ognenovski, playing solo clarinet, accompanied by his ORCHESTRA .

Side A
1. BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)
2. RESENSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

Side B
1. POLJANSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)
4. NEVENINO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

LP record MRT ULS-578 (1979), commemorating the 35th anniversary of the founding of RADIO TELEVISION SKOPJE, SKOPJE (1944-1979).

35 Godini na RTV Skopje, Narodna Muzika, Macedonian Radio-Television, Republic of Macedonia, Yugoslavia.  

MRT, Macedonian Radio Television, Republic of Macedonia
Produced by Radio Television Skopje (now: Macedonian Radio Television)  and manufactured in JUGOTON, Zagreb, Croatia in1979.

The LP record, ULS-578 contains 15 Macedonian Folk Dances and Songs. One of these is the Macedonian Folk Dance "Veleshko zhensko oro" (composer Tale Ognenovski) which is performed by  the virtuoso clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski  with THE "CHALGII" ORCHESTRA.

Side B
1. VELESHKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

LP record LPYV-S-806 and Cassette CAY-12 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, 1971. 

Strana A 
4. Resensko oro, makedonsko oro (kompozitor T. Ognenovski) 
Narodni ansambl Tale Ognenovski 
Klarinet solo: Tale Ognenovski 
Folk Ensemble Tale Ognenovski 
Clarinet soloist Tale Ognenovski 
Side A
4. RESENSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski) 

LP record LPY-V 780 and cassette CAY-157 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, 1969. 
Makedonske narodne pjesme i kola 
Macedonian folk songs and dances

Side B
7. BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer T. Ognenovski) 

Narodni ansambl Tale Ognenovski 
Solo klarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Tale Ognenovski plays solo clarinet in the Macedonian folk dance BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO in association with his own TALE OGNENOVSKI Orchestra 

LP record LPY-61049 and cassette CAY-177 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia, 1975. 
Makedonske narodne pjesme i ora 
Prate: Ansambl narodnih instrumenata P. Atanasovski, Ansambli K. Petrovski, M. Grujovski, T. Ognenovski, Trio kavali: Kolarevski-Cvetkovski-Atanasovski, Ansambl ‘CHALGIJA’ I ‘Tanec’ 
Macedonian folk songs and dances 
performed by: The P.Atanavski Ensemble for folk instruments, the Ensemble of K. Petrovski, M. Grujovski and T. Ognenovski, the ‘Trio kavali’: Kolarevski-Cvetkovski-Atanasovski, and the ‘CHALGIJA’ and ‘Tanec’ Ensembles 
Tale Ognenovski is the arranger of the Macedonian song ‘More devojchence malechko’ sung by Aleksandar Sarev 

Side B
(folk-song arranger: T. Ognenovski) 
Ensemble Tale Ognenovski

Svirachi - majstori 
Players - maestros 

The Macedonian folk dance ‘KASAPSKO ORO’ with Tale Ognenovski playing solo clarinet in association with THE MACEDONIAN RADIO TELEVISION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA 
This cassette is produced by ‘Music and cassette production of Macedonian Radio Television’ (‘Muzichka i kasetna produkcija na MAKEDONSKATA RADIO TELEVIZIJA’), 1994 to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. 

Side A
1. KASAPSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)

Tale Ognenovski appears on video tape VHS MP 31087, produced in 1994 to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of ‘Macedonian Radio Television’. 
On the tape, Tale Ognenovski plays clarinet soloist the Macedonian Folk Dance ‘Nevestinsko oro’ accompanied by the clarinetist Apostol Gelevski (Gelevski plays the first part (2 minutes, 20 seconds) of this folk dance as clarinet soloist, and Ognenovski plays the second part (2 minutes, 27 seconds) as clarinet soloist. They are accompanied by THE MACEDONIAN RADIO TELEVISION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA.

11. NEVESTINSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)

LP record LPY61294 and Cassette CAY-381, JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb), Zagreb, Croatia, 1977. 
Solo klarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Macedonian Folk Dance KASAPSKO ORO played by the ‘CHALGIJA’ ORCHESTRA conducted by Tale Ognenovski 
Solo clarinet: Tale Ognenovski 
Arranger: Tale Ognenovski 
Side A
KASAPSKO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)

LP records LP 1210 and LP 1211 STEREO and Cassettes NK 10018 and NK 10027 STEREO RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd), Beograd, Jugoslavija, 1972. 
Macedonian folk dance ADANA ORO with Tale Ognenovski playing as clarinet soloist in association with THE SKOPJE RADIO AND TELEVIZION ‘CHALGII’ ORCHESTRA 
Side B
ADANA ORO (composer T. Ognenovski)

LP record LP1394 STEREO RTB Production of gramophone records Radio Television Belgrade (Produkcija gramofonskih plocha Radio-televizije Beograd), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1978. 
Tale Ognenovski plays solo clarinet in two folk dances on this record as a member of the ‘Pece Atanasovski Orchestra’: 
Side A
5. JENI JOL (Turkish; folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
6. KJUPURLIKA (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)

LP record LPY-50985 and Cassette CAY-249 JUGOTON Production of gramophone records Zagreb (Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb), Zagreb, Croatia, 1972. 
Tale Ognenovski plays solo clarinet in two folk dances on this record as a member of the ‘Pece Atanasovski Ensemble of authentic folk instruments’: 
Side A
4. MASHKOTO ORO (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)
Side B
1. BERANCHE (BAJRACHE) (folk-arranger T. Ognenovski)

Songs with famous singers accompanying Tale Ognenovski’s Orchestra and other Orchestras 
With his own TALE OGNENOVSKI ORCHESTRA he has recorded the following gramophone records with famous singers: EBK-0136 BEOGRAD DISK (singer Pepi Baftirovski), EPY-4364 JUGOTON (singer Enver Hamid), EPY-3923 JUGOTON (singers Risto Pulevski and Pande Kominovski), EPY-34462 JUGOTON (singer Dushka Tomich), EBK-0137 BEOGRAD DISK (singers Spasija Chamova-Nikolovska and Mile Trpevski), EBK-0135 BEOGRAD DISK (singers Jovanka Ivanovska and Mile Todorovski), EPY-3914 JUGOTON (singer Anka Gieva), EPY-3919 JUGOTON (Izet Cirkovich), EPY-3920 JUGOTON (singer Jovan Brmbevski), EDK-5194 DISKOS (singers Cveta and Petar Pavlovski), EPY-3850 JUGOTON (singers Cveta and Petar Pavlovski), EPY-3921 JUGOTON (singers Cveta and Petar Pavlovski), EPY-3849 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev), EPY-3915 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev), EPY-3851 JUGOTON, EPY-3671 JUGOTON, EPY-3672 JUGOTON, EPY-5915 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev), LPY-61049 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev), CAY-177 JUGOTON (singer Aleksandar Sarev) and
EPY-3922 JUGOTON (singer Resinka Taseva).

JUGOTON - Production of gramophone records Zagreb (“Poduzeche za izradu gramofonskih plocha Zagreb”), Zagreb, Croatia.
BEOGRAD DISK - Production of gramophone records and music films Belgrade (“Produkcija gramofonskih plocha i muzichkih filmova Beograd”), Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
DISKOS - Production of gramophone records (“Preduzeche za proizvodnju gramofonskih plocha, Aleksandrovac-Zhupa”), Aleksandrovac-Zhupa, Yugoslavia.

As a member of the Galevski-Nancevski Orchestra, the Kocho Petrovski Orchestra, the Small Radio Skopje Orchestra and the ‘Chalgii’ Orchestra of Radio Skopje, he recorded many records with famous singers, including Vaska Ilieva, Aleksandar Sarievski, Nikola Badev, Jonche Hristovski, Violeta Tomovska, Kiril Manchevski, the Chvrchevi duo, Vidanka Gjorgjievska, the Mavrovski sisters, Mirvet Belovska and the Pavlovski duo. Some of these gramophone records are from RTB (PRODUKCIJA GRAMOFONSKIH PLOCHA RADIO TELEVIZIJE BEOGRAD): EP 172, EP 173, EP 174,EP12703, EP12706, EP12707, EP12708, EP 12733, EP12740, EP12741, EP12743, EP 12744, EP 12745, EP 12751, EP12753, EP 12760, EP 12761, EP 12762,EP 12763, EP12764, EP 12780, EP 12781, EP 12786, EP 12787, EP 12788, EP 12795, EP 12796, EP12732, EP12723, EP12764, EP12753, EP12773, EP12758, EP12747, EP12775, EP12737, EP12985, EP12953, ... 
Others are from JUGOTON: SY-1121, SY-1133, SY-1124... 

In 1998, Macedonian Radio Television released the cassette MP 21255. On this cassette Tale Ognenovski performs as clarinet accompaniment on five songs with various orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television. The singer is the legendary Vanja Lazarova Dimitrovska.

Tale Ognenovski recorded numerous records with many famous singers on magnetic tapes with "Macedonian Radio Television", performing with the Orchestras of Macedonian Radio Television or performing concerts with the Orchestras of Kocho Petrovski, Stevo Teodosievski, Nasko Dzorlev, Ljupcho Pandilov, Galevski-Nanchevski, Angel Nanchevski, Pece Atanasovski, the Orchestra of "Dom na VVI i borci od NOV-Skopje" conducted by Petar Bozhinovski and the Orchestra "Vesela druzhina". 

These include:
Vaska Ilieva, Aleksandar Sarievski, the duo of Vaska Ilieva and Aleksandar Sarievski, Jonche Hristovski, the duo of Violeta Tomovska and Kiril Manchevski, Nikola Badev, Violeta Tomovska, Kiril Manchevski, the duo of Violeta Tomovska and Kiril Manchevski, Anka Gieva, Pepi Baftirovski, Silvana Armenulic, Enver Hamid, the duo of Risto Pulevski and Pande Kominovski, Dushka Tomic, Spasija Chamova Nikolovska, Mile Trpevski, Jovanka Ivanovska, Mile Todorovski, Izet Cirkovic, Resinka Taseva, Jovan Brmbevski, the duo of Cveta and Petar Pavlovski, Aleksandar Sarev, Mirvet Belovska, Dobri Stavrevski, Kostadinka Palazova, Petranka Kostadinova, the duo of Kuculova and Andreevski, Blaga Petrevska, Gani Grubi, Esma Redzepova Teodosievska, Usnija Redzepova, Cvetanka Laskova, Bobi Avtovski, Blagoja Karadjule, Dragica Mavrovska, Dafina Mavrovska, Blaga Karadjule Videc, Dragica Nikolova, Vidanka Gjorgjievska, Marika Krsteva, Borche Angelkovski, Blaga Badnikova, Nadica Makelarska, the duo of Danailova and Makelarska, the Vodenki group, the Bapchorki group, Atina Apostolova, Trpe Cherepovski, the duo of Hristovski and Cherepovski, the trio of Jonche Hristovski, Trpe Cherepovski and Dojchin Matevski, the quartet of Jonche Hristovski, Trpe Cherepovski Doncho Eftimovski and Dojchin Matevski, the duo of Tomovska and Manchevski, the duo of Dragica and Dafina Mavrovski, Muharem Serbezovski, Aco Simonovski, the duo of Sarievski and Ilieva, Olga Sichan, the duo of Slavka and Tome Chrchevi, Tomislav Manic, Vanja Lazarova, Divna Lazareva, Todor Delibashev, Todorka Delibasheva, Vasilka Trifunova, Rada Simonovska, Liljana Spasovska Stoilkovska, Gjoko Donevski, Gogo Zafirovski, Milka Kushevska, Dushanka Isjanovska, Vera Isjanovska, Kosta Dimitrov, Shukri Dear, the Kosturchanki group, Velko Trpchevski, Ajri Demirovski, Zaharinka Milosavleva, Petar Georgievski, Sonja Shentevska, Elena Chamova, Branko Ichochaev, Ljubica Mutevic, Mile Ristevski, Stefko Miloshevski, Ilinka Angelova, Vancho Uzunov, Shefket Naim, Osman Shaban Shen, Magbule Gashi, Ali Abdula, Musa Halim, Perihan Tuna, Zora Kasapova, Mice Dimitrov, Nikolina Kuzmanovska, Vasilka Trifunova, Fana Vasileva, Janko Uzunov, Borche Krstevski, Krume Spasovski, Atanas Gruica, the trio of Atanas, Marija and Lenche Gruica, Mitko Naumov, Mita Guda, Pencho Naskov, Fana Chomova Lozan, M. Zilkovska, Persa Nikolova, Elena Dimitrievska, Pero Naskov, Mirko Mitrevski, Marica Silkovska, Sinan Sali, Metush Redzep, Fatima, Naser, Nedzmija Skender, Ramiza, Mizaket, Rajna Spasovska, Jovan Ivanovski, Dragan Tanevski, Pavlina Apostolova, Jovan Ilievski, Marika Stavrevska, Dushko Lekovski, Risto, Marika Gjorgjievska, Vancho Arsovski, Sonja Shentevska, Rade Mladenovic, Divna, Persa, Todorka, Trajanka Mitrevska, Gjoko Donchev, the duo of Selimova and Zhelchevski and others.

Soon in the USA will be released the first CD of Tale Ognenovski
Sponsor of this Audio CD is Mr. Dimce Cvetkovski from Buffalo, New York, USA, dear friend of Tale and Stevan Ognenovski. This CD includes 3 Jazz compositions ("Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 5 and 8", all composed by Tale Ognenovski), 6 Macedonian folk dances ("Brusnichko oro", "Nevenino oro", "Bukovsko svadbarsko oro", "Talevo kasapsko oro", "Stevchevo oro" and "Sharsko oro", all composed by Tale Ognenovski) and "Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1" (composed by Tale Ognenovski). On this CD Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla"). Accompaning him are members of the Orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum and reed pipe) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe) and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe).

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Danced and Classical Music” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542). Amazon.com Release Date: November 11, 2003.

Tracks: Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 5 and 8; Brusnichko oro; Nevenino oro; Bukovsko svadbarsko oro; Talevo kasapsko oro; Stevchevo oro; Sharsko oro and Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1. (all composed by Tale Ognenovski and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Performers: Soloist - Tale Ognenovski, clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla").  Accompanying him are members of his Orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski (drum ("tapan") - all tracks and reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9) and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9) and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9). Stevan Ognenovski and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe the parts of tracks on this Audio CDs (tracks - "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1", "Stevchevo oro" and "Sharsko oro"). http://www.taleognenovski.mk/firstcd.html

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA). Catalog: IR38824). Amazon.com Release Date: September 1, 2008.

Tracks: Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 (all composed by Tale Ognenovski and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Performers: Soloist - Tale Ognenovski (clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, drum); Stevan Ognenovski (reed pipe, drum); Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe); Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe))


CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos”.  Amazon.com Release Date: January 1, 2005. 2006, Catalog: IR37223; Record label: Independent Records, US;


Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski);

Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski);

Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro (composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski) and

Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1 (composed by Tale Ognenovski and arranged by Tale Ognenovski ). 
Performers: Soloist - Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Track 1,2,3,4), Reed Pipe (Track 4), Small Bagpipe (Track 4), Zourla (Track 4) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Track 1,2,4).


CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832). Amazon.com Release Date: April 27, 2016. Performers: Tale Ognenovski (clarinet) and Stevan Ognenovski (drum). All tracks were composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski. Perhaps CD albums: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” and “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” are unique recordings of this concert with two clarinets where first clarinet with first arrangement and second clarinet with second arrangement that's played simultaneously – by one performer (Tale Ognenovski).

1. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski

2. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski

3. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro  Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski

4. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski

5. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski

6. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro  Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale OgnenovskI

7. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski

8. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski

9. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski


Photos of Mr. Dimce Cvetkovski from Buffalo, New York, USA with his clarinet and reed pipe ("kavalche"), with Tale Ognenovski's book "Makedonski ora" (Macedonian folk dances) and with Tale Ognenovski's records and cassettes. 






1. Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski 
2. Tale Ognenovski’s unique talent and musical genius
3. In 1952, Tale Ognenovski became the first clarinet soloist in the history of the Republic of Macedonia to perform a classical concert for the clarinet 
4. Tale Ognenovski as a virtuoso clarinet soloist performed Macedonian folk dances with Ensemble Tanec in the film “Rhythm and Sound,” 1955
5. In, 1966 Tale Ognenovski became Head of the ‘Folk Music Orchestra’ of “Radio Television Skopje”
6. In 1965,Tale Ognenovski established his own “Tale Ognenovski Orchestra”
7. The 35th anniversary of the founding of “Radio Television Skopje” ”...Tale Ognenovski who has demonstrated his rich talent by performing with all three different folk music orchestras...” - LP ULS-578
8. “TALE IS UNIQUE. During the past couple of decades he has continuously demonstrated his skill at original and superb interpretation, displaying the passion of one that is in love and the style of a Virtuoso” Gjoko Georgiev, text on LP 1439 RTB, 1979 
9. “This Macedonian clarinetist is an extraordinary musician” – Ilustrovana Politika
10. Tale Ognenovski’s triumphant success at the International Folklore Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1977 
11. On August 8 and 9, 1992, Tale Ognenovski played on the clarinet his own compositions of Macedonian folk dances at celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the founding of the village of Brusnik 
12. “Maestro Tale Ognenovski plays classical music brilliantly (this is the opinion of experts of classical music) on the clarinet - Mozart, Weber...etc. He plays everything, it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated it is.” Violeta Hadzi Skerleva, Ekran 
13. Tale Ognenovski is a synonym for a completely different style of music 
14. Tale Ognenovski made his debut at the Skopje Summer Festival on June 29, 1998. 
15. The 50th anniversary of the founding of Ensemble Tanec


1. Tanec’s triumphant arrival in New York City on January 20, 1956 
2. ‘Tanec’ triumphant appearance on American television
3. “Appear at Carnegie Hall... remarkable music... - a raucous and unforgettable pipe... (the virtuoso pipe and clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski).” John Martin, The New York Times
4. Tale Ognenovski added his own improvisations..The unique Sopska Poskocica earned an encore...
5. Tale Ognenovski’s solo playing on the clarinet and pipe (‘kavalche’) created frenetic applause in the sold-out concert halls 
6. Concert in Masset Hall, Toronto, Canada, on February 13, 1956 
7. Tale Ognenovski is the number one clarinetist
8. Macedonia is the Centre of the Folk Universe 
9. The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Company prepared a special banquet for Ensemble Tanec
10. A photograph of Tale Ognenovski and members of Ensemble ‘Tanec’ in The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studio in Hollywood
11. An advertisement about ‘TANEC’ performances in the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, April 11 and 12, 1956 
12. Photos of Tale Ognenovski’s uncle Petar Hristov and his family at Saint-Louis, Missouri and Tale 
Ognenovski’s friend Jandre Kunovski and his family at Gary, Indiana, and Chicago, after the concert 
of Ensemble “Tanec” on February 5, 1956
13. One of the longest and the most triumphant tours in the history of world music 
15. “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous
Skill” - John Martin, New York Times 
16. “Carnegie Hall was shaking from stormy applause... “Shopska podripnuvachka” (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was even repeated, and to repeat a performance on the American stage is a really rare and exclusive event.” - Stjepan Pucak, 
Nova Makedonija
17. “The first performance at Carnegie Hall in New York is regarded as a really sensational success.” - 
Naum Nachevski, Nova Makedonija 
18. “Venerable Carnegie Hall fairly vibrated as the audience blistered its palms in appreciation.” - Robert
Coleman, the New York Daily Mirror
19. “The freshest, gayest, most expert dance affair ...Transcontinental tour at Carnegie Hall.”- William
Hawkins, the New York World Telegram
20. “Tanec, a Macedonian group is a lively, handsome and magnificently skilled company…accompanied sometimes by a shepherd’s pipe (Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) which surely pierced the air of classical Greece… An audience which jammed Carnegie to capacity cheered and applauded the folk dancing with as much enthusiasm as if it had been witnessing classical, theatrical ballet at its most glittering.” - Walter Terry, the New York Herald Tribune
21. Concerts at the Chicago Civic Opera House, February 4 and 5, 1956 “Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful
Addition to International Dance...group of 37 dancers, singers and musicians, called Tanec, which is the
Macedonian word for dance is a kaleidoscope of the Balkans.” - Claudia Cassidy, Chicago Daily 
22. Concert at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, February 7, 1956 
“Clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...provided most of the accompaniments in various combinations
23. Concert at the Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., February 9, 1956 
“Sopska Poskocica (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark by Stevan Ognenovski) is unique and demanded a repetition “ - Paul Hume, The Washington Post and Times Herald 
24. Concert at the Massey Hall, Toronto, February 13, 1956 
“Spectacle in Massey Hall... Nor was the performance without spectacle...the music, whether for singing or dancing, had the same spontaneous folk quality and an exotic character... Sopska
Poskocica (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski – remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was no more than a show-off dance. As such it was highly effective... musicians are an active part... “ - John Kraglund, The Globe and Mail
25. Concerts at the Opera House, San Francisco, March 7 and 9, 1956 
“The music itself - including several indigenous instruments - is worth the price of the show, and never more so than in a number titled simply “Macedonian Tune,” which in its rhythms and plaintive melody should at least make Dave Brubeck send out an emergency call for Darius Milhaud...” - R. H. Hagan, the San Francisco Chronicle
26. Concerts at the Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles, March 12, 13 and 14, 1956
“The Yugoslav National Folk Ballet - known at home as Tanec - excited a large auditorium... this group would be hard to beat... They are accompanied by a group of musicians consisting of a violinist, guitar and accordion players, a flutist, a clarinetist (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and double bass, though drums of different types are frequently involved, as well as a shepherd’s reed pipe (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) and an instrument called the Zourla”- Albert Goldeberg, the Los Angeles Times
27. “A vigorous display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen” - Life magazine


1. Tale Ognenovski, clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ toured Germany in 1956
2. “I’ll never forget...the man with the pipe (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” - Hildesheim presse, Germany, rewritten in "Nova Makedonija" with the title “Great Success of Tanec in West Germany”, October 21, 1956
3. “Success of Tanec in West Germany” - Nova Makedonija
4. “The folkore experts were interested in our particular folk dances… perhaps the following can stand out as the most successful: “SHOPSKA “ (“Shopska podripnuvachka” – the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), “SHOTE” (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” - Nova Makedonija
5. “About 7000 people on each of the two concerts in Dortmund” - K. Gavrish, Nova Makedonija


1. Tale Ognenovski was clarinet and pipe virtuoso soloist with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ during their tour of France
2 “What ‘Tanec’ is playing in the spirit of Macedonia, believe me no other Ensemble in the world can perform... Your girls and boys put their whole heart into the dance. I’ll tell you why I think this is so. I know the clarinetist Tale...” - Raymond Guillier, Vecher
3. “Brilliant first performance of the National Ballet of Macedonia... Everyone in the audience applauded as if they were four people ... “It must be understood that you have to be a professional and have extraordinary soul and inspiration to play ‘Drachevka’ (the virtuoso pipe soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski), ‘Berovka’ (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski)...” - Le Berry republicain
4. “The first performance of the National ballet of Macedonia was a tremendous success” - La nouvelle 
republique du Centre
5. “TANEC” wins over the public... “ - K. Gavrish, Nova Makedonija


1. Tale Ognenovski performed as virtuoso clarinet and pipe soloist with Ensemble ‘Tanec’ during their tour of Switzerland during the period July 7-10, 1959
2. Tale Ognenovski made his debut on a special programme broadcast on Swiss Television. He performed his personally composed Macedonian folk dances ‘Bitolsko oro’ and ‘Brusnichko oro’ with great success.
3. Nothing here that resembled classical dances of our Western World...A spectacle in the open in Port Gitana Bellevue, Geneva” - Ed. Mt., Tribune de Geneve


1. On May 24,1953, Tale Ognenovski as clarinet soloist performed the classical concert “Concert Polka for Clarinet” by Miler Bela, with accompaniment by the ‘Police Wind Orchestra’. This concert was performed in the Radio Skopje building and was broadcast live to the nation by Radio Skopje.
2. “It is a phenomenon that Tale Ognenovski for every type of music has the right amount of “ambazhura” and vibrato, especially for classic music where some circumstances require a perfectly level tone. 
It is particularly phenomenonal that in a second he can change both the colour and the vibrato.” – Professor Ladislav Palfi
3. The television programme “One clarinet - one life” was shown on Radio Television Skopje on May 19, 1970. The programme included part of the Concert “FIORI ROSSINIANI” by Ernesto Cavallini, with Tale Ognenovski performing as clarinet soloist with piano accompaniment by Professor Ladislav Palfi, the legendary composer and classical music and jazz pianist 
4. In the television programme “One clarinet - one life - Tale Ognenovski”, broadcast on July 18, 1987, music from Mozart’s “CONCERTO in A Major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622” and Wagner’s “Adagio for Clarinet” was performed by Tale Ognenovski, solo clarinet, with accompaniment on the piano by the excellent pianist Tanja Shopova . The programme was broadcast on “Radio Television Skopje”
5. “One clarinet, one life; The life dedicated to the clarinet; Half a century of magic with clarinet; The clarinet as a life... These are only some of the titles of articles in the Newspapers that have been written for the clarinet virtuoso Tale Ognenovski who plays Macedonian folk dances as superbly as he does classical music by Mozart, Wagner, Cavallini...” – from the television programme ‘Sundays afternoon’, Macedonian Radio Television
6. “Everything that has a connection with the clarinet and this man is far from ordinary. Perhaps it is a miracle, this dexterity. Perhaps he is a genius or something more than that....” - Elizabeta Matic, in the television programme “Good morning, good day”, Macedonian Radio Television
7. Tale Ognenovski translated whatever came into his head directly into the clarinet. 
8. The television programme ‘Good Day, Macedonia’ was dedicated to Tale Ognenovski on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the FOLK MUSIC ORCHESTRA of Macedonian Radio Television. An Interview with Tale Ognenovski



1. Tale Ognenovski is a winner of the First Regional Bitola Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1947 
2. Tale Ognenovski’s First Award for Clarinet as a best clarinetist at the First Republic of Macedonian Festival of Folk Dances and Songs, 1948 
3. Tale Ognenovski’s First Award at the Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija, Croatia, 1951. 
3.1. “The clarinet (the virtuoso clarinet soloist was Tale Ognenovski - remark made by Stevan Ognenovski) was as effective an accompaniment to the large drum in the folk dance from Kozjak as it was to the small drum in the folk dance ‘Teshkoto’ from Nishopole. They provided very effective combinations” - Dr. Vinko Zganec, “Kulturni radnik”
3.2. No other nation in Europe has such rich folklore
3.3. The Yugoslav (Former Yugoslavia) Folk Music Festival in Opatija had been specially arranged for the members of the Conference of the International Folk Music Council...” - Dushko Dimitrovski, book “For Our Music”
3.4. “Astonishing pageant of costume and custom, ritual and social dance, song and instrumental playing by 700 performers in Opatija” - Marie Slocombe, Journal of the International Folk Music Council
4. Honours


1. The book “Macedonian folk dances” by Tale Ognenovski, 1989 
2. “The impossible becomes possible: two, ‘usually non-complimentary’ parallel-existing worlds of sounds – Europe – the Orient – are in…” - Dushko Dimitrovski, book “For Our Music” 
3. “Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is on an equal level musically with other World Musical Legends” - “Nova Zora”
4. The end result of Tale Ognenovski’s clarinet works is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity




Macedonian Folk Dances
1. POLJANSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
POLJANSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

2. TALEVO SVADBARSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
TALEVO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

3. PAJDUSHKO SVADBARSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
PAJDUSHKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

4. TALEVO GENIMALSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
TALEVO GENIMALSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

5. LAVCHANSKO ZA RAMO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
LAVCHANSKO ZA RAMO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

6. BITOLSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BITOLSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

7. TALEVO BADNIKOVO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
TALEVO BADNIKOVO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

8. BAIRSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BAIRSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

9. TALEVO KASAPSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
TALEVO KASAPSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

10. BACHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BACHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

11. STARSKO ZA RAMO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
STARSKO ZA RAMO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

12. BISTRICHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BISTRICHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

13. SKUDRINSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
SKUDRINSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

14. TRNOVSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
TRNOVSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

15. BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BUKOVSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

16. DIHOVSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
DIHOVSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

17. CAPARSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski)
CAPARSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

18. PRESPANSKO ORO, (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski)
PRESPANSKO ORO, (composer Tale Ognenovski)

19. BRUSNICHKO POTPELISTERSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale gnenovski) 

20. SKOPSKO ZHENSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
SKOPSKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

21. BITOLSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BITOLSKO SVADBARSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

22. BRUSNICHKO MLADINSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BRUSNICHKO MLADINSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

23. BOGOMILSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BOGOMILSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

24. SKOPSKO MASHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
SKOPSKO MASHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

25. NEVENINO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
NEVENINO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

26. BITOLSKO ZA RAMO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BITOLSKO ZA RAMO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

27. POTPELISTERSKI RASADNIK ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
POTPELISTERSKI RASADNIK ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

28. SHARSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
SHARSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

29. TALEVO BITOLSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
TALEVO BITOLSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

30. BITOLSKO BUKOVSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BITOLSKO BUKOVSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

31. BITOLSKO LAVCHANSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BITOLSKO LAVCHANSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

32. BABUNSKO TALEVO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BABUNSKO TALEVO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

33. TALEVO PRILEPSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
TALEVO PRILEPSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

34. ZETOVSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
ZETOVSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

35. GERMIJANSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
GERMIJANSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

36. BRUSNICHKO PADINSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BRUSNICHKO PADINSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

37. ZLETOVSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
ZLETOVSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

38. BEROVSKO ZHENSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BEROVSKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

39. BITOLSKO MASHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BITOLSKO MASHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

40. NEGOTINSKO ZHENSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
NEGOTINSKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

41. GEVGELISKO ZHENSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
GEVGELISKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

42. DELCHEVSKO ZHENSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
DELCHEVSKO ZHENSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

43. NEGOTINSKO MASHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
NEGOTINSKO MASHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

44. BRUSNICHKO MASHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BRUSNICHKO MASHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

45. VELE
SHKO VESELO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
VELESHKO VESELO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

46. STEV
CHEVO BRUSNICHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
STEVCHEVO BRUSNICHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

47. GRADSKO VESELO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
GRADSKO VESELO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

48. SKOPSKO DRACHEVSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
SKOPSKO DRACHEVSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

49. PAUNOVO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
PAUNOVO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

50. KUMANOVSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
KUMANOVSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

51. BOZHIKOVO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BOZHIKOVO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

52. KRSTORSKO MASHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
KRSTORSKO MASHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

53. ILCHOVO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
ILCHOVO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

54. ZHIVKINO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
ZHIVKINO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

55. GALICHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
GALICHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

56. PIPERKOVO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
PIPERKOVO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

57. SKOPSKI VESEL CHOCHEK ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
SKOPSKI VESEL CHOCHEK ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

58. FANINO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
FANINO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

59. MICINO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
MICINO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

60. DIMCHEVO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
DIMCHEVO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

61. PALANECHKO VESELO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
PALANECHKO VESELO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

62. DEVEROVO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
DEVEROVO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

63. PELISTERSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
PELISTERSKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

64. KUMOVO ORO CHOCHEK (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
KUMOVO ORO CHOCHEK (composer Tale Ognenovski)

65. GJAVATSKO POTPELISTERSKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 

66. PELAGONISKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
PELAGONISKO, ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)

67. BRUSNICHKO ORO (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski) 
BRUSNICHKO ORO (composer Tale Ognenovski)


Tale Ognenovski Koncert za Klarinet Br. 1 (kompozitor Tale Ognenovski),
Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1 (composer Tale Ognenovski)


Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1 (composer Tale Ognenovski)


Martin, John: “Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art ‘Tanec’ Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skill,” The New York Times, New York, January 28, 1956. 

“Awards received by choirs, folk dances and songs groups, solo singers and players who participated at the First Republic Macedonia Festival of Folk Dances and Songs,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 13, 1948.

Zganec, Vinko Dr: “Yugoslav Musical folklore at the Festival in Opatija,” “Kulturni radnik,” Year IV, No. 10-11, Zagreb, Croatia, October-November, 1951.

“EDITORIAL,” Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 1, London, March, 1952.

Slocombe, Marie: “SOME IMPRESSIONS OF THE YUGOSLAV CONFERENCE AND FESTIVAL”, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, page 2, London, March, 1952.

“Extracts from PROGRAMME NOTES ON THE DANCES AND SONGS performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival,” Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Vol. IV, pp. 60-64, London, March, 1952.

“New records, Macedonian folk dances,” Newsmagazine “Ilustrovana Politika”, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979.

“One piece of music material performed in Istanbul created great interest in the world for ‘Chalgii’ music”,) Newsmagazine “Ekran,” December 2,1977.

Hadzi Skerleva, Violeta: “First clarinet ’94 Tale Ognenovski, portrait,” Newsmagazine “Ekran,” Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 20, 1994"

Grbevski, Ljubomir: “Interview Miroslav Tadic,” Newsmagazine EKRAN, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 22, 1998.

“Crnogorka, Anyone? Yugoslav Dancing Troupe Shows How It Is Done,” The New York Times, New York, January 21, 1956.
“Choreographic Vigor from Macedonia,” The New York Times, New York, January 22, 1956.

Nachevski, Naum: “TANEC collects applause in America,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija” Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, February 18, 1956.

Nachevski, Naum: “Letter from America, The unforgettable days,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia”, February 18, 1956. 

D. Stojanova, D.: “After returning to the country,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, April 27, 1956.)

“Tanec with success has finished its American tour,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, April 14, 1956.

“Success of Macedonian Folk Ensemble Tanec,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, April 24, 1956.

Terry, Walter: “The Dance: Yugoslav Folk Ballet,” New York Herald Tribune, New York, January 22, 1956.

Pucak, Stjepan: “First days in America,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, February 7, 1956. 

Nachevski, Naum: “TANEC had amazed The New York Public,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, January 31, 1956.

Terry, Walter: “Yugoslav Folk Ballet”, New York Herald Tribune, New York, January 28, 1956. 

Cassidy, Claudia: “On the Aisle Yugoslav Ballet a Colorful Addition to International Dance,” Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, February 6, 1956. 

Iliev, Gjorgi: “Letter from America,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, February 19, 1956. 

Singer, Samuel: “Yugoslav Ballet Visits Academy,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, February 8, 1956.

Hume, Paul: “Yugoslav Dancers Shoot the Works,” The Washington Post and Times Herald, Washington D.C., February 10, 1956. 

Kraglund, John: “Music in Toronto,” The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada, February 14, 1956. 

Hagan, R. H: “Yugoslav Ballet Proves Folk Dancing ‘Tricky’,” San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, March 8, 1956.

Goldeberg, Albert: “Yugoslav Folk Ballet Opens Engagement,” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, March 13, 1956.

“Dance Bouncing Brigands Yugoslav come to U.S.,” Life, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174, Chicago, April 9, 1956. 

“The Newspapers in the United States for Tanec,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 11, 1956.
“Great success of Tanec in Germany,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 21, 1956. 

“Success of Tanec in West Germany,”,Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 30, 1956. 

“After the return of “Tanec” from Germany tour - The biggest success”, Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 31, 1956. 

“Tanec left on a three-month tour. The Ensemble will perform 83 concerts in France and two in West Germany,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, September 17, 1959

Gavrish, K.: “TANEC wins over the public “, Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 6, 1959.

Georgievski, M.: “Your dance fascinates me,” Newspaper “Vecher”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, September 14, 1964. 

“Hier soir au GRAND-PALAIS BRILLANTE “PREMIERE” des Ballets de Macedoine,” (“Yesterday evening in the GRAND-PALAIS Brilliant first performance of the national Ballet of Macedonia.”) “Le Berry republicain”, Bourges, France, September 24, 1959. 

“Hier soir a Bourges La “premiere” nationale des Ballets de Macedoine a remporte un enorme succes” (Yesterday evening in Bourges The first national ballet of Macedonia received tremendous success.”), “La nouvelle republique du Centre”, Bourges, France, September 24, 1959. 

Mt., Ed.: “A Port-Gitana les ballets nationaux yougoslaves,” (“In Port-Gitana, National Yugoslav Folklore Ballet”), Tribune de Geneve, Geneva, July 11, 1959. 

Karovski, Lazo: “We must keep our folk songs, dances and folk costumes,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 11, 1947.

Mehandziski, Gj.: “All life consecrated to music,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1965.

Mehandziski, Gj.: “Life consecrated to music - Tale Ognenovski, 20 years as a professional clarinetist,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1968.

Georgiev, Gjoko: “Hot tones”, Newsmagazine “Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 1968.

“Twenty years with the clarinet,” Newspaper “Vecher”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1968. 

“Tale Show,” Newspaper “Vecher”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1970. 

“Tale as additional music force,” Newspaper “Vecher”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1970. 

“One clarinet - One Life,” Newspaper “Vecher”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 19, 1970. 

“Tale and his clarinet,”Newsmagazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 23, 1973. 

Mirchevski, B: “Tale Ognenovski - fifty years of magic with the clarinet,” Newspaper “Studentski zbor”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1973.

“Four decades with the clarinet,” Newspaper “Vecher”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 27, 1977.

Popovski, Kosta: “The people in the focus - Record,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1979. 

Mehandziski, Vancho: “The clarinet as a life,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1979. 

Markoska, V.: “Tale Ognenovski - virtuoso on the clarinet,” Newspaper “Vecher”, July 17, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1987.

“One clarinet, one life – a portrait of Tale Ognenovski, Television Skopje, first programme 18.00 - 18.30,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, July 18, 1987. 

“Virtuoso on the clarinet Tale Ognenovski. The television programme had a few extraordinary folk instrumentalists,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, February 26, 1988. 

“Macedonian Association of Stage Artists awarded Tale Ognenovski, Vaska Ilieva, Aleksandar Sarievski, Jonche Hristovski and Pece Atanasovski with the “Award for Life Artist Work,” Newspaper “Vecher, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 24, 1996. 

“Tale Ognenovski and his anniversaries (1),” Newsmagazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 15, 1997.

“Tale Ognenovski and his anniversaries (2),” Newsmagazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, May 22, 1997.

Ognenovski, Stevan Mag. Scient.: “Tale Ognenovski deserve the award “11 Oktomvri”, Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, November 10, 1997.

Macedonian Stage on the SKOPJE SUMMER,” Newspaper “Vecher”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, June 29, 1998 god.

Ognenovski, Stevan Mag. Scient.: “Tale Ognenovski deserves the award “11 Oktomvri”, Newsmagazine “Denes”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, October 29, 1998.)

“Great interest in our folklore in Opatija,” Newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, September 14, 1951.

“One piece of music material performed in Istanbul created great interest in the world for ‘Chalgii’ music,” Newsmagazine “Ekran”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, December 2,1977.

Ognenovski, Tale, “Macedonian folk dances,” Cultural Educational Association from Skopje, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1989.

Dimitrovski, Dushko : “For Our Music” (ISBN 9989-600-01-5), BID “Misirkov”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 1994. 
“Great ‘Chalgii’ opus of the Maestro Tale Ognenovski,” Newsmagazine “Nova Zora”, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, November 1994. 

“Macedonian Radio Television with Word and Picture,” Macedonian Radio Television, 1994.


"...This monograph consists of 12 important chapter in this own way represents a looking glass of the artist's profile. In the first chapter the author, using selected materials, has included biographical data and individual articles about Tale Ognenovski's performances, as well as significant statements about his contribution towards the common proclamation of our cultural values with Ensemble "Tanec" on their mammoth tours in the United States of America, Canada and Germany in 1956, followed by the tours in France and Switzerland in 1959. Perhaps the most significant of his performances with Ensemble "Tanec" was the one in the famous Carnegie Hall in America. After these particular appearances that introduced Tale Ognenovski with Ensemble 'Tanec' to the world, in the next chapter the author succeeds in presenting the most significant journalist and professional comments about the folk genius of the clarinet. These articles record the numerous awards and honours that he received for his artistic works. The author Stevan Ognenovski includes the music notationof the Tale Ognenovski's own dance compositions, in addition to the "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto for Clarinet and the "Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1". With all these the artist's profile has become richer... This monograph contains valuable material for researcher in this area of folklore to use to study successfully this phenomenon called Tale Ognenovski" - Kiril Todevski, ethnomusicologist.

"This book can be distinguished from others by the way research has been extraordinarity complete and scrupulously conducted. An enormous number of richly illustrated moments in his life and the creative style of Tale Ognenovski make it possible for everyone to see the extraordinary values and dimensions of this artistic person as one of the most important instrumental maestros in the world and a uniquely creative musician. Following the life history and the art of this great musician, Stevan Ognenovski Mag.Scient. presents the rich variety of events during these times and the creative works of the maestro. Before our very eyes appear numerous persons and manifestations as components of one treasured part of Macedonian spirit and cultural history. These things contribute additionally towards the value of this book..." - Dushko Dimitrovski, ethnomusicologist


T H E   A U T H O R Stevan Ognenovski Mag. Scient.

Born in 1948 in the village of Brusnik near Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. Nationality: Macedonian. He received a Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering-electronics and Mag.Scient. degree in computer science from The Faculty of Electrical Engineering from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Stevan Ognenovski has earned his Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.) degree in electronic engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia on April 26, 1974. Diploma No. 3158-1974. Thesis: “Converter of Voltage to Frequency”; Croatian: “Pretvarač napona u frekvenciju”.Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. has earned his Magister of Science in Computer Science (Croatian: “MAGISTAR ZNANOSTI iz oblasti TEHNIČKIH ZNANOSTI, područja RAČUNARSKIH ZNANOSTI smjer JEZGRA RAČUNARSKIH ZNANOSTI”; Latin: “MAGISTER SCIENTIARUM ad SCIENTIAS TECHNICAS – SCIENTIAS COMPUTANDI SCIENTIARUM COMPUTANDI NUCLEUM) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Croatian: ELEKTROTEHNIČKI FAKULTET); Now: The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Croatian: Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, abbr: FER), University of Zagreb, Croatia on March 7, 1991. Diploma: No. Ab/80-27. EL 3350/91. Zagreb, March 7, 1991. Magister's thesis (Croatian: Magistarski rad; Latin: Magisterii disputationem): “Software programs for measurement of the network traffic in the local area network”; Croatian: “PROGRAMSKA POMAGALA ZA MJERENJE PROMETA U LOKALNOJ MREŽI”. The diploma is issued in Croatian language and Latin language. Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient. has written three articles about the artistic works of his father Tale Ognenovski, the first appearing in the newspaper “Nova Makedonija”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on November 10, 1997, the second appearing in the newsmagazine “Denes”, entitled: "Tale Ognenovski deserves the "October 11" award" (Macedonian: Тале Огненовски ја заслужува наградата "11 Октомври"") on October 29, 1998 and the third article entitled: "The musical genius Tale Ognenovski is not among the winners of the "October 11" award", appearing in the newsmagazine "Delo" (pages 65-66) on November 22, 2002 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. (Macedonian: Напис насловен: "Музичкиот гениј Тале Огненовски не е меѓу добитниците на наградата "11 Октомври"", напишан од М-р Стеван Огненовски, објавен во магазинот "Дело" (страна 65-66) на 22 ноември 2002 година во Скопје, Република Македонија).

He published the biography of Tale Ognenovski on the Internet on September 18, 1998 at Web sites: http://www.taleognenovski.com.mk/index.html http://www.geocities.com/stevegn/index.html

The current Web site is http://www.taleognenovski.mk/index.html  

For more information please visit website http://www.taleognenovski.mk/cvstevano.html  and YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA  entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”

Write to Me:


The musical notations of the Macedonian folk dances (composer, Tale Ognenovski), were made by Metodija Avtovski, Ljiljana Avtovska, Pane Panajotov, Blagoja Deskoski, Ljupcho Pandilov, Kosta Smilevski, Doncho Petrovski, Dragan Gjakonovski-Shpato, Hilmi Baki, Raim Baki, and Tale Ognenovski

The musical notations of the classical concert “Tale Ognenovski’s clarinet concert No.1" (composer, Tale Ognenovski) and of the “Tale Ognenovski’s Jazz composition No.1" (composer, Tale Ognenovski) were written by Tale Ognenovski.

The harmony symbols of the Macedonian folk dances (composer, Tale Ognenovski) were written by Blagoja Deskoski.

The notographer of the Macedonian folk dances (composer, Tale Ognenovski) is Vasko Petkovski 

The notographer of the classical concert “Tale Ognenovski’s clarinet concert No.1" (composer, Tale Ognenovski) and of the “Tale Ognenovski’s Jazz composition No.1" (composer, Tale Ognenovski) is Marko Kolovski.

The Macedonian-English and English-Macedonian translation were made by Stevan Ognenovski.

Macedonian language proof read by Olga Smilevska 
English language proof read: Mrs. Susan Prefontaine (pages 4-133) and Mr. Christopher Bridge (final proof read of all text)

Computer preparation: Stevan Ognenovski and PRINT POINT

COPIES: 1.000

The Ministry of Culture for the Republic of Macedonia makes the publishing of this book possible by their financial support. 

CIP Cataloguing in Publication of National and University Library "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: 78.071.1/.2 (497.7) (092) 788.6.089.6

ISBN 9989-48-312-4

Facebook website of Tale Ognenovski entitled: “Tale Ognenovski The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time Composer Musical Genius”


Facebook website of Stevan Ognenovski entitled: “Stevan Ognenovski, Magister of Computer Science, Writer, Instrumentalist”


Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Amazon.com Print Book


Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "
Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled:
by Stevan Ognenovski (Author)
Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds

Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski


Before, while, and after you read this book, there are two Web sites that may be of interest to You: My website http://www.taleognenovski.mk entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Composer, Musical Genius, Titan of the Clarinet… Carnegie Hall Concert, New York City, 1956” and my YouTube Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qvqdG4eSIIA entitled “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”

I am author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA  Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

This book was written by me, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.

In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832),

"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223),

“Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and

"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).

Facebook website of Tale Ognenovski entitled: “Tale Ognenovski The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time Composer Musical Genius”


Facebook website of Stevan Ognenovski entitled: “Stevan Ognenovski, Magister of Computer Science, Writer, Instrumentalist”



Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   

Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski


Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521)


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)


Web site JJA News insights and updates from the Jazz Journalists Association published article entitled: "Deaths in 2012", compiled by W. Royal Stokes and Ken Franckling, Nov 27th, 2012 about the top jazz musicians who died in 2012 including Tale Ognenovski.  http://news.jazzjournalists.org/2012/11/deaths-in-2012


Static.echonest.com published an article entitled, "2012 Music Memoriam - Well Known Musicians We Lost in 2012". Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski was included in the list of public figures that died in 2012.  http://static.echonest.com/playlist/year_end/index.html


Tale Ognenovski is No. 4 of top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries
Website Boingboing.net published article entitled: “Notable deaths in 2012, as recorded by Wikipedia”. In this article was written: “Information designer Jess Bachman created Wikipedia Remembers 2012 (https://web.archive.org/web/20170225142318/http://visual.ly/wikipedia-remembers-2012?view=true), an interactive feature about the top 100 public figures who died in 2012 as ranked by the number of words in their Wikipedia entries… while others like #4, Tale Ognenovski is a lessor known Macedonian clarinetist, but for some reason has a incredibly documented wiki page! So many interesting people here…” (Published: Jan 2, 2013) https://boingboing.net/2013/01/02/notable-deaths-in-2012-as-rec.html (

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at All About Jazz    https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/taleognenovski


All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php#.Ur2mJ_RDuHM  (Published: 2009-04-27 https://web.archive.org/web/20141124170832/https://news.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-musician-of-the-day-tale-ognenovski__11877.php

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2010, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2010 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2010-04-27)



ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist” (Posted: September 27, 2008)    


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Is Included In The Book Entitled “The Greatest Clarinet Players Of All Time: Top 100” By Alex Trost And Vadim Kravetsky. Publisher: CreateSpace (Posted: 11-21-2014)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Macedonian Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2010 At AllAboutJazz.com  (Posted: 04-27-2010) 

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  “Composer And Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Was Honoured With Cerificate For National Pension By Prime Minister Of Republic Of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski”   (Posted: 03-07-2012)  


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:   "Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski Will Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of His Birthday, April 27, 2012 With New CD Album: "Pelistersko Oro", Which Will Be Released On October 1, 2012"  (Posted: 04-22-2012) 


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Tale Ognenovski, Titan Of The Clarinet And Composer Of Clarinet Music, Dies (Posted: 06-28-2012) "Tale Ognenovski, known across the globe for his virtuosic performances, died suddenly on June 19, 2012. His technique and the excitement of his playing were legendary… "


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017) 


New York, NY Top40-Charts News published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014)  http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=105450


Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=28463


Tale Ognenovski was included in the book entitled: “The Greatest Clarinet Players of All Time: Top 100” written by Alex Trost (Author) and Vadim Kravetsky (Author). Publisher: CreateSpace, an Amazon company; 1 edition (August 25, 2013). Language: English; ISBN-10: 1492255270; ISBN-13: 978-1492255277. To see a preview of the book at Google Books, visit Web address:



Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



Jazzclub Unterfahrt from Munich, Bavaria, Germany commented: "Playing the music of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski is different from imitating Michael Breckers style.” – Article entitled: “Pachora”.

“Lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music…” - Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds” (page 43 in the  book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5), Published 03/01/1998. 
Bill Shoemaker, JazzTimes music critic has written: “…Recalling the spree sparked a lively discussion about clarinetist Tale Ognenovski, which segued to the proliferation of New York bands interpreting Balkan music (interestingly, Shepik is the linchpin of the movement, leading his own group, The Commuters, and playing with both Matt Darriau’s Paradox Trio and with Black and Speed, in Pachora).”" – Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds” (page 43 in the  book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5)
The book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5” (Title: Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5; Publisher: Jazztimes, 1998; Original from: the University of Michigan; Digitized: 28 May 2010) was included in the Google Books search and was stored in its digital database. Article entitled: “Parallel Worlds”, page 43 in the book entitled “Jazz Times, Volume 28, Issues 2-5” can be read by Google Books:


Google Books Bibliographic information about this book



Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed on
CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec"  on  TV Programme "OMNIBUS" on January 22, 1956.

Tanec’s triumphant appearance on American television ‘Tanec’s American tour began with their debut on one of the most popular television programmes in the United States, the Ford Foundation TV Programme “OMNIBUS”, on January 22, 1956. This programme was seen by millions of Americans. This TV debut of ‘Tanec’ on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Television Network, one of the largest radio and television broadcasting companies in the United States, created great interest in all 66 concerts in many towns throughout the United States. A copy of this programme may be viewed free of charge on a videocassette at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. On the Library of Congress Internet Web site, LCCN Permalink https://lccn.loc.gov/88705799
 https://web.archive.org/web/20190712110412/https://catalog.loc.gov/vwebv/search?searchCode=LCCN&searchArg=88705799&searchType=1&permalink=y   or on the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS’ Internet Web site, http://catalog.loc.gov with Keyword = Ansambl za narodni igri i pesni Tanec is written: Main Title: Omnibus. IV, vol. 15 / TV-Radio Workshop of the Ford Foundation; Producer, Robert Saudek. Published/Created: United States: CBS Television Network, 1956-01-22 Contents: The Yugoslav national folk ballet / directed by Elliot Silverstein; with the Tanec dance
 troupe from Macedonia (20 min.)...

Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest composers of instrumental music in history. Tale Ognenovski brought folk dances from Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to Carnegie Hall on January 27, 1956. He performed as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956.  During his tours around the world, Tale Ognenovski, clarinetist and composer performed in a multitude of concerts:  In the United States (65 concerts, from January 22, 1956 till April 12, 1956; concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956), Canada (Toronto Massey Hall, February 13, 1956), Germany (74 concerts, from August 15, 1956 till October 27, 1956 and September 17 and 18, 1959 in Dortmund), France (83 concerts, from September 20 till November 25, 1959), Switzerland (Berne, July 7 and 8, Geneva, July 9 and 10, 1959)…  The musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Two hundred years later, on January 27, 1956, another musical genius, Tale Ognenovski performed playing folk dances as a virtuoso soloist of clarinet and a reed pipe (“kavalche”) in the world famous Carnegie Hall.   

During an 84-day journey (January 22, 1956 - April 12, 1956) throughout the United States and Canada Ensemble ‘Tanec’ travelled ten thousand kilometres and performed 66 concerts in 53 different towns. They were described as a Great Cultural Event by the American press, with articles appearing in The New York Times, The New York Daily Mirror, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York World Telegram, The New York Daily News, Boston Traveler, Boston Globe, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Tribune, Saint Louis Globe Democrat, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, The Milwaukee Journal, Washington News, Baltimore Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Life, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and the Times Herald. This tour is one of the longest and the most triumphant of tours in the history of world music. Tale Ognenovski and other members of the Ensemble Tanec arrived as foreign ambassadors, but they received the warmest welcome and the most enthusiastic reception possible in North America. In their commentaries, the North American press gave such magnificent descriptions of the Ensemble’s performances that it could be concluded that Macedonia was the ‘centre of the folk universe’.

Life magazine commented: "A hundred years ago on the rugged roads of Macedonia, bands of brigands used to plunder the caravans of rich merchants and, like Robin Hood, pass on some of their spoils to the poor... the Yugoslav National Folk Ballet which this spring is making a first, and highly successful, tour of the U.S. …Together they make as vigorous a display of dancing as the U.S. has ever seen..." – Article entitled “DANCE, BOUNCING BRIGANDS, Yugoslavs come to U.S.”, published in the Life Magazine, April 9, 1956, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 173-174.




Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521
Google Books Bibliographic information about this book


The New York Times for Tale Ognenovski performances as virtuoso clarinet and reed pipe (‘kavalche’) soloist with Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs  "Tanec" in Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 1956 wrote, " Performance at Carnegie Hall was a joy and delight … Display of Tremendous Skill …  folk arts, comes from Macedonia … brilliantly spectacular and wonderfully unfamiliar dances … great individuality … wide variety … incredible phrases … the dances are ravishing, and their range is truly astonishing … remarkable music on both orthodox and unorthodox instruments … a raucous and  unforgettable pipe … wonderful art but also a superb show … Surely one performance in New York is not enough … “ - Article entitled "Ballet: Yugoslav Folk Art; 'Tanec'  Dancers Appear at Carnegie Hall in Display of Tremendous Skillhttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ( https://web.archive.org/web/20141223134019/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B07E4DA143FE03BBC4051DFB766838D649EDE ) , written by music  critic John Martin, The New York Times, January 28, 1956, p.11, and, “spectacle … stunning show that any set of spectators would find hard to resist … thousand different shades of dynamics … rapidity … conscious virtuosity … the broken circles of the kolo of the Macedonian mountains … curious musical instruments that accompany many of  the dances … a dateless reed pipe …” - Article entitled "THE DANCE: FOLK ART; Group From Yugoslavia In Impressive Debut Learning vs. Magic No Macedonian Monopoly The Week's Events"   http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE (https://web.archive.org/web/20141223135134/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E6D91131E23BBC4D53DFB466838D649EDE written by music critic John Martin, The New York Times, February 5, 1956, p. 114. New York City, USA.  These musical terms written in these articles are the most brilliant musical expressions written for performance by an instrumental soloist (with orchestra) in Carnegie Hall in New York published in The New York Times from 1891 until now. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.  

Craig Harris at Allmusic noted for Macedonian National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec" and for clarinet and reed pipe (“kavalche”) player Tale Ognenovski, " The only professional folklore ensemble in Macedonia, the Tanec Ensemble are dedicated to the preservation of traditional Macedonian music, dance, and costuming. Founded by the government of the People's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, the group has shared their musical heritage with audiences around the world for more than half a century, performing an estimated 3,500 concerts in 31 countries'... The ensemble reached their peak during the late '50s, when influential clarinet and pipes player Tale Ognenovski was a member." Article: “Artist Biography of Tanec Ensemble” written by Craig Harris. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503       https://web.archive.org/web/20130915124305/https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tanec-ensemble-mn0001830503        http://www.taleognenovski.mk/newyorktimes1956.html


Amazon.com MP3 Downloads of Albums of Tale Ognenovski:

MP3 Albums:

Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski  https://orcd.co/qedrezd
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music  https://orcd.co/qqamjda

"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski" by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski


Tale Ognenovski on Apple Music iTunes

Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-clarinet-concerto-in/id1105858650
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/macedonian-clarinet-jazz-composed/id289186198
MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet/id192549491
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances/id4691673

Tale Ognenovski Physical Audio CD on Amazon.com: Online Shopping
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000Y8HXS/qid=1068816978/sr=8-4/ref=sr_8_4/104-9748987-8087112?v=glance&s=music&n=507846
MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos https://www.amazon.com/MOZART-OGNENOVSKI-Clarinet-Concertos-Ognenovski/dp/B000ENV2BE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1303097678&sr=1-1
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski


Tale Ognenovski Digital MP3 albums downloads/streaming on Amazon.com: Online Shopping
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski


Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski https://www.amazon.com/Macedonian-Clarinet-Jazz-Composed-Ognenovski/dp/B003KZCVUE/ref=sr_1_3?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1476362829&sr=1-3-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0&keywords=Tale+Ognenovski
"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos"


"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music"


Tale  Ognenovski Digital MP3
Album:Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski: Online Shopping



YouTube Music


YouTube Music

Tale Ognenovski Macedonian multi-instrumentalist Available on YouTube Music     https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC_ur0LiuPwdYHz_AG8xiZZQ

Tale Ognenovski, Available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6JJRDldnQ27PAXpkyujIwS

YouTube Video: Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

 Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment with me Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001.

This book was written by me, Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.

In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832),

"Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223),

“Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and

"Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).

Music from CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” is available on Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozart2c.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozart2c.html

CD: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) together with CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223,) performed by Tale Ognenovski, one of the most important musicians of all time, titan of the clarinet and astonishing virtuoso clarinetist will go down in history as the best “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” ever recorded and which will transcends the centuries.

CD: “MOZART and OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” is available on

Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartog.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/amozartcd.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/imozartog.html

CD: “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” is available on

Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztale.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ajazztalp.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ijazztale.html

CD: “Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music” is available on

Amazon (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztale.html

Amazon (Physical Audio CD) – http://taleognenovski.mk/afjaztalp.html

iTunes (Download) – http://taleognenovski.mk/ifjaztale.html

Landing Pages for four Albums and Tracks of Tale Ognenovski with smartURL’s.  Choose your preferred music services: YouTube, Amazon Music Unlimited, iTunes, Spotify, IheartRADIO…

Album title:
Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music”   


Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1

(composer. Tale Ognenovski)



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 5

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Brusnichko oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Nevenino oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Bukovsko svadbarsko oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Talevo kasapsko oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Stevchevo oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Sharsko oro

(composer Tale Ognenovski)



Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1

composer Tale Ognenovski)



On this CD Musical Genius Tale Ognenovski is soloist on the clarinet, reed pipe ("kavalche"), small bagpipe ("gajdarka") and zourla ("zurla"). Accompanying him are members of his Orchestra: his son Stevan Ognenovski drum ("tapan") - all tracks and reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9 and grandsons Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9) and Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe - tracks 1, 8 and 9).   Tale Ognenovski’s compositions of Macedonian folk dances is a display of imaginative power, a colourful, almost romantic emotion, and sensitive feeling. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1” is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom. This US CD-album is confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist, reed piper, zourlist and small bagpiper of all time, demonstrating unique skill, a wealth of invention, amazing improvisational virtuosity, and outstanding musical competence in all areas of music. 
Reviewer Neil Horner of the MusicWeb International comments, "Tale Ognenovski is undoubtedly an exceptional artist and the predominant image created in my mind is of Benny Goodman playing the superb Contrasts he commissioned Bartók to write for him, but with a folk rather than a classical emphasis… Also, despite the CD promising jazz, folk and classical, it really all comes under the umbrella of his conception of how the elements interlink, with some but not major differences of emphasis…This disc is likely to appeal to world music aficionados who enjoy the Balkan/Levantine soundworld and perhaps also those who care to hear the source musics of their classical favourites, the aforementioned Bartók but also, here, perhaps people like Skalkottas." - CD Review entitled:  ”Tale OGNENOVSKI (b.1922) Musical genius: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music

http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2003/Nov03/Ognenovski.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20190817222410/http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2003/Nov03/Ognenovski.htm

Amazon.com Audio CD Customer Reviews:
World-class Jazz Compositions & Traditional Macedonian Folk, April 24, 2004 If the traditional music of the Balkans appeals to you and you like improvisational jazz ... this CD will blow you away. Music of the Balkans and Central Europe has been hidden too long ... The region has been a fertile soil for exciting, astonishing, experimental music which in modern times combines with traditional music that is creative, original and altogether very satisfying. Tale Ognenovski has over 45 years of experience creating music on the clarinet, the main instrument on which he demonstrates technical expertise and artistry. His musical innovations and improvisations shine on this magnificent CD proving great music has no borders or politics. The traditional Macedonian folk tunes and melodies, "Brusnichko Oro", "Nevenino Oro, "Bukovsko svadbarski oro", and "Talevo kasapsko oro" are my favorites because the minor scale and unusual rhythms allow for highly fluid and lyrical melodic interpretation… “ - Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2004 by Erika Borsos

Listen to the unique Macedonian folk dances, Classical and Jazz Music of one of the most innovative and important figures in the Musical World History.
2001 Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski.   Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.  CD "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542) is available on Amazon.com, iTunes,


Album title:
Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed by Tale Ognenovski”    


Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 2 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 3 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 4



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 5



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 6



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 7 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 8 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 9 



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.10



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.11



Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No.12



Sensational clarinet jazz music. CD “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” will became something of a phenomenon. Variety of phrasing, spectacular clarinet solos are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and to admire. Each piece on this album is rhythmically complex. The exploration of Macedonian music traditions with a jazz sensibility is remarkable. The sound is quite simply phenomenal. Ognenovski's music is timeless. Tale Ognenovski was obviously way ahead of his time, and it is a classic that will be around forever… Tale Ognenovski has opened up new possibilities for the clarinet that no one could have predicted…”

All About Jazz celebrated April 27, 2009, the birthday of Tale Ognenovski with All About Jazz recognition: Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski, April 27, 2009 with announcement published at his website: “Jazz Musician of the Day: Tale Ognenovski” (Published: 2009-04-27)

Mi2N - Music Industry News Network:  Clarinetist Tale Ognenovski - Jazz Musician Of The Day: April 27, 2009 At AllAboutJazz.com   (Posted: 06-25-2009)  

ALL ABOUT JAZZ PUBLICITY: “New CD "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski" Of Internationally Renowned Jazz, Folk Dance And Classical Clarinetist”  (Posted: September 27, 2008)   


"The new album of the Macedonian clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski, released on September 1 this year, simply titled "Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski", receives excellent reviews from the foreign press, and special attention is paid to the famous website "All About Jazz". Tale Ognenovski appears as author, composer and arranger of all 12 compositions present on the album, which was released for "Independent Records "from USA produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski, and distributed by "The Orchard". This third Ognenovski's CD is a sequel to his previous two albums entitled "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Tale Ognenovski arranged parts of Mozart's clarinet concert for two clarinets). on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. On the new album Ognenovski also performs with his current quartet: Tale Ognenovski on clarinet, reed pipe (recorder) , zurla, small bagpipe and drum, his son Stevan Ognenovski on reed pipe and drum and his grandchildren Nikola Ognenovski and Kliment Ognenovski on reed pipe. In the review of Tale Ognenovski's work, "All About Jazz" writes, among other things: "Tale Ognenovski is known in the world for his virtuoso performance. Ognenovski and his quartet offer sensational clarinet jazz music. Macedonian clarinet jazz composed by Tale Ognenovski will be phenomenal. Various phrases, spectacular solo performances of clarinet, which are both interesting and fascinating for people to listen to and admire. Every part of the album is rhythmically complex. The research of Macedonian musical traditions with jazz sensibility is extraordinary. The sound is simply phenomenal ... " "An article entitled: "The new CD of clarinetist Tale Ognenovski rated as phenomenal ", Written by Tina Ivanova, newspaper "Utrinski Vesnik", number 2803, October 4, 2008, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Composed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski (Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Personnel: Tale Ognenovski (clarinet, reed pipe (recorder), tin whistle, small bagpipe, zourla, drum); Stevan Ognenovski (reed pipe, drum); Kliment Ognenovski (reed pipe); Nikola Ognenovski (reed pipe). 

Stevan Ognenovski and his two sons Kliment Ognenovski and Nikola Ognenovski played on reed pipe the  parts of tracks on this  Audio CDs (tracks - Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7).
Digital Music Audio CD entitled:Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovskiis another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world”.   

2008 Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski. Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.

CD “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  are available on Amazon.com, iTunes



Album title:
Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos”   



Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Allegro  

(Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)



Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Adagio  

(Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)



Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622: Rondo - Allegro  

(Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski)



Tale Ognenovski Concert for Clarinet No. 1  

(Composed by Tale  Ognenovski, Arranged by Tale  Ognenovski)



Performed by Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Track 1,2,3,4), Reed Pipe (Track 4), Small Bagpipe (Track 4), Zourla (Track 4) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Track 1,2,4)
Tale Ognenovski arranged the Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622 for two clarinets. The clarinet in standard performance is always accompanied by the Orchestra. In CD Album entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” the clarinet is accompanied by drum performed by Tale Ognenovski’s son Stevan Ognenovski or by drum and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski released this CD to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amazon.com Release date: January 24, 2006. Ognenovski's performance is the most beautiful and the fastest performance of Mozart's clarinet concerto of all time. In this sensational recording the clarinet is accompanied by second clarinet (performed and arranged by Tale Ognenovski). Tale Ognenovski performed the Concerto on a standard-range A clarinet (Buffet Crampon). Clarinet solo parts of this recording are performed according to Breitkopf & Härtel edition (Publisher’s no.: Nr. 2300). This Audio CD entitled: with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" with CD “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski performed by Tale Ognenovski” are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski). Such perfect synchronization of two clarinets by the performance of two different arrangements (performed by Tale Ognenovski) in recording concert of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” is unique in the world. Like his other clarinet works, the end result of “Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1” is an expression of his own amazing virtuosity. Every register of the clarinet finds eloquent expression in this concert. With this classical concert this creative musical genius continues to extend the river of great beauty that is classical music. He possesses complete perfection and wisdom.

Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” and Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” are another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world”. 

 New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com: “Tale Ognenovski, Internationally Renowned Jazz And Classical Clarinetist Released CD Album Entitled: Mozart And Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos To Celebrate The 250th Anniversary Of Mozart's Birthday”” (Posted: 13/11/2006)   

New York, NY Top40-Charts News Top40-Charts.com published an article entitled, “Mozart And Ognenovski Is The Best Clarinet Concertos In The World” (Posted: 21/11/2014
 2005 Produced by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski. Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.
CD "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223),  is available on Amazon.com, iTunes,


Album title:
"Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski

CD Album available at:


Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro
Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio
Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro
Arranged for First Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro
Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio
Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro
Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale OgnenovskI



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Allegro
Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Adagio
Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski



Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Rondo Allegro
Arranged for Second Clarinet by Tale Ognenovski


  Performed by Tale Ognenovski, Clarinet (Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and Stevan Ognenovski, Drum (Tracks: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8). Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arranged by Tale Ognenovski and Stevan Ognenovski – Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 

"Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska on the base of recording of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622” from 2005, arranged in 2015 nine new tracks with two clarinets, first clarinet and second clarinet performed by Tale Ognenovski. In this sensational recording Tale Ognenovski performed with first, second and two clarinets. Tale Ognenovski performed on a standard-range A clarinet, Buffet Crampon, System Boehm, Model No. 1. Tale Ognenovski with his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. arranged for two clarinets Musical Masterpiece “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622” composed by musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . With this arrangement for two clarinets, Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum recorded two Audio CD entitled:
Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) and "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR37223). Perhaps these two Audio CDs are unique recordings in the world where every notes of measure numbers III/311-313 are played by Tale Ognenovski exactly as they are written in: “W. A. MOZART KONZERT für klarinette und orchester A dur – A major – La majeur K.V. 622 Ausgabe für Klarinette und Klavier von H. Kling”, published by VEB Breitkopf & Härtel Musikverlag Leipzig, EDITION BREITKOPH Nr. 2300, Printed in Germany. This Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” with Audio CD entitled: “Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos" performed by Tale Ognenovski are unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski). Playing the first clarinet with first arrangement and second clarinet with second arrangement that's played simultaneously – by one performer (Tale Ognenovski). In reality these three tracks were made by mixing one audio recording with clarinet performance according the arrangement for first clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) and separate audio recording (performed by Tale Ognenovski) with clarinet performance according the arrangement for second clarinet. It was possible to make a mix of two audio recording with arrangements for the first and second clarinet (performed by Tale Ognenovski) thanks to the excellent synchronization of performance of the arrangement for the second clarinet by clarinetist Tale Ognenovski while he simultaneously listening to the tape of his performance on the clarinet with the arrangement for the first clarinet. Such perfect synchronization of two clarinets by the performance of two different arrangements (performed by Tale Ognenovski) in recording concert of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622” is unique in the world. Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “MOZART and  OGNENOVSKI Clarinet Concertos” and Digital Music Audio CD entitled: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” are another confirmation that Tale Ognenovski is the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the most important musicians of all time in the world”.  -   mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings of “Mozart Clarinet Concerto” in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…”  
2016 Produced by Stevan Ognenovski. Made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.

CD “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832) is available on Amazon.com, iTunes, …


AllMusic.com title: “Credits of artist Stevan Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/artist/stevan-ognenovski-mn0002230204

AllMusic.com title: “Discography of artist Tale Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/artist/tale-ognenovski-mn0000790778

AllMusic.com title: “Track Listing Of CD: Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music - Tale Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/album/jazz-macedonian-folk-dances-and-classical-music-mw0000331655

AllMusic.com title: “Track Listing Of CD: Mozart, Ognenovski: Clarinet Concertos - Tale Ognenovski” https://www.allmusic.com/album/mozart-ognenovski-clarinet-concertos-mw0001946054

Biography of Tale Ognenovski at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Tale_Ognenovski/Signed_Articles/Stevan_Ognenovski

Biography of Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. at Citizendium.org   https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/User:Stevan_Ognenovski

mi2n   Music Industry News Network on April 27, 2017 (95th birth anniversary of Tale Ognenovski, the greatest clarinetist of all time and one of the greatest instrumental composers of all time) published an Article entitled: "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets By Tale Ognenovski” (Posted: 04-27-2017)  -  "...unique recordings in the world with simultaneously playing two clarinets with mixing two different arrangements: for first clarinet and second clarinet performed by the same clarinetist (Tale Ognenovski)…” - Article entitled, "New Digital Album Of Clarinetist And Composer Tale Ognenovski: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto In A, K. 622 Arranged For Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski”” - mi2n (Music Industry News Network), 04-27-2017. 

Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Part of music of this YouTube video was performed by live performance of Tale Ognenovski on clarinet with accompaniment of his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. on drum at promotion of the book entitled: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer” / Macedonian: "Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор" which was at the National Institution Centre for Culture “Gligor Prlichev” – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on July 9, 2001. This book was written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska (Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4); Languages: In English and Macedonian. The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book


In this YouTube video was included video recording of this promotion. In this music video were included some tracks from Audio CDs: “Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A, K. 622 Arranged for Two Clarinets by Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR43832), "Mozart and Ognenovski Clarinet Concertos” (Record label: Independent Records, USA.  Catalog: IR37223), “Macedonian Clarinet Jazz Composed By Tale Ognenovski” (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR38824) and "Jazz, Macedonian Folk Dances and Classical Music" (Record label: Independent Records, USA. Catalog: IR04542).
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page


Mi2N - Music Industry News Network: "
Biography: “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso Of The Clarinet And Composer, Biography And Music Notation Of 69 Clarinet Compositions: Macedonian Folk Dances, Jazz And Classical Music”" (Posted: 11-22-2019)


Books by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag.Scient.

Amazon.com eBook and Print Book entitled: "TALE OGNENOVSKI VIRTUOSO OF THE CLARINET AND COMPOSER, BIOGRAPHY AND MUSIC NOTATION OF 69 CLARINET COMPOSITIONS: MACEDONIAN FOLK DANCES, JAZZ AND CLASSICAL MUSIC" by Stevan Ognenovski (Author) Amazon.com eBook and Print Book are available on Amazon.com   
Some pages of the book are omitted from the book preview at website


Product details

·         Paperback: 408 pages

·         Publisher: Independently published (November 15, 2019)

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ISBN-10: 1708334025

·         ISBN-13: 978-1708334024

·         Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds
Kindle Edition eBook

Product details

·         File Size: 154220 KB

·         Print Length: 408 pages

·         Publication Date: November 11, 2019

·         Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·         Language: English and Macedonian

·         ASIN: B081D9Z7JY

Amazon.com eBook


Amazon.com Print Book


Amazon.com’s Stevan Ognenovski Authors Page https://www.amazon.com/author/stevanognenovski

Google Books Bibliographic information about this Book



Book entitled “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”, written by Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient., the only son of clarinetist and composer Tale Ognenovski and Nevena Ognenovska.   Tale Ognenovski's biographer is his son Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient, who wrote the book “Tale Ognenovski Virtuoso of the Clarinet and Composer / Тале Огненовски виртуоз на кларинет и композитор”. The book is published in both Macedonian and English. Publisher: Matica Makedonska, 2000; Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. ISBN 9989-48-312-4; 406 pages (format A4). The content of the book are: the biography of Tale Ognenovski and music notation of compositions of 67 Macedonian Folk Dances, "Tale Ognenovski Clarinet Concerto No.1" and "Tale Ognenovski Jazz composition No. 1" (all composed by Tale Ognenovski). The book has been cataloged into the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., United States. LCCN Permalink: https://lccn.loc.gov/2003457521

Google Books Bibliographic information about this book




The impossible becomes possible: two, ‘usually non-complimentary’ parallel-existing worlds of sounds – Europe – The Orient – are, in Tale Ognenovski’s music, naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge...” - Dushko Dimitrovski, book (“За Наша Музика / “For Our Music”, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
The prodigy, however, is called Tale Ognenovski… As a virtuoso playing ‘Chalgija’ music (in his child-hood, as a shepherd, he played the reed pipe (‘kavalche’); later, as an educated musician he played Cavallini, Weber and Mozart. Tale Ognenovski, at the same time, navigates himself effectively all around the world of classical music… Tale Ognenovski does not find it problematic to start with a motif, a theme, and then to navigate through all the labyrinths of the archaic and old church styles, so that at in a certain section of his improvisation… to decide on a strict, “very Western-style” tonality and to bring all that to the starting-point by perfectly structuring and observing the style. The impossible becomes possible: two, “usually non-complimentary” parallel-existing worlds of sounds - Europe - The Orient – are in Tale Ognenovski’s music naturally brought closer together, understand each other and merge.  Has Ognenovski’s ingenuity in advance not done something that with the power of empirical palpability and outright proof, will convince us that Macedonia - with the power of both worlds of melodies being borne and present in her galaxy of sounds - is the one predetermined to play the role of a tonal catalyst for the future universal connection and natural mixing and circulation of the creative idea of East - West - East?”, wrote Dushko Dimitrovski in his book “For Our Music” (“За Наша Музика / “Za naša muzika”) ISBN 9989-600-01-5, published by BID “Misirkov”, 1994, pp. 114-116, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.  Bibliographic information about this Book:   https://www.worldcat.org/title/za-nasa-muzika/oclc/38905194


YouTube Video:

Stevan Ognenovski, Mag. Scient. is author and producer of YouTube Music Video “Tale Ognenovski, The Greatest Clarinetist of All Time, Musical Genius, Composer...”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqdG4eSIIA
Perhaps this music YouTube video is the most documented biography for any music artist in the world with chronological presentation of Tale Ognenovski’s work as clarinetist, composer and recording artist.